Annex-12.2 - Abstract & BOQ For Rengali-Kaniha BW - 19.09.2022
Annex-12.2 - Abstract & BOQ For Rengali-Kaniha BW - 19.09.2022
Annex-12.2 - Abstract & BOQ For Rengali-Kaniha BW - 19.09.2022
1 Road Proper Rs 208,437,975.00
b EARTH WORK Rs 21,105,775.00
d BITUMINOUS COURSE Rs 120,500,568.00
2 Culverts Rs 38,208,377.00
a HUME PIPE CULVERT Rs 10,344,408.00
b BOX CULVERT Rs 27,863,969.00
3 VEHICULAR UNDERPASS Rs 19,370,643.00
5 SERVICE ROAD Rs 10,035,592.00
a RETAINING WALL & DRAIN Rs 61,359,404.00
b TOE WALL Rs 5,280,954.00
8 HIGHWAY LIGHTING Rs 10,216,801.00
A) TOTAL COST Rs 39,80,72,397.00
Add for CGST @9% Rs 3,58,26,516.00
Add for SGST @9% Rs 3,58,26,516.00
B) TOTAL COST INCLUDING GST Rs 46,97,25,429.00
C) ADD 1% FOR CONTINGENCIES (ON A) Rs 39,80,724.00
D) ADD 3.0% FOR SUPERVISION CHARGES (ON A) Rs 1,19,42,172.00
E) ADD 3.0% FOR AGENCY CHARGES (ON A) Rs 1,19,42,172.00
F) ADD 5% FOR ESCALATION (ON A) Rs 1,99,03,619.85
J) LAND ACQUISITION Rs 91,55,47,053.00
K) MAINTENANCE 1st year 0.00% 0.00
2nd year 0.50% 19,90,362.00
3rd year 0.50% 19,90,362.00
4th year 0.50% 19,90,362.00
5th year 1.00% 39,80,724.00
TOTAL (B+C+D+E+F+G+H+I+J+K) Rs 153,13,91,989.85
GRAND TOTAL Rs 153,13,92,000.00
Earthwork in excavation necessary for construction of roadway/shoulder in all types of soil including
2.01 marshy soil as per Technical Specificationss Clause 301 Cum 11,235.10 53.13 596,953.69
Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow area with all leads and lifts
2.02 complete as per drawings and Technical Specificationss Clause 305. Cum 82,242.63 127.07 10,450,489.38
Construction of embankment with approved materials deposited at site from roadway cutting and
2.03 excavation from drain and foundation of other structures graded and compacted to meet requirement of Cum 10,111.59 70.45 712,349.74
Table 300-2
Construction of sub-grade and earthen shoulder with approved material from borrow areas including all
2.04 leads and lifts as per Technical Specificationss Clause 305 and 408.(CBR not less than 8%) Cum 52,150.90 146.21 7,625,148.79
Compacting original ground supporting subgrade by Loosening of the ground upto a level of 500 mm below
2.05 the subgrade level, watered, graded and compacted in layers to meet requirement of table 300-2 for Cum 15,449.44 39.81 615,075.36
subgrade construction.
Furnishing and laying of the live sods of perennial turf forming grass on embankement slope, verges or other
locations shown on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer including preparation of ground, fetching of
2.06 sods and watering all complete as per drawings and Technical Specificationss Clause 307 Sqm 33,442.84 30.30 1,013,365.10
Scarifying the existing bituminous surface to a depth of 50 mm and disposal of scarified material with all lifts
2.07 and leads upto one per Technical Specificationss Clauses 305.4.3 Sqm 24,679.63 3.74 92,392.92
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Rengali-Kaniha Balance Work
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Rs.)
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification
including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by
3.02 tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and Cum 21,692.28 1,714.16 37,184,125.65
compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density.
4.02 Providing and applying Bituminous Tack Coat as per Technical Specificationss clause 503
a) on Bituminous surface Sqm 93,586.20 10.00 935,671.08
b) on Granualar Surface Sqm 93,586.20 10.00 935,671.08
Bituminous Macadam (Providing and laying bituminous macadam with 100-120 TPH hot mix plant
producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed
4.03 with bituminous binder, transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with paver finisher to
the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as per clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired
for Grading I ( 40 mm nominal size ) Cum 5,842.82 8,828.60 51,583,899.69
for GradingII(19 mm nominal size) Cum 2,109.48 9,480.00 19,997,870.40
Bituminous Macadam (Providing and laying bituminous macadam with 100-120 TPH hot mix plant
producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading premixed
4.04 with bituminous binder, transported to site, laid over a previously prepared surface with paver finisher to
the required grade, level and alignment and rolled as per clauses 501.6 and 501.7 to achieve the desired
for GradingII(19 mm nominal size) Cum 4,327.73 10,261.74 44,410,054.04
Sub Total 120,500,568.00
Earthwork in excavation of foundation for structures, including all lifts and leads complete as per drawing
5.01 and Technical Specifications Clause 304 and 2903 Cum 3,503.31 41.00 143,635.71
5.02 Sand Filling in Foundation Trenches as per Drawing & Technical Specification Cum 81.20 512.00 41,574.40
Providing and laying of Filter media of Stone aggregate conforming to Technical Specificationss Clause
2504.2.2 behind abutment, wing wall, retaining wall and return walls, complete as per drawing and
5.03 Technical Specificationss Clause 305 & 2504. Cum 333.13 1,430.14 476,423.80
Plain Cement concrete grade in foundation/ levelling course in culverts including centering and shuttering
5.04 all complete as per drawing and Technical Specificationss Sections 1500, 1700 & 2100.
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Rengali-Kaniha Balance Work
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Rs.)
a) PCC M-15 grade Cum 878.32 4,648.13 4,082,542.42
b) PCC M-20 grade Cum 795.44 5,151.34 4,097,582.94
c) RCC M-30 grade Cum 507.39 5,229.00 2,653,144.42
Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in substructure complete as per drawing and
5.05 Technical Specifications Section 1500, 1700, & 2200.
a) RCC M30 grade Cum 631.48 5,415.42 3,419,728.41
Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete in super structure including centering and shuttering but
5.06 excluding reinforcement, complete as per drawing and Technical Specificationss Sections 1500, 1700 & 2300. -
Providing and laying Drainage Spouts complete as per drawing, Technical Specification Section 2700 and as
5.09 directed by Engineer. Nr. 24.00 1,978.21 47,477.10
Providing weep holes in abutments, wing walls and return walls complete as per drawing and Technical
5.09 Specifications clause 2706. Nr. 273.75 286.39 78,399.96
Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade including reinforcement complete as per
5.10 drawing and Technical Specifications Cum 39.99 11,666.27 466,534.27
5.11 Stone boulder apron 300 mm thick complete as per Technical Specificationss Clause 2503. Cum 454.69 1,425.00 647,933.25
Filter material underneath stone pitching on slopes complete as per drawing and Technical Specificationss
5.12 Section 2500. Cum 579.82 1,626.00 942,787.32
Providing and laying stone boulder pitching on slops complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications
5.13 Section 2500 Cum 608.33 1,425.00 866,870.25
5.14 Providing, laying and jointing NP4 (as per IS:458) RCC Pipes for Culverts, as per Technical Specificationss
a) Dia2900.
1200 mm (internal) Lm 420.00 11,222.00 4,713,240.00
5.15 Painting of Bridge no. and span arrangement as per IRC 7: 1971 drawings and direction of the Engineer. Nr. 433.37 100.00 43,337.00
Earthwork in excavation of foundation for structures, including all lifts and leads complete as per drawing
6.01 and Technical Specifications Clause 304 and 2903 Cum 1,405.85 41.00 57,639.85
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Rengali-Kaniha Balance Work
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Rs.)
6.02 Back filling behind abutments, wing walls / retaining walls and return walls with selected granular material Cum 50.22 512.00 25,712.64
of approved
Providing quality
and layingcomplete as media
of Filter per drawing and aggregate
of Stone Technical Specifications
conforming toClause 304 &Specificationss
Technical 305. Clause
2504.2.2 behind abutment, wing wall, retaining wall and return walls, complete as per drawing and
6.02 Technical Specificationss Clause 305 & 2504. Cum 230.69 1,430.14 329,919.87
6.03 Plain Cement concrete grade in foundation/ levelling course in culverts including centering and shuttering
a)complete asgrade
PCC M-15 per drawing and Technical Specificationss Sections 1500, 1700 & 2100. Cum 143.93 4,648.13 669,004.84
b) RCC M-30 grade Cum 503.41 5,229.00 2,632,332.98
Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in substructure complete as per drawing and
6.04 Technical Specifications Section 1500, 1700, & 2200.
a) RCC M30 grade Cum 437.99 5,415.42 2,371,899.11
6.05 Providing and laying Reinforced cement concrete in super structure including centering and shuttering but -
excluding reinforcement,
a) RCC M30 grade complete as per drawing and Technical Specificationss Sections 1500, 1700 & 2300. Cum 242.88 6,293.90 1,528,662.61
6.06 Providing & fixing in position thermomechanically treated (TMT) Fe 500 grade reinforcement bars in -
foundations, substructures, superstructure etc. complete as per drawings and Technical Specificationss
a) For Foundation MT 50.34 85,461.00 4,302,106.74
a) For Substructure MT 43.80 85,461.00 3,743,191.80
c) For Superstructure MT 26.72 85,461.00 2,283,517.92
Filter material underneath stone pitching on slopes complete as per drawing and Technical Specificationss
6.07 Section 2500. Cum 28.51 1,626.00 46,357.26
Providing and laying stone boulder pitching on slops complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications
6.08 Section 2500 Cum 57.01 1,425.00 81,239.25
Reinforced Cement Concrete M-40 Grade crash barrier complete including reinforcement as per drawings
6.09 and Technical Specificationss Sections 1500, 1600, 1700, 2200 and Clause 2703 and 811. Lm 228.40 4,223.19 964,576.15
Providing and laying Drainage Spouts complete as per drawing, Technical Specification Section 2700 and as
6.10 directed by Engineer. Nr. 4.00 1,978.21 7,912.85
Providing weep holes in abutments, wing walls and return walls complete as per drawing and Technical
6.11 Specifications clause 2706. Nr. 282.40 286.39 80,877.26
Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing coat M-30 grade including reinforcement complete as per
6.12 drawing and Technical Specifications Cum 21.06 11,666.27 245,691.71
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Rengali-Kaniha Balance Work
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Rs.)
Compacting original ground supporting subgrade by Loosening of the ground upto a level of 500 mm below
7.01 the subgrade level, watered, graded and compacted in layers to meet requirement of table 300-2 for Cum 630.00 39.81 25,081.65
subgrade construction.
