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Annex J - Case Study On Smart Roads

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European Commission

Directorate - General
for Regional And
Urban Policy
Assessment of Unit Costs for Road Capital
Investment Projects
Case study on smart roads

DRAFT version
Table of Contents

Executive summary 3
Introduction 4
Definition of smart road 6
Legal ground 9
Main areas of application 12
Road safety 12
Traffic management 13
Infrastructure management 14
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems 18
ICT solutions for smart roads 20
The ICT Emissions Project 20
VRUITS project 20
ICT Infrastructure for Connected and Automated Road Transport 21
Weigh-in-motion and Enforcement 22
C-Roads program 23
Conclusion 25
Bibliography/References 26
Annex A - Benchmark of ITS telco infrastructure costs 27

2 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

Executive summary
In the advanced and dynamic technological environment in which we live in, Smart Road is a
relatively new concept of intelligent road transport. The aim of Smart Roads is to allow
communication and interconnection between the vehicles that travel on it and the road
infrastructure itself. In this context, Smart Roads are defined as road infrastructure involving a
digital transformation process aimed at introducing traffic observation and monitoring platforms,
data and information processing models, advanced services to infrastructure managers, public
administration and road users. The goal of the Smart Road is to implement a technological
environment that favours interoperability among infrastructure and new generation vehicles.
Recognising its strategic value and the vast range of application of Smart Road infrastructure,
the European Union laid out in 2010 a Directive (Directive 2010/40/EU) to support the
coordinated and coherent deployment of intelligent transportation system (ITS) in the road
sector and its interfaces with other modes of transport at an European level.
Considering the context of the overall assignment with regard to road infrastructure in Europe,
the compilation of this case study is relevant, considering the potential impact that smart
systems will have on future road projects and the attention that the European Commission is
giving to the matter. This case study aims at providing a benchmark to evaluate the impact of
high technological solutions on road investment projects. However, the lack of data available at
this moment and the continuous technological evolution means that further evaluations and
analysis should be carried out in the next few years.
The study is structured in this way: in the first sections a general overview of the subject and the
definition (both in terms of technology and legal framework) of Smart roads are provided, then
the main areas of application of such technologies are presented (i.e. road safety, traffic
management and infrastructure management). Following, a focus on Cooperative Intelligent
Transport Systems, i.e. the process of data exchanging between different actors in the transport
system (e.g. vehicles and road infrastructure) is introduced. In conclusion several examples of
successful projects related to the implementation of ICT solutions in the road infrastructure
sector are presented.

3 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

Smart / intelligent roads incorporate different technological systems for improving the operation
of autonomous vehicles, street lighting, and for monitoring the condition of the road, traffic levels
and the speed of vehicles. The goal of this case study is to provide a benchmark to evaluate the
impact of high technological solutions on road investment projects.
Smart /intelligent roads are an important topic on which the European Commission is posing
significant attention, with the implementation of different projects and initiatives all across the EU
Member States.
It is important to understand that the information and data available for this technology are at an
early stage of maturity and as such all the elaborations and analyses are subject to modification
in the next few years due to innovation and changes of the solution implemented.
Smart roads are infrastructures ‘empowered’ with info-communications, intelligence and sensing
capability thanks to innovative technologies. Work done on intelligent transportation system
(ITS) by standardisation bodies include ISO TC 204, IEEE 802.11WAVE, car-to-car consortium,
etc., while most of the early standardisation work was focused on air interfaces, there is an
increasing need to look at architectures, systems and applications.
The ITS Directive1 was the first legislative basis to support the coordinated and coherent
deployment of ITS in the road sector and its interface with other modes of transport at an
European level. It was introduced in direct response to action 6.1 of the ITS action plan 1.
Considering that the first working programme has been completed and given the significant
developments in the sector, it is important to take stock and verify the adequacy of the current
EU legislative framework for ITS.
The ex-post evaluation2 takes into account not only the Directive as such, but also delegated
acts adopted under its terms, the working programmes adopted by the Commission, the
Commission’s guidelines for reporting, and the activities of committees and experts. It also
considers relevant aspects of the ITS action plan and standards and non-binding measures
aimed at facilitating the deployment of ITS in road transport. It assesses the implementation of
the Directive in all 28 Member States between 2008 and 2017.
As the use of ITS is increasing, the Directive remains a relevant tool to address the issues
deriving from:
● lack of coordination in ITS deployment across the EU and;
● slow, risky and not-cost-effective ITS deployment.
ITS deployment, despite the improvements made, still remains restricted to a limited
geographical scope. Thus, there remains a clear need for further action on interoperability,
cooperation and data sharing to enable seamless, continuous ITS services across the EU.
The delegated acts adopted under the Directive also remain relevant, while some stakeholders
consider some delegated acts could be extended to increase their relevance. This has been
reflected in the Directive’s updated working programme adopted on 11 December 2018.

European Parliament (2010). Directive 2010/40/EU on the framework for the deployment of Intelligent
Transport Systems in the field of road transport and for interfaces with other modes of transport
European Commission (2019). Ex post evaluation of the Intelligent Transport Systems Directive

