CHED AO No. 02 Series of 2015 Scholarships Project Implementing Guidelines
CHED AO No. 02 Series of 2015 Scholarships Project Implementing Guidelines
CHED AO No. 02 Series of 2015 Scholarships Project Implementing Guidelines
^ on Hig/j
/ O F F I C I A L ^
Series of 2015
Tlie Philippine government has decided to address the limited capacitv- of Philippine higher education
institutions (HEIs) in undertaking world-class research, development and innovation. This decision is a
response to the needs of national development. As the ASEAN Free Trade Area takes effect in 2015, it
is important for the country' to have the capacity to compete in an open market of 500 million people.
The Philippine-California Advanced Research Institutes (PCARI) Project aims to provide an
opportunity for catalytic interaction with the world's elite universities and galvanize top talents in the
country to be more active in fundainental and applied research relevant to the countiy's socio-economic
development in order to help ensure the long-term competitiveness of the Philippines,
Tlie PCARI Project has two major integral components; (a) human resource development (HRD) and
capacity building in research and development particularly in the areas of infonnation infrastructure
development (IID) and health innovation and translational medicine (HITM); and (b) the actual
production of new knowledge in these fields where Philippine scientists and researchers show much
promise, based on their tiack records like publications in scientific journals and patent applications. The
PCARI Project is unique in that it involves convergence of training and research.
The HRD or the scholarships component of the PCARI Project is primarily for capacit\' building of
researchers, faculty and students of Philippine HEIs in line with the DOST's National Science and
Technology Plan's (NSTP) priorit>' areas. The PCARI research activities will be the vehicle for capacity
building and scholarships. This approach will not only provide highly-frained scientists and researchers
but also enable enterprises to be established utilizing the expertise gained through the collaborative
activities with California universities.
The objective of the PCARI Scholarships Project is to develop a critical mass of scientists, technologists
and innovators with capacity to generate and translate technologies into innovations that will address
societal problems.
ich-prn;^rain him 1,
specifically, PCARI Project through its Institute for Health innovation and Translational
Medicine (IHITM) will focus on developing robust research, policy and clinical capacity' within the
Philippines as an engine for long-term development, while providing a venue for introducing new
inetliodb of device, diagnostic and drug development, testing and nnplemenlalion of high quality, costsensitive models of delivering healthcare, and improving the health and economic potential of the
On the other hand, through its - Institute for Information Infrastructure Development (HID) will
focus on generating the required number of scientists, researchers and engineers necessary* to drive the
Philippine ICT Industty's growth. After completion of their studies/training, this liighly trained
workforce will further train other students and engineers - creating a multiplier effect and helping to
ensure adequate supply of highly competent human resource that will stiengthen the Philippines'
position in today's knowledge-based global economy.
Tliese implementing guidelines will address the unique features of the PCARI Project specifically its
international collaboration involving integrated research and training approach, which will provide
Philippine HEls access to liigh science and emerging technologies. These are consistent with existing
DOST and CHED guidelines in the implementation of scholarship programs.
The Scholarships Project covers degree and non-degree courses exclusive of ti'aining below six (6)
months duration in the priority fields of health innovation and translational medicme as well as
information infrastructur e development and other areas to be determined.
Tlie scholarships will be open to researchers, faculty and graduate students of Philippine PCARI
collaborating higher education institutions (HEIs) and other Philippine HEls as may be identified by
CHED, including the consortium member-institutions of the ERDT and the ASTHRDP.
Delivering institutions include the Philippine- and Califoniia, USA-based HEIs involved m PCARI
The Project Advisory Council upon recommendation of the Scholai ships Committee shall determine
additional priority areas and delivering institutions subject to the approval of the CHED CEB.
Programs for the Institute for Health Innovation and Translational Medicine (IHITM)
The PCARl-lnstitute for Health Innovation and Translational Medicine (IHITM) will support scholais
to acquire the expertise in advancing clinical and translational research, product and technology
development, clinical trials, clinical care, implementation of science health policy in the Philippines
towards addressing pressing health challenges in the country, improvement of health care delivery,
expansion of research & development capacity and health-related innovation. Degree programs
identified ai e aimed at increasing the number of faculty-scientists and researchers with the capacity to
generate effective technologies to benefit society and develop affordable diagnostic kits, medical
devices and inexpensive drugs and the creation of jobs to produce such to improve the diagnosis and
treatment of tlie top 10 causes of morbidity and mortality in the country. Scholar ship opportunities for
both local and international graduate study are available to eligible Filipinos on a competitive basis.
