Thesis Book Sms

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Project Supervisor
Khader Hassan Daher



Prepared by:
Department of ICT
Gollis University

Submitted date


We are declared this report of “SALAMA SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” IS original both
substance and project and has not been submitted to any institution or university for any form or

We are the first student who visited Salama School to prepare this project both book and system.

Date: ___________________

Student’s Name: Abdurrahman Hassan Adam Signature: ……………….

Student’s Name: Bashir Abdi Ahmed Signature: ……………….

Student’s Name: Saeed Ahmed Ibrahim Signature: ……………….

Student’s Name: Mubarak Mohammed Ismail Signature: ……………….

Student’s Name: Khadar Ali Ise Signature: ……………….


We certify that this submission or project is our own work and we use our knowledge and belief
that we benefit from Gollis University.

This doesn’t contain any materials that was previously published by another person or university
nor materials that has been accepted for the award of any degree or diploma of any university or
any institute of higher education.

We also declare that this project or system or work described here or Application is entirely our
own effort or experts.


This is to certify that this project report entitled “School Management System” submitted by:


5. KHADAR ALI ISE (15613)

We would like to express our gratitude to our supervisor and teacher Khadar Hassan Daher (khadar
java) for his guidance, support and his continuous enthusiasm and encouragement throughout the
project. First of all, we want to thank Allah who makes us easy for this project. We also very
grateful and extend our sincere thanks to the principals and staff members of the department of
girls at Salama Secondary School for their cooperation by sharing the information of the school,
and we thank to our teachers and also our families who supported us to learn all of these.
Finally, many thanks to our parents, teachers, and also our university Gollis university, our


This project work automates school management system. In the system two applications are
developed, Windows based (thick client) and Web based (thin client).
The web-based application takes most of the activities such as offline student registering, transcript
and report card generation and producing the timetable. The web application facilitates attendance
recording by the homeroom teachers, to view status of students by their parents and to view reports
by Salama school.
Our solution of the timetable is very simple. In the high school considered for the project there are
ten subjects for both grade nine and grade ten. Loads are assigned to each subject teacher and a
code is given for each teacher-subject combination. A simple search technique has been used
during allocation of each teacher-subject code to a time slot. A database has been used to enforce
constraints and to store data.
The information of the school has been tested with data from Salama Secondary School. It has
been observed that the system successfully registers students, facilitates attendance recording by
the home room teachers and generates various reports such as report card, transcript and a feasible
timetable satisfying the constraints (requirements). It has also been shown that the system
facilitates to view the status of students by their parents using the Internet of the school.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER1 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………….…………
Cover page………………………………………………………………………………I
Certificate originality……………………………..…………………………………….III
Approval sheet…………………………………………………………………………IV
Table of contents………………………………………………………………………VII
Table of contents……………………………..……………………………………….VIII

Chapter1 Introduction......................................................................................................................1
1 1.1 Background........................................................................................................................................1

1 1.2 Statement of the Problem......................................................................................................................1

2 1.3 Objectives............................................................................................................................................. 2
3 1.3.1 General Objectives ............................................................................................................................2
3 1.3.2 Specific Objectives.............................................................................................................................2
3 1.4 Organization of the Document..............................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………...…………….…4
2.0 INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………………...…………….…………...4

2.1 Background information……………………………………………...……….…………………..…...4

2.2 Current system/Domain analyses………………………………….……….…………………………..4
2.3 Comparison of similar system……………………………………………………..……..…….……...4
2.3.1 Compare and contrast the existing
system /technology with the proposed solution……………………………………………….…………...5
2.3.2 Describe how the proposed solution fits into the overall
business or strategic objectives of the organizational community…………………………………..…….5
2.3.3 How it will work with other systems or the environment……………………………………...…….5

