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AE 110 Module 2

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Module 2: Introduction to database

I. Definition of Database, Information, DBMS.

➢ A collection of related data stored in a manner that enables information to be retrieved as needed
➢ Typically consists of:
▪ Table: a collection or related data about object or related objects, it consists of rows and
columns, the system analyst called it (Entity).
▪ Row: also called a record or tuple—represents a single, implicitly structured data item in
a table(Horizontal Line in a table).
▪ Column: a column, field or attribute is a set of data values of a particular simple type, one
for each row of the table.

Database Management System (DBMS)

➢ A special software system that is programmed to know which data elements each user is
authorized to access: The user’s program sends requests for data to the DBMS, which validates
and authorizes access to the database in accordance with the user’s level of authority. If the user
requests data that he or she is not authorized to access, the request is denied.
➢ Used to create, maintain, and access databases
➢ Purpose: to provide controlled access to the database

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Components of Database system:
1. Hardware
2. Software
▪ Operating system software
▪ DBMS software
▪ Application programs and utility software
3. People
4. Procedures
5. Data

Advantages and Disadvantages of the DBMS Approach

▪ Low level of redundancy
▪ Faster response time
▪ Lower storage requirements
▪ Easier to secure
▪ Increased data accuracy
▪ Increased vulnerability (backup is essential)
▪ The complexity of the development process will have an impact on system performance
▪ DBMS size is quite large and involve a lot of storage
▪ High costs in building a DBMS and the provision of hardware
▪ High costs in the transition from traditional file system to a database system
▪ Impact of failure is higher because users and applications depend on DBMS

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Database engine
➢ The part of the program that actually stores and retrieves data
➢ Examples: Microsoft Access, OpenOffice Base, Corel Paradox, Oracle Database, etc.

Database approach – pooling of data into a common database that is shared by all the users.

Figure 1. The Database Concept

Elements of the Database Environment

1. Users – Users access the database in two ways:
a) Application programs – prepared by systems professionals. These programs send data access
requests (calls) to the DBMS, which validates the requests and retrieves the data for
processing. Under this mode of access, the presence of the DBMS is transparent to the users.
Data processing procedures (both batch and real-time) for transactions such as sales, cash
receipts, and purchases are essentially the same as they would be in the flat-file environment.
b) Direct query – requires no formal user programs. The DBMS has a built-in query facility that
allows authorized users to process data independent of professional programmers. The query
facility provides a friendly environment for integrating and retrieving data to produce ad hoc
management reports. This feature has been an attractive incentive for users to adopt the
database approach.
2. Database management system – provides a controlled environment to assist (or prevent) user
access to the database and to efficiently manage the data resource. Each DBMS model
accomplishes these objectives differently, but some typical features include:
a) Program development. The DBMS contains application development software. Both
programmers and end users may employ this feature to create applications to access the
b) Backup and recovery. During processing, the DBMS periodically makes backup copies of the
physical database. In the event of a disaster (for example, disk failure, program error, or

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malicious act) that renders the database unusable, the DBMS can recover an earlier version
that is known to be correct. Although some data loss may occur, without the backup and
recovery feature, the database would be vulnerable to total destruction.
c) Database usage reporting. This feature captures statistics on what data are being used, when
they are used, and who uses them. The database administrator (DBA) uses this information
to help in assigning user authorization and in maintaining the database. We discuss the role
of the DBA later in this section.
d) Database access. The most important feature of a DBMS is to permit authorized user access
to the database through data definition language, data manipulation language, and the query

II. The difference of Data from Information.

➢ Meaningful facts, text, graphics, images, sound, video segments
➢ Usually in certain context e.g. scores
➢ Data processed to be useful in decision making and interpretation

III. Types of database structures.

The Database Approach: Enterprise Data Model
➢ The enterprise data model is a graphical model that shows the high-level entities for the
organization and the relationships among those entities.
➢ Enterprise data model is represented with the help of a E-R diagram that shows the entities,
attributes, relations, connectivities and cardinalities.

Database Classifications
Single-User vs. Multiuser Database Systems
Single-User Database System
➢ Located on a single computer
➢ Designed to be accessed by one user
➢ Widely used for personal applications and very small businesses
Multiuser Database System
➢ Designed to be accessed by multiple users (most business databases today)

Client-Server and N-Tier Database Systems

Client-Server Database Systems
➢ Has both clients (front end) and at least one database server (back end)
N-Tier Database System
➢ Has more than two tiers
➢ Additional tiers typically contain software referred to as middleware
➢ Allows program code to be separate from the database
➢ Code can be divided into any number of logical components

Centralized vs. Distributed Database Systems

Centralized Database System
➢ Database is located on a single computer, such as a server or mainframe

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Distributed Database System
➢ Data is physically divided among several computers connected by a network, but the database
logically looks like it is a single database

Disk-Based vs. In-Memory Database Systems

Disk-Based Systems
➢ Data is stored on hard drives
In-Memory Databases (IMDBs)
➢ Data is stored in main memory
➢ Dramatically faster than disk-based databases
➢ Good backup procedures are essential
➢ Used both in high-end systems where performance is crucial and in small-footprint, embedded

A. Hierarchical and Network Database Models
Hierarchical Databases
➢ Organizes data in a tree structure
➢ Typically a one-to-many relationship between data entities
Network Databases
➢ Allow both one-to-many and many-to-many relationships between data elements
**Most databases today are neither hierarchical or network

B. Relational Database Model (RDBMS)

➢ Data is organized in tables related by common fields
➢ Most widely used database model today

C. Object-Oriented Database Model (OODBMS)

➢ Database system in which multiple types of data are stored as objects along with their related

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➢ Can contain virtually any type of data (video clip, text with music, etc.) along with the methods to
be used with that data
➢ Objects can be retrieved using queries (object query language or OQL)
➢ Objects can be reused in other applications to create new applications quickly

D. Hybrid Database Models

➢ A combination of two or more database types or models

E. Multidimensional Databases (MDDB)

➢ Designed to be used with data warehousing
➢ Often used in conjunction with Online Analytical

Cloud Databases
➢ Typically hosted on a cloud database provider’s servers that is accessible to users via the Web

Hall, James, “Accounting Information System”, 7 th Ed.
Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, 15th Edition

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