Zahid Bashir Patient Aid Foundation Scholarship Form
Zahid Bashir Patient Aid Foundation Scholarship Form
Zahid Bashir Patient Aid Foundation Scholarship Form
This financial assistance is based on assessment of legitimate need. The committee takes
decisions on the basis of information provided in this form and its own investigations. Candidates
are also required to appear for interview to provide additional information.
➢ In case of existing student, in addition to the above consequences, further assistance will
be stopped and the student will have to refund all financial assistance payments received
till that date and / or penalty equal to total financial assistance amount on immediate
grounds. Such applicant / student will also be disqualified for applying for any further loan
/ financial assistance.
ZAHID BASHIR SCHOLARSHIP reserves the right to verify physically or otherwise all
information submitted by the candidates for purposes of loan/financial assistance.
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1. Read the general information thoroughly, which will enable you to complete the application form.
2. Attach the following as supporting documents along with your financial assistance application
3. Submit the above said documents to the relevant OFFICE for onward submission to the Financial
Assistance Committee.
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Х Leaving any questions unanswered.
12. Have you or any other member(s) of your family ever been awarded (Past & Present)
scholarship? Yes _______ No_______ (If yes), provide details below:
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Section B: Parents’/Guardian’s Information
10 Mother's Name
11 CNIC Number_________________________________________National Tax Number. __________________
12 Residential Address (if different from above): __________________________________________________
13 Tel.(Off) __________________Mobile #_________________ Fax # ____________Email. _________________
14 Present Occupation (Give full details)__________________________________________________________
15 Designation __________________________________ Name of Company /Employer ___________________
16 Monthly Income Gross ________________ Net ___________________ Pension (if retired)______________
17 Annual Income Gross ________________ Net ___________________
18 Previous Occupation (if applicable) ___________________________________________________________
19 Spouse's Name
20 CNIC Number_________________________________________National Tax Number. __________________
21 Residential Address (if different from above): __________________________________________________
22 Tel.(Off) __________________Mobile #_________________ Fax # ____________Email. _________________
23 Present Occupation (Give full details)__________________________________________________________
24 Designation __________________________________ Name of Company /Employer ___________________
25 Monthly Income Gross ________________ Net ___________________ Pension (if retired)______________
26 Annual Income Gross ________________ Net ___________________
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Section C: Family Assets / Properties and Liabilities
1 Details of assets / Properties (Please mention current market values in Pak Rupees)
Values of Assets Father Mother Spouse Self Brother Sister Children Total
Agriculture Land/Plot
Bank Balance
Others (etc)
2 Accommodation Type:
Apartment Bungalow Town House Other
Agriculture Land/Plot
Bank Balance
Others (etc)
5 Family Expenditure ( Please attach supports and give full details in Pak Rupees)
Provide details of family members currently studying (excluding the applicant). All costs should be mentioned in Pak Rupees
(attach a separate sheet, if required):
Annual Cost Annual Source of
Class Level Name of Academic of Education Financial Financial
Name Age
of Studies Institution/City of Study (Include all Assistance (if Assistance (if
Expenses) Any) any)
Provide details of family members (living with your family) that are not mentioned (attach a separate sheet, if required):
ii) Accommodation/Rent
Telephone / Mobile
v) Medical
x) Miscellaneous (specify:__________________)
If the net disposable income is negative, i.e., expenditures are greater than the family income, provide
an explanation of how the family manages to meet this shortfall:
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Financial Need Analysis Form
Course of study: Expected date of graduation:
Per Semester fee X
Academic Expenditures Yearly (Rs.)
No. of Semesters
1. Admission/Annual charges (excluding refundable amount)
2. Tuition fee (including non-refundable charges) _________ x _________
3. Examination fee _________ x _________
4. Books and Project material expenses _________ x _________
5. Transportation expenses from current residence to university*(university or public bus charges
to and from the campus)
*Don't include traveling cost such as air fare/bus fare for traveling from one city to another
How did you pay out this year's fees(i.e., admission fee, tuition fee, other charges, etc.)? Provide details below:
Source(s)* Amount (Rs.) Repayable (Yes/No)
Statement of Purpose (Explain your suitability for this scholarship) - attach separate sheet if required:
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The information given in this application is true to the best of my knowledge and I understand that any
incorrect information will result in the cancellation of this application. Further, If any information given
in this application is found incorrect or false after grant of financial assistance, the University will stop
further assistance and:
• The admission of the Applicant will be cancelled in case of 1st Semester students.
• In case of existing students, immediate repayment of the total Scholarship along with a fine
amounting to the Scholarship paid to the student will be required. Such a student will also be
disqualified for applying for any further loan / scholarship.
1. Name _______________________________________________________________________________
Relationship: ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Name ______________________________________________________________________________
Relationship: ___________________________________________________________________________
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