A New Service For Sharing Economy: Ecole de Commerce de Lyon International Business Administration
A New Service For Sharing Economy: Ecole de Commerce de Lyon International Business Administration
A New Service For Sharing Economy: Ecole de Commerce de Lyon International Business Administration
The interest of public and private companies in new digital technologies are
growing to support vehicles and mobility services. New automotive technologies
and business models are converging to spark a transformative revolution on the
streets of our cities. Vehicles become more connected, data brings new benefits for
customers and poses new challenges for automakers.
Nowadays technology is applied everywhere and in any fields to help people in the
day to day duties. The concept of the autonomus drive in the 2021 is widely used
for the new cars that started to have these features incorporated helping to manage
the autonomous driving with sensors, cameras etc. Incorporating autonomous drive
in the cars will bring much safety for the people and also the autonomous driving
can potentially lead to a significant decrease in road accidents. Indeed, according
to research by the consulting firm McKinsey & Co, 90%. And the flow of traffic
would also benefit, with a consequent reduction in polluting emissions.
In the first part of this paper will be analyzed what are the elements that characterize
the autonomous driving, in particular which are the main actions to take for the
future. The second part is related to the environment and technology transition to
sustainable energy. The third part rapresent the product including analysis and the
last part that is all related to the marketing analysis and the main focuses of the
sharing economy.
ABSTRACT............................................................................................................. 2
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 1
5. Teslaride ......................................................................................................... 14
6. Marketing analysis.......................................................................................... 18
8. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................. 28
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................. 29
Today fossil fuels are the dominant energy sources for both transportation sector
and power generation industry. Depletion of fossil fuel reserves gives a wakeup call
for finding the alternative energy sources for these sectors. In fact, the future of oil
economy which is considered to be highly dependable by vehicle fleets in the world
is not only unsustainable but also very limited. Besides, burning fossil fuels
produces greenhouse gases (GHGs) which highly influence the world climate
change. The oil consumption in transport sector will raise by 54% until the year
2035. The projection by Energy Information Agency (EIA) reveals that the oil
prices will substantially rise in the next two decades. In this context, various efforts
related to reducing oil consumption have emerged. In the transportation sector,
electric vehicles (EVs) are the promising solution and they are taking a remarkable
pace in the vehicle market. In the future, the economic studies predict a replacement
of the internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) with the EVs. The Australian
Energy Market Commission (AEMC) projection shows up that by the year 2020
the growth in the EV's share of new vehicle sales will increasingly account for less
than 10%, and it will further account for 15% to 40% increase of the new light
vehicle sales after the year 2020. Much effort has to be devoted to reach the future
EV market projections as they feature high initial cost compared to the ICEVs.
However, as the majority of the people witness and become aware of the
contemporary penetration of the EVs, they would require knowing how much it
costs for recharging their vehicles and find a way to minimize charging costs similar
to their usual ICEV refueling practice. On the other hand, a cost for selling power
to the grid should instantaneously be known by the vehicle owners or EVs fleet
operator/aggregator in the case of providing V2G services
Autonomous driving that is the technology that will lead cars without steering
wheels may seem like an absurdity coming from a science fiction film, but it is not
at all. Instead, it will be an increasingly widespread, effective and established reality
within 5/10 years.
Today there are some cars have self-driving systems, which in certain contexts
(motorway and suburban road) are able to take full control instead of the driver. At
the moment for a set of legal reasons (responsibility in the event of an accident) and
techniques (systems not yet 100% perfect) must still remain vigilant with his eyes
on the road. In the future with the improvement of technology the driving will be
fully autonomus with no use of a third part.
The advantages of this technology can bring are be counted in the field of efficiency
and safety: imagining a car that takes people to their destination, opens the door and
goes to look for parking by itself, or a taxi that since it does not have a human driver
can operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year without interruptions.
Cars can also become a place to work and entertain during the time that today is
"wasted" driving a car can be spent more profitably.
even an accident, when, as the NHTSA reports, an accident occurs every 790,000
km traveled by human drivers.
