3 Government's Support To Science Education, Hon. Estrella F. Alabastro

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Trans. Nall. Acad. Sci. & Tec:h.

Philippines 29: 202- 211 (2007)

JSSN 01I5-8848

Government's Support to Science Education

Hon. Estrella F. Alabastro

Secretary, Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
DOST Complex. Bicutan, Taguig City


Recognizing the importance of science education to power economic

growth, the Department of Science and Technology has set specific
targets to a1:cclerate the development of S&T human resources and to
upgrade the quality of basic education through its visions outlined in the
National Science and Technology Plan (NSTP) 2002 -2020. In support of
said visions. various programs are being pursued over the short. medium
and lung-term to meet the targets. The programs include components
covering improvement in teachers' capability, learning environment
and infra~tructure as well as promotion of S&T aw::ireness and
consciousness. Notable among these programs are the implementation of
various undergraduate and graduate scholarship programs by DOST and
its sectoral agencies and councils, training of elementary and secondary
science and math teachers, improving access to JCT faci lities, and
participation in various local and international science and mathematics
competitions, science projects and exhibitions.
The success of the government's support programs to science
education depends on the degrt:e of effectiveness of the aforementioned
program which, on the other hand. requires the proper alignment of the
visions and values of the people managiog the system and delivering
science instrnction to the learner. Good leadership and management of
the system, both at the macro (national and regional) and micro (schools)
levels is a primary prerequisite.

Science education has always played an important role in the

development of a country. It bas been jnstmmental in imparting the 'hard'
skills and knowledge to our students to enable them to make a living. For
many years now, science education has he lped the Philippines develop a
EF Alabastro 203

workforce to support the demands of industry, agriculture: service and the

Recognizing the role tbat science and technology play in bringing
about economic growth and development, nations are taking steps to
strengthen its science and technology capabilities. But for a developing
country like the Philippines, tlJe daunting challenges of reconciling the
increasingly 1imitcd availability of resources! escalating costs of research
and development, and the rapid pace ao<l complexi1y of technological
innovation still continue.
The DOST however, with the mandate of fonnulating S&T policies,
programs, and projects in support of national development priorities has
remained steadfast in employing its strategics and program thrusts, inspite
of the magnitude of cha1Jenges involved. This is because DOST is driven
by three guiding "visions" stated in the NSTP, namely:

• By 2004, S&T shall have contributed significantly to the enhancement

of national productivity and competitiveness: and to the solution of
pressing problems;
• By 20 I0, the Pb·ilippines shall have carved niches and become a
world class knowledge provider and user in selected S&T areas, and
shall have developed a vibrant Filipino S&T culture;
• By 2020, the Philippines shall have developed a wide range of
globally competitive products and services which have high
technology content.

In support of the atcxemcntioncd visions~ the Dcpartn1cnt has likewise

established explicit targets/ goals of producing quality S& T manpower,
enhancing the teaching of science and mathematics at the basic level, as
well as science) mathematics an<l engineering at the tertiary and graduate
levels. Moreover, DOST is also promoting the use of state-of-the-art
information and communications technology to enhance the teacher-
leaming process.


fn recent years, several programs have been initiated by DOST and

councils/agencies, aimed at ·improving S&T education. lt is overwhelming
to note that its programs and projects and collaborative efforts with both
pubJic and private sector partners have borne fruit that not only indicate
the effectiveness ofthe interventions. but more impo1tantly, provjde mucb-
needed encouragement to continue on regardless of the many obstacles
faced .
204 Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. & Tech. Philippines 29 (2007)

Developing S& T Human Resources

In her speech delivered at the PA.ASE Meeting "f\.1TPDP Key

Challenges in Science and Technology", early this year, President Gloria
'Macapagal Anoyo emphasized the need to "enhance competitiveness of
the country's human capital and develop a critical mass of scientists and
R&D personnel". Towards this end the DOST has been implementing
various S& T w1dergraduatc an<l graduate scholarships.

1. Undergraduate scholarships

Rcpublk Act 7687

This program provides scholarships in priority baccalaureate degree

programs and post secondary courses to high school graduates inclined
towards S&T, yet are hampered financially. Strong budgetary support
allows the program to serve on a massive sc.;ale, on the average 10,000
or more students from various congressional districts an<l municipalities
all over the cow1try. Currently there are a total of 6,442 scholars being
supported under this program.

