Bulls-Eye-1-2-3-Water-Based-Primer-Sealer For Lead Metals
Bulls-Eye-1-2-3-Water-Based-Primer-Sealer For Lead Metals
Bulls-Eye-1-2-3-Water-Based-Primer-Sealer For Lead Metals
Tor Coatings Ltd., Portobello Industrial Estate, Shadon Way, Birtley, County Durham, DH3 2RE. T: +44(0)191 410 6611
F: +44(0)191 492 0125 E: [email protected]
may release lead dust. Wet adhesion Pass 2000 cycles
Special precautions should be taken during the Flexibility: / 7 day cure (1/4” Mandrel) Pass / 5A
surface preparation of pre 1960’s paint surfaces over Flame Spread: (ASTM-84-97A) 5, Class 1
wood and metal as they may contain harmful lead. Smoke Contribution: (ASTM-84-97A) 0, Class 1
When dry-sanding avoid dust inhalation by wearing a Flash Point: (ASTM-D3278) > 82°C
suitable protective face mask. VOC: less than 30g / litre
Limitations- Freeze / thaw stable Yes
Bulls Eye® 1-2-3 is not intended for blocking heavy water Shelf Life: 2 years in unopened containers
stains or for application to floors, decks, roof surfaces or Storage / Handling Store indoors
any surface subject to immersion or prolonged contact with 5°C - 25°C
water. These limitations not to be construed as all
Dry Time – At normal temperatures Bulls Eye® 1-2-3 will
dry to touch in 30 minutes and can be recoated after one
hour. Topcoat within 30 days. Lower temperatures, higher
humidity, and the addition of tint will prolong dry and cure
time of the product. Full adhesion and hardness develop in
7 days.
Coverage – 10m per litre. Coverage may vary with
surface porosity.
Consult product Safety Data Sheet.
Bulls Eye® 1-2-3 is guaranteed to perform as indicated
when applied according to label directions to a properly
prepared surface. Directions are as complete as possible
but cannot encompass all conditions, applications, and / or
surfaces beyond manufacturer’s control. The contents of
the container are warranted to be free from any other
defect for 2 years from the date of manufacture. All
warrantees and guarantees are limited to refund or
replacement of product used with proof of purchase. No
other warranty or guarantee is expressed or implied.
Application Data
Shake or stir before using. Apply with a synthetic bristle
brush, roller or pad. If thinning is required add no more
than 78ml clean water per litre and apply a second coat of
primer. Apply when air and surface temperature is between
10° - 32°C and relative humidity is less than 85%.
Application Conditions
Temperature Range: 10°– 32°C
Relative Humidity: 10% - 85%
Substrate Moisture: 12% max moisture content
Dry Time (24°C / 50% RH)
To Touch: 35 min
To Recoat: 1 hr
Stain Sealing: 2 hrs / Tannin 24 hrs
Full Scrape Cure: 7 days
Bulls Eye® 1-2-3 can be tinted with up to 16ml of universal
tinter per litre. Tinting the primer toward the colour of the
topcoat helps it hide in one coat. For mid-tone to deep
colours use Bulls Eye® 1-2-3 Deep Tint.
Specification Data
Solids by weight: 50.5%
Solids by volume: 34.0%
Density: 1.8kg / litre
Viscosity range 100 – 110 KU
Gloss: @ 60° / 3 day cure 23% (satin)
Enamel holdout: 1.0% gloss change
Tor Coatings Ltd., Portobello Industrial Estate, Shadon Way, Birtley, County Durham, DH3 2RE. T: +44(0)191 410 6611
F: +44(0)191 492 0125 E: [email protected]