There are to vision, one side is represented about the new technological progresses
demonstrate that people may belive in electrical and in future autonomous veichles,
on the other hand the reality demonstrates that the problem presented today with
electric veichles is that these cars do not obtain the whished success and the number
of electric veicles today is still below the classical cars.
One of the problems of the electrical veichles is the price, and this problem will be
more relevant with unmanned car is, which is quite high (it can go up to several
hundred thousand euros) due in particular to the presence of LIDAR sensors ("laser
radar") and very advanced processors needed for data processing.
These high prices so relevant implies a non-diffusion of electric cars among the
main part of citizens that do not have an adeguate budget to afford this expense
making this progress unsuccessful.
As a new buy-model for the future as a whole will also change with less impact on
the single person and also with a great result for the transport. The car will no longer
be purchased by single citizen or individual but bought as a leasing service to
overcome the problem of the high price. So investors should imagine a car as a
Product as a Service, cheap and available whenever needed.
The solution to the high price of the cars is a sort of autonomous taxi and car sharing
at very low price that is always available and make lose sight of the need to buy an
own car. This will be guaranteed by the continuous and uninterrupted operation of
the cars that alone can work 24/7 and having also low management costs (compared
to a taxi, it will not be necessary to remunerate the taxi driver's work). This will
allow to create an ecosystem as a sprigboard to the new model of economy that will
also help to reduce the impact on the environment. Through a new service, the car,
a very inefficient vehicle, which, as Fortune reports, remains unused for 95% of the
time occupying public space, in favor of a smarter, faster and more comfortable
approach that can be used during their dead periods.
1.1. Electric cars
The electric car market is expanding: this is confirmed by the sales figures recorded
in 2016, which speak of 800,000 electric cars distributed throughout the world, with
an encouraging + 40% compared to the previous year's volumes. This figure
includes both hybrid cars (PHEV - Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle) and "full
electric" cars, also known by the acronym BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle), which
account for 63% of the total.
The poor growth of the electric car market certainly has disadvantages, which
primarily concern the environment: a car powered by electric batteries, as is well
known, does not produce harmful emissions and can also circulate within urban
centers, which are often subject to restrictions. of traffic. Furthermore, switching to
an electric car could be a good opportunity to sell your car in the second-hand
market: today it is possible to do it quickly and conveniently directly online, by
turning to sites that allow you to both calculate the value of your car and to proceed
with the sale in a few steps.
Returning to the world electric car market, nowadays about 50 models are available
to choose from: some car manufacturers, such as Hyundai, Ford, Renault and Kia
are making most of the cars proposed electric, while other manufacturers - such as
Mercedes, Nissan and Tesla - prefer to launch a model for each market segment. As
for the most popular electric cars, the Nissan Leaf, which belongs to the full electric
category, and the Tesla Model S, a luxury car that represents 7% of the global
market, stand out.
The sale of electric cars around the world is experiencing an important acceleration
phase. Until a few years ago it was still considered a niche phenomenon, but now
almost all car manufacturers are releasing new models of electric vehicles with an
ever-increasing range.
Based on data from EVVolumes, the number of electric vehicles in the world is
over 7.7 million, of which more than 2.25 million were sold in 2019 alone. Although
this still represents a small percentage of the total number of vehicles in circulation
at globally, the fleet of electric vehicles has grown approximately 40 times in the
last 7 years.
The use of electric cars helps to reduce environmental impacts in addition making
roads safer. An autonomous car is an automatic vehicle capable of satisfying the
main transport capacities of a traditional car. It is able to detect the environment
and navigation without human intervention. There are robotic machines mainly as
prototypes and demonstration systems. Since 2014, the only autonomous vehicles
on the market are open-air shuttles to pedestrian zones operating at 12.5 miles per
hour (20.1 km / h).