Merit Scholarship Program

DOST's longest running scholarship program which is available to

students who are academically talented and inclined towards science
and mathematics. There are 810 scholars currently supported wider this

Junior Level Assistance Program (JLAP)

The JLAP scholarships arc awarded to qualified third year college

students who are enrolled in priority engineering courses and other basic
and applied sciences. As of SY 2007-2008 there are 65 scholars under this
Grant for Educational Assistance on Technology and Science Teaching
Courses for Mindanao (Project GREAT-.1\tl)
A scholarship program for technical coursl!s aimed at improving the
quality oflife of Muslim youths and enabling them to contribute positively
to national development. Implemented in 1'findanao provinces which
EF Alabastro 205

either consistently did not have qualifiers in the S& T scholarship exam or
had examinees with very low passing score in the said exam. To date. there
are 41 scholars wider this program.

2. Teacher scholarship programs

The DOST also supports vaiious scholarship programs aimed to

fill in the gaps in the nwnber of competent science and math teachers,
specifically in the areas of Physics. Among them are:
Cooperative Pre-Service Education for Science and Mathematics
Teachers (Project 8102 Ed) in cooperation with the PNU, DLSU and TlJP
Partial Scholarship for BSE Major in Physics (Project 9001 Ed.)
Scholarship Program for Science and Math Education, Major m
Physics (RSTC Project 8901 Ed)

3. Graduate Scholarships
• DOST Human Resource Development Program offers scholarship
grant for graduate studies in the fields of natural sciences, physical
sciences, enginet!ring and social science courses.
• PCIERD Scholarship Grant aims to uplift the quality ofengineering
education and increase the number of highly trained engineers
needed in the industrial, educational and research institutions.
• PCAR.RD Scholarship Grant aims to upgrade the capability of the
staff ofNARRDS (National Agriculture and Resources Research
and Development) member agencies through its Human Resource
Development Program.
• PCHRD Scholarship Grant aims to develop research competence
in the country and to produce a poo) of human resources capable
of implementing the priority programs of the National Health
Research and Development Plan.
• PCASTRD Local Scholarship Grant covers both MS and PhD
programs taken on a foll-time or part-time basis. It supports
programs offered by local flagship institutions identified by
• PCAMRD Research Fellowship provides graduate scholarships
to researchers and extension workers from the National Aquatic
Resources Research and Development System (NARRDS).
NARRDS is composed of over 40 institutions implementing R &
D in the fields of aquatic and marine resour~es.
• SET Accelerated Science and Technology Hwuan Resource
Development Program is a graduate scholarship program which
206 Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. & Tech. Philippines 29 (2007)

is a partnership initiative of the SEI and the Semiconductor and

Electronics Industries in the Philippines, Inc. (SElPI) which is the
leading and largest organization of foreign and local semiconductor
and electronics companies in the country. It aims to train high
level human resources needed for S&T activities initially in the
semiconductor and electronics industry sectors.
• Faculty Development Program is a three-year scholarship program
for Ph.D. in Science Education majoring in Physics, Chemistry,
Biology and Mathematics. This project aims to bring to a much
higher level the competence and knowledge of science and math
faculty in the RSTCs, and to develop their ability to plan, manage.
implement and evaluate pre-service and in-service for teachers.
The program is offered in two modes- the residential program,
implemented through the U? College of Education (lJPCE) and
Dela Sa1le University College of Education (DLSUCE) and the
distance education mode through learning centers at the UP Open
University (UPOU) and University of San Carlos. As of SY 2007,
there were 44 ongoing scholars
• Graduate Program Science Education Consortium: The declining
number of qualified science and math teachers has come to an
alam1ing level that DOST deemed it necessmy lo set up more
effective and strategic interventions to address this problem.
In 2006, SEI-DOST spearheaded the establishment of a
common consortium of four universities designed to provide a
system for human resource development in the regions and to
continualJy develop a pool of future leaders in S&T education.
In this consortium, SEI is developing a common curriculum for a
straight masters/doctorate program in science and math education
with specialization in biology, chemistry physics and math. The
conso11ium is composed of the University of San Carlos in Cebu
City, Wes1 Visayas State University in Iloilo City, Mindanao State
University in Zamboanga. The project targets t:o support l 0-15
new scholars per university per year for five years and is expected
to produce from 150--225 PhD in science education degree holders
by 2012.
• The Master's Program for Faculty members of TEis provides
graduate scholarships in science education to teacher educators with
specialization in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics.

