1.1-6 Trainees' Current Competencies Sample

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Trainees’ Current Competencies
Learning Objectives:

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:

1. define current competencies;
2. explain why there is a need to identify the trainees’ current
In the previous lessons, you learned that important data about your
trainees are needed as inputs in planning your training sessions. One of
them is the trainee’s characteristics.
Trainee’s training needs is another important data that you need to
collect as a trainer so that you will be able to identify the skills and
competencies needed by individual trainees. In CBT, competencies or skills
that are already previously acquired by the trainee will no longer be repeated
in their learning activities.
In this lesson, you will learn to determine these current competencies.

Current Competencies
Current competencies are the skills and knowledge of your new
trainees obtained through formal training, work experience or life
experience. These should be determined before you can prepare your session
plan, so as not include the same competencies where the trainees are
already competent.

How can the Current Competencies be Determined

Current competencies can be determined by using the following:
1. Self-Assessment Checklist – It is a checklist of competencies required
of a qualification.
2. Proof of Competencies - Portfolio assessment or validation of evidences
of competency such as employment certificates with specific duties
and responsibilities, projects personally done by the trainee, certificate
of awards and other related proofs.
3. Pre-assessment result
Pre-assessment in CBT has the following functions:
a. Diagnostic - intended to diagnose areas of weakness, or
misunderstanding, and strength. It involves collecting evidence
to diagnose or identify a training need or performance problem.
“You can’t prescribe the remedy till you understand the cause”
This type of assessment is used to identify a learner’s gaps in
knowledge and to ensure the content of the subsequent training
will meet the learners’ needs.
The pre-test is a written test that would initially test the
knowledge of your trainees on the competencies that they need
to learn

b. Formative - This type of assessment assists and supports

learning by providing feedback about performance and progress
towards the achievement of competency. It is also a method for
the collection of evidence, and determining a candidate’s
readiness for her or his final assessment.
For our purpose, this type of assessment will be used to
assess whether a trainee is ready to be assessed for purposes of
Recognition of Prior Learning

c. Summative Assessment – In case the trainee is ready to be

assessed for a competency as a result of his employment and
life experiences, you may finally give him a summative
assessment to recognize his prior learning for some or all of the
competencies of the qualification.

Why determine current competencies?

1. To identify the competencies to be covered in the training plan.
2. To assess the trainee’s current competency in comparison to the
stated standards of competence required
3. To identify which relevant skills the trainee possesses and does not
possess, so that the training program can be tailored accordingly.

Assessment Methodologies

Observation Checklist
This is a checklist completed by a trainer or the workplace assessor
while observing the learner’s performance on relevant

Practical Demonstration
Demonstrates competence by showing steps or process used to
produce a product or service

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Demonstration of skills and knowledge in the completion of a project.

360º Feedback
Using a structured process to gather and analyse feedback from peers,
supervisors and people who are supervised.

Case Study
Response to a situation which is presented to the learner. Used to
ascertain the learners problem solving techniques and underpinning

Oral presentation
Learners give an oral presentation about an area of knowledge or their
projects to a small group, usually including a trainer, their assessor, their
colleagues and any other interested parties.

A journal that records learning activities, skills and knowledge

Problem Solving
Implementing problem solving techniques to analyse a product or
process for problems or errors.

Demonstration of skills and knowledge in the completion of a

Video or Audio Tapes

Recording performance in the workplace that is subsequently reviewed
by an assessor.

Certificate of Award or Employment

Certificate of employment or awards that reflect the responsibilities of
the trainee maybe a proof of his competency.

Assessment is the gathering of evidence from a range of sources, and

frequently more than one type of evidence is used to fairly and reliably
determine competence. When selecting an appropriate strategy for the
collection of evidence in determining trainees’ current competency, there are
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factors that need consideration. These factors, which will be discussed in
MODULE 4, include:
o The requirements of the specific competency unit(s) or learning
o The needs of the assessor and the trainee being assessed
o The authenticity of the evidence. That is, that it actually relates
to the performance of the person being assessed, and not that of
another person.
o Sufficiency of the evidence to demonstrate competency
o The currency of evidence. That the evidence is still relevant and
current according to competency standard requirements.
o Whether the task being assessed or the location of the
assessment involve a strong element of OH & S or
environmental risk
In cases of doubtful proof or evidence submitted, it will always be the
right of the Trainer to investigate.