Electric cars have a weakness, the high price due to technology, radars and
especially for the battery that have an high cost for their production, avoiding a
large exposure on the market . To solve the cost’s car problem will be used a sharing
service to cover the fees of the car, i.e. the purchase of the car is done by the owner
who is the only one paying a lump sum of the 40% of the it and still cooperating
with the company that selled the car with a kind leasing. Once purchased it can be
used whenever the owner want but it can also be paused, when the owner is at the
office and unable to use. During this dead period the car can be used as a taxi
through the autonomous driving with an app the customer can call the car, schedule
the route and use it helping the buyer to contribute to the payment of the lease using
the transport service. Once the working hours of the car are finished, the car can be
returned to the owner again for its own use.
Self-driving cars are one of the trends in the automotive sector that will become
increasingly important in the coming years. Numerous vehicles with basic levels of
autonomy have been circulating for some time, but the more advanced ones have
recently appeared on the scene (where you don't need to put your hand behind the
wheel, so to speak). In Italy for example the first tests have begun. Pioneering
experiments that could become everyday life within not many years.
Figure 4.4 Electric cars radar
Autonomous vehicles scan the environment with techniques such as radar, lidar,
GNSS, and machine vision. Advanced control systems interpret the information
received to identify appropriate routes, obstacles and relevant signs. By definition,
autonomous vehicles are able to update their maps based on sensory input, allowing
vehicles to keep track of their location even when conditions change or when
entering uncharted environments.
Figure 4.2 Autonomous radar
One of the most important company that started this transition to electric and
autonomouse cars is Tesla, an American company focused on the production of
electric cars, solar panels and battery. About the new inventions of the cars, Tesla
has start new prototypes to be the best in the market of this production.
Tesla does not use LIDAR. LIDAR is a lot like radar, but instead of radio waves, it
sends out millions of laser light signals per second and measures how long it takes
for them to bounce back. This makes it possible to create a very high-resolution
picture of a car’s surroundings, and in all directions, if it’s placed in the right spot
(like the top of a car). It maintains this precision even in the dark since the sensors
are their own light source. That’s important because cameras are worse in the dark,
and radar and ultrasound aren’t as precise.
Cars are divided in five level about thei automation, starting for level 1 that
rapresents the category of the cars with zero automation, just a cruise control for
long distance. The level of use of self-driving cars to be reached for the fully
automated service is 5 which requires only the indication of the destination and the
start of the system, without further intervention by the driver, in all possible cases.
Figure 4.5 Safety autonomous driving
2. Mission statement
Telsaride will be a service platform offering a 24/7 autonomous car sharing service.
Very few companies offer this kind of services and the ones who do, their cost is
expensive. Teslaride will take this opportunity to offer a quick and cheap service to
this demand. This service will satisfy customer needs with the movement in the city
at cheap price and in a fast way guaranteeing high standard of safety during the
travel with unrivaled taxi service. It will offer a taxi-sharing service with cars
bought by ordinary citizens at an advantageous price (that will be repaid when the
car is used as a sharing service) as a kind of leasing. This will give the possibility
to buy zero emission cars at an affordable cost and to offer a service to the city.
Teslaride logo has two colors: red and blue. Red is the color of Tesla and gives a
feeling of lightness, hope and vitality. Blue has a steady meaning.
The benefits of the energy transition and the green revolution are above all
environmental, but they also have a positive impact on the economy, society and
people's well-being.
The idea that sustainability represents a cost is a prejudice that is hard to wane. The
opposite is true: the development of renewable technologies, investments in
sustainable projects and the application of circular economy models represent an
extraordinary opportunity for the economy with the creation of new professional
figures and the development of new business models. They are added concrete
benefits for the whole society.
on how many of the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals represent a
lever for the growth of the communities involved.