2.4 advantages and disadvantages of the system………………………………………….……………..…6
2.5 Work with other system……………………………………………………….……..……..………….6
3.0 Introduction………………………………………………………………..……………………………..7
3.1 Existing system description……………………………………………………………………..….…7
3.2 Requirement’s specification of the to be system……………….……....……………………...…7
3.2.1 Functional requirements……………………………………………………………..……………7
3.2.2 Non-functional requirements………………………..…………………….………..……………7
3.2.3 Hardware requirements………………………………….…………………………….…….….....8
3.2.4 Software requirements…………………………………..…………………………..………….….8
3.3 Requirements (functional)……………………………………………………………..…………....….8
3.4 modelling of the to be system………………………………………..………………….………….…9
3.4.1 Data flow diagram (DFD)………………………………….……………………………….……13
3.4.5 Data modelling of the to be system
(Conceptual data modelling using ERD) ………………………………….…………………….………....13
Chapter 4 System Design……………………………….………..…………….................…14
4.1. design goals…………………………………………………………………………………………..…..14
4.1.1 performance criteria……………………………………………………………………..………..…..14
4.1.2 dependability…………………………………………………………….……………………..…….…14
4.2 architecture of the system………………………………..……………………………….…….…….…15
4.3 system decomposition…………………………………..…..…………………………..………..………15
Chapter 5 methodology……………………………………..…………………………….17
5.1 introduction…………………………………………………..……………………………..……………...17
5.2 methodology…………………………………………………………..……………………..……………17
5.3 prototype model……………………………………………….………………………….……….…...….18
5.3.1 advantages of prototyping………………………………………………………………….....……....18
5.3.2 the process of prototyping……………………………………………………………………..….…18
5.4 Reason of using prototype model…………………………………………………………………....…19
5.5 phases in prototype model……………………………………………………………………….......…..20
Chapter 6 requirements and analysis…………………………………………….........…21
6.1 introduction…………………………………………………………………..…………………..……….…21
6.2 System description…………………………………………………………………………………….…....21
6.3 user description……………………………………………………………….………………..……………21
6.4 system description…………………………………………………………..……………….………..…….22
6.4.1 functional requirements…………………………………………….………………………….………..22 admin (heard master) ………………………………………..………………………………...……...22 teachers……………………………………………………………..……………………………..….…..23 students – view their grades……………………………………………….………. ……….………..23
VIII parents…………………………………………………………………..…………………….….………..23
6.4.2 nonfunctional requirements………………………………………..……………………………..23 security………………………………………………………………………….………..…..…….23 performance………………………………………………………………..…………..…………..23 availability…………………………………………………………………………….…………....24
6.5 system analysis…………………………………………………………………………….…….…..…24
6.5.1 use case diagram………………………………………………………………………………….….24
6.6 conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….………..………27
Chapter 7 design and implementation……………………………………….….…......28
7.1 introduction…………………………………………………………………………….…….…………...28
7.2 analyses phase……………………………………………………………………………….…………...28
7.3 build a prototype…………………………………………………………………….……………......….28
7.3.1 programming tool……………………………………………………………………………..…….…28
7.4 design phase………………………………………………………………………………….……………28
7.4.1 class diagram………………………………………………………………………………..….........….28
7.4.2 Source codes………………………………………………………………………………31………….36
Chapter 8 testing and evaluation…………………………………….…………….….…37
8.1 introduction…………………………………………………………………..……………………..……..37
8.2 testing…………………………………………………………………………..…………………………...37
8.2.1 performance testing…………………………………………………….…………………………..….37
8.2.2 functionality testing……………………………………………………………………………..……..37 security testing…………………………………………………….…………………….……….…...37 database testing …………………………………………….………………………….…………..…37
8.3 evaluation………………………………………………………………………………………………..….37
8.3.1 usability evaluation………………………………………………………………………..…….….…..38
8.3.2 user’s evaluation………………………………………………………………………………..…….....38
8.4 conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………....…...38
Chapter 9 conclusion and future work……………………………………..……..……..39
9.0 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………….….…....39
9.1 Factors that facilitated your thesis project completion………………………………………..39
9.2 What we have learned during your project?................................................................................39
9.1 conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………………..………..40
9.2 future work…………………………………………………………………………………….....…………..40


Education system forms the backbone of every nation. And hence it is important to provide a
strong educational foundation to the young generation to ensure the development of open-
minded global citizens securing the future for everyone. Advanced technology available today
can play a crucial role in streamlining education-related processes to promote solidarity among
students, teachers, parents and the school staff.

Our project is about Salama school management system, Salama school is located in Hargeisa
Somaliland and has three branches in Hargeisa sh. Madar , Siilaanyo library and it was
established in 2007, Salama school has high school for girls and high school for boys.

Education is central to development. It is one of the most powerful instruments for reducing
poverty and inequality and lays a foundation for sustained economic growth. With this aim
currently our government has given special emphasis to the educational sector and school
improvement activities such as continuous professional development for teachers, training and
upgrading teachers and capacitating schools with manpower and materials are among the
major actions which have been taken in both primary and secondary schools. In order to
facilitate and simplify these actions one of the major tools is to have automated school
management system.

