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CPP Operator Overloading A3

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1. Overloaded Operators in the string

C++ Programming Language 2. User-defined Operator Overloading

2.1 "operator" Func�ons
2.2 Example: Overloading '+' Operator for the

Operator Overloading 2.3 Restric�ons on Operator Overloading

3. Overloading Operator via "friend
3.1 Why can't we always use Member Func�on for Opera
3.2 "friend" Func�ons
Operator overloading means that the opera�on performed by the operator depends on the type of operands 3.3 Example: Overloading << and >>
provided to the operator. For example, (a) the bit le�-shi� operator << is overloaded to perform stream inser�on 4. Overloading Binary Operators
if the le� operand is a ostream object such as cout; (b) the operator * could means mul�plica�on for two 5. Overloading Unary Operators
numbers of built-in types or indirec�on if it operates on an address. C++ lets you extend operator overloading to 5.1 Unary Prefix Operator
user-defined types (classes). 5.2 Unary Pos�ix Operator
5.3 Example: Overloading Prefix and Pos�ix
Operator overloading is similar to func�on overloading, where you have many versions of the same func�on
differen�ated by their parameter lists. 6. Example: Pu�ng them together in
7. Implicit Conversion via Single-argument Constructor &
8. Example: The MyComplex Class
1. Overloaded Operators in the string class 9. Dynamic Memory Alloca�on in Object
9.1 Example: MyDynamicArray
As an example, the C++ string class (in header <string>) overloads these operators to work on string
String comparison (==, !=, >, <, >=, <=): For example, you can use str1 == str2 to compare the contents of two string objects.
Stream inser�on and extrac�on (<<, >>): For example, you can use cout << str1 and cin >> str2 to output/input string objects.
Strings concatena�on (+, +=): For example, str1 + str2 concatenates two string objects to produce a new string object; str1 += str2
appends str2 into str1.
Character indexing or subscrip�ng []: For example, you can use str[n] to get the char at index n; or str[n] = c to modify the char at index n.
Take note that [] operator does not perform index-bound check, i.e., you have to ensure that the index is within the bounds. To perform index-bound
check, you can use string's at() member func�on.
Assignment (=): For example, str1 = str2 assigns str2 into str1.

1 /* Test overloaded operators in the C++ string class
2 (TestStringOverloadOperators.cpp) */
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <iomanip>
5 #include <string> // needed to use the string class
6 using namespace std;
8 int main() {
9 string msg1("hello");
10 string msg2("HELLO");
11 string msg3("hello");
13 // Relational Operators (comparing the contents)
14 cout << boolalpha;
15 cout << (msg1 == msg2) << endl; // false
16 cout << (msg1 == msg3) << endl; // true
17 cout << (msg1 < msg2) << endl; // false (uppercases before lowercases)
19 // Assignment
20 string msg4 = msg1;
21 cout << msg4 << endl; // hello
23 // Concatenation
24 cout << (msg1 + " " + msg2) << endl; // hello HELLO
25 msg3 += msg2;
26 cout << msg3 << endl; // helloHELLO
28 // Indexing
29 cout << msg1[1] << endl; // 'e'
30 cout << msg1[99] << endl; // garbage (no index-bound check)
31 // cout << msg1.at(99) << endl; // out_of_range exception

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32 }

Notes : The rela�onal operators (==, !=, >, <, >=, <=), +, <<, >> are overloaded as non-member func�ons, where the le� operand could be a non-string
object (such as C-string, cin, cout); while =, [], += are overloaded as member func�ons where the le� operand must be a string object. I shall elaborate

2. User-defined Operator Overloading

2.1 "operator" Functions

To overload an operator, you use a special func�on form called an operator func�on, in the form of operatorΔ(), where Δ denotes the operator to be

return-type operatorΔ(parameter-list)

For example, operator+() overloads the + operator; operator<<() overloads the << operator. Take note that Δ must be an exis�ng C++ operator. You
cannot create you own operator.

2.2 Example: Overloading '+' Operator for the Point Class as Member Function
In this example, we shall overload the '+' operator in the Point class to support addi�on of two Point objects. In other words, we can write p3 = p1+p2,
where p1, p2 and p3 are Point objects, similar to the usual arithme�c opera�on. We shall construct a new Point instance p3 for the sum, without changing
the p1 and p2 instances.

/* The Point class Header file (Point.h) */
#ifndef POINT_H
#define POINT_H
class Point {
int x, y; // Private data members
Point(int x = 0, int y = 0); // Constructor
int getX() const; // Getters
int getY() const;
void setX(int x); // Setters
void setY(int y);
void print() const;
const Point operator+(const Point & rhs) const;
// Overload '+' operator as member function of the class

Program Notes:
We overload the + operator via a member func�on operator+(), which shall add this instance (le� operand) with the rhs operand, construct a new
instance containing the sum and and return it by value. We cannot return by reference a local variable created inside the func�on, as the local variable
would be destroyed when the func�on exits.
The rhs operand is passed by reference for performance.
The member func�on is declared const, which cannot modify data members.
The return value is declared const, so as to prevent it from being used as lvalue. For example, it prevents wri�ng (p1+p2) = p3, which is meaningless
and could be due to misspelling (p1+p2) == p3.

