Police Organization and Administration

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The word constable and

ADMINISTRATION patrol are likewise French
PART 1 POLICE ORGANIZATION AND - Doctrine that which is taught or set for
ADMINISTRATION acceptance or that which is held to be true
by any person, sect, school, especially in
Organization-a group of persons working religion, or tenet or body of tenets.
together for a common goal or objectives a
form of human association for the PNP Doctrine is an authoritative statement
attainment of a goal or objective the of principles prescribing proper acquisition,
process of identifying and grouping the used and employment of PNP human and
work to be performed, defining and material resource to achieve plan and
delegating responsibility and authority, objectives. This is largely based on
establishing relationships for the purpose of knowledge gained through time honored
enabling people work effectively police experiences, studies, analysis and
Police Organization- a group of trained
the field of public safety administration
the achievement of goals and objectives
that promotes the maintenance of peace  Fundamental Doctrines - are the
and order, protection of life and property, basic principles in planning,
enforcement of the organization and management of the
laws and the prevention of crimes PNP in support of the overall pursuits of
the PNP vision, mission, and strategic
Administration- an organizational process action and for the attainment of the
concerned with the implementation of national objectives.
objectives and plans and internal operating  Operational Doctrines- the principle
efficiency connotes bureaucratic structure and rules governing the planning,
and behavior, relatively routine decision- organization, direction and employment
making and maintenance of the internal PNP forces in the accomplishment of
order . basic security operational mission in
the maintenance of peace and order,
Police Administration- the process crime prevention and suppression,
involved in ensuring strict compliance, internal security and public safety
proper obedience of laws and related operation.
statutes focuses on the policing process or  Functional Doctrines- are the
how law enforcement agencies are principle and guidance for the
organized and managed in order to achieve specialized activities of the police in the
the goals of law enforcement most fields of personnel, intelligence,
effectively, efficiently and productively training, logistics, planning,
comptrollership, civil military
ORIGIN OF THE WORD “POLICE” operations, material development and
 The word “POLICE” originated from the other administrative and technical
Greek word “POLITEIA” meaning services.
government of a city. It applied to the
civil officers and not necessarily SECONDARY DOCTRINES
 The Roman changed the word slightly Complimentary Doctrines are doctrines
to “POLITIA” meaning a condition of a formulated jointly by two or more and peace
state, government or administration. and order. This essentially involves the
 The French changed the word to participation of the PNP, BJMP, BFP,
“POLICE” and applied it to person who PPSC, NBI and other enforcement
actually enforces the law. Thereafter, agencies objectives.
the English and Americans borrowed
the word intact from the French and
used it to describe a LAW
functions and assist in the performance of
BASES OF POLICE DOCTRINE - Police the line functions examples of the staff
doctrines are principally based on the vision functions of the police are Planning,
and mission of the police organization. research, budgeting and legal advice

SAMPLE DOCTRINES Auxiliary Functions- functions involving
the logistical operations of the organization
Doctrine of Command Responsibility - a examples are communication,
superior may be held criminally responsible maintenance, records management,
for a crime committed by his subordinates if supplies and equipment management.
it is proven that despite his awareness of
the crimes of subordinates, he fails to fulfil B. OTHER TERMINOLOGIES
his duties to prevent and punish these
crimes. Sworn Officers – all personnel of the
police department who have oath and who
Doctrine of Maximum Tolerance - means possess the power to arrest.
the highest degree of restraint that the 
military, police and other peace keeping Superior Officer - one having supervisory
authorities shall observe during a public responsibilities, either temporarily or
assembly or in the dispersal of the same. permanently, over officers of lower rank.

Commanding Officer - an officer who is in

Doctrine of Public Accountability – command of the department, a bureau, a
Public office is a public trust. Public officers division, an area, or a
and employees must, at all times, be district.
accountable to the people, serve them with
utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and Ranking Officer - the officer who has the
efficiency. more senior rank/higher rank in a team or
Doctrine of Transparency – requires that
the decisions and actions of those in Length of Service - the period of time that
government are open to public scrutiny and has elapsed since the oath of office was
the public has a right to access government administered. Previous active services may
information. be included or added.

