Week 3b Lesson Plan

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1/27/2019 Week 3B Lesson Plan.


Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Lindsay Cokeley
Subject: Science 7
Lesson Title: Living vs. Non-living

Classroom Details Content Details

Time: 41 minutes Grade: 7
Equipment: Living vs Non-living Worksheet, Timer Standard(s): MS-LS1A
Resources: STEMscopes curriculum Objective: Learn the difference between
living and non-living things.

Time Lesson Element What is the teacher What are the students Notes / Tips
in doing? doing?
5 mins. Student Friendly Tell students: Listening to the teacher
Objective By the end of the talk about the
lesson you should be objective.
able to know the
difference between
living and non living
Link to prior Pass out worksheets Students place their
knowledge and give students name, date and period
(pre-assessment) directions to # on their worksheet
complete the and watch/listen to the
worksheet. Teacher teacher for directions
guides students on how to complete the
through completing worksheet. Students
the worksheet. participate in the pre-
assessment discussion
Teacher asks the with thoughtful ideas
students to give an and contributions.
example of
something they
think is living. Then
they are asked to
give an example of
something that is
non-living. They are
then told to write
down more ideas on
their worksheet and
it will be timed.
Input / Modeling Show blank Students find the area

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worksheet on the to write on their

doc camera and worksheet.
show students which
areas they should be
writing in while the
timer is going.
Transition Stop timer and move Students stop writing at
onto second part of the end of the timer and
worksheet for non- listen to directions.
Stop timer and give
students directions
for group
Guided Practice Asks students to Students discuss in
(checking for discuss as a group small groups what they
understanding) the items they wrote wrote and come up
down as well as with arguments for why
come up with an they think they are
item they wrote right or wrong about
down that they are other students answers.
not 100% sure is
living or non-living.
Teacher walks
around each table
and participates in
the groups
discussion. After
discussion teacher
explains the
difference (made of
cells or not made of
cells) and answers
Transition Get the classes Students stop
attention to move discussion and listen to
onto next step of the directions from the
worksheet. teacher.
Independent After discussion Students fill out their
Practice teacher shows the worksheet completely
(ongoing students where to based on what they
assessment) write on their have learned about
worksheet whether living and non-living,
the item the wrote is and label what is made
made up of cells or of cells vs. not made of
not. cells.

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Transition Get the classes Students put their

attention to begin pencils down and
whole class listen/participate in
discussion. class discussion.
Closure Teacher has a class Students share the Ask clarifying
(post-assessment) discussion and asks reasons why they questions to have
students to share thought certain things students give
something they on their worksheet examples of things
thought was living were living or not that are dead but also
and non-living on living. living.
their worksheet and
why they thought so.

Teacher clarifies the

difference between
and dead/alive.
(Only living things
are ever dead or
alive, non-living
things could have
never been dead or

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