Salama School Management System (SSMS) consists of tasks such as registering students,
attendance record keeping to control absentees, making events, producing official transcript,
preparing timetable and producing different reports for teachers, parents, officials of Salama
school and other stakeholders.

Automation is the utilization of technology to replace human with a machine that can perform
more quickly and more continuously by automating SSMS documents that took up many large
storage rooms can be stored on few
disks. Transcript images can be annotated. It reduces the time to retrieve old

transcripts from hours to seconds. However, the most school systems in the government
schools of Somaliland are not automated and the record officers generate transcripts and
reports manually and the school administrators use their experienced knowledge of miss and
hit approaches to prepare timetables.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

To help promote student’s achievement and success, schools must have access to complete,
accurate, and timely information about students. One of the benefits of automated SMS is that
the student record system will simplify retrieval of required information and is a great
instrument for school improvement by taking measures from the information acquired. Despite
the use of automated SMS, most of the government and private schools of Somaliland are
using paper-based documentation system for performing various tasks and the school
administrators apply their knowledge of hit and miss approach in scheduling classes and
courses (preparing the timetable) which wastes manpower and much time unnecessarily that
does not utilize the current technology.

Transcripts of students are prepared manually by the record officer and teachers. Report cards
are produced by the home-room teachers. Attendance of students is recorded by the home-
room teachers. In order to control absentees and know the number of days that a student has
been absent from the school during the school days the attendance officer has to collect the
attendance slips from the corresponding homeroom teachers and compile it which is also a
time taking process. In addition to that retrieving records of students who have graduated
couple of years ago has been a difficult task and the manual system also has difficulty of
producing different reports which are required by the stakeholders such as teachers,
administrators or officials of SSMS.
Teachers may want to associate a student with his parent or emergency persons for
disciplinary measures which need searching of the students record

in the record office. It has been difficult to search a record from thousands of such records and
observed that students can take any person claiming that he/she is their parent or emergency
person which creates problem in control of students.

Due to the inefficiency of the current manual system, the need arises to automate SSMS in
order to efficiently handle students’ attendance, to produce transcript, report cards and the
various reports satisfying users and customers and to produce timetable which can schedule
courses for teachers and classes of students.

1.3 Objectives

The general and specific objectives of the project are described below:

1.3.1 General Objective

The general objective of the project is to automate the SMS.

1.3.2 Specific Objectives

In order to attain the general objective, the following list of specific objectives is set:
• To develop an offline registration system,
• To facilitate attendance record keeping,
• To facilitate various report generation,
• To allow teachers, parents, school community and Education officials to view
reports on students,
• To produce a timetable

1.4Organization of the Document

This report document contains seven chapters including this chapter. Chapter two defines and
describes concepts with regard to SMS, aiming to give a general view to the reader of the
document about tasks or activities which need automation in the school environment. Chapter
three presents review of research works on SMS. In chapters four and five, we presented the
analysis and design of the developed system respectively. In the remaining chapters, prototype
development and conclusion and recommendations are briefly explained.


SALAMA School is important place to produce a qualified student who will come a valuable
citizen for the country. Therefore, managing school tasks or operations effectively and efficiently
needs more effort and attention. School Management System (SMS) is an application system that
that designed
the entire operations of the school and is going to manage this area: student details, teacher
specifics, class scheduling, student records, course enrollment, and financial statements, stuff
salary, personnel and so on.

2.1 Background information

The purpose of this system or application is to computerize the entire data or information of
SALAMA School, to we make their work easier and rapidly done, this application will make the
school easier to manage all the school operations automatically.
Moira Primary School extension was completed in June 2002 providing 2 additional classes and a
computer suite. The excellent accommodation comprises 14 classrooms, library, computer
suite, activity-based learning resource areas, multipurpose hall (recently extended), staffroom,
administrative block and meals kitchen.
Current enrolment is 411 students.
This school’s system provides more activities include supervising school budgets, reviewing
Performance, overseeing student and staff discipline and making plans in computerized way and
School facilities expansion and repair

In Algeria Genius School has different modules to manage and handle for example; Fees
Management, Timetable, Attendance, Examinations, Library, Transportation, School Calendar,
Events etc. Additionally, it has recently launched the new version with full-fledged Human
Resource module to manage the payroll of employees and their salary pay slips.