Earthwork in excavation necessary for construction of roadway/shoulder in all types of soil including
7.02 marshy soil as per Technical Specifications Clause 301 Cum 683.40 53.13 36,311.05
RE Wall filling with approved material (Sand) obtained from approved quarry with all lifts and leads,
7.03 transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of table 300-2 Cum 8,622.28 512.00 4,414,607.36
and as per Clause -305 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
Construction of sub-grade and earthen shoulder with approved material from borrow areas including all
7.04 leads and lifts as per Technical Specifications Clause 305 and 408.(CBR not less than 8%) Cum 1,925.00 146.21 281,460.37
Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded material Grading -II ( Grading-VI), spreading in
7.05 uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at Cum 770.00 1,682.97 1,295,887.53
OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification
including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by
7.06 tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and Cum 1,334.37 1,714.16 2,287,337.97
compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density.
Prime coat (Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular Base
7.07 including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.60 kg/sqm using mechanical means.) Sqm 7,700.00 28.18 216,997.76
7.08 Providing and applying Bituminous Tack Coat as per Technical Specifications clause 503 -
a) on Bituminous surface Sqm 7,700.00 10.00 76,984.29
Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam (Providing and laying dense bituminous macadam with 100-120 TPH
batch type HMP producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified
grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 4.0 to 4.5% by weight of total mix of mix and filler, transporting
the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade,
7.09 level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired -
compaction as per MoRTH specification clause No. 507 complete in all respects.)
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Rengali-Kaniha Balance Work
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Rs.)
Bituminous Concrete (Providing and laying bituminous concrete with 100-120 TPH batch type hot mix plant
producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified grading, premixed
with bituminous binder @ 5.4 to 5.6 % of mix and filler, transporting the hot mix to work site, laying with a
7.10 hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, level and alignment, rolling with smooth -
wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired compaction as per MORTH specification clause
No. 509 complete in all respects)
for GradingII(19 mm nominal size) Cum 385.00 10,261.74 3,950,771.14
Plain Cement concrete- M20 grade in foundation/ levelling pad in culverts including centering and
7.11 shuttering all complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Sections 1500, 1700 & 2100. Cum 60.30 5,151.34 310,625.88
Reinforced Earth Retaining Wall (Reinforced earth retaining walls have four main components as under: b)
Facia material and its placement. c) Assembling, joining with facing elements and laying of the reinforcing
7.12 elements. d) Earthfill with granular material which is to be retained by the wall.) Sqm 2,510.30 4,655.00 11,685,446.50
R.C.C. M-40 grade in Super structure for Coping Beam & Friction Slab as per approved Drawing & Technical
Specifications and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2100 of MoRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works
7.13 (Latest Revision) Cum 469.00 7,112.81 3,335,908.76
Supplying, fitting and placing Mild steel reinforcement complete in foundation/sub-structure as per
7.14 drawing and technical specification MT 46.90 85,461.00 4,008,120.90
Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of the bridge and approaches to bridge
structures, constructed with M-40 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel
bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the
7.15 structure on which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH - Rmt 670.00 4,223.19 2,829,535.98
33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed
by the Engineerand as per Technical Specifications section 809 of MORTH specification for Road & Bridge
works (5th revision).
Compacting original ground supporting subgrade by Loosening of the ground upto a level of 500 mm below
the subgrade level, watered, graded and compacted in layers to meet requirement of table 300-2 for
8.01 subgrade construction. Cum 1,050.00 39.81 41,802.76
Construction of embankment with approved material obtained from borrow area with all leads and lifts
8.02 complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications Clause 305. Cum 3,325.00 127.07 422,504.46
Construction of sub-grade and earthen shoulder with approved material from borrow areas including all
8.03 leads and lifts as per Technical Specifications Clause 305 and 408.(CBR not less than 8%) Cum 3,045.00 146.21 445,219.13
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Rengali-Kaniha Balance Work
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Rs.)
Construction of granular sub-base by providing close graded material Grading -II ( Grading-VI), spreading in
uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with rotavator at
8.04 OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per clause 401 Cum 1,092.00 1,682.97 1,837,804.14
Table:- 400- 2) (Construction of granular sub-base by providing coarse graded material Grading -II ( Grading-
8.05 IV), spreading in uniform layers with motor grader on prepared surface, mixing by mix in place method with -
rotavator at OMC, and compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density, complete as per
clause 401
Providing, laying, spreading and compacting graded stone aggregate to wet mix macadam specification
including premixing the Material with water at OMC in mechanical mix plant carriage of mixed Material by
8.06 tipper to site, laying in uniform layers with paver in sub- base / base course on well prepared surface and Cum 1,030.75 1,714.16 1,766,874.84
compacting with vibratory roller to achieve the desired density.
Prime coat (Providing and applying primer coat with bitumen emulsion on prepared surface of granular Base
8.07 including clearing of road surface and spraying primer at the rate of 0.60 kg/sqm using mechanical means.) Sqm 3,850.00 28.18 108,498.88
8.08 Providing and applying Bituminous Tack Coat as per Technical Specifications clause 503 -
a) on Bituminous surface Sqm 3,850.00 10.00 38,492.15
Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam (Providing and laying dense bituminous macadam with 100-120 TPH
batch type HMP producing an average output of 75 tonnes per hour using crushed aggregates of specified
grading, premixed with bituminous binder @ 4.0 to 4.5% by weight of total mix of mix and filler, transporting
8.09 the hot mix to work site, laying with a hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control to the required grade, -
level and alignment, rolling with smooth wheeled, vibratory and tandem rollers to achieve the desired
compaction as per MoRTH specification clause No. 507 complete in all respects.)
9.02 Sand Filling in Foundation Trenches as per Drawing & Technical Specification Cum 948.70 512.00 485,734.40
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Rengali-Kaniha Balance Work
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Rs.)
Plain/Reinforced Cement concrete grade in foundation in culverts including centering and shuttering all
9.03 complete as per drawing and Technical Specificationss Sections 1500, 1700 & 2100.
a) PCC M-15 grade Cum 1,009.04 4,648.13 4,690,145.51
b) PCC M-20 grade Cum 862.00 5,151.34 4,440,456.22
b) RCC M-30 grade Cum 1,303.00 5,229.00 6,813,392.41
Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in substructure complete as per drawing and
9.04 Technical Specifications Section 1500, 1700, & 2200.
a) RCC M30 grade Cum 4,438.32 5,415.42 24,035,359.81
Supplying, fitting and placing Mild steel reinforcement complete in foundation/sub-structure as per
9.05 drawing and technical specification MT 286.00 85,461.00 24,441,846.00
Filter material underneath stone pitching on slopes complete as per drawing and Technical Specificationss
9.06 Section 2500. Cum 96.98 1,626.00 157,689.48
Providing and laying stone boulder pitching on slops complete as per drawings and Technical Specifications
9.07 Section 2500 Cum 193.95 1,425.00 276,378.75
Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates satisfying the
requirements laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of MoRTH specifications to a thickness of not less than 600 mm
9.08 with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface Cum 43.89 1,430.14 62,769.01
behind abutment, wing wall and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per
drawing and technical specification.
Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/return wall with
100 mm dia AC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing
9.09 foce. Complete as per drawing and Technical specifications Rmt 2,510.20 286.39 718,902.60
a) Lane/centre line/edge line/ transverse marking and any other markings. Sqm 3,917.00 495.46 1,940,722.77
10.02 Supplying and fixing at site retro-reflectorised type sign boards/signs made of encapsulated lense type of
a) 90 cmsheeting fixed
equilateral over aluminum sheeting 2.0 mm thick complete including vertical pipes/ angles/
triangle each 30.00 3,779.00 113,370.00
b) 90 cm circular each 30.00 5,162.00 154,860.00
c) 90 cm high octagon each 5.00 5,336.00 26,680.00
d) Informatory Sign Boards (60 cm x 45 cm) each 5.00 4,407.00 22,035.00
f) Hazard Marker ( 90cm x 30cm) each 10.00 4,407.00 44,070.00
g) Single Chevron ( 90cm x 75cm) each 30.00 3,392.00 101,760.00
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Rengali-Kaniha Balance Work
No. Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Rs.)
