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Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (Inter-agency approach) - LEA121

I. INTRODUCTION 1. Old Concept. In this concept, the police are looked upon as merely repressive
Law enforcement is an activity of government agencies that act in an machinery. This means that placing more people in jail rather than keeping them
organized manner to enforce the law by discovering, deterring, rehabilitating, or out of jail.Punishment is the only instrument of crime control, and the yardstick of
punishing persons who violate the rules and norms governing that society. police efficiency is more on the arrest.
However, as society evolves, it is most frequently applied to those who 2. Modern Concept. This concept considers the police service as an organ of crime
directly engage in crime prevention, crime control, and maintenance of peace and prevention. Its activities include certain aspects of social services and have for its
order, typically carried out by the police or another law enforcement organization objectives the welfare of the individual and society. The yardstick of police
with particular or specific legal mandates to enforce the law. Hence, law efficiency is the absence of crime.
enforcement is usually called the police.
ORIGIN AND DEFINITION OF THE WORD “POLICE” 1. To make sure there is an order in the community;
The word “POLICE” has originated from the Greek word POLITEIA, which 2. To protect the lives and limbs of every member of the community;
means “a government of a city,” the Romans borrowed the word modifying it to 3. To protect the properties of the citizenry; and
POLITIA, adopting its meaning. It was used by the Middle-French word PORICE, 4. To render appropriate assistance to other government offices concerned.
which means “public order assured by the State.”
Modern usage of “police” as the “civil force responsible for maintaining BASIC POLICE FUNCTIONS
public order and enforcing the law” came only into recorded use in the English 1. Crime Prevention. It is directed at the elimination or reduction of the desire to
language in 1798 when the Marine Police was established to protect merchant commit a crime. Crime prevention must be coordinated very closely with other
shipping on the River Thames in London. agencies such as the criminal justice system or other sectors of society.
POLICE – a body of armed men, which as an institution, can exercise its 2. Crime Control. Refers to the control or neutralization of criminal activity. The key
duties by armed physical forces to preserve peace and order, detection of crime, to crime control is proper enforcement of the Revised Penal Code and Special Penal
and the execution of laws. Laws governing criminal acts.
3. Regulations or Control of Non-Criminal Conduct. Done by enforcing rules and
FUNDAMENTAL THEORIES OF POLICE SERVICE regulations and ordinances all aimed at achieving a desired uniform standard of
1. The Continental Theory. In this theory, police officers are considered servants of activity among members of society.
the higher authorities, and the people have little or no share at all in their duties,
nor any direct connection with them. This theory prevails among continental THREE (3) GENERAL CATEGORIES OF POLICE ACTIVITIES
countries like France, Italy, and Spain, where governmental structure follows the 1. Primary, Line, or Operation Police Functions. These refer to activities such as
centralized pattern. patrol work, traffic control/management, criminal investigation, and juvenile and
vice control. Sometimes, intelligence is classified as a line function. The
2. The Home Rule Theory. Policemen are considered servants of the Community, accomplishment of these primary tasks should achieve the police objectives.
who depend on the effectiveness of their functions upon the expressed wishes of 2. Secondary, Auxiliary, or Service Functions. These take charge of transportation,
the people. In this theory, policemen are civil employees whose primary duty is to communication, property supply, records, laboratory, jail or custody maintenance,
preserve public peace and security. This is practiced in England and in the United and identification. These tasks shall assist and effectively support the primary tasks
States of America, where the governmental structure is a decentralized pattern. in the accomplishment of the police objectives.
Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (Inter-agency approach) - LEA121
3. Administrative or Managerial Functions. These include personnel, intelligence, 5. District – a geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes, usually with its
inspection, planning activities, budgeting, training, and public relations. These tasks own station.
should assist and effectively support the primary and secondary police tasks in 6. Area – a section or territorial division of a large city each comprised of
attaining police objectives. designated districts.

• ORGANIZATION defined • Line Organization: The straight-line organization, often called the
It is a form of human association for the attainment of a goal or objective. individual, military or departmental type of organization, is the simplest and
It is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed, defining and perhaps the oldest type; but it is seldom encountered in its channels of authority
delegating responsibility and authority establishing relationships for the purpose of and responsibility extends in a direct line from top to bottom within the structures,
enabling people work effectively. authority is definite and absolute.