1 /* The Point class Implementation file (Point.cpp) */
2 #include "Point.h"
3 #include <iostream>
4 using namespace std;
6 // Constructor - The default values are specified in the declaration
7 Point::Point(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) { } // Using initializer list
9 // Getters
10 int Point::getX() const { return x; }
11 int Point::getY() const { return y; }
13 // Setters
14 void Point::setX(int x) { this->x = x; }

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15 void Point::setY(int y) { this->y = y; }

17 // Public Functions
18 void Point::print() const {
19 cout << "(" << x << "," << y << ")" << endl;
20 }
22 // Member function overloading '+' operator
23 const Point Point::operator+(const Point & rhs) const {
24 return Point(x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y);
25 }

Program Notes:
The func�on allocates a new Point object with the sums of x's and y's, and returns this object by const value.

1 #include "Point.h"
2 #include <iostream>
3 using namespace std;
5 int main() {
6 Point p1(1, 2), p2(4, 5);
7 // Use overloaded operator +
8 Point p3 = p1 + p2;
9 p1.print(); // (1,2)
10 p2.print(); // (4,5)
11 p3.print(); // (5,7)
13 // Invoke via usual dot syntax, same as p1+p2
14 Point p4 = p1.operator+(p2);
15 p4.print(); // (5,7)
17 // Chaining
18 Point p5 = p1 + p2 + p3 + p4;
19 p5.print(); // (15,21)
20 }

Program Notes:
You can invoke the overloaded operator via p1+p2, which will be translated into the dot opera�on p1.operator+(p2).
The + operator supports chaining (cascading) opera�ons, as p1+p2 returns a Point object.

2.3 Restrictions on Operator Overloading

The overloaded operator must be an exis�ng and valid operator. You cannot create your own operator such as ⊕.
Certain C++ operators cannot be overloaded, such as sizeof, dot (. and .*), scope resolu�on (::) and condi�onal (?:).
The overloaded operator must have at least one operands of the user-defined types. You cannot overload an operator working on fundamental types. That
is, you can't overload the '+' operator for two ints (fundamental type) to perform subtrac�on.
You cannot change the syntax rules (such as associa�vity, precedence and number of arguments) of the overloaded operator.

3. Overloading Operator via "friend" non-member function

3.1 Why can't we always use Member Function for Operator Overloading?
The member func�on operatorΔ() can only be invoked from an object via the dot operator, e.g., p1.operatorΔ(p2), which is equivalent to p1 Δ p2.
Clearly the le� operand p1 should be an object of that par�cular class. Suppose that we want to overload a binary operator such as * to mul�ply the object p1
with an int literal, p1*5 can be translated into p1.operator*(5), but 5*p1 cannot be represented using member func�on. One way to deal with this
problem is only allow user to write p1*5 but not 5*p1, which is not user friendly and break the rule of commuta�vity. Another way is to use a non-member
func�on, which does not invoke through an object and dot operator, but through the arguments provided. For example, 5*p1 could be translated to
operator+(5, p1).

In brief, you cannot use member func�on to overload an operator if the le� operand is not an object of that par�cular class.

3.2 "friend" Functions

A regular non-member func�on cannot directly access the private data of the objects given in its arguments. A special type of func�on, called friends, are
allowed to access the private data.

A "friend" func�on of a class, marked by the keyword friend, is a func�on defined outside the class, yet its argument of that class has unrestricted access to
all the class members (private, protected and public data members and member func�ons). Friend func�ons can enhance the performance, as they

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eliminate the need of calling public member func�ons to access the private data members.

3.3 Example: Overloading << and >> Operators of Point class using non-member friend
In this example, we shall overload << and >> operators to support stream inser�on and extrac�on of Point objects, i.e., cout << aPoint, and cin >>
aPoint. Since the le� operand is not a Point object (cout is an ostream object and cin is an istream object), we cannot use member func�on, but
need to use non-member func�on for operator overloading. We shall make these func�ons friends of the Point class, to allow them to access the private
data members directly for enhanced performance.

1 /* The Point class Header file (Point.h) */
2 #ifndef POINT_H
3 #define POINT_H
5 #include <iostream>
7 // Class Declaration
8 class Point {
9 private:
10 int x, y;
12 public:
13 Point(int x = 0, int y = 0);
14 int getX() const; // Getters
15 int getY() const;
16 void setX(int x); // Setters
17 void setY(int y);
19 friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, const Point & point);
20 friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & in, Point & point);
21 };
23 #endif

Program Notes:
Friends are neither public or private, and can be listed anywhere within the class declara�on.
The cout and cin need to be passed into the func�on by reference, so that the func�on accesses the cout and cin directly (instead of a clone copy by
We return the cin and cout passed into the func�on by reference too, so as to support cascading opera�ons. For example, cout << p1 << endl
will be interpreted as (cout << p1) << endl.
In <<, the reference parameter Point is declared as const. Hence, the func�on cannot modify the Point object. On the other hand, in >>, the Point
reference is non-const, as it will be modified to keep the input.
We use fully-qualified name std::istream instead of placing a "using namespace std;" statement in the header. It is because this header could
be included in many files, which would include the using statement too and may not be desirable.