Doctrine of Poisonous Tree – prevents On Duty – the period when an officer is

the prosecution from admitting certain actively engaged in the performance of his
evidence into a criminal case after it has duty
been tainted by a primary illegality. This 
doctrine is meant to remove illegally- Off Duty - the nature of which the police
acquired evidence from negatively officer is free from specific routine duty
impacting a criminal defendant. 
Special Duty - the police service, its
nature, which requires that the officer be
ORGANIZATIONAL CONCEPTS AND excused from the performance of his active
PRINCIPLES regular duty

A. FUNCTIONS IN A POLICE Leave of Absence - period, which an
ORGANIZATION officer is excused from active duty by any
valid/acceptable reason, approved by
Primary or Line Functions- functions that higher authority.
carry out the major purposes of the 
organization, delivering the services and Sick Leave - period which an officer is
dealing directly with the public examples of excused from active duty by reason of
the line functions of the police are illness or injury.
Patrolling, traffic duties, and crime
investigation Suspension - a consequence of an act
which temporarily deprives an officer from
Staff/Administrative Functions- functions the privilege of performing his duties as
that are designed to support the line
result of violating directives or other 3. “A Citizen’s Respect for Law develops
department regulations. his respect for the Police”.
Department Rules - rules established by 4. “Cooperation for the Public Decrease
department directors/supervisors to control as the Use of Force Increases”.
the conduct of the members of the police 5. “Police Must Render Impartial
force. Enforcement of the Law”
Duty Manual - describes the procedures 6. “Physical Force is Used Only as a Last
and defines the duties of officers assigned Resort”
to specified post or position. 7. “The Police are the Public and the
 Public are the Police”
Order - an instruction given by a ranking 8. “The Police Represents the Law”
officer to a subordinate, either General 9. The Absence of Crime and Disorder is
Order, Special, or Personal the Test of Police Efficiency”


 An accepted or professed rule of action PRINCIPLES OF POLICE
or conduct. ORGANIZATION
 A fundamental, primary, or general law
or truth from which others are derived. Scalar Principle – shows the vertical
hierarchy of the organization which defines
an unbroken chain of units from top to
PRINCIPLES OF LAW ENFORCEMENT bottom describing explicitly the flow of
 The concept of professional policing authority.
was taken up by Robert Peel when he
became Home Secretary in 1822. Unity of Command- dictates that there
 Peel's Metropolitan Police Act 1829 should only be ONE MAN commanding the
established a full-time, professional and unit to ensure uniformity in the execution of
centrally-organized police force for the orders
Greater London area, known as the
Metropolitan Police. Span of Control- the maximum number of
 The Peelian principles describe the subordinates that a superior can effectively
philosophy that Sir Robert Peel supervise
developed to define an ethical police
force. The principles traditionally Delegation of Authority- conferring of
ascribed to Peel state that: certain specified authority by a superior to a
 Whether the police are effective is subordinate
not measured on the number of 
arrests, but on the lack of crime. Specialization- the assignment of
 Above all else, an effective particular personnel to particular tasks
authority figure knows trust and which are highly technical and require
accountability are paramount. special skills and training
Hence, Peel's most often quoted
principle that "The police are the Chain of Command- the arrangement of
public and the public are the officers from top to bottom on the basis of
police." rank or position and authority
 The Metropolitan Police officers were
often referred to as ´Bobbies´ after Sir Command Responsibility- dictates that
Robert (Bobby) Peel, and are regarded immediate commanders shall be
as the first modern police force`. responsible for the effective supervision and
control of their personnel and unit