Providing , fixing and erection of direction & place identification sign boards made out of 2.0 mm thick
10.03 aluminum sheet, complete as per IRC-67-2012 and Technical Specificationss Clause 801. -
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Item Description Unit Rate Qty Amount Remarks
1.1. Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Hec 28,151.00 11.42 321,473.89
1.2. Removing of 300mm dia hume pipes Rmt 489.00 45.00 22,005.00
1.2. Removing of 900mm dia hume pipes Rmt
1.3. Dismantling existing culvert (PCC) Cum 339.59 332.64 112,960.27
1.4. Dismantling existing culvert (RCC) Cum 664.00 152.54 101,286.56
2 BILL NO: 2 - EARTH WORK 21,105,775.00
2.1. Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 39.81 15,449.44 615,075.36
2.2. Excavation in Soil with Dozer with lead upto 100 metres Cum 53.13 11,235.10 596,953.69
2.3. Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Cum 127.07 82,242.63 10,450,489.38
2.4. Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cut Cum 70.45 10,111.59 712,349.74
2.5. Sub Grade Cum 146.21 45,015.58 6,581,871.57
2.6. Earthern shoulder Cum 146.21 7,135.32 1,043,277.22
2.10. Turfing with Sods Sqm 30.30 33,442.84 1,013,365.10
2.8. Scarifying existing BT surface for Medain Sqm 3.74 24,679.63 92,392.92
3.1. GSB Gr-VI Cum 1,682.97 17,284.78 29,089,780.40
3.2. WMM Cum 1,714.16 21,692.28 37,184,125.65
4 BILL NO: 4 - BITUMINOUS COURSE 120,500,568.00
4.1.Prime Coat Sqm 28.18 93,586.20 2,637,402.03
4.2. Tack Coat over primer Sqm 10.00 93,586.20 935,671.08
4.3. Tack Coat over BT Sqm 10.00 93,586.20 935,671.08
4.4. Dense Bituminous Mecadam Gr-I Cum 8,828.60 5,842.82 51,583,899.69
4.5. Dense Bituminous Mecadam Gr-II Cum 9,480.00 2,109.48 19,997,870.40
4.6. Bituminous Concrete Cum 10,261.74 4,327.73 44,410,054.04
5 BILL NO: 5A - HUME PIPE CULVERTS 10,344,408.00
5.1. Excavation Cum 41.00 845.06 34,647.46
5.2. PCC M-15 Cum 4,648.13 83.48 388,025.60
5.7 Granular Material Cum 1,626.00 269.23 437,767.98
5.4. Laying 1200mm dia Hume Pipe S/R Rmt 11,222.00 420.00 4,713,240.00
5.5. PCC M-20 Cum 5,151.34 795.44 4,097,582.94
5.6. Filter Material Cum 1,626.00 110.75 180,079.50
5.7. Stone Pitching Cum 1,425.00 291.00 414,675.00
5.8. Flexible Appron Cum 1,425.00 55.01 78,389.25
BILL NO: 5B - BOX CULVERTS 27,863,969.00
5.9. Excavation Cum 41.00 2,658.25 108,988.25
5.10. Sand Filling Cum 512.00 81.20 41,574.40
5.11. PCC M-15 Cum 4,648.13 794.84 3,694,516.83
5.12. R.C.C. M-30 grade in Foundation Raft Cum 5,229.00 507.39 2,653,144.42
5.13. R.C.C. M-30 grade in Substructure Cum 5,415.42 631.48 3,419,728.41
5.14. R.C.C. M-30 grade in Superstructure Cum 6,293.90 244.33 1,537,788.76
5.15. HYSD bar reinforcement Cum 85,461.00 139.43 11,915,827.23
5.16. M30 Wearing Coat Cum 11,666.27 39.99 466,534.27
5.17. RCC M40 Crash Barrier Rmt 4,223.19 481.52 2,033,549.50
5.18. Weep Hole Rmt 286.39 273.75 78,399.96
5.19. Filter Media Cum 1,430.14 333.13 476,423.80
5.20. Stone Pitching Cum 1,425.00 317.33 452,195.25
5.21. Filter Material Cum 1,626.00 199.84 324,939.84
5.22. Drainage Spout Nos 1,978.21 24.00 47,477.10
5.23. Flexible Appron Cum 1,425.00 399.68 569,544.00
5.24. Crash Barrier painting Sqm 100.00 433.37 43,337.00
6 BILL NO: 6 - VEHICULAR UNDERPASS 19,370,643.00
6.1. Excavation Cum 41.00 1,405.85 57,639.85
6.2. Sand filling Rmt 512.00 50.22 25,712.64
6.3. PCC M-15 Cum 4,648.13 143.93 669,004.84
6.4. M30 in Foundation Cum 5,229.00 503.41 2,632,332.98
6.5. M30 in Substructure Cum 5,415.42 437.99 2,371,899.11
6.6. M30 in Deck Slab Cum 6,293.90 242.88 1,528,662.61
6.7. HYSD bar reinforcement Mt 85,461.00 120.86 10,328,816.46
6.8. Weep Hole Rmt 286.39 282.40 80,877.26
6.9 Filter Media Cum 1,430.14 230.69 329,919.87
6.10 Gravel Backing Cum 1,626.00 28.51 46,357.26
6.11 Piching Cum 1,425.00 57.01 81,239.25
6.12 M30 in Wearing Coat including Steel Cum 11,666.27 21.06 245,691.71
6.13 Crash Barrier with RCC M40 Rmt 4,223.19 228.40 964,576.15
6.14 Drainage Spout Nos 1,978.21 4.00 7,912.85
7 BILL NO: 7 - VUP APPROACH 41,553,096.00
7.1 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 39.81 630.00 25,081.65
7.2 Filling Friction Free Material (Sand) between RE Wall Cum 512.00 8,622.28 4,414,607.36
7.3 Sub Grade Cum 146.21 1,925.00 281,460.37
7.4 GSB Gr-VI Cum 1,682.97 770.00 1,295,887.53
Item Description Unit Rate Qty Amount Remarks
7.5 Wet Mix Macadam Cum 1,714.16 1,334.37 2,287,337.97
7.6 Prime Coat Sqm 28.18 7,700.00 216,997.76
7.7 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 10.00 7,700.00 76,984.29
7.8 DBM Gr-I Cum 8,828.60 770.00 6,798,019.24
7.9 Bituminuous Councrete Cum 10,261.74 385.00 3,950,771.14
7.10 Excavation for RE Wall Cum 53.13 683.40 36,311.05
7.11 PCC M20-Leveling Pad Cum 5,151.34 60.30 310,625.88
7.12 RE Wall Sqm 4,655.00 2,510.30 11,685,446.50
7.13 RCC M40 for Coping Beam & Friction Slab Cum 7,112.81 469.00 3,335,908.76
7.14 HYSD Bar in Friction Slab & Coping Beam Mt 85,461.00 46.90 4,008,120.90
7.15 Crash Barrier Rmt 4,223.19 670.00 2,829,535.98
8 BILL NO: 8 - SERVICE ROAD 10,035,592.00
8.1 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 39.81 1,050.00 41,802.76
8.2 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Cum 127.07 3,325.00 422,504.46
8.3 Sub Grade Cum 146.21 3,045.00 445,219.13
8.4 GSB Gr-VI Cum 1,682.97 1,092.00 1,837,804.14
8.5 Wet Mix Macadam Cum 1,714.16 1,030.75 1,766,874.84
8.6 Prime Coat Sqm 28.18 3,850.00 108,498.88
8.7 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 10.00 3,850.00 38,492.15
8.8 DBM Gr-I Cum 8,828.60 385.00 3,399,009.62
8.9 Bituminuous Councrete Cum 10,261.74 192.50 1,975,385.57
9 BILL NO: 9 A - RETAINING WALL & DRAIN 61,359,404.00
9.1 Excavation Cum 41.00 11,962.70 490,470.70
9.2 Sand filling Cum 512.00 948.70 485,734.40
9.3 PCC M 15 in foundation Cum 4,648.13 948.70 4,409,677.56
9.4 R.C.C. M-30 grade in Foundation Raft of R Wall Cum 5,229.00 1,303.00 6,813,392.41
9.5 R.C.C. M-30 grade in Substructure of R Wall Cum 5,415.42 4,438.32 24,035,359.81
9.6 HYSD bar reinforcement Mt 85,461.00 286.00 24,441,846.00
9.7 Weep Hole Rmt 286.39 2,165.40 620,154.44
9.8 Filter Media Cum 1,430.14 43.89 62,769.01
BILL NO: 9 B - TOE WALL 5,280,954.00
9.9 Excavation Cum 41.00 663.74 27,213.34
9.10 PCC M 15 in foundation Cum 4,648.13 60.34 280,467.95
9.11 PCC M-20 in Wall Cum 5,151.34 862.00 4,440,456.22
9.12 Weep Hole Rmt 286.39 344.80 98,748.15
9.13 Filter Material Below Pitching Cum 1,626.00 96.98 157,689.48
9.14 Stone Piching Cum 1,425.00 193.95 276,378.75
10 BILL NO: 10 -Traffic Signs, Marking and Road Appurtenances - 3,609,555.00
10.1 90 cm equilateral triangle Nos 3,779.00 30.00 113,370.00
10.2 90 cm circular Nos 5,162.00 30.00 154,860.00
10.3 90 cm high octagon Nos 5,336.00 5.00 26,680.00
10.4 Rectangle 2400 x 2400 mm Nos 7,556.13 5.00 37,780.65
10.5 Informatory Sign Boards (60 cm x 45 cm) Nos 4,407.00 5.00 22,035.00
10.6 Hazard Marker ( 90cm x 30cm) Nos 4,407.00 10.00 44,070.00
10.7 Single Chevron ( 90cm x 75cm) Nos 3,392.00 30.00 101,760.00
10.8 Stud Nos 481.00 2,220.00 1,067,820.00
10.9 Centre line marking Sqm 495.46 3,917.00 1,940,722.77
10.10 5th Kilometer stones Nos 3,109.00 3.00 9,327.00
10.11 Kilometer stones Nos 1,883.00 8.00 15,064.00
10.12 Hectometer stones Nos 535.00 40.00 21,400.00
10.13 Boundary stones Nos 535.94 102.00 54,666.02
11 BILL NO: 11- Highway Lighting 10,216,801.00
10.1 Solar Light Double Arm including Foundation & all accessories Nos 95,484.12 107.00 10,216,801.29
398,072,397.56 398,072,397.00
S.No. Side Length Remarks
From To
1 266.000 266.800 BHS 1600 Builup-TCS V
2 288.290 290.160 BHS 3740 Builup-TCS VII
2 290.160 291.050 BHS 1780 Builup-TCS VII
1 285.375 RCC Girder 1 x 20.00 Good 285.375 RCC Girder 1 x 20.00 Retained
2 287.820 RCC Slab 1x10.85 x6.00 6.00 Good 287.820 RCC Slab 1x10.85 x6.00 Widening 6.90
No. Type & Proposal Nos Span Width
1 New Construction HPC 6 1x1.200 15.00 m
2 Reconstruction HPC 14 1x1.200 15.00 m
3 New Construction HPC 3 2 x1.200 15.00 m
4 Widening HPC 1 1x1.200 7.50 m
5 Widening HPC 1 3x1.200 7.50 m
Head Wall of Culvert 28 6.00 0.825 2.40 332.64
332.64 Cum
Existing Culverts 152.54
152.54 Cum
Item Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in Qty
No. m)
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm 1 334 14.40 4,815.36
2 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 1 334 14.40 0.150 722.30
3 Excavation in Soil with Dozer with lead upto 100 metres Cum As per Software Calculation 9,009.13
4 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Cum As per Software Calculation - Crust Qty 826.73
5 Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cum 90% of Item No- 3 8,108.22
6 Sub Grade Cum 1 334 11.60 0.500 1,939.52
7 GSB Gr-IV (Widening) Cum 1 334 10.20 0.100 341.09
8 GSB Gr-IV (Overlaying) Cum 1 334 13.40 0.100 448.10
9 WMM Cum 1 334 10.20 0.250 852.72
10 Earthern shoulder Cum 2 334 1.00 0.350 234.08
11 Prime Coat Sqm 1 334 10.00 3,344.00
12 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 1 334 10.00 3,344.00
13 Tack Coat over BT Sqm 1 334 10.00 3,344.00
14 DBM Gr-I Cum 1 334 10.00 0.000 -
15 DBM Gr-II Cum 1 334 10.00 0.060 200.64
16 BC Cum 1 334 10.00 0.040 133.76
17 Earthen Drain Excavation Rmt 0 334 -
18 Turfing with Sods Sqm 2 334 3.35 2,243.22