1 /* The Point class Implementation file (Point.cpp) */
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include "Point.h"
4 using namespace std;
6 // Constructor - The default values are specified in the declaration
7 Point::Point(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) { } // using member initializer list
9 // Getters
10 int Point::getX() const { return x; }
11 int Point::getY() const { return y; }
13 // Setters
14 void Point::setX(int x) { this->x = x; }
15 void Point::setY(int y) { this->y = y; }
17 ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Point & point) {
18 out << "(" << point.x << "," << point.y << ")"; // access private data
19 return out;
20 }
22 istream & operator>>(istream & in, Point & point) {
23 cout << "Enter x and y coord: ";
24 in >> point.x >> point.y; // access private data

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25 return in;
26 }

Program Notes:
The func�on defini�on does not require the keyword friend, and the ClassName:: scope resolu�on qualifier, as it does not belong to the class.
The operator<<() func�on is declared as a friend of Point class. Hence, it can access the private data members x and y of its argument Point
directly. operator<<() func�on is NOT a friend of ostream class, as there is no need to access the private member of ostream.
Instead of accessing private data member x and y directly, you could use public member func�on getX() and getY(). In this case, there is no need to
declare operator<<() as a friend of the Point class. You could simply declare a regular func�on prototype in the header.

// Function prototype
ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Point & point);

// Function definition
ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Point & point) {
out << "(" << point.getX() << "," << point.getY() << ")";
return out;

Using friend is recommended, as it enhances performance. Furthermore, the overloaded operator becomes part of the extended public interface of the
class, which helps in ease-of-use and ease-of-maintenance.

1 #include <iostream>
2 #include "Point.h"
3 using namespace std;
5 int main() {
6 Point p1(1, 2), p2;
8 // Using overloaded operator <<
9 cout << p1 << endl; // support cascading
10 operator<<(cout, p1); // same as cout << p1
11 cout << endl;
13 // Using overloaded operator >>
14 cin >> p1;
15 cout << p1 << endl;
16 operator>>(cin, p1); // same as cin >> p1
17 cout << p1 << endl;
18 cin >> p1 >> p2; // support cascading
19 cout << p1 << endl;
20 cout << p2 << endl;
21 }

The overloaded >> and << can also be used for file input/output, as the file IO stream ifstream/ofstream (in fstream header) is a subclass of
istream/ostream. For example,

#include <fstream>
#include "Point.h"
using namespace std;

int main() {
Point p1(1, 2);

ofstream fout("out.txt");
fout << p1 << endl;

ifstream fin("in.txt"); // contains "3 4"

fin >> p1;
cout << p1 << endl;

4. Overloading Binary Operators

All C++ operators are either binary (e.g., x + y) or unary (e.g. !x, -x), with the excep�on of tenary condi�onal operator (? :) which cannot be overloaded.

Suppose that we wish to overload the binary operator == to compare two Point objects. We could do it as a member func�on or non-member func�on.

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1. To overload as a member func�on, the declara�on is as follows:

class Point {
bool operator==(const Point & rhs) const; // p1.operator==(p2)

The compiler translates "p1 == p2" to "p1.operator==(p2)", as a member func�on call of object p1, with argument p2.

Member func�on can only be used if the le� operand is an object of that par�cular class.
2. To overload as a non-member func�on, which is o�en declared as a friend to access the private data for enhanced performance, the declara�on is as

class Point {
friend bool operator==(const Point & lhs, const Point & rhs); // operator==(p1,p2)

The compiler translates the expression "p1 == p2" to "operator==(p1, p2)".

5. Overloading Unary Operators

Most of the unary operators are prefix operators, e.g., !x, -x. Hence, prefix is the norm for unary operators. However, unary increment and decrement come in
two forms: prefix (++x, --x) and pos�ix (x++, x--). We to a mechanism to differen�ate the two forms.

5.1 Unary Prefix Operator

Example of unary prefix operators are !x, -x, ++x and --x. You could do it as a non-member func�on as well as member func�on. For example, to overload
the prefix increment operator ++:
1. To overload as a non-member friend func�on:

class Point {
friend Point & operator++(Point & point);

The compiler translates "++p" to "operator++(p)".

2. To overload as a member func�on:

class Point {
Point & operator++(); // this Point

The compiler translates "++p" to "p.operator++()".

You can use either member func�on or non-member friend func�on to overload unary operators, as their only operand shall be an object of that class.

5.2 Unary Postfix Operator

The unary increment and decrement operators come in two forms: prefix (++x, --x) and pos�ix (x++, x--). Overloading pos�ix operators (such as x++, x--)
present a challenge. It ought to be differen�ated from the prefix operator (++x, --x). A "dummy" argument is therefore introduced to indicate pos�ix
opera�on as shown below. Take note that pos�ix ++ shall save the old value, perform the increment, and then return the saved value by value.
1. To overload as non-member friend func�on:

class Point {
friend const Point operator++(Point & point, int dummy);

The compiler translates "pt++" to "operator++(pt, 0)". The int argument is strictly a dummy value to differen�ate prefix from pos�ix opera�on.
2. To overload as a member func�on:

class Point {
const Point operator++(int dummy); // this Point

The compiler translates "pt++" to "pt.operator++(0)".

