2012 Eeysc 947
2012 Eeysc 947
2012 Eeysc 947
URL http://hdl.handle.net/2031/6736
Project Title
Contents ................................................................................................................i
List of Figures .................................................................................................... ii
List of Tables ......................................................................................................iv
Acknowledgement ..............................................................................................v
Abstract ..............................................................................................................vi
Chapter 1- Introduction ....................................................................................1
Chapter 2 - Theory .............................................................................................3
2.1 Microwave Amplifier ..............................................................................3
2.1.1 Current-voltage characteristics of a BJT transistor ..............................4
2.1.2 Biasing Networks for BJT ....................................................................6
2.1.3 Specifications of an amplifier ...............................................................8 Gain .................................................................................................................. 8 Linearity.......................................................................................................... 10 Power added efficiency .................................................................................. 12 Noise ............................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Low noise amplifier ...............................................................................14
2.2.1 Path loss in communication link ........................................................................ 16
2.2.2 Definition of noise factor ................................................................................... 17
2.2.3 Noise in amplifier .............................................................................................. 18
2.2.4 Noise in transistor .............................................................................................. 19
2.3 Balanced amplifier .................................................................................22
2.3.1Balanced amplifier .............................................................................................. 22
2.3.2 Branch-line coupler ........................................................................................... 24
Chapter 3 – Methodology ................................................................................28
3.1 Single-ended low noise amplifier ..........................................................29
3.2 Conventional balanced low noise amplifier ..........................................31
3.3 Proposed balanced low noise amplifier .................................................34
Chapter 4 – Simulated and measured Results ..............................................42
4.1 Single-ended low noise amplifier ..........................................................42
4.2 Conventional balanced low noise amplifier ..........................................44
4.3 Proposed balanced low noise amplifier .................................................47
Chapter5 Discussion ........................................................................................50
5.1 Analysis of results ..................................................................................50
5.1.1 Single-ended low noise amplifier ...................................................................... 50
5.1.2 Conventional balanced low noise amplifier ...................................................... 50
5.1.3 Proposed balanced low noise amplifier ............................................................. 52
5.2 Comparison ............................................................................................53
5.2.1 Comparison between the single-ended and proposed balanced amplifiers ....... 53
5.2.2 Comparison between the conventional and proposed balanced low noise
amplifiers .................................................................................................................... 56
5.2.3 Comparison of different biasing conditions ...................................................... 57
5.3 Analysis error .........................................................................................60
Conclusion .........................................................................................................62
Reference ...........................................................................................................63
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Typical RF Front-end structure of a reciever ................................................................................. 1
Fig.2.3.2(ii) Four port network of branch-line coupler .................................................................................. 24
Fig.3.2(iv) Simulated phase difference between the two output ports of conventional branch-line coupler
...................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Fig.3.3(vii) Simulated phase difference between the two output ports of proposed hybrid coupler .......... 38
Fig.4.1(ii) Simulated and measured noise figure of single-ended low noise amplifier ................................. 42
Fig.4.2(ii) Simulated and measured noise figure of conventional balanced amplifier ................................. 44
Fig.4.2(iv) Measured 1-tone test of conventional balanced low noise amplifier ........................................... 46
Fig.4.2(v) Measured 2-tones test of conventional balanced low noise amplifier ........................................... 46
Fig.4.3(ii) Simulated and measured noise figure of proposed balanced amplifier ....................................... 47
Fig.4.3(iv) Measured 1-tone test of the proposed balanced low noise amplifier ........................................... 49
Fig.4.3(v) Measured 2-tones test of the proposed balanced low noise amplifier .......................................... 49
Fig.5.2.1(i) Measured noise figure of single-ended and proposed balanced low noise amplifiers ............... 54
Fig.5.2.1(ii) Measured return losses of single-ended and proposed balanced low noise amplifiers ............ 55
Fig.5.3.1(iii) Measured gain of single-ended and proposed balanced low noise amplifiers ......................... 55
Fi.5.2.2(i) Measured noise figure of conventional and proposed balanced low noise amplifiers ................ 56
Fig.5.2.2(ii) Measured return losses of conventional and proposed balanced low noise amplifiers ........... 56
Fi.5.2.2(iii) Measured noise figure of conventional and proposed balanced low noise amplifiers .............. 57
Fig.5.2.3(i) Measured noise figure of proposed balanced amplifier with different biasing conditions ...... 58
Fig.5.2.3(ii) Measured |S11| of propose balanced amplifier with different biasing conditions .................. 58
Fig.5.2.3(iii) Measured |S22| of proposed balanced amplifier with different biasing conditions ............... 59
Fig.5.2.3(iv) Measured gain of proposed balanced amplifier with different biasing conditions ................ 59
List of Tables
Quan Xue and Dr. Leung Chiu respectively. They had given me considerate guidance,
support and encouragement through the project. Also, I would like to thank Prof. C.H. Chan
for dedicating his time and effort in assessing my project. Special thank goes toward my tutor,
Andrew Lam who spent time on giving me guidance and technical support. Last but not least,
I would like to thank all engineers and technicians in Applied Electromagnetic Laboratory for
is the key component to boost the signal and minimize the noise produced by itself, it can
much extend the distance between the transmitter and the receiver.
