Stage 1: Desired Results: Transition: Have 2 Students Hand Out The Worksheet and Their Previous Worksheet

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Subject/Grade: English Language Arts, Grade 4/5 Lesson/Date: Topic Sentences Time:

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson This is a scaffold lesson to the previous classes where students research about their topic and
Overview: narrow it down into 3 sub-topics and write about important information about those sub-topics.
In this lesson, students will recognize what Topic Sentences are and know the definition.
Students will learn how to write a Topic Sentence about their Sub-Topics for their paragraph
that they are writing in their PowerPoint.
GOs: Students will manage ideas and information through research of their chosen topic
SOs: Students will: 3.1 Plan and Focus
-Focus attention
-Determine information needs
-Plan to gather information
Lesson Students will:
Objectives  Learn how to write a Topic Sentence
 Recognize what a Topic Sentence is
 Learn the definition of a Topic Sentence

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Assessment  Students filling up the worksheet will allow me to assess their understanding
 Students that are not finished or didn’t get a laptop will allow me to assess their

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to  Graphic Organizers for Resources: 
Lesson: students to use
 Laptops/devices for
students to use for their
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
 Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning:
o Get students settled in their expected spots Pre-assessment (FA)
o I will remind students what we have been working on in
writing, which is writing and researching about our topic and
narrowing it down into 3 sub-topics, then writing down the facts
about the sub-topics
o Then explain to students what we are doing today which is to
write 3 topic sentences for our 3 sub-topics
o I will write down the expectations when I’m doing the
Transition: Have 2 students hand out the worksheet and their previous
Learning Activity 1: Differentiation
 I will start my presentation after writing down the expectations occurs when I go
 I will ask students what they think what a Topic Sentence is through an example
 Then I will explain that a Topic Sentence is the first sentence of a of what to do with
Subject/Grade: English Language Arts, Grade 4/5 Lesson/Date: Topic Sentences Time:

paragraph that talks about the topics/sub-topic. Then pause to let the the graphic
students process it. organizers, because it
 Show the Burger visual to emphasize that we are working on Topic will allow students
Sentences who can visually
 Write down the definition on the board. understand directions
 We will go through an example of a paragraph and find where the better know what to
topic sentence is. do.
 I will tell students that we will be working on their Topic Sentence
for them to use in their PowerPoint information slides Students answering
 Then I will show an example of how to do the worksheet. my questions will
 I will emphasize on writing down the 3 sub-topics of my example allow me to assess
their understanding
 Then I will write down an example on the board writing a Topic
Sentence from my sub-topic.
 I will tell students that they need to finish their worksheet, then
show us teachers for feedback or to see if they finished for them to
receive their laptops.
 I will show what I am going to be assessing or what I am looking
for on the board for students to see.
 I will write down the time that they are expected to work/finish
Transition: Let students work on their worksheet
Learning Activity 2: Students handing in
 Students will start working on their worksheet, while teachers will their worksheet will
be walking around helping students that need it. allow me to assess
 Tell students that they NEED to finish their worksheet and get the their understanding
teachers approval before they can get a laptop. of how to write a
 I will have 4 specific students at the back table with me, because Topic Sentence
they are a little behind.
 Tell students that if they can’t finish this class, they can continue Writing down
their work next class. students who didn’t
get to finish will
allow me to assess
students that didn’t
get to finish their
work and help them
for next class

occurs when I have
the 4 specific
students at the back
with me so that they
could catch up.
Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:
 When time is up, I will write down the students who didn’t get a
laptop on my notebook to know which ones need to finish their
worksheet first before getting a laptop
 Then I will ask students to hand in their worksheet to me and close
their laptop for the next class.
Subject/Grade: English Language Arts, Grade 4/5 Lesson/Date: Topic Sentences Time:

Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:
 Students responded well with the lesson, because I had high expectations for the students and most of
them were able to meet those expectations! The students were all engaged with their writing and was
able to learn how to write their topic sentences.
2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
 Using the previous example from a previous lesson to use as an example for this lesson helped with
explaining what a topic sentence is
 Having visual of what we are working on in class aided the students to understand that topic sentences
are at the beginning of the paragraphs.
 Graphic organizer helped students have a better understanding
 Having students at the back with me so I could help them catch up or differentiate helped them a lot.
 Having the assessment on the board for students to know what is to be expected
3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
 Students were listening to my lessons, but it didn’t seem like they were that engaged with the lesson
4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?
 Find ways to make the lesson more engaging to students by allowing them to get in groups and find
the topic sentences. Such as breaking a paragraph down and students will rearrange the paragraph to
see if they were correct or not.
5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:
 I have grown in this lesson feeling more comfortable and confident with teaching literacy with my
students. Being able to teach topic sentences to my students gave me a boost of confidence with being
able to teach literacy at a higher level. Literacy is an important part of education and being able to
teach this lesson has made me taken a step forward with being able to teach more literacy for my

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