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Mil HDBK 514

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28 March 2003







DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

1. This handbook is approved for use by the Department of the Air Force and is
available for use by all departments and agencies of the Department of Defense.

2. This document is applicable to all USAF systems and end-items, and designated
system and end-items procured, operated, and/or maintained by the Air Force for
other governments managed through the Aeronautical Enterprise. Although other
methods can satisfy the requirements set forth in Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD)
63-12, Air Force instruction (AFI) 63-1201 and Air Force Materiel Command
Instruction (AFMCI) 63-1201, Assurance of Operational Safety, Suitability &
Effectiveness, this handbook provides a framework that satisfies those requirements.
This military handbook provides guidance for implementing and preserving a solid
operational safety, suitability, and effectiveness (OSS&E) program for the
Aeronautical Enterprise.

3. Section 1.3 identifies applicability of OSS&E to the variety of Air Force owned and
operated systems and end-items. Section 4.2 describes the implementation of
OSS&E for legacy systems and end-items. Section 4.3 identifies the requirements
for the internal management plan for OSS&E. Section 5 contains the OSS&E
mandatory process elements that must be addressed in the internal management
plan. The remaining sections expand and clarify activities associated with OSS&E

4. This document includes internal bookmarks and external hyperlinks. Clicking on

these jumps you to the referenced location. To return to your jump point in this
document from a bookmark or hyperlink, use the back arrow key on the menu bar.
Note that some external locations (links) may require special access (e.g., .mil) or
passwords. To gain access to those locations, you should contact the POC listed on
that web page. Hyperlinks will be updated with major revisions; during the interim,
periodic updates will be available via the ASC/EN website. If viewing in Microsoft
Word®, to display the URLs, select Tools and then Options, select the View tab, and
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5. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, and deletions) and any pertinent

data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to
ASC/ENOI, 2530 Loop Road West, Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433-7101 or via
e-mail to [email protected].


Paragraph Page

1. SCOPE.......................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Scope ...................................................................................................... 6
1.2 OSS&E overview ..................................................................................... 6
1.3 OSS&E applicability ................................................................................. 6
1.3.1 Air Force, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve .............................. 6
1.3.2 Joint service programs ............................................................................. 7
1.3.3 Support and ground-based systems......................................................... 7
1.3.4 Unmanned air vehicle (UAV).................................................................... 8
1.3.5 Non-Air Force-managed systems and end-items ..................................... 8
1.3.6 Carry-on equipment ................................................................................. 9
1.3.7 Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)/nondevelopmental items (NDI) ............ 9
1.3.8 User procured equipment......................................................................... 9
1.3.9 System of systems................................................................................... 9
1.4 OSS&E implementation ......................................................................... 10
1.5 OSS&E training...................................................................................... 12
2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ....................................................................... 12
3. DEFINITION OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS ............................................... 12
4. OSS&E ASSURANCE ................................................................................. 13
4.1 OSS&E execution .................................................................................. 13
4.2 Part I: OSS&E Implementation Plan....................................................... 13
4.3 Part II: OSS&E Internal Management Plan............................................. 15
5. OSS&E MANDATORY PROCESS ELEMENTS .......................................... 16
5.1 Disciplined engineering process............................................................. 16
5.1.1 Operational risk management (ORM)..................................................... 17
5.1.2 System safety ........................................................................................ 19
5.1.3 Configuration management.................................................................... 20
5.1.4 Test and evaluation................................................................................ 25
5.1.5 Technical orders (TOs) and technical data............................................. 26
5.2 Total ownership costs (TOC).................................................................. 28
5.3 Inspections and maintenance (I&M) ....................................................... 29
5.4 Sources of maintenance and repair........................................................ 30
5.5 Sources of supply .................................................................................. 30
5.6 Training.................................................................................................. 32
5.7 Certifications .......................................................................................... 32
5.7.1 Legacy system certifications .................................................................. 35
5.7.2 Air system certifications ......................................................................... 35
5.7.3 Other certifications ................................................................................. 40
5.7.4 Best practices ........................................................................................ 41
5.8 Operations and maintenance ................................................................. 42
5.9 Technology demonstrations ................................................................... 42

CONTENTS (Continued)
Paragraph Page

5.9.1 Advanced technology demonstrator (ATD)............................................. 43

5.9.2 Advanced concept technology demonstrations (ACTD) ......................... 43
5.9.3 Prototypes (pre-system development and demonstration) ..................... 43
6. THE OSS&E BASELINE.............................................................................. 43
6.1 Establishing the OSS&E baseline .......................................................... 44
6.2 OSS&E metrics ...................................................................................... 45
6.3 Preserving the OSS&E baseline ............................................................ 46
6.3.1 Preservation feedback loop.................................................................... 48
7. MANAGEMENT RELATIONSHIPS.............................................................. 49
8. OTHER SYSTEMS ENGINEERING PROCESSES ..................................... 51
8.1 System integrity ..................................................................................... 51
8.2 Integrated risk management .................................................................. 54
8.2.1 Integrated risk assessment .................................................................... 56
8.3 Requirements definition ......................................................................... 56
8.4 Environmental, safety, and occupational health (ESOH) ........................ 57
8.5 Manufacturing and quality assurance..................................................... 58
8.6 Anti-tampering ....................................................................................... 60
9. PRE-AWARD/ACQUISITION PLANNING.................................................... 61
10. UNIT COMPLIANCE INSPECTION (UCI) CHECKLIST ............................... 63
11. AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATION........................................................... 64
11.1 Overview................................................................................................ 64
11.2 Airworthiness tenets............................................................................... 65
11.2.1 Airworthiness terminology clarification ................................................... 65
11.2.2 Airworthiness tenet #1: Validated design............................................... 66
11.2.3 Airworthiness tenet #2: Built per design ................................................ 67
11.2.4 Airworthiness tenet #3: Properly maintained and operated ................... 67
11.2.5 Airworthiness tenet #4: Accepted by the aircrew ................................... 68
11.3 Airworthiness policy ............................................................................... 68
11.3.1 Air Force Policy Directive 62-4, Standards of Airworthiness for Passenger
Carrying Commercial Derivative Transport Aircraft ................................ 69
11.3.2 Air Force Policy Directive 62-5, Standards of Airworthiness for
Commercial Derivative Hybrid Aircraft.................................................... 69
11.3.3 Air Force Policy Directive 62-6, USAF Aircraft Airworthiness Certification69
11.4 Single manager (SM) and CE/LE responsibilities for airworthiness
certification............................................................................................. 70
11.5 Airworthiness Certification Criteria, MIL-HDBK-516 ............................... 70
11.5.1 General guidance for creating the applicable certification basis ............. 71
11.5.2 Creating the certification basis for a legacy system................................ 71
11.5.3 Creating the certification basis for a new, commercial derivative system 71
11.5.4 Creating the certification basis for a new developmental system............ 72
11.5.5 TACC document content........................................................................ 72


CONTENTS (Continued)
Paragraph Page

11.5.6 Draft TACC document coordination........................................................ 73

11.6 Initial airworthiness certification.............................................................. 74
11.6.1 Step 1: Define the configurations to be certified .................................... 74
11.6.2 Step 2: Develop and coordinate the TACC document ........................... 74
11.6.3 Step 3: Identify supporting data to enable certification basis compliance75
11.6.4 Step 4: Verify and document certification basis compliance .................. 75
11.6.5 Step 5. Certify airworthiness and notify ASC/EN ................................... 76
11.6.6 Airworthiness certification with temporary restrictions ............................ 77
11.7 Airworthiness certification of commercial derivative aircraft.................... 78
11.7.1 Acquisition and sustainment scenarios .................................................. 79
11.7.2 Waivers for commercial derivative aircraft.............................................. 80
11.8 Acceptance of airworthiness certifications from other Government
agencies, foreign civil airworthiness authorities, and foreign military
authorities .............................................................................................. 81
11.9 Preserving airworthiness........................................................................ 82
11.9.1 Compliance with MIL-HDBK-516 updates .............................................. 82
11.10 Airworthiness recertification due to modifications ................................... 83
11.10.1 Reportable modifications........................................................................ 83
11.10.2 Modification airworthiness certification criteria ....................................... 84
11.11 Alerts & advisories process.................................................................... 85
12. NOTES ........................................................................................................ 86
12.1 Intended use .......................................................................................... 86
12.2 Subject term (key word) list.................................................................... 86


A.1 SCOPE........................................................................................................ 87
A.2 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ....................................................................... 87
A.3 DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................ 92
A.4 ORM CHECKLIST ..................................................................................... 107
A.5 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT CHECKLIST...................................... 108



1.1 Scope
Operational safety, suitability, & effectiveness (OSS&E) emphasizes those aspects of
systems management and related disciplines necessary to ensure that USAF aircraft
systems and end-items (including support equipment, weapons, training systems,
simulators, ground-based systems, etc.) continue to provide safe, sustainable, and
acceptable performance during operational use. Specific policy delineating the
responsibilities for implementing OSS&E assurance elements is provided in AFPD
63-12, AFI 63-1201 and AFMCI 63-1201.

1.2 OSS&E overview

OSS&E can best be viewed as an umbrella that pulls together all other incumbent
requirements and processes for sustainment of Air Force systems and end-items. The
operational command, single manager (SM) and chief engineer/lead engineer (CE/LE)
are responsible for the implementation and execution of OSS&E for their system and
end-items. To ensure all external organizations are aware of their role in continued
OSS&E assurance, a flow-down of requirements to suppliers and other organizations
through contracts, memoranda of agreement (MOAs), service level agreements (SLAs),
or other means should be employed where they add value. Regardless of the vehicle
selected, the information that the SM and CE/LE require from each supporting
organization to assure OSS&E for the system/end-item must be addressed. Any
changes that impact the OSS&E baseline, or form, fit, function, and interface (F3I) need
to be coordinated with each customer. The goal is for the SM/CE to be kept informed of
changes to equipment installed on the platform they manage. This is specifically critical
for equipment used on multiple platforms. Each SM/CE is responsible for OSS&E
assurance of the systems and/or end-items they manage regardless of whether or not
they are tracked by HQ AFMC for OSS&E implementation. Likewise, the operational
command, SM, and CE are ultimately responsible for sustaining assurance of OSS&E
for their program regardless of to whom they have delegated authority. The PM/CE
receiving equipment with OSS&E assurance managed elsewhere is still responsible for
the integrated system OSS&E assurance. The MAJCOMs must ensure that all
operating units understand their role in assuring OSS&E.

1.3 OSS&E applicability

1.3.1 Air Force, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve
OSS&E is applicable to all operational Air Force systems and end-items, including those
operated by the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve as well as designated
systems and end-items procured, operated, or maintained by the Air Force for other
Government agencies. A complete list of tracked products is available on the HQ AFMC
OSS&E website and includes air systems, unmanned air vehicles, and ground-based
systems such as training and mission planning, as well as support equipment. HQ
AFMC established OSS&E implementation levels for the reportable systems and end-
items as defined in table I. The SM is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of the
reportable system/end-item list. However, OSS&E assurance applies to all systems and
end-items defined above.


1.3.2 Joint service programs

Any acquisition system, subsystem, component, or technology program involving a
strategy which includes funding by more than one DoD component, during any phase of
the system’s life cycle, is considered a joint program. The OSS&E documents do not
differentiate OSS&E assurance based on the acquisition strategy. Nor does the shared
acquisition strategy of a joint service program relieve the Air Force SM of the
responsibility to assure and preserve OSS&E for the life of the Air Force system/end-
item. The AF CE should review the processes and technical data to determine
acceptability to assure OSS&E and provide a recommendation to the SM. The AF SM
should determine if the other service’s technical processes and airworthiness
certification process are adequate for AF OSS&E compliance and continued assurance.

1.3.3 Support and ground-based systems

Support systems (i.e., support equipment and ground-based systems) need to be kept
up-to-date with the system/end-item. Changes to systems or end-items must be
analyzed for impacts on the support equipment, ground-based system, corresponding
technical orders, manpower, and personnel training requirements. Changes to the
support system must be assessed to ensure they do not degrade overall system or end-
item capability. Effectively trained operators and maintainers also play an important role
in support of the overall mission in assuring OSS&E. Maintainers must understand that
they control the quality of information entered into the maintenance tracking system
(e.g., CAMS, G081) and have overall control of daily system/end-item activities that
impact OSS&E assurance. Without the maintainer's support and dedication, OSS&E
assurance is not possible. Operators also play a key role in ensuring OSS&E by
properly documenting ASIP and other performance parameters specific to the weapon

Support equipment is becoming more computer based and versatile. This complicates
maintaining the OSS&E baseline. Just as the manager of systems and end-items must
deal with obsolescence issues, upgrades, and diminishing resources, equipment
specialists must also address these concerns for support equipment. Regardless of who
or how a change is identified for support equipment, the single manager is responsible to
verify that use of the support equipment results in safe, suitable, and effective operation
of the system or end-item.

Ground-based systems (including ground control systems and mission planning

systems) play a critical role in the OSS&E of systems/end-items. Just as our warfighters
depend on our weapon systems to conduct the missions, they depend on these systems
to provide the necessary operational information and maintenance data to keep their
systems flying. Strong linkages must exist between the system/end-item, ground control
system and/or mission planning system’s respective management organizations. This is
particularly true when a ground-based system is employed by multiple weapon systems.
Therefore, changes in the weapon system must flow down to the support or ground
training system single manager, where applicable, to ensure compatibility and
commonality are maintained. Conversely, improvements and upgrades to support or
ground training systems must be passed up to the system or end-item manager to
maintain compatibility and commonality.

The training system (both aircrew and maintenance) must be verified to ensure it meets
the intended function. The Air Force training system and device simulator certification


program (SimCert) aids in making this determination. However, SimCert is not a

continuous process and cannot be used to ensure concurrency with the system or end-
item. Therefore, a recertification process must be in place to ensure concurrence with
the overall system or end-item. This includes not only the hardware configuration, but
also the software configuration.

OSS&E is assured at the integrated system level by the system SM, including all support
systems and ground-based systems. Individual systems/end-items that form part of the
entire system may have their own (separate) OSS&E assurance processes. The system
SM is encouraged to make use of these separate OSS&E assurance processes.
However, OSS&E assurance is the SM's responsibility for the entire system. This
increases the need for succinct SLAs, MOAs, or other agreements, procedures, and
processes with external organizations such as program managers, supply chain
managers, and equipment specialists. This is imperative when their component is
installed/used on many systems and changes to accommodate one system may impact
another system.

1.3.4 Unmanned air vehicle (UAV)

The UAV conducts missions from ordinary airfields as part of an integrated force
package complementary to manned tactical and support assets. UAV controllers
observe rules of engagement and make the critical decisions to use or refrain from using
force. The unique aspects of this type of system, such as minimal maintenance,
extended periods of storage, dynamic mission control (with minimal human supervision)
and ability to return home autonomously, make OSS&E assurance a vital part of
maintaining UAV warfighting capability. Since UAVs are systems and may be composed
of several end-items, OSS&E is applicable.

1.3.5 Non-Air Force-managed systems and end-items

AFPD 63-12 states that OSS&E principles apply to all systems and end-items managed
by the Air Force. However, the SM should control certain aspects of OSS&E for
components, items, and systems/end-items that are not managed by the Air Force. The
SM should tailor the application of the OSS&E requirements to meet unique program
needs and constraints. Contracts for a guaranteed pilot or maintainer, leased aircraft,
and contractor logistics support (CLS) complicate the application of OSS&E. OSS&E
still has some applicability; however, it may be limited. For example, consider the
guaranteed student type contract. In this example, the Air Force does not own or
maintain the simulator system, so effectiveness may be the only applicable portion of
OSS&E. However, ineffective training resulting from poor configuration control could
cause unsafe actions in the aircraft and lead to suitability issues. Foreign military sales and other non-USAF aircraft

OSS&E applies to operational Air Force systems, end-items, and designated foreign
assets managed by the Air Force. USAF assisted and/or commercially procured Air
Force systems or end-items for foreign militaries are excluded from the OSS&E
assurance policies, with the exception of designated systems. The exclusion also
applies to non-Air Force-owned, foreign systems or end-items operated in the United
States. When the USAF operates foreign owned systems/end-items, the using


command operating such aircraft determines the daily operational airworthiness.

Additional guidance is found in AFI 11-401.

1.3.6 Carry-on equipment

Carry-on equipment can be used to improve operational capability. This equipment may
interface with the aircraft or operate as a stand-alone unit. An interface can be as simple
as a mounting/tie-down or as complex as tying into on-board systems and sharing
resources. Carry-on equipment should be assessed for impacts to the system or end-
item OSS&E assurance and preservation. Likewise, all certifications should be
accomplished with and without the carry-on equipment installed and operating. When
carry-on equipment is managed via an external organization, an SLA/MOA should be
developed to ensure changes do not impact OSS&E or required certifications. AFI 11-
202V3 addresses carry-on electronic devices’ operational limitations and use in flight.
AFI 11-202V3 identifies ASC/ENAE as the technical guidance and data evaluation
organization for carry-on electronics not listed within the AFI (or aircraft –21). That AFI
also refers to AFRL/HEPR as the technical guidance organization for carry-on medical
equipment operated in flight. Additional information on the contents of the aircraft –21 is
found in AFI 21-103.

1.3.7 Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)/nondevelopmental items (NDI)

There are two elements key to OSS&E assurance of COTS/NDI. The first element is an
understanding of the inherent capability of the COTS/NDI to form an initial OSS&E
baseline. The second is a thorough understanding of the operational requirements
associated with its intended use as a system/end-item, including the environment in
which it will be used and if it will be used as an integrated part of a larger system. A
deficiency in knowledge of the inherent capability of the COTS/NDI does not exempt the
SM from OSS&E responsibility. It is the responsibility of the SM, as part of the overall
acquisition strategy, to acquire or develop the key product characteristics necessary to
form the basis for an initial system or end-item OSS&E baseline. It is also the SM’s
responsibility to assure this baseline for the life of the system including functionality
provided by COTS and NDI components. Recall that OSS&E is preserved at the system
or end-item level.

1.3.8 User procured equipment

User responsibilities for SM managed systems and end-items are defined in AFI 63-
1201. Essentially, the user must coordinate any configuration changes with the SM. For
systems and end-items procured or managed by the user, the user assumes all
responsibility for the preservation of the OSS&E baseline and consistent application of
the mandatory OSS&E process elements. See AFI 63-1201 for specific user
responsibilities for systems and end-items they manage.

1.3.9 System of systems

Defining an OSS&E baseline for a system or end-item that is part of a system of systems
may prove to be the most difficult. Many stand-alone systems (e.g., F-16, B-2, etc.)
operate as a system within a system (i.e., provide information to other platforms). In this
case, the interactions of one system/end-item may have a profound impact on the


operation of the system of systems. The OSS&E baseline should address the critical
aspects of the system/end-item required by other platforms.

1.4 OSS&E implementation

OSS&E, in its simplest terms, consists of two parts: 1) establishing the OSS&E baseline
and 2) preserving the OSS&E baseline throughout the life of a system or end-item. To
establish the OSS&E baseline, the SM and the user first reach a documented agreement
stating key/critical characteristics for a given system or end-item. After these are
identified, the system or end-item is assessed against those characteristics to validate
compliance with the OSS&E baseline. The steps for achieving full OSS&E compliance
on a legacy aircraft program are described in table I below.

TABLE I. OSS&E six levels of implementation.

Level Activity Entry Criteria Exit Criteria

1 Chief engineer System/end-item (S&EI) on OSS&E S&EI list

Chief engineer identified on OSS&E S&EI list

Process is in place to update S&EI list

2 Configuration Level 1 Configuration control processes identified and

control process completed documented at the program level
Configuration control process training
requirements identified

Configuration control processes in-place and


Delegated authority identified and documented


Level Activity Entry Criteria Exit Criteria

3 Plan to assure Level 2 Plan should include strategies/approach for:

and preserve completed
OSS&E ƒ Identifying, reconciling, and preserving
documented OSS&E baseline characteristics

ƒ Achieving and/or maintaining required


ƒ Establishing OSS&E program level and

product line metrics

ƒ Identifying data system feedback


OSS&E Execution Plan coordinated with

appropriate product, logistics, test, and
specialty centers

4 OSS&E Level 3 OSS&E baseline characteristics identified

baseline completed
developed and Critical characteristics for measuring safety,
coordinated suitability, and effectiveness selected
with user
Users coordinated

5 OSS&E Level 4 Fielded system/end-item data gathered

assessment of completed
fielded OSS&E baseline characteristics assessment
systems/ completed
OSS&E baseline disconnects identified

Recommended corrective actions to users

6 Full OSS&E Level 5 Level 5 corrective actions completed

policy completed
compliance All required certifications in place and

Metrics and feedback systems monitoring

OSS&E health

Processes established and in place to

maintain OSS&E baseline characteristics

The basis for establishing OSS&E assurance lies in documented evidence of

compliance with safety, suitability, and effectiveness requirements. New


development/update/modification programs are to be structured to produce such

documentation, but legacy systems should rely primarily on existing documentation and
be supplemented with surveys as necessary. Both can vary widely depending on the
maturity and age of the system. The scope of validating program compliance with
OSS&E requirements includes the following:

a. Validating the functional baseline (i.e., performance is satisfactory with

respect to operational safety, suitability, and effectiveness).

b. Validating the product baseline (i.e., the system/end-item is configured as


c. Ensuring that qualified manufacturers/suppliers are supplying quality parts,

equipment, subassemblies, and subsystems for the system/end-item.

d. Ensuring that maintenance and repair sources are delivering quality products
for the system/end-item.

e. Verifying that maintenance data is correct and adequate to sustain the

system/end-item in the intended configuration for its intended use.

f. Ensuring that necessary processes are in place for preserving OSS&E


g. Ensuring that quality and qualified maintenance equipment (tools, support

equipment, etc.) are provided with up-to-date maintenance instructions and

These are detailed in section 4 through section 7. As an aid, the C-5 OSS&E Pilot
Program Chief Engineer Team Report can provide insight and format to assist in
documenting OSS&E compliance.

1.5 OSS&E training

OSS&E training is currently available through various means. ASC conducts stand-up
instruction for system program offices upon request, and provides web-based training
currently available to organizations with “.mil” access at https://ossande.wpafb.af.mil.
The web-based training contains three tiers of training. Tier I is an overview of the
OSS&E process and applies to all personnel. Tier II is directed at single managers, item
managers, chief engineers and equipment specialists, users, and supply-chain
managers. Tier III is intended for the Aeronautical Enterprise and includes training on
airworthiness certification. Additional training information is available at HQ

See Appendix A.2.


See Appendix A.3.


OSS&E assurance is only possible if the SM/CE, interfacing organizations, and using
command understand their roles and responsibilities. The SM's actions to establish and
enable continued assurance of OSS&E do not involve a formal OSS&E certification.
The SM should, however, ensure the organization maintains adequate documentation
that provides a history of the events and supporting evidence that all OSS&E
implementation criteria were fulfilled. The data repository is necessary to support
program office sustainment activities and ensure future changes continue compliance
with the OSS&E baseline. The SM can then assert that the required OSS&E baseline
has been established and that the processes necessary to maintain the baseline are
documented and in place. Similarly, as the system changes due to modifications, the
CE should add any new technical documentation that supports OSS&E assurance to the
data repository. The chief engineer is responsible to the SM for ensuring that the
technical processes are documented, complete, and being followed. External
organizations that can impact other systems/end-items need to understand and support
continuous OSS&E assurance by coordinating upgrades, modifications, or changes with
the SM. The user must identify any changes to the aircraft configuration, designated
operational capability (DOC), usage environment, or other changes that could impact the
OSS&E baseline. In addition, the user is responsible for the assurance of OSS&E for
systems and end-items procured directly.

4.1 OSS&E execution

An OSS&E execution plan is required per HQ AFMC/DR/EN memorandum, 22 Feb 02.
The plan must address the strategy for developing, coordinating and validating
baselines, internal monitoring, and reporting. In response to this memorandum, for
Aeronautical Systems Center (ASC) systems and end-items, a two-part OSS&E plan is
prescribed per ASC/EN memorandum, 22 Dec 2000. The ASC memo also provides
guidance to the other organizations within the Aeronautical Enterprise as required by the
HQ AFMC memorandum. Part I is the OSS&E Implementation Plan that addresses the
six levels leading to full compliance with OSS&E (identified in section 1) for
systems/end-items currently in sustainment and fulfills the requirements of the HQ
AFMC memorandum. Programs not currently in sustainment are required to comply with
the OSS&E policy and instructions by first unit delivery for operational use; thus, no
implementation plan is necessary. OSS&E implementation level 6 (full OSS&E policy
compliance) requires processes be established and in place and that the processes be
followed. Part II is the OSS&E Internal Management Plan that documents these
processes and is applicable to all systems/end-items during sustainment. There is a
significant advantage to the two-part approach regarding levels of approval. The
OSS&E implementation plan (Part I) is approved by the Center commander as required
by the HQ AFMC memorandum. However, the OSS&E Internal Management Plan (Part
II) is approved by the SM and is therefore easier to update.

4.2 Part I: OSS&E Implementation Plan

This section of the OSS&E assurance plan pertains to legacy systems and end-items
and fulfills the requirement of the HQ AFMC Memorandum concerning continued
OSS&E assurance. However, if the system/end-item entered into sustainment 1 March
2000 and is not yet fully OSS&E compliant, then the Part I plan is required. Legacy, in
the case of OSS&E, applies to those systems transitioned to the user and in sustainment


on or before the date OSS&E policy went into effect, 1 March 2000. A listing of these
systems and end-items is available on the HQ AFMC website. Each SM must ensure
accuracy of the information on this site and provide corrections via HQ AFMC/DR. Full
OSS&E compliance (level 6) is required by the end of FY 05 (HQ AFMC goal); however,
HQ AFMC/CC has directed that efforts be made to achieve level 6 prior to this date. The
ASC plan contains one additional requirement above the HQ AFMC execution plan: a
brief system/end-item description. This description is necessary in order to lay the
groundwork for identifying management responsibility, metric development, flight
safety/mission critical components and other activities necessary to assure OSS&E
throughout the life of the system/end-item.

