Annex J - Case Study On Smart Roads
Annex J - Case Study On Smart Roads
Annex J - Case Study On Smart Roads
Directorate - General
for Regional And
Urban Policy
Assessment of Unit Costs for Road Capital
Investment Projects
Case study on smart roads
DRAFT version
Table of Contents
Executive summary 3
Introduction 4
Definition of smart road 6
Legal ground 9
Main areas of application 12
Road safety 12
Traffic management 13
Infrastructure management 14
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems 18
ICT solutions for smart roads 20
The ICT Emissions Project 20
VRUITS project 20
ICT Infrastructure for Connected and Automated Road Transport 21
Weigh-in-motion and Enforcement 22
C-Roads program 23
Conclusion 25
Bibliography/References 26
Annex A - Benchmark of ITS telco infrastructure costs 27
European Parliament (2010). Directive 2010/40/EU on the framework for the deployment of Intelligent
Transport Systems in the field of road transport and for interfaces with other modes of transport
European Commission (2019). Ex post evaluation of the Intelligent Transport Systems Directive
European Commission (2020). Cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM)
European Parliament (2010). Directive 2010/40/EU on the framework for the deployment of Intelligent
Transport Systems in the field of road transport and for interfaces with other modes of transport
As already observed before in this case study, ITS solutions have very good road safety
potential in the long run, although that potential brings with it equally relevant risks, for example
related to cyber-security and the functioning of highly automated vehicles in mixed traffic, which
will need to be addressed.
ITS services which have the highest safety potential, and which are therefore being prioritised
and which should rapidly be deployed in EU include:
● In-vehicle speed limits, including dynamic speed limits;
● Emergency electronic braking light;
● Road works warning;
● Weather conditions, if linked to dynamic in-vehicle speed limits;
● Intersection safety.
European Commission (2019). Press release - Road safety: Data show improvements in 2018 but
further concrete and swift actions are needed
The objective of the Zero Vision program, as also stated in the Valletta Declaration on Road
Safety signed in 2017, is to achieve zero deaths related to road accidents by 2050, with the
interim goal of cutting deaths by half in the following 10 years.
Traffic management
Traffic management is another aspect in which ITS technology can be of great aid to human
action. Traffic management is intended to provide guidance on the condition of the road network
to the road users. Its features include detecting incidents and emergencies, implementing
response strategies to ensure safe and efficient use of the road network and optimising the
existing infrastructure, including, especially in the EU case, across national borders.
Moreover,sensing traffic conditions is required in-order to understand the traffic pattern
especially in urban areas, and will also help authorities better regulate traffic. It has been
demonstrated that information aggregation at multiple levels (audio, image, overall) shows
European Commission (2018). Europe on the Move. Sustainable Mobility for Europe: safe, connected
and clean
Information interaction
The data from the different sensing technologies forming a smart road can be combined in
intelligent ways to accurately determine the traffic state. A data fusion based approach making
use of the road side collected acoustic, image and sensor data has been shown8 to combine the
advantages of the different individual methods.
Smart motorways implement real-time monitoring, adaptive speed limits and dynamic lane
closures. Schemes such as all-lane running reuse hard shoulders as live traffic lanes.
Technological solutions must be used to rapidly detect stationary and broken down vehicles to
prevent collisions and to protect all road users.
Different technologies put in place to monitor traffic state include through the infrastructure itself
(thus excluding V2I), among others:
● Video Analytics;
● Thermal Cameras;
● Traffic Counters and Induction Loops;
● Lidar (laser technology);
● Microwave Radar Advantages.
In urban areas, vehicular traffic density can be estimated by using the information cues present
in the cumulative acoustic signal acquired from roadside-installed microphones.
A good example of this, which of course also falls into the road safety category, is
represented by intersection crashes. Intersection crashes are a major problem and tend to be
quite severe. With the help of ITS solutions, drivers might be able to be warned when they are at
risk of violating a red light, or when another road user is about to make such a red light violation.
Drivers could also receive warnings and be assisted in negotiating non-signalised intersections.
In addition, combining the technology with automatic emergency braking should be considered.
On the other hand, having these technologies available might bring the undesired side effect of
lowering the attention of drivers, and therefore they must be introduced in a controlled
Infrastructure management
One of the most revolutionary uses of ITS is the possibility to have interactive infrastructures,
which, other than interacting with the vehicles for information and safety purposes, might give
the infrastructure manager a whole new approach on infrastructure maintenance. Among the
many technologies that can serve this purpose, the following list outlines the most relevant
UK Department for Transport (2020). Smart motorway safety - evidence stocktake and action plan
Vikas Joshi et al. (2013). Information Fusion Based Learning for Frugal Traffic State Sensing
Vibrator sensors,
Temperature Accuracy,
optical fiber
and strength,
sensors and High High
moisture reliability and
infrared sensors,
detection availability.
