Required Documents Under Ehsas Scholarship

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Ehsaas Scholarship Program - Undergraduate Level

All the students are requested to apply online on and print the form after final
online submission. Afterwards, following required documents must be submitted in Grants Office
IMSciences along with hard form of scholarship application.

Required Supporting Documents:

Please Attached attested photo copies of the following applicable documents
1. Domicile of Applicant
2. DMCs / Transcripts / Certificates of Matric and FA / FSc etc.
3. CNIC / Form B of the Applicant
4. CNIC of the Applicant’s Father
5. CNIC of the Applicant’s Guardian
6. Income Certificate of the Father / Guardian of the applicant (all applicable)
i. Salary Slips, if the father / Guardian is a salaried person.
ii. Income Certificate from Secretary Union Council / DC Office / Tehsildar in case
Father/Guardian is self-employed. It should include the business nature, Name and
location of business, Landline phone number, owner CNIC and contact details. This
document should be on stamp paper on the prescribed formats of Grants Office, as
iii. Pension Copy, if Father/Guardian is retired.
7. Utility Bills (Electricity, Gas, Telephone, Water) of last six months.
i. In case of Ex FATA, the applicant has to submit an affidavit on stamp paper from
Tehsildar Office of the concerned District that in the area where applicant is residing,
there are no utility bills.
ii. In Case of Chitral, for Utility Bills, submit a certificate of electricity expenses from their
local electricity concern person or on stamp paper from the Secretary Union Council.
8. If the Medical expenses exceeds Rs. 2000 then attached Medical Reports and Bills.
9. Fee receipts of the studying brothers/sisters. In case of Govt. Schools, proof from school
principal must be attached.
10. Death Certificate from Competent Authority (NADRA, Medical Doctor, Employer, Secretary
Union Council or Tehsildar), if applicable.
11. Property Documents of House Accommodation, Agricultural land and commercial property,
if applicable.
12. Rent agreement, if house is rented.
13. Copies of previous scholarship(s) attained (if applicable).
14. Any other relevant document / proof / certificate.

HEC Contact Details for Queries / Complaints / Problems:

HEC helpline: 051-111-119-432 / 0334-111-9432
Online Complaint Submission:
For general queries email to: [email protected]

All applicants are required to provide Income Certificate signed from

Secretary Union Council / DC Office / Tehsildar in case Father/Guardian
is self-employed in the following professions. This income statement
document should be on stamp paper as per the following
prescribed formats.

1. Farmer
2. Driver (Own Vehicle)
3. Driver (Salaried)
4. Shop Keeper (Owner)
5. Shop Keeper (Salaried)
Income Certificate for Driver
(Own Vehicle)

I Mr. ___________________ s/o Mr. ___________________ Father / Guardian of Mr. _________________________ am a

driver by profession. I have vehicle having registration # ________________ and with following further

Vehicle Type: _____________________________

Vehicle Company: _________________________
Vehicle Model: _____________________________
Vehicle Value: _____________________________
Engine Capacity: __________________________

I use the route / area _________________________________________________________________________________________

for driving my vehicle and this certificate is signed by the president of drivers union (if any). Total
income of my family from this source is Pak Rs. _____________ / month and Pak Rs. _____________ / year. I
have attached registration copy and pictures of my vehicle with this certificate.

Furthermore, I reconfirm on oath that above information are correct and has been provided with
the best of my knowledge. If found any concealment of information in the above statements: any
legal action may be taken against me / scholarship applicant, under the rules.

Vehicle Owner: Vehicle Driver: President Driver Union:

Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________
Name: __________________________
CNIC #:_________________________ CNIC #:_________________________
CNIC #:_________________________
Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________
Signature: _____________________
Mobile #: ______________________ Mobile #: ______________________
Mobile #: ______________________

Forwarded for final approval and recommendation:

DC Office / Tehsildar / Secretary Union Council of respective region

Required Documents:
1. Registration Documents
2. Driving License
3. Pictures of Vehicle
4. CNICs of Signatories
Income Certificate for Driver
(Salaried Driver)

I Mr. ___________________ s/o Mr. ___________________ Father / Guardian of Mr. _________________________ am a

driver by profession. I am driving a vehicle on salary having vehicle registration # ________________.
This vehicle belongs to Mr. _________________________ s/o Mr. ________________________ bearing CNIC #
________________________________. Further details of the vehicle are as follows.

Vehicle Type: _____________________________

Vehicle Company: _________________________
Vehicle Model: _____________________________
Vehicle Value: _____________________________
Engine Capacity: __________________________

I use route / area ____________________________________________________________________________________________

for driving my vehicle and this certificate is signed by the president of drivers union (if any). Total
income of my family from this source is Pak Rs. _____________ / month and Pak Rs. _____________ / year. I
have attached registration copy and pictures of my vehicle with this certificate.

Furthermore, I reconfirm on oath that above information are correct and has been provided with
the best of my knowledge. If found any concealment of information in the above statements: any
legal action may be taken against me / scholarship applicant, under the rules.

