Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Shamma Topic or Theme: Chapter 10 review

Class: Grade 3 Date & Duration: 14/03/2021

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on:

Time management

Oral positive feedback

Lesson Focus

Reviewing what the students have learned through chapter 10

Lesson Outcomes

Students will be able to:

 Look at the diagram and write a fraction to answer the questions

 Say the name of the fraction in different way.
 Label the parts of the diagram using the information I have.
 Review what I have learned in chapter 10.

Links to Prior Learning

Students learned about fractions and parts of fractions.

21st Century Skills

o Critical thinking.
o Creativity.
o Collaboration.
o Communication.
Key vocabulary

Fraction, equal parts, denominator, numerator.

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

Students may not use other words of Provide an explanation about the name of fraction
fraction such as half, one-third etc. and giving them different activities.
Resources/equipment needed


Online game


& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
 Introducing the lesson for the
Introducing the lesson. students.
 Listen to the rules of the  Then the teacher will tell the
online classroom. students the rules of online
 Then let the students reading classroom.
the key vocabulary and  Then the teacher will ask the
understanding them. students to read the key vocabulary
 The students will read the and explain each key vocabulary.
learning outcomes.  The teacher will ask the student to
 Then the students will tell the read the learning outcomes and
teacher the 21st century 4c’s. briefly explain for them.
 After that the students will  The teacher will ask the student to
going to play a fraction game say what are the 21st century skills
and give them around 3min. are 4c’s.
 Students will match the  After that the teacher will share the
fractions to its words. link of the fraction game to warm
up and give them around 3min.
 Then the teacher will explain the
fraction in general and ask the
students to help her in matching the
fraction to its word.

Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
 Students will be divided into  The teacher will explain the how
three groups based into their the group activity work and then
level. the teacher will ask the students to
 Then the students will look at look at their name and start work
their names and then open on the activity.
the link of fraction activity  The teacher will ask the students
based their group number and to share their work once they
start working on it. finished.
 Once the students are finished  Then the teacher will ask the
the students will share their students their feedback about the
work by send it on the chat. activity.
 Once all of the group are
finished, they will tell the
teacher their feedback about
the activity.
Differentiation activities (Support)

The activity is online, and the group will work on pictures and small fraction to make it
flexible and easy for them.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

The activity is online, and the group will work on word fraction and pictures in high level.

& Time
Students will Teacher will
 Students will work on live-  The teacher will share the link of
worksheet and start work on it. the live-worksheet and ask the
 Once the students are finished students to work on it.
the students will share their  The teacher will ask the students
work by send it to the chat. to share their work by send it on
the chat.

Assessment Live-worksheet
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral ☐ Peer assessment
assessment questioning

☐ Quiz ☐ Student ☐ Written work ☐ Verbal feedback

presentation and feedback


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