Nasra (Ams)
Nasra (Ams)
Nasra (Ams)
Title of the Project:
Project Type:
Project Category:
MS. NGOLLO KISHEGENA and this report is submitted in the partial fulfilment of the
required diploma in Information Communication Technology and that it has not been
prepared to any other University or higher learning Institution for a similar or other Diploma
Date: ………………..
Date: ……………………
First of all, I would like to thank Allah for giving me courage, ability and enabling me to
Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents for their support as regard to my studies and
thirdly, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my academic supervisor MS. NGOLLO
Muhammad and Mr Masoud for supporting me and for their directions and guidance in
Finally, I would like to thank all the teachers and fellow students in department of
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for their support and advices.
A good system is needed to manage the submission of student assignments at the University.
The manual system needs to be replaced with the computerized system to give more
convenience to the student and the lecturer. When students hand over their assignment the
operator will keep the records of the submission details. Emails will be sent to the students to
verify their submission. The same goes for the marked and collected assignment. In addition,
the lecturer will be informed to check the submission records of the students. By doing this,
the assignment is always kept in safe condition after the submission. The proposed system
also helps lecturer to keep track of their student submission. The lecturer can check the time
of submission and enable the student to collect their assignment after being marked. This
TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF TABLES.....................................................................................................................................vii
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction...........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Background of the Project.....................................................................................................1
1.3 Problem of the existing system..............................................................................................1
1.4 Proposed System.........................................................................................................................2
1.5 Literature Riview..........................................................................................................................2
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Main objective.............................................................................................................................3
2.2 Specific Objectives.......................................................................................................................3
2.3 Significance of the project...........................................................................................................3
2.4 Limitations of the project............................................................................................................5
2.5 Scope of the project.....................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................................................................6
3.0 Methodology used in system design and implementation..........................................................6
3.1 Project Approach.........................................................................................................................6
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................................10
4.1 Feasibility Study.........................................................................................................................10
4.2 Data Collection..........................................................................................................................11
4.3 System Analysis.........................................................................................................................13
4.4 Time Frame of the Project.........................................................................................................13
4.4 Project Budget...........................................................................................................................13
CHAPTER FIVE......................................................................................................................................15
4.5 System Design............................................................................................................................15
Table 1: Time frame of project............................................................................................................12
Table 2: Project Budget.......................................................................................................................13
Table 3: Database diagram..................................................................................................................29
Table 4: Assignment Table..................................................................................................................29
Table 5: Course Table..........................................................................................................................29
Table 6: Lecture Table.........................................................................................................................30
Table 7: Program Table.......................................................................................................................30
Table 8: Pro_Course Table..................................................................................................................30
Table 9: Student Table.........................................................................................................................31
Table 10: Unit Table............................................................................................................................31
Table 11: User_log Table....................................................................................................................31
1.1 Introduction.
assignment management schemes, assignments are recorded on paper, floppy disks, and
inefficient, and may cause many problems due to material limits and human errors, such
as disordered printouts (without page numbers), damaged floppy disks, etc. Furthermore,
instructors and students usually are unaware of the ongoing academic information, which
can be used to help them find out problems and improve their teaching and learning
which can provide both instructors and students with quality educational services.
submitting the assignment from the lecturers and students respectively. It has been found
that the existing system is cumbersome and time consuming. The student spend a lot of
time and a lot of paperwork. The lecturers fail to keep proper record of the submitted
assignments. The proposed system will be the position to get rid of all these challenges.
i. Time consuming.
The student have to spend a lot of time to complete their assignment before
The student used a lot of paper for their assignment which is also very costly.
There is also a risk of losing the submitted document by lecturers or staff. It is also
inconvenient to handle the Documents properly and sometimes cause poor recording.
(problems/challenges) of the existing system. In this system, the students will submit their
assignment using computerised system. By doing so the above mentioned drawbacks will be
To develop an Assignment Management System which is efficient, reliable and user friendly
for both lecturers and students in their day to day activity and to replace the existing system.
i. The system will have user interface that allow admin to register user.
ii. The system will have user interface that will enable the students to receive the
assignment timely.
iii. The system will have user interface that allow the students to submit their assignment
on time and safely and get to view that it has been received by the lecturers.
iv. The system will have user interface that will enable the lecturers to know whether his
or her students submit their assignment on time and then marking them.
v. The system will have user interface that the student will receive the assignment after
vi. The system will have user interface that allow a forum to make the interaction
i. It reduces the use of file and paper. Many processes will be performed online via an
ii. It is user friendly system as regard to cost, time, efficiency and security.
iii. Information is secured. The information will be secured because the online system
iv. It allows both lecturers and students to easily access the information and use them
ii. The lecturers have the access to receive and mark the assignment even after due time.
