Reviewer Midterms

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Lecture 1 • DBMS is generalized software.


• A database is an organized collection of TWO PARTS OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT

structured information, or data, typically stored
1. Data administration
electronically in a computer system. A database
is usually controlled by a database management - a planning and analysis function that is
system (DBMS). Together, the data and the responsible for setting data policy and
DBMS, along with the applications that are standards, for promoting the company’s data as
associated with them, are referred to as a a competitive resource, for accounting for the
database system, often shortened to just use of data, and for providing liaison support to
database. (Oracle) systems analysts during application
Lecture 2
2. Database administration
- function is more operationally oriented and is
• a software that handles all access to the
responsible for the day-to-day monitoring and
management of the company’s various active
• is a computerized system that enables users databases, as well as for providing liaison
to create and maintain a database support to program designers during
application development - typically carries out
• a general-purpose software system that
many of the policies set by data administration
facilitates the processes of defining,
constructing, manipulating, and sharing
databases among various users and applications

• a software utility for storing and retrieving

data that gives the end-

user the impression that the data is well

integrated even though the data can be stored
with no redundancy at all.


• Controlling of Redundancy

• Improved Data Sharing


• Security • Data as a shared corporate resource

• Data Consistency • Efficiency in job specialization

• Efficient Data Access • Operational management of data

• Enforcements of Standards • Managing externally acquired databases

• Data Independence • Managing data in the decentralized

• Reduced Application Development and
Maintenance Time


• It is bit complex. TYPES OF DATABASES

• Uses large amount of memory. 1. Hierarchical

• DBMS system works on the centralized -this database follows the progression of data
system. being categorized in ranks or levels, wherein

data is categorized based on a common point of

linkage. As a result, two entities of data will be
lower in rank and the commonality would
assume a higher rank. • An Architecture of DBMS helps in design,
development, implementation, and
2. Network Databases
maintenance of a database
-In Layman’s terms, a network database is a
• The simplest database system architecture is 1
hierarchical database, but with a major tweak. A
tier where the Client, Server, and Database all
network DBMS is a model that supports many-
reside on the same machine
to-many relationships, which helps store real-
life relationships between entities. It is an In 1-tier architecture, the database and any
extension of the hierarchical data management application interfacingwith the database are
soluution that allows modelers to design a more kept on a single server or device. Because there
flexible model. are no network delays involved, this is generally
a fast way to access data.
3. Relational databases
• A two-tier architecture is a database
-A relational database is a collection of
architecture in DBMS where presentation layer
information that organizes data in predefined
runs on a client and data is stored on a server
relationships where data is stored in one or
more tables (or "relations") of columns and 2-tier architectures consist of multiple clients
rows, making it easy to see and understand how connecting directly to the database. This
different data structures relate to each other. architecture is also known as client-server
4. Object-Oriented
• Three-tier client-server architecture consists
-An Object-Oriented DBMS — as the name
of the Presentation layer (PC, Tablet, Mobile,
suggests — is based on object-oriented
etc.), Application layer (server) and Database
programming (OOP). It’s a data management
solution type where entities are represented in
objects and stored in memory database. Most modern web applications use a 3-tier
architecture. In this architecture, the clients
Lecture 5
connect to a back end, which in turn connects
What is Database Architecture? to the database.

A Database Architecture is a representation of BENEFITS of 3-tier

DBMS design. It helps to design, develop,
implement, and maintain the database
management system. •Scalability
A DBMS architecture allows dividing the •Faster deployment
database system into individual components
that can be independently modified, changed, Presentation Tier: This tier, which is built with
replaced, and altered. It also helps to HTML5, cascading style sheets (CSS) and
understand the components of a database. JavaScript, is deployed to a computing device
through a web browser or a web-based
A Database stores critical information and helps application. The presentation tier
access data quickly and securely. Therefore, communicates with the other tiers through
selecting the correct Architecture of DBMS application program interface (API) calls.
helps in easy and efficient data management.
Application Tier: The application tier, which
Types of DBMS Architecture may also be referred to as the logic tier, is
written in a programming language such as Java
• One Tier Architecture (Single Tier
and contains the business logic that supports
the application's core functions. The underlying
• Two Tier Architecture application tier can either be hosted on
distributed servers in the cloud or on a
• Three Tier Architecture

dedicated in-house server, depending on how • It never deals with the physical devices.
much processing power the application Instead, internal schema views a physical device
requires. as a collection of physical pages

Data Tier: The data tier consists of a database 2. Conceptual Level

and a program for managing read and write
The conceptual level is at a higher level than the
access to a database. This tier may also be
physical level. It is also known as the logical
referred to as the storage tier and can be
level. It describes how the database appears to
hosted on-premises or in the cloud. Popular
the users conceptually and the relationships
database systems for managing read/write
between various data tables. The conceptual
access include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft
level does not care for how the data in the
SQL Server and MongoDB.
database is actually stored.
Facts about Conceptual schema:
A database schema is considered the
• Defines all database entities, their attributes,
“blueprint” of a database which describes how
and their relationships
the data may relate to other tables or other
data models. However, the schema does not • Security and integrity information
actually contain data.
• In the conceptual level, the data available to a
user must be contained in or derivable from the
physical level
3. External Level

This is the highest level in the three level

architecture and closest to the user. It is also
known as the view level. The external level only
shows the relevant database content to the
users in the form of views and hides the rest of
the data. So different users can see the
database as a different view as per their
individual requirements.