As with new systems, the basis for establishing OSS&E assurance on legacy systems
lies in documented evidence of compliance with safety, suitability, and effectiveness
requirements. For new developments, updates, or modifications, a program can be
structured to produce such documentation (section 9). For legacy systems, OSS&E
implementation should rely to a large degree on existing documentation. The available
documentation can vary widely depending on the maturity and age of the system and
may be supplemented with surveys and audits as necessary to fulfill OSS&E

The six levels in table I reflect the update to the OSS&E execution plan per HQ AFMC
memo 22 Feb 2002. Part I of the OSS&E plan, as defined in the ASC/EN letter, contains
the details for establishing OSS&E assurance for legacy systems/end-items. It is
organized into seven areas:

a. Single Manager’s Assessment. The single manager’s assessment is based on

table I. The assessment should also identify implementation challenges in meeting the
OSS&E full compliance target date.

b. System/End-Item Description. Before OSS&E assurance can start, the system/end-

item is defined. The system/end-item description may be derived from the configuration
management system (CMS). The level of detail captured in the OSS&E Implementation
Plan must be sufficient to identify responsible management organizations and to provide
positive control for flight-safety-critical items, mission-critical/support-critical items, and
those impacting effectiveness. This description serves as the basis for establishing the
SLAs, MOUs, MOAs, or other agreements, etc., that aid in identifying the necessary
certifications for the system or end-item; it also identifies the party responsible for
obtaining the certification. See section 7 for additional information on developing the

c. OSS&E Baseline Establishment and Management. The OSS&E baseline consists of

those features and aspects that describe the system/end-item capabilities most
important to the user and single manager. The baseline may be associated with a
particular block, model, or mission design series (MDS). Establishment of the OSS&E
baseline is described in section 6. The actual baseline should be included in Part II.

d. Organizational Management Relationships. Part I establishes the strategy and

planning activity required for achieving full OSS&E compliance. Organizational
agreements with other Government agencies are established to provide the program
support necessary to maintain OSS&E assurance (see System/End-Item Description
above). The agreements should include external organizations supporting propulsion,


software, and weapons, as well as the supply chain managers, equipment specialists,
depots, training locations, and Defense Contract Management Agencies (DCMAs).
Since program needs vary, the list of organizations requiring agreements (formal or
informal) depends on the program’s support structure.

e. Training. Training is required to understand the nuances of OSS&E. The

development of the OSS&E training curriculum is an enterprise responsibility. Training
is applicable to all managed programs. Developing program-specific processes and
procedures is the responsibility of the SM/CE. The implementation plan should identify
the requirements and schedule for personnel (including the SM) to receive the
appropriate training (HQ AFMC, Aeronautical Enterprise, center- and program-unique).

f. Funding. Funding issues for OSS&E implementation/assurance should be identified;

the specifics are detailed in the HQ AFMC/DR/EN memo.

g. Schedule. The center OSS&E focal point tracks full OSS&E compliance (level 6).
Therefore, the SM needs to establish a schedule for achieving level 6. Completion of
the six levels of implementation provides the foundation for the continuing assessment
and preservation of OSS&E.

4.3 Part II: OSS&E Internal Management Plan

Part II complements Part I and addresses the documentation and continuous
preservation of the OSS&E baseline. The Internal Management Plan needs to address
four areas:

1) The OSS&E baseline, including references defining each characteristic (together

with associated parameters and metrics). As the system matures, any updates to
the baseline are captured in this section. Developing the OSS&E baseline is detailed
in section 6. The OSS&E baseline should be associated with each of three groups:
safety, suitability, or effectiveness. Since characteristics may or may not be directly
measurable, metrics should provide a means to quantify each baseline

2) Organizational management relationships necessary to maintain OSS&E are made

with external organizations that interface or provide sustainment support, including
propulsion management, software development, weapon integration, mission
planning system, depots, training organizations, and DCMAs. Configuration changes
may require updating these organizational management relationships to ensure that
the new expected capabilities are maintained. Additional guidance is provided in
section 7.

3) OSS&E process elements as identified in Chapter 1 of AFI 63-1201. Each of the

elements in section 5 below should be described in sufficient detail to explain how
the process supports/impacts sustainment of the OSS&E baseline. It should be
evident that if certain key aspects of a mandatory process were not accomplished,
there would be an impact to the way OSS&E is preserved. The SLAs and MOAs
must be structured to assure seamless and consistent implementation of the
mandatory process elements across all organizations supporting sustainment of the
system/end-item OSS&E baseline. Clear lines of authority and control for these
process elements must be established.


4) Per AFI 63-1201, the user and SM are required to continuously evaluate system and
end-item OSS&E baseline performance. The goal is to identify potential
degradations of operational safety, suitability, or effectiveness prior to impacting the
warfighters' capability. To ensure consistency, this section should identify the data
collection and reporting systems and other sources of data required in assessing the
OSS&E baseline. It is likely that multiple metrics may be required to allow a single
characteristic to be evaluated. OSS&E metrics are more fully discussed in section


The purpose of OSS&E is to preserve the critical characteristics established during
system/end-item acquisition. The preservation process begins when the system/end-
item is turned over to the operational user. Hence, OSS&E is substantially a
sustainment function, with its roots established during acquisition. Proper program
execution through sound technical and managerial processes should fulfill the
mandatory process elements required by AFI 63-1201. Therefore, OSS&E
implementation should not impose new program requirements or result in contract
modifications for sustainment. This section expands on the mandatory process
elements and provides insight on methods for demonstrating compliance with AFI 63-
1201. The necessary level of insight and application for each mandatory process listed
below depends on the type of equipment and uniqueness of the program. The SM
should tailor each of these processes, as necessary, to assure OSS&E of their program.
Total system performance responsibility (TSPR) or contractor logistics support (CLS)
type contracts do not eliminate the need for the SM to assure OSS&E. For these, the
contractor is a major participant. There should be appropriate wording in the contract for
the contractor to provide sufficient data such that the SM can assure OSS&E.

5.1 Disciplined engineering process

The cornerstone of OSS&E assurance is a management system that is based on a
disciplined engineering process. The disciplined engineering process should incorporate
the following philosophies: design for affordable change, evolutionary acquisition, and
integrated change roadmaps. AFI 63-1201 introduces the requirements of a disciplined
engineering process by describing six functions to ensure a robust process. The
disciplined engineering process that has been used and proven in the Department of
Defense (DoD) is the systems engineering process. This is a comprehensive, iterative,
problem-solving process that transforms validated customer needs and requirements
into a description of a life-cycle-balanced solution set that includes people, products, and
processes. The disciplined engineering process applies to new system product and
process developments, upgrades, modifications, and other engineering efforts
conducted to resolve problems in fielded systems. The process should be executed by
an experienced staff familiar with the complexities and tradeoffs of implementing this
systematic and structured methodology. The following subsections address parts of the
mandatory, disciplined engineering process and some of the tools used within that
process. The process and tools are described at a top level and are not meant to be
comprehensive. More information on the systems engineering process may be found in
the ASC/EN – SMC/SD Systems Engineering Guide. MIL-HDBK-500 is another
resource on a disciplined engineering process: key supplier processes. This handbook
provides guidance to aeronautical business sector suppliers to support defense systems


acquisitions and is particularly useful to the SM/CE in evaluating contractors' engineering

processes within the air system product line.

The mandatory elements of the engineering process, described below, are applicable to
new development/upgrade/modification and sustainment of systems and end-items.
However, even for existing or limited developmental items, such as commercial
derivative aircraft, each of the elements needs to be consciously considered and a
determination made as to how the objectives of the element can be fulfilled. The non-
mandatory elements are included in section 8.

5.1.1 Operational risk management (ORM)

ORM is focused on operational assessments; in contrast, integrated risk management
(IRM) is focused on cost, schedule, and technical performance risks. ORM is a process
to evaluate risks not managed by another process (e.g., system safety, IRM, etc.) for
improving individual and organizational performance in all functional areas and
operations. ORM provides the process and tools to develop and enhance awareness
and understanding of at-risk activities. Application of ORM may identify areas where
regulatory guidance is overly restrictive or otherwise not consistent with mission
requirements. In such cases, the risk assessment may be used to justify solicitation of
an appropriate level waiver, variance, or change but will not in itself constitute authority
to violate any directive, policy, standard, or other regulatory guidance. ORM should be
tailored to meet the unique mission needs and operational requirements of each
organization and should be documented in a plan. An ORM Checklist is provided at
appendix A to aid in assessing the effectiveness of the ORM program. Operational risk
management is required by Air Force Instruction 90-901.

Operational risk management is a key element in the disciplined engineering process

required to assure OSS&E, and it is an essential component in the DoD’s strategy for
acquiring and sustaining systems in an environment of diminishing resources. The
principles of ORM are 1) accept no unnecessary risk, 2) make decisions at the
appropriate level, 3) accept risk when the benefits outweigh the risk mitigation costs, and
4) integrate ORM into operations and planning at all levels. A disciplined,
comprehensive risk management structure involves the early and continuous
identification of critical program risks, and the establishment and monitoring of risk
handling plans. When properly implemented, an effective risk management program
helps to identify areas that require special attention and supports setting achievable
technical, schedule, and cost objectives.

Early planning and aggressive application are critical to a successful ORM program. A
comprehensive operational risk management process identifies and quantifies risk,
provides potential solutions, tracks risk reduction activities, provides metrics to assess
residual risk, and quantifies program impacts to the SM. When the system/end-item is in
sustainment, the risks previously identified have been resolved with an acceptable
residual risk. During sustainment, the ORM focus is on changes in the environment or
application, aging, and wear-out of the system/end-item. There are many ways to fulfill
the ORM mandatory requirements; however, the attributes of a good ORM program
remain constant. ORM is a continuous, systematic decision-making tool consisting of
the following six steps that define the process:


a. Identify the Hazard: A hazard is a real or potential condition that could result in
injury, illness, or death to personnel, or damage to/loss of equipment or property.
The program risk identification process should be capable of flagging changes to the
system hazards as threats evolve, as additional capabilities are required, and as
actual versus planned usage varies. Consider the five M's: man, machine, media,
management, and mission. Sources of information are inputs from the using
command, National Air Intelligence Center, modeling and simulation, and internal
program metrics. The ORM plan should identify all customers, stakeholders, and
external sources that could identify new hazards.

b. Assess the Risk: The chart below is similar to the chart used in assessing system
safety. Safety has derived numeric values for hazard probability and definitions for
severity. However, the numeric values for safety may not apply for ORM. In general
terms, catastrophic is mission impossible, critical is mission impaired, moderate is
mission possible with work-arounds, and negligible is minor disruption to the mission.
For an aircraft system, the catastrophic value may be in millions of dollars, while for
an end-item, the value may only be in thousands of dollars. Thus, the numeric
values for probability and severity are unique to each product. However, the process
for determining numeric values must be consistently applied during the assessment
to provide a relative ranking of risk within an operation. The goal is to highlight areas
of risk within a product.

c. Analyze Risk Control

Measures: Risk can be Risk Determination
handled through
assumption, control,
avoidance, or transfer. Hazard Probability
Regardless of the control
measure selected, the Freqt Likely Occasl Seldom Unlikely
residual risks have to be Very High
quantified. The cost of High

mitigating or handling the Critical

risk should also be known. Moderate Moderate
If the selected approach is Low
to transfer risk, the receiving
system should perform a
risk assessment to ensure
the total risk to the receiving
system remains acceptable. FIGURE 1. Risk determination.

Strive to eliminate the hazard first. If unable to "design out" the hazard, incorporate
safety devices. If safety devices prove impractical, provide warning devices.
Training and procedures are also practical control measures. The least preferred
control measure is transferring the risk to an external entity. The receiving entity
must accept the risk and the resulting risk must be less than keeping the risk
associated with the original entity. If this is not analyzed and understood,
transference only targets accountability and not risk reduction.


d. Make Control Decisions: These decisions are based on many factors, including
available resources, funding, schedule, and user expectations. Balancing the cost of
the control measure and effective risk reduction is a good place to start. There are
several potential pitfalls when the “best value” is selected over the optimum. These
include inappropriate control for the problem, refusal by users/leaders to use the
measure, or impedance of the mission.

e. Implement Risk Control Measures: The control decision should be clearly

understood by all stakeholders including the user, using command, support center,
and contractor. The user must perceive the using command’s commitment to
support the control decision. User coordination is critical, since users are the
recipients of the risk control measures and implement those control measures not
reduced via design.

f. Supervise and Review: Evaluate the control measures to ensure they produce
the desired effect. Confirm that cost savings and/or implementation costs are within
expected values. Obtain feedback from the user regarding the impact on

To be effective, risk management should be a continuous, daily activity employed from

cradle to grave. More information on the risk management processes may be found in
the following:

Operational Risk Management Program may be found in AFI 90-901, AF PAM

90-902 and AFPD 90-9 available at https://rmis.saia.af.mil/guidance.asp.

AFMCPAM 63-101, Acquisition Risk Management, which is available at


Additional guidance on risk management and associated key activities can be

found at: https://www.en.wpafb.af.mil/risk/risk.asp.

5.1.2 System safety

System safety is the application of engineering and management principles, criteria, and
techniques to achieve acceptable mishap risk within the constraints of operational
effectiveness, suitability, time, and cost, throughout all phases of the system life cycle.
In fact, AFI 63-1201 requires that SM continuously evaluate mishap field data for the
systems/end-items they manage. This objective is achieved through timely actions on
systematic assessments of the system in its concept, development, delivery, use, and
maintenance environments/phases by way of hazard analyses and risk management
assessments. The degree of safety in a system is directly dependent on the adequate
technical and risk assessment under the limitations of funding, schedule, and technical
capability or technology available.

Chapter 9 of AFI 91-202, the Air Force Mishap Prevention Program, outlines system
safety program requirements and responsibilities for single managers (SMs) and using
commands. Additionally, safety criteria such as FAR 25.1309 and SAE ARP 4761
(commercially available) can provide insight into FAA and commercial practices.


The SM is to establish and maintain a tailored system safety program using MIL-STD-
882 as a guide. Where variation or innovation in tasking or methodology is allowed,
proof is required to demonstrate that the approach accomplishes the required objectives
and tasking contained in the Air Force policies. Some basic tenets of a system safety
program include the establishment of hazard risk-resolution criteria, properly scoped
hazard analyses, hazard tracking, resolution, documentation, and forums for hazard
deliberations and resolution.

AFI 91-202 requires that system safety groups (SSGs) be established for all Acquisition
category I (ACAT I) programs and for all aircraft programs unless waived by the major
command (MAJCOM). The purpose of the SSG is to oversee the system safety
program throughout the life cycle of the system and to document the mishap risk review
process with the specifics identified in the SSG charter. The SM or deputy chairs the
SSG, and membership includes user command maintenance and operations
representatives. If residual risk remains after being addressed by the SSG, AFI 91-202
and MIL-STD-882 define the appropriate levels of authority (SM, PEO, or AFAE) for
acceptance of residual mishap risk. In the sustainment phase, SSGs are primarily
concerned with engineering change proposals, mishap trends and recommendations,
and deficiency report (DR) tracking. Materiel safety program

Chapter 16 of AFMC Sup 1 to AFI 91-204 requires the materiel safety program. The
materiel safety program manager (MSPM) at each center is responsible for tracking
mishap recommendations to closure. A responsibility of the MSPM is ensuring that SMs
are cognizant of what is occurring with systems in their program. This is accomplished
by providing system safety managers (SSMs) with the message traffic for their systems
and similar systems. The MSPM also tracks airworthiness directives for each
commercial derivative system and provides a copy to each affected program office.
Additional guidance is found in AFI 92-204.

5.1.3 Configuration management

To ensure OSS&E of a system/end-item, it is essential to know the configuration(s), both
functional and physical. While this may be a challenge after the system/end-item has
been fielded for some time, various methods contribute to knowing the configuration.
The configuration should be controlled at the appropriate level, and that is determined by
how the system or end-item is procured and managed. While little may be known about
the configuration of legacy systems/end-items or COTS equipment, the form, fit,
function, and interface requirements must be known and managed. The internal
management plan should address how the configuration, as applicable to OSS&E, is
preserved. Appropriate configuration control must be maintained for all equipment
interfacing or supporting the system/end-item, including ground control stations, mission
planning systems, training systems, and support equipment. Changes to the
system/end-item may affect the aforementioned items, and likewise, changes to those
items may impact the system/end-item OSS&E assurance.

For recently fielded programs, the configuration management process established during
acquisition should seamlessly support sustainment activities. The configuration
management process must include a configuration status accounting (CSA) system that
identifies the “as built” configuration of the items that constitute the system/end-item (see


table 4-4 and section 7 of MIL-HDBK-61A) and supports changes to the configuration
during sustainment. This process must also include support equipment (SE) and SE
software because the SE may need an update due to obsolescence or enhanced
capability independent of the associated system/end-item cycle. Regardless of how
configuration is tracked when the system is fielded (e.g., G081, CAMS, or contractor
system), the configuration must be managed to assure continued compliance with the
OSS&E baseline. Configuration data should include configuration items (CIs),
configuration equipment items (CEIs), computer software configuration items (CSCIs),
drawing numbers, and computer program identification numbers (CPINs) along with the
associated change history. Also, the data should include information such as part
numbers, serial numbers, line replaceable units (LRUs), etc. Contractors developed
illustrated parts breakdowns, primarily from engineering drawings and other official
source data, are another source of configuration data.

The configuration may be updated through approval of an engineering change proposal

(ECP) (see MIL-HDBK-61A paragraph 6.2, and AFI 63-1101, Modification Management)
or a comparable SPO or contractor process or user via Modification Proposal, AF FORM
1067. Configuration control authority resides with the organization charged with
program management or as delegated from the SM. A proposed modification (e.g.,
ECP) identifies changes to the system/end-item configuration that affect form, fit,
function, or interface (and potentially the OSS&E baseline). Drawing numbers, part
numbers, serial numbers, etc., as well as technical order changes, are reflected in the
ECP. Upon receipt and review of the ECP, the configuration control authority convenes
a configuration control board (CCB) to evaluate the change. If the board approves the
change, the contractor, usually, is responsible for updating records, drawings, and
technical data necessary to accurately reflect the current configuration. Updating should
include the complete incorporation of the changes into the drawings, associated lists,
part numbers, and engineering technical data in an efficient and timely manner. The
responsible party (usually the contractor) is responsible for preparing the time
compliance technical order (TCTO), but they do not issue it. TCTOs and associated TO
changes are issued by the technical order management agency (TOMA) to modify
fielded system/end-items. The Air Force (normally an ALC) also has the capability to
develop and issue TCTOs (see TO 00-5-15 and AFMCMAN 21-1). The activity
performing the TCTO documents compliance with the TCTO by completing an AFTO
Form 349, “Maintenance Data Collection Record” (see TO 00-5-15, paragraph 6-19).

After the system/end-item is fielded, the user formally communicates problems to the
managing activity through deficiency reporting databases in accordance with TO 00-
35D-54 or Modification Proposal, AF FORM 1067. Category I deficiency reports (DRs)
are those deficiencies that, if uncorrected, could cause death, severe injury, severe
occupational illness, or major loss or damage to equipment or a system, or that directly
restrict combat or operational readiness. CAT I DRs must be reported within 24 hours of
discovery. CAT II DRs are deficiency reports that do not meet the criteria of CAT I DRs;
are attributable to errors in workmanship or nonconformance to specifications, drawing
standards, or other technical requirements; are required for tracking by agreement of the
single manager and the using command point of contact; identify a problem for potential
improvement; or identify a potential enhancement.

The “as built” configuration is updated after delivery by several methodologies

depending on the nature of the change. The user (i.e., Air Mobility Command [AMC],
Air Combat Command [ACC], Air Education and Training Command [AETC], etc.) and


the system program offices (SPOs) should have a CSA system. If a system/end-item is
organically maintained, the CSA system captures the “as-delivered” configuration plus all
maintenance performed to-date after formal acceptance of the system/end-item. If a
system/end-item is maintained by contractor logistics support (CLS), the contractor may
be tasked to accomplish configuration status accounting to the level of detail specified in
the contract. The user, ALC, or contractor may use the REMIS to load validation tables
for serially tracked, time change, and life limited parts as a complement to their own
maintenance data collection system (e.g., CAMS or G081). Maintaining the
configuration is not difficult or time consuming but does require asserted effort.
Coordination with the system/end-item configuration manager to ensure all required
configuration data is procured and/or documented reduces configuration control
complexity, particularly when provisioning for new spare assets. The are several
questions that must be satisfied:

a. How and to what was the part qualified?

b. Was the engineering drawing updated?

c. Was the new configuration part coordinated and approved by the system/end-
item manager?

These are critical, since the single manager has overall responsibility for the integrated
system/end-item. In many cases, the parts are added to the commodity tech order but
engineering has not released the system/end-item tech orders. Thus, the aircraft
engineering drawings are not updated to reflect the latest parts configuration.
Additionally, some parts are fielded before cataloging has occurred and the appropriate
U.S. Air Force or DOD databases (D043A and REMIS) have not been updated. Only
when all these tasks are accomplished should the part be installed on the system/end-
item. The part must be validated and approved as a valid part prior to being used on a
given weapon system. The lack of coordination, whether due to poorly written
MOAs/SLAs or other agreements, can result in improper maintenance, incorrect parts
issued, wrong supply items ordered, or inaccurate inspections performed.

For legacy systems and end-items with no formal process for maintaining current
configuration baselines, the configuration baselines must be re-established.
Configuration audits, tailored to the uniqueness of and their cost effectiveness for each
system/end-item, may be necessary to determine the configuration data needed for
OSS&E assurance. Before conducting the actual audits, the existing configuration
control processes need to be evaluated. In addition, the process for user feedback on
operational usage and maintenance used to aid in preserving and updating both the
configuration and the OSS&E baselines should be evaluated. If the processes are
sound and rigorously implemented, then the audits can be more limited in scope.

Since some legacy systems and end-items are over 40 years old and are scheduled to
be fully retired in the next decade, the cost and extent of an audit are seen as limitations.
Therefore, the focus of configuration audits should not be on confirming the entire
physical configuration of the system/end-item in a full-blown audit. Rather, the focus
should be to assess the configuration of the components that comprise the functions as
defined in the OSS&E baseline. The audit should include the following to generate the
necessary configuration information to support the OSS&E baseline:


a. System/end-item technical data review -- Validate that maintenance data is

correct to sustain the performance and corresponding configuration to assure the
OSS&E baseline. Review technical documentation pertinent to a specific
system/end-item or support organization. This area is considered most important in
determining adherence of the possessing units to maintenance and modification
guidelines provided by Air Force instruction and the SPO. Areas of technical
documentation review center on system/end-item maintenance, inspection, and
historical records; time change item program adherence; and REMIS review for
TCTO/modification compliance. Equipment specialists should have the primary
responsibility during an audit to review these areas with engineering serving in a
support role.

b. Physical configuration audit (PCA) -- Validate the product baseline; i.e., the
system/end-item is configured as intended. This configuration audit is conducted to
a level and sample size as necessary to compare the actual configuration of the
system/end-item with the OSS&E baseline and approved configuration. A complete
system/end-item configuration audit is rarely cost-effective, while a limited audit of
specific areas provides useful feedback on the health of the configuration
management process. Therefore, these audits should focus on problem areas such
as unauthorized repairs or modifications. They should verify that authorized,
nonstandard repairs, TCTOs, or modifications are performed and documented
correctly and that installed equipment part numbers match the drawings and other
technical data for equipment that directly impacts assurance of the OSS&E baseline.
These audits should be conducted while the aircraft or end-item is down for
scheduled maintenance, either at a depot or at an operational base, to minimize
impact on the user. Equipment specialists are valuable support to engineering in this

In using sampling to conduct a PCA, less than a 100% review of all hardware
and documentation is performed. The Navy’s configuration management guide
suggests a 10-20% sampling rate of the system/end-item and documentation.
If the audit uncovers few discrepancies, there is little risk to assume the
remaining system/end-items in the fleet are also acceptable. However, if the
audit uncovers many discrepancies, or major problems, a larger sample size
may be required. Another means of determining system/end-item inspection
sample size is by using the requirements of Air Force Materiel Command
Instruction 21-102, Analytical Condition Inspection (ACI). This instruction
requires SPOs to periodically inspect a certain portion of their system/end-item
fleet in order to ensure against unknown defects causing future safety or
economics issues. If defects are found as a result of the sampling inspection, a
secondary sampling inspection should be conducted to rule out single-find
defects. If no defects are found in this secondary sampling, then there is a 90
percent confidence that defects do not exist in more then 20 percent of the
force. Conversely, if an additional defect is found, then additional action
(periodic inspection requirement, physical baseline change, etc.) is required
because the defect is considered to be pervasive throughout the fleet.

c. Off system/end-item support audits -- Ensure that qualified

manufacturers/suppliers are providing quality parts, equipment, subassemblies, and
subsystems for the system/end-item as related to the OSS&E baseline. Also, look
for evidence that maintenance and repair sources are delivering quality products for


the system or end-item. These support audits consist of two parts: 1) The first part is
to be conducted at the SPO, not in conjunction with an audit at any operational unit.
This part of the audit focuses on top-level supply and supportability issues applicable
to the system/end-item health as a whole. This part of the assessment includes
deficiency reports, failure and mishap trends, exhibit analyses, first article
inspections and test evaluations, and assessments of reliability, maintainability, and
supportability analyses. 2) The second part of the off system/end-item audit takes
place at the operational unit and focuses on verification that local practices have
been documented and are consistent with SPO practices, the technical workforce is
properly trained and complies with TOs, and that TOs are properly maintained and
updated. Program management should lead this effort and rely on engineering and
technical experts to perform the evaluations and analyses. The program manager is
responsible for coordinating with all inspection units to ensure the system/end-item is
properly prepared; support personnel, facilities, tools, and equipment are available
and accessible; records, drawings, technical orders, and documents are on hand;
and other requirements for the audit are available. Lastly, the program manager
ensures the results of the inspection are documented and coordinated, and that
corrective action is taken where necessary.

The intent of an audit is to ensure the configuration is properly documented and

maintained, and ratings provide feedback as to the level of compliance with approved
documentation and practices. However, since the intent of a legacy audit is not to
punish the unit for deviating from the baseline, some amount of diplomacy is required in
feedback of results. Therefore, providing Unit Compliance Inspection (UCI) type ratings
(in compliance, in compliance with comments, and not in compliance) may be beneficial.

When using a rating system, however, success and failure of the inspection requires
definition. For OSS&E, ‘in compliance’ implies the unit maintains the system/end-item
OSS&E baseline as defined in design and maintenance documentation with no findings
worth noting. The only difference between this rating and ‘in compliance with comments’
is that some minor deviations from the baseline were noted. Although these deviations
do not adversely affect system/end-item configuration or the governing processes to
maintain that configuration for OSS&E, they may affect other program activities and
should be corrected. Not in compliance implies the system/end-item is not maintained in
accordance with these governing processes and impacts the OSS&E baseline (design
documentation, technical orders, OSS&E directives, etc.). Unauthorized modifications,
use of outdated technical data, and use of unapproved parts are examples that would
constitute a ‘not in compliance’ rating. This must be corrected for OSS&E assurance.