4 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

In general, the Directive has had a positive impact on the deployment of ITS across the EU.
However, given that the deployment of ITS and the implementation of the delegated regulations
are still at an early stage, there is not a lot of evidence to determine whether this already
significantly helps to improve the continuity of ITS services across the EU, and in turn to reduce
the negative externalities (accidents, congestion, pollution) of road transport.
Considering that the benefits of ITS cannot be quantified at this stage, it is not possible to
assess the costs and benefits coming from the implementation of the Directive.
Costs are seen to be proportional, and if the benefits do not already outweigh the costs, they are
expected to do so in the long term. Considering the cost-effectiveness of reporting obligations,
the most significant remaining issue is the lack of comparability between Member State
reports. While there is a positive trend in the quality and consistency of reporting over time, and
there are no indications of disproportionate reporting costs, the differences in structure and level
of detail of the KPI reporting means comprehensive monitoring is still challenging.
To facilitate future evaluations, streamlining the reporting process for the Directive and its
delegated regulations should be continued. However, In general, the Directive and its delegated
acts are internally coherent. A point of attention is the frequency and timing of reporting
obligations under the various pieces of legislation, and also the consistency of terminology used
in the different pieces of legislation.
In general, the Directive is coherent with EU strategic policies and relevant other EU legislation
and contributes to their achievement. The Directive makes relevant references to other
legislation, rather than introducing overlapping requirements.
Moving forward towards connected, cooperative and automated mobility, the Directive is
expected to become even more interdependent with other legislation, in particular on aspects
related to vehicles, telecommunications, cybersecurity, liability and the processing and flow of
data. Specific attention should therefore be paid to ensure coherence between different
instruments, while avoiding unnecessary administrative burden.
The EU level is considered the most relevant to provide a framework for the coordinated and
coherent deployment of ITS. Action at national level — even if promoted through non-binding
action at EU level — could not be expected to address the key problem of incoherent,
inconsistent and fragmented development of ITS across the EU. Likewise, while at international
level there are mechanisms and structures in place, they cannot be considered sufficient to
ensure a comprehensive EU-wide approach as currently provided by the Directive.
It does not seem justified to repeal the Directive, as such repeal would most likely lead to a
slowing down of ITS deployment and increase the risk of divergence and fragmentation. In
addition, if the Directive were repealed, specifications would remain unchanged without a clear
way to evolve and may thus become outdated in the fast evolving domain of ITS.

5 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

Definition of smart road
Technologies have continued to impact society over the years, improving our standard of living
and quality of lives. Advances in telecommunications, Internet of Things, cloud and edge
computing, scalable storage, and data analytics have made fast computing, data-empowered
insights, connected mobility and anytime communications possible. With added capability from a
fusion of emerging technologies, many countries have now introduced national projects related
to smart cities in order to transform lives, enhance business operations and market
Transportation forms the arteries for modern society and economy. The transportation of goods
and people has enabled business success and created new cities. While transportation is
commonly viewed as a classical civil and structural engineering problem, it is increasingly
becoming digitally enabled with info-communication technologies.
Smart Road is a new concept of intelligent road that aims to allow communication and
interconnection between the vehicles that travel on it. In this framework, Smart Roads are
defined as road infrastructures involving a digital transformation process aimed at
introducing traffic observation and monitoring platforms, data and information processing
models, advanced services to infrastructure managers, public administration and road users,
within the objective of implementing a technological ecosystem favorable to interoperability
between infrastructures and new generation vehicles.
In intelligent roads, to facilitate flows and transport, weather and traffic detection systems must
be implemented so that travelers can request information on road conditions, traffic or other
particular situations in real time. Furthermore, the smart roads aim to provide: services for
diverting traffic flows in the event of accidents; suggestions of alternative trajectories; speed
interventions to avoid traffic situations; management of accesses, parking lots and supplies;
timely interventions in case of emergencies.
The digital transformation process referred to in the previous paragraph aims to:
● improve knowledge of flows and outflow conditions intended to improve:
○ road safety and travel and driving assistance;
○ traffic management;
○ advanced information to travelers;
○ the resilience of the networks and the management of ordinary and intervention
● enhance road safety with the introduction of innovative solutions and services enabled by
● favour interoperability with new generation vehicles and the commissioning of Cooperative
Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) services.
Smart roads are the key piece of the EU Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems plan3
which aims to make European roads increasingly intelligent so that the car can communicate
with the infrastructure itself, other than among them. This system will operate thanks to the
Internet of Things and communications via 5G and in which everything, from the traffic light to
the road sign, is connected. Sensors in the cars will allow users to receive as much information

European Commission (2020). Cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM)

6 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

as possible, from traffic updates to the optimum driving speed. This is the future that awaits
European and global citizens on the roads.
Communication and contact with the means of transport, along the infrastructures, is provided
through connection with devices or tools inside the latest generation cars, but also via the
passenger's smartphone.
Road infrastructures, mainly supported by multifunctional stations and connection systems, will
be characterized by:
● Reliable fiber optic and Wi-Fi hotspot along infrastructures, for moving cars (in motion)
and for the vehicle - infrastructure connection (V2I).
● Tools for the provision of logistics services, in particular for the safe and intelligent parking of
heavy vehicles (Intelligent Truck Parking) and for combined transport, in favor of
environmental protection (Truck Platooning).
● Infrastructure management and control tools, which will make it possible to detect relevant
information in real time (Internet Of Things), regarding road conditions, weather, traffic,
dangerous goods, heavy vehicles in motion, gates, tunnels and more.
● Tools for infrastructure monitoring, in particular for structural, environmental, roadway and
viaduct monitoring, with notification to the vehicle of any alert situations.
● Intelligent video surveillance activities (Multi Function Smart Camera and Smart Tracer
Road Work) for the detection and communication, at any time of day and condition, of
dangerous or critical events (debris on the road, smoke, presence of pedestrians, dangerous
goods), traffic (volume, average speed, stationary vehicles), work and maintenance areas.
● Intelligent access management, through context cameras, Smart Cameras and
multifunctional workstations.
● Intelligent tunnel management tool (Smart Tunnel), through which it will be possible to
measure the safety level.
● Drones, for carrying out first aid activities (e.g. delivery of emergency kits) and monitoring of
infrastructure, traffic and further filming.
● Green Island, sites for the generation and transformation of energy from renewable
sources, in order to obtain an autonomous power supply of the road infrastructure, with the
implementation within it of columns for charging electric vehicles and drones.
The future of smart transport is about intelligent signs and roads. In fact, we are entering the era
where the information superhighway (connectivity, Internet and data grid) meets the
transportation highway. Roads, which are no longer viewed as merely a physical entity or solid
ground, will be improved with info-communications, intelligence and sensing capability that were
never possible decades ago. Most transport-related smart tech focus on individual vehicles,
although there have been major advances in technological solutions for smart infrastructure at
scale. Worldwide experiments in Vehicle to Infrastructure (V2I), Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) and
Vehicle to Pedestrian (V2P) technologies are expected to make urban transport smarter.
Work done on ITS by standardization bodies include, among others:
● ISO TC 204 - Standardization of information, communication and control systems in the field
of urban and rural surface transportation, including intermodal and multimodal aspects
thereof, traveller information, traffic management, public transport, commercial transport,
emergency services and commercial services in the intelligent transport systems (ITS) field;