• Functional Organization: The functional organization in its pureform is
• POLICE ORGANIZATION defined rarely found in present day organizations, except at or near the top of the very
Police organization is a group of trained personnel in the field of public
large organizations. Unlike the line type of structure, those establishments
safety administration engaged in the achievement of goals and objectives that
organized on a functional basis violate the prime rule that men perform best when
promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and property,
they have but one superior. The functional responsibility of each “functional
enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes.
manager” is limited to the particular activity over which he has control, regardless
The organization of the police force commonly requires the following
of who performs the function.
organizational units:
• Line and Staff Organization: The Line and Staff organization is a
combination of the line and functional types. It combines staff specialist such as the
criminalists, the training officers, the research and development specialists, etc.
1. Bureau – the largest organic functional unit within a large department. It
Channels of responsibility is to “think and provide expertise” for the line units. The
comprises of numbers of divisions.
line supervisor must remember that he obtains advice from the staff specialists.
2. Division – a primary subdivision of a bureau.
3. Section – functional unit within a division that is necessary for specialization.
4. Unit – functional group within a section; or the smallest functional group within
• Specialization: Specialization is the assignment of particular workers to
an organization.
particular tasks. Thus, it can be thought of in terms of either jobs or people.
• Hierarchy: A hierarchy represents the formal relationship among
superiors and subordinates in any given organization. It can be visualized as a
1. Post – a fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for duty, such as a
ladder, with each rung (or rank) representing a higher or lower level of
designated desk or office or an intersection or cross walk from traffic duty. It is a
authority.Each rank or position on a hierarchical ladder has specific rights, while at
spot location for general guard duty.
the same time owing specific duties to the positions above and below it. Any
2. Route – a length of streets designated for patrol purposes. It is also called LINE
particular position of the ladder is expected to direct and control the activities of
the ranks, while obeying the directions and instructions received from higher ranks.
3. Beat – An area assigned for patrol purposes, whether foot or motorized.
• Authority: Authority is the right to command and control the behavior of
4. Sector – An area containing two or more beats, routes, or posts.
employees in lower positions within an organizational hierarchy. A hierarchy thus


Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (Inter-agency approach) - LEA121
serves as the framework for the flow of authority downward (and obedience 1. Principle of Unity of Objectives - an organization is effective if it enables the
upward) through the department. individuals to contribute to the organization’s objectives.
• Authority Roles: Authority within an organization must be viewed in 2. Principle of Organizational Efficiency – organization structure is effective if
terms of prescribed roles rather than of individuals. A particular position within an it is structured in such a way to aid the accomplishment of the organization’s
organization carries the same authority regardless of who occupies that position. objectives with a minimumcost.
While the personality of the occupant may change the style or manner in which 3. Scalar Principle – shows the vertical hierarchy of the organization which defines
authority is exercise, it should increase or decrease the basic obligations of the an unbroken chain of units from top to bottom describing explicitly the flow of
occupant toward those in subordinate positions. authority.
• Span of Control: A span of control is the maximum number of 4. Functional Principle – refers to division of work according to type, place, time
subordinates at a given position that superior can supervise effectively. and specialization.
• Delegation of Authority: Delegation is the conferring of an amount of 5. Line and Staff – implies that a system of varied functions arrange into a workable
authority by a superior position onto a lowerlevel position. The person to whom pattern. The line organization is responsible for the direct accomplishment of the
authority is delegated becomes responsible to the superior for doing the assigned objectives while the staff is responsible for support, advisory or facilitative capacity.
job.However, the delegators remain accountable for accomplishment of the job 6. Principle of Balance – states that the application of principles must be balanced
within the guidelines and quality standards of the agency. to ensure the effectiveness of the structure in meeting organization’s objectives.
