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Types: Mfac 14 Mfac 34

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6. SPARES 14

Page 2

1.1 General
Protective relays, although generally of robust construction, require careful
treatment prior to installation and a wise selection of site. By observing a few simple
rules the possiblity of premature failure is eliminated and a high degree of
performance can be expected.
The relays are either despatched individually or as part of a panel/rack mounted
assembly in cartons specifically designed to protect them from damage.
Relays should be examined immediately they are received to ensure that no damage
has been sustained in transit. If damage due to rough handling is evident, a claim
should be made immediately to the transport company concerned and the nearest
GEC ALSTHOM T&D Protection & Control Limited representative should be
promptly notified. Relays which are supplied unmounted and not intended for
immediate installation should be returned to their protective polythene bags.
1.2 Unpacking
Care must be taken when unpacking and installing the relays so that none of the
parts are damaged or their settings altered and must at all times be handled by skilled
persons only.
Relays should be examined for any wedges, clamps, or rubber bands necessary to
secure moving parts to prevent damage during transit and these should be removed
after installation and before commissioning.
Relays which have been removed from their cases should not be left in situations
where they are exposed to dust or damp. This particularly applies to installations
which are being carried out at the same time as constructional work.
1.3 Storage
If relays are not installed immediately upon receipt they should be stored in a place
free from dust and moisture in their original cartons and where de-humidifier bags
have been included in the packing they should be retained. The action of the de-
humidifier crystals will be impaired if the bag has been exposed to damp ambient
conditions and may be restored by gently heating the bag for about an hour, prior to
replacing it in the carton.
Dust which collects on a carton may, on subsequent unpacking, find its way into the
relay; in damp conditions the carton and packing may become impregnated with
moisture and the de-humidifying agent will lose its efficiency.
The storage temperature range is 25 and +70C.
1.4 Site
The installation should be clean, dry and reasonably free from dust and excessive
vibration. The site should preferably be well illuminated to facilitate inspection.
An outline diagram is normally supplied showing panel cut-outs and hole centres.
For individually mounted relays these dimensions will also be found in Publication
Publication R7012 is a Parts Catalogue and Assembly Instructions. This document
will be useful when individual relays are to be assembled as a composite rack or
panel mounted assembly.

Page 3
Publication R6001 is a leaflet on the modular integrated drawout system of
protective relays.
Publication R6014 is a list of recommended suppliers for the pre-insulated


2.1 Description of relay, calculation of setting and commissioning preliminaries

2.1.1 Description of MFAC 14/MFAC 34
This is a voltage operated relay having seven equally spaced settings of
15185 volts, 25175 volts, 25375 volts or 100400 volts which may be selected
by means of a plug bridge.
The relays may be used for any type of high impedance circulating current
2.1.2 List of abbreviations.
IE = Current transformer exciting current at relay setting voltage (referred to the
CT secondary current)
IF = Maximum value of primary through fault current for which protection must
remain stable.
IFM = Maximum value of primary fault current for internal fault.
IP = Primary current for operation of protection.
IR = Relay operating current.
ISH = Current in shunt resistor at relay setting VR.
N = Turns ratio of current transformer.
n = No. of current transformers in parallel with relay.
RCT = Secondary resistance of current transformer.
RL = Lead resistance between furthest current transformer and relay connection
RR = Relay impedance.
RSH = Value of shunt resistor.
VF = The theoretical voltage which would be produced across the relay circuit
under internal fault condition.
VF = IFM (RCT + 2RL + RR)
VK = Knee point voltage of current transformer.
VP = Peak voltage across relay circuit under maximum internal fault conditions.
VS = Minimum setting voltage. (calculated)
VR = Relay setting voltage.
2.1.3 Calculation of relay setting.
The minimum setting voltage to ensure stability is
The relay plug setting voltage VR must be set to the nearest tap above VS.