For a system/end-item maintaining the FAA airworthiness certification, FAA Order

1800.66 identifies the activities and requirement for configuration tracking. For FAA
certified systems and end-items, the configuration must be maintained unless changes
are approved and appropriately documented in accordance with FAA procedures if they
are airworthiness certified by the FAA, or in accordance with SPO procedures if they are
just FAA type certified.

Appendix A.4 provides a list that may be used to help in ascertaining whether the
configuration management system is working.


5.1.4 Test and evaluation

In order to establish and maintain operational safety, suitability, and effectiveness for Air
Force systems and end-items, a sufficient amount of testing and evaluation is necessary
and identified shortcomings corrected. The test and evaluation process is based on the
scientific method and the principle of "predict - test - compare" to demonstrate system
effectiveness and suitability. For many legacy systems and end-items, OSS&E data
may be heavily dependent on data gathered during test and evaluations (T&E)
performed over the life of the program. For newer, T&E provides some of the verification
that the system/end-item achieved the desired requirements. For end-items, the T&E
may serve as inputs to the system SM to initiate integration testing.

Various kinds of developmental test and evaluation (DT&E) are conducted throughout a
system’s life cycle to ensure the Air Force acquires and maintains systems which meet
users’ needs. Decision makers use DT&E results to verify the extent to which design
risks have been minimized, verify contract performance, determine system safety,
assess military utility and system reliability, and determine system readiness for
dedicated operational test and evaluation. Guidance on planning, conducting, and
reporting DT&E is found in AFI 99-101.

Various kinds of OT&E can be conducted during a system’s life cycle to ensure the Air
Force acquires and maintains operationally safe, effective, and suitable systems that
meet user requirements. OT&E is conducted in as realistic an operational environment
as practical to identify and help resolve deficiencies as early as possible. The test
conditions for OT&E must be representative of both wartime stress and peacetime
operational conditions. Dedicated OT&E will be considered complete when OT&E
results indicate the system is operationally safe, effective, suitable, and meets users’
operational requirements, and performs mission essential tasks. Additionally, the results
will verify deficiencies have been corrected and fixes incorporated as agreed. At this
point, the system will be shown to be operationally safe, suitable, and effective.
Nevertheless, follow-on operational test and evaluation (FOT&E) continues to resolve
critical operational issues (COIs), test issues, or areas not complete as the system
enters the sustainment phase. Information on OT&E is contained in AFI 99-102.

Qualification operational test and evaluation (QOT&E) is the name used for OT&E when
no significant research and development is required. It is used when evaluating military-
unique portions and military applications of commercial off-the-shelf, nondevelopmental
items, and Government furnished equipment. QOT&E is planned and conducted to the
same standards and policies as IOT&E, including being conducted by AFOTEC.
Candidate systems for QOT&E require little or no Government funded R&D,
engineering, design, or integration efforts. QOT&E is funded by O&M (3400) or
procurement (3010, 3020 or 3080) funds.

As the system is put into operational use, the need for modifications may arise. The
system’s capabilities may change, the threats against it may change, and there would
thus be a need for additional evaluation, certification, and documentation in support of
OSS&E assurance. Other related T&E information is available through the AT&L
Knowledge Sharing System (previously the DoD deskbook).


5.1.5 Technical orders (TOs) and technical data

Current, valid, verified TOs, technical manuals (TM) and/or technical data are provided
to the operational command, users, and management activities as appropriate. TOs are
developed, acquired, managed, and maintained in accordance with TO 00-5 series
TOs. For maintenance data assessment of legacy systems/end-items, there are two
approaches analogous to the functional baseline approaches discussed in section 5.1.3.
Either a paper trail to a maintenance data validation event should be established, or the
measures of demonstrated user performance should be assessed. For either approach,
it should be verified that all TOs are accurate and maintenance data updates have been
incorporated. A checklist for a successful TO program is provided at Appendix A.5.

The source of information for TOs is the technical data (TD). TD includes engineering
data, source data, schematic diagrams, flow diagrams, manufacturer’s handbooks,
manuscripts of O&M instructions, commercial technical manuals (TMs), and other
system and equipment O&M procedures. Technical manuals are the commercial
equivalent of TOs, except that TMs are not military orders issued by Air Force Chief of
Staff. TOs, TMs and technical data identify procedures, operating limitations, and
requirements necessary to preserve operational safety, suitability, and effectiveness
baselines If TOs, TMs or approved procedures are not followed for maintenance or
operations, then they do not help assure OSS&E. TO policy
TOs are military orders issued in the name of the Air Force Chief of Staff and by order of
the Secretary of the Air Force. Compliance with Air Force TOs is mandatory per AFPD
21-3. AFPD 21-3 applies to all personnel who acquire, manage, or use TOs. Air Force
approved commercial publications are assigned TO numbers and managed in the TO
system. Programs planning to manage commercial publication(s) outside the TO
system must request a waiver from USAF/ILM. Operations and maintenance in accordance with TOs

Operational and maintenance instructions are contained in TOs. All Air Force military
systems and commodities, except those waived or excluded in TO 00-5-1, Chapter 2,
should be operated and maintained according to procedures specified in military
systems or commodity TOs. A checklist for a successful TO program is provided at
Appendix A.5. TO updates
A TO must reflect the current operating characteristics, maintenance, inspections, and
production configuration of its related system/end-item and/or components. The system
CE/LE is ultimately responsible for TO technical content accuracy. In practice, the
technical content manager (TCM) has overall authority for managing the content of the
TO and the responsibility to maintain the currency and accuracy of the TO throughout
the program’s life cycle. (Note: The TCM is the individual, usually an equipment
specialist or engineer, responsible for maintaining the accuracy, adequacy, modification,
classification, review, and currency of the technical content of TOs supporting assigned
systems, commodities, or processes.)

MIL-HDBK-514 Planning for sustainment/updates

After the Air Force formalizes TOs, the TOs enter the sustainment phase. Sustainment
(also known as maintenance or updating) involves periodically updating TOs to maintain
their currency and accuracy. Factors driving updates can include equipment
modification where TO updates are covered as part of the cost of an engineering change
proposal, correction of errors, approved AFTO 22s, and improved methods of performing
procedures, among others. Sustainment continues to rescission of the TOs after the
end-item or system is retired from the inventory.

To ensure adequate financial resources are available for regular TO updates, single
managers must complete a Comprehensive Air Force Tech Order Plan (CAFTOP)
Annex and a Technical Order Financial Requirements Brochure covering their assigned
TOs (per TO 00-5-1, paragraph 1- The CAFTOP is a compendium of plans for
managing the digitization, sustainment, and distribution of O&M technical orders.
CAFTOP Annexes are updated as changes occur and are submitted annually to the
responsible lead command in sufficient time to support the TO budgeting and funding
process. Portions of the CAFTOP are also used to supply information for quarterly TO
metrics. HQ AFMC/ENB collects the metrics information for submission to HQ

Please refer to the Integrated Data Environment home page for more information
regarding TO acquisition and sustainment. Flight manuals

The Flight Manuals Program (FMP) publications are managed in accordance with AFI
11-215 and TO 00-5-1. HQ AFMC/DOO, the executive agent for flight manuals,
maintains a single-source web page for all flight manuals issues. The SM appoints flight
manual managers (FMM) who are technically qualified (preferably engineers) with
military aircrew experience and/or previous experience as a FMM.

The responsibility for accuracy of the flight manuals' technical content resides with the
CE/LE. In practice, the FMM manages the content, format, and accuracy of the flight

The FMM and the TO manager work together closely throughout TO development and
sustainment activities, and follow similar processes for the most part. A few distinct
differences follow:

a The FMM coordinates with the TO manager for FMP contracting, funding,
numbering, printing, distribution, and indexing.

b The FMM coordinates all aerial refueling manual changes with the KC-135 and
KC-10 FMM to ensure standardization of aerial refueling procedures.

c The FMM conducts an annual Flight Manual Review Conference (FMRC), unless
postponed by the using commands, to review all outstanding routine AFTO 847s
(vice AFTO 22) and other documents affecting FMP content. The FMM is the FMRC


d The FMM ensures the minimum print quality for all FMP publications is Level III
(good quality).

5.2 Total ownership costs (TOC)

In sustainment, the same reduced total ownership cost (RTOC) process is used that was
implemented during acquisition phase. During sustainment, RTOC is applied from
repair/throw-away decisions to purchasing unique/using existing equipment. When
making these types of decisions, assessing total life cycle cost is necessary. For
example, unique equipment could require establishment of a new repair/supply
capability versus using the existing processes/facilities currently employed by programs.
Obsolescence issues, upgrade development costs, and risks will not be shared among
multiple programs. Cycle time and source(s) of repair also influence RTOC. RTOC
does not dictate that the lowest cost is the correct choice. If the system/end-item is late
to need or does not perform the intended function, then OSS&E is adversely impacted.
The following website can provide additional information on RTOC: AFTOC data is
https://aftoc.hill.af.mil, Air Force RTOC is www.safaq.rtoc.hq.af.mil and some
performance data is available at http://semr.drc.com.

The key to conducting agile

Identify RTOC Requirement
program sustainment
planning activities is
Team with Warfighter affordability. Two
& Other Stakeholders approaches that aid the
SM in developing and
Measure Establish RTOC
Identify and Analyze sustaining program life
Progress & Baseline
Cost Drivers cycle affordability are
reduction in total ownership
costs (RTOC), and cost as
Plan & Implement Set Cost an independent variable
Performance Goals
approaches should be
developed using an
Define Strategies & Cost integrated product
Evaluate & Prioritize
Reduction Initiatives development process and
should be tailored to
specific program
affordability goals and
operational requirements. If tailored appropriately, RTOC and CAIV can establish, early
in a program, a comprehensive, cradle-to-grave approach to reduce the cost of products
and activities used to acquire, operate, and sustain systems and end-items. RTOC and
CAIV enable the SM to balance cost, schedule, and performance to the total obligation
authority. However, these approaches also require the single manager to establish
aggressive cost objectives, defined to some degree by the maximum level of acceptable
risk. The SM evaluates and prioritizes risk in achieving performance and aggressive
cost and schedule goals. By using RTOC and CAIV along with derived performance
measurements (e.g., the OSS&E baseline) to actively manage acquisition, production,
and sustainment phase trades, the SM can identify, analyze, and define cost drivers and
generate potential affordability solutions to key sustainment issues. This is especially


critical in the sustainment phase, when the operations and support (O&S) cycle often
provides the SM a rich environment in which to identify risks. These risks are associated
with funding the migration from procurement to O&S, deferred modernization, aging
systems/end-items, increased maintenance, and increased O&S costs.

5.3 Inspections and maintenance (I&M)

This guidance establishes I&M procedures that preserve OSS&E for new and modified
systems/end-items throughout the operational life. The following are the key elements of
the I&M determination:

I. Customer/user ORD requirements: The correlation matrix within the ORD should
provide sufficient detailed information to establish maintenance planning

a. Identify maintenance requirements for maintenance concept development.

b. Describe approach for contract versus organic maintenance.

c. Identify scheduled I&M tasks and time phasing.

d. Identify programmed I&M surveillance tasks such as nuclear hardness and

structural integrity.

II. Maintenance requirements and maintenance concept: The maintenance

requirements should be analyzed to determine level of maintenance required to
support the maintenance concept, e.g., field and/or depot. An integrated field level
maintenance (organizational/intermediate) together with depot level maintenance
comprises the two-level maintenance concept used on Air Force systems. The
maintenance concept and requirements process could drive various maintenance
alternatives for the customer/user or SM. Field level maintenance may be
performed either by Air Force personnel or under interim contractor support (ICS)
or contractor logistics support (CLS), depending on the alternative most beneficial
to the Air Force (see AFI 21-101, AFI 21-102, and AFI 21-107).

III. Maintenance & inspection parameters determination: The SM is responsible

for conducting reliability centered maintenance (RCM) analysis and using the
results to establish the initial inspection and maintenance requirements. If the
system is operational, the SM uses field failure data and RCM principles to update
inspection and maintenance requirements. The initial RCM analysis and all
updating analyses are documented to preserve the history and rationale for
maintenance tasks. This documentation provides a basis from which to monitor
the effectiveness of the inspection and maintenance program and to establish an
audit trail of all RCM decisions.

Engineering analyses for maintenance should consist of the following, as a

minimum, to assure OSS&E:

a. Failure modes, effects, & criticality analysis (FMECA).

b. Reliability centered maintenance (RCM) analysis (see AFMCI 21-103).


c. Repair level analysis (RLA) and maintenance task analysis.

d. Air Force integrity programs.

IV. Tailoring for modifications: The CE ensures that the I&M instructions are
provided in the TOs to preserve system or end-item OSS&E assurance and
continued airworthiness for the operational life of the system.

V. I&M requirements for airworthiness certification: Equipment/component

malfunctions degrade system airworthiness. The I&M function, detailed in system
and commodity tech orders, is required to restore airworthiness. The I&M function
in conjunction with tech orders, facilities, training, and supply assures the
restoration of airworthiness. The SM and CE should have sufficient insight into the
above functions to assure airworthiness restoration after system and or equipment
I&M. Military aircraft or engine systems that have civilian counterparts must also
report relevant Deficiency Report data to the FAA via the FAA Flight Standard
Difficulty Program. These systems may also obtain Service Difficulty Reports on
common part deficiencies from the FAA (see TO-00-35D-54, paragraph

5.4 Sources of maintenance and repair

The SM should determine that suitable processes are in place and are used for
maintenance and repair of all elements of the system or end-item. This includes the
basic structure, installed subsystems, and the parts which comprise them, such as
engines, flight control, electrical power, etc. (including applicable group A and B
equipment), and support equipment used for testing flight-safety-critical on-board
systems/end-items. The SM of a particular system should rely on and have agreements
with commodity SMs and the appropriate ALCs to support his/her determination. This
determination is somewhat analogous to that described in the preceding paragraph. It
should address how requirements are defined and compliance verified, a means to
confirm that appropriate technical data for maintenance and repair is being used, and
personnel are suitably qualified in its use. The SM may need to establish a hierarchical
flowdown such as a work breakdown structure (WBS) to distinguish between
maintenance and repair of the basic structure as opposed to parts repaired for reuse in
flight-safety-critical subsystems. This is also done to determine the applicable
commodity SMs and ALCs with whom his organization interfaces. This paragraph
applies to both contractor/vendor and Government sources.

5.5 Sources of supply

The SM should determine that suitable processes are in place and used for the
acquisition of parts to sustain systems and end-items. The SM is responsible for
establishing appropriate sources of supply to support the OSS&E baseline. The
processes should reflect flexible sustainment, whereby a determination is required as to
whether the parts should be procured to performance versus design-to requirements.
For either case, a subsequent review is required as to how such requirements are
established and provided to candidate sources of supply. Requirements should be
verified in terms of confirming that the parts provided meet the applicable performance
and/or design-to requirements. The overall supplier/part selection process effort should
pay particular attention to replacement of obsolete parts, parts provided by new sources
of supply, and those insidious parts that may "fall through the crack." That is, those that


are not parts of major group B equipment and not highly visible in periodic inspections of
primary Group A hardware. The process assessment applies to parts acquired from
contractors/vendors and parts acquired from Government sources. The latter case
should also address processes for organically maintained software.

The need to obtain new sources of supply occurs throughout a system’s life. This can
occur because of an existing/previous supplier going out of business, discontinuation of
a product line by a specific supplier, removal of the source from the qualified vendors list
due to poor performance, etc. Regardless of the reason, it is incumbent upon the SM
and CE/LE to ensure adequate requirements are established and actions are taken to
obtain new supply sources while preserving the existing system OSS&E baseline.

There are several methods for restricting sources for parts procured using a specified
design. The acquisition method code (AMC) and acquisition method suffix code (AMSC)
will state whether or not the item is restricted to specified sources. It will also specify
how the sources are restricted (such as a source controlled drawing or if an item
requires engineering source approval by the design controlling activity). Reference
Supplement 6 of the DOD Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement for more
information on the AMC/AMSC code. The requirements to meet, as a source, will
depend on the criticality of the item, what method was used to restrict sources, where
the part is used, etc. These may be identified in Source Qualification Statements, a
Qualified Products List (QPL), a Preferred Products Selection List (PPSL), or other
program documentation for critical parts that require a qualified source. For other parts,
first article and deficiency reporting may be used monitor supply. The following are
examples of how sources are restricted and methods of approving new sources. These
are examples only.

a. Some items may be restricted to sources called out on a source-controlled

drawing or on a QPL for a specification. These should be qualified by the
organization that manages/owns the drawing or specification so they can be added
to the list of sources on the drawing or QPL for a specification.

b. Some items are restricted to the OEM due to problems with the data used to
manufacture the item (such as incorrect/incomplete data or proprietary data).
Sufficient data to manufacture the item should be obtained or the rights to such data
obtained before additional sources can be considered.

c. Some items are restricted to the sources called out on the AFMC Form 761
(AMSC "C" coded items). The method for approving additional sources is item
dependent and is based on the criticality of the item and the reason for which the
sources were restricted for the part. Below are examples of why an AMSC "C" code
may be added:

(1) If special equipment is required to manufacture the part (such as special

equipment required to machine a large part in one operation). In this case the
contractor may be required to provide documentation to show they have the
required equipment so they can be added as a source.

(2) If it is a problem item (such as an item made of materials that require special
expertise to machine without warpage), new sources could be qualified based on
similarity or by having the contractor manufacture a part and send it in for testing.


To qualify based on similarity, the contractor should provide documentation to

show they have successfully manufactured a part that is similar in difficulty,
material, and manufacturing processes.

5.6 Training
Accurate and effective training for operations and maintenance personnel is critically
important to ensuring the OSS&E of air systems. The SM should ensure that a
comprehensive training system is established to provide continuous, effective training for
operations, maintenance, and program office and supply personnel. The training system
is considered to be an integral part of the overall air system. The training system
includes all system and subsystem specific training resources, operator and
maintenance training devices/equipment, software support resources, computer-based
instructional systems, unique support equipment, courseware for the computer-based
instructional system, curriculum materials for aircrew and maintenance training, and
instructional services required to support operator and maintenance training. The SM
should ensure that processes are established to assure that the training system is
updated concurrently with changes to the aircraft throughout its life cycle. The
processes established should include comprehensive training task requirements
analysis to ensure that critical training tasks are properly prioritized and allocated to the
appropriate training media. The SM should ensure that the formal and informal training
programs provide training to safely and effectively operate, employ, and support the
aircraft. OSS&E training is available via ASC/ENSI, AFIT Virtual Schoolhouse, and HQ

5.7 Certifications
The purpose of obtaining certifications is to have documentation that assures operators
and maintainers of a system's/end-item’s integrity. One of the specific SM
responsibilities is to obtain all required certifications for the system/end-item.
Certifications required for OSS&E assurance must be initially established before
operational use and then preserved throughout the system's operational life.

Additional information on specific certifications is provided in the following sections. The

certifications are divided into two parts. Section 5.7.2 contains those certifications that
the SM/CE is responsible for accomplishing or obtaining. Section 5.7.3 contains those
that the SM/CE should review to ensure that specific types of equipment have their
associated certifications. Section 5.7.4 identifies those processes that aid in obtaining
certifications or provide additional support for OSS&E assurance.

Table II provides a list of required certifications, the source documents that require them,
and the office of primary responsibility for certification.


TABLE II. List of certifications.


Air System Certifications

Airworthiness certification AFPD 62-6 SM

Global air traffic management (GATM) and AFPD 63-13 ESC/GA

navigation safety certifications

Cargo air transportability and airdrop ASC/ENFC

AFJI 24-223
technical approvals (ATTLA)

Primary flight reference AFI 11-202 AFFSA &


Joint interoperability certification AFI 33-108 Joint

Test Command


Air Force training system and device
simulator certification program

Seek_Eagle – Stores Certification AFI 63-104 SM

Dedicated operational test & evaluation AFMAN 63-119 PEO, DAC or SM

readiness certification

Nuclear certification program AFI 91-103 AFSC/SEW


Radio frequency (RF) spectrum AFI 33-120 Military

Board (MCEB) /
JF-12 Working

Laser radiation protection AFOSHSTD 48-139 AFMOA/SGO


DoD International Air Traffic Control Radar DoD AIMS 97-900 AIMS PO
Beacon System/Identification Friend or
Foe/Mark XII System (AIMS) program office DoD AIMS 97-1000
certification (IFF)

System security certification and Public Law 100-235 SM Designee

accreditation (usually the
chief engineer)



181/182/183 Interoperability
Test Command


Cargo movement certification AFMAN 24-204 AFMC

AFI 24-201

Nuclear weapons program management AFI 63-103 SAF/AQQS


Nonnuclear munitions safety board (NNMSB) AFI 91-205 AFSC/SEP


National aerospace certification of Operating

authorization MAJCOM
Form 7711-1
through AFFSA
to the FAA

Mission Planning AFMSS and JMPS MAJCOM



5.7.1 Legacy system certifications

Some current certification requirements may not have existed when legacy systems/end-
items were fielded. Obtaining current certifications is not required solely for OSS&E
implementation. However, the program office should analyze the applicability of those
requirements at the current point in the system/end-item life cycle and determine how
current requirements could impact system/end-item OSS&E assurance. For legacy
systems/end-items that were certified but for which the certification documentation
cannot be located (within the SPO, ALC, contractor, or certifying agency), document how
the flight manual, technical data, or other evidence demonstrates certification
compliance. It is suggested that the SM/CE for these systems/end-items contact a
certifying agency for which the SM is not the certifying official to ensure that the
documentation is sufficient, since only the certifying agency can determine acceptable
alternatives. The above guidance does not relieve the SM/CE from complying with
certification requirements for new capabilities.

5.7.2 Air system certifications Airworthiness certification

The Air Force is the responsible agent for certifying airworthiness for all aircraft it owns
and operates, or leases. AFPD 62-6, USAF Aircraft Airworthiness Certification,
establishes the requirement for airworthiness certification of USAF aircraft, and it applies
to all U.S. Air Force aircraft, including those of the Air National Guard and U.S. Air Force
Reserve. Airworthiness certification signifies adherence to airworthiness certification
criteria established by the Airworthiness Certification Criteria Control Board (AC3B). The
SM for the aircraft is the airworthiness certification authority. See 11. Airworthiness
Certification, for specifics on the airworthiness certification process. Global air traffic management (GATM) and navigation safety certifications
New and evolving civil communication, navigation, surveillance/air traffic management
(CNS/ATM) performance standards have been established to guarantee capability for
access to worldwide controlled airspace. The program office develops the GATM and
Navigation (Nav) Safety Certification Plan that characterizes required functionality,
processes, and procedures necessary for civil CNS/ATM compliance and obtains
certification from the GATO/MC2 program office. GATO/MC2 will perform GATM and
Navigational safety architecture verification, and performance certification as required by
AFPD 63-13 per the certification plan. The MAJCOM will approve the aircraft to operate
with the requisite CNS/ATM airspace procedures and requirements as outlined in the
certification plan. Documentation of this performance will be forwarded to the
GATO/MC2 SPO, who will issue the appropriate letter of certification for that system.
Recertification criteria, intervals, and sustainment requirements are required features of
this plan. Cargo air transportability and airdrop technical approvals

Any item of equipment that is proposed to be airlifted aboard US Air Force aircraft which,
in its proposed shipping configuration, would be considered a "transportability problem
item" must be submitted to ATTLA for approval and certification prior to airlift. In
general, a cargo item may be considered problematic due to its physical size, weight,


fragility, hazardous characteristics, or lack of adequate means of restraint. The

certification process is governed by AFJI 24-223. See the ASC/EN website for
additional guidance on the ATTLA processes. Primary flight reference

A primary flight reference (PFR) is any display, or suite of displays or instruments, that
provides all required information for flight and complies with the requirements of MIL-
STD-1787 for information content and presentation. AFI 11-202V3 requires that any
single medium PFR be endorsed by the Air Force Flight Standards Agency (AFFSA).
Endorsement of a display consists of evaluation of the display symbology by the AF
Flight Standards Development Group and AFFSA. It requires PFR performance
evaluation for specific flight maneuvers described in MIL-STD-1787. Endorsement is
required to ensure that aviators have the basic flight information required available at all
times to safely operate the aircraft and in a format that conforms to flight standards and
human factors design principles. Since flight with single-medium PFR without
endorsement is not permitted, the term endorsement is considered equivalent to a
certification. Joint interoperability certification

All air systems and end-items developed and managed as part of the Aeronautical
Enterprise must be interoperable with all other air systems that share or intersect
operational missions. AFI 33-108 requires joint interoperability certification for any
system that meets the following criteria:

a. Produces, uses, or exchanges information in any form electronically;

b. Passes information to or from other services, agencies, or countries; and

c. Is intended for operational use.

The Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) has been identified as the DoD
certification agency for joint and combined interoperability and follows the processes
outlined in CJCSI 6212.01A. The SM/CE for each applicable air system and end-item is
responsible to ensure interoperability requirements are included in contractual
documents. Using commands must also ensure their inclusion in the operational
requirements. Documentation of this connectivity is forwarded to JITC for review and
certification. Air Force training system and device simulator certification program
Simulation certification (SIMCERT) is an operationally conducted program designed to
ensure training systems and devices provide accurate, credible training in specific tasks.
It also provides the operating command with an audit trail for training device
effectiveness; provides a key quality assurance capability for contractor supported
training or equipment; and compares the training system with the aircraft system to
establish and document concurrency baselines. For ANG and AFRES, SIMCERT
programs should align with the Lead MAJCOM SIMCERT program. SIMCERT should
be done for all aircrew training devices (ATD) and other training devices as determined
by the MAJCOM. AFPAM 36-2211 addresses the certification process. In concert with


this process, the Air Force may also use FAA standards regarding the evaluation and
qualification of aircraft training simulators/devices, as appropriate. Seek Eagle - stores certification

A stores certification will be accomplished on all weapons (conventional and nuclear),
suspension equipment, tanks, and pods carried externally or internally in accordance
with AFI 63-104. The verification process includes safe upload and download
procedures and flight limits for safe carriage, employment, jettison, safe escape, and
ballistic accuracy verification. Recertification is required for any change that alters the
characteristics of the suspension equipment, store, aircraft, or store loadout
configuration. Flight clearance should be applied for through the Air Force Seek Eagle
office (AFSEO) prior to any new flight testing or operation of air systems or end-items.
The AFSEO provides a certification recommendation to the SM after successful
verification of requirements. Dedicated operational test & evaluation (DOT&E) readiness certification

At the completion of DT&E, systems are reviewed for readiness for dedicated
operational test and evaluation (DOT&E). AFMAN 63-119 outlines a structured process
to help identify risks and render assessments of system readiness to begin DOT&E. A
standard framework or "process" is detailed in 33 "templates" which contain historical
information and practical advice about how to reduce or eliminate risk. The DOT&E
certification process helps document the pursuit of a credible and effective development
program and transitions the program into DOT&E. Several of the templates deal with
system support (support equipment, spares, data, training, etc.) which would carry on
through the sustainment phase.