• Unity of Command: Traditional theories of organization insisted that each 7. Principle of Delegation by Results – states that authority delegated should be
employee should have only one supervisor of “boss”, and considered this principle adequate to ensure the ability to accomplish expected results.
of “unity of command” the backbone of any organizational structure. Thus, a patrol 8. Principles of Absoluteness of Responsibility – explains that the responsibility of
officer, for example, would always receive orders from one sergeant and would the subordinates to their superior for performance is absolute and the superior
always report to that same sergeant. If the officer was instructed or advised by a cannot escape responsibility for the organization on activities performed by their
detective, garage sergeant, or any other administrator (with the possible exception subordinates
of the chief), the officer is expected to check with his or her sergeant before taking 9. Principle of Parity and Responsibility – explains that responsibility for action
any action. cannot be greater than that implied by the authority delegated nor should it be less.
• Formal Communication: Basically, communication is the process of 10. Authority Level Principle – implies that decisions within the authority of the
sharing understanding and information on common subjects. More precisely, it is individual commander should be made by them and not be returned upward in
an intercourse between, through or more people by means of words, letters the organizational structure.
symbols, or gestures for the purpose of exchanging information. Procedures, 11. Principle of Flexibility – means that the more flexible the organization, the
channels, and standardized languages are essential to effective communication more it can fulfill its purpose
within such large organization.
Police Goals and Objectives
MODULE 2 Goals are broad statements of general and long-term organizational
purposes often used to define the role of the police, for instance, to prevent crime,
PRINCIPLES OF POLICE ORGANIZATION maintain order or help solve community problems.
Police organizations are either formal or informal. Formal organizations are Objectives are specific short-term statements consistent with an
highly structured while informal organizations are those without structures. organization’s goal. Both goals and objectives are important because they help to
Every formal police organization whether small or large are governed by identify the expectations of what the police are doing and how productively
the following principles: (efficient and effective) they perform.
Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (Inter-agency approach) - LEA121
Police Productivity and Managerial Performance The Integrated National Police: Unless otherwise provided by law, the
An effective police manager must be concerned with the productivity of Integrated National Police shall be composed of the Philippine Constabulary as the
police work teams and their members. Productivity means the summary of nucleus and the Integrated Police Force, Fire Services as Jail Management Services
measures of the quantity and quality of police work performance achieved, with as components, under the Department of National Defense (S-23).
resource utilization considered. The National Police Commission: The State shall establish and maintain one
Good police managers establish and support the conditions needed to police force which shall be national in scope and civilian in character, to be
ensure high productivity for themselves, for individual contributors, for their work administered and controlled by a national police commission and shall provide, by
units, and for the organization as a whole. This involves a commitment to the law, the authority of local executives over the police units in their jurisdiction (S-69,
accomplishment of two different, but complimentary, police performance C-12).
outcomes: The 1987 Constitution: “The state shall establish and maintain one police
• Police Effectiveness, which measures whether or not important task goals force, which shall be national in scope and civilian in character to be administered
are being attained and controlled by a National Police Commission, the authority of Local Executives
• Police Efficiency, which measures how well resources are being utilized. over the police units in their jurisdiction shall be provided by law.”(Section 6,
Article XVI).
Police Management Processes
The management process involves Planning – Organizing – Leading – The DILG Act of 1990
Controlling the use of organizational resources to achieve high performance results. Approved: December 13, 1990
1. Planning – is the process of setting performance objectives and identifying the Effectivity: January 1, 1991
actions needed to accomplish them.
2. Organizing – is the process of dividing the work to be done and coordinating POLICIES:
results to achieve a desired purpose. 1. To promote peace and order, ensure public safety and further strengthen local
3. Leading – is the process of directing and coordinating the work efforts of other government capability aimed towards the effective delivery of the basic services to
people to help them accomplish importanttask. the citizenry through the establishment of a highly efficient and competent police
4. Controlling – is the process of monitoring performance, comparing results to force that is national in scope and civilian in character.
objectives and taking corrective action as necessary. 2. Bolster a system of coordination and cooperation among the citizenry, local
executives and the integrated law enforcement and public safety agencies.
I. ORGANIZATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT AND PUBLIC SAFETY AGENCIES AS 3. Police force that is organized, trained and equipped primarily for the
PROVIDED UNDER E.O. 292 SERIES OF 1987 AND OTHER RELEVANT LAWS. performance of police functions. Its national scope and civilian character is
paramount; and no element of the police force shall be military nor shall any
The Administrative Code of 1987. position thereof be occupied by active members of the Armed Forces of the
Approved: July 25, 1987 Philippines. (S-2).