Page 4
The minimum knee point voltage must be
The operating current of the relay is 38mA, irrespective of tap selected, excluding
the current drawn by the external metrosil. When a standard metrosil is included
with the relay, the relay operating current including the metrosil is given in the table
below. It must be appreciated that metrosils have large tolerances and these figures
are given for guidance only.
a) Low range relay (5V steps)
Setting voltage VR 15 50 75 100 125 150 175 185
Relay current IR(mA) 38 38 39 42 46 55 72 81
(including metrosil, C = 450)
b) Low range relay
Setting voltage VR 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
Relay current IR(mA) 19 19 20 23 27 36 53
(including metrosil, C = 450)
c) High range relay
Setting voltage VR 25 75 125 175 225 275 325
Relay current IR(mA) 19 19 20 22 24 31 44
(including metrosil, C = 900)
d) 100400V version
Setting voltage VR 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Setting voltage IR(mA) 19 19 20 20 23 27 36
(including metrosil, C = 1100)
The primary current for operation is given by
IP = N (IR + nIE)
If the resultant value of IP is too low it may be increased by the addition of a shunt
resistor RSH to give a current of
The new increased value of primary current
IP = N (IR + nIE + ISH)
External metrosils.
Each FAC relay is applied with an external metrosil which must be wired across the
relay circuit. This provides a shunt circuit for high internal fault currents and
prevents a high voltage being developed across the CT and relay circuits.
2.1.4 Commissioning preliminaries.
Carefully examine the module and case to see that no damage has occurred during
transit. Check that the relay serial number on the module, case and cover are
identical, and that the model number and rating information are correct.
Carefully remove any elastic bands/packing fitted for transportation purposes.
Carefully actuate the armature of each unit in turn with a small screwdriver/probe.
Note that immediately after the point where any normally open contacts just make

Page 5
there is a small further movement of the armature. This ensures that contact follow
through and wiping action is present. On units fitted with hand reset flag indicators,
check the flag is free to fall before, or just as, any normally open contacts touch.
Check that the external wiring is correct to the relevant relay diagram or scheme
diagram. The relay diagram number appears inside the case.
Particular attention should be paid to the correct wiring and value of any external
resistors indicated on the wiring diagram/relay rating information.
Note that shorting switches shown on the relay diagram are fitted internally across
the relevant case terminals and close when the module is withdrawn. It is essential
that such switches are fitted across all CT circuits.
If a test block type MMLG is provided, the connections should be checked to the
scheme diagram, particularly that the supply connections are to the live side of the
test block (coloured orange) and with terminals allocated with odd numbers (1, 3, 5,
7, etc.).
Ensure that the case earthing connection above the rear terminal block, is used to
connect the relay to a local earth bar.
The relay, and its associated wiring, may be insulation tested between:
a) all electrically isolated circuits
b) all circuits and earth
An electronic or brushless insulation tester should be used, having a dc voltage not
exceeding 1000V. Accessible terminals of the same circuit should first be strapped
Deliberate circuit earthing links, removed for the tests, must subsequently be
Terminal allocation.
Terminals of the relay are normally allocated as below, but reference should always
be made to the relevant diagram.
a) Single pole relays
Normally open contacts 1,3 and 2,4.
AC current input - 27, 28.
An alternative version of the relay has additional normally open contacts
connected to 5, 7 and 6, 8.
b) Triple pole relays
Normally open contacts 1, 3 and 2, 4.
The contacts are normally connected in parallel for the three phases but a
version of the relay having contacts brought out separately is available.
AC current inputs - 23, 24 : 25, 26 : 27, 28.
2.2 Instructions to ensure that the relay can be commissioned at the specific settings for
the application
It is only necessary to check the relay at the setting on which it is to be used.

Page 6
The relay must not be used at any setting other than that for which the setting has
been calculated.
2.2.1 Test equipment required
1 Secondary injection test equipment capable of providing an ac voltage supply
of up to at least 120% of the relay setting.
1 Multifinger test plug type MMLB01 for use with test block type MMLG if
1 Miniature split plug type MMLB03 to fit relay plug bridge.
3 Calibrated multimeters 010 amp ac, 0400 volt ac.
1 Set primary injection testing equipment.
2.2.2 General
If the relay is wired through an MMLG test block it is recommended that all
secondary injection tests should be carried out using this block.
Ensure that the main system current transformers are shorted before isolating the
relay from the current transformers in preparation for secondary injection tests.
When type MMLG test block facilities are installed, it is important that the sockets
in the type MMLB 01 test plug, which correspond to the current transformer
INTO THE TEST BLOCK. Similarly, a MMLB 02 single finger test plug must be
terminated with an ammeter BEFORE IT IS INSERTED to monitor CT secondary
It is assumed that the initial preliminary checks have been carried out.
2.2.3 Relay CT shorting switches
With the relay removed from its case, check electrically that the CT shorting switch
is closed.
2.2.4 Secondary injection testing
Connect the circuit as shown in Figure 1 and ensure that the current transformer
primary is open circuit and that if any earthing connections are fitted, they do not
short out the primaries of any current transformers.
Increase the voltage until the relay just operates.
Note the current in the relay (this can be done using the miniature split plug inserted
into the appropriate position of the plug bridge connected to an ammeter). It should
be approximately 38mA at setting.
Note also the voltage at which the relay operates which should correspond to the
setting VR of the relay with a tolerance of 10%. The total secondary current for
operation will be given on ammeter A1. This test should be repeated for each pole of
the relay.
Drop off/Pick up ratio.
Check that this ratio is greater than 50%.