5.3 Example: Overloading Prefix and Postfix ++ for the Counter Class


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1 /* The Counter class Header file (Counter.h) */

2 #ifndef COUNTER_H
3 #define COUNTER_H
4 #include <iostream>
6 class Counter {
7 private:
8 int count;
9 public:
10 Counter(int count = 0); // Constructor
11 int getCount() const; // Getters
12 void setCount(int count); // Setters
13 Counter & operator++(); // ++prefix
14 const Counter operator++(int dummy); // postfix++
16 friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, const Counter & counter);
17 };
19 #endif

Program Notes:
The prefix func�on returns a reference to this instance, to support chaining (or cascading), e.g., ++++c as ++(++c). However, the return reference can be
used as lvalue with unexpected opera�ons (e.g., ++c = 8).
The pos�ix func�on returns a const object by value. A const value cannot be used as lvalue. This prevents chaining such as c++++. Although it would
be interpreted as (c++)++. However, (c++) does not return this object, but an temporary object. The subsequent ++ works on the temporary object.
Both prefix and pos�ix func�ons are non-const, as they modify the data member count.

1 /* The Counter class Implementation file (Counter.cpp) */
2 #include "Counter.h"
3 #include <iostream>
4 using namespace std;
6 // Constructor - The default values are specified in the declaration
7 Counter::Counter(int c) : count(c) { } // using member initializer list
9 // Getters
10 int Counter::getCount() const { return count; }
12 // Setters
13 void Counter::setCount(int c) { count = c; }
15 // ++prefix, return reference of this
16 Counter & Counter::operator++() {
17 ++count;
18 return *this;
19 }
21 // postfix++, return old value by value
22 const Counter Counter::operator++(int dummy) {
23 Counter old(*this);
24 ++count;
25 return old;
26 }
28 // Overload stream insertion << operator
29 ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Counter & counter) {
30 out << counter.count;
31 return out;
32 }

Program Notes:
The prefix func�on increments the count, and returns this object by reference.
The pos�ix func�on saves the old value (by construc�ng a new instance with this object via the copy constructor), increments the count, and return the
saved object by value.
Clearly, pos�ix opera�on on object is less efficient than the prefix opera�on, as it create a temporary object. If there is no subsequent opera�on that relies
on the output of prefix/pos�ix opera�on, use prefix opera�on.

1 #include "Counter.h"
2 #include <iostream>

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3 using namespace std;

5 int main() {
6 Counter c1;
7 cout << c1 << endl; // 0
8 cout << ++c1 << endl; // 1
9 cout << c1 << endl; // 1
10 cout << c1++ << endl; // 1
11 cout << c1 << endl; // 2
12 cout << ++++c1 << endl; // 4
13 // cout << c1++++ << endl; // error caused by const return value
14 }

Program Notes:
Take note of the difference in cout << c1++ and cout << ++c1. Both prefix and pos�ix operators work as expected.
++++c1 is allowed and works correctly. c1++++ is disallowed, because it would produce incorrect result.

6. Example: Putting them together in Point Class

This example overload binary operator << and >> as non-member func�ons for stream inser�on and stream extrac�on. It also overload unary ++ (pos�ix and
prefix) and binary += as member func�on; and +, += operators.

1 /* The Point class Header file (Point.h) */
2 #ifndef POINT_H
3 #define POINT_H
4 #include <iostream>
6 class Point {
7 private:
8 int x, y;
10 public:
11 explicit Point(int x = 0, int y = 0);
12 int getX() const;
13 int getY() const;
14 void setX(int x);
15 void setY(int y);
16 Point & operator++(); // ++prefix
17 const Point operator++(int dummy); // postfix++
18 const Point operator+(const Point & rhs) const; // Point + Point
19 const Point operator+(int value) const; // Point + int
20 Point & operator+=(int value); // Point += int
21 Point & operator+=(const Point & rhs); // Point += Point
23 friend std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, const Point & point); // out << point
24 friend std::istream & operator>>(std::istream & in, Point & point); // in >> point
25 friend const Point operator+(int value, const Point & rhs); // int + Point
26 };
28 #endif

1 /* The Point class Implementation file (Point.cpp) */
2 #include "Point.h"
3 #include <iostream>
4 using namespace std;
6 // Constructor - The default values are specified in the declaration
7 Point::Point(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) { }
9 // Getters
10 int Point::getX() const { return x; }
11 int Point::getY() const { return y; }
13 // Setters
14 void Point::setX(int x) { this->x = x; }
15 void Point::setY(int y) { this->y = y; }
17 // Overload ++Prefix, increase x, y by 1
18 Point & Point::operator++() {
19 ++x;