A traditional low noise amplifier achieves low noise but without good input matching.
Then the balanced amplifier is a practical method to improve the input matching.
This report presents a new balanced low noise amplifier with size reduction. The
amplifier was designed at the centre frequency of 1.8GHz, and it consists of three main parts,
namely input branch-line coupler, two pieces of well biased transistor, and output branch-line
coupler. The input branch-line coupler not only divides signal into two paths with equal
magnitude and out-of-phase, but also provides optimum source impedance for the biased
transistor to minimize noise figure. Similarly, the output branch-line coupler not only
combines signals, but also provides optimum load impedance to maximize gain.
Both input and output branch-line couplers were designed with the general port
impedance but not purely resistive 50Ω port. It results in non-standard values of both
characteristic impedances and electrical lengths of the four branch lines, where its size is
similar to the conventional coupler. Conventional balanced low noise amplifier was also
The new design achieves about 36% size reduction compared with conventional design with
similar performances. The impedances of both input and output ports are matched, where
measured S11=-13.4dB and measured S22=-17.3dB. Measured gain and noise figure are
Chapter 1- Introduction
In the receiver of wireless communication, the desired and unwanted signals increase
when passing through each device. Those unwanted signal is the electrical noise. Fig.1.1
shows the basic components of a typical RF Front-End Structure. The pink and blue waves
show the magnification in magnitude of desired and unwanted signals respectively passing
Therefore, a low noise amplifier is important as it is the key component to boost the
signal and minimize the noise produced by itself, so that the distance between the transmitter
and the receiver can be much extended. Considering the function of low noise amplifier,
For a traditional single-ended low noise amplifier, the input matching network of it is
designed to have low noise figure which is not matched to the input port. It results the
imperfect matching of the whole amplifier and not good input return loss. Due to the
efficiency consideration, the return loss becomes a second vital figure of merit to be
The project is aimed at improving the return loss of a low noise amplifier, a
conventional balanced amplifier configuration is used have better matching to input port at
So that, another objective is set to reduce the size of it, by using hybrid coupler to
replace the conventional branch-line couplers with matching networks in the balanced
The proposed balanced low noise amplifier can be applied in the receiver at 1.8GHz,
Chapter 2 - Theory
An amplifier is a device that has an output signal that (a) is a function of its input
signal, (b) is at a higher power level than the input signal, and (c) has a gain expressed as a
Microwave amplifiers are classified into three types according to their power handling
properties. They are the low noise amplifier, general purpose amplifier and power amplifier
respectively. Low noise amplifier is used for low power handling while general purpose
amplifier is used for medium power handling. Both of them use linear design technique. On
the other hand, power amplifier is used for high power handling using non-linear design
matching network and dc biasing network at both the input and output end of the transistor.
Moreover, the figure shows the voltage waveforms at different positions. The input voltage
level shifts upward because of the addition of the dc voltage. Then this input voltage signal
gets amplification after passing through the transistor. Finally, the output voltage level
resumes the position when passing through the output dc biasing network.
Fig.2.1Typical amplifier structure
as in Fig.2.1.1(i). It is useful in amplifiers because the currents at the emitter and collector are
The relationship between the direct current (DC) through a BJT and the DC voltage
Fig. 2.1.1(ii) shows the iB-vBE characteristic curve and the load line. For the iB-vBE
characteristic curve, at each point, it has a set of base current and base-to-emitter voltage. The
load line can be found by simply using KVL, it has the slope of .
Fig.2.1.1(iii) Characteristic curves for
In Fig.2.1.1(iii), fix Vbe as a constant as about 0.7V. When the output voltage VCE is
small, IC is almost zero in the cutoff region of a BJT. Afterwards, IC increases as VCE
increases in the active region. Moreover, when Ib is increased, larger Ic is resulted. The figure
shows the differences when Ib4 > Ib3 > Ib2 > Ib1.