Vehicle Owner: Vehicle Driver: President Driver Union:

Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________
Name: __________________________
CNIC #:_________________________ CNIC #:_________________________
CNIC #:_________________________
Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________
Signature: _____________________
Mobile #: ______________________ Mobile #: ______________________
Mobile #: ______________________

Forwarded for final approval and recommendation:

DC Office / Tehsildar / Secretary Union Council of respective region.

Required Documents:
1. Registration Documents
2. Driving License
3. Pictures of Vehicle
4. CNICs of Signatories
Income Certificate for Farmer

I Mr. ___________________ s/o Mr. ___________________ Father / Guardian of Mr. _________________________ am a

farmer by profession. I have ______________________________ (size) land for cultivation which is located in
area of _______________________________________________________________________________________________.

I cultivate ______________________________________________________________________________ crops / seeds on my

land which earn Pak Rs. ____________ / per month and Pak Rs. __________ / per year. I have attached
pictures of the land and the verification / registration from the Patwari office or other concerned
land authorities.

Furthermore, I reconfirm on oath that above information are correct and has been provided with
the best of my knowledge. If found concealment of information in the above statements: any legal
action may be taken against me / scholarship applicant, under the rules.

Parent / Land Owner: Witness / Malak: Witness / Malak:

Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________

CNIC #:_________________________ CNIC #:_________________________ CNIC #:_________________________

Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________

Mobile #: ______________________ Mobile #: ______________________ Mobile #: ______________________

Forwarded for final approval and recommendation:

DC Office / Tehsildar / Secretary Union Council of respective region

Required Documents:
1. Verification from the Patwari / Land Authorities
2. Pictures of land
3. CNIC of signatories
Income Certificate for Shopkeeper (Owner)

I Mr. ___________________ s/o Mr. ___________________ is Father / Guardian of Mr. _________________________ am

a Shopkeeper by profession as per the following details.

Shop Name: _____________________________

Shop Size: _______________________________
Business Nature: ______________________________
Shop Value: _____________________________
Shop Address: _____________________________

Our shop deals in ______________________________________________________________________________ kinds of

materials on resale / wholesale level which earns Pak Rs. ____________ / per month and Pak Rs.
__________ / per year. I have attached pictures and letter heads of the shop.

Furthermore, I reconfirm on oath that above information are correct and has been provided with
the best of my knowledge. If found any concealment of information in the above statements: any
legal action may be taken against me / scholarship applicant, under the rules.

Parent / Shopkeeper: Witness / Malak: Witness / Malak:

Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________

CNIC #:_________________________ CNIC #:_________________________ CNIC #:_________________________

Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________

Mobile #: ______________________ Mobile #: ______________________ Mobile #: ______________________

Forwarded for final approval and recommendation:

DC Office / Tehsildar / Secretary Union Council of respective region

Required Documents:
1. Pictures of shop
2. Letter head of shop
3. CNICs of Signatories
Income Certificate for Shopkeeper (Salaried)

I Mr. ___________________ s/o Mr. ___________________ is Father / Guardian of Mr. _________________________ am

a Shopkeeper by profession and working for the employer as per the following details. My monthly
salary from this profession is Rs. ___________ / per month and Pak Rs. ____________ / per year.

Shop Name: _____________________________

Shop Size: _______________________________
Business Nature: ______________________________
Shop Value: _____________________________
Shop Address: _____________________________

This shop deals in ______________________________________________________________________________ kinds of

material on resale / wholesale level which earns Pak Rs. ____________ / per month and Pak Rs.
__________ / per year. I have attached pictures and letter heads of the shop.

Furthermore, I reconfirm on oath that above information are correct and has been provided with
the best of my knowledge. If found any concealment of information in the above statements: any
legal action may be taken against me / scholarship applicant, under the rules.

Parent / Shopkeeper: Witness / Malak: Witness / Malak:

Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________

CNIC #:_________________________ CNIC #:_________________________ CNIC #:_________________________

Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________ Signature: _____________________

Mobile #: ______________________ Mobile #: ______________________ Mobile #: ______________________

Forwarded for final approval and recommendation:

DC Office / Tehsildar / Secretary Union Council of respective region

Required Documents:
1. Pictures of shop
2. Letter head of shop
3. CNICs of Signatories
Income Certificate for Daily Wager

I Mr. ___________________ s/o Mr. ___________________ Father / Guardian of Mr. _________________________ am a Daily
Wager by profession. I work as __________________________________ in/with ______________________________ located at
_________________________________________________________________________________. I earn Pak Rs. ____________ / per month
and Pak Rs. __________ / per year from all income sources.

Furthermore, I reconfirm on oath that above information are correct and has been provided with the best of
my knowledge. If found any other source of income or concealment of information in the above statements:
any legal action may be taken against me / scholarship applicant.

I hereby say on oath that I have no source of income other than above mentioned income which is further
verified by the following concerned authorities.

Parent / Guardian 1. Witness / Malik 2. Witness / Malik

Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________ Name: __________________________
CNIC #:_________________________ CNIC #:_________________________ CNIC #:_________________________
Signature: ______________________ Signature: ______________________ Signature: ______________________

Forwarded for final approval and recommendation:

DC Office / Tehsildar / Secretary Union Council of respective region

Required Documents:
1. CNIC Copy of Parent / Guardian
2. CNIC Copy Scholarship Applicant
3. Any Relevant Picture

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