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20 ++y;
21 return *this;
22 }
24 // Overload Postfix++, increase x, y by 1
25 const Point Point::operator++(int dummy) {
26 Point old(*this);
27 ++x;
28 ++y;
29 return old;
30 }
32 // Overload Point + int. Return a new Point by value
33 const Point Point::operator+(int value) const {
34 return Point(x + value, y + value);
35 }
37 // Overload Point + Point. Return a new Point by value
38 const Point Point::operator+(const Point & rhs) const {
39 return Point(x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y);
40 }
42 // Overload Point += int. Increase x, y by value
43 Point & Point::operator+=(int value) {
44 x += value;
45 y += value;
46 return *this;
47 }
49 // Overload Point += Point. Increase x, y by rhs
50 Point & Point::operator+=(const Point & rhs) {
51 x += rhs.x;
52 y += rhs.y;
53 return *this;
54 }
56 // Overload << stream insertion operator
57 ostream & operator<<(ostream & out, const Point & point) {
58 out << "(" << point.x << "," << point.y << ")";
59 return out;
60 }
62 // Overload >> stream extraction operator
63 istream & operator>>(istream & in, Point & point) {
64 cout << "Enter x and y coord: ";
65 in >> point.x >> point.y;
66 return in;
67 }
69 // Overload int + Point. Return a new point
70 const Point operator+(int value, const Point & rhs) {
71 return rhs + value; // use member function defined above
72 }

1 #include <iostream>
2 #include "Point.h"
3 using namespace std;
5 int main() {
6 Point p1(1, 2);
7 cout << p1 << endl; // (1,2)
9 Point p2(3,4);
10 cout << p1 + p2 << endl; // (4,6)
11 cout << p1 + 10 << endl; // (11,12)
12 cout << 20 + p1 << endl; // (21,22)
13 cout << 10 + p1 + 20 + p1 << endl; // (32,34)
15 p1 += p2;
16 cout << p1 << endl; // (4,6)
17 p1 += 3;
18 cout << p1 << endl; // (7,9)
20 Point p3; // (0,0)

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21 cout << p3++ << endl; // (0,0)

22 cout << p3 << endl; // (1,1)
23 cout << ++p3 << endl; // (2,2)
24 }

7. Implicit Conversion via Single-argument Constructor & Keyword

In C++, a single-argument constructor can be used to implicitly convert a value to an object. For example,

1 #include <iostream>
2 using namespace std;
4 class Counter {
5 private:
6 int count;
7 public:
8 Counter(int c = 0) : count(c) { }
9 // A single-argument Constructor which takes an int
10 // It can be used to implicitly convert an int to a Counter object
11 int getCount() const { return count; } // Getter
12 void setCount(int c) { count = c; } // Setter
13 };
15 int main() {
16 Counter c1; // Declare an instance and invoke default constructor
17 cout << c1.getCount() << endl; // 0
19 c1 = 9;
20 // Implicit conversion
21 // Invoke single-argument constructor Counter(9) to construct a temporary object.
22 // Then copy into c1 via memberwise assignment.
23 cout << c1.getCount() << endl; // 9
24 }

This implicit conversion can be confusing. C++ introduces a keyword "explicit" to disable implicit conversion. Nonetheless, you can s�ll perform explicit
conversion via type cast operator. For example,

1 #include <iostream>
2 using namespace std;
4 class Counter {
5 private:
6 int count;
7 public:
8 explicit Counter(int c = 0) : count(c) { }
9 // Single-argument Constructor
10 // Use keyword "explicit" to disable implicit automatic conversion in assignment
11 int getCount() const { return count; } // Getter
12 void setCount(int c) { count = c; } // Setter
13 };
15 int main() {
16 Counter c1; // Declare an instance and invoke default constructor
17 cout << c1.getCount() << endl; // 0
19 // Counter c2 = 9;
20 // error: conversion from 'int' to non-scalar type 'Counter' requested
22 c1 = (Counter)9; // Explicit conversion via type casting operator
23 cout << c1.getCount() << endl; // 9
24 }

8. Example: The MyComplex Class

The MyComplex class is simplified from the C++ STL's complex template class. I strongly recommend that you study the source code of complex (in the
complex header) - you can download the source code for GNU GCC.

1 /*
2 * The MyComplex class header (MyComplex.h)
3 * Follow, modified and simplified from GNU GCC complex template class

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4 */
5 #ifndef MY_COMPLEX_H
6 #define MY_COMPLEX_H
8 #include <iostream>
10 class MyComplex {
11 private:
12 double real, imag;
14 public:
15 explicit MyComplex (double real = 0, double imag = 0); // Constructor
16 MyComplex & operator+= (const MyComplex & rhs); // c1 += c2
17 MyComplex & operator+= (double real); // c += double
18 MyComplex & operator++ (); // ++c
19 const MyComplex operator++ (int dummy); // c++
20 bool operator== (const MyComplex & rhs) const; // c1 == c2
21 bool operator!= (const MyComplex & rhs) const; // c1 != c2
23 // friends
24 friend std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & out, const MyComplex & c); // out << c
25 friend std::istream & operator>> (std::istream & in, MyComplex & c); // in >> c
26 friend const MyComplex operator+ (const MyComplex & lhs, const MyComplex & rhs); // c1 + c2
27 friend const MyComplex operator+ (double real, const MyComplex & rhs); // double + c
28 friend const MyComplex operator+ (const MyComplex & lhs, double real); // c + double
29 };
31 #endif

Program Notes:
I prefer to list the private sec�on before the public sec�on in the class declara�on to have a quick look at the internal of the class for ease of
I named the private data members real and imag, that poten�ally crash with the func�on parameters. I resolves the crashes via this-> pointer if
needed. Some people suggest to name private data members with a trailing underscore (e.g., real_, imag_) to dis�nguish from the func�on
parameters. As private members are not expose to the users, strange names are acceptable. The C++ compiler uses leading underscore(s) to name its
variables internally (_xxx for data members, __xxx for local variables).
The constructor is declared explicit. This is because a single-argument constructor can be used for implicit conversion, in this case, from double to
MyComplex, e.g.,

// Without explicit
MyComplex c = 5.5; // Same as MyComplex c = (MyComplex)5.5;

The keyword explicit disables implicit conversion.

