Application Form For Before Time / Urgent Degree Issuance
Application Form For Before Time / Urgent Degree Issuance
Application Form For Before Time / Urgent Degree Issuance
7. Candidate Name______________________________________________________________
Affix Attested
8. Father’s Name _______________________________________________________________
11. Permanent District __________________ Contact Nos.
Land Line#______________________
I hereby declare that all the particulars mentioned above are correct and that in case of any difficulty arising out of inaccuracy therein.
I shall be responsible for the consequences. I have attached all required documents.
CNIC# - -
Urgent/before time degree shall be issued after 6 month from issuance of final transcript. Moreover, minimum sixty
working days are required for preparation of urgent/before time degree.
Regular students must get this form attested from The Principal/ The Head of the Department.
Private students must get this form attested from The Gazetted Officer.
i. This Urgent Degree Form (Attested)
ii. Photograph (Attested)
iii. Fee Rs. 2500/- (Original Bank Challan) (HBL Collection Account # 00427991777803) (Fee must be
deposited on computer generated print of online challan available at
iv. Photocopy of Result Card/Transcript (Attested)
v. Photocopy of CNIC (Attested)
رٹارکسنٹپدرتسرکواںیئ۔/رٹارکسنٹپرپدرجوکافئکیچرکںیلیطلغیکوصرتںیمےلہپرزٹلاکرڈ/ ادیموارانڈرگییکدروخاتسدےنیےسلبقرزتلاکرڈ
)ہتپرباےئرتلیسڈرگی (ادیمواراانپہتپوخددرجرکںی
انم انم
ودلتی ودلتی
ہتپ ہتپ
وفنربمن وفنربمن