Furthermore, the power consumption of a BJT is about the product of IC and VCE. In
the figure, Point 1 has higher Ib, Ic and Vce than Point 2, power consumption is greater at
Point 1. Therefore, different biasing condition is chose for different power handling of a
2.1.2 Biasing Networks for BJT
Vce and Vbe are chose to have well designed biasing condition. In Fig2.1.2(i), the RF
input and output signals are connected to high pass filters (HPF) to allow RF signal flowing
through but block DC and small frequency signals to protect the RF source and load. In
contrast, the two DC supply are connected to low pass filters (LPF) to allow DC and small
frequency signals to pass through but block the RF signal to protect the DC sources.
Practically, capacitors and inductors are used in Fig.2.1.2(iii). Both the inductance and
capacitance of the capacitors and inductors have large values. In a practical capacitor and
inductors in Fig.2.1.2(ii), there are parasitic elements which are unavoidable. They are the
parasitic resistor in series with the ideal capacitor and parasitic capacitor in parallel and
parasitic resistor in series to the ideal inductor. At low frequency, the effect of the parasitic
elements can be omitted but they have problems in high frequency. Parasitic elements
between the output and input may form a feedback path causing oscillation at the high
frequency. When larger values of capacitor and inductor are used, the effect of the parasitic
The required capacitance and inductance can be calculated by the formula below.
At DC and low frequency, the two bypass DC capacitors connecting the DC sources
are used to filter the unwanted signal from DC supply. The inductors act as short circuit
allowing DC to pass through. In contrast, the DC block capacitors act as open circuit to block
protect the DC supply from RF signals. Inductors work as RF choking forming open circuit
and also a part of matching network. In contrast, DC block capacitors are short circuit to RF
Moreover, the biasing network at base can be replaced by a resistor, but given that the
Rb is high enough.
Different kind of amplifiers may focus on different particular specification. In this report, Gain
Amplifier is used to amplify AC/RF signal. It is useless for an amplifier without gain.
The gain or transducer gain or |S21| is the power .ratio of output power to input power.
In Fig. and Fig., they show that the amplifier has a constant gain
which is a linear transfer function for a certain range in the power ratio of input power and
output power.
Moreover, impedance matching technique pushes the gain by eliminating unwanted
reflections. The gain of a transistor amplifier attends the maximum value if the impedance is
matched where the requirement is the impedance need to be matched at both input and output
G(dB)=10log G
Fig. Impedance matching for maximum gain Linearity
An ideal transistor amplifier is a linear device but the practical one is only linear for a
certain range and non-linear for others. The output, for example, the output power increases
when the input power is increased as in Fig. However, when a certain point is
arrived, the amplifier becomes saturated and strongly non-linear. The output power cannot be
increased anymore and keep more or less the same, distortion is resulted. 1-dB gain
compression point (P1dB) is always used to denote this. P1dB is the power level where the
linear transfer function. For example, the input signal (a) is a cosine function, then the output
signal (b) is a function of input signal which contains different power order of the input signal.
a= Acosωt
b= f (a) = s0+s1a+s2 + s3 +…
b= s0+ s1 (Acosωt) + s2 ω + s3 ω +…
Each term of these n-th power orders of input signal is actually a n-th order harmonic
11 Power added efficiency
Power added efficiency (PAE) is to measure the amount of input power is
successfully added to the amplifier’s output. The Drain efficiency of the collector efficiency
is the power ratio of RF output to RF input with the DC power feeding into the drain or
In the Fig., PAE of input and output in both logarithmic and linear scales
Fig. Power added efficiency of input and output Noise
Electrical noise is a random electrical signal. Some noises are generated due to laws
of nature, and some noises are generated depended on manufacturing quality and
However, noise does not equal to the interference produced by cross-talk, jamming,
electromagnetic interference EMI, etc. Also, noise does not equal to the distortion which is
The measure of noise is to know the amount of noise introducing into the system
More information of noise will be discussed in the introduction of low noise amplifier
on Chapter 2.2.
itself, so that the distance between the transmitter and the receiver can be much extended.
Considering the function of low noise amplifier, noise figure is the most concerned
In both receiver and transmitter of wireless communication, the desired and unwanted
signals increase when passing through each device, which is shown in Fig2.2(i)and Fig.2.2(ii).
