System Modeling Problems Using MATLAB and SIMULINK

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Svstem modelins problems usine.


1- A spring and a damper are attached to a mass of 2kg and the system is subjected to a force of
F : a sinot . Take the arnplitude of the exciting force a:2N. The damping constant C: l'4N
slm, the stitAress constant of the spring is k 0" lNlm and the frequency of the exciting force
o : irad/s.The equation of motion is: rnii + Ci + kx = a sin <rlt , with the initial condition
x(O; = 0 and x(O) = O. x is the displacement from the initial position in (m).
Solve the problem using the ode45 code and plot the displacement and velocity of mass versus
timefor 0<t<100s.
Hint: Let x=ut and i=u2
u, =u2 , tr=(-t'lrr*{-!lr,.(Zlsinort with u1(o)=6 , u2(0)=6
\ m/ - \ ml \m
2- A thin plare at 200C (or 473K) is suddenly placed in a vessel of 24C (ot 297K). where the plate
is cooled by both natural convection and radiation heat transfer. The following physical -
constants are given: Density p: 300kg/rn3 , volume V
:0.001m3, surface area A: 0.25nf,
specific heat C : 900J,&g K, heat tlansfbr coefficient tr" = 30J/m2K, emissivity e 0"8, Stefan-
Boltzmann constant S :5.67( 1OfB Wrn2Ko. Asr,r*ing the temperature distribution in the
metal is uniform, the equation for the temperature is:
g: (zoz-r)]
dt=[-5][ r(rrr- -ro)*r,. =
r(0) 473K
Where T' is the temperature in (K). Find the temperature for 0 < t < 180s using a suitable ode
code and plot the temperature versus time for a step size of i s.
Flint: Let T=u+473

.,:[#J[. t(rnr- -(,,* 4,r,)4]or,. (zr-(,,*4i3il, u(o)=s

3- It is required to nrodel tlre nmtion of the rnotorcycle system shown in tlrc figure below. It is
moving with a constant speed of 5m/s on a \ravy road. The rnotorcycle is to have the following
Equivalent r.veight of motorcyele body and rider W"q:700N.
Equivalent stiffnes s o f suspension K"o: 1 8kN/m"
Equivalent damping coefficient of dampers C.o=lkN slm.
The road data gives the waviness wave length 1" and the
amplitude A of the road surface as 3m and 50mm respectively.
fhe equation of motion is: m"o !t, = k"o (, - y. )n C* (x * y. )
The initiai conditions are: yr (0) = 0 and y, (0) = O
Ilnl; Let y, = u, and y, = u:
ilr =u: . o, =i
\m*/ \m.o/
With u, (O): O , u2(0) = 6 x:A sin(2t vl?'"|t
4- Water flows from an inverted conical tank with circular orifice at the rate
dy 4! . y is the height of the liquid
= -0.6 nr' ^{ii where r is the radius of orifice.
dt "
' A(y)
level &om the vertex of the corre. A(y) is the cross-sectional area of the tank at y above the
orifice. If r :30mm, g:9.8rr/s2, initial water level ys:3m and initial volurre Vo:20m'.
a- Conrpute the water level after 10min.
b- Determine when the tank will be empty.

5- A mass of 0.5kg is fixed to a mass-less spring-damper system" The upper end of the spring is
t-rxed to a sttucture at rest. The mass receives a force of - C11 &omthe damper. The
equationofmotionis: mi+Cx+kx=0,withtheinitialcondition x(O)=1 and x(O)=0. x
is the displacement &om the static position, k is the spring constant and C is a damping
constant. (Take k: 100N/m and C = 10N s/m)
Solve the problem using a suitable ode code and plot the displacement and velocity of mass
versus time for 0 < t < ls and a time step size of 0.025s.

Hint: Let x=ul +1 and i=u2

u1=U2 : U2 =f-gj u2*(-!l(,, +1) with u1(o)=6, u2(o)=6
\ m/ \ ml

6- A mass of 10kg is fixed to the lower end of a spring-damper systern The upper end ofthe
spnng is fixed to a structure at rest. The force ofdamper is -C lx l x wtere C is a danaping
constant and x is the displacement from the initial positbn in (m) . Tlre equation of rrction is:
mii + Cl x f x + kx = 0', witU x(O) = 0 and *(O)= l.(Take k : 200Nlm and C = 50N r'l#1.
Solve the problem using a suitable ode code ard plot the displacement and velocity of,mass
versus time for 0 < t < 5s and a tirre step size of 0.05s.

Hint: Let x=u1 *t and i=ue *1

ut =u2
( c), +ll(u2 * r)* [- !'11,,, * t)
. u2=l--lluZ , u1(o)=o , u2(o)=o
\. m/' \ m)

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