When the certification official gives final, written confirmation of system readiness for
OT&E, the operational test agency (OTA) commander will acknowledge by “accepting”
(or “not accepting,” if appropriate) before beginning DOT&E. This acceptance officially
confirms the OTA’s agreement (or disagreement) with the certifying official’s
assessments and conclusions. This process will be the primary certification method for
programs in which the Air Force is the lead service.

DOT&E readiness certification is applicable to ACAT I-III, NDI, COTS, and off-the-shelf
programs. The SM states that the system/end-item has been through all acquisition-
related qualification, performance, and acceptance tests or analyses and meets the
requirements on the specification. This is when the user verifies that the system or end-
item procured meets the user’s requirements.

AFI 99-101 identifies the SM’s responsibilities for the conduct of DT&E. These include
ensuring DT&E is conducted according to approved test plans and certifying that
systems are ready for dedicated OT&E. AFI 99-102 outlines the SM’s responsibilities for
the system progression from DT&E into dedicated OT&E, through the certification

MIL-HDBK-514 Nuclear certification program

AFI 91-103 implements AFPD 91-1, Nuclear Weapons and System Safety. It defines
the process for certifying hardware, software, and procedures used with nuclear weapon
systems. It applies to organizations that design, develop, modify, evaluate, or operate
nuclear weapon systems. It does not apply to the Air Force Reserve and Air National
Guard. Radio frequency (RF) spectrum

Radio frequency (RF) allocation/approval is a local, national, and international issue.
Most portions of the RF spectrum are very congested. The processes that can be used
to obtain certification for spectrum support for electromagnetic radiating equipment that
will use the RF spectrum can be found in AFMAN 33-120. The Air Force Frequency
Management Agency (AFFMA) decides which requests require international registration
and assists the SM in obtaining necessary certifications and registrations. Laser radiation protection

The criteria in AFOSH STD 48-139 represent the Air Force’s minimum requirements for
a laser radiation protection program. It assigns responsibilities for healthful and safe
operations of laser systems and outlines the requirements of a proper protection
program. DoD International Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System/Identification

Friend or Foe/Mark XII System (AIMS) program office certification (IFF)
The DoD International Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System Identification Friend or
Foe (IFF) Mark XII/XIIA system program office (AIMS PO) administers the AIMS
program. The AIMS PO has overall program management responsibility for controlling
all changes to U.S. IFF MK XII/XIIA systems, approving improvements or modifications
to existing AIMS equipment, and full-scale development or production of new AIMS
equipment. The AIMS PO monitors interoperability, system effectiveness,
configuration control, equipment proliferation, and performance.

The DoD AIMS program office receives guidance from SAF/AQID (DoD AIMS
program action officer) and the DoD AIMS steering committee formed by charter
from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). The DoD AIMS program
performance standards are listed in the Joint Technical Architecture (JTA).

Services/organizations implementing modification programs involving AIMS systems or

requirements should obtain coordination with the AIMS PO before initiating modifications
or enhancements of AIMS systems and system components that change the original
equipment configuration, interface, or performance. In addition, the AIMS program office
approval is required prior to procuring commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment to be
used as replacement for an existing AIMS subsystem to assure compatibility/
interoperability. Manufacturers of COTS AIMS equipment are encouraged to obtain
coordination with AIMS PO early in the design phase to facilitate program office approval
for the equipment.


As a minimum, services/organizations implementing development, acquisition programs,

or major modification/enhancement involving AIMS equipment, or procuring commercial
off-the-shelf equipment to be used as replacement for an existing AIMS subsystem,
should provide AIMS PO with the following data items for review and approval:

a. Equipment design/procurement specifications

b. Test plans, including test procedures proposed to verify performance

c. Test data, including test results

Box Level Certification: All Mark X/XII IFF transponders and interrogators installed on
U.S. military platforms are required to be AIMS certified. This certification ensures an
adequate level of performance and interoperability in varying environments within
military combat identification and air traffic control (ATC) and civil ATC architecture.

Platform Certification: Each military platform is required to obtain DoD AIMS Program
Office Certification of the installed IFF systems. Integration of a transponder or
interrogator into each platform type should be validated to ensure required controls and
indicators are implemented correctly. Each platform type must then be tested for
installed AIMS performance. This verification consists of ground testing and a minimum
number of flight tests to determine performance. See https://pma213.navair.navy.mil/
mode5pr 00 for details and contact the AIMS (WR-ACL/LYGO – AIMS) program for
access. System security certification and accreditation

National policy for the security of telecommunication and information systems provides
initial objectives, policies, and an organizational structure to guide the conduct of
activities directed toward safeguarding systems that process national security
information (Public Law 100-235, Computer Security Act of 1987 and DoD 5000.1,
section 3.10 Information Assurance). DoD 8500.1, Information Assurance states that all
programs shall be managed and engineered using best processes and practices to
reduce information assurance (IA) risks.

In order to ensure that sensitive and/or classified information is not unknowingly

released, systems processing or transmitting these types of data are assessed for
potential shortfalls. The assessment of these systems could be accomplished via the
certification and accreditation (C&A) process. The C&A process is used to analyze and
approve a system to operate within test and operational environments with the
assurance that national security information is safeguarded.

The concept of C&A applies to all automated information systems (AIS): existing and
proposed systems/end-items, stand-alone systems, personal computers (PCs),
microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframes, large central processing facilities,
networks, distributed systems, telecommunication systems, etc. However, most of the
guidance cited in support of C&A is specifically not applicable to weapon systems or is
silent on the issue. The issue is further confused by the use of general terms, such as
automated information systems (AIS) and information systems, which are not specifically
defined. The terms are used such that they appear to be all-inclusive, but the definitions
never explicitly include aircraft systems or national security systems. Most aircraft


systems and support equipment operate in a dedicated, or system high, security mode.
The security implementation is designed and verified as an inherent part of the systems
engineering/system development process.

Due to the expense and time associated with the formal certification and accreditation
process, the appropriate representatives from the using command, PEO, Air Force
Materiel Command, system program office, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and
SAF/AQ as appropriate should make the decision to apply the formal C&A requirement
to weapon systems and end-items. If the aircraft system has a C&A requirement, the
ASC/EN website, https://www.en.wpafb.af.mil/software/software c&a.asp describes the
C&A process.

5.7.3 Other certifications

The following certifications are associated with equipment or procedures that may be
used on a system or end-item. The SM/CE is not required to obtain these certifications
but should ensure the equipment has the appropriate certifications prior to implementing
its use on the affected system or end-item. UHF SATCOM DAMA

The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction, CJCSI 6251.01, "Ultrahigh Frequency
Satellite Communications Demand Assigned Multiple Access Requirements," 31 July
1996, mandates that "All users of nonprocessed UHF MILSATCOM are required to have
DAMA terminals that are interoperable in accordance with MIL-STD-188-181, MIL-STD-
188-182, and MIL-STD-188-183. All users who are unable to comply with this policy are
required to submit a waiver." JITC certification will ensure compliance with the MIL-
STDs, promote the joint interoperability of various-user equipment, and allow the
customer to meet the JCS mandate. Additional information is available at the UHF
SATCOM DAMA Web-Site. Cargo movement certification

International, federal, and military regulations require the shipper to certify that
hazardous material has been properly classified, described, marked, and labeled and is
in proper condition for transportation. Attachment 11 of AFI 24-201 defines applicable
regulations and AFMAN 24-204 list the certification requirements based on the mode
and method of travel. Nuclear weapons program management

AFI 63-103 outlines the procedures and responsibilities for managing the Air Force
nuclear weapons program. It applies to Air Force personnel involved in the research,
design, development, testing, acquisition, operation, maintenance, and modification of
nuclear weapons and their related systems and subsystems. Nonnuclear munitions safety board (NNMSB) certification.

NNMSB, as described in AFI 91-205, is the review and certification authority and the
system safety group (SSG) for all nonnuclear munitions with only limited exceptions. As


the review authority, the NNMSB mission includes various approvals and safety
certification assessments conducted at specified points in various munitions acquisition
phases. As a system safety group, the NNMSB mission includes providing design and
qualification safety guidance to program management authorities during the system's life
cycle. The NNMSB reviews and establishes design safety and qualification test criteria,
standards, and requirements for nonnuclear munitions and related items. The NNMSB
also provides guidance to program management authorities throughout the life cycle of
munitions programs to ensure that the criteria which forms the basis for the safety
certification review are receiving adequate consideration. In addition, the board
maintains safety cognizance over all new or modified nonnuclear munitions, including
those developed by the Air Force, obtained from other US military services, or obtained
from foreign sources intended for Air Force operational use. If a munitions or equipment
item is safety certified under the Air Force Nuclear Safety Certification Program (AFI 91-
103), then the item is certified for nonnuclear use, provided the nonnuclear portion of the
system was evaluated. Such nuclear certified munitions and equipment items are not
reviewed by the NNMSB unless specifically requested. National aerospace certification of authorization

Military aircraft, remotely piloted vehicles and autonomous flying platforms sometimes
traverse civil air space without meeting all FAA/ICAO regulations. Waivers to the civil
airspace rules are defined in 14 CFR 91.905. The process for granting waivers is
identified in Chapter 18 of FAA Order 7210.3S, Facility Operation and Administration.
The waiver request is submitted by the operating MAJCOM through AFFFSA to the FAA.
Additional information is available through the FAA website for military equipment. Mission planning

The mission planning (MP) systems consist of several certifications done by many
groups. The MAJCOMs certify the MP system and the system/end-item interfaces and
are operationally acceptable. AFOTEC may be tasked to provide a recommendation to
the MAJCOM; however, AFOTEC’s evaluation terminates with data being loaded onto
the media used to transfer the MP information to the system/end-item. ESC/ACU is the
primary organizations charged with overall certification responsibility for the mission
planning systems and can be most helpful in obtaining the MAJCOM certification.

5.7.4 Best practices Stores integration

Stores integration is applicable during sustainment because upgrades to weapons
(operational flight program (OFP) changes, etc.) could impact the OSS&E baseline.
Stores integration is a multi-discipline, multi-functional effort to effectively combine an
aircraft with stores. Stores integration is an overarching process that includes Seek
Eagle and airworthiness certifications. Effective stores integration achieves
compatibility, certification, and operational effectiveness. Compatibility means the ability
of an aircraft and its stores to coexist and operationally function without unacceptable
degradation to either the aircraft or store. Certification is the documentation of the
specific aircraft and store compatibility in a formal publication that contains all
information necessary for the appropriate, safe employment of a store on a specific


aircraft. This certification supports the aircraft airworthiness certification. Operational

effectiveness is established when the systems/end-items can accurately and effectively
deliver the weapons on the intended target or, in the case of nondeliverable weapons
(directed energy weapons), produce the intended effect on the target. In the case of
nonweapon stores (external fuel tanks, targeting/electronic counter measures pods, or
cargo pods), operational effectiveness is established when the intended mission can be
performed. The stores integration process has been documented and is available at the
ASC/EN Store Integration website. Engine OSS&E and airworthiness

Successful completion of the airworthiness certification of USAF aircraft depends heavily
upon the airworthiness of the engines. The Propulsion SPO (ASC/LP) has implemented
a best practice for airworthiness certification of aircraft engines to support the aircraft
airworthiness certification effort. The engine SM issues the certificate for a group of like-
configured engines based on verified compliance with the engine related criteria in the
Airworthiness Certification Criteria. Likewise for OSS&E, the propulsion SPO has
accepted OSS&E responsibility for the systems they manage. Through SLAs and ICDs
the propulsion SPO coordinates activity with the airframer and provides their engine
OSS&E assurance as part of the overall system OSS&E assurance. See the propulsion
Best Practices website for more information.

There are however, many programs that use engines outside the Propulsion SPO's
management chain (e.g., F-117 and UCAV). The engine depot may be Navy, Army, or
contractor owned, etc. The processes employed by those organizations should be
understood and compared with guidance in this Mil-Handbook and the program-specific
tailored airworthiness certification criteria (TACC). The SM may use the appropriate
portions of those processes in establishing OSS&E compliance and certifying
airworthiness. Human system integration

The Human Systems SPO, 311 HSW/YA, has a safe-to-fly certification process for
Government furnished or managed life support equipment. That process resides under
the systems safety element of OSS&E, and supports the airworthiness certification for
aircraft. HSW/YA works in conjunction with ASC/ENFC, Crew Systems, to define the
safe-to-fly validation requirements, using the crew systems section of the Airworthiness
Certification Criteria (MIL-HDBK-516) as a general guideline.

5.8 Operations and maintenance

To maintain OSS&E, systems and end-items must be maintained and operated in
accordance with the approved technical information in the form of technical orders,
technical manuals, and related data. The SM and MAJCOM for USAF aircraft that
maintain FAA certification can decide to operate and maintain these aircraft with FAA
approved maintenance and flight manuals and associated data.

5.9 Technology demonstrations

As in any system design, all facets and subsystems of the design must consider
OSS&E. Advanced technology systems and end-items left to the user for continued


operations fall under the OSS&E umbrella, and assurance of OSS&E is the responsibility
of the managing organization.

5.9.1 Advanced technology demonstrator (ATD)

ATDs, such as the unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV), are proof of concept
technology demonstrators. These are not designed to provide a capability directly
usable by operating commands. Since ATDs are not transitioned to a user, OSS&E is
not necessarily applicable. However, ATDs have been used operationally in real-world
situations. The guidance herein, appropriately applied, could improve the usefulness of
ATDs in military operations and aid in establishing OSS&E when operational.

5.9.2 Advanced concept technology demonstrations (ACTD)

ACTDs (ref. OSD 5000.2R3), in contrast with ATDs, generally start from a collection of
mature technologies or maturing key technologies in technology demonstration
programs. These technologies are then integrated into a complete military capability for
user evaluation. At the completion of the ACTD, the residual systems used in the
evaluation are left with the user to provide a limited, usable operational capability.
Therefore, initial OSS&E compliance must be established and assured as long as the
system is in operational use. Additional buys beyond this residual capability constitute a
new acquisition program categorized by the dollar value and risk. In this case, the
business strategy, contract provisions, and funding should include the appropriate
OSS&E assurance considerations described for new acquisitions.

5.9.3 Prototypes (pre-system development and demonstration)

A prototype can generally be described as an end product that reasonably evaluates the
technical feasibility or military operational utility of a concept or system. The particulars,
including the number of prototypes necessary, vary with the acquisition program. In
most cases, a prototype demonstrates something less than the intended system/end-
item and requires follow-on development. In that sense, the OSS&E assurance criteria
and processes are similar to an ATD, primarily concerned with limited effectiveness and
safety. As with ATDs, the responsibility to certify or obtain applicable certifications for
these products rests with the SM. Certification of airworthiness for any flying system is
required. Where a prototype is used to satisfy near-term needs, as in an ACTD, OSS&E
needs to be appropriately expanded to include operational suitability. Similar to
advanced technology programs, key product characteristics and processes need to be
considered in the transition planning for follow-on development.


The OSS&E baseline is a subset of the program baseline and consists of those key
features and aspects that describe the system or end-item capabilities, require
continuous tracking, and merit the attention of the SM and user in terms of operational
system safety, operational suitability, and operational effectiveness. The OSS&E
baseline consists of characteristics supported by measurable metrics. The OSS&E
baseline captures the important top-level/critical design facets. These may be described
in ORDs (e.g., key performance parameters), AF Task Forces Concept of Operations,
specifications (e.g., acquisition program baseline), measures of effectiveness, measures


of suitability, technical performance measurements, and other relative sources. If the

preceding documents do not exist, then the user, together with the SM, must decide
what are the important characteristics. The OSS&E baseline consists of characteristics
that are not necessarily directly measurable field parameters. Metrics are the
measurable parameters that allow the characteristics to be assessed (see section 6.2).
Some metrics may require quantitative analysis or special facilities/test equipment to
assess a particular characteristic (e.g., range fly-by for aircraft signature assessment).

6.1 Establishing the OSS&E baseline

AFPD 63-12 requires that the SM and operating command choose each characteristic
for the OSS&E baseline. The number of characteristics chosen for the OSS&E baseline
will vary by system/end-item; however, the minimum is three: one each for operational
safety, suitability, and effectiveness. Multiple characteristics are recommended for
safety, suitability, and effectiveness to more accurately define the overall health of the

A sample OSS&E baseline is depicted in table III. The, HQ AFMC website has some
additional suggested OSS&E characteristics. Other sources for characteristics can be
found in current reports listed in table IV. Due to the uniqueness of each program
managed within the Aeronautical Enterprise, appropriate characteristics should be
chosen to reflect each specific system, mission design series (MDS), and/or end-item.
This document does not require formal reporting against the OSS&E baseline and
encourages the use of existing reports, metrics, and other sources of information to
maintain OSS&E assurance.

TABLE III. Sample OSS&E baseline.


Cumulative Risk Hazard Logistics Fill Rate System Reach


Loss Rate Mean Time Between Failure Cargo Delivery Capability

Airworthiness Certification Integrated Combat Defensive

Turnaround Time Countermeasures

Nuclear Surety Certification Weapon System Reliability Radar Cross Section

Air Transportability Frequency Spectrum Acoustic Signature

Certification Certification

Stores Certification GATM Certification Gun Circular Error



TABLE IV. Existing reports (not inclusive).


Senior Executive Management Report (SEMR) Dynamics Research Corporation

Warfighters Support Briefing (WSB) ALCs

Health of the Force (AMC & ACC) MAJCOM

Quality Performance Indicators (QPI) ALC

Internal program office metrics SPO

6.2 OSS&E metrics

Metrics provide insight into continued assurance of the OSS&E characteristics. The
metrics assess the safety, suitability, and effectiveness characteristics that the SM and
user have agreed reflect the critical aspects of the program. Some characteristics are
inherently metric in nature and do not require separate or additional metrics. Other
characteristics may require several metrics to accurately describe the activities occurring
impacting them. Ideally, the metrics should provide an indication of an unacceptable
trend that could lead to failing to meet the OSS&E baseline. Good metrics should

a. Be imposed upon the organization controlling the process measured by

the metric.

b. Be accepted as meaningful by the customer (using command, procuring

agency, etc.).

c. Show how well goals and objectives are being met through processes
and tasks.

d. Measure something useful (valid) and consistent over time (reliable).

e. Reveal a trend.

f. Be defined unambiguously. Since a particular metric can have a different

meaning for different programs, a source should be identified to provide
the metric and data/algorithms used to generate each metric.

g. Be economical to collect, based on the criticality of the parameter.

h. Timely.

i. Demonstrate clear cause-and-effect relationship with the associated

OSS&E baseline characteristic.


The following steps explain the systematic process for establishing metrics and the
OSS&E baseline characteristics:

a. Identify the purpose. Is the purpose aligned with the OSS&E baseline?
What needs to be measured? Why? What is the end purpose?

b. Begin with the customer. What are their expectations? Define

characteristics of the product, service, or process that can be measured,
and if improved, would better satisfy expectations. Define who, what,
when, why, and how in sufficient detail to permit consistent, repeatable,
and valid measurements to take place.

c. Determine parameters to measure. Start with a blank sheet of paper.

Examine existing metrics and plan new ones as necessary. Determine
the current status and end goal.

d. Examine existing measurement systems. What do they measure? Do

they measure processes or are they focused on outputs -- products or
services for external customers? Has the data been accumulated over
time? Create new, better sources only if clear answers are not
forthcoming or the data is not useful in managing the OSS&E baseline.

e. Rate the metrics. Are consistent, repeatable, and valid measurements

taking place?

f. Collect and analyze metric data over time. First, establish the existing
program state, and then start acquiring metric data from the existing
metrics or from the new ones generated. As the data accumulates over
time, look for trends. Investigate special or common-cause effects on the
data. Compare the data to interim performance levels. Have the proper
tools been selected to collect and analyze the data collected?

g. Presenting results. Once steps a through f have been completed, the

metrics are ready to be presented. The metrics should be integrated as
necessary to allow comparison with the OSS&E baseline. The SM and
user need to understand what phenomena are causing trends and define
potential actions to improve negative trends. This is critical in maintaining
the OSS&E baseline.

h. Initiate improvement goals. This step is the most important if

improvement efforts are to become a reality! Metrics are a means to an
end: the end is continuous improvement. Of course, when the
improvements have been implemented, start over again. As
improvement is an iterative process, so is the process of developing
metrics to measure it. Over time, metrics may evolve to ensure the
OSS&E baseline is maintained.

6.3 Preserving the OSS&E baseline

Preserving the OSS&E baseline requires commitment from all stakeholders, including
the working level user, MAJCOM, SPO, supporting ALCs, and depots. Each


organization must understand its role and the importance of documenting, coordinating,
and reporting all activities that affect the OSS&E baseline. To that end, establishing
good integration and communication is essential. Informal (formal if necessary) MOAs,
SLAs, or other documented agreements are preferred (see section 7). The baseline
characteristics and/or metrics may require updating based usefulness of the information
(i.e., are user concerns still captured) or due to changing the system/end-item
configuration. The following are the critical aspects for preserving the OSS&E baseline:

a. Systems and end-items need to have an established OSS&E configuration that is

religiously updated to enable the continued assurance of the OSS&E baseline.
Sufficient information/documentation needs to be identified so that all stakeholders
are informed of impacts to the OSS&E baseline resulting from system degradation or
modifications. Understanding how the program office, field, commodity managers,
technology repair centers, contractor, and DCMA document configuration changes
and share information is key. The users play an important role in satisfying this
aspect in that they control and document changes implemented on their

b. Preserving the OSS&E baseline requires that all changes impacting the system
or end-item, including operation or maintenance outside of TO limits, are made
known to the responsible managing organization. If the user, PGM, or other
supporting activity does not follow the approved technical manuals, allows
modifications outside the purview of the program office, or does not provide feedback
to the program office on the status of approved modifications, the resulting
configuration becomes an unknown. OSS&E cannot be assured in these cases
because new modifications are assessed against an inaccurate documented
baseline, not the “as flying” baseline. OSS&E also cannot be assured when
operational changes are not coordinated with the SM or when the SM has not
approved operation or maintenance outside of TO limits.

c. It is important to understand the impact of changes to the system or end-item

(planned upgrades and field generated configuration changes to meet special
mission requirements) because these may cause changes to the threshold values in
metrics and/or the OSS&E characteristics. Depending on the extent of the
modification, some parameters may appear to have no impact and others have a
significant impact directly attributed to that change. It is critical that all changes
include an evaluation of the impact on the OSS&E baseline and metrics, since build-
up of small changes could eventually culminate into an undesired system effect.
Ideally, if each configuration or usage change is properly processed and the
applicable functional and product baselines are accurately maintained, there should
be no unknown adverse consequences of accumulated change. However, particular
attention should be given to at least two areas. The first involves an impact that can
result from a large number of small degradations, where each by itself may receive
little attention. Examples include changes impacting weight, center of gravity, drag,
and overall system reliability. The second area involves changes in which subtle
interface and subsystem interactions can occur. Examples include EMI effects and
hardware-to-software and software-to-software interactions. The potential effects of
cumulative changes should be considered during periodic OSS&E assessments.

d. The last aspect is to develop a process to compare the expected results of the
modification to the actual impact on fielded OSS&E baseline capabilities. Careful


analysis is necessary to ensure that one characteristic does not exceed expected
values at the expense of another. The up-front trade studies should prevent this
phenomenon; however, trades studies are not all encompassing. Typically, only the
high value and critical aspects of the system or end-item are assessed in trade
studies. The activities discussed in configuration management, provide the
necessary linkage to OSS&E baseline characteristics and associated hardware &
software. FOT&E can provide the operational experience necessary to verify that
the OSS&E baseline has not been degraded.

6.3.1 Preservation feedback loop

The feedback process identifies whether the changes have improved the product. For
feedback to be meaningful, an expected improvement should be assessed prior to
incorporating a change to serve as a measuring stick. It is important to remember that
feedback is a two-way flow. The MAJCOM wants to see how OSS&E is improving the
field’s experiences with the system or end-item and the SM wants to see increased
efficiency in managing sustainment and the OSS&E baseline. Care should be taken to
avoid a circular “do-loop.” That is, tying a suitability issue to effectiveness and so on.
(For example, due to insufficient spares for the radar, maintenance is using components
previously found to be marginal, which reduces radar gain and range. Radar range is an
effectiveness metric. However, it is ineffective due to the lack of “good” spares; hence,
the “do-loop” is completed.)


User provides feedback

Activities analyze:
Analysis results in: Risk
Alterations− Cost
Improved parts and support
Better training and manning
Engineering change proposals
End result?
Improved readiness


The SM and CE are ultimately responsible for the continued OSS&E assurance of their
program regardless of to whom they have delegated authority for portions of the
sustainment effort. Informal and/or formal agreements (e.g., MOAs, SLAs, etc.) are
necessary between the program office and supplier organizations to convey the
information requirements from each other’s organizations to assure OSS&E for the
program. When a supplier provides support to multiple programs, a standard MOA/SLA
should be developed. All programs and the supplier should agree to a single process for
notification and coordination of modifications/upgrades. SLAs, MOAs, etc., are not
required between the program office and user. These relationships are usually
documented in an operating instruction, although it could be documented in the OSS&E
plan Click to see a sample ALC MOA. Click for HQ AFMC/DR SLA information. Click to

The MOAs/SLAs should provide a mutual understanding of each organization's mission

and how this mission benefits the warfighter. In addition, they should describe a set of
mutually sponsored initiatives that raise awareness of problems that negatively impact
items being managed by another organization and, ultimately, that impact the
system/end-item. MOAs/SLAs, etc. should identify the procedures responsible
organization supplying components and address for making changes to the components
installed on multiple platforms. Any change that could impact the operational safety,
suitability, or effectiveness of the higher-level item should be identified to the SM of the
higher-level system/end-item prior to incorporation. MOAs/SLAs or other agreements
should be made with DLA, other supply chain management functions, or organizations
that provide engineering authority (e.g., engines, landing gear, commodities, etc.). An
example issue addressed in an SLA/MOA, etc., is technical data and TCTOs integration.
The aircraft SPO handles companion TO changes and the item manager handles
commodity TO changes. The two resulting TCTOs need to reference each other. The
reason for this is that supply will handle the commodity activities but does not address
the aircraft. Likewise, the SPO will handle the aircraft activities, but does not address
commodities delegated to the item manager.