// With explicit
MyComplex c = 5.5;
// error: conversion from 'double' to non-scalar type 'MyComplex' requested
MyComplex c = (MyComplex)5.5; // Okay

Avoid implicit conversion, as it is hard to track and maintain.

The constructor sets the default value for real and imag to 0.
We overload the stream inser�on operator << to print a MyComplex object on a ostream (e.g., cout << c). We use a non-member friend func�on
(instead of member func�on) as the le� operand (cout) is not a MyComplex object. We declare it as friend of the MyComplex class to allow direct
access of the private data members. The func�on return a reference of the invoking ostream object to support cascading opera�on, e.g. cout << c
<< endl;.
We overload the prefix increment operator (e.g., ++c) and pos�ix increment operator (e.g., c++) as member func�ons. They increases the real part by 1.0.
Since both prefix and pos�ix operators are unary, a dummy int argument is assigned to pos�ix operator++() to dis�nguish it from prefix
operator++(). The prefix operator returns a reference to this object, but the pos�ix returns a value. We shall explain this in the implementa�on.
We overload the plus operator + to perform addi�on of two MyComplex objects, a MyComplex object and a double. Again, we use non-member friend
func�on as the le� operand may not be a MyComplex object. The + shall return a new object, with no change to its operands.
As we overload the + operator, we also have to overload += operator.
The func�on's reference/pointer parameters will be declared const, if we do not wish to modify the original copy. On the other hand, we omit const
declara�on for built-in types (e.g., double) in the class declara�on as they are passed by value - the original copy can never be changed.
We declare the return values of + operator as const, so that they cannot be used as lvalue. It is to prevent meaningless usages such as (c1+c2) = c3
(most likely misspelling (c1 + c2) == c3).
We also declare the return value of ++ as const. This is to prevent c++++, which could be interpreted as (c++)++. However, as C++ return by value a
temporary object (instead of the original object), the subsequent ++ works on the temporary object and yields incorrect output. But ++++c is acceptable
as ++c returns this object by reference.

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1 /* The MyComplex class implementation (MyComplex.cpp) */
2 #include "MyComplex.h"
4 // Constructor
5 MyComplex::MyComplex (double r, double i) : real(r), imag(i) { }
7 // Overloading += operator for c1 += c2
8 MyComplex & MyComplex::operator+= (const MyComplex & rhs) {
9 real += rhs.real;
10 imag += rhs.imag;
11 return *this;
12 }
14 // Overloading += operator for c1 += double (of real)
15 MyComplex & MyComplex::operator+= (double value) {
16 real += value;
17 return *this;
18 }
20 // Overload prefix increment operator ++c (real part)
21 MyComplex & MyComplex::operator++ () {
22 ++real; // increment real part only
23 return *this;
24 }
26 // Overload postfix increment operator c++ (real part)
27 const MyComplex MyComplex::operator++ (int dummy) {
28 MyComplex saved(*this);
29 ++real; // increment real part only
30 return saved;
31 }
33 // Overload comparison operator c1 == c2
34 bool MyComplex::operator== (const MyComplex & rhs) const {
35 return (real == rhs.real && imag == rhs.imag);
36 }
38 // Overload comparison operator c1 != c2
39 bool MyComplex::operator!= (const MyComplex & rhs) const {
40 return !(*this == rhs);
41 }
43 // Overload stream insertion operator out << c (friend)
44 std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & out, const MyComplex & c) {
45 out << '(' << c.real << ',' << c.imag << ')';
46 return out;
47 }
49 // Overload stream extraction operator in >> c (friend)
50 std::istream & operator>> (std::istream & in, MyComplex & c) {
51 double inReal, inImag;
52 char inChar;
53 bool validInput = false;
54 // Input shall be in the format "(real,imag)"
55 in >> inChar;
56 if (inChar == '(') {
57 in >> inReal >> inChar;
58 if (inChar == ',') {
59 in >> inImag >> inChar;
60 if (inChar == ')') {
61 c = MyComplex(inReal, inImag);
62 validInput = true;
63 }
64 }
65 }
66 if (!validInput) in.setstate(std::ios_base::failbit);
67 return in;
68 }
70 // Overloading + operator for c1 + c2
71 const MyComplex operator+ (const MyComplex & lhs, const MyComplex & rhs) {
72 MyComplex result(lhs);
73 result += rhs; // uses overload +=
74 return result;