4. Developing teacher's capability

There is a constant need to provide in-service tnunmg to equip
teachers with both content knowledge and teaching skills for subjec.ts like
EF A labastro 201

physics~ chemistry, biology and integrated science. Of all these areas of

specialization, the most wanting of trained teachers is physics, where more
than 92% of those already in the teaching force are neither majors nor
minors in this discipline.
The DOST has been implementing new teaching and learning
approaches to prepare our young to cope successfully in a knowledge
-based economy and at the same time to create a challenging learning
experience for both teacher and pupil:

• e-Training for Science and Mathematics Teachers is an online

n·aining designed to upgrade the competence and confidence of
pub) ic and private science and math teachers in the elementary
and secondary levels. This I 0- month pilot online training
program commenced in November 2005 and concluded in August
2006. Selected TEis served as nationwide training venues where
pa11icipants were trained simultaneously using on-Jinc mode and
printed moduJes.
• Project MUST. Launched in 2001, MUST is a 90-hr non-degree
teacher training program designe-0 to enhance content knowledge
and to update teaching strategics of elementary science and math
teachers who serve Muslim pupils and youth from other ethnic groups
in Mindanao. A total of 6,331 participants were trained under the
program from 2001-2005.
• Project RTSE. Begun in 1997, this project is a massive non-degree
training program designed to improve teaching competence and
increase teaching confidence of science and math teachers both in
the elementary and secondary levels. Implemented at the Regional
Science Teaching Centers (RSTC) and other selected teacher
training institutions in the country, Project RISE provides teachers
a 180-br training program for the subject area that each one is to
specialize in.
• This pro1:,1Jam is intended to train physics teachers of selected
science high schools in the use of computers and robots and
integrate this in teaching physics concepts, theories and principles.
The participants as well as the trainers were provided with
individual Robolab kits. Hands-on activities included software
programming and robot assembly. They were also taught how to
integrate robotics concepts in topics on energy, light and optics,
electronics and magnetism, force, power, work and motion. After
the training, they are expected to introduce these concepts to their
respective students, using robotics.
• Training program on new technologies and IT applications
embedded systems and robotics aims to train innovative and
208 Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. & Tech. Philippines 29 (200 7)

motivated students to eventually design their own electronic

inventions. Teachers are exposl!d to the three aspects of robotics
(prognunming, electronics and mechanical design) empowering them
to assist studt:nts' research projects, and/or update the electives
offered in their respective schools.

Developing ICT Infrastructure

DOST's emphasis on ICT began in the early 90s. The development

of ICT as an economic sector which has the potential to provide a large
number of jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities to many Filipinos, was
given new impetus when the President declared in her SONA that !CT will
be a leading engine for economic growth. The DOST aims to make the
country a world class provider oflCT services and products.

• Mobile Information Technology C lassroom (MffC) in the

Regions. The MlTC represents an innovative and highly effective
approach, one which brought ICT to thousands of students. Through
a rationalized sharing of the state-of the art computer technology,
the MITC enhances scbool-based science and mathematics
learning through interactive courseware experienced in 32-seater
fully airconditioned MITC bus, equipped with notebook computers,
audio-visual facilities, and teachers who have undergone specialized
MlTC-facilitator training. initially intended for l\.1indanao, it was
eventually expanded to other regions.
• Development of computer-aided instructional (CAI) materials for
elementary science and mathematics. These are locally developed
CDs for science and math intended for distribution to elementary
schools with computers. The project aims to disseminate CAI
materials for use in science and math teaching at the elementary
level, thereby helping improve the quality of science and
mathematics teaching. At the same time, it aims to minimize the
pw·chase of costly educational software from other countries. A
total of 340 CDs were distributed as of first quarter of December

Promoting S&T Awareness and Consciousness

The average school and the larger society do not nurture science-
orienled students. Scit!nce is taught in elementary grades~ primarily as
absorption of information from textbooks and the teacher, with little
EF Alabastro 209

emphasis on observation, infonnation gathering and the sense of discovery.