In the output end of the transmitter, the magnitude of useful signal is much greater than that
of the unwanted signal, the effect of noise therefore can be neglected. However, in the output
end of the receiver, the magnitude of useful signal is more or less similar to that of the
unwanted signal. Therefore, noise need to be considered in the receiver, and it need to be
handle carefully.
2.2.1 Path loss in communication link
In an ideal path loss model, the free-space path loss (Lpath) is defined.
Lpath =
In a real radio propagation model, the path loss is affected by some random factors
existence of any other channels and obstacles and the distance from ground.
Lpath =
Lpath =
It is obviously seen that the path loss is proportional to the distance between the
2.2.2 Definition of noise factor
Signal to noise ratio (SNR) =
NF (dB) = 10 log F
From the equations, it is obvious that when the noise factor of the receiver (F)
decreases, the distance between the receiver and transmitter (R) will increase.
2.2.3 Noise in amplifier
Input SNR =
Output SNR =
where Gamp is the gain of the amplifier, Psi and Pni are the input signal and noise powers
respectively, Pso and Pno are the output signal and noise powers respectively, Pnamp is the
= 1+
≧ 1
F≧1 means any components always degrade the SNR.
The base current shot noise and the collector current shot noise are represented by current
noise sources at the base and collector respectively in Fig.2.2.4(i). Shot noise source is
Shot noise exists because of several causes such as the random emission of carriers
and depletion region, thermal fluctuations triggering a relaxation current through diffusion. [4]
In a microscopic view of the transistor in Fig.2.2.4(ii), shot noises occur between the
base-emitter, base-collector and collector-emitter. The shot noise current sources have their
In Fig.2.2.4(iii), the transistor network generating noise power Pn, can be equivalent
to a resistor network with equivalent noise temperature which is higher than the room
Pn = kTeΔf
> kTΔf
Fig,2.2.4(iii) Equivalent BJT network
There are other noise sources. They are the thermal noise due to the distributed gate
resistance, source resistance, drain resistance, gate tunneling current and junction diodes, hot
Finally, the two-port network noisy transistor is formed in Fig.2.2.4(iv). For a well-
where Fmin is the minimum noise, rn=Rn/Zo and opt is the optimum reflection coefficient.
For the application of low noise amplifier, least noise is preferred. Therefore, s is
chosen to be equal to , then the second term of the equation will be eliminated and F =
Fmin theoretically.
Fig.2.2.4(iv) Standard noisy transistor model
However, as the input matching network of the low noise amplifier in Fig.2.2.4(v) is
matched to get minimum noise figure but mis-matched to the input port, then the network is
not good matched and fails to meet the return loss specification. This is a common weakness
significantly improve the return losses of the single-ended amplifier. The most common
ended amplifier connected by two branch-line couplers with input and output networks.
Fig.2.3.1 Configuration of a balanced amplifier
Stability and input/output impedance matching can be improved by the balanced design even
if the single amplifier of each branch is highly mismatched and with a very high gain.
Therefore, single amplifier of each branch can be mismatched to achieve a better circuit
(iii) Even when one of the amplifiers fails, the circuit can still operate with reduced gain
Matching networks provide proper terminations on the amplifier inputs and outputs.
2.3.2 Branch-line coupler
The branch-line coupler is also called 3-dB coupler. When it is placed at input end
and output end, it acts as 3-dB power divider and 3-dB power combiner respectively. A
All the four ports are terminated by Zo. All the transmission lines are =90。with
divides equally between Port 2 and Port 3 while zero power is received at Port 4 as it is
isolated. And the phase difference between Port 2 and Port 3 is 90。.
method is used to analysis. The four port network is then simplified in Fig.2.3.2(ii).