THE NATIONAL DEFENSE [Title VIII] The National Police Commission (NAPOLCOM)
The National Defense Policies: The prime duty of the Government is to 1. Relationship with the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG):
serve and protect the people. Government may call upon the people to defend the Attached to the DILG for policy and program coordination.
State and, in fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required, under conditions 2. Composition: Chairperson, four (4) regular commissioners, and the Chief of the
provided by law, to render personal military or civil service. (S-1, C-1). PNP as Ex-Officio member.
Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (Inter-agency approach) - LEA121
3. Total : Five (5) Commissioners and a Chairperson 3. THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS SERVICE (IAS): Assists the Chief PNP in ensuring
4. Appointing Authority: All are appointed by the President with the Secretary of operational readiness and investigates infractions of the regulations committed by
the DILG as Ex officio Chairperson. members of the PNP.
5. Power: It exercises administrative control and operational supervision over the
PNP. 4. THE HUMAN RIGHTS AFFAIRS OFFICE (HRAO): Serves as manager of the facility
6. Term of office: 6 years without reappointment or extension. that supervises the implementation of the guidelines and policies on human rights
7. Offices: National, Regional and Provincial laws.

The PNP Mandate: The Philippine National Police (PNP) is a community and 5.THE CENTER FOR POLICE STRATEGY MANAGEMENT (CPSM): Serves as the
service oriented agency responsible for the maintenance of peace and order and central facility of the PNP coordinating and integrating all strategy management
public safety. It is organized to ensure accountability and uprightness in police processes, sustaining the strategy execution and management, and instilling in the
exercise of discretion as well as to achieve efficiency and effectiveness of its organization a culture of strategy focus.
members and units in the performance of their functions.
6. THE DIRECTORIAL STAFFS: Composed of sixteen (16) Directorates, which has its
Initial Composition own defined specialization:
1. Former INP members 6.1 Directorate for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM):
2. Commissioned officers and enlisted personnel of the PC Optimizes the utilization of personnel resources both from the uniformed and
3. Members of the Inspection, Investigation and Intelligence Branch of nonuniformed personnel.
NAPOLCOM (I.I.I.B.) 6.2 The Directorate for Intelligence (DI): Manages the gathering/collating
4.Civilian operatives of the CIS of intelligence objectives through effective management of all intelligence and
counterintelligence activities of the PNP and also serves as the linkage of all
Offices/Functions Absorbed foreigners with official transactions with the Chief, PNP.
1. National Action Committee on Anti-Hijacking Security (NACAH), former under 6.3 The Directorate for Operations (DO): Exercises command, control,
the DND. direction, coordination and supervision of all activities of the PNP operations
2. All the functions of the Philippine Air Force Security Command (PAFSECOM) including the deployment and employment of personnel.
3. Police functions of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) 6.4. The Directorate for Logistics (DL): Administers and manages material
resources needed for the PNP operations.
Organizational Structure, Position Title, Functions and Rank 6.5 Directorate for Plans (DPL): Plans and programs strategic PNP
1. THE COMMAND GROUP: Vested with the power to command and direct the PNP. operations. Also represents the PNP in the Inter-agency and international affairs on
Position Title Rank peace and order.
Chief of the PNP Police General 6.6 The Directorate for Comptrollership (DC): Administers and manages
Deputy Chief of the PNP for Admin. Lieutenant General PNP’s fiscal financial resources.
Deputy Chief of the PNP for Operation Lieutenant General 6.7 The Directorate for Police Community Relations (DPCR): formulates
and implements community related activities, programs and projects and supervises
2. THE CHIEF OF THE DIRECTORIAL STAFF: Serves as the Chief Operations Officer of the PNP Salaam Police Center.
the PNP that coordinates, supervises and directs the Directorial Staff and the 6.8 The Directorate for Investigation and Detective Management (DIDM):
PNP units in the performance of their respective functions. Coordinates, controls and supervises all investigation activities.
Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (Inter-agency approach) - LEA121
6.9 The Directorates for Human Resource and Doctrine Development 7.11 PNP Retirement and Benefits Administration Service [PRBS]:
(DHRDD): Formulates policies on matters pertaining to human resources and Administers the retirement, separation and death benefits of PNP personnel.
doctrine development.
6.10 The Directorate for Research and Development (DRD): Engages in National Operational Support Units ( NOSUs)
research and development and does testing and evaluation of self-reliant projects. 7.12 Maritime Group [MG]: Performs police and law enforcement
6.11 The Directorate for Information and Communication Technology functions over Philippine territorial waters, lakes, rivers, along coastal areas to
Management (DICTM): Integrates and standardizes all PNP information systems include ports and harbors and small islands for the security and the sustainability
and resources to further improve the frontline services. development of the maritime environment.
6.12 The Directorates for Integrated Police Operations [(DIPO’s) in 7.13 Intelligence Group [IG]: Serves as the intelligence and
Eastern Mindanao (12); Western Mindanao (13); Visayas (14); Southern (15) and counterintelligence operating unit of the PNP.
Northern Luzon (16)]: Direct and supervise the conduct of integrated anti- 7.14 Police Security and Protection Group [PSPG]: Provides security to
criminality, internal security, counterterrorism operations, promote inter- government vital installations, government officials, visiting dignitaries and private
operability with the AFP, and provide a system to promote regional socio-economic individuals authorized to be given protection.
development. 7.15 Criminal Investigation and Detection Group [CIDG]: Monitors,
investigates, prosecutes all crimes involving economic sabotage, and other crimes
7. PNP NATIONAL SUPPORT UNITS of such magnitude and extent as to indicate their commission by highly placed or
National Administrative Support Units (NASU) professional criminal syndicates and organizations. It also conducts organized crime
7.1 Logistics Support Service [LSS]: Provides logistical support services to control on all major cases involving violations of the Revised Penal Code, Special
all PNP units. Penal Laws assigned to them, atrocities committed by the subversive elements.
7.2 Information Technology Management Service [ITMS]: Provides 7.16 Special Action Force [SAF]: serves as the PNP’s main mobile strike
information technology services to all PNP units. force or a reaction unit to augment regional, provincial, municipal and city police
7.3 Finance Service [FS]: Responsible for the disbursement and accounting force for civil disturbance control, internal security operations, hostage-rescue
of PNP funds, and performs other fiscal functions. operations, search and rescue in times of natural calamities, disasters and national
7.4 Health Service [HS]: Provides medical and dental services to PNP emergencies and other special police operations. To enhance its operations, The
personnel and their dependents. PNP Air Unit is placed under the supervision of the SAF.
7.5 Communication and Electronic Service [CES]: Provides communication 7.17 Aviation Security Group [AVSEGROUP]: Provides security to all
electronic services and support to all PNP units. airports throughout the country.
7.6 Chaplain Service [CHS]: Provides spiritual and other counseling services 7.18 Highway Patrol Group [HPG]: Enforces traffic laws and regulations,
for PNP personnel and their dependents. promote safety along the highways, enhances traffic safety consciousness through
7.7 Legal Service [LS]: serves as the legal arm of the PNP. interagency cooperation concerning police traffic safety engineering, traffic safety
7.8 Headquarters Support Service [HSS]: Provides administrative and education and traffic law enforcement functions and develops reforms in the crime
technical support to National headquarters. prevention aspect against all forms of lawlessness committed along national
7.9 Engineering Service [ES]: Implements PNP engineering programs, land highway involving the use motor vehicles.
utilization and housing activities. 7.19 Police Community Relation Group [PCRG]: Undertakes and
7.10 Training Service [TS]: Conduct training courses geared towards skills orchestrates police community relations program and activities in partnership with
enhancement, intellectual advancement and moral transformation of PNP concerned government agencies, the community, and volunteer organizations in
personnel. order to prevent crime and attain a safe and peaceful environment.
Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (Inter-agency approach) - LEA121
7.20 Civil Security Group [CSG]: Regulates business operations and 5. The Directors of the Directorial Staff
activities of all organized private detectives, watchmen, security guards/ agencies 6. Regional Directors, Police Regional Offices
and company guard forces, and supervise the licensing and registration of firearms 7. Directors, National Support Units
and explosives. 8. District Directors, NCRPO
7.21 Crime Laboratory [CL]: Provides scientific and technical, investigative 9. Provincial/City Directors
aide and support to the PNP and other investigative agencies. It also conducts 10. Group Directors, RPSB(NCRPO)
crime laboratory examination, evaluation and identification of physical evidence 11. Chief of Police/ Station Commanders
gathered at the crime scene with primary emphasis on medical, biological and
physical evidence. Powers and Functions of the PNP
7.22 PNP Anti-Kidnapping Group [PNP-AKG]: Serves as the primary unit of 1. Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the protection of lives and properties;
the PNP in addressing kidnapping cases and in handling hostage situations. 2. Maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to ensure public safety;
7.23 PNP Anti-Cybercrime Group [PNP-ACG]: Enforce pertinent laws on 3. Investigate and prevent crimes, effect the arrest of criminal offenders, bring
cybercrimes and cybercrime campaigns of the PNP. offenders to justice and assist in their prosecution;
4. Exercise the general powers to make arrest, search and seizure in accordance
8. THE MAIN OPERATING UNITS with the constitution and pertinent laws;
8.1 National Capital Region Police Office 5. Detain an arrested person for a period not beyond what is prescribed by law,
a. Regional Public Safety Mngt. Battalion [RPSMB] informing the person so detained of all his rights under the constitution;
b. District Police Offices 6. Issue licenses for the possession of firearms and explosives in accordance with
c. Police Stations law;
d. Sub stations 7. Supervise and control the training and operations of security agencies, and to
8.2 Police Regional Offices [PROs] security guards and private detectives, for the practice of their professions; and
a. Regional Public Safety Mngt. Battalion [RPSMB] 8. Perform such other duties and exercise all other functions as may be provided
b. Police Provincial Offices [PPOs] by law.
b.1 Provincial Public Safety Mngt. Coy [PPSMC]
b.2 Municipal/Component City Police Station Vision, Mission, Philosophy and Core Values
b.3 Precincts Vision: Imploring the Aid of Almighty God, by 2030, WE shall be a highly
c. City Police Offices [(in a highly urbanized and independent cities) capable, effective and credible police service working in partnership with a
CPOs] responsive community towards the attainment of a safer place to live, work, and
c.1 City Public Safety Mngt. Coy do business.
c.2 CPO Police Stations Mission: Enforce the law, prevent and control crimes, maintain peace and
order, and ensure public safety and internal security with the active support of the
Key Positions: Refer to positions of major responsibility over a command, office Community.
or unit. (Key Positions in the PNP) Philosophy: Service, Honor and Justice
1. Chief, Philippine National Police Core Values: Maka Diyos, Makatao, Makabayan at Makakalikasan
2. The Deputy Chief, PNP for Administration
3. The Deputy Chief, PNP for Operations Rank Classification, Insignias and Badges
4. The Chief of the Directorial Staff NEW PNP RANKING SYSTEM (R.A. 11200-Feb 8, 2019)
Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (Inter-agency approach) - LEA121
e.) Executive SPO-PEMS –chevron in white sampaguita cluster at the center
flanked by gold laurel leaves.

a.) Police Badge –Center of the left breast pocket
b.) Combat Citation Badge-Above the right pocket on the top of citation badges
c.) Parachutist/EDC/Pilot Wings/Technical Service Badges- Above the left pocket on
the top of the service decorations.

• RA 11200– Amended the section 28. (RA. 6975) Rank Classification of PNP.
• RA11279– Transfer the jurisdiction of National Training Institute and PNPA
fromPPSC to PNP)
• PPSC– Created by RA 6975 – Offers training course for PNP, BFP and BJMP

6 Schools under PPSC:

• Jail National Training Institute -training and education for JNCO (Jail Officer)
• National Fire Training Institute - training and education for FNCO (Fire Officer)
• National Police College - training course and education for (PCO) PNP, BFP and
• National Forensic Science Training Institute(Under PNP) RA. 11279(at least Police
Corporal) Investigator (technical courses for the Police, Fire and Jail services.(CID
course, NI Course, TI Course, Dactyloscopy, etc.
