Autonomous Drone For Defence Machinery
Autonomous Drone For Defence Machinery
Autonomous Drone For Defence Machinery
is pre trained by humans and stored on cloud. The primary
In todays developing world of technology the impact aim of the research in autonomous drones and navigation is to
they have created on the human life has been extraordinary. minimize the time and requirement of human operators. The
Vehicles have become smart and autonomous which paves way advantage of this is an increased reconnaissance ability at a
to incorporate the same into aerial and space vehicles too. lower risk and cost in terms of time and economics. Machinery
Drones are relatively small sized flying vehicles that can cater and armed equipment pose a serious threat to humans when
to numerous human as well as the needs of the ecosystem. it comes to monitoring and maintaining them in the event of
Autonomous drones are a boon to the human race. They are an error or a malfunction. An autonomous drone handles this
capable of navigating on their own without any user input. with ease as they have on bard hardware to communicate with
Machine learning and artificial intelligence play a key role in the device placed on the machinery that reads out its status
the structure of an autonomous drone design. In this research wirelessly to the drone when in flight around its radius of
work the primary focus is about the implementation of a quad communication.
copter in the Line of Control (LOC) for defense machinery
maintenance and surveillance. To increase the level of data II. STRUCTURE OF THE DRONE
security and backup security during times of calamity or attack
from the enemies an auxiliary drone is programmed to eject A. SOFTWARE STRUCTURE
automatically and render the data captured to the base station.
In order to control the motion of the drone, we have used
The drone is designed to navigate around with four brush-
Mission Planner software where we assign the drone way-
less motors and a carbon fiber frame for stability and robust
points and actions. We have used Pix-hawk flight-controller
structure.Unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVs have become an
which sends all the required control signals to electronic speed
integral part of modern warfare. They are of low cost and risk
controller to vary the propeller rotation speed.
to the users. In recent times, the abilities of an UAV has been
extended to be on par with those of manned fighter air-crafts. For surveillance, we take images every seconds using
But even now, most UAVs are still used for camera and video Sjcam 5000x elite camera attached on the drone. On arrival at
filming purposes. Moreover, UAVs that can remain abode for the base station we transfer all the images to the AWS cloud
extended periods have been developed. This would be almost were we have our Yolov3 deep learning pre-trained model to
impossible to design for traditional air-crafts. Autonomy in which we pass all the images to predict human and objects
controlling these UAVs is a good way of reducing cost and motions. If human motions are detected we alert the military
yet maintaining the quality of human judgment as the model along with GPS coordinates. In addition to surveillance, we
978-1-7281-3780-3/19/$31.00 2019
c IEEE 288
Fig. 2. Constructed Image
Third World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4) 289
Fig. 8. YOLOv3 object detection output
290 Third World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4)
to the same highly scaleable, reliable, fast, inexpensive data
storage interface that Amazon utilizes to run its own global
network of web sites. Maximum benefits can be obtained with
the scale and be utilized through the developers. The cloud
storage could be utilized through Amazon S3. Through AWS
regions you could upload documents and multimedia data
by creating a bucket. Data and information can be uploaded
via objects marked in the buckets. APIs are provides to
Amazon S3 to manage the necessary resources to implement
the objects. The real time results are generated through a
programmed neutral network. The neural network is trained by
a dedicated complex neural algorithm. This enables to capture
time to time images employed by the spectral camera. These
real time images are then uploaded via APIs and a python
coded script to the web services bucket. The above is requested
by specific standard 3 protocols. The web services bucket
obtains the captured images with the help of a instructed neural
networks and APIs. This helps to provide a regulated survey
and precise output generation.
Fig. 9. Data collection and preprocessing steps The drone proposed here is designed to navigate through
the way points that are specified to it. All defense machinery
that is deployed in the line of control or in the sensitive
borders where they might be prone to threats. To overcome the
external threats a hardware setup that consists of a raspberry pi
along with a sense hat, which is programmed to communicate
using zigbee protocol. When the deployed drone approaches
defense machinery within a threshold radius, the drone can
gain access to the modules present in the machinery and
will be able to receive updates regarding the functionality
of the said machinery which is facilitated using the zigbee
protocol. The drone then carries the data and returns back to
the base station to report the status of the machinery which
is under surveillance. Modern day smart defense machinery
which require periodic software updates can be carried out
using these autonomous drones which act as a catalyst that
would incorporate the required updates to the machinery to
enhance its performance. The auxiliary drone is programmed
to eject along with the harvested data in case of a hostile attack
and return with the data to the base station autonomously based
on the pre- programmed hijack protocol. The 4k resolution
camera escalates the image processing and object recognition
using the pre trained models that are stored on the cloud
with optimum accuracy. The carbon fiber frame of the drone
provides a nimble structure which increases the aero dynamical
performance of the drone. This provides substantial payload
capacity. Although titanium blades of the quad copter increases
the overall production cost, they increase the ability of the
drone to sustain heavy turbulence and haphazard wind streams.
The brush-less motors ability to render high torque to weight
ratio and enhance torque per watt is a distinct feature of our
cutting edge design. This also increases the reliability and
reduces the noise output that would camouflage the drone from
the enemies. They have a longer life time and substantially
reduced electro-magnetic interference which is essential to
isolate the motor from the wireless protocols in the functional
parts of the drone.
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