In even mode, same sources are inputting into Port 1 and Port 4 with the magnitude of
a1 = a2 = in Fig.2.3.2(iii). The orange dash line is the line of symmetry. Because of the even
symmetry, the current flowing the vertical branches is zero and the maximum voltages meet
at the points of line. Thus the mid-points are open-circuited and the vertical branches become
The ABCD matrix of the upper part or lower part of the circuit:
Reflection coefficient in ABCD parameters:
S11 = e = =0
S21 = Te = = (1+j)
In odd mode, asymmetrical sources of a1 = and a4 = - inputting ino Port 1 and Port
4 respectively in Fig.2.3.2.(iv). The orange dash line is the line of anti-symmetry. Because of
the odd symmetry, maximum current flowing the vertical branches and the voltages at the
points of vertical braches is zero. Thus the mid-points are short-circuited and the vertical
The shunt short-circuited stub has the ABCD matrix:
The ABCD matrix of the upper part or lower part of the circuit:
S11 = o = =0
S21 = To = = (1-j)
By superposition,
Chapter 3 – Methodology
The project has divided into mainly three stages. They were the single-ended low
noise amplifier, conventional balanced low noise amplifier and the proposed balanced low
noise amplifier respectively. The designed frequency was 1.8GHz and the biasing condition
In the first stage, in order to study the characteristics of a simple low noise amplifier,
a single-ended low noise amplifier was designed. As the input matching network of the
single-ended low noise amplifier was designed for low noise figure but not looking for the
input port, the circuit was not good matched and failed to meet the specification of return loss.
To overcome this problem, a balanced amplifier configuration has been used. It came
to the second stage of the project, a conventional balanced low noise amplifier has been
designed, which was composed of two single-ended amplifiers connected by two branch-line
couplers with input and output matching networks. The return loss problem could be solved
as the matching networks were matched to the input and output ports. However, a new
challenge has met that the conventional balanced low noise amplifier was quite large in size.
Size reduction was then the target of the third stage. In this stage, a proposed balanced
low noise amplifier has been designed with proposed hybrid couplers. A researcher has
proposed a new branch-line coupler that generalized the concept of original branch-line
coupler into arbitrary port impedances which were limited by purely resistive loads. In this
project, the concept has been further generalized into which terminated the four ports to
arbitrary reactive loads. It was believed that size could be reduced by combining the two
matching networks with a branch-line coupler in input and output matching networks of the
whole balanced amplifier into only one proposed hybrid coupler. The proposed hybrid
couplers have functioned as the matching networks and conventional branch-line couplers of
Each design talked above are going to be described more detail in the coming
noise amplifier should have minimum noise figure and maximum gain. These required
and as in Fig.3.1(i) .
From the datasheet of the BJT transistor BFP640, it was given that at 1.8GHz,
. Then,
= .
= 39.3631-j11.066
= 82.2847-j53.0454
and were not matched to the input and output port impedances of 50Ω
The design of single-ended low noise amplifier has the layout as Fig.3.1(ii) with the
dimensions in Table.3.1.
Parameters a b c d e f g h i j
Parameters k Spacing
Values(mm) 43 0.8
Here, for the balanced low noise amplifier, main purpose of the branch-line couplers
was to match the input and output port impedances at one side of its ports and match to
The conventional balanced low noise amplifier has used the conventional branch-line
has terminated the four ports into 50Ω which is the same as port impedance in RF. For the
input branch-line coupler in the conventional balanced amplifier, Port 1 and Port 4 were
terminated to Zo=50Ω while Port 2 and Port 3 were terminated to . For the output
branch-line coupler, Port 1 and Port 4 were terminated to Zout while Port 2 and Port 3 were
terminated to Zo.
In the simulation of the conventional branch-line coupler alone, it showed that at the
target frequency 1.8GHz, the two output ports had the gain of -3dB so that it could act as 3dB
power divider and power combiner in input-end and output-end respectively, also, the return
losses of it had the value near to -30dB in Fig.3.2(iii). Moreover, the two output ports were
Fig.3.2(iii) Simulated S-parameters of conventional branch-line coupler
Fig.3.2(iv) Simulated phase difference between the two output ports of conventional
branch-line coupler
Then the conventional balance low noise amplifier has been designed with the layout
Fig.3.2(v) Layout of conventional balanced low noise amplifier
Parameters a b c d e f g h i
Parameters J k m n o p q Spacing
the conventional low noise balanced amplifier without degrading its performances. The
configuration of it is shown in Fig.3.3(i) which was consists of only three main parts, namely,
the input proposed hybrid coupler, two pieces of well-biased transistors and the output
proposed hybrid coupler. The proposed hybrid couplers were used to replace the conventional
branch-line couplers and the size-demanding matching networks in the conventional balanced
amplifier design.