At the tertiary level, the introductory science courses do not serve to
recrnit students into science careers. A very low percentage of high school
students eventually proceeds to major in science. The usual perception
of science and mathematics as being difficult subjects is carried over and
perpetuated in colleges hence, has not resulted in producing a ~ritical mass
of scientists for the country. Fo.r DOST, a skilled and informed c.i tizenry
makes for a competitive nation, which is why it continues to invest heavily
in the extensjve promotion and awareness of the value of science and

• Gawad LIDER. This is a recognition and incentive progrdlll for

individuals and! or institutions that are able to make exemplruy
contributions to the development of science education~ or the
development of science and technology-based innovations or
inventions that will improve education. The Gawad LlDER which
stands for Leadership and Innovations for Development Relevant
to Science Education is designed to be a biennial award.
• DOST-BPI Best Project of the Year Awards. The DOST has
undertaken a joint project with BPI Foundation~ Inc, the
philanthropic arm of the Bank of the Philippine Islands. This
project gives recogrution and incentive to students who excel in the
fields of science, mathematics, physic~, chemistry, engineering,
computer science and biology. This is exclusive to graduating
student~ from the 10 BPI accredited universities.
• Australian l\1athematics Competition (Al\1C). The MfC provides
meaningful venue for secondary students to test their mathematical
skms with their international counterparts. An annual international
correspondence math competition organized by the Australian
Mathematics Trust and sponsored by the University of Canbe1ra
and Westpac Banlcing
• Corporation, the ATY1C vigorously encourages the participation
of schools from countries in the Asia Pacific region as a way to
estabHsh professional and cultural linkages th.rough mathematics.
The DOST and the Math Society of the Philippines have been
supervising the participation of the Philippines in this competition.
• Philippine Robotics Olympiad-DOST-SEI organized the
Philippine Robotics Olympiad for the past 5 years folJowing the
successes of the past event~. This science activity aims to challenge
the intellectual and critical thinking skills of elementary and high
school students and support the Philippines' aggressive campaign
in promoting robotics as one of the new alternative media of
effective S&T learning among the youth.
210 Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. & Tech. Philippines ~9 (2007)


President Arroyo in her SONA stated "to step into the future, a
country that wants to be a player in the global economy needs bold and
well-funded research and development initiatives of its own. To this end,
we will continuously increase the budget for science and technology
and education. For in today's global economy, knowledge is the greatest
creator of wealth." Towards this direction, PGMA issued a presidential
proclamation on the creation of a science complex with a technology
incubation park in a 21.9-hectare area in UP Diliman. The President then
ordered through the DBM a release of a PhP 500 million as initial funding
for the science complex.

• ProcJamation No. 1132 on Sept I, 2006 creating and

designating two parcels of land in Brgy. UP campus as
JCT park.
• Release of PhP 100 M for human resource development

The DOST Accelerated Human Resource Development Program

(ASTHRD) is a collaborative program of DOST, its sectoral agencies
and councils to help improve the country's global competitiveness and
capability to innovate through alternative approaches on HRD in S& T
and to accelerate the production of high-level hmnan resources needed for
S& T activities particularly in the area ofR&D. There were a total of 400
slots available for SY 2007-2008. Out of the 363 applicants evaluated,
229 qualified for the 1st semester SY 2007 2008.

While the Department of Science and Technology has already put in
place intervention programs to bring about improvements in S&T education,
much work has yet to be initiated and done. Moreover, the success of the .
government's support to science education cannot just happen without
proper alignment of visions and values of the people managing the system
and delivering science instruction to the learner. It requires commitment
and involvement of all sectors in society. Appropriate programs on hwnan
resource development, improvement of science laboratory facilities and
their maintenance, curriculum and instructional materials development
efforts must be properly aligned. Good leadership and management of the
system, both at the macro (national and regional) and micro (schools) is a
primary prerequisite.
EFA/abastro 211

About the Author: Secretary Estrella F. A labastro has been at the helm of the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) since March 200 L. She was a
Professor and former Dean of the Coilege of Home Economjcs at the University
of the Philippines before she held various posit1ons at the DOST. includin.g serving
as Executive Director of Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research and
Development and Undersecretary for Research an<l Development ofDOST. More
infom1ation about the programs of the DOST is avai lable at: W\.Vw.dost.gov.ph.

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