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Art Lesson Plan

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Art Lesson Plan

Name(s): Aylish Marchand, Troy Butler, Zack Williams, Philip Gray

Focus (topic) of the Lesson Plan: Art and Social Studies integrated lesson plan

Universal Outcomes Required Materials,

Design for Tools and Technology
Learning GCO:
Visual Arts Grade 6 GCO 4: Powerpoi
Representation Students will demonstrate nt presentations
1- Provide options critical awareness of and Projector
for perception: value for the role of the arts 30X
- Hand out of in creating and reflecting Provincial map
province and flags culture. outlines
allows students to 30X flag
perceive and create SCO: sheets
the provinces and Markers
Visual Arts: 6.4.3 use Pencil
new flags in their
experiences from their crayons
own ways.
personal, social, and physical
1.1 - Offer ways of environments as a basis for
customizing the visual expression Special Concerns
display of
information: Social Studies: 6.3.1 Tables
- Agenda and Examine how traditions relate should be
outcomes will be arranged so that
to culture in a selected
written on the there are
cultural region
board. preferably four
students to a
SWBAT (in student friendly table.
1.3 - Offer
terms): All
alternatives for
1. Students will students should
visual information:
be able to reflect on be able to see the
- Powerpoint
new cultural SMART board
presentations. Micropho
- Top 10 lesson information of
nes should be
plans handout. Maritime provinces.
used if available.
2. Students will
have the opportunity
Action and to create a new
Expression Differentiation
provincial flag based
4 - Provide on their personal Multiple Intelligences
options for knowledge and
physical action: experiences of the Visual/Spatial:
- For the KWL chart province. This class relies heavily
students will have 3. Students will on students making
to be physically be see a variety of their own flags based on
involved in placing media demonstrating the information they are
the sticky notes in culture and traditions provided on in class.
each category for of the Maritime There is also a
the APK activity. powerpoint which has
the information
4.2 - Optimize available.
access to tools
and assistive Assessment Verbal Linguistic
technologies: (formative/summative, This class does have a
- Markers and hand self/peer) portion that is content
outs for province driven and has the
What prior data is informing
and flag activities teachers lecturing
your instruction?
will be on the desk information. The
prior to activity to Students will know and students will also be
provide easy understand some basic sharing their flags near
access for students. information about flags. the end of class.
Students will understand what
5 - Provide makes a good flag, some of Interpersonal
options for the features of a flag, and Students will be sharing
expression and what exactly a flag represents. their flags to the rest of
communication: the class and will be
- Students will Students will know what a working in groups in
create they own KWL chart is and how to order to make their
flags based on their appropriately and effectively flags.
person reflections fill one out.
of the province they Intrapersonal
are given. At the Students will be given a KWL In the map outline of
end students will be chart and will fill out the K their choice, students
chosen at random and W sections of the chart. will independently think
to orally share their This will inform the teacher as of words and symbols of
new flag creations. to what students already the province of their
know and what they want to choice.
6.3 - Facilitate know about the atlantic
managing provinces. Kinesthetic
information and Students will be
resources: What assessment strategies physically working on
- From the will measure the learning from their own art.
information on the the outcomes?
Power Point,
Students will complete the L
students will use
section of the KWL chart after
parts to incorporate
the lesson. This will provide a In-Class Support
their own flag and
basic assessment of what
province activities. Since
students have learned from
the lesson. there will be four
teachers present
7.1 - Optimize After the slideshow in this class, when
individual choice presentation, students will fill a teacher is not
and autonomy out one province outline and speaking, they
- Students will one flag outline for the same should be
choose which province. The students will circulating the
information and draw different symbols and classroom to
pictures will create write words in each province ensure that the
their activities. outline that they believe students are
describes the province. They staying on task.
7.2 - Optimize will also draw a flag for the Teachers
relevance, value, province they have done the will maximize
and authenticity: outline for which will also class time by
- Students will be represent the province. These preparing
learning about the activities will help students see materials ahead
maritime provinces the importance of the arts of class
in which we live in, when it comes to reflecting on All
have visited or will culture (GCO 4). This activity teachers will
likely visit. They will also allows students with the monitor students
create value by opportunity to use their as they work on
connecting their personal, social, and physical their flags
ideas of their environments as a basis for
provinces and visual expression (SCO 6.4.3).
create an original This activity also provides Cross-curricular
and unique flag students with a way to explore Connections
based on their and examine how traditions
personal ideas. relate to culture in their Social Studies:
selected provinces (SCO - Cultural regions
9.3 - Develop self- 6.3.1). (Balanced Literacy: - Traditions
assessment and Oral Language & Read Aloud) - Agriculture
reflection: Language arts:
- Students will - Reading and viewing
personally reflect on - PowerPoint
Timeline / Elaboration
their ideas and -Writing and other
create a new flag Before (APK) 5m ways of representing
based on their -Comparing and
ideas of the There will be a KWL chart contrasting
province assigned. drawn on the whiteboard. The - Listening
teachers will also ensure that - Oral sharing
all three sticky notes (pink,
blue, and yellow) will be
distributed at each table with
enough of each kind for all
students at that table.