● IEEE 802.11WAVE - Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) is specified in the

IEEE 1609 family of standards, within which certain identifiers are used. The use of these

7 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

identifiers is described, and identifier values that have been allocated for use by WAVE
systems are indicated.
While most of the early standardization work was focused on air interfaces, there is now an
increasing need to look at architectures, systems and applications.

8 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

Legal ground
Directive 2010/40/EU
Intelligent Transport Systems integrate telecommunications, electronics and information
technologies with transportation engineering in order to plan, design, operate, maintain and
manage transportation systems. The application of information and communication technologies
to the road transport sector and interfaces with other modes of transport will make a significant
contribution to improving environmental performance, efficiency, including energy efficiency,
road transport safety, including the transport of dangerous goods, public safety and the mobility
of passengers and goods, while ensuring the functioning of the internal market as well as
increased levels of competitiveness and employment. However, ITS applications should be
without prejudice to matters relating to national security or which are necessary in the interests
of defense.
In light of this, a new legal framework, Directive 2010/40/EU on the framework for the
deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in the field of road transport and for interfaces with
other modes of transport, was adopted on 7 July 2010 to accelerate the deployment of these
innovative transport technologies across Europe4. The ITS Directive was the first legislative
basis to support the coordinated and coherent deployment of ITS in the road sector and its
interfaces with other modes of transport at an European level. The Directive establishes a
framework to support the coordinated and coherent deployment and use of Intelligent Transport
Systems (ITS) across the Union, in particular across borders between Member States, and lays
down the necessary general conditions for this.
It was introduced in direct response to action 6.1 of the ITS action plan. Considering that the first
working programme has been completed and given the significant developments in the sector, it
is important to take stock and verify the adequacy of the current EU legislative framework for
As the use of ITS is increasing, the Directive remains a relevant tool to address the issues
deriving from:
● lack of coordination in ITS deployment across the EU and;
● slow, risky and not-cost-effective ITS deployment.
The Directive, which act as a framework for the coordinated and effective deployment and use
of Intelligent Transport Systems, has the following broad objectives:
● Establishing a framework for coordinated and effective deployment and use of ITS;
● Setting common priorities;
● Development of specifications and standards.
The Directive is structured along 4 main policy areas:

European Parliament (2010). Directive 2010/40/EU on the framework for the deployment of Intelligent
Transport Systems in the field of road transport and for interfaces with other modes of transport

9 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

The Directive has been supplemented by a number of Commission delegated regulations,
each of which sets the specifications for each of the Directive’s priority actions, necessary for
the compatibility, interoperability and continuity of the respective services, as follows:
● Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 305/201312 establishes specifications for the
upgrading of public safety answering point infrastructure required for the proper receipt and
handling of eCalls in order to ensure the compatibility, interoperability and continuity of the
harmonised EU-wide eCall service (‘specifications d’). In this context, reference can also be
made to Decision No 585/2014/EU on the deployment of the interoperable EU-wide eCall
service, which mandates that Member States must deploy no later than 1 October 2017 the
eCall PSAP infrastructure required for the proper receipt and handling of all eCalls;
● Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 885/201313 establishes specifications
necessary to ensure compatibility, interoperability and continuity for the provision and
operational use of information services for safe and secure parking places for trucks and
commercial vehicles (‘specifications e’);
● Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 886/201314 establishes the specifications
necessary to ensure compatibility, interoperability and continuity for the deployment and
operational use of data and procedures for the provision, where possible, of road safety
related minimum universal traffic information free of charge to users (‘specifications c’).
Overall, the directive is deemed to have had a positive impact on the deployment of ITS in the
EU. However, given that the deployment of ITS and the implementation of delegated regulations
are still at an early stage, there is not much evidence to determine whether this already
significantly contributes to improving the continuity of ITS services in the EU and in turn, reduce
the negative externalities (accidents, congestion, pollution) of road transport.

10 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

As the benefits of ITS cannot be quantified at this stage, it is not possible to assess the costs
and benefits of applying the Directive.
The costs are considered commensurate, and if the benefits still do not outweigh the costs, they
are expected to do so in the long run. Taking into account the cost-effectiveness of reporting
obligations, the most important outstanding issue is the lack of comparability between Member
States' reports.

11 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

Main areas of application
Road safety
In the “Europe on the Move” package in May 2018, the European Commission put forward a
new approach to EU road safety policy , along with a medium term Strategic Action Plan.
Despite road accidents being a major cause of death all over the world — more people die as a
result of road traffic injuries than from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis or diarrhoeal diseases —
between 2001 and 2010, the number of road deaths in the EU decreased by 43%, and between
2010 and 2018 by another 21%. However, 25,100 people still lost their lives on EU roads in
2018 and about 135,000 were seriously injured5. In the figure below, reported from the
Community Road Accident Database (CARE), are outlined the figures of EU road fatalities in
the last decades, against EU 2020 objectives.
Fatalities on EU roads, 2001-2020

As already observed before in this case study, ITS solutions have very good road safety
potential in the long run, although that potential brings with it equally relevant risks, for example
related to cyber-security and the functioning of highly automated vehicles in mixed traffic, which
will need to be addressed.
ITS services which have the highest safety potential, and which are therefore being prioritised
and which should rapidly be deployed in EU include:
● In-vehicle speed limits, including dynamic speed limits;
● Emergency electronic braking light;
● Road works warning;
● Weather conditions, if linked to dynamic in-vehicle speed limits;
● Intersection safety.