For Certificates of Award or Employment:

1. The Trainer can call or personally ask for confirmation from the
signatories of the certificate issued by a company or an industry.
In reviewing the documents submitted by the trainee, the following
should be considered:
 Authenticity of the document
 Date acquired
 Standing of the company/employer who issued the certificate

For submitted projects/videos/photos:

2. The Trainer can visit the company to prove the existence of the
workplace where the task/job was done.
In the example above, the Trainer must be assured that the
documents are valid and authentic. In this case he needs to call the
company that issued the certificates to confirm the validity and
authenticity of the documents. Careful consideration should be given to
the collection of evidences to ensure that all components of the
competency being assessed are effectively addressed.

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This section presents sample methods and instruments in identifying
current competencies and training need of trainees.

Current Competencies are determined by using the following forms:

1. Self-assessment Check (Form 4.1)
2. Validation of Competency evidences(Form 4.2)
3. Summary of Current competencies versus required competencies(Form
4. Training Needs(Form 4.4)

Trainers may use their ingenuity to develop other instruments that

may validate proofs/evidences of current competencies such as assessment


INSTRUCTIONS: This Self-Check Instrument will give the trainer necessary

data or information which is essential in planning training
sessions. Please check the appropriate box of your answer
to the questions below.
1. Plan Training Session
1.1 Identifying learner’s training requirements?
1.2 Prepare session plans?
1.3 Prepare instructional materials?
1.4 Prepare assessment instruments?
1.5 Organize teaching and learning resources?
2. Facilitate Learning Session
2.1 Prepare training facilities/resources?
2.2 Conduct pre-assessment?
2.3 Facilitate training session?
2.4 Conduct competency assessment?
2.5 Review delivery of training session?
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3. Supervise Work-Based Learning
3.1 Establish training requirements for trainees?
3.2 Monitor work-based training?
3.3 Review and evaluate work-based learning
4. Conduct Institutional Assessment
4.1 Orient the trainee?
4.2 Gather evidence?
4.3 Make assessment decision?
4.4 Record assessment results?
4.5 Provide feedback to trainees?
5. Maintain Training Facilities
5.1 Plan Maintenance activities?
5.2 Prepare schedule of maintenance?
5.3 Implement housekeeping activities?
5.4 Maintain training equipment and tools?
5.5 Document maintenance inspections?
6. Utilize electronic media in facilitating training
6.1 Inspect electronic media equipment?
6.2 Operate electronic media equipment to deliver a
6.3 Maintain electronic media?

Note: In making the Self-Check for your Qualification, all required competencies
should be specified. It is therefore required of a Trainer to be well- versed
of the CBC or TR of the program qualification he is teaching.

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Evidences/Proof of Current Competencies(Sample)

Form 1.2: Evidence of Current Competencies acquired related to


Proof/Evidence Means of validating
Prepare Session Complete session plan Submitted a complete set
Plan with the prescribed format of session plan
prepared by the trainer

Prepare basic Complete CBLM with the Submitted a complete

instructional prescribed format CBLM for one qualification
materials prepared by the trainer

Organize teaching Picture of actual workshop Submitted the picture of

and learning layout of trainer actual workshop layout
resources certified by the Vocational
Instruction Supervisor

Use Personal National Certificate in PC Submitted an

Computer in Operations authenticated copy of
Educational National Certificate
Projects such as
presentations, CBLM,
session plans, flyers and
other instructional

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Identifying Training Gaps

From the accomplished Self-Assessment Check (Form 1.1) and the

evidences of current competencies (Form 1.2), the Trainer will be able to
identify what the training needs of the prospective trainee are.