19 Scarifying existing BT Sqm 1 334 3.60 1,203.84
9,009.13 826.73
Chainage End Area Cut (m2) End Area Fill (m2) Volume Cut (m3) Volume Fill (m3) Remark
Item Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in Qty
No. m)
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm 1 90 14.40 1,301.76
2 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 1 90 14.40 0.150 195.26
3 Excavation in Soil with Dozer with lead upto 100 metres Cum As per Software Calculation 6.86
4 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Cum As per Software Calculation - Crust Qty 1,247.12
5 Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cum 90% of Item No- 3 6.17
6 Sub Grade Cum 1 90 15.20 0.500 687.04
7 GSB Gr-IV Cum 1 90 13.80 0.200 249.50
8 GSB Gr-VI Cum 1 90 13.40 0.000 -
9 WMM Cum 1 90 10.20 0.250 230.52
10 Earthern shoulder Cum 2 90 1.00 0.350 63.28
11 Prime Coat Sqm 1 90 10.00 904.00
12 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 1 90 10.00 904.00
13 Tack Coat over BT Sqm 1 90 10.00 904.00
14 DBM Gr-I Cum 1 90 10.00 0.000 -
15 DBM Gr-II Cum 1 90 10.00 0.060 54.24
16 BC Cum 1 90 10.00 0.040 36.16
17 Earthen Drain Excavation Rmt 0 90 -
18 Turfing with Sods Sqm 2 90 3.35 606.42
19 Scarifying existing BT Sqm 1 90 3.60 325.44
6.86 1,247.12
Item Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in Qty
No. m)
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm 1 140 15.00 2,100.00
2 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 1 140 15.00 0.150 315.00
3 Excavation in Soil with Dozer with lead upto 100 metres Cum As per Software Calculation 419.02
4 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Cum As per Software Calculation - Crust Qty 183.06
5 Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cum 90% of Item No- 3 377.12
6 Sub Grade Cum 1 140 13.60 0.500 952.00
7 GSB Gr-IV Cum 1 140 12.90 0.200 361.20
8 GSB Gr-VI Cum 1 140 12.70 0.000 -
9 WMM Cum 1 140 10.20 0.250 357.00
10 Earthern shoulder Cum 2 140 1.00 0.350 98.00
11 Prime Coat Sqm 1 140 10.00 1,400.00
12 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 1 140 10.00 1,400.00
13 Tack Coat over BT Sqm 1 140 10.00 1,400.00
14 DBM Gr-I Cum 1 140 10.00 0.000 -
15 DBM Gr-II Cum 1 140 10.00 0.060 84.00
16 BC Cum 1 140 10.00 0.040 56.00
17 Earthen Drain Excavation Rmt 2 140 280.00
18 Turfing with Sods Sqm 2 140 2.12 593.97
419.02 183.06
Item Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in Qty
No. m)
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm 1 1562 8.40 13,119.12
2 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 1 1562 8.40 0.150 1,967.87
3 Excavation in Soil with Dozer with lead upto 100 metres Cum As per Software Calculation 64.34
4 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Cum As per Software Calculation - Crust Qty 13,542.23
5 Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cum 90% of Item No- 3 57.91
6 Sub Grade Cum 1 1562 8.40 0.500 6,559.56
7 GSB Gr-IV (Widening) Cum 1 1562 8.40 0.100 1,311.91
8 GSB Gr-IV (Overlaying) Cum 1 1562 12.00 0.100 1,874.16
9 WMM Cum 1 1562 12.00 0.250 4,685.40
10 Earthern shoulder Cum 2 1562 1.00 0.350 1,093.26
11 Prime Coat Sqm 1 1562 10.00 15,618.00
12 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 1 1562 10.00 15,618.00
13 Tack Coat over BT Sqm 1 1562 10.00 15,618.00
14 DBM Gr-I Cum 1 1562 10.00 0.000 -
15 DBM Gr-II Cum 1 1562 10.00 0.060 937.08
16 BC Cum 1 1562 10.00 0.040 624.72
17 Scarifying existing BT Sqm 1 1562 3.60 5,622.48
64.34 13,542.23
Item Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in Qty
No. m)
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm 1 2760 6.50 17,940.00
2 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 1 2760 6.50 0.150 2,691.00
3 Excavation in Soil with Dozer with lead upto 100 metres Cum As per Software Calculation 271.18
4 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Cum As per Software Calculation - Crust Qty 14,411.70
5 Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cum 90% of Item No- 3 244.06
6 Sub Grade Cum 1 2760 6.50 0.500 8,970.00
7 GSB Gr-IV (Widening) Cum 1 2760 6.50 0.200 3,588.00
8 GSB Gr-VI Cum 1 2760 12.00 0.000 -
9 WMM Cum 1 2760 12.00 0.250 8,280.00
10 Earthern shoulder Cum 2 2760 1.00 0.400 2,208.00
11 Prime Coat Sqm 1 2760 10.00 27,600.00
12 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 1 2760 10.00 27,600.00
13 Tack Coat over BT Sqm 1 2760 10.00 27,600.00
14 DBM Gr-I Cum 1 2760 10.00 0.100 2,760.00
15 DBM Gr-II Cum 1 2760 10.00 0.000 -
16 BC Cum 1 2760 10.00 0.050 1,380.00
17 Scarifying existing BT Sqm 1 2760 5.50 15,180.00
271.18 14,411.70
Item Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in Qty
No. m)
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm 1 686 18.00 12,351.60
2 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 1 686 18.00 0.150 1,852.74
3 Excavation in Soil with Dozer with lead upto 100 metres Cum As per Software Calculation 118.74
4 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Cum As per Software Calculation - Crust Qty 29,918.95
5 Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cum 90% of Item No- 3 106.87
6 Sub Grade Cum 1 686 15.40 0.500 5,283.74
7 GSB Gr-IV Cum 1 686 14.00 0.200 1,921.36
8 GSB Gr-VI Cum 1 686 13.60 0.000 -
9 WMM Cum 1 686 10.30 0.250 1,766.97
10 Earthern shoulder Cum 2 686 1.00 0.400 548.96
11 Prime Coat Sqm 1 686 10.00 6,862.00
12 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 1 686 10.00 6,862.00
13 Tack Coat over BT Sqm 1 686 10.00 6,862.00
14 DBM Gr-I Cum 1 686 10.00 0.100 686.20
15 DBM Gr-II Cum 1 686 10.00 0.000 -
16 BC Cum 1 686 10.00 0.050 343.10
17 Earthen Drain Excavation Rmt 0 686 -
18 Turfing with Sods Sqm 2 686 3.35 4,603.17
118.74 29,918.95
Item Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in Qty
No. m)
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm 1 2397 11.00 26,362.82
2 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 1 2397 11.00 0.150 3,954.42
3 Excavation in Soil with Dozer with lead upto 100 metres Cum As per Software Calculation 1,026.65
4 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Cum As per Software Calculation - Crust Qty 15,757.90
5 Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cum 90% of Item No- 3 923.99
6 Sub Grade Cum 1 2397 8.40 0.500 10,065.80
7 GSB Gr-IV Cum 1 2397 7.00 0.200 3,355.27
8 GSB Gr-VI Cum 1 2397 6.60 0.000 -
9 WMM Cum 1 2397 3.30 0.250 1,977.21
10 Earthern shoulder Cum 2 2397 1.00 0.400 1,917.30
11 Prime Coat Sqm 1 2397 10.00 23,966.20
12 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 1 2397 10.00 23,966.20
13 Tack Coat over BT Sqm 1 2397 10.00 23,966.20
14 DBM Gr-I Cum 1 2397 10.00 0.100 2,396.62
15 DBM Gr-II Cum 1 2397 10.00 0.000 -
16 BC Cum 1 2397 10.00 0.050 1,198.31
17 Earthen Drain Excavation Rmt 0 2397 -
18 Turfing with Sods Sqm 2 2397 3.35 16,077.02
1,026.65 15,757.90
Item Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in Qty
No. m)
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm 1 1389 18.00 25,005.60
2 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 1 1389 18.00 0.150 3,750.84
3 Excavation in Soil with Dozer with lead upto 100 metres Cum As per Software Calculation 319.17
4 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Cum As per Software Calculation - Crust Qty 6,354.93
5 Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cum 90% of Item No- 3 287.25
6 Sub Grade Cum 1 1389 15.20 0.500 10,557.92
7 GSB Gr-IV Cum 1 1389 13.80 0.200 3,834.19
8 GSB Gr-VI Cum 1 1389 13.40 0.000 -
9 WMM Cum 1 1389 10.20 0.250 3,542.46
10 Earthern shoulder Cum 2 1389 1.00 0.350 972.44
11 Prime Coat Sqm 1 1389 10.00 13,892.00
12 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 1 1389 10.00 13,892.00
13 Tack Coat over BT Sqm 1 1389 10.00 13,892.00
14 DBM Gr-I Cum 1 1389 10.00 0.000 -
15 DBM Gr-II Cum 1 1389 10.00 0.060 833.52
16 BC Cum 1 1389 10.00 0.040 555.68
17 Earthen Drain Excavation Rmt 0 1389 -
18 Turfing with Sods Sqm 2 1389 3.35 9,319.04
A1 Side A2 Side
Start End Start End
Chainage 256.820 1.484 1.515 1.811
OGL 588.300 592.400 594.000 594.993
FRL 591.089 601.555 601.575 596.450
Height 2.789 9.155 7.575 1.457
5.97 4.52
Item No. Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in m) Qty
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm 1 101 17.50 1,767.50
2 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 1 101 17.50 0.150 265.13
3 Excavation in Soil with Dozer with lead upto 100 metres For RE Wall Cum 2 -255040 0.45 1.700 -390,211.20
4 Filling Friction Free Material (Sand) between RE Wall Cum As per Calculation - Crust Qty -25,131,173.88
5 Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway Cutting Cum 90% of Item No- 3 -351,190.08
6 Sub Grade Cum 1 101 16.50 0.500 833.25
7 GSB Gr-IV Cum 1 101 16.50 0.000 -
8 GSB Gr-VI Cum 1 101 16.50 0.000 -
9 WMM Cum 2 101 7.77 0.250 392.13
10 Prime Coat Sqm 2 101 7.50 1,515.00
11 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 2 101 7.50 1,515.00
12 Tack Coat over BT Sqm 2 101 7.50 1,515.00
13 DBM Gr-I Cum 2 101 7.50 0.000 -
Item No. Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in m) Qty
14 DBM Gr-II Cum 2 101 7.50 0.060 90.90
15 BC Cum 2 101 7.50 0.040 60.60
17 PCC M20 Leveling Pad Cum 2 -255040 0.45 0.200 -45,907.20