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75 // OR return MyComplex(lhs.real + rhs.real, lhs.imag + rhs.imag);

76 }
78 // Overloading + operator for c + double
79 const MyComplex operator+ (const MyComplex & lhs, double value) {
80 MyComplex result(lhs);
81 result += value; // uses overload +=
82 return result;
83 }
85 // Overloading + operator for double + c
86 const MyComplex operator+ (double value, const MyComplex & rhs) {
87 return rhs + value; // swap and use above function
88 }

Program Notes:
The prefix ++ increments the real part, and returns this object by reference. The pos�ix ++ saves this object, increments the real part, and returns the
saved object by value. Pos�ix opera�on is clearly less efficient than prefix opera�on!
The + operators use the += operator (for academic purpose).
The friend func�ons is allow to access the private data members.
The overloaded stream inser�on operator << outputs "(real,imag)".
The overloaded stream extrac�on operator >> inputs "(real,imag)". It sets the failbit of the istream object if the input is not valid.

1 /* Test Driver for MyComplex class (TestMyComplex.cpp) */
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <iomanip>
4 #include "MyComplex.h"
6 int main() {
7 std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2);
9 MyComplex c1(3.1, 4.2);
10 std::cout << c1 << std::endl; // (3.10,4.20)
11 MyComplex c2(3.1);
12 std::cout << c2 << std::endl; // (3.10,0.00)
14 MyComplex c3 = c1 + c2;
15 std::cout << c3 << std::endl; // (6.20,4.20)
16 c3 = c1 + 2.1;
17 std::cout << c3 << std::endl; // (5.20,4.20)
18 c3 = 2.2 + c1;
19 std::cout << c3 << std::endl; // (5.30,4.20)
21 c3 += c1;
22 std::cout << c3 << std::endl; // (8.40,8.40)
23 c3 += 2.3;
24 std::cout << c3 << std::endl; // (10.70,8.40)
26 std::cout << ++c3 << std::endl; // (11.70,8.40)
27 std::cout << c3++ << std::endl; // (11.70,8.40)
28 std::cout << c3 << std::endl; // (12.70,8.40)
30 // c1+c2 = c3; // error: c1+c2 returns a const
31 // c1++++; // error: c1++ returns a const
33 // MyComplex c4 = 5.5; // error: implicit conversion disabled
34 MyComplex c4 = (MyComplex)5.5; // explicit type casting allowed
35 std::cout << c4 << std::endl; // (5.50,0.00)
37 MyComplex c5;
38 std::cout << "Enter a complex number in (real,imag): ";
39 std::cin >> c5;
40 if (std::cin.good()) { // if no error
41 std::cout << c5 << std::endl;
42 } else {
43 std::cerr << "Invalid input" << std::endl;
44 }
45 return 0;
46 }

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9. Dynamic Memory Allocation in Object

If you dynamically allocate memory in the constructor, you need to provide your own destructor, copy constructor and assignment operator to manage the
dynamically allocated memory. The defaults provided by the C++ compiler do not work for dynamic memory.

9.1 Example: MyDynamicArray

1 /*
2 * The MyDynamicArray class header (MyDynamicArray.h)
3 * A dynamic array of double elements
4 */
8 #include <iostream>
10 class MyDynamicArray {
11 private:
12 int size_; // size of array
13 double * ptr; // pointer to the elements
15 public:
16 explicit MyDynamicArray (int n = 8); // Default constructor
17 explicit MyDynamicArray (const MyDynamicArray & a); // Copy constructor
18 MyDynamicArray (const double a[], int n); // Construct from double[]
19 ~MyDynamicArray(); // Destructor
21 const MyDynamicArray & operator= (const MyDynamicArray & rhs); // Assignment a1 = a2
22 bool operator== (const MyDynamicArray & rhs) const; // a1 == a2
23 bool operator!= (const MyDynamicArray & rhs) const; // a1 != a2
25 double operator[] (int index) const; // a[i]
26 double & operator[] (int index); // a[i] = x
28 int size() const { return size_; } // return size of array
30 // friends
31 friend std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & out, const MyDynamicArray & a); // out << a
32 friend std::istream & operator>> (std::istream & in, MyDynamicArray & a); // in >> a
33 };
35 #endif

Program Notes:
In C++, the you cannot use the same name for a data member and a member func�on. As I would like to have a public func�on called size(), which is
consistent with the C++ STL, I named the data member size_ with a trailing underscore, following C++'s best prac�ces. Take note that leading
underscore(s) are used by C++ compiler for its internal variables (e.g., _xxx for data members and __xxx for local variables).
As we will be dynamically alloca�ng memory in the constructor, we provide our own version of destructor, copy constructor and assignment operator to
manage the dynamically allocated memory. The defaults provided by the C++ compiler do not work on dynamic memory.
We provide 3 constructors: a default constructor with an op�onal size, a copy constructor to construct an instance by copying another instance, and a
construct to construct an instance by copying from a regular array.
We provide 2 version of indexing operators: one for read opera�on (e.g., a[i]) and another capable of write opera�on (e.g., a[i] = x). The read
version is declared as a const member func�on; whereas the write version return a reference to the element, which can be used as lvalue for assignment.