SLAs, MOAs, or other agreements should contain the following elements:

a. Define the OSS&E baseline and metrics applicable to the supplier organization.

b. Clarify how metrics roll up into the system-level metrics and OSS&E baseline and
how that organization affects those metrics.

c. Establish the evaluation criteria, methodology, and data source for the metrics.

d. Define program office responsibilities to the supplier and how they will be

(1) Define the data and information provided to the supplier.

(2) Ensure the supplier is a fully informed and participating member of the
modification planning and execution process.


(3) Define the coordination process with the supplier for identifying and
implementing modifications, upgrades, or other changes that could impact the
OSS&E baseline.

(4) Provide detailed system/end-item performance analyses pertinent to the

supplier’s item.

(5) Be responsible to the supplier for continuous coordination and configuration

control of the integrating function between the system/end-item and the supplier
provided equipment.

(6) Ensure funding is planned.

(7) Work with the supplier in addressing equipment common across several

e. Define the supplier performance assessment in fulfilling the SLA/MOA:

(1) Completeness and quality of problem identification.

(2) Corrective action plans.

(3) Customer satisfaction.

(4) Reasonable and cooperative behavior.

(5) Timeliness.

(6) Rules for changing or canceling the SLA/MOA.


Issue: A serious design flaw was discovered. Improper steps were taken in reporting
the issue that resulted in the MAJCOM becoming aware of the situation before the SPO.

Background: A subsystems engineer at a supporting organization discovers a significant

flaw in a repair performed by a subcontractor. The flaw is caused by failure to follow
approved procedures and potentially could result in loss of aircraft and/or life. The issue
is disclosed when the supporting organization engineer talks with a MAJCOM
counterpart during a routine telecon. At this point, the user is concerned and may take
extreme measures, warranted or not.

Solution: The MOA between the SPO and supporting organization should identify the
chain of command to report flaws discovered during any repair/refurbishment activities.
All personnel should be trained in preserving OSS&E and familiar with all the MOAs
associated with the equipment under their responsibility. Since the flaw could result in
loss of aircraft and/or life, the fleet may need to be grounded until aircraft with defective
parts are identified. The SM is responsible for continued airworthiness via OSS&E and
grounding the fleet is his/her final determination. However, the SM should inform the
user immediately of the grounding potential and work with user to establish work-


arounds, inspections, or other means (e.g., spares availability) to minimize the impact to
the warfighter


8.1 System integrity

Core to the system/end-item integrity concept is an overarching set of tools and
processes which enables the integration of sound engineering practices at the systems
level, the impetus being the sustainment of operational safety, suitability, and
effectiveness for the life of the system. The application of system integrity is to provide
design marginal usage, status life usage, and prevent loss of system/end-item capability.
This includes the ability to return systems to specification-level performance after repair/
overhaul activities.

AFPD 63-12


AFI AFI 63-1201

OSS&E Guidance Document Product

MIL-HDBK-514 Center
Weapon System Integrity Guide


MIL-HDBK-1530 MIL-HBDK-87244 MIL-HBDK-1783 MIL-HDBK-1798

FIGURE 2. OSS&E and Weapon System Integrity Guide relationship.

The Weapon System Integrity Guide (WSIG) is intended to provide guidance on how to
integrate the existing integrity programs within systems engineering, resulting in a more
efficient and cohesive approach to engineering. The above diagram depicts the integrity
approach and provides links to the integrity programs. In order to accomplish this, the
Systems Integrity Guidance document contains three basic thrusts. First, to integrate
the efforts called out in the various integrity programs; namely, the aircraft structural
integrity program (ASIP), engine structural integrity program (ENSIP), mechanical
equipment and subsystems integrity program (MECSIP), and avionics/electronics
integrity program (AVIP). Second, to synergistically integrate or coordinate specific
integrity program efforts/tasks with related efforts in other various systems engineering
disciplines and efforts. And third, to place increased emphasis on the sustainment
portion of the life cycle.


System integrity applies to more than just new developments. It applies to system/end-
item modifications; commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment; use of form, fit, function,
and interface (F3I) interchangeable equipment; equipment changes in use; service life
extension; and all of the corresponding changes in sustainment needed to maintain the
integrity of performance.

Integrity programs provide the guidance through which design margins are initially
established and subsequently sustained via the use or modification of inspection,
repair/overhaul, and/or replacement intervals (based on the life used and/or margin
remaining). This may also be achieved through the implementation of redundant or
reconfigurable systems/architectures that mitigate the loss of a function performed by an
individual item. Maintenance actions taken to repair or replace defects/items restore
performance and life consistent with, or exceeding, the original manufacturers’
specifications (unless those specifications or required life have changed). This
necessitates a process that can ensure the correctness and completeness of TOs or
technical manuals, engineering dispositions, and training at all levels.

The WSIG establishes the guidelines and processes necessary to synergistically apply
the integrity concept across all appropriate elements of the system/end-item. The
specific integrity programs that must be implemented vary with the specific application.
For example, the applicable programs for an avionics upgrade to an existing platform
certainly differ from a new start program. System integrity helps ensure that the proper
integrity programs are always applied, whether it is a development, modification, or
sustainment program.

The efforts delineated in the WSIG shown on figure 3 are basic in nature and are in no
way all-inclusive. Within the WSIG, these basic efforts have been coalesced into nine
basic groups, spread across the phases of development and sustainment. The thought
process involved with reviewing each effort falls into one of three categories: 1) the effort
has been satisfied via currently available information; 2) the effort has been undertaken
to gather the appropriate information; and 3) this effort is not relevant for the design
under consideration. In other words, efforts are met through knowledge: either that
knowledge is already established, knowledge is gained through some activity, or the
activity being evaluated is irrelevant. This course of action ensures that all efforts are
evaluated for applicability.



P L A N NI N G &

















T .O.s E T C







FIGURE 3. Weapon system integrity development process.


8.2 Integrated risk management

Risk management is the practice of controlling risk and determining how risks impact
performance, schedule, and cost. During sustainment, risk management should focus
on two important decisions in maintaining the OSS&E baseline. The first is to identify
and assess the risks to the OSS&E baseline from employing the existing systems and
processes, including the ability to capture the appropriate information. The second is
assessing risks to the OSS&E baseline caused by system/end-item modifications, the
interactions between safety, suitability and effectiveness (e.g., adding capability to
enhance effectiveness may degrade suitability), and again, the ability to gather the
needed data. The DoD risk management concept is based on the principles that risk
management is forward-looking, structured, informative, and continuous. The ASC
Integrated Risk Management (IRM) process is consistent with the DoD risk
management concept and structure in all aspects.

IRM differs from ORM in that IRM includes schedule, cost, and developmental risks.
The focus of ORM is in the operational employment of the system/end-item. IRM is
more applicable to updates and new acquisitions during sustainment. The key to
successful risk management (IRM and ORM) is early planning and aggressive
execution. The ASC Integrated Risk Management (IRM) process is based on DoD
risk management studies and embodies the DoD concept, principles, and keys to good
risk management. IRM is consistent with the Defense Acquisition Deskbook, the DSMC
Risk Management Guide and structure and AFMCP 63-101, Acquisition Risk
Management. Integrated risk management consists of four separate, but closely related,
subprocesses. The four IRM subprocesses are detailed below and depicted on
figure 4.


Risk Risk Risk Risk

Planning Assessment Handling Monitoring

ASC Integrated Risk Assessment (IRA)

Technical Schedule Cost

Assessment Assessment Estimate
(TA) (SA) (CE)

1. Requirements 1. Baseline Schedule 1. Establish Baseline Estimate
2. Risk Methodology 2. TA Risk Areas 2. Identify Relevant Risk Areas
3. Risk Identification 3. Schedule Durations 3. Quantify Risk
4. Risk Analysis 4. Run Simulation 4. Incorporate Risk into
5. Administration 5. Analyze Results Baseline Estimate
6. Document & Present 5. Document & Present

FIGURE 4. Integrated risk management/assessment activities.


Integrated risk management (IRM) is applicable to all phases and aspects of any
acquisition or modernization program, in any phase of the life cycle. Integrated risk
management is a key element in the disciplined engineering process and an essential
component in the DoD’s strategy for acquiring and sustaining systems in an environment
of diminishing resources. A disciplined, comprehensive risk management structure
involves the early and continuous identification of critical program risks, and the
establishment and monitoring of risk handling plans. When properly implemented, an
effective risk management program facilitates identification of areas that require special
attention and sets realistic, executable technical, schedule, and cost objectives. IRM
provides an approach to manage risk, not just avoid risk.

a. Risk Planning is the process of developing and documenting organized,

comprehensive, and interactive strategies and methods for performing risk
management. Risk planning includes activities to identify and track risk areas,
develop risk mitigation plans, perform risk assessments to determine how risks have
changed, and ensure adequate resources are identified. The plan documents the
who, what, when, and where of risk management.

b. Risk Assessment is the process of identifying and analyzing risks. These risks
could impact the likelihood of assuring OSS&E. Risk identification is the process of
examining the program, processes, requirements, and critical technologies to identify
and document risk areas. Risk analysis is the process of examining each identified
risk, isolating the cause, and determining the impact. Risk impact is defined in terms
of its probability of occurrence, its consequences, and its relationship to other risk
areas or processes. The integrated approach includes a technical assessment,
schedule assessment, and a cost estimate to identify potential risks and impacts.

c. Risk Handling is the process that identifies, evaluates, selects, and implements
options in order to set risk at acceptable levels given program constraints and
objectives. This includes the specifics on what should be done, when it should be
accomplished, who is responsible, and the cost impact. The most appropriate
strategy is selected from these handling options and documented in a risk-handling

There are several risk-handling options at the discretion of the program manager.
The first choice for a risk-handling option is generally risk avoidance. This involves
changing the requirements to a level that lowers the risk to an acceptable level but
still meets the program objectives. However, risk control (or risk mitigation) is the
most used form of risk handling. This option involves taking active steps to minimize
the risk’s impact on program objectives. Another option is risk prevention or transfer,
also called risk abatement. This approach re-allocates design requirements to those
system elements that can achieve the system requirements at a lower risk. The last
option is risk assumption. With this approach, the program will accept the risk
without engaging in any special effort to control the risk. This last option is only
acceptable if the execution chain understands the full potential of the risk.

d. Risk Monitoring is the process that systematically tracks and evaluates the
performance of risk handling actions against established metrics or indicators
throughout the acquisition/modernization process and develops and executes further


risk handling options as appropriate. Risk monitoring is truly a management

function. It is important for this part of the risk management process to work so that
well-established indicators and metrics are developed and used. Indicators are
parameters that answer the question, “How am I doing today?” While metrics
address, “How I am doing today compared to how I was doing yesterday?” To make
this work, it is important to determine what parameters should be measured.

8.2.1 Integrated risk assessment

The integrated risk assessment (IRA) process accomplishes the IRM risk assessment.
Synergism is applied to integrate the risk assessment process. This is specifically
accomplished by having all team members of the assessment process work
cooperatively and by requiring all players--the program office, the contractor, the
vendors, the suppliers and the customer--to participate in all stages of the assessment.
Integrated risk assessments (IRAs) are accomplished throughout the life cycle of a
program. Early in the program life cycle, it is critical to use the IRA results to help
develop the program’s acquisition strategy as well as assisting in cost, schedule, and
performance trades. Then, during source selection, an IRA is used to assess the
contractors’ proposals. After contract award, IRAs are completed during major
milestone reviews or whenever deemed necessary to assess the program’s risks. The
IRA approach should be carried-over to sustainment and applied to modifications and
system/end-item upgrades.

As mentioned earlier, the three parts of the IRA are the technical assessment, the
schedule assessment, and the cost estimate. These parts are undertaken
simultaneously. The technical team begins its portion by holding a session to assess the
potential risks in the program. Concurrently, the other teams are developing a baseline
schedule and a baseline cost estimate to be used during/for the assessment. These
three teams work very closely to ensure each team understands what the other teams
need. For example, the schedule team members attend the technical assessment
meetings to ensure the technical team understands the potential risks that might impact
the schedule. In turn, the schedule team provides the technical team with an
understanding of what they need to accomplish an assessment of the schedule. The
cost team also works closely with the technical and schedule teams to ensure each team
fully understands the risks identified and how these risks impact cost. It is important to
remember that the primary purpose of the IRA is to identify and analyze program risks in
order to address the challenges of meeting performance, schedule, and cost objectives.
Figure 4 shows the relationship between IRM and the IRA.

8.3 Requirements definition

This section addresses the requirements definition process as it pertains to sustainment,
and, specifically to OSS&E. Requirements analysis is a systems engineering activity
that is used to translate a user’s need into a definitive set of functional and performance
requirements that form the basis for system qualification. During sustainment, there are
many ways that the user will identify the need to modify, upgrade, or enhance a system.
New capabilities/requirements may be a result of deficiency reports (DRs), operational
requirements documents, or a Modification Proposal, AF Form 1067, depending on the
magnitude and scope of the required capability. Enhancing capabilities or correcting


deficiencies with existing systems or manuals may be identified through AFTO Form 22,
AF Form 847, and DRs. The AFMC Software Requirements Review Process (SRRP) is
one mechanism for the user to identify the need to modify, upgrade or enhance system
software during sustainment (reference AFMCPD 63-4 & AFMCI 63-401). One key
method of identifying the need to change an existing system is assessing the OSS&E
baseline via their associated metrics. This will identify degradation to the existing
system capabilities. However, it does not identify when new capabilities are needed.
Updates to the OSS&E baseline and associated metrics are required as existing
capabilities are enhanced or new capabilities are added that affect the OSS&E baseline
(or if an existing metric is determined to be insufficient). Whichever method is used to
establish the new, needed capability, the operational and contractual requirements
should be reflected in the OSS&E baseline with sufficient visibility to ensure the desired
results are maintained. Key to requirements definition is ensuring traceability of
requirements and design throughout the system life cycle. Requirements definition and
the corresponding verification requirements are documented in the system performance
specifications or other appropriate documents. Traceability of design is accomplished
through configuration management practices. OSS&E assurance emphasizes the need
for specification content to include performance requirements that yield a safe, suitable,
and effective system.

8.4 Environmental, safety, and occupational health (ESOH)

8.4.1 Process overview

The environmental, safety, and occupational health (ESOH) process for the Aeronautical
Enterprise uses a disciplined systems
engineering process and involves 1 A System
System Program
Program Office
Office (SPO)
(SPO) isis required to determine
determine the the hazardous
hazardous materials,
(including ODCs) that are are in
in the
the system
system or in in the
the process of of being
being implemented
implemented into into the
support from system safety, system
system and then ensuring
ensuring they are managed. (Systems Analysis and
managed. (Systems Analysis and Control) Control)

operational risk management (ORM), 2 Once

Once the hazardous
hazardous materials
materials have
have been identified, alternatives
alternatives should be considered
and ESOH personnel. Over the life of and,
and, where
where economically
economically feasible,
feasible, implemented
implemented in in lieu of
of the
the hazardous
hazardous material.
Additionally, environmental
environmental lifelife cycle costs
costs and health
health risk
risk analysis
analysis should be considered.
the system/end-item consideration for (Synthesis)
risk to life, health, property, and
3 Following
environment due to deployment is Following the initial determination
should ensure
determination of
ensure aa Hazardous Materials
of hazardous materials
Materials Management
materials affecting
affecting the
Management Program (HMMP) are developed
the system,
system, the
the SPO
developed for
for the
considered. Particular emphasis is weapon
weapon system.
system. Details related to preparation
preparation of
web site (http://www.ascem.wpafb.af.mil)
of these
these documents
(http://www.ascem.wpafb.af.mil) (System
documents are are available
(System Analysis
available on
Analysis & Control
on the
Control and and
Requirements Analysis)
given to the integration of ESOH costs Analysis)

in the calculation of total ownership

4 A System
costs (TOC). This section documents System Safety
established for
Safety Program
for each
Program (IAW,
each major program
(IAW, aa tailored
tailored MIL-STD-882 approach)
program or developmental effort.
approach) needs
effort. Such
Such aa program
needs to
to be
program provides
provides for
the process and tools available to identification
identification of design-related and operating hazards in all phases the system life
cycle, and
of design-related
and establishes aa process in
and operating
in the
the program office
in all phases of the
office for hazard resolution,
resolution, tracking
tracking andand
ensure that ESOH considerations are risk
risk reduction
reduction efforts.
efforts. Hazards
System Safety Groups.
Hazards are resolved and tracked via
Groups. Residual
Residual risk acceptance
acceptance is is the
via the
the IPT
IPT process
process and
the responsibility of the
and the
the Program
maintained during OSS&E assurance. Director,
Director, PEO,
PEO, oror SAF/AQ and
AFMC/SE (Ref para 9.2,
and requires coordination
9.2, AFI
coordination with
AFI 91-202). (System
with the
(System Analysis
the Center Safety
Analysis & Control
Safety Office
Control and
Office and

Requirements Analysis)

5 In this step,
step, NEPA documentation is
is completed as applicable. For
For further
further information
regarding NEPA, see the
the ENV
ENV web site (http://www.ascem.wpafb.af.mil/).
(http://www.ascem.wpafb.af.mil/). (Requirements
8.4.2 Tasks
The steps to integrate ESOH during 6 An
EWG and SSG, consisting
consisting of
of Air Force
Force and
and contractor, isis established. This approach
follows the
the risk reduction concepts which
which are essential in all phases
phases ofof weapon system life
the system/end-item life cycle are cycle.
cycle. (Requirements
(Requirements Analysis)

summarized at the right. This effort 7 Throughout

Throughout the environmental lifelife cycle of the
the weapon
weapon system,
system, ESH
ESH language should
involves determining life cycle costs be
be included
included in
in all
all contractual and acquisition related documentation (MSN, ORD,
etc.). (Requirements Analysis)
for ESOH, using the lessons learned
from other systems/end-items, and


incorporating these during sustainment. ESOH supports OSS&E assurance by ensuring

that ESOH related requirements/issues/ modifications that arise from operational use,
configuration changes, maintenance repairs, and part substitutions do not degrade the
system or end-item OSS&E baseline. The environmental managers ensure their NEPA
documentation addresses air conformity, noise (community and occupational),
threatened and endangered species, and environmental justice. As part of the formal
NEPA analysis process, the system safety hazard tracking process is used in the
identification of potential NEPA and ESOH issues:

a. Providing ESOH considerations for inclusion in ORM assessments.

b. Working with the environmental working group (EWG) and ensuring that TOs and
technical data identify procedures when using products via a waiver. The approved
hazardous materials are controlled prior to implementation through tracking and
updating the associated TOs.

c. Coordinating review of procedures for the proper use of new/replacement


d. Working closely with system safety to address safety hazards that are associated
with ESOH vulnerabilities to ensure the risks are identified, eliminated, or reduced to
an acceptable level of risk. This is documented through the NEPA process.

Addressing all aspects of ESOH and ensuring personnel are appropriately trained to
comply with ESOH and NEPA requirements.

8.4.3 Points of contact

The POCs for addressing ESOH are listed below.

Organization Point of Contact

Wright-Patterson AFB ASC/ENVV





8.5 Manufacturing and quality assurance

Manufacturing and quality assurance principles and practices are critical to supporting
the OSS&E elements outlined in AFI 63-1201. Fabrication, assembly, and functional
checkout processes provide the link between the design and a fielded system. As such,
the manufacturer controls these manufacturing operations both in-house and at the
suppliers' to assure the design features that impact OSS&E are faithfully transformed


into hardware that preserves the OSS&E baseline. To do this, manufacturing

engineering considerations are integrated with the design early in the development
phases. The intent is to balance issues critical to affordability, producibility, and product
performance early in the program when manufacturing guidance has the most impact on
program life cycle cost and performance. The selection of COTS/NDI equipment is also
important, since information may be limited on these types of products.

a. Quality management systems are implemented to ensure the as-delivered

configuration matches the as-designed configuration. Ideally, the quality system should
focus on defect prevention by mapping key product characteristics to key manufacturing
processes and controlling those processes through a variability reduction program.
These key processes and controlling techniques are maintained throughout the life of
the equipment so that the OSS&E baseline is not degraded. New suppliers/vendors
should be made aware of the key manufacturing/QA characteristics critical to sustaining
the OSS&E baseline. As a minimum, the quality system assures that nonconformity is
identified and properly dispositioned so as not to degrade the OSS&E baseline.

b. Identification of key product characteristics plays a critical role in maintaining a

disciplined engineering process by guiding design engineers through an analysis of the
most critical product characteristics. Basic engineering tasks include the identification of
key product characteristics and design limits, as well as identification of key production
processes and capabilities. These tasks should be performed early in the development
phase for new/modified equipment. Documented product characteristics provide a
unique communication tool that links requirements, design, manufacturing, and support
directly with maintaining OSS&E.

c. Matching the original key product characteristics with process capabilities of new
suppliers/vendors ensures the manufacturing processes can consistently produce
hardware that meets design tolerances. During early development, the manufacturer
collects process data, calculates process capabilities, and provides feedback to the
designers on their ability to meet proposed tolerances. These assessments can also be
used in evaluating the supplier/vendors ability to provide replacement/second source
items or produce modifications to items to enhance product capability.

d. Production cost modeling is used to develop, understand, and evaluate the

production elements of total ownership costs. Production cost modeling can be used to
assess the impacts of design options on manufacturing costs during development,
production, and sustainment.

e. Pre-award surveys, manufacturing management/production capability reviews,

and production readiness reviews are conducted to assess the capability and capacity of
current and potential sources of supply, repair, and maintenance. These reviews
provide an opportunity to evaluate elements such as a facility’s tooling, manufacturing
process capabilities, quality systems, and production control systems to ensure they can
deliver quality products and preserve the OSS&E baseline.

f. Depot capability & capacity assessments are similar to the reviews above, and
focus on the ability of depots to repeatedly deliver quality products.

During the sustainment phase, the activities listed above are just as appropriate,
although they are typically applied to depot operations and new equipment designs, as


opposed to original equipment manufacturers. For example, depots maintain a quality

management system that assures the maintenance they perform results in products that
continue to be within the original drawing tolerances. If key characteristics have been
identified as part of the original drawing package, the depots should continue to control
those characteristics by controlling the processes that create those characteristics.
Ideally, metrics that track process capabilities for each critical process should be used.
For more details on key characteristics and process control, please see the
Manufacturing Development Guide.

A robust quality management system is equally important for ground-based systems to

assure design requirements are faithfully transformed into hardware and software
products that meet OSS&E requirements.

8.6 Anti-tampering
Anti-tampering (AT) is defined as the systems engineering activities intended to prevent
and/or delay exploitation of critical technologies in U.S. systems. Since this is a broad
definition of the security effort, it is expanded for clarification: AT applies to the
deployable military system, not research or support technology. It is not limited to
classified systems. The Military Critical Technologies List (MCTL) is a starting point for
developing a cost-effective AT approach. The anti-tamper goal is to design the system
to prevent tampering and exploitation in contrast to protecting information. AT is
specifically concerned with the consequences when the U.S. forfeits control of the
system; for example, if the system is

a. Sold (e.g., via FMS or commercial sale),

b. Lost behind enemy lines (e.g., F-117 shot down in Bosnia), or

c. Dropped behind enemy lines (e.g., smart bomb that does not explode).

The intent of anti-tamper is to preserve the U.S. technological advantage, with a goal of
delaying exploitation by 10 years. Common criteria for implementing AT would result in
clearly defining AT requirements, promoting reuse of technologies and methods, and
allowing for quicker insertion of AT capability. The reuse of technology can also reveal
classified details and vulnerabilities.

There is currently no AT certification requirement. However, a good AT program should

a. Prevent development of adversarial countermeasures.

b. Minimize potential lost military advantage.

c. Extend economic advantage (FMS increases purchase quantities and reduces

per-unit cost of systems).

Most modern avionics systems are difficult to exploit unless one has the hardware, the
technical data/manuals, and the test equipment. Key technology is often in software,
manufacturing rules, tools, or processes; thus, acquiring the hardware may not
automatically allow an adversary to exploit a capability.


Since many key capabilities are contained in software, there is need for vigilance
concerning all nonvolatile storage devices (read only memory, data transfer module,
etc.). Deletion of all operational software at shutdown is a viable option for some aircraft

For electronics hardware, the move to the use of commercial parts makes physical
protection of most processor and memory component technology meaningless. For
example, if the same "Power PC" chip is available at a commercial computer store, then
there is no point in trying to protect that chip in a military system.

Some key hardware devices may require physical hardware protection, for example:

a. Antenna arrays,

b. Radar transmit/receive modules,

c. Low observables technology, and

d. Focal plane arrays.

For specific anti-tamper methods, contact ASC/ENAE or ASC/ENAC.

The following documents provide guidance on establishing an anti-tamper program for

systems and end-items:

a. Public Law 100-235 - Protect critical information.

b. DoD 5200.39-R - Procedures for technology protection, provides detailed

guidance (currently in draft).

c. AFI 31-701, Program protection plan, requires an AT appendix, usually classified.

Organizations and individuals involved in developing specific anti-tamper programs for

systems and end-items include:

a. OSD/AT&L - DoD executive agent,

b. SAF/AQL - AF executive agent,

c. AFRL/XPJ - AT technology development, and

d. AFMC/DRR - AT focal point for Air Force programs.

Additional information may obtained at the Anti-Tamper Managers website.

During sustainment, acquisition of new or modification to, components, equipment,
support equipment, etc. will be necessary. Maintaining the OSS&E baseline requires
attention to contract requirements, open dialog with the user, and understanding the
OSS&E baseline. OSS&E assurance begins with traditional generation of requirements.


Analysis and iteration of requirements leads to a solicitation or contract change. It is

critical to contract those elements that provide the basis for establishing and/or
continuing OSS&E assurance. The following are the recommended contract elements:

a. Specifications that address those aspects of the system/end-item that relate to

operational safety, suitability, and effectiveness. Example: Identify the SM and user
documented key/critical OSS&E characteristics for the system or end-item.

b. An integrated master plan (IMP) with those program activities and success
criteria to be accomplished by milestone event to fulfill program requirements.
Examples: Incremental verification of requirements by reviewing modeling, simulation,
and analysis test reports; and component, subsystem, and system checkouts. The SM
should identify certification requirements. A list of certifications can be found in
section 5.7

c. Statement of work (SOW) task implementing the processes described in

section 4. Example: Provisions for ensuring that data necessary to support OSS&E
is provided or made available to the Government, subcontractors, vendors, and other
supporting organizations. A configuration management system that not only
establishes the configuration baseline, but also emphasizes the processes,
procedures, and management relationships necessary to maintain the OSS&E
baseline throughout the system's life.

