Nick Santana's Lesson Plan
Nick Santana's Lesson Plan
Nick Santana's Lesson Plan
Time Lesson Element What is the What are the Notes / Tips
in teacher doing? students doing?
5 Learning Tell students: Students are listening
mins. Objective By the end of the to the teacher and
lesson you should writing the standards
be able to know in their journal.
what scarcity is
and how it affects
someone’s choice.
5 Think-Pair-Share Students will be Students will first
mins asked a question: write their response,
what do you think then think about the
scarcity is? Also question for a minute.
how does it affect Then they will turn to
goods and their partner and
services. discuss their answers.
After they will share
with the class.
5-10 Classroom Teacher will help Students will share
mins Discussion facilitate the their responses with
discussion and the classroom. Also,
guide the student’s they will answer any
responses. Also, open-ended questions
the teacher will that the teacher might
help connect it to give.
concepts such as
wants, needs,
supply and
demand curves.
10- Lecture During the lecture Students will be Main points to
15mi we will define taking notes and cover:
ns what scarcity is. asking questions if People
Develop an they are unsure about have
understanding that a topic. unlimited
people cannot economics
have everything wants.
they want because Scarcity
of scarcity. means not
enough of
cannot have
they want,
then they
have to
5- Group Activity Teacher will split Students will be now
10mi High School the class into making choices and
ns Prom groups of 2 or 3 how their resources
students. Then the should be spent for
teacher will give prom.
the activity
worksheet where
students are now
in charge of the
prom committee.
Now they have to
make choices
based on the
limited resources
that they will
5 Reviewing Teacher will Students will share
mins Choices choose one group their decisions with
to start off with the class and why
their choices. they made those
Another group can decisions.
volunteer their
responses. Once
done sharing
students will than
turn in their
5 Independent Students will be Students will write
mins Practice given vocab words down the vocab
(ongoing to review and key words in their
assessment/home pages to review notebook to review.
work) from the book to Also, they will write
prepare them for down the key pages
the test at the end in their notebooks.
of the week.
5 Review key Teacher will Students will answer Key Concepts:
mins concepts (Check review key the check for Choice
for objectives of the understanding Economic
Understanding/Cl lesson and answer questions the teacher Wants
osure) any questions than will give. If they Scarcity
dismiss class once have any questions,
done. they will ask the
teacher. Once done
students will start
packing up and
proceed with their