2.2 Current system/Domain analyses.

SALAMA School has a system which they use to store data, fee payments, registering students,
student details.

2.3 Comparison of similar system

Noradin school has an offline software application created or made in 2015, the system works, the
system works with MySQL database to store the student’s data and information, but Algeria
Genius School uses MS access.

2.3.1 Compare and contrast the existing system /technology with the proposed

Moira primary Algeria Genius SALAMA school

school School
Give lectures and Give lectures and Still can’t teach in
lessons in online lessons in online online
High security Low security High security
With backup With backup No backup
Connect to oracle Connect with MS Connect with
and python access and java MySQL and php
programming JavaScript and

2.3.2 Describe how the proposed solution fits into the overall business or
strategic objectives of the organizational community

The system will be covering the needs of the schools to a computerized manner which make their
work automated and fast, like doing things fast and getting fast when they search activities like
registering students, getting paid fees in an easy and fast way and so on.

Advantages of the system proposed solution:

❖ The managers will be able to monitor and know every operation in the school
❖ This system will make easier to the manager to make accountability
❖ This system will reduce the mistakes, forgetting things and reducing time consuming
❖ They will able to register students and also delete, add and update.
❖ You can record exams and their results.
❖ Every student can an ID card.

2.3.3 How it will work with other systems or the environment
SALAMA school management (SSMS) can work with other systems or environments without
sharing its data or personal information.
SSMS has a strong security, reliability, confidentiality and integrity.

2.4 Advantages and disadvantages:

SALAMA School allows students to register offline
• They can easily get courses and classes.
• They can simply pay fees offline using bank numbers.
• Students can get their exam results in the record by using simple search.
• Allows students to get exam grades or results in offline rapidly.
• To register the entire staff or personnel with their special work.
• SALAMA school management system will overcome all the problem we mention in the
previous Project.

❖ No backup
❖ The System doesn’t have much capacity of space to restore more data.

2.5 Work with other system

SALAMA School has a connection with other SALAMA schools’ systems financially, and slips
and they have more things in common that is why they have a connection.


3.0 Introduction
The aim of this chapter is to develop a system analysis to make easier analyzing and collecting and
then to transform all our requirements of the system into diagram method.

3.1 Existing system description

SALAMA school was a non-automated system and they were used a traditional way to do all their
school operations like registering, paying fees, student’s details, we can say they were used
financially and educationally in that hardworking manual way.

3.2 Requirements specification of the to be system

I. System requirements
We need this system to meet or achieve much of requirements like to SALAMA School able to
make their file system or traditional way in a computerized way like registering students, teachers,
course, tuition payments, attendance, time tables, calendars and all their needs.
II. System requirements specifications
SALAMA School management system (SSMS) must provide all the necessary functions that’s
need by the school like inserting, deleting, updating, time tabling, searching utilities rapidly,
controlling stuffs or giving every employee his own privilege of using the system, printing reports.

3.2.1 Functional requirements

1. The system must have Registration function
2. Must have Tuition payments
3. Must have exam results.
4. Must have Recording crimes.
5. Must have Paying salaries.
6. Must have student details.
7. To have categories, classes and courses.

3.2.2 Non-functional requirements

1. Doing the job effectively
2. Integrity requirements
3. Confidentiality requirements
4. Security

Techniques for gathering system requirements

Fact finding:
• Observation
• Interviews.

3.2.3 Hardware requirements

❖ Printer
❖ Keyboard Normal QWERT
❖ Hard disk 3GB free hard disk space or more
❖ Display (800 × 600) Capable video adapter and monitor
❖ Processor 1.4 GHZ no matter whether your system
. is 32bit or 64bt.

3.2.4 Software requirements

I. OS windows 7/8/10/Xp
II. Database MySQL
III. Program languages
= Front end
-> Bootstrap
-> JavaScript
-> jQuery
=> Back end
-> PHP
-> JavaScript
-> MySQL
3.3 Requirements (functional) modelling of the to be system
3.3.1 Data flow diagram (DFD)

Showing how the system transforms data into useful information.

A process model is a graphical way of representing how a business system
should operate.

Elements of data flow diagrams

✓ Process
✓ Data flow
✓ Data store
✓ External entity
DFD Symbols
DFD uses 4 basic symbols that represent processes, data flows, data store and entities.

1. Process symbol: is a rectangle with rounded corners, the name of the rectangle appears
inside the rectangle.

Process symbol

2. Data flow Symbol: a data flow is a bath for data to move from one part of the information
system to another.

Data flow Symbol

A data store is used a DFD to represent data that the system stores because one or more processes
need to use the data at a later time.