5. Teslaride
Teslaride will offer a unique solution for the mobility of the city. Electric car
sharing services already exist but without autonomous driving. The service that
Teslaride will offer is to create a network of all electric and intelligent cars to ensure
greater safety in transport. Moreover, with this service, motorists who are unable to
pay for electric cars are able to buy a car and in any case pay it back as a leasing
service. This transforms into a less serious environmental impact as many more
electric cars will begin to circulate and an efficient service for the city so that it will
be better served by means of transport. The service includes by the purchaser the
purchase of the electric car with an initial fee, without buying the entire cost of the
The car being equipped with autonomous driving can also circulate without a driver,
and during a few hours of the day the car buyer selects through an app the hours
that the car will not be used, this will ensure that the car is it will connect to a
network where the people of the city will be able to select the car for their travels
and this service will be used to cover the cost of the car. Adding this value to the
leasing service but also to the city car sharing means that many more electric cars
with autonomous driving will circulate, thus reducing pollution, reducing accidents
and incentives to change cars to have a cleaner environment. With this service more
electric cars will be bought making them accessible to the majority of the population
at a relatively low price. This will result in a renewal of the fleet and therefore a
drastic reduction of CO2 emissions. Using sharing, there will also be fewer cars in
circulation and those that will be there will create an efficient transport network
using the best technology to ensure rapid travel.
The world is still living in an era where the economy is closely linked to the price
of oil which increases year by year. Using electricity and renewable sources, the
change in oil will no longer have any impact. Still in many European countries, the
purchase of electric cars is encouraged by governments that offer strong discounts
and concessions, as they have begun to adapt their cities with infrastructures
designed for electric cars.
This drastic change from oil to electric will bring many oil companies and all related
lobbies to their knees. There will be no more strikes regarding oil and the price will
no longer be able to drastically increase as has happened in recent years. Using
electricity will provide a worldwide tax benefit, as countries that emit more CO2
are forced to pay taxes based on their above average emissions. The purchase of
new electric cars will turn the economy of the countries and especially with the
production in large numbers and due to the large demands that will arise, prices will
People will start to think in a more ecological way and above all the population of
the planet will try to install many sources of renewable energy starting right from
their homes. This will be a trend that will increase in value year by year as the use
of oil-powered cars ends and marks a new era of ecological. There will be a
democratism in the use of electric cars as our planet is much more suitable for this
use and also for the reduction of CO2.
The use of electric cars will develop technological knowledge increasing research
to improve them and find innovative solutions for their use and safety. The
continuous research will also help the battery market which has not yet reached the
peak for their capacity. Autonomous driving will be improved, reducing accidents
to zero and ensuring greater safety for users on board.
The use of electric cars also requires a high production of batteries, producing waste
and pollution so a clean way should be found for their recycling and reuse, in order
to keep the environment clean.
By increasing the circulation of these cars there will be a reduction in the carbon
footprint and greenhouse effects, also helping to survive the shortage of gasoline
resources that will come true in the years to come with the overuse of oil.
To support the environment, campaigns such as Carbon Standard 2025 have been
created to encourage companies to produce many more electric and non-petrol cars.
Obviously the cars that are on the road now comply with environmental standards
controlled by (EPA).
Tesla is currently the manufacturer of electric cars par excellence, starting from
scratch in creating 100% electric cars. It is still a leader on the automotive market,
so much so that in 2019 it sold 367,500 cars. Tesla cars feature unique features such
as long-term battery life, autonomous driving, a unique design and above all the
comfort inside the cars with luxury finishes for a high target.
The use of the car sharing service to pay for the car is not yet exploited but could
become a business as it creates income during the car's downtime. By putting this
service into circulation, more users will be encouraged to buy electric cars in such
a way that the price of the same will drastically decrease making them accessible
to almost everyone, increasing this eco-friendly desire. Greater incentives from the
government will be instituted to reduce carbon emissions and encourage the
purchase of electric cars in order to further lower the price of electric cars.
Users may not be ready for this drastic change in both electric cars and the car
sharing service with other users. Electric cars still need to be optimized for
autonomous driving as accidents still happen, and this still takes some time. There
are still missing rules and infrastructure to be created for autonomous driving and
to make it 100% safe. The competitors of the sharing service could be those like
uber who already offer a sharing service but not with autonomous driving.
