Ispit E3 Sample
Ispit E3 Sample
Ispit E3 Sample
A) Turn the following E-mail into reported speech using appropriate introductory
Angela wrote an E-mail to her friend:
“ I`m still living with my parents, but I want to move out. My sister has found a flat we can
share, and we looked round it last week. It has just been decorated and we liked it very much,
but we were asked to pay a month`s rent in advance. Unfortunately, because I`m working
part-time and I don`t earn much money, I haven`t saved enough for the deposit. I`m going to
get a new job. I`m going to be interviewed tomorrow and I have to buy some new clothes.
Have you found a new job?”
B) Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb (bare infinitive, to-
infinitive or –ing form)
1. The physicist saw the particle _________________ (explode) as it hit the neutron.
2. The operator managed ______________ (pull) the fuel rods before the reactor got too hot.
3. Andrew Spicer, the local cycling star, has decided _______________ (give up) the attempt
to ride his bike for 24 hours. Poor weather conditions had caused him to postpone
_____________ (set off) for several hours.
4. One of the gang suggested ____________ (take) the body out to see.
5. They let us ____________ (park) motorcycles here but they do not allow us __________
(park) cars.
6. He dedicated his life to ________________ (research) human brain.
7. Many people cannot help _________ (blink) when they are exposed to a flashbulb.
8. I like George but I think he tends _____________ (talk) too much.
C) Complete the sentences with the most suitable verb + preposition. Change the form
of the verb if necessary.
reconcile, depart, subsist, insist, attend, depend, toy, conform, ponder, ascribe.
E) Insert the appropriate word in order to obtain meaningful sentences. Some help is
provided in brackets.
1. Encryption methods are used today in order to detect whether an __________ (person
pretending to be someone else) has _______________ (make unauthorized changes) data
during transit.
2. Many Americans ___________________ in Europe. (originate from)
3. This information ______________ has led to an interest in intelligent agents thus making
computing significantly easier. (a fierce attack)
4. The most important program in the OS is the supervisor program, most of which remains
in memory and is thus referred to as _________________ (remains in the memory
F) Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Odaberi ikonu, klikni i drži gumbić miša i onda povuci i pusti ikonu na odredište.
2. Rekao mi je da ne razumije pravila za upravni govor.
3. Grafičko sučelje je pridonijelo jednostavnost (korištenje miša), rad u vizualno privlačnoj
okolini (prozori), multimediju, izostanak poznavanja naredbenog prompta itd.
Final score:……/58
Percentage: ……%