Data store

3. Entity symbol is a rectangle, which may be shaded to make it look three dimensional. The
name of the entity appears inside the symbol. Level 0 diagram

Draw diagram 0 DFD

3.4 Use case diagrams
A use case an activity the system performs, usually in response to a request by a user.

3.4.1 Use case descriptions
A use case description is a detailed for each of the classes of interaction within a given use diagram.

Use case:
Login describes the login permission
Interface shows us what the system contains or , used
Student registration this is used registering students
Teacher registration this is used registering teachers
Fee payments

SALAMA report this is used to generate annual reports of
SALAMA schools.
Logout this shows how the system is logout

3.4.2 Activity diagram

3.4.3 Sequence diagrams

3.4.5 Data modelling of the to be system (conceptual data modelling using ERD)
Data modelling is the process of creating and extending data models which are visual
representations of data and its organization.
The ERD diagram (Entity Relationship Diagram) is the most popular type of data model.

Data models exist at multiple levels including: -

• Conceptual Data Model
• Logical Data Model
• Physical Data Model.

Chapter 4
System Design

In the previous chapter we have identified the functional and non-functional requirements of the
system and produced the analysis model. The following are discussed in this chapter: design goals,
system architecture, system decomposition, deployment and database design.

4.1 Design Goals

Design goals describe the qualities of the system that developers should optimize. Such goals are
normally derived from the non-functional requirements of the system. Design goals are grouped
into five categories. These are
• Performance
• Dependability
• Maintenance
• End User Criteria

4.1.1 Performance Criteria

The part of the system to be used for the record office should have a fast response time (real time)
with maximum throughput. Furthermore, the system should not be taking up too much space in
memory. The record officer has chosen fast response time over throughput and hence the system
should try to be more interactive. In the case of the timetabling subsystem, the system should be
more reliable in order to satisfy the constraints than fast response time.
4.1.2 Dependability
The school needs the system to be highly dependable as it is expected to be used by nonIT
professionals. The system should be robust and fault tolerant. Furthermore, as the system is
handling sensitive data of the school, high emphasis should be given with regards to security, as
there are subsystems to be accessed through web.

4.1.3 Maintenance
The system should be easily extensible to add new functionalities at a later stage. It should also
be easily modifiable to make changes to the features and functionalities.

4.1.4 End User Criteria Usability:

Usability is the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals
with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. From the end users’

perspective the system should be designed in such a way that it is easy to learn and use, efficient
and having few errors if any. Trade-off is inevitable in trying to achieve a particular design goal.
One best case is the issue of security versus response time. Checking User-Id and Password before
a member can enter to the SMS creates response time problem/overhead. The other case is the
issue of response time versus quality. There is some amount of time taken by the system to generate
the timetable. So the user has to wait a little after telling the system to generate the timetable and
getting the result to get a quality timetable.

4.2 Architecture of the System

The proposed system is expected to replace the existing manual system by an automated system
in all facets. It is mainly based on the system Analysis document.
The architecture used for the system is a 3 tier Client/Server Architecture where a client can use
Internet browsers to access the online report provided by the system within the local area network
of the school or anywhere using the Internet.
The data tier maintains the applications data such as student data, teacher data, timetable data etc.
It stores these data in a relational database management system (RDBMS).
The middle tier (web/application server) implements the business logic, controller logic and
presentation logic to control the interaction between the application’s clients and data. The
controller logic processes client requests such as requests to view student’s result, to record
attendance or to retrieve data from the database. Business rules enforced by the business logic
dictate how clients can and cannot access application data and how applications process data.
A web server is a program that runs on a network server (computer) to respond to HTTP requests.
The most commonly used web servers are Internet Information Server (IIS) and Apache. The web
server used in this system is IIS. HTTP is used to transfer data across an Intranet or the Internet.
It is the standard protocol for moving data across the internet. The client tier is the applications
user interface containing data entry forms and client side applications. It displays data to the user.
Users interact directly with the application through user interface. The client tier interacts with the
web/application server to make requests and to retrieve data from the database. It then displays to
the user the data retrieved from the server.