• National Police Training Institute (PNCO) training and education course (Pat –
• Philippine National Police Academy– Caters cadetship program (BSPS)Inspector
INSIGNIAS rank (Under PNP) RA. 11279
PLT to PCOL shall wear insignia which shall be attached approximately one
inch from the front and lower side edges of the collar lapel. For BGEN and higher,
insignia shall be pinned on the shoulder board measuring 5 ¼ and 2 ¼ in width. THE PEOPLE’S LAW ENFORCEMENT BOARD [PLEB]
The PLEB is a Disciplinary board created by the Sangguniang
Rank Insignia: Panlungsod/Bayan in every city and municipality which hear and decide citizen’s
a.) 4,3,2,1 silver stars for PGEN, PLTGEN, PMGEN and BGEN., respectively. complaint against erring officers of the PNP.
b.) 3,2,1 silver sampaguita cluster for PCOL, PLTCOL, and PMAJ, respectively There is AT LEAST ONE (1) PLEB for EVERY 500 city or municipal police
c.) 2,1 bronze anahaw leaf for PCPT, and PLT, respectively personnel and for each of the legislative districts in a city. In addition, it serves as
d.) PNCO –Chevron CENTRAL RECEIVING entity for any citizen’s complaint against officers and
members of the PNP. lt take cognizance of or refer the complaint to the proper
Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (Inter-agency approach) - LEA121
disciplinary or adjudicatory authority WITHIN 3 DAYS upon the filing of the Motu Proprio Investigation
complaint. 1. Incidents where police personnel discharge a firearms
2. Incidents where death, serious physical injuries, or any violation of human
Composition rights occurred in the conduct of police operations.
1. A member of the Sanggunian Panlungsod/bayan chosen by his/her respective 3. Incidents where a suspect in the custody of police was seriously injured.
sanggunian; 4. Incidents where the evidence is compromised, tampered with, obliterated, or
2. A punong-barangay of the city or municipality concerned chosen by the Liga ng lost while in custody of police personnel.
mga Barangay; and 5.Incidents where the established rules of engagement have been violated.
3. Three (3) other members, who can be removed only for cause, chosen by the
city/municipal peace and order council from among the respected members of the Recommendatory Duty in the Promotion: Tasked to provide documents or
community known for their probity and integrity, one/ (1) of whom must be a recommendations as regards to the promotion of the PNP members or the
woman and another, a member of the Bar or in the absence thereof, a college assignment of the PNP personnel to key position.
graduate, or, the principal of the central elementary school in the locality.
Recommendatory Power in Discipline: Disciplinary measures recommended by
INTERNAL AFFAIRS SERVICE (IAS) IAS against an erring PNP personnel, once final, cannot be revised, set-aside, or
Established by virtue of R.A.8551. It has an investigative and adjudicatory unduly delayed by any disciplining authority without just cause. Any disciplining
power over the PNP members. It is a part of the PNP BUT enjoining an authority who fails to act or who acts with abuse of discretion on the
independence from the PNP. recommendation of the IAS shall be made liable for gross neglect of duty. The case
of erring disciplinary authority shall be submitted to the Director General for
Organization of the Internal Affairs Service: proper disposition.
• National Office- Headed by Inspector General to be assisted by Deputy
Inspector General Entry Qualification to the Internal Affairs Service: Voluntary subject to rigid
• Area (Regional) Office- Headed by Director screening where only those who, with at least 5 years experience in the Law
• Provincial office- Headed by a Superintendent enforcement, and no derogatory records. may allowed to enter.
* Note: The head of the IAS shall be a civilian. Aside from allowances allowed by law, IAS members are granted
occupational specialty pay not exceeding 50% of the base pay.