6. Marketing analysis
Tesla Inc. has a corporate social responsibility strategy that focuses on the nature
of the business and its products. For example, the company's electric cars are widely
seen as a response to the negative impacts of cars using internal combustion
engines. In this respect, corporate citizenship is essential in business. This condition
facilitates the company's achievement of its corporate responsibilities.
In addition to being a car dealer pays close attention to the name of its brand and
the social responsibility it has. Tesla produces electric vehicles, energy storage
systems and solar panels. These products are perceived to promote environmental
sustainability and this perception is effectively integrated into company’s
marketing communication message. Around the world it has started new campaigns
to preserve the environment, not just with cars but by creating a sustainable world
with renewable energy. It started installing real roofs made of solar panels to create
electricity for homes, in 2017 he refreshed all electricity by installing solar panels
in Puerto Rico after there was a destruction caused by a hurricane.
Figure 6.1. 100% Solar roof
6.2. Analysis
Currently cities are polluted with acoustic noise from all the cars in circulation, and
in many cities where the transport services are inefficient the rate of use of cars is
very high. In some big cities the maintenance costs of the cars are very high
especially for the insurances which affect a lot on the annule price, as the risk of an
accident where there are many cars is high. Moreover, the cost of cars is very high,
leading people to ask banks for mortgages to cover that cost.
To solve the problems listed above can be used electric cars in order to reduce the
noise of the cities, with the electric one it has about 10 dB less than the noisy as
they do not have a petrol engine, through their shape they make less resistance to
the wind. Using the proposed driverless car sharing service, a 24-hour service is
available, providing the city with greater agility of movement. The artificial
intelligence predicts the traffic and helps to find the combinations of roads to take
the shortest possible time for the route in order to optimize the times. The sharing
service provided has a very low price since there is no driver who requires a salary,
the price only covers the cost of using the car and energy which is much lower than
the cost of a taxi. Due to its ZERO use of Petroleum and fossil fuel, the service
would be cheaper per ride. Self driving is the new car’s concept, just download the
App and you’re free to go anywhere at anytime without a driver.
To place a this product on the market and to get know well is needed advertising
with special offer at least for new joiner in order to that people can try it for the first
time and understand the experience that will let let to use for many times.
A mobile app will help the product to assert itself in the market.
Through the app each user will be able to plan his route and time and find the fastest
way according with the traffic that there is during the trip. With an intelligent
algorithm the cost of transport will be calculated and everything will be carried out
without the use of a driver, but only through artificial intelligence.
Figure 6.2 Teslaride app
6.4. Strategy
Price Promotion
• Rides are expected cost $1 a mile • 20$ credit for the first thousand users.
compared to the $2 or $3 cost of
• Owner event
traditional ridesharing.
• US and UK, the largest markets for • Social media (Instagram, Facebook
Tesla. and YouTube)
6.5. Launch
Lauching a new product on the market can be a worthed values to start growing as
a poin of start. In order to put in place the service and especially at the beginning to
make it well known will be used a campaign that will help to ensure that users can
have a great experience.
To boost the product launch will be used a vending machine installed in the centers
of the cities with a big button that users need to push and see a video. This video
will explain the service and all features that will help to understand how it works.
After these actions the machine will give a coupon that can be used for the first ride.
In this way a many people will get a chance to try the service for free and understand
if this service makes them happier and also if are satisfied, as per improvement of
this service at the end of each ride will be asked a quick feedback on how was the
ride and if there were something that make people unhappy.
6.6. Fair trade
Uber and Lyft are ride-hailing apps that operate in largely the same way: Open the
app, type in the address you want to go to, select the type of ride you want to take
(single, shared or luxury), see the cost and confirm. You'll be able to see where your
driver is and when they're going to arrive. But there are a few differences between
the two services in terms of pricing, safety features, subscription options and
rewards. Taxi are expensieve than these two services as also the have license to pay
for driving their car.
6.7. Business Target
Teslaride's business will be targeted in two different types BtoC and BtoB. The
BtoC will be used by the end customers, i.e. those who use teslaride to move around
the city in accordance with the Ginks, green inclination, no kids, therefore all people
over the age of 18. The BtoC instead will be used for the buyers of Tesla who, in
addition to buying a car, use it as their business for a second income that could be
seen as a double job that the car does independently without human help.