European Commission (2019). Press release - Road safety: Data show improvements in 2018 but
further concrete and swift actions are needed

12 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

Vision zero
The EU has the safest roads in the world, accounting for only 2% of the estimated 3.5 million
fatalities worldwide. Even in light of that, with the words of the European Commissioner for
Transport Violeta Bulc: "[...] Even a single road death is unacceptable. We have been assertive
and ambitious in tackling road safety, adopting a strategic action plan, concrete actions on
vehicle and infrastructure safety, and a policy framework for the next decade. As we continue to
work towards ‘Vision Zero' – zero road deaths by 2050, we are committed to [...] provide a level
of safety that EU citizens demand and deserve."
Aside from the countless lives lost on the European roads every year, the European
Commission Handbook on the External Costs of Transport estimates the yearly cost of road
crashes in the EU to be around € 280 billion, roughly the equivalent to 2% of the Union GDP. In
light of these appalling figures, the “Europe on the Move” package, approved by the
Commission in May 2018, a new approach to EU road safety policy is put forward, together
with a medium term Strategic Action Plan.6
Safe System results hierarchy at EU level

Source: European Commission, 2019

The objective of the Zero Vision program, as also stated in the Valletta Declaration on Road
Safety signed in 2017, is to achieve zero deaths related to road accidents by 2050, with the
interim goal of cutting deaths by half in the following 10 years.

Traffic management
Traffic management is another aspect in which ITS technology can be of great aid to human
action. Traffic management is intended to provide guidance on the condition of the road network
to the road users. Its features include detecting incidents and emergencies, implementing
response strategies to ensure safe and efficient use of the road network and optimising the
existing infrastructure, including, especially in the EU case, across national borders.
Moreover,sensing traffic conditions is required in-order to understand the traffic pattern
especially in urban areas, and will also help authorities better regulate traffic. It has been
demonstrated that information aggregation at multiple levels (audio, image, overall) shows

European Commission (2018). Europe on the Move. Sustainable Mobility for Europe: safe, connected
and clean

13 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

consistently better performance than individual level decision making. Even more significantly,
smart solutions are estimated to bring up the capacity of a motorway by up to 30%.7

Information interaction
The data from the different sensing technologies forming a smart road can be combined in
intelligent ways to accurately determine the traffic state. A data fusion based approach making
use of the road side collected acoustic, image and sensor data has been shown8 to combine the
advantages of the different individual methods.
Smart motorways implement real-time monitoring, adaptive speed limits and dynamic lane
closures. Schemes such as all-lane running reuse hard shoulders as live traffic lanes.
Technological solutions must be used to rapidly detect stationary and broken down vehicles to
prevent collisions and to protect all road users.
Different technologies put in place to monitor traffic state include through the infrastructure itself
(thus excluding V2I), among others:
● Video Analytics;
● Thermal Cameras;
● Traffic Counters and Induction Loops;
● Lidar (laser technology);
● Microwave Radar Advantages.
In urban areas, vehicular traffic density can be estimated by using the information cues present
in the cumulative acoustic signal acquired from roadside-installed microphones.
A good example of this, which of course also falls into the road safety category, is
represented by intersection crashes. Intersection crashes are a major problem and tend to be
quite severe. With the help of ITS solutions, drivers might be able to be warned when they are at
risk of violating a red light, or when another road user is about to make such a red light violation.
Drivers could also receive warnings and be assisted in negotiating non-signalised intersections.
In addition, combining the technology with automatic emergency braking should be considered.
On the other hand, having these technologies available might bring the undesired side effect of
lowering the attention of drivers, and therefore they must be introduced in a controlled

Infrastructure management
One of the most revolutionary uses of ITS is the possibility to have interactive infrastructures,
which, other than interacting with the vehicles for information and safety purposes, might give
the infrastructure manager a whole new approach on infrastructure maintenance. Among the
many technologies that can serve this purpose, the following list outlines the most relevant

Self-aware road infrastructure

UK Department for Transport (2020). Smart motorway safety - evidence stocktake and action plan
Vikas Joshi et al. (2013). Information Fusion Based Learning for Frugal Traffic State Sensing

14 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

Using devices and sensors embedded in the infrastructure, such as capacitive sensors,
vibratory sensors, infrared sensors and optical fiber sensors, represents a fruitful application of
ITS solutions, as it makes it possible to monitor the infrastructures’ condition (or traffic status).
Moreover, nondestructive testing technologies such as impact-echo method, infrared
temperature detection, GPR and image recognition technologies can be used to monitor the
conditions of the structure. Sub-functions and applications of this technology are, among others,
pavements, subgrade, slopes and traffic status self-awareness, all described in deeper detail in
the following sections.
Self-aware pavements. As shown in the table, self-aware pavements absolve a varied set of
functions, from temperature and moisture detection to damage detection.
Table 1: Road pavement self-awareness

Functions Technology Core problems Availability Cost

Vibrator sensors,
Temperature Accuracy,
optical fiber
and strength,
sensors and High High
moisture reliability and
infrared sensors,
detection availability.

Vibrator sensors,
optical fiber
Icy condition strength,
sensors and High High
monitoring reliability and
infrared sensors,

Nondestructive Real-time
Structure testing monitoring;
damage technologies; construction High High
detection distributed damage of
sensors detection. pavements.

Subgrade and soil slope self-awareness Sensor technologies can solve the problems related
to subgrade settlement monitoring and slope stability monitoring.
Table 2: Road pavement subgrade self-awareness
Functions Technology Core problems Availability Cost

Subgrade strength,
freeze reliability and
sensor High High
thawing availability
monitoring and network

Subgrade measurement Embedded
settlement sensors: strain methods and Middle Middle
monitoring gage reliability.
and strain gauge.