Fig.3.3(i) Configuration of proposed balanced low noise amplifier
For the proposed balanced low noise amplifier, only one side of ports of the proposed
input and output hybrid couplers were connecting to transistors in either input or output
matching network. So for each proposed hybrid coupler, two ports were changed to be
were kept, electrical lengths and characteristic impedances of the other three transmission
lines were variables to be tuned. These values were then simulated by software Microwave
Office. Simulated values were stated in Fig.3.3(iv)(a) and Fig.3.3(iv)(b) for proposed input
hybrid coupler and output hybrid coupler respectively. With these values, the layouts of
Fig.3.3(ii) Configuration of proposed hybrid coupler
Similar to the conventional branch-line coupler, the proposed hybrid couplers have
two output ports with the gain of -3dB so that it could act as 3dB power divider and power
combiner in input-end and output-end at the target 1.8GHz respectively, also, the return
losses of it have the values of -15dB and -60dB in Fig.3.3(vi). Moreover, the phase difference
between the two output ports was also 90∘out of phase shown in Fig3.3(vii). For the input
proposed hybrid coupler, it not just divided the signal into two equal paths with equal
magnitude and 90∘out of phase but also provided optimum source impedance for the biased
transistor to get minimum noise figure. Similarly, for the output coupler, it not just combined
the two signals together but also provided optimum load impedance to get maximum gain.
Fig.3.3(vii) Simulated phase difference between the two output ports of proposed hybrid
Then the proposed balance low noise amplifier has been designed with the layout of
Parameters a b c d e f g h i
Parameters j k l m n o p q r
Parameters s t u v Spacing
Values(mm) 8 0.5 15.47 14.48 0.8
Table.3.3 Parameters of layout of proposed balanced low noise amplifier
The above layouts have been fabricated using PCB Wangling with dielectric constant
of 2.65 and thickness of 1.5mm. Then the hardware circuits were tested and measured by the
Fig.3(iii) Noise Figure Analyser
Four kinds of measurements were needed to take, namely the noise figure, S-
Noise figure was one of the most important parameters, it was measured by the Noise
Figure Analyser.
S-parameters included the gain and return losses. Return losses were the second
concern of the project to test whether the designs fulfil the general specification of -10dB or
1-tone test could show the relationship among the input power, the output powers of
fundamental and second harmonic signals. Theoretically, the output power of the
fundamental signal is proportional to the input power until a saturation point was met. During
this period, the gain is kept constant and as the slope of the curve is linear. The saturation
point is called the 1dB compression point. P1dB is the power level where the amplifier’s gain
is compressed by 1dB. Maximum output power is attained at this point. After this point, the
output power of the fundamental signal is limited. Second harmonic signal power level
2-tones test could show the linearity of an amplifier. IMD3 increased as the output
Distortion. Because of the third-order nonlinearity of the amplifier, two large undesired
signals at the adjacent channels create a third-order intermodulation product at the desired
channel. When the power of the overlapping third-order intermodulation product is very large,
the weak desired signal would be corrupted during signal filtering process.[5] In the
experiment, RF input signal with two closely spaced signals at frequencies of f1 and f2 with
small difference of 500kHz. The third-order non-linearity of the amplifier generated two
Both the 1-tone test and the 2-tones test were measured by the Spectrum Analyser.
Chapter 4 – Simulated and measured
4.1 Single-ended low noise amplifier
The single-ended low noise amplifier has been fabricated as in Fig.4.1(i). Fig.4.1(ii)
shows that the simulated and measured noise figures of it at 1.8GHz were 0.7dB and 1.8dB
Fig.4.1(ii) Simulated and measured noise figure of single-ended low noise amplifier
Fig.4.1(iii)(a) and Fig.4.1(iii)(b) showed the simulated and measured S-parameters of
the conventional balanced low noise amplifier respectively. The simulated S11, S12, S21 and
S22 at 1.8GHz were -3.25dB, -24.0dB, 20.9dB and -65.3dB respectively. On the other hand,
the measured S11, S12, S21 and S22 at 1.8GHz were -4.7dB, -23.1dB, 12.8dB and -19.8dB
4.2 Conventional balanced low noise amplifier
The conventional balanced low noise amplifier has been fabricated as in Fig.4.2(i).
Fig.4.2(ii) showed that the simulated and measured noise figures of it at 1.8GHz were 1.9dB
and 2.7dB respectively. The measured noise figure was around 3dB in the range of 1.4GHz to
Fig.4.2(iii)(a) and Fig.4.2(iii)(b) showed the simulated and measured S-parameters of
the conventional balanced low noise amplifier respectively. The simulated S11, S12, S21 and
S22 at 1.8GHz were -15.2dB, -24.9dB, 14.5dB and -18.1dB respectively. On the other hand,
the measured S11, S12, S21 and S22 at 1.8GHz were -10.9dB, -29.5dB, 15.8dB and -18.1dB
Fig.4.2(iv) showed the measured result of 1-tone test of the conventional balanced
low noise amplifier. P1dB compression point was at maximum output power of fundamental
Fig.4.2(v) showed the measured result of 2-tones test of the conventional balanced
low noise amplifier. IMD3 increased as the output power of the fundamental signal increased.
