AE 110 Module 2
AE 110 Module 2
AE 110 Module 2
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Components of Database system:
1. Hardware
2. Software
▪ Operating system software
▪ DBMS software
▪ Application programs and utility software
3. People
4. Procedures
5. Data
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Database engine
➢ The part of the program that actually stores and retrieves data
➢ Examples: Microsoft Access, OpenOffice Base, Corel Paradox, Oracle Database, etc.
Database approach – pooling of data into a common database that is shared by all the users.
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malicious act) that renders the database unusable, the DBMS can recover an earlier version
that is known to be correct. Although some data loss may occur, without the backup and
recovery feature, the database would be vulnerable to total destruction.
c) Database usage reporting. This feature captures statistics on what data are being used, when
they are used, and who uses them. The database administrator (DBA) uses this information
to help in assigning user authorization and in maintaining the database. We discuss the role
of the DBA later in this section.
d) Database access. The most important feature of a DBMS is to permit authorized user access
to the database through data definition language, data manipulation language, and the query
Database Classifications
Single-User vs. Multiuser Database Systems
Single-User Database System
➢ Located on a single computer
➢ Designed to be accessed by one user
➢ Widely used for personal applications and very small businesses
Multiuser Database System
➢ Designed to be accessed by multiple users (most business databases today)
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Distributed Database System
➢ Data is physically divided among several computers connected by a network, but the database
logically looks like it is a single database
A. Hierarchical and Network Database Models
Hierarchical Databases
➢ Organizes data in a tree structure
➢ Typically a one-to-many relationship between data entities
Network Databases
➢ Allow both one-to-many and many-to-many relationships between data elements
**Most databases today are neither hierarchical or network
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➢ Can contain virtually any type of data (video clip, text with music, etc.) along with the methods to
be used with that data
➢ Objects can be retrieved using queries (object query language or OQL)
➢ Objects can be reused in other applications to create new applications quickly
Cloud Databases
➢ Typically hosted on a cloud database provider’s servers that is accessible to users via the Web
Hall, James, “Accounting Information System”, 7 th Ed.
Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, 15th Edition
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