Facts about external schema:

• An external level is only related to the data

which is viewed by specific end users.

• This level includes some external schemas.

1. Physical Level
• External schema level is nearest to the user
A physical schema combines contextual and
logical information while adding technical • The external schema describes the segment of
requirements. It contains the syntax needed to the database which is needed for a certain user
create data structures within the disk storage. group and hides the remaining details from the
database from the specific user group
Facts about Internal schema:

• The internal schema is the lowest level of data

abstraction Storage Manager

• It helps you to keeps information about the • Low level data stored – Storage Manager –
actual representation of the entire database. Application Programs
Like the actual storage of the data on the disk in
• Queries submitted to the system
the form of records
• Interaction with file manager
• The internal view tells us what data is stored
in the database and how • Raw data are stored on the disk using file
system provided by OS

• Translates various data manipulation language Database Management tools, Documentation

(DML) into love level file system commands tools are to name a few.

• Responsible for storing , retrieving and Use of CASE tools accelerates the development
updating data of project to produce desired result and helps
to uncover flaws before moving ahead with
Storage Manager
next stage in software development.

• Authorization and Integrity Manager

Case Tools Types
• Transactions Manager
Advantages of the CASE approach:
• File Manager
It provides better documentation.
• Buffer Manager
It improves accuracy.
Data Structures
It provides intangible benefits.
• Data Files
It reduces lifetime maintenance.
• Data Dictionary
It is an opportunity to non-programmers.
• Indices
It impacts the style of working of the company.

It reduces the drudgery in software engineer’s

Buffer Manager is responsible for allocating work.
space to the buffer in order to
It increases the speed of processing.
store data into the buffer.
It is easy to program software.
File Manager is a system software responsible
for the creation, deletion, modification of the
files and managing their access, security and the Disadvantages of the CASE approach:
resources used by them.
• Cost: Using a case tool is very costly. Most
Authorization and Integrity Manager tests the firms engaged in software development on a
integrity constraints and checks the small scale do not invest in CASE tools because
authorization of users to access data. they think that the benefit of CASE is justifiable
only in the development of large systems.
Transaction Manager ensures that no kind of
change will be brought to the database until a • Learning Curve: In most cases, programmers’
transaction has been completed totally. productivity may fall in the initial phase of
implementation, because users need time to
learn the technology. Many consultants offer
Lecture 6 training and on-site services that can be
important to accelerate the learning curve and
CASE Tools – Computer Aided Software to the development and use of the CASE tools.
• Tool Mix: It is important to build an
CASE tools are set of software application appropriate selection tool mix to urge cost
programs, which are used to automate SDLC advantage CASE integration and data
activities. CASE tools are used by software integration across all platforms is extremely
project managers, analysts and engineers to important.
develop software system.
Analysis Tools
There are number of CASE tools available to
simplify various stages of Software These tools help to gather requirements,
Development Life Cycle such as Analysis tools, automatically check for any inconsistency,
Design tools, Project management tools, inaccuracy in the diagrams, data redundancies
or erroneous omissions. For example, Accept

360, Accompa, CaseComplete for requirement

analysis, Visible Analyst for total analysis.

Design Tools

These tools help software designers to design

the block structure of the software, which may
further be broken down in smaller modules
using refinement techniques. These tools
provides detailing of each module and
interconnections among modules.

Documentation Tools

Documentation in a software project starts prior

to the software process, goes throughout all
phases of SDLC and after the completion of the
project. Documentation tools generate
documents for technical users and end users.
Technical users are mostly in-house
professionals of the development team who
refer to system manual, reference manual,
training manual, installation manuals etc. The
end user documents describe the functioning
and how-to of the system such as user manual.
For example, Doxygen, DrExplain, Adobe
RoboHelp for documentation.

Change Control Tools

These tools are considered as a part of

configuration management tools. They deal
with changes made to the software after its
baseline is fixed or when the software is first
released. CASE tools automate change tracking,
file management, code management and more.
It also helps in enforcing change policy of the

Programming Tools

These tools consist of programming

environments like IDE (Integrated Development
Environment), in-built modules library and
simulation tools. These tools provide
comprehensive aid in building software product
and include features for simulation and testing.
For example, Cscope to search code in C,

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