Self-adapt road infrastructure

15 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

Technologies of self-repair. Under the repeated traffic loads, asphalt pavement and concrete
pavement crack inevitably. Though asphalt concrete has the ability to repair by itself, once the
crack develop exceeds the self-repairing, asphalt concrete would still crack. Considering the
self-repair ability of asphalt concrete, the technologies to repair pavement automatically include
two kinds: self-heating and micro capsule.
Table 3: Self-repair technologies
Functions Technology Core problems Availability Cost

Automatic heating
Low efficiency
improve the self- Low Middle
limitation of
repair speed of
asphalt concrete.
Micro capsules
release the bonder
requirement of
to repair and fill the Low Unknown
the capsule
crack when crack

Ice-melt technology. In cold geographical areas, ice and snow cover would influence the
pavement performance. The traditional ways to solve this issue are salt spraying and snow
shoveling. However, smart roads would be able to de-ice by themselves, as heat-melt is a
feasible, convenient and efficient method to remove the snow and ice over pavement, and it’s
convenient and efficient. Table 4 describes the 3 practicable technologies to heat-melt the cover
Table 4: De-icing technology

Functions Technology Core problems Availabilit Cost


Use conductive
Working efficiency
concrete to pave the
and the electric
surface then electrify High Middle
energy transfer of
the concrete to melt the
remote areas.
cover ice or snow.

Strength and
Use an embedded
working life of
Self-melt electric heating cable to High Middle
electric heating
melt ice and snow.

Store the solar energy

in summer and release Method of heat
the storage Middle Unknown
energy in winter to heat and transfer.
the pavement.

Self-temperature-control. Self-temperature-control includes self-heat and self-cool of the road

pavement, aiming at resisting the damages related to temperature swings. Reducing the heat-
absorb from heat resources, e.g. through a heat-reflective coat which can reflect the sunlight, is
a practicable way to reduce the pavement temperature. On the other hand, pipes embedded in

16 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

the infrastructure can reduce or increase the temperature of pavements: hot water would heat
the pavements, while cold water can cool it.
Self-drain and self-clean. Especially in rainstorms-subject regions, fast and efficient drainage
is a key component of road infrastructure management. In a smart road system, it’s practicable
to combine drainage with water-storage, coupling the needs for a safe road to an
environmentally sustainable practice. In order to achieve such a result, drainage channels are
embedded in pavements and subgrade, while water storage tanks are located in the subgrade:
when rainstorm comes, rainwater is drained in channels and ditches, then flow to the storage
Pollution reduction. Reducing noise and exhaust gas pollutants is another goal achievable by
smart roads. Recent studies9 prove that TiO2 can act as a photocatalyst and catalyze the
degradation of nitrogen oxide in exhaust gas. Asphalt concrete mixed with rubber powder can
instead reduce the noise in roads.

A.Beeldens (2006). An environmental friendly solution for air purification and self-cleaning effect: the
application of TIO2 as photocatalyst in concrete

17 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

Cooperative Intelligent
Transport Systems
Exchanging data between different actors in the transport system means supply and demand
can be matched in real time, leading to a more efficient use of resources, be it a shared car, a
container or a rail network.
In many respects today's vehicles are already connected devices. However, in the very near
future they will also interact directly with each other and with the road infrastructure. This
interaction is the domain of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS), which will allow
road users and traffic managers to share and use information previously not available and to
coordinate their actions. This cooperative element, which like many other innovations is enabled
by digital connectivity, is expected to significantly improve road safety, traffic efficiency and
comfort of driving, by helping the driver to take the right decisions and adapt to the traffic
situation. Depending on the nature of the applications (e.g. information supply, awareness,
assistance, warning to avoid an accident, traffic management), C-ITS can contribute to
improving road safety by avoiding accidents and reducing their severity, to decreasing
congestion, by optimising performance and available capacity of existing road transport
infrastructure, to enhancing vehicle fleet management, by increasing travel time reliability and to
reducing energy use and negative environmental impact. In this context, the practical application
of automated and connected vehicles as well as related ITS technologies including for buses
and trucks have the potential to contribute not only to a reduction in quantity and scale of traffic
accidents, but also to reduce traffic congestion, improve efficiencies including logistics, reduce
environmental and health impacts, alleviate driver burdens and expand opportunities.
In light of this, C-ITS are seen as a necessary step forward not only in Europe but rather all over
the world. The transport ministers of the G7 States and the European Commissioner for
Transport claimed in different occasion in the recent past that they will jointly support the
developments in the field of automated and connected driving, with the objective of making a
significant contribution towards increasing road safety and improved mobility worldwide10 11. The
European Union also addressed this topic in 2016 with a specific communication namend “A
European strategy on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems, a milestone towards
cooperative, connected and automated mobility”12, followed in 2018 by the creation of the first
edition of the EU “Certificate Policy for Deployment and Operation of European Cooperative
Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)”13.
Despite the active support that the EU is providing to the development of a common C-ITS
platform – as well as a legal framework – at this time the EU has still not been able to pass its
most recent legislation. Recent debates about 5G vs. WiFi as a standard for connected vehicles

G7 Forum (2015). G7 Declaration on Automated and Connected Driving
G7 Transport Ministers’ Meeting (2016). Development and Widespread Utilization of Advanced
Technology for Vehicles and Roads
European Commission (2016). A European strategy on Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems, a
milestone towards cooperative, connected and automated mobility
European Commission (2018). Certificate Policy for Deployment and Operation of European
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)