OSS&E policy does not necessarily levy new requirements on systems and end-items
but rather ensures key processes are documented, kept current, and adhered to
throughout the entire life of the system/end-item. In general, the acquisition strategy
defines how OSS&E assurance will be implemented and continued throughout the
operational life, and delineates sharing of data to subcontractors, vendors, and external
organizations. Acquisition processes which are critical to achieving OSS&E, such as
risk management, system safety, configuration management, etc., should already be
addressed as part of the acquisition management plan through existing Air Force policy
and guidance and/or commercial best practices. Legacy programs may not possess the
above information; however, varying levels of OSS&E assurance will have been
accomplished at the system/end-item level. The procurement contract, in this case,
should emphasize the following for OSS&E assurance:

a. Access to system/end-item OSS&E data and other information (subsystem,

component level etc.,) as necessary to support the new procurement or modification
of equipment/components,

b. Access to existing system’s CI specifications in order to assess the continuing

health of OSS&E,

c. Critical manufacturing issues,

d. Critical functions,

e. Responsibilities to interface with the OEM and coordinate activities with

system/end-item management organization (e.g., associated contract agreement),


f. Sources of maintenance, repair, and supply are defined with an emphasis on

preserving OSS&E,

g. Warranties,

h. Logistics support, and

i. Tech data rights.

These should all be considered to ensure OSS&E compliance throughout the entire life
of the system/end-item. More information on the pre-award process and the OSS&E-
related ASP charts are available at the ACE web site.


The OSS&E UCI checklist provides a basis for assessing compliance of Air Force and
AFMC OSS&E policy by all responsible organizations. The best way to pass the
OSS&E UCI is to achieve and document full OSS&E compliance (AFMC goal is FY 05).
Demonstrated continuous application of OSS&E, as described within this military
handbook, meets the requirements of the UCI checklist.

Each system/end-item SM must know the current OSS&E implementation level and
have documented evidence that indicates achievement of said level. Typically, the IG
will look for proof that OSS&E is actively being applied by all organizations associated
with the system or end-item. The IG usually confirms that processes are in-place and
followed (via SLAs, MOAs, or other agreements).

The UCI section entitled “Evidence of Compliance” contains the criteria to be used to
evaluate compliance to the associated OSS&E policy. All documentation used to
demonstrate compliance must be both readily available for use and current in its content.
Where documentation describes processes, those processes must be in practice.

The compliance evidence identifies methods of demonstrating compliance; however,

alternative or program-unique methods may also be used. For specific OSS&E policy
requirements, it may not be necessary to create new documentation to demonstrate
compliance. As an alternative, existing documentation, such as single acquisition
management plans, systems engineering master plans, configuration management
plans, etc., can and should be used where clear demonstration of compliance with
individual OSS&E policy requirements can be shown.

The complete OSS&E UCI checklist can be accessed at the following web-site:



11.1 Overview
A key aircraft certification required under the OSS&E umbrella is airworthiness. There
are a number of acceptable approaches whereby the initial airworthiness certification
and subsequent recertifications may be accomplished, depending upon the aircraft
design/acquisition philosophy as well as the current system life cycle phase and current
airworthiness certification status. It is up to the CE to apply good engineering judgement
in tailoring the certification process to fit the individual circumstances. The chosen
approach should be carefully considered, documented, and coordinated to avoid
confusion and conflicts during the initial certification and subsequent recertification
efforts required after reportable system modifications. In all cases, once initial
airworthiness certification is established, it must be preserved throughout all phases of
the program (see figure 5).

FIGURE 5. Airworthiness certification process.


11.2 Airworthiness tenets

Airworthiness cannot be
assured unless all four of the
tenets shown on figure 6 are
adequately addressed. The
top two tenets are addressed
during the airworthiness
certification process. The
bottom two tenets are
essential for maintaining
airworthiness and are
addressed as part of OSS&E
FIGURE 6. Four airworthiness tenets.

11.2.1 Airworthiness terminology clarification

In order to ensure an understanding of the term “airworthiness certification,” an important
distinction is made between the property of airworthiness and the repeatable
airworthiness certification process.

Airworthiness is the property of a particular air system configuration to safely attain,

sustain, and terminate flight in accordance with the approved usage and limits.

Airworthiness certification is a repeatable process that results in a documented decision

by the SM that an aircraft system has been judged to be airworthy. That is, it meets the
approved set of criteria established by the Airworthiness Certification Criteria Control
Board, as defined in MIL-HDBK-516 Airworthiness Certification Criteria. An alternative
to Air Force certification is for the aircraft system to carry the appropriate Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA) certificates. Airworthiness certification is intended to verify
that the aircraft system can be safely maintained and safely operated by fleet pilots
within its described and documented operational environment. The ASC/EN website
contains additional information on airworthiness certification.

Practitioners may better understand airworthiness certification as it relates to safety-of-

flight (SoF) determinations. SoF is defined as the property of a particular air system
configuration to safely attain, sustain, and terminate flight within prescribed and
accepted limits for injury/death to personnel and damage to equipment, property, and/or
environment. This might be considered as a subset of the airworthiness “property”
definition, with the stipulation that a greater amount of risk is understood and accepted
by the SM. An even greater amount of risk is generally accepted when accomplishing
first flight of an air vehicle, and the flight envelope is generally adjusted accordingly.
SoF determinations generally apply to test aircraft operated in a test environment by
flight test pilots under tightly defined, controlled, and monitored conditions. SoF
determinations are typically limited to aircraft undergoing test and evaluation.

Figure 7 illustrates how first flight, SoF, and airworthiness certification relate to OSS&E
during development of an aircraft system or development of a major modification. It is
centric, time-based in that it starts at the center with utilization of a subset of the


airworthiness certification criteria employed for first flight determinations. It then moves
out to include verification of an expanded design envelope that constitutes full SoF for all
primary functions on the air vehicle. Next, all remaining applicable airworthiness
certification criteria as well as the remaining specification requirements are verified
during developmental test and evaluation (DT&E). After the SM has certified
airworthiness and readiness for dedicated operational test & evaluation (DOT&E), the
system can enter DOT&E. As the system’s ability to perform its operational mission
safely and effectively and efforts to establish supply sources, maintenance, training, etc.
are further verified as being ready for sustainment, it moves to full OSS&E compliance at
or before IOC.


OSS&E Compliance

SoF 1st FLT Certification


FIGURE 7. First flight, safety of flight, airworthiness certification,

and OSS&E relationship.

11.2.2 Airworthiness tenet #1: Validated design

The aircraft design must be proven to meet an approved set of safety-of-flight criteria.

The aircraft design (including new aircraft and all modifications that are incorporated for
product improvement or to correct deficiencies) must meet the criteria in MIL-HDBK-516,
Airworthiness Certification Criteria as tailored by the CE and approved by the SM.
Alternatively, the design may be proven to meet the FAA Federal Aviation Regulations
(FARs) for aircraft procured under AFPD 62-4 and AFPD 62-5. In all cases, the
certification basis is captured in a TACC document approved by the SM.

For modifications/upgrades to systems that were airworthiness certified by a different

organization from the one performing the modification/upgrade, contact the original
certifying organization for assistance.

The term ‘proven’ in the context of this tenet means that compliance to the applicable
airworthiness criteria of the design has been verified by a means acceptable to the
certifying organization. The acceptable methods may include flight or ground test,
analysis, demonstration, modeling, simulation and analysis (MS&A), inspection,
previously verified, or by similarity to proven capability. The CE is responsible for
ensuring the adequacy of the methods of compliance.


11.2.3 Airworthiness tenet #2: Built per design

The air system must be built in accordance with the approved design.

In meeting this tenet, the airworthiness approving organization should ensure that a
review of the aircraft drawings at the appropriate level is conducted to verify that the
design presented for airworthiness certification complies with the approved
configuration. In addition, it should ensure that critical process capabilities and quality
standards exist, and that production allowances and tolerances are within acceptable
limits. The review includes all documentation (i.e., drawings, shipping data, as-built
records, historical records for GFE, or any other appropriate document) that verifies the

11.2.4 Airworthiness tenet #3: Properly maintained and operated

The air system must be operated and maintained by qualified personnel in accordance
with approved documentation and procedures.

To preserve airworthiness, the SM must ensure a comprehensive set of maintenance

and flight manuals are in place and used on the air system.

The air system must be operated within its approved operational envelope as described
in the flight manuals, and the aircraft records for each aircraft should be properly

Any and all failures (in-flight or on-ground) to any flight-critical element should be
recorded, the nature of the failure determined and the failure reported to the SM and the
CE. This information should be reported and recorded in the deficiency reporting system
in accordance with TO 00-35D-54 and accident investigation, reporting and record
keeping in accordance with DODI 6055.7. Program and user system safety
representatives should also be sought out and integrated into the resolution effort,
depending upon criticality of the failure. Additionally, the failure of any flight-critical FAA
certified component on a USAF system that is common to the commercial fleet should
be reported via the FAA’s Service Difficulty Reporting System.

The SM should work with the appropriate contractor or Government organization to

ensure all personnel maintaining and preserving the air system are qualified and
competent, and training is current to perform assigned tasks. During any program phase
in which contractor personnel will accomplish maintenance, the SM should ensure all
necessary language is in the support contract to preserve airworthiness of the system.

The SM should verify that any special procedures required to preserve airworthiness of
the air system are approved. Minimum essential subsystem lists (MESLs) define those
systems that must be operational for accomplishment of specific missions. However,
AFI 21-103 states that the “MESL does not determine airworthiness or SoF; technical
data, maintenance crews and aircrew judgement alone determine airworthiness. Do not
use the MESL to gauge ’go/no go’ decisions.”

The SM is the approval authority for all configuration changes to the air system.
Unapproved modifications to the air system are not to be tolerated, because they
invalidate the airworthiness certification. If an unapproved configuration is discovered in
the fleet, the SM/CE must take immediate action to address the airworthiness risk and to


correct the discrepancy. Subsequent reviews and random configuration examinations

should be accomplished to ensure configuration control processes are robust and being
followed (see section 5.1.3)

The maintainers are responsible for maintaining airworthiness of the aircraft within the
limits established in the maintenance manuals. Certain maintainers are given the
special authority to clear red X conditions, thereby indicating that the aircraft is again
safe to fly. Changes to maintenance procedures and repairs beyond the scope of the
maintenance manuals require prior approval from the SM.

The operating MAJCOM is responsible for operational airworthiness. This is done by

establishing aircrew training and evaluation requirements and by defining operating
procedures for each MDS. They are also responsible for overseeing aircraft
configuration and for fleet interoperability and commonality. The MAJCOM also
designates the waiver authority for operating procedures.

11.2.5 Airworthiness tenet #4: Accepted by the aircrew

The air system must be accepted by the operating crew as being in a condition for safe

This tenet addresses the airworthiness “state” of the aircraft as determined by the
traditional flight crew walk around. It addresses the state of the air system in terms of
aircraft records (e.g., the AFTO Form 781s), failure states of redundant subsystems, and
the completion of any preflight preparation activities that may be required. It also
addresses the condition of the aircraft relative to wear and deterioration (e.g., skin
corrosion, window delaminating/crazing, fluid leaks and tire wear as determined by the
ground crew’s pre/post/thru or basic post-flight inspection).

The SM must assure that sufficient training is made available to the flight crew for
detecting unsafe aircraft conditions and in making judicious decisions to continue the
mission or require maintenance action. The aircrew must have sufficient training to
detect airworthiness problems prior to accepting the aircraft for the mission and during
the mission.

The aircraft commander is responsible for ensuring airworthiness of the aircraft, within
the limits established by the flight manual and the operating procedures established by
the lead command, before flight. The waiver authority for operational instructions is
defined by the operating MAJCOM. Deviations from flight manual limits require SM
approval, except in emergency conditions.

11.3 Airworthiness policy

There are currently three Air Force Policy Directives that govern how the Air Force
certifies the airworthiness of aircraft it owns. The relationship of these policies as well as
the interrelationship to the overarching OSS&E policy is shown on Figure 8.


11.3.1 Air Force Policy Directive 62-4, Standards of Airworthiness for Passenger
Carrying Commercial Derivative Transport Aircraft
This policy directive is focused upon ensuring that USAF commercial derivative
passenger aircraft maintain high levels of safety and ensuring that the Air Force does not
duplicate processes/activities already performed by the FAA. The SM must seek to
obtain and maintain the Type Certificate (TC) for the military configuration unless a
waiver has been granted by AF/XO. These design certifications are used to support the
airworthiness certification process established by the Air Force. AFI 21-107 addresses
sustaining these aircraft. Maintaining total FAA type certification is the preferred method
of assuring airworthiness.

FIGURE 8. OSS&E and Airworthiness policy relationships.

11.3.2 Air Force Policy Directive 62-5, Standards of Airworthiness for Commercial
Derivative Hybrid Aircraft
AFPD 62-5 is focused on establishing high levels of safety in design. It also accounts for
those situations in which the Air Force can take advantage of an established level of
performance and lower costs. It achieves this by procuring a commercial product that is
then modified to perform a mission different from the civilian counterpart/baseline
aircraft. AFPD 62-5 gives preference to civil airworthiness standards for these
commercial derivative, hybrid aircraft. It allows the SM to determine to what extent the
modifications should be FAA type certified (i.e., design is approved by the FAA).
However, the aircraft must be in an FAA certified configuration when it is used for
passenger carrying missions unless a waiver is obtained from HQ AF/XO.

11.3.3 Air Force Policy Directive 62-6, USAF Aircraft Airworthiness Certification
Aircraft owned and operated by the Air Force are considered public use aircraft (per the
Federal Aviation Regulation definition) and, therefore, the Air Force is the responsible
agent for these aircraft. AFPD 62-6 establishes the requirement for airworthiness
certification by the responsible single managers of all USAF aircraft, including those
operated by the Air National Guard and U.S. Air Force Reserve.

Additionally, AFPD 62-6 directs the creation of the Airworthiness Certification Control
Board (AC3B), with representatives from many organizations across the Air Force, and
chaired by ASC/CC. This board is chartered with establishing and maintaining the
airworthiness certification criteria used by the aircraft single managers to certify aircraft


airworthiness. The approved criteria are documented in MIL-HDBK-516, Airworthiness

Certification Criteria.

11.4 Single manager (SM) and CE/LE responsibilities for airworthiness

The specific responsibilities of the SM for airworthiness certification are as defined in
AFPD 62-6.

The CE/LE has the technical authority for the system or end-item and is responsible and
accountable to the SM to

a. Define the applicable airworthiness criteria (the certification basis) for the aircraft
system to be certified.

b. Ensure the necessary processes (e.g., compliance methods) are in place to

obtain an airworthiness certificate for each “model” or “like-configured” group of
aircraft, or for each aircraft.

c. Make a documented recommendation to the SM with respect to safety-of-flight

assessment prior to first flight of a new aircraft or of modifications to an existing

d. Provide technical content for operating and maintenance manuals that ensure
continued airworthiness of the system.

e. Ensure that all modifications to the system meet the airworthiness criteria that
currently apply to the system.

f. Review all airworthiness advisories and alerts for applicability to the system and
provide disposition recommendations to the SM. If the system is a commercial
derivative, review all FAA issued airworthiness directives and service bulletins
pertaining to the system, and incorporate changes as necessary.

g. Identify to the SM the need for changes to the AC3B-approved Airworthiness

Certification Criteria. These proposed changes should be forwarded to ASC/ENSI
(the AC3B’s secretariat) for distribution and consideration by the AC3B during the
next MIL-HDBK-516 update cycle.

11.5 Airworthiness Certification Criteria, MIL-HDBK-516

This foundational document is to be used by the single manager, chief engineer, and
contractors to define and tailor their airworthiness programs from the outset. They may
also use it to assess the viability and quality of their airworthiness plans and activities
throughout the program. These criteria apply at any point or phase in a program where
an airworthiness determination is required. This document should be used throughout
the life of the air vehicle and applied whenever there is a change to the functional or
product baseline.

Included as an appendix to MIL-HDBK-516 is a cross reference table, which references

Joint Service Specification Guides, Federal Aviation Regulations, handbooks, standards,


etc., applicable to each airworthiness criterion. The cross-reference table should be

consulted to aid in developing the TACC when issues arise with respect to specific
criteria, an interpretation is required, or guidance on appropriate measurable parameters
is needed. This table also includes points of contact (with phone numbers) who may
assist in understanding the intent, scope, and application of specific criteria.

11.5.1 General guidance for creating the applicable certification basis

While the airworthiness certification criteria are intended to be all-inclusive and comprise
the minimum set of safety criteria necessary for an air vehicle system, they must be
tailored for application to a specific aircraft MDS or configuration. Not all of the criteria
apply to every type of aircraft, and platform-unique criteria may need to be added to fully
address safety aspects of unique configurations. To tailor the airworthiness criteria, the
CE should identify nonapplicable, specific criteria, as appropriate (e.g., armament/stores
integration on an aircraft that does not include guns, weapons, external fuel tanks, or
internally/externally carried weapons or pods). The CE must also document the
rationale for identifying these criteria as nonapplicable. The applicable criteria may not
be deleted or modified in any way (e.g., margins of safety for structure). However, the
CE may supplement the applicable criteria by adding specific, measurable parameters
for an MDS or configuration (e.g., 16-g crash load capability of passenger seats and
supporting structure). The CE may also develop additional criteria as needed for a given
application (e.g., ground station for a UAV) in order to identify a complete (necessary
and sufficient) set of criteria against which to judge airworthiness.

11.5.2 Creating the certification basis for a legacy system

MIL-HDBK-516 and existing aircraft documentation (e.g., specifications, reports,
technical manuals, FAA type certificates) should be the primary source of specific criteria
and supplemental, measurable parameters for developing the certification basis for each
legacy MDS. For different configurations within a MDS, the TACC document should
define applicability of specific criteria, where necessary. The TACC document then
serves as the basis for defining applicable airworthiness certification criteria for future

11.5.3 Creating the certification basis for a new, commercial derivative system
A TACC document is required for the acquisition of aircraft with full FAA type
certification. The SM then lists the FAA type certification as the certification basis for
airworthiness certification (AFPD 62-6, para 2.8.1). MIL-HDBK-516 airworthiness criteria
should also be defined in the certification basis of the TACC document for any unique
design features required to meet Air Force mission requirements that the FAA will not
certify. The SM should approve the TACC before the start of system-level qualification

Passenger carrying, commercial derivative aircraft must comply with Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) airworthiness criteria and must maintain their type certification
throughout the service life of the aircraft (AFPD 62-4 and AFI 21-107). Noncompliant
design features are documented on FAA form 8130-2 after HQ AF/XO grants waiver
approval. The TACC document must also address these noncompliant features in
addition to listing the FAA type certification basis.


Commercial derivative, hybrid aircraft must comply with FAA airworthiness criteria to the
extent practical throughout the service life of the aircraft (AFPD 62-5). Unless a TACC is
provided in the RFP, a task to develop a TACC document should be included in the
RFP/SOO. The document should also be included in the contractual specification, either
directly or by reference, to identify the airworthiness criteria for the portion of the design
that will not be FAA certified. The final TACC document, capturing any additional design
features that the FAA will not certify, should be approved by the SM before the start of
system-level qualification testing to support airworthiness certification prior to DOT&E.

11.5.4 Creating the certification basis for a new developmental system

Certification basis development should be initiated in the first phase of development for a
new system and updated for the RFP of each subsequent phase. Early in the
development program, the SM and CE should ensure the contractor has a statement of
work task to develop a draft TACC document that can be used to guide the engineering
development and test/verification efforts. This ensures that all applicable criteria are
identified and eventually verified via qualification testing. The TACC document should
be included in a contractual specification, either directly or by reference. Each update
must be complete enough to support safety-of-flight determinations for the air vehicle
configurations to be tested during the instant development phase. The final version, for
the production or initial operational configuration, should be approved by the SM before
the start of system-level qualification testing to support airworthiness certification prior to

11.5.5 TACC document content

It is important to identify the following items in each TACC document:

a. Date/Revision/Single Manager: This information is provided to establish

configuration control of the TACC document. The issuing program office should
expect to maintain this document and the supporting information under configuration
control for the life of the system.

b. Mission Design Series Description: A clear description of the system

configuration, including airframe identifier, engine types and quantity, crew and
passenger capabilities, and the exact tail numbers/serial numbers of the aircraft
covered by the certification is necessary to clearly distinguish the MDS to be certified
from any similar configurations. Technical manual applicability is generally a good
guide for determining logical groupings.

c. Certification Basis: This is the subset of MIL-HDBK-516 airworthiness

certification criteria and/or FAA type certifications that have been identified as
applicable for the system being certified. The certification basis may be identified by
reference to MIL-HDBK-516 citing the respective issuance date, identifying those
specific criteria deemed to be not applicable, and including any additional, unique
criteria that the single manager deems necessary to identify to ensure safe operation
of the system. Be sure to accomplish a thorough scrub of the criteria to identify only
the criteria that apply to the system being certified, as verification of nonapplicable
criteria will be impossible (e.g., aerial refueling probe criteria mistakenly identified as
applicable to a non probe-equipped aircraft). For nonapplicable and SM-added
criteria, provide associated rationale to support the decision. Note that for aircraft


with FAA certified portions, the FAA certification basis is included in the aircraft
certification basis identified in the TACC document.

d. Supplemental Data: This section includes or provides the location of material that
supplements the airworthiness certification basis. It includes specifications,
instructions, and maintenance procedures for maintaining the airworthiness
certification of the design, and provides specific measurable parameters (i.e., “hard
numbers”) to ensure safe flight of the system.

e. Limitations: This section identifies the location of limits, temporary restrictions,

and procedures that the operator must utilize and observe to safely operate the

A sample TACC document is provided on the ASC/EN airworthiness website

(https://www.en.wpafb.af.mil/oss&e/oss&e_aw_tools.asp). This sample illustrates a
suggested format, but it is not a mandated format for presenting TACC document

11.5.6 Draft TACC document coordination

AFMC/EN memo, Review of Tailored Airworthiness Certification Criteria, dated 28 Jan
02, directs that ASC/EN coordinate on all TACCs prior to SM approval. This process
was established to strengthen the airworthiness certification process across the
Aeronautical Enterprise and establish an AFMC-level best practice to assure technical

The focus of these ASC/EN reviews is ensuring proper and complete application of MIL-
HDBK-516 to the system under consideration, as well as ensuring consistency across
the Aeronautical Enterprise. Coordination reviews have resulted in many clarifications
with respect to intent of specific criteria, applicability, and corrections to specific tailored
criteria. Misidentification of nonapplicable criteria as applicable, or applicable criteria as
nonapplicable, has been a common error during certification basis definition.

When the draft TACC document has been developed and coordinated internally by the
program office, a copy of the document should be forwarded to ASC/ENSI. ASC/ENSI
will forward the document to the appropriate subject matter experts (SMEs) for review.
Specific criteria issues are generally resolved between the SMEs and the TACC
submitter to minimize review time. After the SMEs complete their review, ASC/ENSI
generates a summary of issues identified (resolved and unresolved), and forwards it to
ASC/EN with a recommendation for coordination. ASC/ENSI then forwards a copy of
the coordination to the submitting office. The SPO should seek coordination by the user,
per established SPO procedures, before single manager approval of the TACC

Alternatively, if specifically requested when submitting the draft TACC document for
coordination, ASC/ENSI will reply to the submitter with a listing of all SME comments
that require resolution. Upon receipt of the comment responses from the submitting
office, the appropriate ASC/EN technical director conducts a review of the responses
prior to ASC/EN coordination. ASC/ENSI then forwards a copy of the coordination to the
submitting office The SPO should seek coordination by the user before single manager
approval of the TACC document.


11.6 Initial airworthiness certification

There are five basic steps to completing the initial airworthiness certification process.
Each of these steps is explained in detail below. An overview of the initial certification
process is shown on figure 9.

11.6.1 Step 1: Define the configurations to be certified

Given the task of certifying an aircraft design to be airworthy, start by defining the actual
aircraft configurations to which the certification will apply. This can be especially vexing
for certification efforts on legacy aircraft. A good guide to groupings that can be covered
by a common airworthiness certification is technical manual applicability. If a group of
MDS aircraft is covered by a common set of technical manuals, then it is very likely that
a single TACC document will suffice for all of them.

11.6.2 Step 2: Develop and coordinate the TACC document

A TACC document is developed primarily to identify the certification basis that applies to
a MDS or group of MDS aircraft. After the TACC document is approved, it is used as a
checklist to evaluate the baseline aircraft and the airworthiness impacts of future
configuration and procedural changes. ASC/EN coordinates on the draft TACC
document for the MDS. It is recommended to also allow the user coordinate on it prior to
SM approval for use in establishing and maintaining airworthiness of the air vehicle. The
approved TACC document should be maintained as a permanent and active
documentation of the certification basis used throughout the service life of the aircraft
system. The certification basis should be changed thereafter only to include new criteria
needed to address mission/capability changes.

Initial AW FAA
No Legacy No 1. Put TACC document development
Certification Airworthiness
System? requirement on contract
2. Update TACC document in each phase
Yes Yes 3. Approve TACC document prior to qual
4. Verify compliance with cert basis
Reference Type Cert Basis
in TACC document

Airworthiness Certification Criteria Circular No. 0001

No Performance, Yes
1. Develop TACC document
Configuration Data 2. Verify utilizing existing data

1. Develop TACC document

2. Verify maintenance & flight manuals adequate & current
3. No open safety DRs/SSG items w/o funded closure plans

FIGURE 9. Initial airworthiness certification.


11.6.3 Step 3: Identify supporting data to enable certification basis compliance

After the TACC document has been coordinated and approved, the program office must
determine if adequate data is available to support verification efforts or if additional data
can be collected. For new developmental aircraft systems, ensure sufficient technical
effort is defined in the SOW/SOO to enable verification of the certification basis defined
in the TACC document. Development of a certification basis to verification task cross
reference matrix may be an effective tool to ensure that all certification criteria are
adequately addressed.

For legacy systems, the program office should gather all currently available and
applicable existing documentation: technical manuals, specifications, test data,
maintenance data, demonstrations, analyses, inspections, configuration data, usage
data, mishap rate, FAA type certificates, etc. The amount of data readily available will
become an important decision-making tool for legacy system SMs and CEs when it
comes time to verify compliance with the certification basis.