1. Degree Programs
Master of Science (MS) Programs (Local). Tlie local master of science (M.S.)
scholarship programs are designed to (1) develop the students' ability in conducting
I Reference: LRl^T and UCSF Sandwich Program, .nnp: wwu crdl.coe.urd.vM'.. ed>>{n'tratnin>i <>lher-pri>^rums ou.sto^"-^anis^>a^^J\v^ci^
--,i_.\A vich-prouramhIni!,
independent research in individual's chosen area of specialization, and (2) prepare them
for scientific career in academic or research institutions, and in industry, particularly in
research and development, and (3) lay the groundwork for pursuing a doctoral degree
and/'or training. The local Master's degree progiams include si.x (6)-monlh sandwich
program at the University of California San Francisco or Berkeley Campuses to provide
additional training in research laboratories on specitic aieas of study.
Local MS.
1.1. L
Scholarships for a local M.S. program may also be granted to qualified applicants
interested in pursuing degree programs not included in the above list but are aligned to
the thrusts of PCARI-IHITM.
Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) Programs (Local). The local doctoral degree (Ph.D.)
scholarship programs are designed to (I) expand the smdents' knowledge thru an
advanced, high-level graduate education, (2) develop talent for original, productive,
and creative work, and (3) enable them to fonnulate and undertake independent
research and development in research areas relevant to PCARI-IHITM. Included in the
local Ph.D. degree prograin is a six (6)-month sandwich program at the University of
Califoniia San Francisco or Berkeley Campuses to provide additional training in
research laboratories on specific areas of study.
I Relcrencc: ERDT and UCSI- Sandwich Program .litui u ww.crtit.cuc-upJ.v-j-: :>li human-rc?K'urcc--tJi--\\;lopmctn -tJiiJwtch-pn^
b'lrcdiivaUDn-'training otlicr-procronis<'araiTi< -.taJvMch
Local Ph.D. degree programs offered and under the Scholarsliip Projects are as
1.3.1 Ph.D. in Chemistry, specializing in Organic Chemistrj' and Biochemistry1.3.2. Ph.D. in Biology
1.3.3. Ph.D. in Molecular Medicine
Scholarships for a local Ph.D. program may also be granted to qualified applicants
interested in pursuing degree programs not mcluded in the above list but are aligned to
the thrusts of PCARI-IHITM.
Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Ph.D. Biological and Medical
informatics (Overseas). The Ph.D. in Biochemistiy and Molecular Biology under the
University' of California San Francisco TETRAD giaduate program prepares Ph.D.
students to address fundamental research problems in modem biology, with an
emphasis in the four (4) basic research areas of biochemistry and molecular biology,
cell biology, developmental biology, and genetics. The prograiri as a wrhole provides
broad, interdisciplinary training and oppoitunities in a congenial community of
outstanding research laboratories.
The Biological and Medical Informatics program of the University of Califoniia San
Francisco equips Ph.D. students witli die skills and kjiowledge in applied mathematics,
infonnatics, statistics, computer science, physics, chemistry, and biology needed to
study biological composition, structure, function, and evolution at the molecular,
cellular, and systems levels. The BMI program offers two (2) areas of designated
emphasis; Computational Biology and Bioinfonnatics (CBBI) and Complex Biological
Systems (CBS).
Scholarships for a overseas Ph.D. program may also be granted to qualified applicants
interested in piu"suing degree programs not included in the above list but are aligned to
the thrusts of PCARI-IHITM.
2. Non-Degree Program
Postdoc on Genomics and Bioinformatics for Research Development in Philippine HEI.
IHITM shall recruit Filipino Postdoctoral students fi-om UCSF or other international or local
academic institution to come and be part of a research study of the Philippine Genome Center
of the University of the Philippines. These Postdocs shall seive as researchers for a period of
two (2) years in the areas of Genomics and Bioinfonnatics.