Powers of the IAS Over the PNP
1. Pro-active conduct inspections and audits of PNP personnel and units Inclusions of Supervisors and Superiors in Internal Affairs Service Investigation:
2. Investigate complain and gather evidence in support of an open investigation. Immediate supervisor or superior of the personnel of unit being investigated is
3. Conduct summary hearing on PNP members facing administrative charges. automatically included in the investigation to determine lapses in administration
4. Submit a periodic report on the assessment, analysis, and evaluation of the and supervision.
character and behavior of the PNP personnel and units to the Chief PNP and the Note: Decision of the Provincial IAS is appealable to Regional Internal
NAPOLCOM. Affairs Service within 10 days. While the decision of RIAS is appealable to National
5. File appropriate criminal cases against PNP members before the court as Appellate Board (NAB)/Court; Complaint against member of the Internal Affairs
evidence warrants and assist in the prosecution of the case. Service shall be brought to the office of Inspector-General or to the NAPOLCOM.
6. Provide assistance to the Office of the Ombudsman in cases involving
personnel of the PNP.
Law Enforcement Organization and Administration (Inter-agency approach) - LEA121
GENDER SENSITIVITY PROGRAM B. Power to employ and deploy: authority to recommend to the Chief of Police or
Provincial Director the transfer, reassignment or detail of PNP members outside
Gender Sensitivity Program in the PNP of their respective city or town.
1. Creation of Women’s Desk in all police stations throughout the country- to
administer and attend to cases involving crime against chastity, sexual harassment, C. Control and Supervision of Anti-Gambling Operations
abuses committed against women and children and other similar crimes. Note: The term “operational supervision and control” shall mean the
2. Prioritization of women for the recruitment and training within five (5) years power to direct, superintend, and oversee the day-to-day functions of police
from the effectivity of RA 8551- to serve in the Women’s desk. To achieve it, in investigation of crime, crime prevention activities, and traffic control in accordance
every recruitment nationwide, 10% of its quota are allocated for women. with rules and regulations set by the NAPOLCOM. It shall also include the power to
3. Establishment of equal opportunities for women in the PNP, the prevention of direct the employment and deployment of units or elements of the PNP through
sexual harassment in the workplace, and the prohibition of discrimination on the the Chiefs of Police concerned.
basis of gender or sexual orientation.
4. Administrative Liability to any personnel who shall violate the established rules D. Employment: Refers to the utilization of units or elements of the PNP for the
and regulations regarding gender sensitivity and gender equality [The penalty for purpose of protection of lives and properties, enforcement of laws, maintenance of
the violator shall be suspension without pay for not less than thirty (30) days and peace and order, prevention of crimes, arrest of criminals and bringing the
shall undergo gender sensitivity seminar or training: Provided, That any personnel offenders to justice, and ensuring public safety, particularly in the suppression of
who violates the rules more than twice shall be recommended for demotion or disorders, riots, lawless violence, rebellious and seditions conspiracy, insurgency,
dismissal from the PNP]. subversion and other related activities.
Deployment: Means the orderly and organized physical movement of
Relationship of the DILG with DND in Counter Insurgency (COIN) Functions. elements or units of the PNP within the city or municipality for purposes of
The Department of the Interior and Local Government is relieved of the employment thereof.
primary responsibility on matters involving the suppression of insurgency and other
serious threats to national security. E. Grounds for Suspension or withdrawal of Deputation by the NAPOLCOM:
COIN became the function of the DND through the AFP. However, the PNP, Unless reversed by the President; after consultation with the provincial governor
through information gathering and performance of its ordinary police functions and congressman concerned, the NAPOLCOM may suspend or withdraw the
supports the AFP upon matters involving suppression of insurgency. Likewise, the deputation of any local executive for any of the following grounds:
President may call on the PNP to support the AFP in combat operations. 1) Frequent unauthorized absences
2) Abuse of authority
PARTICIPATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT EXECUTIVES IN THE 3) Providing material support to criminal elements OR
ADMINISTRATION OF THE PNP 4) Engaging in acts inimical to national security or which negate the effectiveness
Governors and/or Mayors, once elected are automatically become of the peace and order campaign.
deputies of the NAPOLCOM in the administration of the PNP personnel assigned in
their area of jurisdiction.

A. Power to Choose PD and/COP

Governor: from the 3 recommendees by the Regional Director.
Mayor: from the 5 recommendees by the Provincial Director

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