18 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

the EU has also played a role in further delaying the adoption of a common framework for the
roll-out of C-ITS.
Even if definitive legislation has yet to be approved, intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are
essential to achieving the EU’s vision of seamless transport for both passengers and freight.
The availability of “open” and high quality transport data will provide substantial improvements in
performance of transport networks, operations and services, whilst fostering their connectivity
and facilitating collaboration; moreover, the harmonisation and continuity of pan-European
services across Member States achieved through ITS technology can substantially contribute to
the creation of the single European Transport Area.
While ITS focus on digital technologies providing intelligence placed at the roadside or in
vehicles, C-ITS focuses on the communication between those systems – whether it is a vehicle
communicating with another vehicle, with the infrastructure, or with other C-ITS systems. Other
examples of C-ITS technology application would be the sharing of information between ITS
Stations (ITS-Ss) to give advice or take actions with the objective of improving safety,
sustainability, efficiency and comfort beyond the scope of stand-alone ITS. The definition
embraces the concept of ITS stations that can be located either in vehicles (ITS-V), at the
roadside (ITS-R), in the traffic control center (ITS-C) or related to personal mobile devices (ITS-
Vehicles and infrastructure equipped with C-ITS can, for example, communicate a warning to
each other, after which the drivers are informed about the upcoming traffic situation in time for
them to take the necessary actions in order to avoid potential harm. Other potential benefits of
the use of C-ITS include reduced congestion and improved driver comfort.
ITS projects receive European support from a number of different sources. Two of these are
directly managed by the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) and are:

1. CEF Transport focuses on cross-border projects and projects aiming at removing

bottlenecks or bridging missing links in various sections of the Core Network and on the
Comprehensive Network14, as well as for horizontal priorities such as traffic management
systems. CEF Transport also supports innovation in the transport system in order to
improve the use of infrastructure, reduce the environmental impact of transport, enhance
energy efficiency and increase safety. The total budget for CEF Transport is €24.05 billion
for the period 2014-2020. INEA is responsible for implementing €23.7 of the CEF Transport
budget in the forms of grants during the same period. CEF Transport supports trans-
European infrastructure and new technologies. CEF has already provided over €500 million
of funding for ITS, triggering investments of more than €1.3 billion for the deployment of ITS
and C-ITS services in Europe. The EU will continue to make ITS one of its priorities in the
future, in line with its commitment to making the road sector safer, greener and more
competitive through smart solutions;
2. Horizon 2020 supports a vision of seamless transport for passengers and freight. To date,
H2020 has provided over €45 million to ITS research projects, in which all elements of the
multimodal transport system are connected into one cooperative ecosystem. Other activities
complementing the former, are implemented under the Automated Road Transport domain
amounting to €250 million over the 2015-2020 period.

CEF Blending Facility. Website

19 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

ICT solutions for smart roads
The ICT Emissions Project
The ICT Emissions project aims to develop a new methodology to assess the impact of the
ICT measures on mobility, energy consumption and CO2 emissions of vehicle fleets in urban
The methodology will be validated on existing ICT applications in the cities of Turin, Madrid and
Rome, and the project will produce a database on the impact of ICT measures on traffic, energy
consumption and emissions, as well as "recommendations" and guidelines for the
implementation of best practices on ICT measures that can lead energy and CO2 reductions in
road transport.
Rome municipality, in Italy, has taken part in a project of technological experimentation lasting
three years. The project, called "ICT Emissions", was initiated as a result of a contract
sponsored by the EU which has asked a number of prestigious companies of the transport and
automotive area to show the impact and the real contribution that ICTs bring to the reduction of
CO2 emissions in transport, in an effort to raise awareness about the topic.
The analysis and study of ICT is only one of the challenges within the four main areas that make
up the more complex FP7 - Framework Programme (Seventh Framework Programme), through
which the European Union promotes scientific excellence and technological development.
The consortium of companies that have joined the project presented to the European
Community all the topics it has pursued to achieve the objectives.

VRUITS project
The VRUITS project, funded by the European Union under the 7th EU Framework Programme
(2007–2013), and spanning from 2013 to 2016, aimed at improving road safety and the mobility
and comfort of the most vulnerable road users (pedestrians) by integrating them as parts of ITS
applications, in a similar way to vehicles, through V2I-I2V cooperative services.
ITS solutions development has been achieved primarily through equipment of the vehicle and
infrastructure, with the focus of these ITS being on clean, safe and efficient mobility for vehicles,
the Vulnerable Road User (VRU) has reaped fewer benefits of the ITS developments. While
some projects have considered VRUs from a safety viewpoint, they often aimed to avoid or
mitigate accidents with VRUs by equipping the vehicle and infrastructure. In the vehicle –
infrastructure – human approach of ITS research, VRUs and their needs are not an active part
of the “human” element in the ITS approach.
VRUITS aimed at fulfilling the following main objectives:
● Assess societal impacts of selected ITS, and provide recommendations for policy and
industry regarding ITS in order to improve the safety and mobility of VRUs;
● Provide evidence-based recommended practices on how VRU can be integrated in
Intelligent Transport Systems and on how Human-Machine Interface (HMI) designs can be
adapted to meet the needs of VRUs, and test these recommendations in field trials.
The project, which total cost amounted to € 4,143,667, received EU funding for € 2,930,947.

20 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

ICT Infrastructure for Connected and
Automated Road Transport
ICT4CART – a Horizon 2020 funded project (ICT Infrastructure for Connected and Automated
Road Transport) is providing an ICT infrastructure to enable the transition towards road
transport automation. ICT4CART, is bringing together technological advances from different
industries, mainly telecom, automotive and IT. The project, consisting of 21 partners from nine
EU countries, united in their vision to build a sustainable future for connected and automated
vehicles, adopts a hybrid communication approach where all the major wireless technologies
are integrated under a flexible network architecture.
ICT4CART is the first project linking ICT infrastructure with automated driving in a systematic
way. ICT4CART is addressing existing gaps in the area of connected and automated driving and
is working with specific technologies i.e. hybrid connectivity, data management, cyber-security,
data privacy and accurate localisation. The project will bring together, adapt and improve
technological advances from different key players from the automotive, telecommunication and
IT industries, able to shape the ICT landscape for Connected and Automated Road Transport
and to boost the EU competitiveness and innovation in this area.
As an Innovation Action (IA), the target of ICT4CART is to provide outcomes close to the
market, thus aiming at high innovation potential; among the main objectives of ICT4CART are:
● Identify the functional and technical connectivity requirements posed by the needs of
higher levels of automation (SAE L3 & L4) ensuring communication redundancy and
increased reliability;
● Implement and test a standards-based distributed IT environment for data
aggregation capable of collecting and managing in an automated and interoperable way all
the exchanged data regarding the driver, the vehicle, the vulnerable road users (VRUs) and
the infrastructure, leveraging also cloud technology;
● Implement cyber-security and data protection and privacy mechanisms aligned with the
EU policy objectives;
● Improve localisation by combining information from different sources (European GNSS, on
board sensors, other vehicles, infrastructure, etc.) and adapt existing tools and algorithms for
data fusion;
● Validate and demonstrate the ICT Infrastructure architecture through the project use
cases and test sites.
● Create new business models and market services for the innovative use of cross-sector
data, including the creation of services linked to the ICT infrastructure for automated driving.
● Promote the project developments to standardisation bodies and policy makers
especially in relation with actions requiring public authorities’ intervention.

