Running Head: LESSON PLAN ONE 1

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Running Head: LESSON PLAN ONE 1

Lesson Plan One

SPED 875: Advanced Practicum with Exceptional Children and Youth

University of Kansas

Dr. Martha Elford

Brent Seager

January 21, 2018


Lesson Plan Template

Unit Title Community Based Learning Project Proposal
Subject Area Mr. Seager’s Community Based Learning Group
Lesson Title Designing a Project Proposal
Length of Lesson 40 minutes
Audience Description This is a combined middle and high school class with students in grades 6-12. There are seven students
in total, all males and two para educators to support during instruction.
Number of Students:
7 (One 6th grade, Two 7th grade, Three 8th grade, One 10th grade, and One 11th grade students).
6 white and 1 African American
-One 6th grade student with Autism
-One 7th grade student with OHI
-One 7th grade student with ED
-Three 8th grade students with ED
-One 10th grade student with TBI
-One 11th grade student with OHI
Cultural Considerations:
Six out of the seven students were born and raised in the surrounding communities and attend the school
district where they have grown up in. One student was born out of state and is in a military family and
has lived in the community for two years. The students understand and appreciate the diversity of the
community and are respectful to the diversity and backgrounds that each student and staff member
brings into the classroom.
Other Relevant Information:
-Each student has a behavior intervention plan (BIP) in place, and these are located in the substitute
binder for reference as necessary.
-The 10th grade student will report to the main office at 2:45 PM for check out each day.
-Please begin the lesson by introducing yourself and getting acquainted with the students.
-Have the students brainstorm ideas on what types of improvements need or can be made within the
community and write these on the white board.

-The students will then select a topic or idea.

-Pass out the persuasive maps and have the students write the main topic or idea at the top.
-Then show the students an example of a completed persuasive map (this is on the flash drive and is the
only item on there).
-Then have the students complete the supporting ideas and supporting details portions of the persuasive
map (you may need to provide them with examples of ideas or supporting details).
-Please collect the persuasive maps from the students and place them in the substitute folder and I will
review these.
-Please document any behavioral concerns or other issues and I will address these upon my return.
IEP Goals (where Each student has a self-advocacy, self-awareness, or self-control goal and this lesson is designed to
available) provide them additional opportunities to practice and develop these skills, while addressing problems or
issues within the local community.
Objectives -The students will learn about persuasive writing and how this skill is necessary in their lives.
-The students will learn how to use persuasive writing to address and problem solve within the school or
the local community.
-The students will begin the persuasive writing project using brain storming and the persuasive concept
map to organize thoughts and ideas.
-The students will continue to work on and develop social skills, self-advocacy, self-awareness, and self-
regulation skills throughout the lesson.
-The students will learn how to become more involved within the local community.
Standards SECD: Core Principles:
C. Create a caring community.
1. Consider it a high priority to foster caring attachments between fellow students, staff, and the
9-12: b. Manage personal behavior in family, school, and community that contributes to caring

Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time
frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
Assessment (formative -The students will be formally assessed with the information written in their persuasive maps, as
and/or summative) this information will be used for the students to get their topic, main points, and supporting facts
-The students will be informally assessed using observation.
-The students will be informally assessed during the whole group discussion.

Resources (texts, The following resources will be used in the delivery of this lesson:
technology, materials, -Computer connected to the internet and overhead projector to show examples of persuasive writing
etc.) and a persuasive map.
-White board to brainstorm different ideas.
-Paper copies of persuasive maps and completed persuasive maps.
Incorporation of other The lesson incorporates writing persuasive writing techniques that are closely aligned with the
subject areas Language Arts content area. Persuasive writing is also used in social studies and other subject areas
within the school. The students will also work on self-advocacy and self-awareness skills throughout
this lesson, helping them to develop and implement these skills.
Introduction # of minutes:___10__
(Anticipatory set,
thinking device, advance -Prior to the start of the lesson, the teacher will triage and check in with the students about their day and
address any concerns and issues at this time.
organizer, lesson -The students will review the weekly schedule and what to expect after triage, as this reduces anxiety
“hook”) and stress.
-The hook of the lesson will be how to improve the lives of others within the community or school.
Another hook will be how persuasive writing skills can be transferred into areas of life (i.e. applying for
jobs, applying for scholarships, applying for grants, and etc.).
-The students will then participate in a whole group discussion centered about the persuasive writing
project; this project will incorporate community concerns, issues, and how persuasive writing impacts
their lives.

Description Rationale
UDL principle & description (at least 1): Explain your reason for choosing the UDL
 Provide Multiple Means of principle
Representation: Provide options for  The students will provide their current
comprehension through activating and knowledge and usage of persuasive
supplying background knowledge. writing. They will also briefly discuss
 Provide Multiple Means of issues or concerns that are experienced
Engagement: Provide options for Self- within the community.
Regulation through promoting  The students will be provided an overview
expectations and beliefs that optimize of the skill and examples of what the
motivation. expectations are, which will encourage
and increase motivation for this activity.
National Center on Universal Design for
Learning, 2017
# of minutes:____25_____

Lesson activities
(Content, methods, -The students will brainstorm main ideas for community problems, concerns, or issues (i.e. the poor,
strategies, procedures, traffic, lack of activities within the community for students, and etc.). The teacher will then write these
on the white board.
formative assessment) -The students will then be given the persuasive map and shown the example on how to fill this out and
will then be explained the process as well.
-The students will begin working on the persuasive map and the teacher will circulate the room
answering questions, observing, and providing ideas or insight.
-The students will complete the persuasive maps and these will be collected to be reviewed.

UDL Description Rationale:

Representation  The students will be guided in the information processing using

 Provide brainstorming and the completed persuasive map, which will
Options for demonstrate the expectations and allow them to organize their
Comprehensi information.
on: Guide  The highlighting of big ideas will occur when the students complete
information the persuasive map, as this will include the topic, main ideas, and
processing, supporting details.
 Provide
Options for
on: Highlight
features, big
ideas, and

National Center on
Universal Design for
Learning, 2017

Expression &  The students and their planning for the persuasive paper will be
Action supported using the persuasive map to organize thoughts, ideas, and
 Provide concepts.
Options for  The use of the white board, overhead projector, paper copies of the
Executive persuasive map, and other resources provides the students with
Functions: several different resources to construct this project.
planning and
 Provide
Options for
ion: Use
multiple tools

National Center on
Universal Design for
Learning, 2017

Engagement  Collaboration will be used in the whole group discussion about the
 Provide community and needs associated with the community.
Options for  The students will be allowed to choose an issue, concern, or problem
Sustaining that they believe is impacting the community and the steps necessary
Effort and to address the issue, concern, or problem.
 Provide
Options for

choice and

National Center on
Universal Design for
Learning, 2017

Closure # of minutes:____5____

-Closing will include asking questions to check for understanding (i.e. which topic did you choose?, did
you choose a topic not on the board?, what can you do to become more involved in your community?,
where can you find this information?, and etc.).

UDL principle & description (at least 1):

 Provide Multiple Means of Engagement: Provide options for recruiting interest through asking
questions that deepen understanding and relevance of the project.
 Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression: Support Planning and Strategy Development
through the use of guiding questions and the completion of the persuasive map to organize thoughts
and ideas.

National Center on Universal Design for Learning, 2017



National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2017). Retrieved from:

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