At this point it is also necessary to review and validate the program’s change process.
Does the program have an effective change process, and has it been followed
throughout the program? The existence of a disciplined change process can be used to
mitigate the need to revalidate individual past changes; however, if it is determined that
the change process compliance has been inadequate, some criteria may require
reverification. Based upon the data gathered/available, the SM/CE can now determine
the appropriate method/procedure for verifying and documenting compliance.

11.6.4 Step 4: Verify and document certification basis compliance First-time airworthiness certification of a legacy air systems

Legacy aircraft system program offices face the daunting task of certifying airworthiness
perhaps many years after the initial development work was completed. Original data
may no longer be available for verifying compliance with a specific, applicable criterion.
Clearly, no one would suggest that the day AFPD 62-6 was issued all the operational
aircraft in the Air Force fleet suddenly became non-airworthy. Further, paragraph 2.5.1
of the policy requires that certification of legacy aircraft be achieved in a cost-effective
manner consistent with safety.

Because of tight budgets and the various ages of fielded systems, an alternative
approach to airworthiness certification of legacy air systems that complies with the intent
of AFPD 62-6 is warranted. Some legacy systems may not have an adequate paper trail
from the original qualification to the current fleet configuration. For other systems,
excessive effort would be required to search existing data for evidence of compliance
with the airworthiness certification basis. In such cases, the approach suggested below
is a reasonable and technically viable alternative for chief engineers and single
managers to follow for first-time certification of airworthiness.

Single managers with operational aircraft in the field as of the date of first issuance of
AFPD 62-6 (1 Oct 00) may, for the first time only, certify aircraft airworthiness if the
following conditions are met:


a. The TACC document has been coordinated with ASC/EN and the user, when
appropriate, and approved by the SM.

b. Based on the certification basis, the chief engineer has determined that it is
technically sound to certify aircraft airworthiness after the following conditions have
been verified:

(1) The flight manuals correctly characterize aircraft performance and

maintenance and repair manuals are adequate and up-to-date.

(2) There are no open (without funded closure plans) deficiency reports or
safety recommendations that suggest the aircraft is not performing within the
acceptable level of risk to which the aircraft will be managed in accordance with
the technical data. New developmental aircraft

Normal specification verification procedures (analysis/test/inspection/demonstration) are
followed to ensure compliance with the certification basis. This effort can also generate
data to support the required first flight safety-of-flight determination as well, and these
documented results can then be utilized as the basis for compliance. First flight readiness reviews

The SM must provide approval for first flight early in the airworthiness certification
process to develop additional verification data during flight testing of a developmental
system. It is the responsibility of the SM, in coordination with the CE, to make a positive
determination that the aircraft, including deployable internal or external stores, is safe for
first flight. The SM may request a first flight executive independent review team to assist
in verification of readiness for first flight. The SM should use an appropriate subset of
the certification basis to guide the readiness decision. This subset is a result of tailoring
to reflect only those applicable criteria that apply to the reduced operational envelope,
configurations, and conditions that are expected during the first flight. As the flight and
operational envelope is expanded and additional system configurations are added,
additional evaluation of criteria must be accomplished to ensure continued SoF. As the
test program is completed and the verification effort winds down, all applicable
airworthiness criteria should be verified creating a clear path to airworthiness

11.6.5 Step 5. Certify airworthiness and notify ASC/EN

When compliance has been verified using one of the methods above, the SM signs an
airworthiness certificate for each model, or like-configured group of aircraft, or for each
aircraft. When certification is issued for a group of aircraft, each aircraft within that group
must comply with the airworthiness certification documentation. An airworthiness
certificate template, for both fleet and individual aircraft certifications, may be found at

The aircraft system must be in compliance with all applicable criteria before the SM can
certify airworthiness without temporary restrictions. AFPD 62-6 requires written
notification to ASC/EN after the SM has certified airworthiness. A copy of the SM


approved TACC document and the airworthiness certificate (provide a sample if each
aircraft is issued a unique certificate) must be provided with the notification.

This airworthiness certification process results in a documentation package as depicted

on figure 10. If temporary restrictions are implemented, a list should be included with the
notification package. This documentation must be maintained and must be readily
accessible until the aircraft is decommissioned.

Airworthiness Certification Documentation

(STEP 5)
(STEPS 1 & Supporting
2) Data
(STEP 4)
Include with notification
to ASC/EN (STEP 3)

Maintain documentation until aircraft is decommissioned

FIGURE 10. Airworthiness certification documentation.

A copy of the certificate should be included in the aircraft records (AFTO Form 781s) or
physically displayed in the aircraft to reinforce the directive that unauthorized
modifications will invalidate the airworthiness certification. It also provides reassurance
to the aircrew that the aircraft design, as produced, is airworthy.

11.6.6 Airworthiness certification with temporary restrictions

As an aircraft system progresses through its airworthiness certification process, it may
become evident that the aircraft can't be proven compliant with all criteria defined by the
TACC certification basis. An assessment of the criticality of the affected items with
respect to airworthiness of the platform should be accomplished. Airworthiness
certification with temporary restrictions can be provided while awaiting additional data,
documentation updates, or implementation of design changes to correct deficiencies
when the operational risk assessment indicates an acceptable level of risk. Appropriate
restrictions and limitations should be identified in the appropriate technical manuals.
The SM can lift these constraints after corrective actions have been accomplished and
compliance with the affected certification basis items has been verified. A list of any
temporary restrictions should be included with the ASC/EN notification package.

For example, an aircraft design calls for a drag chute to be installed for full airworthiness
certification of a particular configuration, but the safety of the drag chute systems has not
yet been totally verified. These aircraft could potentially be operated with a restriction on
field length, etc., and the drag chute actuation system disabled. Before the restrictions
could be lifted, and an unrestricted airworthiness certificate issued, the drag chute
system would have to be verified in compliance with the certification basis.


11.7 Airworthiness certification of commercial derivative aircraft

Use of commercial derivative aircraft in meeting Air Force missions is the preferred
approach for obtaining certain aircraft types in a cost effective manner, and is particularly
effective when similar missions are to be flown (e.g., passenger transportation). To the
military user unaccustomed to commercial certification procedures, the FAA certification
process may seem unusually complicated. In reality it is a process that has developed
over 50 years and is accepted worldwide as the premier method of certifying aircraft.

There are three FAA certifications relevant to safety of flight of air vehicles: 1) type
certification, which addresses conformance of the design to prescribed airworthiness
standards; 2) production certification, which addresses the production of aircraft under
an approved FAA production system; and 3) airworthiness certification, which addresses
both conformance to type design and the maintenance of a state of airworthiness of a
particular aircraft throughout its operational life.

FAA type certification approves the aircraft design for a specific aircraft model, and it
applies to all like-configured aircraft of that model. Type certification also includes
approval of flight and technical manuals used for operation and maintenance. The FAA
approves major modifications via an amended type certificate or a supplemental type

In contrast, FAA airworthiness certification applies to each aircraft tail number. It attests
to the aircraft conforming to the configuration that was type certified and produced by an
FAA-approved production facility and maintained in accordance with its type design
definition by an FAA approved maintenance program. The Air Force less frequently
acquires, and rarely maintains, the FAA airworthiness certification (by tail number)
throughout the life of its systems. The Air Force generally approves its own
maintenance programs, which are outside the realm of FAA airworthiness certification.

It should be noted that the FAA certifications do not address military suitability and
effectiveness. The SM/CE must address suitability and effectiveness with respect to the
planned acquisition/support methodology and the certification aspects. To evaluate
military suitability and effectiveness, the SM should follow the same procedures for non-
FAA certified vehicles outlined elsewhere in this document.

The airworthiness standards of the Federal Aviation Regulations, a subset of Title 14 of

the Code of Federal Regulations, include clauses 14 CFR xx.1301 and 14 CFR xx.1309.
The former states that if a device is on an aircraft it must "function as intended," and the
latter requires proof of safe operation of the airplane with all equipment operating as
intended. The FAA rarely interprets these functionality requirements as a formal
requirement to meet military specifications. Most often, the FAA requires the procuring
agency to state that the system complies with 1301. The FAA assures compliance with
1309. Note: xx indicates the FAR Part that applies (e.g., Part 23 for commuter aircraft
and Part 25 for transport aircraft).

FAA type certification, which is more frequently obtained by the Air Force, is sufficient
basis for AF airworthiness certification for similar usage and environment. The SM/CE
needs assurance that if the aircraft is to be operated in a more severe environment or
manner than its civil counterparts, it is designed (modified) and maintained accordingly.
For example, a civilian certified business jet could be procured and utilized as a trainer,
complete with associated low-level training spectra and all of the abuse a trainer sees in


its typical service life. The trainer aircraft will see many more pressure and
takeoff/landing cycles in a given timeframe than its civil counterpart. It is up to the
SM/CE to ensure that the impacts of this expected usage are accounted for in both the
design and the life maintenance aspects of OSS&E.

11.7.1 Acquisition and sustainment scenarios

The following paragraphs address the most common scenarios seen with commercial
derivative aircraft. The listing is in priority order in accordance with AFPDs. FAA full certification (type, production, and airworthiness) obtained and
maintained throughout the life of the system.
In this instance, the SM accepts the certifications as airworthiness approval but
concentrates on the aircraft’s suitability and effectiveness in the intended mission. By
maintaining FAA full certification (type and airworthiness) throughout the life of the
system, the SM relies on the FAA to assure safety of flight throughout the system's life.
The AF must comply with all FAA reporting and maintenance requirements. The aircraft
must have civil registration (i.e., N number), all modifications must be FAA certified, and
AF usage must be comparable to civil usage for this option to be used. FAA type certification obtained during acquisition and maintained

throughout sustainment.
In this scenario, FAA type certification is obtained during acquisition, but FAA
airworthiness certification cannot be obtained due to military nonconformities or other
special mission needs. Nonconformities are military required design features that are
determined to not be certifiable by the FAA. These nonconformities must be shown to
comply with the Airworthiness Certification Criteria via the USAF airworthiness
certification process. This is the most common approach used with commercial
derivative, transport aircraft. The AF and the FAA, following procedures in FAA Order
8130.2, must jointly accept the military nonconformities. This approach requires close
coordination with the contractor and careful contracting to assure the unique military-use
FAA type certification is maintained throughout the life of the system. The support
contract for the system should address all requirements to maintain the aircraft to its
type design and perform all FAA-directed actions required to maintain airworthiness.
These actions include reporting specific failures to the FAA (see section 5.3). FAA type certification does not include all planned Air Force use.
FAA type certification includes approval of the flight envelope and use as defined by the
manufacturer for commercial operation. In many cases, the Air Force may want to
operate the aircraft outside of the FAA-approved envelope. Examples are aerial
refueling as receiver and/or tanker, extended spins for trainers, and operation at
altitudes above the certified maximum altitude. To ensure verification of safety within
these specific, non-FAA-certified regions of flight, the SM should create and verify the
applicable certification basis in a TACC document. Sustainment should follow the
AFPDs, and airworthiness should be maintained following commercial practices and
procedures as closely as possible.

MIL-HDBK-514 The FAA type certificate does not extend to the actual delivered flight
In this case, modifications to an FAA type certified design are not FAA type certified.
The SM must therefore employ the previously defined USAF airworthiness certification

11.7.2 Waivers for commercial derivative aircraft

AFPD 62-4 allows waivers to be sought “after all possible solutions to resolving FAR
issues have been exhausted.” AFPD 62-5 requires hybrid aircraft to be “in compliance
or modified to comply with FAA airworthiness standards” when used for passenger-
carrying missions. HQ AF/XO is the final authority to resolve or waive compliance with
FAR regulatory requirements when the aircraft is used for passenger carrying missions.

The following should be verified and documented by the SM/CE to support the waiver
request (step 4 on figure 11):

a. The proposed design must be shown to be required in order to fulfill a mission


b. No FAA certifiable design alternatives exist,

c. The proposed design can’t be certified through an FAA equivalent level of safety
finding or special condition, and

d. A risk assessment shows that the design won’t compromise Air Force
airworthiness requirements.


FIGURE 11. Waiver process.

11.8 Acceptance of airworthiness certifications from other Government agencies,

foreign civil airworthiness authorities, and foreign military authorities
DoD acceptance of others' airworthiness certifications depends largely on knowledge of
the process and criteria that are used to verify safety of flight. The SM/CE must assess
in sufficient detail the process the other agency uses to assure that the level of safety is
consistent with that established by the USAF process outlined herein prior to acceptance
of the other agency’s certification. Levels of acceptable risk and operational usage may
be significantly different and, therefore, must be considered. This is especially true
when considering acceptance of foreign military certifications.

Foreign civil airworthiness authorities (CAA) may or may not have established
reciprocal/bilateral agreements with the FAA defining the degree of acceptance of the
CAA’s type certification. If in doubt as to the status of the foreign government’s
certification authority and competency/acceptability level, it may be best to contact the
FAA to obtain a current status/ruling.

Bilateral agreements provide an alternative means for the FAA to make its findings by
making maximum practicable use of the certification system of another CAA. Through
bilateral agreements, the FAA recognizes the competency of the exporting CAA to


conduct airworthiness certification functions in a manner comparable to the FAA.

Bilateral agreements also commit these authorities to fully cooperate and assist the FAA
in the timely resolution of safety issues that may arise after aircraft exported under the
bilateral agreements enter into service on the U.S. registry.

11.9 Preserving airworthiness

Throughout the air system operational life, it is the responsibility of the SM to assure that
the airworthiness of the air system is not compromised. Frequently, there are system
problems identified in DRs, accident/incident reports, etc. that may indicate airworthiness
problems. These should be reviewed continuously by the SM in coordination with the
CE, to determine what impact, if any, they may have on safety of flight. If, for any
reason, the SM believes airworthiness is compromised, he/she should contact the lead
MAJCOM and discuss the implications, including consideration of any restrictions that
should be imposed or grounding of the affected aircraft. If it is then determined that a
modification is required to correct the problem, the SM must recertify the aircraft
airworthiness when the appropriate verifications have been completed.

If unauthorized modifications to an aircraft are discovered, it is the responsibility of the

SM to declare the affected aircraft non-airworthy until the effect of the modification can
be assessed and dealt with accordingly.

11.9.1 Compliance with MIL-HDBK-516 updates

New airworthiness criteria are developed based upon feedback from airworthiness
implementers, new technology development, annual reviews, etc., and are published
following approval by the AC3B. Particularly during the initial, formative period of USAF
airworthiness certification, there may be substantive changes to MIL-HDBK-516. The
following guidance is therefore provided regarding compliance with the updated MIL-
HDBK-516 with respect to various aircraft certification cases:

Aircraft that are airworthiness certified: Compliance with the latest update to MIL-HDBK-
516 is required when making reportable modifications. New criteria for the unmodified
portion of the aircraft should be verified in the same manner as the initial airworthiness
certification for a legacy aircraft.

Aircraft with approved TACC documents: If an update to MIL-HDBK-516 is published

after a TACC document is approved, but before initial airworthiness certification is
completed, the approved certification basis may be used to complete the certification
effort. However, to simplify future recertifications, the SM may elect to upgrade the
TACC document immediately to include all applicable criteria from the updated MIL-

Aircraft with no approved TACC document: Compliance with the last update to MIL-
HDBK-516 is mandatory.


11.10 Airworthiness recertification due to modifications

11.10.1 Reportable modifications

AFPD 62-6 directs that single managers provide written notification to ASC/EN
confirming aircraft airworthiness certification. Furthermore, the Aeronautical Enterprise
commander requires written notification for updates to the initial certification due to major
modifications (ASC/CC Memorandum, 19 Jul 01). Since various definitions of the term
“major modification” currently exist in AF vernacular, a distinction must be made when
determining which modifications significantly impact airworthiness to require
airworthiness recertification and reporting by the single manager.

All modifications require an airworthiness assessment. All permanent modifications that

result in a significant impact on airworthiness require written notification of airworthiness
recertification to ASC/EN. The following are examples of modifications that may
significantly impact airworthiness:

a. Changes that affect structural integrity, propulsion/drive system operation

(including software), aircraft performance, aerodynamic characteristics (including
drag, control response, and stability), electromagnetic characteristics, navigational
system effectiveness, flight control system power requirements, weight and balance,
life support systems, aircrew station noise levels, or significant software revisions.

b. Changes that result in restricted aircrew vision or performance, or that increase

the danger to the crew or passengers in the event of an accident; emergency egress.

c. Modification to the exterior contour/mold line of the air vehicle (addition/removal

of antenna, wing fence, ventral fin, vortex generator, air induction system, auxiliary
inlets, etc.).

d. Modification of the displays, or changes to annunciation or critical information

presented to the aircrew which may affect situational awareness, aircraft control,
weapons launch, etc.

e. Aircraft modifications incorporating a source of energy or that can be energized

to potentially emit any form of hazardous radiation, such as explosive ordnance,
explosive or flammable fluids, laser energy, and so forth.

f. Changes that affect the operating limits and/or emergency procedures prescribed
by the operator’s flight manual.

g. Modification to weapons release/firing system, including stores management

system and associated weapons system software.

h. Operation of carry-on equipment required for mission operation in flight.

Airworthiness impact occurs when operation of that equipment can measurably affect
the airworthiness of the aircraft system, subsystem, or allied equipment.
Characteristics of such carry-on equipment operation include:

(1) Equipment that energizes emission of electromagnetic energy that can affect
any aircraft, subsystem, or allied equipment controls, indicators, or displays, or
that can affect the effectiveness of the navigational system.


(2) Equipment that emits light or sound energy that can raise aircrew station
noise levels, or that can distract and degrade aircrew performance.

(3) Equipment that cannot be secured with existing restraints during takeoff and
landing phases, thereby increasing the danger to the operator, crew, or
passengers in the event of an accident.

(4) Equipment energized to emit any form of radiation, gases, liquids, or debris
that may be hazardous, such as explosive ordnance, explosive or flammable
fluids, laser energy, and so forth.

(5) Any equipment having an intended use that is in lieu of a standard aircraft
system, subsystem, or component function.

(6) Equipment that is utilized in a crew station where emergency egress may be
degraded through obscuration or some effect on ejection injury potential.

i. Installation of equipment, including nondevelopmental items (NDI) or

commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS), and the effects of its installation on the authorized

j. Changes that affect the prescribed limits for continued airworthiness. These
changes include additions, deletions, or reconfiguration of hardware and material
substitutions, software revisions, and any repair or replacement not currently authorized
in the technical orders.

11.10.2 Modification airworthiness certification criteria

As the Air Force works toward total fleet airworthiness certification, a particular aircraft
design currently undergoing modification may or may not have approved TACC to be
used by the modification program as a checklist for their verification efforts. In both
cases (approved TACC or not), ensuring all appropriate criteria are addressed and
subsequently verified imparts good technical discipline in the modification engineering
efforts. This is accomplished by developing and obtaining ASC/EN coordination on a
modification airworthiness certification criteria (MACC) document for each reportable
modification. Note that modifications by themselves are not airworthiness certified; that
is, only the complete aircraft with the modification incorporated is certified. A MACC
document should identify only those criteria applicable to the modified area(s) of the
aircraft after analyses have shown that all other criteria can be verified by similarity from
the original certification (no changes to the function, environment, or usage spectrum).
The MACC document should also include a description of the aircraft covered,
supplemental data, and limitations that apply to the modification. The MACC document
is a subset of the TACC document that should include any unique or updated MIL-
HDBK-516 criteria needed to recertify airworthiness after the modification.

Obtain ASC/EN and user coordination early in the modification process on both the draft
MACC document and the updated draft TACC document if it requires an update due to
modification (e.g., updated MIL-HDBK-516, change in criteria applicability). When a
DSO manages the modification, the SM and CE for the modification program provide
evidence that airworthiness criteria applicable to the modification have been properly


verified and the SM for the platform issues the certification. In all cases, the SM uses
the latest TACC to certify airworthiness.

For a reportable modification to an aircraft with an approved TACC document, a MACC

must be developed comprised of those TACC and MIL-HDBK-516 criteria applicable to
the modification as described above. However, if a new version of MIL-HDBK-516 has
been published since the TACC document was approved, all current, applicable MIL-
HDBK-516 criteria must be addressed by updating the TACC certification basis to the
latest MIL-HDBK-516 version. In this situation, it would be prudent for the modification
office and the SM/CE to establish a division of verification responsibilities early in the
modification planning. Complete the modification design and utilize this MACC as a
checklist to verify compliance with applicable criteria, then update the aircraft TACC
document to reflect the new certification basis and recertify airworthiness. The data
used for verification of the MACC is utilized to verify the applicable portions of the
updated TACC, and the MACC document becomes historical. New criteria from the
updated MIL-HDBK-516 that are not addressed in the MACC should be verified in the
same manner as the initial airworthiness certification.

For a reportable modification to an aircraft without an approved TACC document, the

MACC can be developed by determining the appropriate subset of the current version of
MIL-HDBK-516 against which to evaluate the modification. The MACC document should
identify those criteria applicable to the modified area(s) of the aircraft. The MACC and
the results of the modification’s verification effort are subsequently utilized by the aircraft
program office for incorporation into the aircraft’s initial TACC verification for
airworthiness certification. At this point, the MACC document becomes historical.

Flowcharts of the above processes can be found at the ASC/EN website

(https://www.en.wpafb.af.mil/oss&e/oss&e_aw_tools.asp). First flight assessments for major modifications

It is the responsibility of the SM, in coordination with the CE, to make a positive
determination that the modified aircraft design is safe for first flight. Use the MACC and
TACC documents’ certification basis as a starting point to guide the readiness decision.
Tailor the certification basis criteria further, if necessary, to reflect only those criteria
applicable to the reduced operational envelope, configurations, and conditions that are
expected during the first flight. As the flight and operational envelope is expanded and
additional system configurations are added, additional evaluation of criteria must be
accomplished to ensure continued SoF. As the test program is completed and the
verification effort winds down, all applicable airworthiness criteria should be verified
creating a clear path to recertification of airworthiness.

11.11 Alerts & advisories process

The process for identifying, developing, issuing, and maintaining airworthiness alerts and
advisories is an ASC/EN process executed for the benefit of the USAF in conjunction
with the USAF AC3B. AFMCI 63-1201 requires that the product centers review/analyze
all product line mishap reports and notify applicable single managers of possible trends
or systemic problems affecting their systems. For the Aeronautical Enterprise, ASC/EN
will issue airworthiness alerts and airworthiness advisories as appropriate to fulfill this
requirement. SMs are responsible for putting appropriate processes in place to address


and disposition airworthiness alerts and advisories. Further information on airworthiness

alerts and advisories is provided in ENOI-18 (https://www.en.wpafb.af.mil/oi/ENOI_18.pdf).


12.1 Intended use

This military handbook provides guidance for implementing and preserving the
operational safety, suitabilty, and effectiveness of all USAF Aeronautical Enterprise
systems and end-items, including those Air Force procured systems and end-items
managed for other governments.

12.2 Subject term (key word) list

acquisition planning
air system
configuration management
engineering process
integrity program
operational risk management
sustainment planning
systems engineering
test and evaluation
weapon system




A.1.1 Purpose
This appendix contains the references, definitions, OSS&E plan format memo and plan
outlines, and the configuration management, operational risk management, and
technical order plan checklists. This appendix is for guidance only.


A.2.1 General
The documents listed below are not necessarily all of the documents referenced herein
but are the ones that are needed in order to fully understand the information provided by
this handbook.

A.2.2 Government documents

A.2.2.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks

The following specifications, standards, and handbooks form a part of this document to
the extent specified herein.



MIL-PRF-49506 Performance Specification Logistics Management Information




MIL-STD-130 Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property

MIL-STD-188-181 Single-Access 5 KHz and 25 KHz UHF Satellite Communications


MIL-STD-188-182 Interoperability Standard for 5 KHz UHF DAMA Terminal


MIL-STD-188-183 Interoperability Standard for 25 KHz TDMA/DAMA Terminal

Waveform (Including 5- and 25-KHz Slave Channels)

MIL-STD-882 Standard Practice for System Safety

MIL-STD-1366 Interface Standard for Transportability Criteria


MIL-STD-1787 Aircraft Display Symbology



MIL-HDBK-61 Configuration Management Guidance

MIL-HDBK-500 Key Supplier Processes for Aviation and Space Sectors

Acquisition and Sustainment Programs

MIL-HDBK-515 Weapon Systems Integrity Guide

MIL-HDBK-516 Airworthiness Certification Criteria

MIL-HDBK-1530 Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP), General Guidelines


MIL-HDBK-1783 Engine Structural Integrity Program (ENSIP)

MIL-HDBK-1798 Mechanical Equipment & Subsystem Integrity Program (MECSIP)

MIL-HDBK-87244 Avionics/Electronics Integrity Program (AVIP)

(Unless otherwise indicated, copies of specifications, standards, and handbooks are

available from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, 700 Robbins Avenue,
Building 4D, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094. Copies of documents indicating a
distribution limitation (statement D) may be ordered from ASC/ENOI, 2530 Loop Rd
West, Bldg. 560, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7101; order online at

A.2.2.2 Other Government documents, drawings, and publications

The following other Government publications form a part of this document to the extent
specified herein.


FAA Order 8130.2C

FAR 45 Government Property

(Copies of Federal Aviation Administration Regulations may be viewed at

http://www.faa.gov, or may be obtained from the Federal Aviation Administration, 800
Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20591.)