ENFORCEMENT ENUNCIATED BY SIR “Institutionalization of the Doctrine of
ROBERT PEEL THE FOUNDER OF THE Command Responsibility at all levels of
1. “Prevention of Crime is the Basic 
Mission of the Police”. EO No. 226 - “Institutionalization of the
2. “Police Must Have the Full Respect of Doctrine of Command Responsibility in all
the Citizenry”. Government offices
leader who was known as the Tithingman.
Since 10 tithings amounted to 100, the
THEORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF POLICE leader of the 100 families was named the
SERVICE reeve. Both the tithingman and reeve were
elected officials. They possessed judicial
A. HOME RULE THEORY power as well as police authority.
 policemen are regarded as servants of
the community, who rely for the Hue and Cry - provides for methods of
efficiency of their functions upon the apprehending a criminal by an act of the
express needs of the people complainant shout to call all male residents
 policemen are civil servants whose key to assemble and arrest the suspect.
duty is the preservation of public peace 
and security Trial by Ordeal - A judicial practice where
 It exist in United States, England and in the guilt or innocence of the accused is
Philippines determined by subjecting him to an
unpleasant, usually dangerous, experience.
B. CONTINENTAL THEORY The word “ordeal” was derived from the
 policemen are regarded as servants of Medieval Latin word “Dei Indicum” which
the higher authorities means “a miraculous decision.”
 the people have no share or have little
participation with the duties nor C. NORMAN PERIOD OF POLICING
connection with the police organization SYSTEM (1066-1225 AD)
 exist in France, Italy and Spain- 1. Shire-Reeve
countries with a decentralized form of  “Shires” a division of (55) military areas
government in England under the Regime of
 police service gives the impression of  “Rieve” (the head-man) - the military
being merely a suppressive machinery leader (lieutenants of the army) who is
 this philosophy advocates that the in charge of the Shires.
measurement of police competence is 
the increasing number of arrests,  Two “Constabuli” or “The Keeper of
throwing offenders in detention facilities the Horse” was appointed to each
rather than trying to prevent them from village to aid the Rieve in his duties. It
committing crimes became the source of the word
 regards police as the first line of  “Shire-Rieve”- it is from the word
defense of the criminal justice system, “Sheriff” came. A person which
an organ of crime prevention absolute powers that no one could
 police efficiency is measured by the questions his or her actions.
decreasing number of crimes
 broadens police activities to cater to 2. Travelling Judge - judge selected to
social services and has for its mission hear cases which were formerly being judge
the welfare of the individual as well as by the Shire-Rieve and task to travel
that of the community in general through and hear criminal cases. This was
Tuesday, May 2, 2023 the first instance of the division of the police
and judicial powers.
3. Leges Henrici - an act that was enacted
A. ANGLO-SAXON PERIOD OF during this period with the following
POLICING SYSTEM (600- 1006 AD) features:
 Tun Policing System - A system of
policing emerged during the Anglo-Saxon  Offenses were classified as against the
period whereby all male residents were king and individual.
required to guard the town (tun) to preserve  Policeman becomes public servant
peace and protect the lives and properties  The police and the citizens have the
of the people. Ten families in a town (tun) broad power to arrest. It introduced the
equaled a tithing. Each tithing elected a system called “citizen’s arrest.”
 Grand Jury was created to inquire on
the facts of the law.
4. Magna Carta- another law enacted upon SYSTEM - In 1829, Sir Robert Peel
the demand of the Knights of the Round introduced the Metropolitan Police Act
Table forcing the King to sign the same with passed by the parliament of England-the
the following features: milestone of England’s police force. Sir
 Robert Peel become famous and was
 No freeman shall be taken or considered as the Father of Modern
imprisoned except by legal judgement. Policing System.
 No person shall be tried for murder
unless there is proof of the body of the EVOLUTION OF THE PHILIPPINE

4. Frankpledge System - A system of The institution of police in the Philippines

policing whereby a group of ten neighboring formally started during the Spanish period.
male residents over twelve years of age The establishment of the police force was
were required to guard the town to preserve not entirely intended for crime prevention or
peace and protect the lives and properties peacekeeping, rather it was created as an
of the people extension of the colonial military
 Carabineros De Seguridad Publica-
Statute of 1295 - the law that mark the Organized in 1712 for the purpose of
beginning of the curfew hours, which carrying the regulations of the
demanded the closing of the gates of Department of State; this was armed
London during sundown. and considered as the mounted police.

