Reviewer Midterms
Reviewer Midterms
Reviewer Midterms
• Controlling of Redundancy
• DBMS system works on the centralized -this database follows the progression of data
system. being categorized in ranks or levels, wherein
dedicated in-house server, depending on how • It never deals with the physical devices.
much processing power the application Instead, internal schema views a physical device
requires. as a collection of physical pages
• It helps you to keeps information about the • Low level data stored – Storage Manager –
actual representation of the entire database. Application Programs
Like the actual storage of the data on the disk in
• Queries submitted to the system
the form of records
• Interaction with file manager
• The internal view tells us what data is stored
in the database and how • Raw data are stored on the disk using file
system provided by OS
• Responsible for storing , retrieving and Use of CASE tools accelerates the development
updating data of project to produce desired result and helps
to uncover flaws before moving ahead with
Storage Manager
next stage in software development.
Design Tools
Documentation Tools
Programming Tools