Form 1.3 Summary of Current Competencies Versus Required

Competencies (Sample)

Required Units of Current Training

Competency/Learning Competencies Gaps/Requirements
Outcomes based on CBC
1. Plan Training Session
1.1 Determine Determine trainee’s
trainee’s training training
requirements requirements
1.2 Determine Determine relevant
relevant training training methods,
methods, training training activities
activities and and training delivery
training delivery modes
1.3 Prepare session Prepare session plans
1.4 Prepare basic Prepare basic
instructional instructional
materials materials
1.5 Organize Organize teaching
teaching and and learning
learning resources resources

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2. Facilitate Learning Session
Required Units of Current Training
Competency/Learning Competencies Gaps/Requirements
Outcomes based on CBC
2.1 Orient trainers 2.1 Orient trainers on
on the CBT the CBT delivery
delivery system system
2.2 Use appropriate 2.2 Use appropriate
methods based on methods based on
the level and the level and
characteristics of characteristics of
trainees trainees
2.3 Assist trainers in Assist trainers in
achieving learning achieving learning
outcomes outcomes
2.4 Provide necessary Provide necessary
feedback to feedback to improve
improve trainer’s trainer’s competence
3. Supervise Work-Based Learning
3.4 Establish Establish training
training requirements for
requirements for trainees
3.5 Monitor work- Monitor work-based
based training training
3.6 Review and Review and evaluate
evaluate work- work-based learning
based learning effectiveness
4. Conduct Competency Assessment
4.1 Orient trainees 4.1 Orient trainees
on the evidence on the evidence
requirements in requirements in the
the relevant relevant evidence
evidence plan plan

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Required Units of Current Training
Competency/Learning Competencies Gaps/Requirements
Outcomes based on CBC
4.2 Gather and 4.2 Gather and
document document evidences
evidences using using relevant
relevant assessment tools
assessment tools
4.3 Evaluate and 4.3 Evaluate and
record assessment record assessment
results in results in accordance
accordance with with the approved
the approved rating system
rating system
4.4 Use appropriate Use appropriate
feedback feedback mechanism
mechanism to to inform trainee of
inform trainee of his progress
his progress
5. Maintain Training Facilities
5.1 Implement 5.1 Implement
housekeeping housekeeping
activities activities
5.2 Maintain training 5.2 Maintain
equipment and training equipment
tools and tools
6. Utilize Electronic Media In Facilitating Training
6.1 Inspect electronic Inspect electronic
media equipment media equipment
6.2 Operate Operate electronic
electronic media media equipment
6.3 Maintain Maintain electronic
electronic media media equipment

Using Form No. 1.4, convert the Training Gaps into a Training Needs/
Requirements. Refer to the CBC in identifying the Module Title or Unit of
Competency of the training needs identified.

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Form No. 4.4: Training Needs (Sample)

Training Needs Module Title/Module of

(Learning Outcomes)
Identify trainees’ training requirements 1. Plan Training Session
Prepare assessment Instruments
Conduct Pre-assessment 2. Facilitate Learning
Facilitate training session
Review delivery of training session
Establish training requirements for 3. Supervise work-based
trainees learning
Monitor work-based training
Review and evaluate work-based learning
Use appropriate feedback mechanism to 4. Conduct Institutional
inform learner of his/her progress Assessment
Maintain training equipment and tools 5. Maintain Training
Inspect electronic media equipment 6. Utilize Electronic media
in facilitating training
Operate electronic media equipment to
deliver lesson
Maintain electronic media

Note: This Form 1.4 is just a sample instrument showing the training needs
in the core competencies

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In planning for competency-based training, the following

should be determined by the trainer:
1. The competencies as required by the Competency
2. Trainee’s characteristics
3. Trainees current competencies
4. Trainee’s Training Needs

To determine learner’s training needs the trainer need to do

the following:

1. Analyze the competency standard

2. Prepare the TNA forms
3. Prepare the pre-test
4. Prepare the Institutional Competency Evaluation

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Revision # 01
Self-Check 1.1-6

On your answer sheet, answer the following questions:

1. Why is it necessary to determine the current competencies

of your trainee before preparing your Session Plan?
2. What are the three factors to be considered in using
evidences submitted by a prospective trainee as proof of his
current competencies?
3. What are the ways of determining current competencies of a
4. What is a training gap?

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Revision # 01
Answer Key 1.1-6

1. To ensure that the current competencies of the trainee are

recognized and learning activities related to the current
competencies are no longer assigned to him, trainees current
competencies has to be determined.
2. a. authenticity of the document
b. date when the competencies were acquired (currency)
c. standing of the company/employer who issued the
certificate (validity)
3. a. Self-Assessment Checklist
b. Proof of competencies such as employment certificates,
projects personally done by the trainee, awards and other
related proofs
c. Pre-assessment result
4. A training gap is the difference between the current
competencies and those required.

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