Vibrator sensors,
optical fiber
Icy condition strength,
sensors and High High
monitoring reliability and
infrared sensors,
Nondestructive Real-time
Structure testing monitoring;
damage technologies; construction High High
detection distributed damage of
sensors detection. pavements.
Subgrade and soil slope self-awareness Sensor technologies can solve the problems related
to subgrade settlement monitoring and slope stability monitoring.
Table 2: Road pavement subgrade self-awareness
Functions Technology Core problems Availability Cost
Subgrade strength,
freeze reliability and
sensor High High
thawing availability
monitoring and network
Subgrade measurement Embedded
settlement sensors: strain methods and Middle Middle
monitoring gage reliability.
and strain gauge.
Automatic heating
Low efficiency
improve the self- Low Middle
limitation of
repair speed of
asphalt concrete.
Micro capsules
release the bonder
requirement of
to repair and fill the Low Unknown
the capsule
crack when crack
Ice-melt technology. In cold geographical areas, ice and snow cover would influence the
pavement performance. The traditional ways to solve this issue are salt spraying and snow
shoveling. However, smart roads would be able to de-ice by themselves, as heat-melt is a
feasible, convenient and efficient method to remove the snow and ice over pavement, and it’s
convenient and efficient. Table 4 describes the 3 practicable technologies to heat-melt the cover
Table 4: De-icing technology
Use conductive
Working efficiency
concrete to pave the
and the electric
surface then electrify High Middle
energy transfer of
the concrete to melt the
remote areas.
cover ice or snow.
Strength and
Use an embedded
working life of
Self-melt electric heating cable to High Middle
electric heating
melt ice and snow.
A.Beeldens (2006). An environmental friendly solution for air purification and self-cleaning effect: the
application of TIO2 as photocatalyst in concrete
G7 Forum (2015). G7 Declaration on Automated and Connected Driving
G7 Transport Ministers’ Meeting (2016). Development and Widespread Utilization of Advanced
Technology for Vehicles and Roads
European Commission (2016). A European strategy on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems, a
milestone towards cooperative, connected and automated mobility
European Commission (2018). Certificate Policy for Deployment and Operation of European
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)
CEF Blending Facility. Website
VRUITS project
The VRUITS project, funded by the European Union under the 7th EU Framework Programme
(2007–2013), and spanning from 2013 to 2016, aimed at improving road safety and the mobility
and comfort of the most vulnerable road users (pedestrians) by integrating them as parts of ITS
applications, in a similar way to vehicles, through V2I-I2V cooperative services.
ITS solutions development has been achieved primarily through equipment of the vehicle and
infrastructure, with the focus of these ITS being on clean, safe and efficient mobility for vehicles,
the Vulnerable Road User (VRU) has reaped fewer benefits of the ITS developments. While
some projects have considered VRUs from a safety viewpoint, they often aimed to avoid or
mitigate accidents with VRUs by equipping the vehicle and infrastructure. In the vehicle –
infrastructure – human approach of ITS research, VRUs and their needs are not an active part
of the “human” element in the ITS approach.
VRUITS aimed at fulfilling the following main objectives:
● Assess societal impacts of selected ITS, and provide recommendations for policy and
industry regarding ITS in order to improve the safety and mobility of VRUs;
● Provide evidence-based recommended practices on how VRU can be integrated in
Intelligent Transport Systems and on how Human-Machine Interface (HMI) designs can be
adapted to meet the needs of VRUs, and test these recommendations in field trials.
The project, which total cost amounted to € 4,143,667, received EU funding for € 2,930,947.
The SCOOP project, launched in 2014 by the French Secretary of State for Transport, is a pilot
deployment project of cooperative intelligent transport systems. Its principle is to equip roads
and vehicles, which can thus exchange different information: traffic conditions, services offered
to users, etc. More precisely, the vehicles are equipped with sensors which detect events
(slippery road, shock, sudden braking, etc.) and on-board units which transmit information to
CIVITAS initiative is a network of cities for cities dedicated to cleaner, better transport in Europe and
CIVITAS DYN@MO CIVITAS DYN@MO is an ambitious project with strategic importance to
sustainable mobility planning in four dynamic European cities.