4.3 Subsystem Decomposition

Subsystem decompositions will help reduce the complexity of the system. The subsystems can be
considered as packages holding related classes/objects. The SMS under consideration is
decomposed into subsystems as shown in Figure 5.2. These subsystems are further decomposed
into other subsystems. The major subsystems identified are “StudentRegistration”, “Login”,
“Attendance”, “ReportCard”, “Transcript”, “Timetable” and “Report” subsystems.

Users are classified in to roles. The “Login” subsystem authenticates a user to grant access based
on the role of the user. The “StudentRegistration” subsystem registers a student offline. It allows
recording the detail information of the student including parental and emergency person.
“Transcript” and “ReportCard” subsystems are used to generate transcript and report card
respectively. The “Timetable” subsystem generates a timetable, which involves allocating a time
slot to a subject teacher for a class of students.
The “Attendance” subsystem facilitates recording absent students on the school day by the
homeroom teacher to control absentees and to report to parents and the administrator to take
corrective measures. The “Report” subsystem generates reports to parents.

Chapter 5

5.1 Introduction
This chapter states the methodology used to reach the objectives of the project. The framework in
which software is designed, developed, and maintained is known as the Software Development
Life Cycle (SDLC). It shows the steps, phases, milestones, and evolution of the software
development process. There are many types of models used in software design and development.
Among them are the spiral models, rapid development model, Evolutionary model, waterfall
model, prototyping model, etc.

5.2 Methodology
Prototyping Model has been used to develop this application. The Prototyping model is a technique
for quickly building a function but incomplete model of the information system. There are several
kinds of prototypes but they all intend to reduce risk by building a quick and rapid of the intended
It can be used to demonstrate technical feasibility when the technical risk is high. It can also be
used to better understand and elicit user requirements. In either case, the goal is to reduce risk and
limit costs by increasing understanding of proposed solutions before committing more resources,
as shown in figure 1.

5.3 Prototype Model
5.3.1 Advantages of Prototyping
- Reduces development time.
- Reduces development costs.
- Requires user involvement.
- Developers receive quantifiable user feedback.
- Facilitate system implementation since users know what to expect.
- Results in higher user satisfaction.
- Exposes developers to potential future system enhancements.

5.3.2 The Process of Prototyping

- Identify basic requirement: Determine basic requirements including the input and output
information desired. Details, such us security, can typically be ignored.
-Develop initial prototype: The initial prototype is developed that includes only user interfaces.

-Review: The customers, end-users, examine the prototype and provide feedback on additions or
-Revise and enhancing the prototype: Using the feedback, both the specifications and the
prototype can be improved. This method involves a series of iterations and refinement until the
prototype product is a fully working system, and the user is satisfied.

5.4 Reason of using Prototype Model

- Users are actively involved in the development.
- Since in this methodology a working model of the system is provided, the users get a better
understanding of the system being developed.
- Errors can be detected much earlier.
- Quicker user feedback is available leading to better solutions.
- Missing functionality can be identified easily. - Confusing or difficult functions can be identified
requirements validation, quick implementation of incomplete, but functional application.

Phase 1:
Identify some requirements to begin with:
Get lists of some major requirements which define the need for the new system including the main
input output information.

Phase 2:
Develop initial prototype:
Develop a basic initial prototype which only has UI screens.

Phase 3:
Review the prototype: End users work and examine the prototype and provide feedback for

Phase 4:
Revise and enhance the prototype:
Scope is changed based on feedback from end users and the prototype is enhanced and refined to
accommodate user feedback.

5.5 Conclusion

We used Prototyping Model as our methodology for developing this system, and we described
the advantages of prototyping, its process, it’s phases and reasons of using its model.

Chapter 6
Requirement and Analysis

6.1 Introduction
This chapter will provide a full description of the system and its users. Then it depicts the
functional and non-functional requirements that have been collected using several methods
like brainstorming, interview and e-surveys. After determining the most important
requirements, requirement analysis was adopted using several tools such as use-case diagram,
sequence diagram and activity diagram.

6.2 System description

School management system (SMS) is a web-based system that serving Students, Teachers,
Headmasters and Parents, the main idea of our system is to allow the students to be up to date
with the school activities and with their grades, and the same thing for their parents in addition
to be in touch permanently with the teachers and the headmaster for any complaint,
recommendation or anything that related to their students. And for teachers it considers as an
easy way to manage their job’s day, to be in touch with students and to enter their grades or
anything they want to send it or view it to the students. And for the headmasters, they have a
full control of the system, and like the teachers, it will be a great tool to manage their days and
plans for the school, also they will be in a permanent connection with all the other users which
will be a wonderful virtual educational social community that definitely will improve the
student’s performance and education, and make the school for them really as they second’s

6.3 User description

There are four main users for the proposed system; these are Admin, student, teacher and the
parent. Each user can perform several different functions during the use of the system. These
functions were determined according to the design of the proposed system and a user-friendly
function to make the system more effective and efficient. Figure 4 summarizes the functions
performed by each user.