4.3 Proposed balanced low noise amplifier
The proposed balanced low noise amplifier has been fabricated as in Fig.4.3(i).
Fig.4.3(ii) showed that the simulated and measured noise figures of it at 1.8GHz were 1.1dB
and 2.7dB respectively. The measured noise figure was around 3dB in the range of 1.5GHz to
the proposed balanced low noise amplifier respectively. The simulated S11, S12, S21 and
S22 at 1.8GHz were -13.4dB, -17.3dB, 14.5dB and -17.3dB respectively. On the other hand,
the measured S11, S12, S21 and S22 at 1.8GHz were -12.6dB, -15.9dB, 22.0dB and -23.5dB
Fig.4.3(iv) showed the measured result of 1-tone test of the proposed balanced low
noise amplifier. P1dB compression point was at maximum output power of fundamental signal
of about 10dBm.
Fig.4.3(iv) Measured 1-tone test of the proposed balanced low noise amplifier
Fig.4.3(v) showed the measured result of 2-tones test of the proposed balanced low
noise amplifier. IMD3 increased as the output power of the fundamental signal increased.
Fig.4.3(v) Measured 2-tones test of the proposed balanced low noise amplifier
Chapter5 Discussion
5.1 Analysis of results
5.1.1 Single-ended low noise amplifier
It has been expected that the every measured performance was worse than the
simulated performance, just like the measured noise figure here which has been larger than
the simulated result. Good noise figure of 1.8GHz has been measured.
The S-parameters of it have similar results for the simulation and measurement. It has
a very stable gain slope. However, the measured gain, |S21| has been much less than that of
simulation. Reasons are summarized at the end of the Chapter 5. The limitation of single-
ended low noise amplifier could be observed that the input return loss (S11) was larger than
the general specification of -10dB so it failed to be matched to the input port impedance.
frequency shift. At 1.8GHz, the design has the lowest measured noise figure through the
frequency range from 1GHz to 3GHz. And it has been more or less around 3dB in between
The shapes of the measured S-parameters results were not very similar to the
simulated results. The gain has been constant during the range from 1.5GHz to 2GHz about
15dB. At 1.8GHz, its gain was 15.8dB. From 1.5GHz to 2GHz, both S11 and S22 were less
than general specification of return loss of -10dB which had a physical meaning that the
reflected power was less than 10% of the incident power. Also, the networks were well
Considering the noise figure, gain and return losses condition, the usable range was
In the 1-tone test, input power has been gradually increased and the output powers of
fundamental and second harmonic signals have been measured. The output power of the
fundamental signal was proportional to the input power until the P1dB. During this period, the
gain has been kept constant and as the slope of the curve was linear. P1dB has been measured
at about 6.5dBm output power of the fundamental signal. It was observed that after this point,
the output power of the fundamental signal was limited. On the other hand, the second
In the 2-tones test, linearity of the conventional balanced low noise amplifier has been
measured. The relationship between the IMD3 and output power of the fundamental signal
has been plotted. IMD3 increased as the output power of the fundamental signal increased.
appearance of frequencies, in the output, equal to the sums and the differences of the integral
design has an almost lowest measured noise figure through the frequency range from 1GHz
to 3GHz. And it was more or less around 3dB in between 1.6GHz and 2GHz.
Also, the shapes of the measured S-parameters results have not been very similar to
the simulated results. The gain was quite constant during the range from 1.4GHz to 2.2GHz
about 15dB. At 1.8GHz, its gain was 14.5dB. From 1.5GHz to 2GHz, both S11 and S22 were
less than general specification of return loss of -10dB. So that the reflected powers were less
than 10% of the incident powers. Also, the networks were well matched.
Considering the noise figure, gain and return losses condition, the usable range was
In the 1-tone test, output powers of fundamental and second harmonic signals have
been measured. The output power of the fundamental signal has proportional to the input
power until the P1dB. During this period, the gain has been kept constant and as the slope of
the curve was linear. P1dB has been measured at about 10dBm output power of the
fundamental signal. It was observed that after this point, the output power of the fundamental
signal was limited. Second harmonic signal power level was observed.