C-Roads program
The C-Roads Platform is a joint initiative of European Member States and road operators for
testing and implementing C-ITS services in light of cross-border harmonisation and
The goal of such a platform is to develop standards and guidelines shared at EU level for
connecting all the C-ITS implementation projects in order to guarantee a more efficient and safer
management of the overall european road network and positive effects on the whole european
From the very beginning, this project has been supported and financed from the European
Commission and the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA). Furthermore, they
have defined priority actions in order to disseminate in a seamless solution all the services
needed to be guaranteed for an effective C-ITS implementation. In the first phase, thanks to the
utilization of hybrid telecommunication technologies (ETSI ITS-G5 and existing mobile data
networks), all Member States should be able to provide the C-ITS “Day 1 services” listed as
● Hazardous location notifications:
○ emergency brake light;
○ emergency vehicle approaching;
○ slow or stationary vehicle;
○ traffic jam ahead warning;
○ road works warning;
○ weather conditions;
● Signage applications:
○ in-vehicle signage;
○ in-vehicle speed limit;
○ probe vehicle data;
○ signal violation;
○ traffic signal priority;
○ green light optimal speed advisory (GLOSA).
Only in a second phase, with the improvement of information and communication technologies,
it will be possible to implement new C-ITS architectural solutions to distribute more advanced
services, called C-ITS “Day 1,5 applications”, throughout the european road network. They refer
to the possibility of receiving information about charging stations for alternative fuel vehicles,
vulnerable user protection, park & ride location and availability and so on.
Dealing with the design, development and spread of C-ITS “Day 1 services”, a high-level
analysis on ITS infrastructure unit costs has been produced and reported in Annex A.
European Commission (2019). Ex post evaluation of the Intelligent Transport Systems Directive
European Commission (2019). Press release - Road safety: Data show improvements in 2018
but further concrete and swift actions are needed
European Commission (2018). Europe on the Move. Sustainable Mobility for Europe: safe,
connected and clean
UK Department for Transport (2020). Smart motorway safety - evidence stocktake and action
Vikas Joshi et al. (2013). Information Fusion Based Learning for Frugal Traffic State Sensing
A.Beeldens (2006). An environmental friendly solution for air purification and self-cleaning effect:
the application of TIO2 as photocatalyst in concrete
European Commission (2018). Certificate Policy for Deployment and Operation of European
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)
Projects illustrated in the following represent a subset of the overall ITS application in C-Roads
program, as most of them do not have length and or cost data to perform such analysis. Despite
they are characterized by specific technologies and innovations country by country, all projects
aim to distribute comparable services within the C-ITS Day 1 ones to the road users and share
the same hybrid communication system with the following technical features:
C-Roads Austria
● Project sponsor:
Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation
and Technology
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
300 km
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
19.100.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 64.000 €/km
● Project sponsor:
Ministry of Transport
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
200 km
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
18.900.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 94.000 €/km
● Project sponsor:
Ministry of Sustainable Development;
Ministry of the Environment, Energy and
the Sea
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
608 km17
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
14.000.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 24.000 €/km
C-Roads Germany
● Project sponsor:
ITS automotive nord GmbH; Federal
Highway Research Institute; Hessen Mobil
– Straßen- und Verkehrsmanagement;
Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG;
SWARCO Traffic Systems GmbH; AVT
STOYE GmbH; GEVAS software
Systementwicklung und
Verkehrsinformatik GmbH;
Heusch/Boesefeldt GmbH; Bayerische
Medien Technik GmbH; Hessen Digital
Radio GmbH; Garmin Würzburg GmbH;
Embedded Security;
Niedersächsisches Ministerium für
Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr; OECON
Products & Services GmbH
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
208 km18
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
9.900.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 48.000 €/km
PwC estimate based on the corridors mentioned
PwC estimate based on the corridors mentioned
● Project sponsor:
CAV SpA; Autostrada del Brennero SpA;
Autovie Venete SpA
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
349 km
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
20.800.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 60.000 €/km
C-Roads Netherlands
● Project sponsor:
Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
400 km
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
30.000.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 75.000 €/km
C-Roads Slovenia
● Project sponsor:
Ministry of Infrastructure
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
100 km
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
2.300.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 23.000 €/km
According to data collected, the average unit cost for the implementation of this type of telco
infrastructure is about 55.000 €/km. Such value could grow up from three to five times when
PIARC, TCB1 Road Network Operation & ITS, “C-ITS and Smart Roads”, 2017