W501F / SGT6 - 5000F Repair: Sulzer Turbo Services
W501F / SGT6 - 5000F Repair: Sulzer Turbo Services
W501F / SGT6 - 5000F Repair: Sulzer Turbo Services
Turbine Section
• Vane repair and full coupon
• Blade repair, including R1
• TBC and hot corrosion coatings
• Compressor blades (Rotor)
• Rotor bolting
SGT6-5000F Capabilities
On-Site Work
• Combustion and hot gas path inspections
• “In situ Belly Band” replacement
• Major inspection and overhauls
Rotor Repair
• Class IIA inspection
• Compressor blade removal and installation
• Class IIB inspection
• Air baffle replacement
• Curvic clutch contact pattern analysis
Vane Repair via Foil Coupon the sonic nozzles, sets the proper pressure at the circuit being
Intricate cooling passages and complex geometries throughout the tested and calculates the mass flow through the sonic nozzles.
W501F vanes present significant challenges in Additionally, the system monitors the airflow
the restoration process. With the advancement conditions to insure the sonic nozzles are in
of full foil coupon replacement, Sulzer Turbo a “choked” state and that flow is stable within
Services can now repair vane segments that +/- 0.1% of the set pressure ratio.
would have been scrapped. This level of repair
is only achieved through state-of-the-art EDM, Liquid System
highly specialized tooling and world class The System Controller handles the operation
technicians. Sulzer Turbo Services facilities of the prime movers, sets the proper pressure
are equipped with the latest in technological at the Unit Under Test (UUT) and calculates the
advancements and continually train each flow number through the UUT. The controller
craftsman. also monitors the liquid flow conditions to
insure that the flow is stable within +/- 0.1% of
Flow Test - Air and Liquid the pressure ratio set point.
Sulzer Turbo Services utilizes state-of-the- Blade Repair and TBC Coating
art sonic nozzle flow testing technology. The Sulzer Turbo Services has developed and
fuel nozzle flow bench is comprised of an air qualified repair procedures to fully repair
flow metering system that utilizes ten sonic R1 – R4 turbine blades. All coating removal,
nozzles housed in a common inlet and exit heat treatment repairs and new coatings are
manifold designed to meter the flow through completed at Sulzer Turbo Services, which are
the fuel nozzle circuits. Each fuel nozzle strictly monitored by on-site lab analysis.
assembly is visually and non-destructively Flow Testing Area
tested for deviations and failures in efforts to achieve the most Solving the R1 problem with severe “pressure side” platform
reliable, repeatable and accurate fuel nozzle system possible. Each cracking, Sulzer Turbo Services developed a patented procedure,
flow circuit has specially designed fixtures that allow accurate flow where the cracking is excavated and fully repaired.
measurements. The flow test system automatically opens and closes
W501F R1 Turbine Blade W501F R1 Blade, Fully Reconditioned and Coated with Advanced TBC
Digital X-Ray
Digital X-Ray has opened
a window into the most
vulnerable areas of gas turbine
components. Turbine blades,
vanes, fuel nozzle components,
transitions and inlet guide vane
shafts are regularly inspected
for plugged cooling holes
and indications in cooling
passages. Real-time, digital
imagery enables Sulzer Turbo
Services to view and document
indications and irregularities well
into the cooling cavities and
Digital X-Ray of R1 Blade Cavity Digital X-Ray
across the length of the material
wall. Precision manipulation of the components while digitally
enhancing the image allows the operator to pin-point previously 501F Transition Repair
undetected irregularities. Sulzer Turbo Services repairs the original design transitions, as
well as the PSM design transitions. Full 360º fixtures are utilized
Blade Manufacturing to check all critical fit up and picture frame dimensions. Routine
Sulzer Turbo Services manufactures and stocks W501FD rotor repairs include picture frame replacement, panel replacement,
compressor blades. Via precision air foil machine with advanced vacuum heat treatment and where necessary, full digital X-Ray of
CNC mills, all blades are manufactured and coated at the La Porte the cooling hole passages.
facility. Strict QC inspections verify machining accuracy.
Compressor Blades Manufactured by Sulzer Turbo Services W501F Transition Repair in Full 360º Simulator Fixture
W501F Rotor