Justice of the Peace - Three or four men  Guadrilleros/Cuadrillo- This was a
who were learned in the law of the land body of rural police organized in each
were given authority to pursue arrest, town and established by the Royal
chastise and imprison violators of law. They Decree of 18 January 1836; this decree
handled felonies, misdemeanors and provided that 5% of the able-bodied
infractions of city or villages ordinances. male inhabitants of each province were
This was later abolished about 75 years to be enlisted in this police organization
later. for three years

Courts of the Star-Chamber (1487) - a  Guardia Civil- This was created by a

special court designed to try offenders Royal Decree issued by the Crown on
against the state. The room set- up is 12 February 1852 to partially relieve the
formed in a shape of a star and judges were Spanish Peninsular troops of their work
given great powers such as the power to in policing towns.
force testimony from a defendant leading to
a great abuse of power or brutality on the B. AMERICAN PERIOD
part of the judges.  The Americans established the United
States Philippine Commission headed
The Merchant Police (1500) - Merchants by General Howard Taft as its first
began employing persons to protect their governor-general. On January 9, 1901,
property, banks employ guards and night the Metropolitan Police Force of Manila
watchmen were hired to watch business was organized pursuant to Act No 70 of
establishments and private detectives were the Taft Commission. This has become
employed to locate and identify stolen the basis for the celebration of the
property. anniversary of the Manila’s Finest every
 January 9th
The Parochial Police - Dividing the people
of the cities into religious areas or parishes  Act No 175 - entitled “An Act Providing
and they bond together and employ their for the Organization and Government of
own police to protect them and their an Insular Constabulary” enacted on
property. July 18, 1901
 RA 6975- otherwise known as the
 Capt. Henry Allen- the first chief of the Department of the Interior and Local
Philippine Constabulary in 1901 Government Act of 1990, enacted on
December 13, 1990; reorganized the
 Act No. 183 - created the Manila Police DILG and established the Philippine
Department, enacted on July 31, 1901 National Police, Bureau of Fire
Protection, Bureau of Jail Management
 Capt. George Curry- the first chief of and Penology and the Philippine Public
police of the Manila Police Department Safety College
in 1901
 RA 8551- otherwise known as the
 Act No 255 - The act that renamed the Philippine National Police Reform and
Insular Constabulary into Philippine Reorganization Act of 1998, enacted on
Constabulary, enacted on October 3, February 25, 1998; this law amended
1901 certain provisions of RA 6975
 Executive Order 389- ordered that the
Philippine Constabulary be one of the  RA 9708- law amending the provisions
four services of the Armed Forces of of RA 6975 and RA 8551 on the
the Philippines, enacted on December minimum educational qualification for
23, 1940 appointment to the PNP and adjusting
the promotion system; approved on 12
RA 4864- otherwise known as the Police
Professionalization Act of 1966, enacted on HIGHLIGHTSOF R.A 6975 AS AMENDED
September 8, 1966; created the Police BY R.A 8551 AND R.A 9708
Commission (POLCOM); later POLCOM
was renamed into National Police THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR

D. MARTIAL LAW PERIOD   formerly Department of Local

PD 765- otherwise known as the Integration Government (DLG)
Act of 1975, enacted on August 8, 1975;   reorganized under RA 6975
established the Integrated National Police
(INP) composed of the Philippine A.1 ORGANIZATION:
Constabulary (PC) as the nucleus and the  consist of:
integrated local police forces as  the Department proper existing
components, under the Ministry of National bureaus and offices of the DLG
Defense transferred the NAPOLCOM from  local government units (LGU)
the Office of the President to the Ministry of  provincial governors
National Defense  city and municipal mayors
 the National Police Commission
E. POST MARTIAL LAW REGIME  the Philippine Public Safety College
 Executive Order No 1012- transferred  Philippine National Police
to the city and municipal government  Bureau of Fire Protection
the operational supervision and  Bureau of Jail Management and
direction over all INP units assigned Penology.
within their locality; issued on July 10,
1985  the PPSC, PNP, BFP and BJMP were
created under RA 6975
 Executive Order No 1040- transferred  headed by the Secretary to be
the administrative control and appointed by the President and who
supervision of the INP from the Ministry shall serve at the pleasure of the
of National Defense to the National President
Police Commission  the Secretary shall be assisted by two
(2) Undersecretaries and three (3)
 R.A. 157- created the National Bureau Assistant Secretaries
of Investigation, enacted June 19, 1947  Undersecretary for Local Government
and later reorganized by R.A. 2678  Undersecretary for Peace and Order
 No retired or resigned military officer or
police official may be appointed as
Secretary within one
(1) year from date of retirement or
 the Secretary is also the ex officio
chairman of the National Police

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