6.4 System Requirement
Before creating any website or a mobile App, it is necessary to visualize the layout, design and all
features intended to be incorporated. In addition, how users will interact with each page and icon
and how the website/App should perform (behavior, load time etc.). Requirements are the
necessary attributes in the system, a statement that identifies a capability, characteristic or quality
factor of the system in order to have value and utility to the users. Once the requirements are set,
developers can initiate the other technical work including system design, development, testing,
implementation, and operation.
For any system, there are functional and non-functional requirements to be considered while
determining the requirements of the system. The functional requirements are user “visible”
features that are typically initiated by stakeholders of the system, such as generate report, login,
and signup. On the other hand, nonfunctional requirements are requirements that describe how the
system will do what it is supposed to do, for example, security, reliability and maintainability.

6.4.1 Functional Requirement Admin (Headmaster)
- Create, edit and delete student account.
- Create, edit and delete teacher account.
- Create, edit and delete parent account.
- Post tasks or any updates for users (Teacher, Student, and Parent).

- Store, edit, delete, calculate and print student's grade.
- Add Classes and Subject and connect them with the subject’s teachers. Teacher
- Enter Student's grades per Subject.
- Contact with students and parents.
- Post tasks or any updates for users (Admin, Student, and Parent). Student - View their grades.

- Contact with their teacher and headmaster. Parent - View the grades of their children.
- Contact with their children’s teachers and headmaster.

6.4.2 Non-Functional Requirement Security
Every user has his own account and only authorized users can access the system with username
and password. The passwords are encrypted using a PHP function sha1 ().

Figure 4: user login interface Performance
Easy tracking of records and updating can be done.

6.2.3 Availability
The system are available to users anytime, anywhere, just need a PC and Internet Connection. Also
the system work in multiple web browsers like (Chrome, Mozilla, Opera, and Internet Explorer). User Friendly

The system have a friendly user interface and the system very interactive.

6.5 System Analysis

This part contains the analysis of the functional and non-functional requirements using use-case
diagrams, and use-cases details. In addition, the interactive behavior of the activities is analyzed
using sequence diagrams and activity diagrams.

6.5.1 Use case Diagram

This part contains the analysis of the functional and non-functional requirements using use-case
diagrams, and use-cases details.
1- Admin

The functions that Admin can do after login, as shown in figure 7:

- Add Teacher include (Modify/Delete).
- Add Student include (Modify/Delete).
- Add Parent include (Modify/Delete).
- Add Class include (Modify/Delete).
- Contact with teachers, students and parents.

2- Student

The functions that Student can do after login, function as shown in figure 8:
- View Personal Information.
- View Courses Marks.
- View Personal Details.
- Contact with teachers and headmaster.

3- Teacher The functions that Teacher can do after login, as shown in figure 9:

- Enter Student's grades.
- Modify or delete grades.
- Contact with students, parents and headmaster.

4- Parent The functions that Parent can do after login, as shown in figure 10:
- View their children’s grades.
- Contact with teachers and headmaster

6.6 Conclusion
We had a description for the system and its users, and the functional and non-functional
requirements, then we talked about several tools such as usecase diagram, sequence diagram and
activity diagram that have been used to analyze the interactive behavior of the activities.

Chapter 7
Design and Implementation

7.1 Introduction
This chapter explains the design and implementation phases of the system. It depicts the class
diagram, ER diagram and database schema the System. Moreover, the implementation phase
combines the requirements, design phase outputs, and process them using the appropriate

7.2 Analyze Phase

During the analyze phase, we determine the requirement of the project and get in touch how we
can improve the school's performance, also we determine how implement the school's need's to
help them to get professional work.

7.3 Build A Prototype

In this phase, the tools used in developing the prototype and the developed system are described:

7.3.1 Programming Tool

The system are developed using web development techniques (php, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript,
JQuery) that let us design the system layout such as login form, tables, panels and colors, then
implement UI/ element's such as :
- Make the system ease to use.
- Make the system ease to learn.
- Choose the website color's carefully to enhance user interfaces Then, make the system dynamic
using programming tools (PHP , MYSQL DBMS) it’s let us store the user's information in database
and view it through the Webpages using PHP.