iii. The Head of the Unit will be able to view all needed information about the Students
(MNMA). The Students will submit the assignment using computerized (online) system to
the operator. The operator will pass all of the assignment to the lecturers to be marked. After
marking, the assignment will be passed back to the operator at the system administrator. The
students can collect their Assignments from the operator at the Administrator office (admin).
systems development that proposes the use of system objects to build new systems and
rebuild old ones. An important goal of object-oriented development is to change the nature of
traditional software development from designing and writing models from scratch to building
In this chapter, the approach taken to accomplish the project is Prototyping Model. The use of
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) theory is fully considered due to its importance as
The model will help collect the requirements from the users (lecturers, students) and prepare
a prototype (sample). The prototype will be reviewed and improved by the users as per their
requirements. After finishing the process, and become satisfied, the next step of starting the
project follows. The updates and changes of the prototype will be also communicated to the
Finally, the system will be accepted by both parties and be ready for use.
Figure 1 : Prototyping Model
user interface.
v. It can easily be reused by the developer for more complicated projects in the future.
management take a decision about whether study of system should be feasible for
development or not.
Any proposed system should be studied first in order to define project problem that
leads to the development of new system, also feasibility study will help define the
alternative solution of problem and the recommended solution that will be used in
i. Economic feasibility.
economic viable or not comparing with the existing system. The project has shown
that is economic feasible by the fact that by using this software the students and
lecturers can use it effectively and efficiently and can save a lot of time and money.
This is because the paper work will be avoided which involves cost and need time for
It assists to understand whether the developed system will use some of technology in
existing system or not. It also gives the real pictures on which Technology to be used.
Technically, the developed system will support the existing one. The project system
will use the software technology for the development including Java script, PHP,
iii. Operational feasibility.
It determines if the operational resources (like human and others) are available to use
the system when it has been installed. The project is obviously can be operational due
to the fact that all the students and lecturers are computer literate in their day to day
All legal aspects needed, will be considered in order to enable the development
system be functionable.
an established system, which then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate
outcomes. It is a research component in all study fields, including physical and social
sciences, humanities, and business. Data collection is an important aspect in any project. In
i. Interview
people. There will be also direct discussion in terms of interviews between the
collecting data. For my side I get the information by forming the interview between
ii. Questionnaire.
and distributed to different people in order to get their views and suggestions as
regard to the existing system. The targeted people are lecturers and students. The
bellow figure show the example of the closed and open questions
Figure 2 : Questionnaire
System Analysis used to determine data and requirement for the system which is going to be
developed. System Analysis usually using various method for collecting data or information
about system. Data can be collected through interviews, questionnaires, group discussion that
will help gather requirement and specification of the project from difference people and
representing entity relationship diagram, in this project system used diagram of entity
4.4 Time Frame of the Project
In accomplishing this project, some cost are incurred. The table bellow shows the breakdown
of the total project budget including transport, bandwidth, printing questioner forms and the
1 Transport 5000/=
3 Bandwidth 25000/=
TOTAL 32,000/=
5.1 System Design
System design is the process of defining elements of a system like modules, architecture,
components and their interfaces and data for a system based on the specified requirements. In
this system the part of Unified Modelling Language (UML) known as DFD Level 0 will be
5.1.1 DFD Level 0 is (also known as context diagram) designed to be an abstraction view,
showing the system as a single process with its relationship to external entities. It represents
the entire system as a single bubble with input and output data that indicate by incoming/
outgoing arrows.
Is a super user of the system, he can perform all task in the system like register all users,
view, edit, update, delete user’s information and change role of the users.
The main features for student users are register, checking information of classes
student can check assignment information and upload assignment files for the courses he/she
is taking. After selecting a course, the student enters the assignment information page. On
this page, all the current assignment information for the selected course is displayed, which
includes assignment name, total points, post-date, due time, assignment files (if exist) and
answer files (if exist). The student can press the Submission Information button to see his/her
own current submission status for the selected assignment, and then upload assignment files.
The student can press the Submission Information button to see his/her own current
submission status for the selected assignment, and then upload assignment files. Uploading
page will repeatedly display until the student indicates that all files have been uploaded.
Functions for deleting or replacing uploaded files are provided to let students conveniently
manage submissions. Each time a change is made, the AMS system automatically changes
student’s submission status and shows the student the new submission time, status.
The main functions of the lecturer as regard to project is to register, assign assignment, then
HOU will be able to view, monitor and supervise all incoming information to their respective
unit accordingly.
Figure 3 : DFD Level 0 diagram
5.2 Database design.
Database is a collection of information organized in such a way that can be access quickly.