6.8. Slogan
Teslaride intends to attract the consumer by showing him what our brand can do
and others can’t. Teslaride will get you wherever and whenever you desire, just by
few clicks on the application the consumer will experience a soundless, safe and
good value ride. The aim is the consumer satisfaction, sustainability, great service
and the valuable price.
Using FOUR networks to promote the service; Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and
YouTube that actually are the most important in the world and where all people are
using everyday will help to have a huge visibility on the new product. Tesla always
has used Twitter and YouTube to advertise but since the service concerns a wider
range of consumers, and it will be targeted for young people and old people, will
be used all four listed above.
Network Instagram Facebook Twitter Youtube Total Costs $
Monthly ad
cost $ 850 900 850 900 3500
cost $ 1700 1700 1500 1850 6750
CPM (1000
$ 7.91 7.19 6.46 9.68 31.24
per month (in
thousand) 302 7000 416 380
Total costs
per moth $ 4938.82 52930 5037.36 6428.4 69334.58
7. A new economy ‘Sharing economy’
Ride-sharing services turn otherwise unused vehicles into on-demand taxis. The
inputs have real costs, of course. While cars depreciate even when not in use, when
in use they consume gas and are subject to wear and tear, all incremental costs
compared to when they sit idle in a car park. In addition, drivers face an opportunity
cost of their time, although an analysis of Uber, discussed below, finds that drivers
tend to work for Uber during times when they would not otherwise work,
suggesting that the opportunity cost of time may be relatively low. A consumer has
a smartphone app that allows them to indicate that they need a pickup, and drivers
on the other side of the platform respond to the request. The app already has the
consumer's payment information and a GPS device tracks the distance of the trip so
that the driver can get in and out of the car while the payment is automatically
charged to his credit card. Neither the driver nor the rider deals with payments. The
ride-sharing company takes a percentage of the fare, and the rest goes to the driver.
Lyft, Sidecar and Uber are the most prominent ride-sharing services, with Uber by
far the largest of these. Uber was launched in 2009, and by mid-2014 had eight
million users and 160,000 drivers in 250 cities across 50 countries. In December
2014, speculators valued Uber at around $40 billion. One reason for this remarkable
success has undoubtedly been the technology's ability to break down artificial
regulatory barriers to entry. Most cities, for example, limit the number of taxis
allowed to operate. As a result, either prices were higher than they otherwise would
have been or there were not enough taxis to meet demand. In New York City, the
lack of supply compared to demand meant that taxi medals (permits) sold for over
$1 million in 2013. By 2015, however, the price of a medal had fallen by around
25% in response to competition from ride-sharing services.
The thesis work has been examined an idea that can be adopted to have a better
future on the planet. The concept of technology with the concept of sustainability
and the environment that blend together to create an ecological and functional
world. After a brief introduction of the main issues, the thesis deals with how a new
product can be used and how to place it on the market through a marketing and
strategy analysis. The thesis also presents some differences with other services that
currently are offering car sharing but not with autonomous driving. Many steps still
need to be taken in the technological field to create a 100% safe car that can
circulate without any risk of danger and also with a price that is quite accessible to
the middle class. But companies are still moving to improve the efficiency of cars
and will certainly be ready in the future to make this entirely autonomous and
ecological transition.
A significant impact will occur in the field of mobility where it is demonstrated that
city traffic is one of the major causes of air and sound pollution and most likely
there will be significant changes in the use of electric public transport but also in
the use of alternative solutions such as car sharing, electric cars but also mobility
ideas as a service.
All these innovations and these new innovative approaches obviously require a
strong predisposition and interest of all the stackeholders, by companies that must
have an interest in moving towards a circular economy but also by individual
citizens who must adapt their habits. However, considerable support must also
come from government bodies, public administrations and local authorities which
must provide tools to facilitate and facilitate technological and intelligent
transition-to-sustainable-energy/ - November 2020