Lesson Plan Seminar 2 - A - L
Lesson Plan Seminar 2 - A - L
Lesson Plan Seminar 2 - A - L
What I ate yesterday?
Food (Countable and uncountable nouns)
Students’ name
Alexandra Josefa Sánchez Pineda-20191005613
Lesly Dinora Flores Lagos 20191000227
Miss. Evelyn Morales
June 29th, 2023
Lesson Planning Template
Materials to be used (in general) Computer, video, projector, speaker, pictures, presentation, worksheet.
⮚ Main aim of the lesson: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to produce a conversation in the supermarket by using the
vocabulary of food.
1 Lead-in The teacher begins by Students will be able to Students pay attention to the Video, 5 Prior
showing a short video to remember and better learn video about countable and computer, minutes knowledge of
the students about to use the countable and uncountable. PowerPoint students.
"countable and uncountable noun. Presentation
uncountable nouns". Students mention what they , and data
remember about the topic, show.
The teacher tells the after watching the video.
students to pay attention
to how and when we can 10 students participate in the
use countable and non- land and sea game.
countable food.
3 Learning The teacher tells the Students will be able to Pictures 10 Students
students to make pairs. associate the vocabulary Students make pairs. minutes work in pairs.
with pictures provided by
The teacher gives each the teacher. Each pair of students receive Students pay
pair of students two two pictures about different attention.
pictures with different aliments.
aliments. Students ask
Students listen to the questions to
The teacher gives the instructions provided by the each other to
instructions of the teacher. guess what
activity. the pictures
Students look carefully at their contain.
The activity consists of pictures.
every pair of students
having two different Students ask questions to each
pictures. Each one must other about the pictures.
have one, and the other
partner cannot let their Students answer the questions
partner see it. Students of each other.
have to ask questions to
each other to guess what
the other partner’s picture
4 The teacher asks students Students will be able to Students make pairs. Pictures 5 Students work
Use/Authentic to make pairs. produce a conversation with minutes in pairs.
output about food in the Students observe the different different
The teacher puts different supermarket by doing a foods the teacher puts on the types of Students pay
types of food on the desk. role-play. desk. food. attention to
The teacher gives the Students listen to the instructions.
instructions of the instructions given by the
activity. teacher. Students
listen and
The activity consists of a Students make a role-play by observe
role-play that students using the different foods that classmates’
must create by using are on the desk. role-plays.
different types of food
that are on the desk, Students use
simulating shopping in a clearly and
supermarket. correctly the
vocabulary of
The teacher tells students food.
to make the role-play.