The teacher will ask students Reflection

to write one thing that they
know about each Atlantic
Province on their pink sticky This is a reflection of all
note. The teachers will ensure aspects related to the
that all students fill out their completion of this
own sticky note. lesson plan and lesson
The teacher will then ask all
students to put their pink
sticky notes in one pile on
their table when they are done

Next, the teacher will ask

students to write down what
Atlantic Province they would
like to know more about and
why. All students will write this
out on their blue sticky note.

When students are done, the

teacher will ask one person
from each table to come up to
the board with the groups pink
and blue sticky notes. The
teacher will tell students that
the pink sticky notes go under
the K or Know section. The
teacher will also tell the
students that the blue sticky
notes go under the W or
Want to know section of the

Focus Questions:
Pink sticky: write one thing
you know about each
Blue sticky: What is one
province you would like to
know more about? And why?

During 45 m

The Teachers will begin the

class by stating Today we are
going to look at the four
Atlantic Provinces of Canada,
specifically their culture.
Before the slideshow the
teachers will ask the question
Which of the Atlantic
Provinces have you visited?
(Oral Language)
- Select only two
students to respond.

Begin class
slideshow, which begins
with the province of
Prince Edward Island,
followed by New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia,
and Newfoundland &
Labrador. (spatial)
Each of the four
sections will primarily
cover the culture of their
respective province and
items related to it.
During each
section, the teacher that
is covering a specific
province will pose
questions to the class in
order to engage them in
the lesson.

Prince Edward Island:

Has anyone
visited PEI?
Were you
scared going over that
big bridge? Or did you
take the ferry?
Have you seen
the iconic Red Sand PEI
is known for?
Have you ever
heard of Anne of Green

New Brunswick:
Has anyone
been to one of New
Brunswicks National
Parks or Beaches?
Has anyone
been to one of New
Brunswicks many

Nova Scotia:
Has anyone
interacted with either the
Acadian or Aboriginal
culture that I just talked
Is everyone
familiar with the dime?
On the one side we
have the Queen. Whats
one the other side? The

Newfoundland and Labrador:

Has anyone
been to Newfoundland
and Labrador before?
Does anyone
know of anyone who
has become an
Newfoundland before?
If so, what did they have
to do to become one?
When you think
of Newfoundland and
Labrador what images
come to mind?

Once the slideshow is

concluded, inform that students
that they will be spending the
remainder of the class
(Excluding the final five minutes)
to design their own flag (spatial,

1. Individually for a
province of their choice
2. In a group
comprised of those at
their table for a province
of their choice
3. Individually for
every province that was
covered in todays class.

Handouts and Materials will be

handed out to the class once the
assignment has been properly

As the students work on their

assignment, the teacher should
circle the room, or even sit down
at the table with them and
discuss the following: (Oral

Their choice of
What they want
their flag to look like and
Are their any
personal stories that
they can think of that
may help inspire their

At the end the class should have

created a flag of one or all of the
provinces that were covered
during the class lecture. Once
finished, select a group or an
individual (Maximum two groups
to three individuals) to present
their flag to the class and
explain (verbal/linguistic)(Oral

1. Which province
they chose and why.
2. What symbols,
colours, etc. they chose
and why.
3. What is their
fondest memory of the
province they chose, if
they have one. If they
do not have a fond
memory, ask them what
activities they would like
to do if they visited that

Before entering into the AFTER

section of the lesson, ask the
class to raise their hands and
determine which was the most
popular of the provinces shown.

Opportunity for
individual/small group

- Individual: students will

individually write their past
knowledge, questions, and
learned items on a sticky note
for the KWL chart.
- Small group: Students will
participate in the art activity in
small groups (at their tables).
In small groups (at their
tables), students will learn
about the Atlantic Provinces

After 5m

Once the class

has finished presenting
their works, return to
question/objective set
forth at the beginning of
the class
the question/objective
and see whether or not
the class can answer it
in a thoughtful manner
In order to leave
the class the students
must pass in a sticky
note which includes one
fact that they learned
from the class
Thank the class
for their participation as
they leave, congratulate
them on a job well done.

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