7.4 Design Phase

During the design phase, the relationships between classes was designed and analyzed using the
class diagram. After that, the database schema was developed to illustrate the mapping of the data.

7.4.1 Class Diagram

To illustrate the relationships and source code dependencies among classes, class diagram was
developed. In this context, the class defines the methods and variables in an object, which is a
specific entity in a program or the unit of code representing that entity.

Student form

Fee Collection Form

Teachers Form

Subjects Forms

Exam Results Form

Some of Source Codes:

Testing and Evaluation

8.1 Introduction
This chapter illustrates the last two phase of the project the testing and evaluation phases. In the
testing phase, the performance testing and functionality testing performed. In addition, the
evaluation was performed through this steps School Manager, Teacher, Student, and Parent.

8.2 Testing
Two types of testing were performed to test the website and how it supports mobile working. These
tests were mainly performance testing and functionality testing.

8.2.1 Performance Testing

The website was tested on Firefox browser using an online tool called GTMetrix, which analyzes
web pages according to different rules by giving each rule a weigh, and then evaluate the score of
each rule for the website. The rules tested by this tool is indicated in Table blew.

8.2.2 Functionality Testing

All functions in the application, database connection, forms used to enter data for submission,
editing, getting or deleting information from users were tested. Developers performed the test of
the website. Some functionality requirements were tested during the test: Security Testing

Security was tested by pasting internal URL directly into browser address bar without login. SQL
injection SQL MAP tool was used to test all pages in website. Also when the user (Admin,
Teacher) need to edit marks or information to other user if he edit the id in URL the system will
redirect to logout page or home page.
Ex: (student.php?userid=120110220) if the user try edit the id number to access to other user
information or other hacking. Database Testing.

Data consistency is very important. Data integrity and errors while editing, deleting, modifying
the forms or do any DB related functionality were checked. Moreover, the entire database queries
were checked to be executed correctly, data is retrieved correctly and even updated correctly.

8.3 Evaluation

Since the system has four users whose opinion about the system is very important, a sample of
student, teacher, parent, and school manager were consulted to evaluate the website.

8.3.1 Usability Evaluation

To evaluate the system based on the users (student, teacher, parent, admin)

8.3.3 Users Evaluation

In this evaluation process, we go to the school in Rafah and distribute thirty questionnaires and we
get just 20 from it as shown blew (9 student, 6 teacher, 3 parent , 2 admin).

Distribution of the use’s evaluation

8.4 Conclusion
We have explained the testing and the evaluation phases for the project, also the functionality and
the performance testing, and the evaluation that has performed through School manager, teacher,
student and parent.

Chapter 9
Conclusion and Future Work

9.0 Introduction
This chapter will demonstrate the conclusion and recommendation of School management system,
including factors that facilitated project completion, what we have learned from the project and
future plan.

9.1 Factors that facilitated your thesis project completion

The most important phase that we have been made is the system analysis, when we made a research
of system requirements of these phases, we got so much information about the analysis process
and they are software specification and hardware specification. We explained about system design
it enables us to declare classes in order to develop software that helps the system, including
database management system. In DBMS there are entity relationship model because (E-R model)
is detailed logical representation of data for an organization or for business area, these are we
expressed in terms of entities.
Facilitated your thesis project completion in the following: -
1. Security
2. Fee collection and Exam records
3. Update, delete of the existing

9.2 What we have learned during your project?

We have learned during our project:
✓ We got some experience that can help us at the future To make a system which works exact
as we wanted.
✓ Creating diagrams and learning how to draw according to our project
✓ Gathering information and analyzing
✓ Time management
✓ Gathering information and analyzing
We got some experience that can help us at the future to ask questions or making interviews.
And the most important thing is that we have learned how to write a book at least we have got a
concept from it.

9.3 Conclusion

In recent years, with the pace of technological development, people have become more and more
demanding in terms of quality of life, and the schools’ managers in recent years look to improve a
performance in their schools to get the highest rate of knowledge and experience in their student.

9.4 Future Work

Some ideas and features can be considered as a future work for this project. These features can be
summarized in the following points:
- Let the student perform exams Online. - Bank of question per subject.
- Let teacher add questions to the bank of question.
- Let admin add new classes.
- Add a medical examination part to the system, with a medical supervisor as a new user.


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