1 /* The MyDynamicArray class implementation (MyDynamicArray.cpp) */
2 #include <stdexcept>
3 #include "MyDynamicArray.h"
5 // Default constructor
6 MyDynamicArray::MyDynamicArray (int n) {
7 if (n <= 0) {
8 throw std::invalid_argument("error: size must be greater then zero");
9 }
11 // Dynamic allocate memory for n elements
12 size_ = n;
13 ptr = new double[size_];
14 for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {

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15 ptr[i] = 0.0; // init all elements to zero

16 }
17 }
19 // Override the copy constructor to handle dynamic memory
20 MyDynamicArray::MyDynamicArray (const MyDynamicArray & a) {
21 // Dynamic allocate memory for a.size_ elements and copy
22 size_ = a.size_;
23 ptr = new double[size_];
24 for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
25 ptr[i] = a.ptr[i]; // copy each element
26 }
27 }
29 // Construct via a built-in double[]
30 MyDynamicArray::MyDynamicArray (const double a[], int n) {
31 // Dynamic allocate memory for a.size_ elements and copy
32 size_ = n;
33 ptr = new double[size_];
34 for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
35 ptr[i] = a[i]; // copy each element
36 }
37 }
39 // Override the default destructor to handle dynamic memory
40 MyDynamicArray::~MyDynamicArray() {
41 delete[] ptr; // free dynamically allocated memory
42 }
44 // Override the default assignment operator to handle dynamic memory
45 const MyDynamicArray & MyDynamicArray::operator= (const MyDynamicArray & rhs) {
46 if (this != &rhs) { // no self assignment
47 if (size_ != rhs.size_) {
48 // reallocate memory for the array
49 delete [] ptr;
50 size_ = rhs.size_;
51 ptr = new double[size_];
52 }
53 // Copy elements
54 for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
55 ptr[i] = rhs.ptr[i];
56 }
57 }
58 return *this;
59 }
61 // Overload comparison operator a1 == a2
62 bool MyDynamicArray::operator== (const MyDynamicArray & rhs) const {
63 if (size_ != rhs.size_) return false;
65 for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i) {
66 if (ptr[i] != rhs.ptr[i]) return false;
67 }
68 return true;
69 }
71 // Overload comparison operator a1 != a2
72 bool MyDynamicArray::operator!= (const MyDynamicArray & rhs) const {
73 return !(*this == rhs);
74 }
76 // Indexing operator - Read
77 double MyDynamicArray::operator[] (int index) const {
78 if (index < 0 || index >= size_) {
79 throw std::out_of_range("error: index out of range");
80 }
81 return ptr[index];
82 }
84 // Indexing operator - Writable a[i] = x
85 double & MyDynamicArray::operator[] (int index) {
86 if (index < 0 || index >= size_) {
87 throw std::out_of_range("error: index out of range");
88 }
89 return ptr[index];
90 }

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92 // Overload stream insertion operator out << a (as friend)
93 std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & out, const MyDynamicArray & a) {
94 for (int i = 0; i < a.size_; ++i) {
95 out << a.ptr[i] << ' ';
96 }
97 return out;
98 }
100 // Overload stream extraction operator in >> a (as friend)
101 std::istream & operator>> (std::istream & in, MyDynamicArray & a) {
102 for (int i = 0; i < a.size_; ++i) {
103 in >> a.ptr[i];
104 }
105 return in;
106 }

Program Notes:
Constructor: [TODO]
Copy Constructor:
Assignment Operator:
Indexing Operator:

1 /* Test Driver for MyDynamicArray class (TestMyDynamicArray.cpp) */
2 #include <iostream>
3 #include <iomanip>
4 #include "MyDynamicArray.h"
6 int main() {
7 std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(1) << std::boolalpha;
9 MyDynamicArray a1(5);
10 std::cout << a1 << std::endl; // 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
11 std::cout << a1.size() << std::endl; // 5
13 double d[3] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.3};
14 MyDynamicArray a2(d, 3);
15 std::cout << a2 << std::endl; // 1.1 2.2 3.3
17 MyDynamicArray a3(a2); // Copy constructor
18 std::cout << a3 << std::endl; // 1.1 2.2 3.3
20 a1[2] = 8.8;
21 std::cout << a1[2] << std::endl; // 8.8
22 // std::cout << a1[22] << std::endl; // error: out_of_range
24 a3 = a1;
25 std::cout << a3 << std::endl; // 0.0 0.0 8.8 0.0 0.0
27 std::cout << (a1 == a3) << std::endl; // true
28 std::cout << (a1 == a2) << std::endl; // false
30 const int SIZE = 3;
31 MyDynamicArray a4(SIZE);
32 std::cout << "Enter " << SIZE << " elements: ";
33 std::cin >> a4;
34 if (std::cin.good()) {
35 std::cout << a4 << std::endl;
36 } else {
37 std::cerr << "Invalid input" << std::endl;
38 }
39 return 0;
40 }

Link to "C++ References & Resources"

Latest version tested: Cygwin/MinGW GCC 4.6.2

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Last modified: May, 2013

Feedback, comments, corrections, and errata can be sent to Chua Hock-Chuan ([email protected]) | HOME

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