Page 7
2.2.5 Primary injection testing
It is essential that primary injection testing is carried out to prove the correct polarity
of current transformers.
Before commencing any primary injection testing it is essential to ensure that the
circuit is dead, isolated from the remainder of the system and that only those earth
connections associated with the primary test equipment are in position.
2.2.6 Primary fault setting
The primary fault setting of any balanced scheme can be checked using the circuit
shown in Figure 2. The primary current is injected into each current transformer in
turn and increased until the relay operates. The voltage at which the relay operates
should be within 10% of the relay setting voltage VR. The primary current for
operation and relay current should be noted.
In the case of machine protection similar tests must be carried out by injecting first
into each current transformer in turn to determine the primary fault setting.
For large machines the machine itself can be used to provide the fault current to
check the primary fault setting as shown in Figure 5. The machine should be run up
to speed with no excitation. The excitation should then be increased until the relays
have all operated. The primary current, relay current and relay voltage should be
noted as each relay operates.
2.2.7 Through fault stability
With any form of unbalanced protection it is necessary to check that the current
transformers are correctly connected. For this purpose with a restricted earth fault
scheme the circuit shown in Figure 3 may be used. During this test it is necessary to
measure the spill current in the relay circuit and short out the relay and stabilising
resistor (if fitted). The current is increased up to as near full load as possible and the
spill current noted. The spill current should be very low, only a few milliamps if the
connections are correct. A high reading (twice the injected current, referred through
the current transformer ratio) indicates that one of the current transformers is
Injection should be carried out through each phase to netural.
Where primary injection is not practicable in the case of restricted earth fault
protection on a transformer it may be possible to check stability by means of back
energising the transformer from a low voltage (415V) supply as shown in
Figure 4.
In the case of machine protection, similar stability tests must be carried out by
injecting into one and out of another current transformer connected on the same
For large machines, the machine itself can be used to provide the fault current, but
the short circuit must now be fitted as shown in Figure 6. The machine should be
run up to normal speed and the excitation increased until the primary current is
approximately full load, when the spill current should be checked.
All other types of balanced protection should be tested in a similar manner.
At the conclusion of the tests ensure that all connections are correctly restored and
any shorting connections removed.

Page 8
A2 Metrosil

Stabilising resistor
(if fitted) A1 Ammeter (in plug bridge circuit)

Figure 1 Secondary injection of relay to check secondary operating current, setting voltage and relay
operating current.


test kit

Stabilising resistor Ammeter (in plug bridge circuit)
(if fitted)

Figure 2 Sensivity check of restricted earth fault scheme by primary injection.

Page 9

injection A
test kit

Stabilising resistor
(if fitted)


Figure 3 Stability check of restricted earth fault protection.



Stabilising resistor
(if fitted)

short circuit

Figure 4 Stability check on restricted earth fault scheme by back energising with a low voltage

Page 10
Temporary short

Generator Isolating

V 87 87 87

87 Generator differential relay

V Voltmeter

Figure 5 Testing sensitivity of generator differential protection using generator to supply primary

links Temporary short
Generator circuit

A2 A2 A2

87 87 87

87 Generator differential relay

A Ammeter

Figure 6 Checking stability of generator differential protection.

Page 11

Periodic maintenance is not necessary. However, periodic inspection and test is

recommended. This should be carried out every l2 months or more often if the relay
is operated frequently or is mounted in poor environmental conditions.
3.1 Repeat secondary injection tests 2.2.4 to prove operation, with emphasis on contact
wear and condition. Mechanical settings may be checked against those shown in
Section 4.


4.1 General
Armature gap measurements should be made with the top of the feeler gauge level
with the centre line of the core.
Contact pressures are measured with a gramme gauge at the contact tips.
In general contact gaps and follow through are defined by quoting an armature gap
at which the tips should be just closed or just open.
The relay contact state is always defined with the relay in the unenergised position,
unless otherwise specified on the appropriate circuit diagram.
4.1.1 With the armature closed the clearance between the back of the armature and the
back stop should be 0.003"/0.008".
4.1.2 Nominal armature gap open: 0.060" for all types.
Set screw in armature so that armature gap when closed is approximately
4.2 Contact settings
4.2.1 Normal duty make contacts
With the armature closed onto a 0.011" feeler gauge the make contacts should be
closed, but should be open using a 0.013" feeler gauge.