18 RE Wall Sqm 2 -255040 5.25 -2,675,369.60
Existing Carriageway of NH-26 10.50 m BC 0.040
DBM Gr-II 0.060
DBM Gr-I -
WMM 0.250
GSB Gr-IV 0.200
Avaerage Embankment Height 1.2 m Subgrade 0.500
Slope 1:. 2 1.050
Sl No Description Unit Side Nos Length Width Depth Quantity Tot Qty
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm
Medain Taper (0 to 5m) BHS 2 55 18.8 2,068.00
Straight (Median 5m) BHS 2 65 21.3 2,769.00
Medain Taper ( 5 to 2.5m) BHS 2 25 21.3 1,065.00
Medain(2.5m) BHS 2 25 21.3 1,065.00
Improved Junction Area 1 4192.50 4,192.50
Merging Potrtion-Nabarangpur Side 1 85 7.25 616.25
Merging Potrtion-Boriguma Side 1 90 7.25 652.50 12428.25
2 Compacting original ground supporting Cum
embankment Medain Taper (0 to 5m) BHS 2 55 18.8 0.15 310.20
Straight (Median 5m) BHS 2 65 21.3 0.15 415.35
Medain Taper ( 5 to 2.5m) BHS 2 25 21.3 0.15 159.75
Medain(2.5m) BHS 2 25 21.3 0.15 159.75
Improved Junction Area 1 4192.50 0.15 628.88
Merging Potrtion-Nabarangpur Side 1 85 7.25 0.15 92.44
Merging Potrtion-Boriguma Side 1 90 7.25 0.15 97.88 1864.24
3 Excavation in Soil with Dozer Cum
Medain Taper (0 to 5m) BHS 4 55 1.50 1.00 330.00
Straight (Median 5m) BHS 4 65 1.50 1.00 390.00
Medain Taper ( 5 to 2.5m) BHS 4 25 1.50 1.00 150.00
Medain(2.5m) BHS 2 25 1.50 1.00 75.00
Merging Potrtion-Nabarangpur Side 1 85 7.25 1.00 616.25
Merging Potrtion-Boriguma Side 1 90 7.25 1.00 652.50 2213.75
4 Sub Grade Cum
Medain Taper (0 to 5m) BHS 2 55 14.00 0.50 770.00
Straight (Median 5m) BHS 2 65 16.50 0.50 1,072.50
Medain Taper ( 5 to 2.5m) BHS 2 25 16.50 0.50 412.50
Medain(2.5m) BHS 2 25 16.50 0.50 412.50
Improved Junction Area 1 4192.50 0.50 2,096.25
Merging Potrtion-Nabarangpur Side 1 85 7.25 0.50 308.13
Merging Potrtion-Boriguma Side 1 90 7.25 0.50 326.25 5398.13
Existing Carriageway of NH-26 10.50 m BC 0.040
DBM Gr-II 0.060
DBM Gr-I -
WMM 0.250
GSB Gr-IV 0.200
Avaerage Embankment Height 1.2 m Subgrade 0.500
Slope 1:. 2 1.050
Sl No Description Unit Side Nos Length Width Depth Quantity Tot Qty
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm
Medain Taper (0 to 5m) BHS 2 55 18.8 2,068.00
Straight (Median 5m) BHS 2 65 21.3 2,769.00
Medain Taper ( 5 to 2.5m) BHS 2 25 21.3 1,065.00
Medain(2.5m) Jeypore Side 1 55 21.3 1,171.50
Junction Opening 1 60 29.4 1,764.00
Improved Junction Area 1 1308.95 1,308.95
Merging Potrtion-Nabarangpur Side 1 65 7.25 471.25
Merging Potrtion-Boriguma Side 1 80 7.25 580.00 11197.70
2 Compacting original ground supporting Cum
embankment Medain Taper (0 to 5m) BHS 2 55 18.8 0.15 310.20
Straight (Median 5m) BHS 2 65 21.3 0.15 415.35
Medain Taper ( 5 to 2.5m) BHS 2 25 21.3 0.15 159.75
Medain(2.5m) Jeypore Side 1 55 21.3 0.15 175.73
Junction Opening 1 60 29.4 0.15 264.60
Improved Junction Area 1 1308.95 0.15 196.34
Merging Potrtion-Nabarangpur Side 1 65 7.25 0.15 70.69
Merging Potrtion-Boriguma Side 1 80 7.25 0.15 87.00 1679.66
3 Excavation in Soil with Dozer Cum
Medain Taper (0 to 5m) BHS 4 55 1.50 1.00 330.00
Sl No Description Unit Side Nos Length Width Depth Quantity Tot Qty
Straight (Median 5m) BHS 4 65 1.50 1.00 390.00
Medain Taper ( 5 to 2.5m) BHS 4 25 1.50 1.00 150.00
Medain(2.5m) Jeypore Side 2 55 1.50 1.00 165.00
Junction Opening 2 60 1.50 1.00 180.00
Merging Potrtion-Nabarangpur Side 1 65 7.25 1.00 471.25
Merging Potrtion-Boriguma Side 1 80 7.25 1.00 580.00 2266.25
4 Sub Grade Cum
Medain Taper (0 to 5m) BHS 2 55 14.00 0.50 770.00
Straight (Median 5m) BHS 2 65 16.50 0.50 1,072.50
Medain Taper ( 5 to 2.5m) BHS 2 25 16.50 0.50 412.50
Medain(2.5m) Jeypore Side 1 55 16.50 0.50 453.75
Junction Opening 1 60 16.50 990.00
Improved Junction Area 1 1308.95 0.50 654.48
Merging Potrtion-Nabarangpur Side 1 65 7.25 0.50 235.63
Merging Potrtion-Boriguma Side 1 80 7.25 0.50 290.00 4878.85
A1 Side A2 Side
Start End Start End
Chainage 285.300 285.495 285.510 285.650
OGL 42.334 44.891 44.891 46.768
FRL 47.372 48.989 48.989 47.865
Height 5.038 4.098 4.098 1.097
4.57 2.6
Item Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in Qty
No. m)
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm 1 350 12.00 4,200.00
2 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 1 350 12.00 0.150 630.00
3 Excavation in Soil with Dozer with lead upto 100 metres For RE Wall Cum 2 335 0.60 1.700 683.40
4 Filling Friction Free Material (Sand) between RE Wall Cum As per Calculation - Crust Qty 8,622.28
Construction of Embankment with Material Deposited from Roadway
5 Cutting Cum 90% of Item No- 3 615.06
6 Sub Grade Cum 1 350 11.00 0.500 1,925.00
7 GSB Gr-IV Cum 1 350 11.00 0.000 -
8 GSB Gr-VI Cum 1 350 11.00 0.200 770.00
9 WMM Cum 2 350 7.625 0.250 1,334.37
10 Earthern shoulder Cum 0 350 0.50 0.400 -
10 Prime Coat Sqm 2 350 11.00 7,700.00
11 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 2 350 11.00 7,700.00
12 Tack Coat over BT Sqm 2 350 11.00 7,700.00
13 DBM Gr-I Cum 2 350 11.00 0.100 770.00
14 DBM Gr-II Cum 2 350 11.00 0.000 -
15 BC Cum 2 350 11.00 0.050 385.00
Item Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in Qty
No. m)
17 PCC M20 Leveling Pad Cum 2 335 0.60 0.150 60.30
18 RE Wall A1 Side Sqm 2 195 4.57 1,782.30
19 RE Wall A2Side Sqm 2 140 2.60 728.00
20 Coping Beam & Friction Slab Cum 2 335 0.70 469.00
21 HYSD bar Mt 1 469.00 100.00 kg/cum 46.90
22 Crash Barrier Rmt 2 335 670.00
Item No. Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in m) Qty
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm 1 700 8.00 5,600.00
2 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 1 700 8.00 0.150 840.00
5 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Cum 1 700 8.00 1.000 5,040.00
6 Sub Grade Cum 1 700 6.50 0.500 2,275.00
7 GSB Gr-VI Cum 1 700 6.50 0.000 -
8 GSB Gr-IV Cum 1 700 6.50 0.200 910.00
9 WMM Cum 1 700 5.82 0.250 1,017.63
10 Prime Coat Sqm 1 700 5.50 3,850.00
11 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 1 700 5.50 3,850.00
12 Tack Coat over BT Sqm 1 700 5.50 3,850.00
13 DBM Gr-I Cum 1 700 5.50 0.100 385.00
14 DBM Gr-II Cum 1 700 5.50 0.000 -
15 BC Cum 1 700 5.50 0.050 192.50
16 Filling Median Island Cum
Service Road TCS-II 700.00
Item Description Unit No. Length (in m) Width (in m) Depth (in Qty
No. m)
1 Clearing and Grubbing Road Land Sqm 1 700 10.00 7,000.00
2 Compacting original ground supporting embankment Cum 1 700 10.00 0.150 1,050.00
3 Embankment Construction with Material Obtained from Borrow Pits Cum 1 700 9.50 0.500 3,325.00
4 Sub Grade Cum 1 700 8.70 0.500 3,045.00
5 GSB Gr-VI Cum 1 700 7.80 0.000 -
6 GSB Gr-IV Cum 1 700 7.80 0.200 1,092.00
7 WMM Cum 1 700 5.89 0.250 1,030.75
8 Earthern shoulder Cum 0 700 0.00 0.400 -
9 Prime Coat Sqm 1 700 5.50 3,850.00
10 Tack Coat over primer Sqm 1 700 5.50 3,850.00
11 Tack Coat over BT Sqm 1 700 5.50 3,850.00
12 DBM Gr-I Cum 1 700 5.50 0.100 385.00
14 BC Cum 1 700 5.50 0.050 192.50
15 Earthen Drain Excavation Rmt 1 700 700.00
16 Turfing with Sods Sqm 1 700 3.35 2,347.87
Chainage 1.5 Km
Overall length of span 31.20 m
Centre to centre of span 31.24 m
No of span 1 nos
No of Abutment = 2 nos
No of Pier = 0 nos
Width of deck slab 10.35 m
Width of Carriageway 7.50 m
Type of superstructure PSC
Depth of slab 0.25 m
Thickness of wearing coat = 0.075 m
Length of Return wall = 0.0 m
Length of Fly Wing wall = 0m
Approcah slab 3.5 m
Levelling course below approach slab 3.6 m
Height of Girder 2.1 m
3 Providing Steel Liner 6 mm thick for 1200mm dia piles including Fabricating and Setting out as per
Detailed Drawing.
A1 9 3.770 5.000 0.0471 7.990
A2 9 3.770 5.000 0.0471 7.990
Total = 15.98 MT - -
4 P.C.C.M-15 Grade in Foundation of CD work using 40mm to 10mm size crushed stone aggregates
mixed by concrete mixer, laying in layers and compacting by vibrator & all leads and lifts including frame
works etc as per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per Section -1500, 1700, 2100 &
2200 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
A1 1 20.19 9.78 0.15 29.61
A2 1 20.19 9.78 0.15 29.61
Deduct Pile -18 1.131 0.15 -3.05
Below Approach Slab 2 9.35 3.6 0.15 10.10
Total = 66.27 Cum 4,648.13 308,031.34
Sl. No Item No Length Breadth Depth Volume Unit Rate Amount
5 R.C.C. M-35 grade in Pile Cap work as per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per
Section -1500, 1700 & 2100 of MoRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
Abutment A1
Rectangular Portion 1 19.89 9.48 1.500 282.76
Abutment A2
Rectangular Portion 1 19.89 9.48 1.500 282.76
Total = 565.520 Cum 5,229.00 2,957,106.43
6 Supplying, Fitting and Placing un-coated HYSD bar Reinforcement in Foundation complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
7 R.C.C. M-30 grade in Substructure Abutment / Pier Shaft M35 as per approved Drawing & Technical
Specifications and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2100 of MoRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge
works (Latest Revision).
i) Abutment A1
A1 2 8.18 1.50 4.73 116.17
A2 2 8.18 1.50 4.73 116.17
8 R.C.C. M-30 grade in Substructure Abutment/ Pier Cap & corbel as per approved Drawing & Technical
Specifications and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2100 of MoRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge
works (Latest Revision).