DoD 5000.2-R Mandatory Procedures for Major Defense Acquisition Programs

(MDAPs) and Major Automated Information System (MAIS)
Acquisition Programs


DoD 5010.12-M Procedures for the Acquisition and Management of Technical



CJCSI 6251.01 Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction: Ultrahigh Frequency

Satellite Communications Demand Assigned Multiple Access



AFI 10-601 Mission Needs and Operational Requirements Guidance and


AFI 10-602 Determining Logistics Support and Readiness Requirements

AFI 10-901 Lead Operating Command--Communications and Information

Systems Management

AFI 11-215 Flight Manuals Program (FMP)

AFI 16-1002 Modeling and Simulation Support to Acquisition

AFI 21-101 Maintenance Management of Aircraft

AFI 21-103 Equipment Inventory, Status, and Utilization Reporting

AFI 21-107 Maintaining Commercial Derivative Aircraft

DLAD 4155.24/
AR 702-7/
AFI 21-115 Product Quality Deficiency Report Program

AFI 21-402 Engineering Drawing System

AFI 21-403 Acquiring Engineering Data

AFI 32-7061 The Environmental Impact Analysis Process

AFI 32-7080 Pollution Prevention Program

AFI 32-7086 Hazardous Materials Management

AFI 63-104 The SEEK EAGLE Program

AFI 63-107 Product Support Management Plan

AFI 63-1001 Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP)


AFI 63-1101 Modification Management

AFI 63-1201 Assurance of Operational Safety, Suitability & Effectiveness

AFI 63-1301 Assurance of Global Air Traffic Management Performance


AFI 90-901 Operational Risk Management

AFI 91-202 The U.S. Air Force Mishap Prevention Program

AFI 91-204 AFMC Sup 1 Safety Investigations and Reports

AFI 99-101 Developmental Test and Evaluation

AFI 99-102 Operational Test and Evaluation

AFJI 24-223 DoD Engineering for Transportability


AFPD 21-3 Technical Orders

AFPD 21-4 Engineering Data

AFPD 62-4 Standards of Civil Airworthiness for Passenger Carrying

Commercial Derivative Transport Aircraft

AFPD 62-5 Standards of Civil Airworthiness for Commercial Derivative Hybrid


AFPD 62-6 USAF Aircraft Airworthiness Certification

AFPD 63-1 Acquisition System

AFPD 63-10 Aircraft Structural Integrity

AFPD 63-11 Modification System

AFPD 63-12 Assurance of Operational Safety, Suitability & Effectiveness

AFPD 63-13 GATM and Navigational Safety Certification for USAF Aircraft

AFPD 99-1 Test and Evaluation Process


AFMCI 21-101 Depot Maintenance Activation Planning (DMAP)

AFMCI 21-102 Analytical Condition Inspection (ACI) Programs

AFMCI 21-103 Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) Programs

AFMCI 61-102 Technology Transition Planning


AFMCI 63-1201 Assurance of Operational Safety, Suitability & Effectiveness


AFMAN 23-110 USAF Supply Manual

AFMAN 63-119 Certification of System Readiness for Dedicated Operational Test

and Evaluation

AFMCMAN 21-1 Air Force Materiel Command Technical Order System Procedures


AFMCPAM 63-101 Acquisition Risk Management

AFPAM 36-2211 Guide for Management of Air Force Training Systems

(Copies of Air Force publications may be viewed at http://www.e-publishing.af.mil.)


TO 00-5-1, AF Technical Order System

TO 00-5-15, Air Force Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO) System

TO 00-5-3, AF Technical Manual Acquisition Procedures

TO 00-35D-54, USAF Deficiency Reporting and Investigating System

TO 00-20-5, Aerospace Vehicle /Equipment Inspection and Documentation

TO 00-20-1, Aerospace Equipment, Maintenance, General Policies and Procedures

The TO Index is only used to check various information (pub date, TO manager, etc)
about tech orders. See https://www.toindex-s.wpafb.af.mil/. For 00 series tech orders,
see http://www.ide.wpafb.af.mil/toprac/Category_00_TOs.htm. For all other TO
requests, order from either JCALS or ATOMS.


Aeronautical Systems Center, Engineering Technical Processes

ASC/EN – SMC/SD Systems Engineering Guide

Commercial Aircraft Certification, paper at NAECON, 15 July 1998

Defense Systems Management College (DSMC) Risk Management Guide

Manufacturing Development Guide

Weapon System Integrity Guide


Joint Service Specification Guides


The following non-Government documents form a part of this document to the extent
specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of the documents which are
DoD adopted are those listed in the latest issue of the DoDISS, and supplement thereto.


ASME Y14.24-M-1989 Types and Applications of Engineering Drawings

ASME Y14-34M-1989 Parts Lists, Data Lists, and Index Lists

ASME Y14.100M-1998 Engineering Drawing Practices

(Copies of ASME publications may be obtained from ASME, 22 Law Drive, Box 2300,
Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300; or by calling 1-800-843-2763, ext. 228. Order on-line at:


EIA -649, National Consensus Standard for Configuration Management

(Copies of Engineering Industry Association standards may be obtained from

Engineering Industries Alliance (EIA), Technology Strategy and Standards Department,
2500 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201. Visit the EIA website at


SAE-AIR5022, Reliability and Safety Process Integration

SAE-ARP5580, Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis Procedures

(Application for copies should be addressed to SAE International, 400 Commonwealth

Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001. Order electronic standards online at


A.3.1 Definition of terms

A.3.1.1 Allocated baseline

The current, approved documentation for a CI to be developed, which describes in
performance terms the functional and interface characteristics that are allocated from
those of the higher level CI and the verification required to demonstrate achievement of
those specified characteristics. (MIL-HDBK-61A)


A.3.1.2 Airworthiness
The property of a particular air system configuration to safely attain, sustain, and
terminate flight in accordance with the approved usage and limits.

A.3.1.3 Airworthiness certification

Airworthiness certification is a repeatable process that results in a documented decision
by the SM that an aircraft system has been judged to be airworthy. In other words, it
meets the approved set of criteria established by the Airworthiness Certification Criteria
Control Board, Airworthiness Certification Criteria), or the aircraft system carries the
appropriate Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificates. Airworthiness
certification is intended to verify that the aircraft system can be safely maintained and
safely operated by fleet pilots within its described and documented operational envelope.

A.3.1.4 Airworthiness certification criteria

The airworthiness certification criteria (MIL-HDBK-516) establish the criteria to be used
in the determination of airworthiness of all Air Force flight vehicles. It is a foundational
document to be used by the single manager, chief engineer, and contractors to define
and tailor their airworthiness programs from the outset, and to assess the viability and
quality of their airworthiness plans and activities throughout the program. These criteria
must be used throughout the life of the air vehicle and applied whenever there is a
change to the functional or product baseline, or where an airworthiness determination is

A.3.1.5 Assurance
A planned and systematic pattern of actions necessary to provide confidence that
expected performance is achieved.

A.3.1.6 Baseline (OSS&E)

A description of the OSS&E parameters and limitations of any system or end-item that
must be understood, acknowledged, and maintained during operational deployment,
use, experimentation, exercises, training, and maintenance of the system or end-item.
These should be measurable, top-level parameters that characterize system
performance, capabilities, and certifications that merit the attention of using command
and program office senior leadership. Examples include key performance parameters
and acquisition program baselines.

A.3.1.7 Baseline metrics (OSS&E)

AFI 10-901 states that the lead command (LC) during sustainment deals with analyzing
the fielded system’s performance against operational needs. This is accomplished using
a predetermined set of metrics developed by the LC and users, to determine how and
when to modify or replace a system, equipment, commodity, and/or service and ensure
satisfying user requirements and initiate corrective action. These parameters should be
the same (or a subset) of those used by the SM to assure preservation of the OSS&E


baseline throughout the operational life of the system or end-item. Multiple metrics may
be required to assess the baseline characteristics.

A.3.1.8 Clearance
A contractor or Government source signed, written statement that indicates the fitness of
a particular component item or principal item for use in a particular application as
established by the achievement of specified criteria.

A.3.1.9 Commercial off-the-shelf

Any item evolving from or available in the commercial sector; any combination of items
customarily combined and sold to the general public.

A.3.1.10 Configuration control

(1) A systematic process which ensures that changes to released configuration
documentation are properly identified, documented, evaluated for impact, approved by
an appropriate level of authority, incorporated, and verified. (2) The configuration
management activity concerning: the systematic proposal, justification, evaluation,
coordination, and disposition of proposed changes; and the implementation of all
approved and released changes into (a) the applicable configurations of a product, (b)
associated product information, and (c) supporting and interfacing products and their
associated product information. [Ref: EIA STANDARD - 649]

A.3.1.11 Configuration management

A management process for establishing and maintaining consistency of a product’s
performance, functional, and physical attributes with its requirements, design and
operational information throughout its life. [Ref: EIA STANDARD - 649]

A.3.1.12 End-item
Equipment that can be used by itself to perform a military function or provides an
enhanced military capability to a system and has a distinct management activity to
control its technical and performance baseline. Examples include the LANTIRN, 60K-
loaders, AN/ALE-45 Countermeasures Dispenser, and Aircraft Tow Bars.

A.3.1.13 Functional baseline

The approved configuration documentation describing a system's or top-level
configuration item's performance (functional, inter-operability, and interface
characteristics) and the verification required to demonstrate the achievement of those
specified characteristics. (MIL-HDBK-61A)

A.3.1.14 Hazard
(a) A condition that is a prerequisite to a mishap. [Ref: MIL-STD-882C]; (b) Any real or
potential condition that can cause injury, illness, or death to personnel; damage to or


loss of a system, equipment or property; or damage to the environment. [Ref: MIL-STD-


A.3.1.15 Interface
The performance, functional, and physical attributes required to exist at a common
boundary. [Ref: EIA-649]

A.3.1.16 Integrated risk management (IRM)

A risk management approach for use in the acquisition of new systems, end-items, and
equipment based upon four attributes. Those attributes are 1) risk management
planning, 2) risk assessment, 3) risk mitigation, and 4) risk management control.

A.3.1.17 Integrity
Refers to the essential characteristics of a system, subsystem, or equipment that allows
specific performance, reliability, safety, and supportability to be achieved under specified
operational and environmental conditions over a specific service life. [Ref: MIL-HDBK-

A.3.1.18 Joint program

Any acquisition system, subsystem, component, or technology program involving a
strategy that involves funding by more than one DoD component, during any phase of
the system’s life cycle.

A.3.1.19 Lead engineer (LE)

The individual responsible for all end-item or system technical activities, including
engineering and configuration changes, in support of the end-item SM or system chief
engineer (CE).

A.3.1.20 Materiel safety program manager (MSPM)

The individual responsible for tracking to completion a mishap recommendation on each
center’s aircraft. Provides mishap information to appropriate offices/individuals (after
limited use data training has been received) to preclude similar mishaps and
malfunctions on similar systems. The MSPM serves as the SM's focal point for all data
requests going to AFMC.

A.3.1.21 Mishap
An unplanned event or series of events resulting in death, injury, occupational illness,
damage to or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment. [Ref: MIL-


A.3.1.22 Modification airworthiness certification criteria (MACC)

A working document comprised of a tailored set of airworthiness criteria applicable to a
reportable modification plus a description of the aircraft covered, supplemental data, and
limitations that apply to the modification. The MACC document is a subset of the TACC
document and includes other unique or updated MIL-HDBK-516 criteria needed to
recertify airworthiness after the modification. This is a temporary document applicable
only to the aircraft being modified and may lead to an update to the TACC document.

A.3.1.23 Nondevelopmental Item

Any item that was previously developed and used exclusively for governmental purposes
by a Federal agency, a state or local government, or a foreign government with which
the United States has a mutual defense cooperation agreement. NDI can require minor
modification in order to meet the requirements of the agency. Items that are developed
and will soon be used by the federal, a state or local government, or a foreign
government are also considered NDI.

A.3.1.24 Operational effectiveness

The overall degree of mission accomplishment of a system used by representative
personnel in the environment, planned or expected (e.g., natural, electronic, threat), for
operational employment of the system. Operational effectiveness considers
organization, doctrine, tactics, survivability, vulnerability, and threat (including
countermeasures, initial nuclear weapons effects, and nuclear, biological, and chemical
contamination threats).

A.3.1.25 Operational risk management (ORM)

A decision-making process to systematically evaluate possible courses of action, identify
risks and benefits, and determine the best course of action for any given situation. [Ref:
AFI 90-901]

A.3.1.26 Operational safety

The condition of having acceptable risk to life, health, property, or environment caused
by a system or subsystem when employed in an operational environment. This involves
the identification of hazards, assessment of risk, determination of mitigating measures,
and acceptance of residual risk.

A.3.1.27 Operational suitability

The degree to which a system can be satisfactorily dispatched into field use.
Consideration is given to availability, compatibility, transportability, interoperability,
reliability, wartime use rates, maintainability, safety, human factors, manpower
supportability, logistics supportability, natural environmental effects and impacts, and
documentation and training requirements.


A.3.1.28 Operational test and evaluation (OT&E)

Testing and evaluation conducted in as realistic an operational environment as possible
to estimate the prospective system’s operational effectiveness and operational
suitability. In addition, OT&E provides information on organization, personnel
requirements, doctrine, and tactics. It may also provide data to support or verify material
in operating instructions, publications, and handbooks (AFM 11-1) [Ref: AFI 99-102]

A.3.1.29 Performance
A measure characterizing a physical or functional attribute relating to the execution of an
operation or function. Performance attributes include quantity (how many or how much),
quality (how well), coverage (how much area, how far), timeliness (how responsive, how
frequent), and readiness (availability, mission/operational readiness). Performance is an
attribute to be measured for all systems, people, products, and processes including
those for development, production, verification, deployment, operations, support,
training, and disposal. Thus, supportability parameters, manufacturing process
variability, reliability, and so forth are all performance measures. [Ref: EIA -649]

A.3.1.30 Product baseline

The approved technical documentation which describes the configuration of a CI during
the production, fielding / deployment and operational support phases of its life cycle.
The product baseline prescribes:

a. All necessary physical or form, fit, and function characteristics of a CI,

b. The selected functional characteristics designated for production acceptance

testing, and

c. The production acceptance test requirements (MIL-HDBK-61A)

When used for reprocurement of a CI, the product baseline documentation also includes
the allocated configuration documentation to ensure that performance requirements are
not compromised.

A.3.1.31 Public use aircraft

Aircraft used only in the service of a government or a political subdivision. It does not
include any Government-owned aircraft engaged in carrying persons or property for
commercial purposes.

A.3.1.32 Reportable modification

Those air system modifications determined by the chief engineer to result in a significant
airworthiness impact. Note: All modifications require an airworthiness assessment, but
not all are reportable. For the purposes of airworthiness certification reporting, per
AFPD 62-6, paragraph 2.8.7, the chief engineer will conduct an assessment of all
permanent modifications and will provide written notice requiring airworthiness


recertification to ASC/EN on only those deemed reportable. See airworthiness

certification, section 12, for examples of reportable modifications.

A.3.1.33 Safety
Freedom from those conditions that can cause death, injury, occupational illness, or
damage to or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment. [Ref: MIL-

A.3.1.34 Safety critical

A term applied to a condition, event, operation, process, or item whose proper
recognition, control, performance, or tolerance is essential to safe system operation or
use; e.g., safety-critical function, safety-critical path, safety-critical component.
Describes items that, if they fail, have the potential for catastrophic or critical
consequences to personnel or equipment. The determining factor is the consequence of
failure, not the probability that the failure or consequences would occur.

A.3.1.35 Safety of flight

The property of a particular air system configuration to safely attain, sustain, and
terminate flight within prescribed and accepted limits for injury/death to personnel and
damage to equipment, property, and/or environment. Typically associated with flight
test; however, it could apply to T-1 modifications.

A.3.1.36 Single manager (SM)

A system program director (SM). [Ref: AFPD 63-1]

A.3.1.37 System
A specific grouping of components or elements designed and integrated to perform a
military function. System examples include the A-10 weapon system (including the air
vehicle, support equipment, training equipment, engines, diagnostics, ground station,
and technical data), F101 engine, and C-17 Automatic Test System.

A.3.1.38 System chief engineer

The individual responsible for all system technical activities, including engineering and
configuration changes, in support of a system program director (SM).

A.3.1.39 System safety

The application of engineering and management principles, criteria, and techniques to
achieve acceptable mishap risk, within the constraints of operational effectiveness and
suitability, time, and cost, throughout all phases of the system life cycle. [Ref: MIL-STD-


A.3.1.40 Systems engineering

An interdisciplinary approach encompassing the entire technical effort to evolve, verify,
field, and support an integrated and life cycle balanced set of people, product, and
process solutions that satisfy customer needs.

A.3.1.41 System program director (SM)

The individual directing an Air Force system program office (SPO) who is ultimately
responsible and accountable for decisions and most resources in overall program
execution of a military system. The SM is the single person, identified in a program
management directive (PMD), who is charged with cost, schedule, performance
(including sustainment) of a program.

A.3.1.42 Tailored airworthiness certification criteria (TACC)

The document comprising the set of airworthiness certification criteria that are applicable
to a particular MDS or group of MDS aircraft (the certification basis), including a
description of the aircraft, supplemental data, and limitations.

A.3.2 Acronyms
ACAT I Acquisition category I

ACC Air Combat Command

ACTD advanced concept technology demonstration

AC3B Airworthiness Certification Criteria control board

AE Aeronautical Enterprise

AEB Aviation Engineering Board

AETC Air Education and Training Command

AFAE Air Force acquisition executive

AFFSA Air Force Flight Standards Agency

AFI Air Force instruction

AFJI Air Force joint instruction

AFMC Air Force Materiel Command

AFMCI AFMC instruction


AFOSH Air Force Occupational Safety and Health


AFPAM Air Force pamphlet

AFPD Air Force policy directive

AFRES Air Force Reserves

AFTO Air Force technical order

AIMS Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System Identification Friend

or Foe Mark XII/XIIA System

AIP aircraft information program

AIR aerospace information report

AIS automated information system

AIWG aircraft information working group

ALC air logistics center

AMC Air Mobility Command

ANG Air National Guard

ARP aerospace recommended practice

ASC Aeronautical Systems Center

ASIP aircraft structural integrity program

AT anti-tampering

ATC air traffic control

ATTLA Air Transportability Test Loading Agency

ATD advanced technology demonstration or aircrew training device

ATM air traffic management

AVCL air vehicle clearance level

AVIP avionics/electronics integrity program

C&A certification & accreditation

CAA civilian aviation authority

CAMS core automated maintenance system


CAIV cost as an independent variable

CANN cannibalization

CAT I category I (deficiency reports)

CCB configuration control board

CCP contract change proposal

CDRL contract data requirements list

CE chief engineer

CEI configuration equipment item

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CI configuration item

CLS contractor logistics support

CM configuration management

CMS configuration management system

CNS communication, navigation, surveillance

COI critical operational issues

CONOPS concept of operations

CORR commander’s operational readiness review (CORR)

COTS commercial off-the-shelf

CPIN computer program identification number

CSA configuration status accounting

CSCI computer software configuration item

DO 43A Air Force master item identification database

DAC designated acquisition commander

DAMA demand assigned multiple access

DCMA Defense Contract Management Agency

DLA Defense Logistics Agency


DOC designated operational capability

DoD Department of Defense

DR deficiency report

DRIS deficiency reporting and investigation system

DSMC Defense Systems Management College

ECO engineering change order

DT&E development test & evaluation

ECP engineering change proposal

EMI/EMC electromagnetic interference/compatibility

EMD engineering & manufacturing development

EMSEC emission security

ENSIP engine structural integrity program

FAA Federal Aviation Administration

FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations or Federal Aviation Regulations

F3I form, fit, function, and interface

FMECA failure modes effects and criticality analysis

FMM flight manual manager

FMP Flight Manuals Program

FMRC Flight Manual Review Conference

FOT&E follow-on operational test and evaluation

GATM global air traffic management

GIDEP Government and Industry Data Exchange Program

HQ headquarters

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization

ICS interim contractor support

IFF identification friend or foe


IMP integrated master plan

IMS integrated master schedule

IOC initial operational capability

IPB illustrated parts breakdown

I&M inspection and maintenance

IPT integrated product team

IRM integrated risk management

JITC Joint Interoperability Test Command

JTA joint technical architecture

KPP key performance parameter

LC lead command

LE lead engineer

LRIP low rate initial production

LRU line replaceable units

MACC modification airworthiness certification criteria

MAJCOM major command

MCEB Military Communications Electronics Board

MCTL Military Critical Technologies List

MDA milestone decision authority

MDS mission design series

MECSIP mechanical equipment and subsystems integrity program

METL mission essential tasks list

MOA memorandum of agreement

MOU memorandum of understanding

MS milestone

MS&A modeling, simulation and analysis


MSPM materiel safety program manager

NAECON National Aerospace & Electronics Conference

NDI nondevelopment item

NNMSB Nonnuclear Munitions Safety Board

OEM original equipment manufacture

OPR office of primary responsibility

ORD operational requirements document

ORM operational risk management

O&S operations and support

OSS&E operational safety, suitability & effectiveness

OTA operational test activity

OT&E operational test and evaluation

PC personal computer

PEO program executive officers

PFR primary flight reference

PID program introduction document

PMD program management directive

PRR production readiness review

QA quality assurance

QPI quality performance indicators

QOT&E qualification operational test & evaluation

QT&E qualification test & evaluation

RCM reliability centered maintenance

REMIS reliability and maintainability information system

RF radio frequency

RFP request for proposal


RLA repair level analysis

RTO responsible test organization

RTOC reduction in total ownership cost

SAE Society of Automotive Engineers

SATCOM satellite communications

S&EI system and end-item

SEMR senior executive management report

SIMCERT simulation certification

SLA service level agreements

SM single manager

SMC Space and Missile Systems Center

SoF safety of flight

SOO statement of objectives

SOW statement of work

SPO system program office

SSG system safety group

SSM system safety manager or system support manager

(at an ALC)

TACC tailored airworthiness certification criteria

TBD to be determined

TC type certification

TCM technical content manager

TCTO time compliance technical order

TM technical manual

TMCR technical manual contract requirements document

TO technical order


TOC total ownership cost

TOMP technical order management plan

TOVP technical order verification plan

UAV unmanned air vehicle

UCI unit compliance inspection

UHF ultra-high frequency

USAF United States Air Force

VTM verification team manager

WSB warfighters support briefing

WSIG Weapon System Integrity Guide



Was the problem identified and defined? Yes___ No___
Could the problem be solved by any other risk management Yes___ No___
Were the six steps used in the correct sequence? Yes___ No___
Was the method for risk identification identifiable? Yes___ No___
Were the risks listed? Yes___ No___
Were the risks analyzed? Yes___ No___
Were the causes of the risks listed? Yes___ No___
Was the risk exposure assessed? Yes___ No___
Was the risks' severity assessed? Yes___ No___
Were the risks' probabilities of occurrence assessed? Yes___ No___
Were the risk assessments completed by prioritization? Yes___ No___
Were control options identified? Yes___ No___
Were the effects of the control options identified? Yes___ No___
Were the control measures prioritized? Yes___ No___
Were control options selected? Yes___ No___
Were decisions to implement selected controls implemented? Yes___ No___
Was the decision made by the appropriate level of command? Yes___ No___
Was the implementation guidance clear and understandable? Yes___ No___
Was accountability established for implementation of controls? Yes___ No___
Was support for the control measure provided? Yes___ No___
Was the implementation of the control supervised? Yes___ No___
Was the outcome of the control reviewed? Yes___ No___
Was feedback provided on the success of the control measure? Yes___ No___
Was the ORM process reinitiated if necessary? Yes___ No___



Is the managing activity’s configuration control process documented Yes___ No___
and operating?
(MIL-HDBK-61A, paragraph
Is the configuration control authority identified and documented? Yes___ No___
(MIL-HDBK-61A, paragraph
Do Class I engineering change proposals (ECPs) identify impacts to Yes___ No___
(MIL-HDBK-61A, Tables 6-3 through 6-6)
Are Class I ECPs tracked from initial request to contractual Yes___ No___
authorization and incorporation into the hardware or software?
(MIL-HDBK-61A, paragraph 6.2, and Figure 7-2)
Is the managing activity’s deficiency reporting process documented Yes___ No___
and operating?
(While documenting the process is not a requirement of
TO 00-35D-54, it is still a good practice.)
If a system/end-item is organically maintained with two or three level Yes___ No___
maintenance, does the managing activity have access to CAMS or
G0-81 to obtain the exact configuration of the system/end-item?
If a system/end-item is maintained by contractor logistics support, Yes___ No___
does the contractor have access to CAMS or G0-81 to input modifi-
cation/maintenance activities? Does the managing activity have
access to the contractor’s configuration status accounting system?
(MIL-HDBK-61A, paragraph 7.2)
Are the CSA and maintenance data collection systems user-friendly Yes___ No___
(e.g., Windows point and click versus memorizing various screens)?
Has the user received proper training to perform maintenance Yes___ No___
actions to the system/end-item?
Has the user accurately recorded modifications and maintenance Yes___ No___
actions to the system/end-item?
Are drawings, technical documentation, and hardware issues (i.e., Yes___ No___
review of historical and maintenance records, inspection of
system/end-item for unauthorized modifications, failure/mishap
analysis) properly documented and updated.
Does the user’s chain of command enforce proper maintenance and Yes___ No___
recording of maintenance actions?
Is there an approved memorandum of agreement (MOA) between Yes___ No___
the managing activity, the user to delineate responsibilities for main-
taining the current configuration of the system/end-item? Is the MOA
“Yes” answers to all of the above questions indicate a good configuration management system that will accurately identify
the current configuration of a system/end-item. “No” answers jeopardize the accuracy of the configuration.



A.6.1 Prior to contract award

1. Assist in developing a Government concept of operations (GCO).

2. Develop a draft TO management plan (TOMP) and tech order related request for
proposal (RFP) inputs (see DoD 5010.12-M and TO 00-5-3 for RFP guidance).

3. Hold a TO planning & requirements conference.

4. Finalize TOMP and RFP inputs.

A.6.2 After contract award

1. Hold a TO guidance conference.

2. Refine TOMP and draft a TO verification plan (TOVP)

3. Plan for TO sustainment/updates via the annual comprehensive Air Force tech
order plan (CAFTOP).

Custodian: Preparing Activity:
Air Force - 11 Air Force - 11

Review Activities (Project: SESS-0037)

Air Force - 70, 71, 84

1. The preparing activity must complete blocks 1, 2, 3, and 8. In block 1, both the document number and revision letter should be

2. The submitter of this form must complete blocks 4, 5, 6, and 7, and send to preparing activity.

3. The preparing activity must provide a reply within 30 days from receipt of the form.

NOTE: This form may not be used to request copies of documents, nor to request waivers, or clarification of requirements on current
contracts. Comments submitted on this form do not constitute or imply authorization to waive any portion of the referenced document(s)
or to amend contractual requirements.


MIL-HDBK-514 20030328
4. NATURE OF CHANGE (Identify paragraph number and include proposed rewrite, if possible. Attach extra sheets as needed.)


a. NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial) b. ORGANIZATION

c. ADDRESS (Include Zip Code) d. TELEPHONE (Include Area Code) 7.DATE SUBMITTED
(1) Commercial (YYYYMMDD)
(if applicable)
a. NAME ASC/ENOI (AF-11) b. TELEPHONE Include Area Code)
(1) Commercial (937)255-6296/-6282 (2) AUTOVON 785-6296/-6282

2530 LOOP ROAD WEST Defense Standardization Program Office (DLSC-LM)
WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB, OH 45433-7101 8725 John J. Kingman road, Suite 2533, Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-2533
Telephone (703) 767-6888 AUTOVON 427-6888


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