Contact settings 2 contacts 4 contacts

(MFAC 34) (MFAC 14)
Force to just close the make 20/25 grams 15/20 grams
Force to just lift the fixed contact 15/20 grams 20/25 grams
off its support

Nominal contact gap 0.060"/0.080"

4.3 Mechanical flag settings
4.3.1 Settings for self reset units
MFAC l4/34
With the armature closed on to a 0.013" feeler gauge the flag should be free to fall,
but should not fall using an 0.018" feeler gauge. Adjustment is made to the catch
spring on the flag.

Page 12

5.1 Failure to operate

Check diagram for correct input connections.
Check tap voltage; this is marked above or below the plug bridge on the front of the
Note: with the plug removed the relay setting goes to the highest tap value.
Measure the input current at VS, this should be 38mA (excluding the metrosil).
Flag spring may be jammed between armature and core face, preventing armature
Check internal wiring for damage.
Check choke continuity - resistance 240 ohms 15%.
Check resistor values - remove pcb from module and fold down to gain access to
Setting range Resistors on PCB ZJ0038
R1 R3 R5R6 R7R8 R9
15185 680 680 150 120
Adjustable resistor 01000
Capacitor 3.3F
Relay coil 190
Setting range Resistors on PCB ZJ0038
R1 R6
25175 1.3K
25327 2.4K
Adjustable resistor RV1 510
Capacitor C1 1.7F 5% 50Hz, 1.18F 5% 60Hz.
Relay coil 560 15%
Setting range Resistors on PCB ZJ0038
100400 2.7K
5.2 Output contacts not changing state
Check output terminals with reference to appropriate diagram.
Operating pushrods not in position
Internal wiring damaged
Contamination of contacts
Contacts should be cleaned with the burnishing tool supplied in the relay tool kits.
On no account should knives, files or abrasive materials be used.
Check mechanical settings as per Section 4.

Page 13
Section 6. SPARES

When ordering spares, quote the full relay model number and any component
reference numbers, or briefly describe the parts required.
Should the need arise for the equipment to be returned to GEC ALSTHOM T&D
Protection & Control Limited for repair, then the form at the back of this manual
should be completed and sent with the equipment together with a copy of any
commissioning test results.

Page 14

High Impedance Differential Relay Type MFAC

Station Circuit.
Relay Model No. Serial No.
Setting range CT ratio
Setting voltage Relay setting
Type of ext. metrosil Shunt resistor ohms
(if fitted)
Calculated primary
operating current

Test results

2.2.3 Relay CT shorting switch

2.2.4 Secondary voltage to operate relay.

Phase Total current (A1) Relay current (A2) PU Volts DO Volts

Drop off / pick up ratio check

2.2.6 Primary current to operate relay

Phase Primary current (A1) Relay current (A2) Relay voltage

Page 15
2.2.7 Stability check by primary injection

Restricted earth fault

Phases Primary current (A1) Spill current (A2)




Circulating current between two or more sets of current transformers.

Phases Primary current (A1) Spill current (A2)




Where more than two sets of current transformers are involved, injection should be
carried out between set 1 and each other set in turn.

Commissioning Engineer Customer Witness

Date Date

Page 16

Please complete this form and return it to GEC ALSTHOM T&D Protection & Control
Limited with the equipment to be repaired. This form may also be used in the case of
application queries.

GEC ALSTHOM T&D Protection & Control Limited

St. Leonards Works
ST17 4LX,
For: After Sales Service Department

Customer Ref: __________________ Model No: _________________

GECA Contract Ref: __________________ Serial No: _________________
Date: __________________

1. What parameters were in use at the time the fault occurred?

AC volts _____________ Main VT/Test set

DC volts _____________ Battery/Power supply
AC current _____________ Main CT/Test set
Frequency _____________

2. Which type of test was being used? ________________________________________

3. Were all the external components fitted where required? Yes/No

(Delete as appropriate.)

4. List the relay settings being used


5. What did you expect to happen?


continued overleaf

Page 17

6. What did happen?


7. When did the fault occur?

Instant Yes/No Intermittent Yes/No

Time delayed Yes/No (Delete as appropriate).

By how long? __________

8. What indications if any did the relay show?


9. Was there any visual damage?


10. Any other remarks which may be useful:


___________________________________ ____________________________________
Signature Title

___________________________________ ____________________________________
Name (in capitals) Company name

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