The SCOOP project, launched in 2014 by the French Secretary of State for Transport, is a pilot
deployment project of cooperative intelligent transport systems. Its principle is to equip roads
and vehicles, which can thus exchange different information: traffic conditions, services offered
to users, etc. More precisely, the vehicles are equipped with sensors which detect events
(slippery road, shock, sudden braking, etc.) and on-board units which transmit information to

21 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

upstream vehicles as well as to the manager via roadside units. The main expected objectives
of the project are the improvement of road safety and the safety of operators, the efficiency of
traffic management and the optimization of infrastructure management costs.
Among the project main objectives:
● Improving road safety and the safety of road operating agents;
● Making traffic management more efficient and contributing to the reduction of
● Optimizing infrastructure management costs, making vehicles fit for the future and
developing new services.
SCOOP brings together many public and private partners around the French MoT, which
coordinates it: local communities, road managers, PSA and Renault car manufacturers,
universities and research centers. New partners joined the project in January 2016: a telecom
operator, a security service provider, and Austrian, Spanish and Portuguese partners. The
project is also organizing tests with Austria, Spain and Portugal. Today, SCOOP has entered the
so-called rolling phase, for a 9-month experiment, with the deployment of several dozen
connected vehicles in circulation since the start of 2018 and 2,000 kilometers of roads spread
over five pilot sites: the Île de France, the Paris-Strasbourg motorway, the Bordeaux ring road,
the departmental roads of Isère and in the Grand Ouest region.
Car manufacturers are now looking for volunteers to participate in this full-scale test on open
roads. These will see their vehicles equipped with a modem, two antennas and suitable software
mounted directly and free of charge on the vehicles in the dealership. Once equipped, the cars
will be able to communicate with each other, but also with the managers of the various
motorways who will be able to signal potential dangers upstream (accidents, fog, roadworks,
objects on the track, etc.).

Weigh-in-motion and Enforcement

Within the CIVITAS program15, and in the context of DYN@MO,16 a weigh-in-motion system was
implemented at one of the major roads leading into Gdynia, a Polish harbour city with
considerable truck traffic. The system, which implementation started in 2013 and took 3 years to
complete, aimed at automatically identify overloaded heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) in traffic
based on a vision system and to automatically transfer standardised violation notifications to the
appropriate law enforcement bodies, in this case the Voivodeship Inspectorate of Road
Transport (WITD). The measure allowed for a significant reduction of overweight trucks passing
on city roads, which, other than improving the road conditions, also helped decrease
environmental and noise pollution and increase road safety.
The pavement protection system envisaged for Gdynia consists of the construction of weigh-in-
motion (WIM) control points, with locations designated to monitor the weights of vehicles, using
certified scales. Another important objective of the system was to ensure the ongoing flow of
data concerning potentially overloaded vehicles to the vehicle inspection services.
The main advantages of the implementation of the weigh-in-motion system are:

CIVITAS initiative is a network of cities for cities dedicated to cleaner, better transport in Europe and
CIVITAS DYN@MO CIVITAS DYN@MO is an ambitious project with strategic importance to
sustainable mobility planning in four dynamic European cities.

22 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

● Reduction of road maintenance costs and of environmental nuisance in the downtown
● Improved effectiveness of law enforcement as regards freight transport on roads;
● Acquisition of data (image, registration number, data subject to statistical processing) used
for the operational and statistical purposes of the local Inspectorate of Road Transport as
well as the local government.
This innovative solution helped reduce road maintenance cost by 15% and the number of
overweight trucks on city roads by 90%.

C-Roads program
The C-Roads Platform is a joint initiative of European Member States and road operators for
testing and implementing C-ITS services in light of cross-border harmonisation and
The goal of such a platform is to develop standards and guidelines shared at EU level for
connecting all the C-ITS implementation projects in order to guarantee a more efficient and safer
management of the overall european road network and positive effects on the whole european
From the very beginning, this project has been supported and financed from the European
Commission and the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA). Furthermore, they
have defined priority actions in order to disseminate in a seamless solution all the services
needed to be guaranteed for an effective C-ITS implementation. In the first phase, thanks to the
utilization of hybrid telecommunication technologies (ETSI ITS-G5 and existing mobile data
networks), all Member States should be able to provide the C-ITS “Day 1 services” listed as
● Hazardous location notifications:
○ emergency brake light;
○ emergency vehicle approaching;
○ slow or stationary vehicle;
○ traffic jam ahead warning;
○ road works warning;
○ weather conditions;
● Signage applications:
○ in-vehicle signage;
○ in-vehicle speed limit;
○ probe vehicle data;
○ signal violation;
○ traffic signal priority;
○ green light optimal speed advisory (GLOSA).
Only in a second phase, with the improvement of information and communication technologies,
it will be possible to implement new C-ITS architectural solutions to distribute more advanced
services, called C-ITS “Day 1,5 applications”, throughout the european road network. They refer
to the possibility of receiving information about charging stations for alternative fuel vehicles,
vulnerable user protection, park & ride location and availability and so on.
Dealing with the design, development and spread of C-ITS “Day 1 services”, a high-level
analysis on ITS infrastructure unit costs has been produced and reported in Annex A.

