Project Proposal For: Accounting Management System For Tma Matta

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Project Proposal

Accounting Management system




AKRAM SYED Roll No 1564015

KASHIF TAHIR Roll No 1564005

Mr. Abdullah Khan
Project Title

Accounting Management System for TMA Matta Swat

The project that we are going to design is a Desktop application for TMA Matta. The major task is to
convert the entire manual and file based system to an automatic computerized system in order to
save time, eliminate complexity and provide accessibility of information. This application can
manage record, reports etc. It will also manage employee data.

Existing system
Existing system of TMA Matta is manual and file based, which is facing the following problems.

 Search for single person.

 Accounts are managed manually.
 Time consuming.
 Calculation is very difficult.
 Records of the employee are maintained manually.
 In the existing system, records can be duplicated and Searching is very difficult in multiple
files furthermore the files are accessible to unauthorized persons because no security is
implemented on it.

Proposed system
The system that we are going to design for TMA Matta will be able to solve all the above problems
and may have more extra functionalities.

There will be easy interfaces for interaction with the software at the front end. (A desktop
application).While database will be on its back end.

The key features of proposed system is

1. Simple User Interface.
2. Fast and less time Consuming.
3. Search facility.
4. Easy to Implement.
5. Manage Employee record.
6. Manage Loss and Profit.
7. Manage Budget of the organization.
Modules of Proposed system

1. Login Module.
2. Employee Module.
2.1. Permanent Employs.
2.2. Contract Employs.
2.3. Hourly Employs.
3. Payroll Module.
4. Accounts Module.
5. Expenses Module.
5.1. Monthly Expenses.
5.2. Yearly Expenses.
6. Income Module.
6.1. Monthly Income.
6.2. Yearly Income

User Roles
1. Computer Operator

Programming language:
C Sharp

Microsoft SQL Server 2012:

For database design

Photoshop CC:
For interface design

Microsoft office:
For documentation
Development Team
Supervisor Mr. Abdullah Khan
Akram Syed and Kashif Tahir

An error free, user friendly, Ubiquitous, time saving, social, technical and secure software is engineer
able which will be provided to the TMA Matta for improved operation of procedures.

Student Signature Signature of Supervisor

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