Rectangular Portion 4 9.180 2.00 1.000 73.440
Trapezoidal Portion 4 8.68 1.75 0.5 30.380
Total = 103.820 Cum - -
8 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in sub-structure complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications
9 Providing Weep Holes as per approved Drawing & Technical Specifications and as per Section 2700 of
MoRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
10 Providing & laying of filter media with stone crushed aggregates of 45mm size satisfying the requirement
s laid down in clause 2504.2.2 of MORTH specification to a thickness of not less than 600mm withg
smaller size towards the soil & bigger size towards
Behind abutment
A1 4 9.4 0.6 8.68 194.779
A2 4 9.4 0.6 8.68 194.779
13 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true to line and level elastomeric bearing conforming to IRC: 83
(Part-II) section IX and clause 2005 of MoRTH specifications complete including all accessories as per
drawing and Technical Specifications.
16 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in super-structure complete as per drawing and
technical specifications
17 Providing and laying of a strip seal expansion joint catering to maximum horizontal movement upto 70
mm, complete as per approved drawings and standard specifications to be installed by the
manufacturer/supplier or their authorised representative ensuring compliance to the manufacturer's
instructions for installation.
18 R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D. work as per approved drawing & technical
specifications and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge
works (Latest Revision).
19 R.C.C. M-30 grade in approach slab including steel of C.D. work as per approved drawing & technical
specifications and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge
works (Latest Revision).
19 Reinforced Cement Concrete Crash Barrier (Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier
at the edges of the road, approaches to bridge structures and medians, constructed with M-25 grade
concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at
expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the structure on which it is built and
installed as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH - 33022/1/94-DO III dated
24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed by the Engineer, all
as specified)
Sl. No Item No Length Breadth Depth Volume Unit Rate Amount
On Deck Slab 6 31.200 187.20
187.20 m length
187.20 m length 4,223.19 790,580.80
3 2.000 6.00
Total = 6.00 Nos 1,978.21 11,869.28
2.100 0.6
No 1
a1 1.000 0.21 0.21
a3 0.310 a2 0.325 1.34 0.44
a3 1.250 0.310 0.39
0.325 a4 0.325 0.24 0.04
2.1 1.340
a2 1.07
a1 0.210
Nos Length Area Qnty
2 Sand Filling in foundation & plinth with water & ramming with roller Cum 512.00 7.440 6.000 11.220 16.020 12.580 12.960 14.980 81.200 41,574.40
complete as per the direction of Engineer in charge.
3 Providing supplying and laying Plain Cement Concrete with grade Cum 4,648.13 140.550 64.720 117.300 178.320 61.470 116.270 116.210 794.840 3,694,516.83
M15 in Box Culvert complete as per Technical Specifications as per
approved drawings and sections 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700 and 2100 of
Technical specifications for road and bridge works(MORTH 5th
revision) excluding the cost of reinforcement complete & as directed
by Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
4 Providing supplying and laying Design Mix Reinforced Cement Cum 5,229.00 13.050 13.960 53.960 121.580 74.950 118.360 111.530 507.390 2,653,144.42
Concrete with grade M30 in Foundation complete as per Technical
Specifications as per approved drawings and sections 1000, 1500,
1600, 1700 and 2100 of Technical specifications for road and bridge
works(MORTH 5th revision) excluding the cost of reinforcement
complete & as directed by Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
5 Providing supplying and laying Design Mix Reinforced Cement Cum 5,415.42 25.770 25.460 57.920 143.280 94.310 184.510 100.230 631.480 3,419,728.41
Concrete with grade M30 in Substrecture complete as per Technical
Specifications as per approved drawings and sections 1000, 1500,
1600, 1700 and 2100 of Technical specifications for road and bridge
works(MORTH 5th revision) excluding the cost of reinforcement
complete & as directed by Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
6 Providing supplying and laying Design Mix Reinforced Cement Cum 6,293.90 10.860 13.640 23.480 41.620 41.590 47.880 65.260 244.330 1,537,788.76
Concrete with grade M30 in Super strecture complete as per
Technical Specifications as per approved drawings and sections 1000,
1500, 1600, 1700 and 2100 of Technical specifications for road and
bridge works(MORTH5th revision) excluding the cost of
reinforcement complete & as directed by Engineer in charge,
excluding GST
7 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in Foundation, 0.000 0.000
Substructure &superstructure complete as per drawing and technical
a Foundation Mt 85,461.00 1.320 1.400 4.860 12.160 7.500 11.840 11.150 50.230 4,292,706.03
b Sub structure Mt 85,461.00 2.580 2.540 5.220 14.320 9.430 18.450 10.020 62.560 5,346,440.16
c Super structure Mt 85,461.00 1.200 1.500 2.340 4.580 4.570 5.270 7.180 26.640 2,276,681.04
8 R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D. work as per Cum 11,666.27 5.670 4.680 4.680 6.920 5.580 5.760 6.700 39.990 466,534.27
approved drawing & technical specifications and as per Section -1500,
1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works
(Latest Revision).
Widening Widening of Recon New con New con Recon of Recon of Total 12
Sl No Description Unit Rate 1x 1.5x 2.0 1x2.00x 3.0 (2 1x2.0x 2.0 1x3.0x 3.0 1x5.0x 4.0 1x5.0x 5.0 1x6.0x 3.0 Nos Amount
(3 No) No) (2 Nos) (2 Nos) (1 Nos) (1 Nos) (1 Nos)
9 Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges Rmt 4,223.19 25.200 20.800 77.200 112.800 79.040 92.560 73.920 481.520 2,033,549.50
of the bridge and approaches to bridge structures, constructed with
M-40 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to IRC:21
and dowel bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled
with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the structure on
which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to
MOST circular No. RW/NH - 33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as
per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed by
the Engineerand as per Technical Specifications section 809 of
MORTH specification for Road & Bridge works (5th revision).
10 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete Nos 286.39 0.000 0.000 26.400 78.200 31.450 93.500 44.200 273.750 78,399.96
abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100 mm dia PVC pipe,
extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H
towards drawing foce. Complete as per drawing and Technical
Specifications, excluding GST.
11 Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone Cum 1,430.14 0.000 0.000 38.080 89.140 38.400 116.110 51.400 333.130 476,423.80
crushed aggregates to a thickness not less than 600 mm with smaller
size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided
over the entire surface behind abutment and return wall to the full
height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing & as
per clause 2200, 2504.2.2. of technical specifications for Road &
Bridge works MoRTH (5th revision) & 710.1.4.of IRC:78 and as per
instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
12 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter Cum 1,425.00 21.870 12.760 47.160 74.460 35.130 65.120 60.830 317.330 452,195.25
media including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment
complete as per drawing and Technical specifications( 30 cm size )
13 Providing Drainage Spouts complete as per technical specifications Nos 1,978.21 6.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 24.000 47,477.10
for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th revision) and as per
instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
14 Supplying, Providing and laying gravel backing /Filter material Cum 1,626.00 26.790 19.720 19.420 40.360 17.440 52.820 23.290 199.840 324,939.84
underneath stone / Cement Concrete Block pitching on slopes
complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Section 2504 of
MORTH specification for Road & Bridge works (5th revision) and and
as per direction of Engineer in charge.
15 Supplying and provding stone Pitching on slopes using sound ,hard, Cum 1,425.00 53.580 39.440 38.860 80.700 34.880 105.640 46.580 399.680 569,544.00
durable and fairly regular in shape and weighing each stone not less
than 40 kg, as per drawings and Clause 2504 of Technical
specification for Road & Bridge works MORTH (5th revision) and as
direction of Engineer in charge.
16 Providing and applying 2 coats of water based cement paint to Sqm 100.00 22.680 18.720 69.480 101.520 71.140 83.300 66.530 433.370 43,337.00
unplastered concrete surface after cleaning the surface of dirt, dust,
oil, grease, efflorescence and applying paint @ of 1 litre for 2 sqm to
the bridge superstructure as per section 800 of MoRTH specifications
for Road & Bridge works (5th revision) and instruction of Engineer in
17 Dismantling of Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete grade M-20 Cum 664.00 16.500 8.640 55.500 55.500 16.400 152.540 101,286.56
& above including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting
the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and
stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres
Widening Widening of Recon New con New con Recon of Recon of Total 12
Sl No Description Unit Rate 1x 1.5x 2.0 1x2.00x 3.0 (2 1x2.0x 2.0 1x3.0x 3.0 1x5.0x 4.0 1x5.0x 5.0 1x6.0x 3.0 Nos Amount
(3 No) No) (2 Nos) (2 Nos) (1 Nos) (1 Nos) (1 Nos)
1,717,782.89 1,329,990.62 2,992,398.12 6,207,824.84 3,948,133.03 6,555,104.01 5,214,022.06 27,965,255.58
Sl Description of Items Nos Length(m) Width (m) Depth Qty Unit Rate Amount
No (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earth work in excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil as per drawing and technical specification, including
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved material including dewatering if necessary etc complete as per clause
304 of technical specification for Road and Bridge works (MORTH 5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer in
charge, excluding GST.
Bed 1 2.400 6.900 0.450 7.452
Flexible Appron for U/S 1 2.400 2.000 0.750 3.600
Flexible Appron for D/S 1 2.400 3.000 0.750 5.400
Rigid Appron for U/S 1 2.100 3.000 0.750 4.725
Rigid Appron for D/S 1 2.100 5.000 0.750 7.875
Cut-off Wall U/S 1 8.100 1.500 1.400 17.010
Cut-off wall D/S 1 12.100 1.850 1.900 42.532
Return wall 4 0.000 2.850 1.150 0.000
Total 88.590 Cum 41.00 3,632.19
2 Sand Filling in foundation & plinth with water & ramming with roller complete as per the direction of Engineer in
Bed 1 2.400 6.900 0.150 2.48
Total 2.480 Cum 512.00 1,269.76
3 Providing supplying and laying Plain Cement Concrete with grade M15 in Box Culvert complete as per Technical
Specifications as per approved drawings and sections 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700 and 2100 of Technical specifications
for road and bridge works(MORTH 5th revision) excluding the cost of reinforcement complete & as directed by
Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
8 R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D. work as per approved drawing & technical specifications
and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
4 2.100 8.400
Total 8.400 Mtr 4,223.19 35,474.78
10 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100
mm dia PVC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce.
Complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications, excluding GST.
11 Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness not less than
600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface
behind abutment and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing & as per
clause 2200, 2504.2.2. of technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th revision) & 710.1.4.of
IRC:78 and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
12 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front of
toe of embankment complete as per drawing and Technical specifications( 30 cm size )
13 Providing Drainage Spouts complete as per technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th revision)
and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
Sl Description of Items Nos Length(m) Width (m) Depth Qty Unit Rate Amount
No (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earth work in excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil as per drawing and technical specification, including
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of
sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material including dewatering if necessary etc complete as per
clause 304 of technical specification for Road and Bridge works (MORTH 5th revision) and as directed by the
Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
Bed 1 2.900 6.900 0.500 10.005
Flexible Appron for U/S 0 2.900 2.000 0.750 0.000
Flexible Appron for D/S 1 2.900 3.000 0.750 6.525
Rigid Appron for U/S 0 2.600 3.000 0.750 0.000
Rigid Appron for D/S 1 2.600 5.000 0.750 9.750
Cut-off Wall U/S 0 8.600 1.500 1.400 0.000
Cut-off wall D/S 1 12.600 1.850 1.900 44.289
Return wall 2 0.000 4.430 1.650 0.000
Total 70.570 Cum 41.00 2,893.37
2 Sand Filling in foundation & plinth with water & ramming with roller complete as per the direction of Engineer in
charge. Bed 1 2.900 6.900 0.150 3.00
Total 3.000 Cum 512.00 1,536.00
3 Providing supplying and laying Plain Cement Concrete with grade M15 in Box Culvert complete as per Technical
Specifications as per approved drawings and sections 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700 and 2100 of Technical
specifications for road and bridge works(MORTH 5th revision) excluding the cost of reinforcement complete &
as directed by Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
a RCC M-30 in Foundation 6.980 Cum @ 0.100 MT/Cum = 0.700 MT 85,461.00 59,822.70
b RCC M-30 in Substructure 12.730 Cum @ 0.100 MT/Cum = 1.270 MT 85,461.00 108,535.47
c RCC M-30 in Superstructure 6.820 Cum @ 0.110 MT/Cum = 0.750 MT 85,461.00 64,095.75
10 R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D. work as per approved drawing & technical specifications
and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
1 2.600 12.000 0.075 2.340 Cum
Total 2.340 Cum 11,666.27
11 Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of the bridge and approaches to bridge
structures, constructed with M-40 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel
bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the
structure on which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH -
33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed by
the Engineerand as per Technical Specifications section 809 of MORTH specification for Road & Bridge works
(5th revision).
4 2.600 10.400
Total 10.400 Mtr 4,223.19 43,921.16
12 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100
mm dia PVC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce.
Complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications, excluding GST.
Return Wall 2 0 0.425 0.000
Total 0.000 Mtr 286.39 -
13 Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness not less
than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per
drawing & as per clause 2200, 2504.2.2. of technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th
revision) & 710.1.4.of IRC:78 and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
Sl Depth
Description of Items Nos Length(m) Width (m) Qty Unit Rate Amount
No (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.00 10
1 Earth work in excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil as per drawing and technical specification, including
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved material including dewatering if necessary etc complete as per clause
304 of technical specification for Road and Bridge works (MORTH 5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer
in charge, excluding GST.
a RCC M-30 in Foundation 26.980 Cum @ 0.090 MT/Cum = 2.430 85,461.00 207,670.23
b RCC M-30 in Substructure 28.960 Cum @ 0.090 MT/Cum = 2.610 85,461.00 223,053.21
c RCC M-30 in Superstructure 11.740 Cum @ 0.100 MT/Cum = 1.170 85,461.00 99,989.37
8 R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D. work as per approved drawing & technical specifications
and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
4 9.650 38.600
Total 38.600 Mtr 4,223.19 163,015.06
10 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100
mm dia PVC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce.
Complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications, excluding GST.
11 Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness not less
than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing
& as per clause 2200, 2504.2.2. of technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th revision) &
710.1.4.of IRC:78 and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
12 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front of
toe of embankment complete as per drawing and Technical specifications( 30 cm size )
13 Providing Drainage Spouts complete as per technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th
revision) and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
17 Dismantling of Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete grade M-20 & above including T&P and scaffolding
wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres
Sl Description of Items Nos Length(m) Width (m) Depth Qty Unit Rate Amount
No (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earth work in excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil as per drawing and technical specification, including
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved material including dewatering if necessary etc complete as per clause
304 of technical specification for Road and Bridge works (MORTH 5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer
in charge, excluding GST.
Bed 1 4.140 12.900 0.570 30.441
Flexible Appron for U/S 1 9.270 2.000 0.750 13.905
Flexible Appron for D/S 1 9.270 3.000 0.750 20.858
Rigid Appron for U/S 1 3.840 3.000 0.750 8.640
Rigid Appron for D/S 1 3.840 5.000 0.750 14.400
Cut-off Wall U/S 1 9.840 1.500 1.400 20.664
Cut-off wall D/S 1 13.840 1.850 1.900 48.648
Return wall 4 5.130 4.430 1.650 149.991
Total 307.550 Cum 41.00 12,609.55
2 Sand Filling in foundation & plinth with water & ramming with roller complete as per the direction of Engineer in
charge. Bed 1 4.140 12.900 0.150 8.01
Total 8.010 Cum 512.00 4,101.12
3 Providing supplying and laying Plain Cement Concrete with grade M15 in Box Culvert complete as per Technical
Specifications as per approved drawings and sections 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700 and 2100 of Technical
specifications for road and bridge works(MORTH 5th revision) excluding the cost of reinforcement complete & as
directed by Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
8 R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D. work as per approved drawing & technical specifications
and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
1 3.840 12.000 0.075 3.456 Cum
Total 3.460 Cum 11,666.27 40,365.31
9 Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of the bridge and approaches to bridge
structures, constructed with M-40 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel
bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the
structure on which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH -
33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed by
the Engineerand as per Technical Specifications section 809 of MORTH specification for Road & Bridge works (5th
4 14.100 56.400
Total 56.400 Mtr 4,223.19 238,187.81
10 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100
mm dia PVC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce.
Complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications, excluding GST.
Return Wall 4 23 0.425 39.100
Total 39.100 Mtr 286.39 11,197.95
11 Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness not less
than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing
& as per clause 2200, 2504.2.2. of technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th revision) &
710.1.4.of IRC:78 and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
13 Providing Drainage Spouts complete as per technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th
revision) and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
1 2.000 2.000 Nos
Total 2.000 Nos 1,978.21 3,956.43
14 Supplying, Providing and laying gravel backing /Filter material underneath stone / Cement Concrete Block
pitching on slopes complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications Section 2504 of MORTH specification for
Road & Bridge works (5th revision) and and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
17 Dismantling of Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete grade M-20 & above including T&P and scaffolding
wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres
Sl Description of Items Nos Length(m) Width (m) Depth Qty Unit Rate Amount
No (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earth work in excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil as per drawing and technical specification, including
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of
sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material including dewatering if necessary etc complete as per
clause 304 of technical specification for Road and Bridge works (MORTH 5th revision) and as directed by the
Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
8 R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D. work as per approved drawing & technical specifications
and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
4 19.760 79.040
Total 79.040 Mtr 4,223.19 333,800.78
10 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100
mm dia PVC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce.
Complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications, excluding GST.
11 Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness not less
than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per
drawing & as per clause 2200, 2504.2.2. of technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th
revision) & 710.1.4.of IRC:78 and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
12 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front
of toe of embankment complete as per drawing and Technical specifications( 30 cm size )
13 Providing Drainage Spouts complete as per technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th
revision) and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
Sl Depth
Description of Items Nos Length(m) Width (m) Qty Unit Rate Amount
No (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earth work in excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil as per drawing and technical specification, including
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved material including dewatering if necessary etc complete as per clause
304 of technical specification for Road and Bridge works (MORTH 5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer
in charge, excluding GST.
8 R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D. work as per approved drawing & technical specifications
and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
4 23.140 92.560
Total 92.560 Mtr 4,223.19 390,898.28
10 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100
mm dia PVC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce.
Complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications, excluding GST.
11 Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness not less
than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing
& as per clause 2200, 2504.2.2. of technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th revision) &
710.1.4.of IRC:78 and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
12 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front of
toe of embankment complete as per drawing and Technical specifications( 30 cm size )
13 Providing Drainage Spouts complete as per technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th
revision) and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
17 Dismantling of Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete grade M-20 & above including T&P and scaffolding
wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres
Sl Depth
Description of Items Nos Length(m) Width (m) Qty Unit Rate Amount
No (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earth work in excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil as per drawing and technical specification, including
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved material including dewatering if necessary etc complete as per clause
304 of technical specification for Road and Bridge works (MORTH 5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer
in charge, excluding GST.
8 R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D. work as per approved drawing & technical specifications
and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
4 18.480 73.920
Total 73.920 Mtr 4,223.19 312,178.06
10 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100
mm dia PVC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce.
Complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications, excluding GST.
11 Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness not less
than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing
& as per clause 2200, 2504.2.2. of technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th revision) &
710.1.4.of IRC:78 and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
12 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front of
toe of embankment complete as per drawing and Technical specifications( 30 cm size )
13 Providing Drainage Spouts complete as per technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th
revision) and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
17 Dismantling of Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete grade M-20 & above including T&P and scaffolding
wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres
2 Sand Filling in foundation & plinth with water & ramming with roller complete as per the direction of Engineer in charge. Cum 512.00 26.640 23.580 50.220 25,712.64
3 Providing supplying and laying Plain Cement Concrete with grade M15 in Box Culvert complete as per Technical Specifications as per approved drawings and Cum 4,648.13 84.490 59.440 143.930 669,004.84
sections 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700 and 2100 of Technical specifications for road and bridge works(MORTH 5th revision) excluding the cost of reinforcement
complete & as directed by Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
4 Providing supplying and laying Design Mix Reinforced Cement Concrete with grade M30 in Foundation complete as per Technical Specifications as per approved Cum 5,229.00 317.170 186.240 503.410 2,632,332.98
drawings and sections 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700 and 2100 of Technical specifications for road and bridge works(MORTH 5th revision) excluding the cost of
reinforcement complete & as directed by Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
5 Providing supplying and laying Design Mix Reinforced Cement Concrete with grade M30 in Substrecture complete as per Technical Specifications as per Cum 5,415.42 277.240 160.750 437.990 2,371,899.11
approved drawings and sections 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700 and 2100 of Technical specifications for road and bridge works(MORTH 5th revision) excluding the cost
of reinforcement complete & as directed by Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
6 Providing supplying and laying Design Mix Reinforced Cement Concrete with grade M30 in Super strecture complete as per Technical Specifications as per Cum 6,293.90 129.600 113.280 242.880 1,528,662.61
approved drawings and sections 1000, 1500, 1600, 1700 and 2100 of Technical specifications for road and bridge works(MORTH5th revision) excluding the cost
of reinforcement complete & as directed by Engineer in charge, excluding GST
7 Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar reinforcement in Foundation, Substructure &superstructure complete as per drawing and technical specifications
8 R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D. work as per approved drawing & technical specifications and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of Cum 11,666.27 11.240 9.820 21.060 245,691.71
MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
9 Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of the bridge and approaches to bridge structures, constructed with M-40 grade concrete Rmt 4,223.19 123.600 104.800 228.400 964,576.15
with HYSD reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to
the structure on which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH - 33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per
dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed by the Engineerand as per Technical Specifications section 809 of MORTH specification for Road &
Bridge works (5th revision).