23 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

24 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects
ITS integrate telecommunications, electronics and information technologies with transportation
engineering in order to plan, design, operate, maintain and manage transportation systems. The
application of information and communication technologies to the road transport sector, as well
as the interconnection with other modes of transport, is significantly contributing to improving
environmental performance, efficiency -- including energy efficiency -- and road transport safety,
all while providing a boost to the functioning of the European internal market as well as
increasing its levels of competitiveness and employment.
The evidence produced in this case study shows that the progress of ITS technology is crucial to
the achievement of the EU main transport policy objectives. In road transport, ITS have been
developing for over 2 decades, with some applications now widespread and well-known -- case
in point: on-board navigation systems that can easily assess real-time traffic and travel
information are present in the vast majority of the European automotive fleet.
The significant number of applications that ITS technologies might prove useful at is only one of
the factors making the development of an intelligent road network a priority. Road safety, traffic
management, infrastructure management are only the most relevant areas which may be
positively impacted by the development of the ITS.
Among the most pressing challenges concerning the development of ITS applications, there is
the need to cooperate in research, development, testing, and deployment, and to exchange
knowledge and experience. In this context, the work done in the European Union, which finds its
foundational stone in the 2010/40 Directive, is of major importance as it goes to show how
transnational cooperation might be a key factor to guarantee an harmonic and linear progress in
this field.

25 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

European Parliament (2010). Directive 2010/40/EU on the framework for the deployment of
Intelligent Transport Systems in the field of road transport and for interfaces with other modes of

European Commission (2019). Ex post evaluation of the Intelligent Transport Systems Directive

European Commission (2020). Cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM)

CARE database, 2018

European Commission (2019). Press release - Road safety: Data show improvements in 2018
but further concrete and swift actions are needed

European Commission (2018). Europe on the Move. Sustainable Mobility for Europe: safe,
connected and clean

UK Department for Transport (2020). Smart motorway safety - evidence stocktake and action

Vikas Joshi et al. (2013). Information Fusion Based Learning for Frugal Traffic State Sensing

A.Beeldens (2006). An environmental friendly solution for air purification and self-cleaning effect:
the application of TIO2 as photocatalyst in concrete

G7 Forum (2015). G7 Declaration on Automated and Connected Driving

G7 Transport Ministers’ Meeting (2016). Development and Widespread Utilization of Advanced

Technology for Vehicles and Roads

European Commission (2016). A European strategy on Cooperative Intelligent Transport

Systems, a milestone towards cooperative, connected and automated mobility

European Commission (2018). Certificate Policy for Deployment and Operation of European
Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS)

26 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

Annex A - Benchmark of ITS
telco infrastructure costs
This Annex presents the main european C-ITS applications included in the C-Roads program, in
order to provide a unit cost estimate of telecommunication infrastructure for ITS implementation.

Projects illustrated in the following represent a subset of the overall ITS application in C-Roads
program, as most of them do not have length and or cost data to perform such analysis. Despite
they are characterized by specific technologies and innovations country by country, all projects
aim to distribute comparable services within the C-ITS Day 1 ones to the road users and share
the same hybrid communication system with the following technical features:

● DSRC ITS – G5 standards;

● mobile network (3G or 4G) for V2I and I2V communication;
● V2X technologies for cooperative systems.

In such conditions, it is possible to compare different solutions at EU level and estimate an

average unit cost to provide a benchmark about what is the size of investment that Public
Authorities or General Contractor should face to make a road infrastructure smart or intelligent.

C-Roads Austria

● Project sponsor:
Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation
and Technology
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
300 km
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
19.100.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 64.000 €/km

C-Roads Czech Republic

● Project sponsor:
Ministry of Transport
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
200 km
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
18.900.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 94.000 €/km

27 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

C-Roads France

● Project sponsor:
Ministry of Sustainable Development;
Ministry of the Environment, Energy and
the Sea
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
608 km17
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
14.000.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 24.000 €/km

C-Roads Germany

● Project sponsor:
ITS automotive nord GmbH; Federal
Highway Research Institute; Hessen Mobil
– Straßen- und Verkehrsmanagement;
Continental Teves AG & Co. oHG;
SWARCO Traffic Systems GmbH; AVT
STOYE GmbH; GEVAS software
Systementwicklung und
Verkehrsinformatik GmbH;
Heusch/Boesefeldt GmbH; Bayerische
Medien Technik GmbH; Hessen Digital
Radio GmbH; Garmin Würzburg GmbH;
Embedded Security;
Niedersächsisches Ministerium für
Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Verkehr; OECON
Products & Services GmbH
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
208 km18
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
9.900.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 48.000 €/km

PwC estimate based on the corridors mentioned
PwC estimate based on the corridors mentioned

28 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

C-Roads Italy

● Project sponsor:
CAV SpA; Autostrada del Brennero SpA;
Autovie Venete SpA
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
349 km
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
20.800.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 60.000 €/km

C-Roads Netherlands

● Project sponsor:
Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
400 km
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
30.000.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 75.000 €/km

C-Roads Slovenia

● Project sponsor:
Ministry of Infrastructure
● Total length of road infrastructure covered:
100 km
● Total investment for the C-ITS installation:
2.300.000,00 €
● Average unit cost of the C-ITS:
∼ 23.000 €/km

According to data collected, the average unit cost for the implementation of this type of telco
infrastructure is about 55.000 €/km. Such value could grow up from three to five times when

29 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

road infrastructure monitoring systems are delivered19 (e.g. IoT sensors for asset management,
traffic and weather sensors for road traffic management).

PIARC, TCB1 Road Network Operation & ITS, “C-ITS and Smart Roads”, 2017

30 DG REGIO — Study on unit cost of road infrastructure projects

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