In the 2-tones test, linearity of the proposed balanced low noise amplifier was
measured. The relationship between the IMD3 and output power of the fundamental signal
was plotted. IMD3 increased as the output power of the fundamental signal increased.
5.2 Comparison
5.2.1 Comparison between the single-ended and proposed
balanced amplifiers
Both the single-ended and proposed balanced amplifiers has kept little variance in the
range from 1.7GHz to 2.1GHz. the proposed balanced low noise amplifier has a larger noise
figure about 1dB more than that of the single-ended low noise amplifier including the target
1.8GHz in Fig.5.2.1(i). This was the little trade-off between noise figure and return losses.
Fig.5.2.1(i) Measured noise figure of single-ended and proposed balanced low noise
In Fig.5.2.1(ii), only the output return loss of S22 o f the single-ended low noise
amplifier has satisfied the general specification of -10dB, the input return loss (S11) was only
-4dB which was failed to meet the specification. On the other hand, both the input and output
return losses of the proposed balanced amplifier have satisfied the specification. In another
Fig.5.2.1(ii) Measured return losses of single-ended and proposed balanced low noise
In Fig.5.2.1(iii), the gain of the single-ended low noise amplifier has been constant
from 1.8GHZ to 2.6GHz while the gain of the proposed balanced low noise amplifier has
been constant from 1.4GHz to 2GHz. At the target frequency of 1.8GHz, the gain of
proposed balanced low noise amplifier has 3dB more than that of the single-ended low noise
Fig.5.3.1(iii) Measured gain of single-ended and proposed balanced low noise amplifiers
5.2.2 Comparison between the conventional and proposed
performances. The following three figures have showed the difference of noise figure, return
Fi.5.2.2(i) Measured noise figure of conventional and proposed balanced low noise amplifiers
Fig.5.2.2(ii) Measured return losses of conventional and proposed balanced low noise
Fi.5.2.2(iii) Measured noise figure of conventional and proposed balanced low noise
proposed balanced low noise amplifier have been recorded in this report. The noise figure of
the proposed balanced low noise amplifier has been the least for biasing 3V20mA. It could be
explained that the design was designed for the noise figure at this biasing condition 3V20mA
at the beginning design process. Return losses of all the biasing condition have fulfilled the
general specification and biasing condition of 3V20mA has the largest gain.
Fig.5.2.3(i) Measured noise figure of proposed balanced amplifier with different biasing
Fig.5.2.3(ii) Measured |S11| of propose balanced amplifier with different biasing conditions
Fig.5.2.3(iii) Measured |S22| of proposed balanced amplifier with different biasing
Fig.5.2.3(iv) Measured gain of proposed balanced amplifier with different biasing conditions
5.3 Analysis error
There were differences between the simulated and measured results. Some reasons
have been summarised below. Firstly, the simulation was an ideal case, it assumed the
electrical lengths, characteristic impedances, etc. were ideal, and there were no junction and
continuity problems. However, in practical, problems existed and the elements used were
non-ideal, as it has been mentioned in the Chapter 2.1.2 that the package of element has
parasitic elements.
Secondly, the sloping lines of the proposed hybrid couplers had effects as how the
four transmission lines were placed to form the coupler which might have different results.
Thirdly, during the printing and fabrication, the dimensions of the designs may have
Lastly, the ground handling issue might be a factor too. In the hardware of the designs,
grounding of the circuit on the upper layer of the PCB board has achieved by making the via
holes and connecting the upper layer circuit to the lower layer ground plate by a wire.
Sometimes, the vla holes were further away from the point that connects to ground, then the
circuit went through a long wire before going to the ground of the lower layer plate. Also, the
In conclusion, developing from the single-ended low noise amplifier, then the
balanced low noise amplifier, a final 1.8GHz balanced low noise amplifier has been designed
with a new idea of a nonstandard branch-line coupler with reactive port impedances.
The proposed coupler has functioned as power division and power combination going
into and going out of the transistors respectively, and also it has worked as the impedance
The proposed balanced low noise amplifier has return losses of S11 and S22 equal to
-13.4dB and -17.3dB respectively, 14.5dB gain and 2.7dB noise figure.
The proposed balanced low noise amplifier has achieved the project goal that it
reduces the size from a conventional balanced low noise amplifier by 36%.
1. P.30, P.469<<Communications Standard Dictionary, Third Edition>>, Martin H. Weik
Receivers>>, Jarkko Jussila, Member, IEEE, and Pete Sivonen, Member, IEE