B. Programs for the Institute for Information Infrastructure Development
Tlie Institute for Infonnation Infirastructure Development (IJID) will support scholars to acquire
the expertise to advance infonnation and communications technology, energy, e-govemment
education, manufacturing, transport and other vital mfrastnicture. Scholarship opportunities for
both local and international graduate study are available to eligible Filipinos on a competitive
I. Degree Programs
1.1. Master of Science and Master of Engineering Degree Scholarship Program (Local). The
Master of Science (M.S.) and Master of Engineering (M.Eng) emphasize research preparation,
problem solving and experience, and for most students, lays the groundwork for pursuing a
Doctoral degree and/or starting up a technology company. It requires either a research thesis or a
1 Reference: ERDT and UCSF Sandwich Program..htu. uwu erdl.coc.unJ eJu.{)h huinmi-re.^ .
hiip -i!"Hal)icuilli>^ioiK
aiu cJiic lit. .-.-iriiinintt olhcr-nrtirrjm.s>tframs >andmch
report on a research project. The scholarship provides support for two (2) years and includes a
six (6)-month Sandwich Program on Technopreneurship at the University of California Berkeley,
recognized as one of the world's leading entrepreneurial institutions. The scholarship program
also provides a startup grant for Ihe scholar to pursue research or technopreneurship activities in
the Philippines.
1.2. Master of Engineering at UC Berkeley Scholarship Program (Overseas). The Master of
Engineering (M.Eng.) which will last for one (1) year is a professional masters that is designed
for students who plan to contribute to the development of high value activities in the local ICT
industry. The accelerated program is designed to develop professional engineering leaders of die
future who understand the technical, economic, and social issues of teclmology. The interdisciplinary program covers two (2) academic semesters with three (3) major components; (1) au
area of technical concentration, (2) courses in leadership skills, and (3) a rigorous capstone
project. In paiticular, the M. Eng. Program cuniculum in U.C. Berkeley integrates engineering
coursework with classes in leadership and core management concepts. Students tackle actual
industry challenges through case studies and a capstone project. The scholarsliip progiam also
provides a startup grant for the scholar to pursue research or technopreneurship activities in the
1.3. Doctoral Degree in Sciences and Engineering Scholarship Program (Overseas and
Local). The Doctoral degree scholaiship program in Engineering and Sciences is designed to
enlarge the body of knowledge and to develop talent for original, productive, and creative work
in areas relevant to the PCARl-lllD thrust. In many cases. Doctoral studies consist of courses
selected for the individual in consultation with a faculty guidance committee, successful
completion of a preliminary and a qualifying examination, and an independent research
culminating in a dissertation. Doctoral students may need to satisfy course work requirements
consisting of major and minor areas appropriate for the chosen area of research.
Tlie Local Doctoral Degree Scholarship Program includes support for a six (6)-month Sandwich
Program on Technopreneurship at the University of California. This will enable the local scholars
to benefit from meaningful international immersion in world-class laboratories and
entrepreneurial training in die ICT available in the Silicon Valley area, which they will bring back
to the Philippines to benefit local industry and academe. Both scholaiship programs provide a
startup grant for the scholar to pursue research or technopreneurship activities in the Philippines.
1.4. (Stand-alone) Master's and Doctoral Sandwich Programs 1
The Stand-alone Sandwich Piogiain, which provides support for six (6) months to one (1) yeai' is
a fellowship that is offered to graduate students in eligible Universities to perfonn research in a
relevant field in a university or research institution that is part of an ongoing PCARI-funded
project. Tlirough the sandwich opportunity, Filipino students will be able to gain a broader
perspective and technical knowledge at par witli global standards while benefiting from the intercultural exchange.
The scholars are expected to; (I) complete the initial part of their study/training in theii home
university; (2) conduct their reseaich in the host university along with possible immersion in
technopreneurship programs; and, (3) return to their home university- to complete a diesis aligned
with PCARI Research Priorities. Scholar's who successfully completed this program may avail of
the Start-up Research Grant subject to the approval of the respective RDI.