10 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100 mm dia PVC pipe, extending through the full width Nos 286.39 185.600 96.800 282.400 80,877.26
of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce. Complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications, excluding GST.
11 Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness not less than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and Cum 1,430.14 137.810 92.880 230.690 329,919.87
bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire surface behind abutment and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as
per drawing & as per clause 2200, 2504.2.2. of technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th revision) & 710.1.4.of IRC:78 and as per instruction
of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
12 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid over prepared filter media including boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment complete as per drawing Cum 1,425.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 -
and Technical specifications( 30 cm size )
13 Providing Drainage Spouts complete as per technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th revision) and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, Nos 1,978.21 2.000 2.000 4.000 7,912.85
excluding GST.
14 Supplying, Providing and laying gravel backing /Filter material underneath stone / Cement Concrete Block pitching on slopes complete as per drawing and Cum 1,626.00 28.510 0.000 28.510 46,357.26
Technical Specifications Section 2504 of MORTH specification for Road & Bridge works (5th revision) and and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
15 Supplying and provding stone Pitching on slopes using sound ,hard, durable and fairly regular in shape and weighing each stone not less than 40 kg, as per Cum 1,425.00 57.010 0.000 57.010 81,239.25
drawings and Clause 2504 of Technical specification for Road & Bridge works MORTH (5th revision) and as direction of Engineer in charge.
Construction of Construction of
Sl No Description Unit Rate 1x12.0x 5.0 1x10.5x 4.0 Total 2 Nos Amount
(1 Nos) (1 Nos)
16 Providing and applying 2 coats of water based cement paint to unplastered concrete surface after cleaning the surface of dirt, dust, oil, grease, efflorescence and Sqm - 111.240 94.320 205.560 -
applying paint @ of 1 litre for 2 sqm to the bridge superstructure as per section 800 of MoRTH specifications for Road & Bridge works (5th revision) and
instruction of Engineer in charge
17 Dismantling of Prestressed / Reinforced cement concrete grade M-20 & above including T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, Cum 664.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 -
disposal of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts and lead of 1000 metres
11,753,995.47 7,616,647.36 19,370,642.83
Sl Depth
No Description of Items Nos Length(m) Width (m) (m) Qty Unit Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earth work in excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil as per drawing and technical specification, including
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of
sides and bottom and backfilling with approved material including dewatering if necessary etc complete as per
clause 304 of technical specification for Road and Bridge works (MORTH 5th revision) and as directed by the
Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
a RCC M-30 in Foundation 317.170 Cum @ 0.100 MT/Cum = 31.720 85,461.00 2,710,822.92
b RCC M-30 in Substructure 277.240 Cum @ 0.100 MT/Cum = 27.720 85,461.00 2,368,978.92
c RCC M-30 in Superstructure 129.600 Cum @ 0.110 MT/Cum = 14.260 85,461.00 1,218,673.86
8 R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D. work as per approved drawing & technical
specifications and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works
(Latest Revision).
Sl Description of Items Nos Length(m) Width (m) Depth Qty Unit Rate Amount
No (m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 13.500 11.100 0.075 11.239 Cum
Total 11.240 Cum 11,666.27 131,128.91
9 Provision of an Reinforced cement concrete crash barrier at the edges of the bridge and approaches to bridge
structures, constructed with M-40 grade concrete with HYSD reinforcement conforming to IRC:21 and dowel
bars 25 mm dia, 450 mm long at expansion joints filled with pre-moulded asphalt filler board, keyed to the
structure on which it is built and installed as per design given in the enclosure to MOST circular No. RW/NH -
33022/1/94-DO III dated 24 June 1994 as per dimensions in the approved drawing and at locations directed by
the Engineerand as per Technical Specifications section 809 of MORTH specification for Road & Bridge works
(5th revision).
4 30.900 123.600
Total 123.600 Mtr 4,223.19 521,986.04
10 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100
mm dia PVC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce.
Complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications, excluding GST.
11 Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness not less
than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per
drawing & as per clause 2200, 2504.2.2. of technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th
revision) & 710.1.4.of IRC:78 and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
12 Providing Drainage Spouts complete as per technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th
revision) and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
Sl Depth
No Description of Items Nos Length(m) Width (m) (m) Qty Unit Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Earth work in excavation of foundation in all kinds of soil as per drawing and technical specification, including
setting out, construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved material including dewatering if necessary etc complete as per clause
304 of technical specification for Road and Bridge works (MORTH 5th revision) and as directed by the Engineer
in charge, excluding GST.
a RCC M-30 in Foundation 186.240 Cum @ 0.100 MT/Cum = 18.620 85,461.00 1,591,283.82
b RCC M-30 in Substructure 160.750 Cum @ 0.100 MT/Cum = 16.080 85,461.00 1,374,212.88
c RCC M-30 in Superstructure 113.280 Cum @ 0.110 MT/Cum = 12.460 85,461.00 1,064,844.06
8 R.C.C. M-30 grade in wearing coat including steel of C.D. work as per approved drawing & technical specifications
and as per Section -1500, 1700 & 2700 of MoSRT&H Specifications for Road & Bridge works (Latest Revision).
4 26.200 104.800
Total 104.800 Mtr 4,223.19 442,590.11
10 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing wall/ return wall with 100
mm dia PVC pipe, extending through the full width of the structure with slope of 1V :20H towards drawing foce.
Complete as per drawing and Technical Specifications, excluding GST.
11 Providing and laying of Filter media with granular materials/stone crushed aggregates to a thickness not less
than 600 mm with smaller size towards the soil and bigger size towards the wall and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment and return wall to the full height compacted to a firm condition complete as per drawing
& as per clause 2200, 2504.2.2. of technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th revision) &
710.1.4.of IRC:78 and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
12 Providing Drainage Spouts complete as per technical specifications for Road & Bridge works MoRTH (5th
revision) and as per instruction of Engineer in charge, excluding GST.
No. Description No Length Width Depth Volume Unit
1 Earthwork in excavation of foundation in all kinds
of soil
Upto 2m Height 1 77.00 3.00 1.70 392.70
Upto 3m Height 1 0.00 3.90 1.70 0.00
392.70 Cum
2 Sand filling
Upto 2m Height 1 77.00 3.00 0.10 23.10
Upto 3m Height 1 0.00 3.90 0.10 0.00
23.10 Cum
3 PCC M 15 in foundation
Upto 2m Height 1 77.00 3.00 0.10 23.10
Upto 3m Height 1 0.00 3.90 0.10 0.00
23.10 Cum
4 R.C.C. M-30 grade in Foundation Raft of R Wall
Upto 2m Height
Rectangular portion 1 77.00 2.80 0.30 64.68
Trapezium Portion (2.8+0.6)/2 1 77.00 1.65 0.50 63.52
Upto 3m Height
Rectangular portion 1 0.00 3.70 0.30 0.00
Trapezium Portion (2.8+0.6)/2 1 0.00 2.05 0.60 0.00
128.20 cum
TCS-V 1600.00 m
TCS-VII 5520.00 m
No. Description No Length Width Depth Volume Unit
1 Earthwork in excavation of foundation in all kinds
of soil
1 1600.00 1.30 1.25 2600.00
1 5520.00 1.30 1.25 8970.00
11570.00 Cum
2 Sand filling
1 1600.00 1.30 0.10 208.00
1 5520.00 1.30 0.10 717.60
925.60 Cum
3 PCC M 15 in foundation
1 1600.00 1.30 0.10 208.00
1 5520.00 1.30 0.10 717.60
925.60 Cum
4 R.C.C. M-30 grade in Foundation Raft of Drain
No. Description No Length Width Depth Volume Unit
1 Earthwork in excavation of foundation in all
kinds of soil
1.5m Height 1 431.00 1.40 1.10 663.74
663.74 Cum
2 PCC M 15 in foundation
1.5m Height 1 431.00 1.40 0.10 60.34
60.34 Cum
3 PCC M-20 in Wall
1.5m Height
Taper Portion (1.2+0.4)/2 1 431.00 0.80 2.50 862.00
862.00 cum
4 Weep Hole
1 431.00 0.80 344.80
344.80 Rmt
5 Filter Material Below Pitching
1 431.00 1.50 0.15 96.98
96.98 Cum
6 Stone Piching
1 431.00 1.50 0.30 193.95
193.95 Cum
Say 2220
SL Description
No Length Width Depth Volume Unit Rate Amount
3022.72 Kg
3.02 MT
For both Start & End 2.00 6.05 85,461.00 516,649.35
7 Providing fitting fixing of 3mm thick corrosion resistant A.C.P as over head signage
body including cost of all materials and labour etc complete as per drawing and
technical specification.
2 20.00 2.000 80.00 Sqm
For both Start & End 2.00 160.00 Sqm
1722.22 Sqft 263.00 452,944.91
SL Description
No Length Width Depth Volume Unit Rate Amount
8 Providing fitting and fixing of HIP retro reflective signage over A.C.CP as per
approved design including cost of all material and labour etc.
10 Transportation charges of M.S Angle post & base plate from factory to worksite by 2 Signs 20,000.00 40,000.00
Truck in cluding loading and unloading the same.
Gantry girder cost for 2 Nos= 3,347,595.00
Total length 4000.00 m
Nos of light in 30 mtr interval in MCW 133.00
Nos of light in 30 mtr interval in SR 23.00
Nos of light in Junction 20.00
Item No. Description Nos. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earth work in hard soil or gravelly soil within 50Mtr initial lead and 1.5Mtr initial lift including rough
dressin and breaking clods to maximum 5cm to 7cm and laying in layers not exceeding 3.0 Mtr in
depth and as per direction of the Enginer-in-charge.