The database is usually controlled by a database management system DBMS, along with the
applications that are associated with them, data within the most common types of databases
in operation today is typically modelled in rows and columns in a series of tables to make
processing and data querying efficient. The data can then be easily accessed, managed,
modified, updated, controlled, and organized. Most databases use structured query language
(SQL) for writing and processing data. In database design I used E-R (Entity-Relationship)
Diagram that used to represent the relationship between entities in a table. Database design
divided in two categories which are logically design and physical design.
The logical design of a system refers to an abstract representation of the data flows, inputs
and outputs of the system. Logical design involves arranging data into a series
information. One output of the logical design is a set of entities and attributes corresponding
It describes the inputs (sources), outputs (destinations), databases (data stores), procedures
(data flows) all in a format that meets the user requirements. Below is a figure that show an
Figure 4 : Entity Relationship Diagram
5.2.2 Physical Design.
The physical design relates to the actual input and output processes of the system. This is laid
down in terms of how data is input into a system, how it is verified/authenticated, how it is
processed and how it is displayed as shown in my physical database design. This system has
one database named AMS which has nine table such as assignment, course, program,
5.3 Implementation
Implementation is a process of ensuring that the information system is operational. The goal
of the implementation is to translate the design of the system into code in a given
5.3.1 Coding
Coding is a set of word and symbols that enable human to communicate with a computer or is
a set of rules that provides a way of telling a computer what operations to perform.
require_once '../../includes/connection.php';
if (isset($_POST['change']))
$crrnt =$_POST['current'];
if ($search['password'] == $crrnt)
if ($new == $confirm) {
$upd="update user_log set password='$confirm' where username ='$id'";
if ($qrty)
{ header("location:change_userpss.php?WRONG=1");
18 HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="main">
<div class="main-content">
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="metric">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="metric">
<div class="col-md-3">
<div class="metric">
<span class="title">Lecturers</span>
<div class="clearfix"></div>
<div class="container-fluid">
.lb-style-st-1 {
font-size: 20px;
.demo-button button {
margin-bottom: 5px; }
.demo-icons li {
margin-bottom: 50px;
text-align: center; }
.demo-icons .cssclass {
display: block;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-left: 5px; }
Java Script is a dynamic computer programming language. It is most commonly used as part
of web browsers, whose implementations allow client-side scripts to interact with the user,
control the browser, communicate asynchronously, and alter the document content that is
Java script is used to create popup windows displaying different alerts in the system like
Java Script
<script src="../../assets/vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../../assets/vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="../../assets/vendor/jquery-slimscroll/jquery.slimscroll.min.js"></script>
<script src="../../assets/vendor/jquery.easy-pie-chart/jquery.easypiechart.min.js"></script>
<script src="../../assets/dataTables/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="../../assets/dataTables/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script>
<script src="../../assets/dataTables/dataTables.bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="../../assets/dataTables/dataTables.responsive.js"></script>
<script src="../../assets/dataTables/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function() {
responsive: true
5.3.2 Interface
System interface is referring to the part of system where end user interacts with a system, this
is among the most essential parts of the system because it’s what the users see and interact
with it.
The first part is registration form where all users including students and lecturers should have
providing essential details in order to register in the system such as first name, second name,
last name, registration number, unit name, gender and phone number, the following are the
Figure 6: Registration form
This is the interface that allow authorized user to enter within a system by using user name
Figure 7: Login form
This is a user-interface where admin login, manage all user in the system and user’s
25 Admin view the lecture and head of unit information
5.3.3 Testing
Evaluation of the software against requirements gathered from users and system
specifications. Testing conducted at the phase level in software development life cycle or at
module level in program code. Software testing comprises of Validation and Verification.
5.3.4 Database table
Table 6: Lecture Table
Table 9: Student Table
such as a computer hardware and software specifications. It helps to define the operational
and performance guidelines for a system. It may outline how the system is expected to
5.4.1 Hardware specifications
6.1 Recommendation
Develop and design project is not simple work so as academy should increase teaching
practice in different programming language that can help student to develop advance
information system.
For students who design and develop information system should find their system
requirement and start early to develop their information system as faster as possible because
when they finish early it will help and get much time for testing and correction errors on their
Buchanan, Da. A., and Huczynski, A. A. (2013). Organizational Behavior Harlow Pearson
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Jean Wilson Murray (2008). The Complete Guide to Writing Effective and Award Winning
John Hunt (2000). The Unified Process for Practitioners: Object-oriented Design, UML and
Iman Poernomo (2006) The Meta-Object Facility Typed and Proceedings of symposium on
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Manuel, Luis. (2007). Describing Use Case Relationships with Sequence Diagrams.
Mr. R. J. laird (2008) .Interactive Web based Placement Management Principles and