2. Non-Degree Programs
2.1 PC.4R1 HID Postdoctoral Study Award. The goal of the HID Postdoctoral Progiam is to
provide doctoral degree holders with opportunities to pursue innovative inter-disciplinary
research through targeted collaboration with renowned UC faculty. Towards the end of the study,
I Reicrcnce: ERDT and UCSI Sandwich Program, .nnr ph hunuir,-iv -.i
KTikOs aLxt cJu cdtiUitK'n-ttuinii'ij oili-.T-pn'gram.s'proiiram.'v
m c r t .-r\i'\iclHpn''arani-hiinl.
the postdoctoral candidate may avail of internships in venture capital finns or start-up companies
that will be facilitated by the PCARl-IllD with assistance from UC. The minimum period for
post-doctoral awards is six (6) months and maximum is one (1) year with the option to apply for
extension for one (1) more year.
A. Master's Degree
The applicant must:
have a BS degree in relevant disciplines
have research proposal aligned with the PCARI-IIID/IHITM key/priority- areas
not be more than 45 years old at the time of application
be a Filipino citizen
be in good health
have no criminal/ administrative cases
be admitted to tlie CHED-identified university where s/he wishes to pursue his/her graduate
B. Doctoral Degree
Tlie applicant must:
have a Master's degree (by research) or equivalent or a BS degree with exceptional academic
record in relevant disciplines
have research proposal aligned with the PCARI-IIID/HIITM key/priority aieas
not be more than 45 yeai s old at die time of application
be a Filipino citizen
be in good health
have no criminal/ administrative cases
be admitted to the CHED-identified university where s/he wishes to pursue his/her graduate
C. Postdoctoral Study Award
The applicant must:
possess a Doctorate degree in relevant disciplines
have a track record of relevant research experience
have research proposal aligned with the PCARl-lllD/lHITM key/priority areas
have an acceptance from a research collaborator in a PCARI pre-determined host institution
cJi- : :i
.:un> vmdwich
P!:Kni vr vidi-pnwjm.himi.
The duration of the scholarship will depend on the course progiam of the delivering institution which
may be extended as requested provided that the total period of extension shall not exceed one year,
subject to the approval of the Scholarships Advisory Council upon recommendation of the Scholarships
I Reference: ERDT and UCSF Sandwich Proaram. .Iiilf. UWH ur\i..-Ju ph hiiiimi-res.iiiree-Je\d..nnient
Committee; provided furtlier, that such extension shall not apply to the Stand-alone Master's Sajidvvich
Subject to the approval of the Scholarships Advisory Council, scholars may be allowed to go on leave
of absence (LOA) not exceeding one (1) semester, which may be extended for another semester. During
the course of the LOA, the scholar is not entitled to any of the scholarship privileges. The pnvileges
will be restored once the scholar returns from the LOA.
Grantees shall be entitled to the following privileges subject to the evaluation and approval of the
PCARI Scholarships Committee.
n Allowance*
1 roundtrip
ticket/year at
actual cost
1 roundtrip
ticket/year at
actual cost
1 roundtrip
ticket/year at
actual cost
1 roundtrip
airfare/year a t
actual cost
1 roundtrip
1 roundtrip
airfare/year a t
actual cost
airfare/year a t
actual cost
Based on t h e
Cost of Living
in t h e area
Based on t h e
Cost of Living in
t h e area
Based on t h e Cost
of Living in t h e
Based on t h e
Cost of Living in
t h e area
/ Conference
up to Php
up t o USD 2,500
up t o USD 2,500
up t o USD 2,500
Book and
Php 20,000/year
Php 30,000/year
USD 6 1 3 / s e m
USD 6 1 3 / s e m
Actual for a
coverage of
Actual for a
coverage of
Actual for a
coverage of
Actual for a
coverage of
Actual for a
coverage of
Actual for a
coverage of
up t o P h p 2000
u p t o Php 2000
up t o USD 300
up t o USD 300
Project Grant
u p t o Php
up to Php
Other Related
Expenses /
/ Cost of
(5% of Total
(5% of Total
Tuition and
other fees*
and Other
up t o Php
up to Php
up t o Php
{5% of Total
(5% of Total