3 Government's Support To Science Education, Hon. Estrella F. Alabastro
3 Government's Support To Science Education, Hon. Estrella F. Alabastro
3 Government's Support To Science Education, Hon. Estrella F. Alabastro
1. Undergraduate scholarships
either consistently did not have qualifiers in the S& T scholarship exam or
had examinees with very low passing score in the said exam. To date. there
are 41 scholars wider this program.
3. Graduate Scholarships
• DOST Human Resource Development Program offers scholarship
grant for graduate studies in the fields of natural sciences, physical
sciences, enginet!ring and social science courses.
• PCIERD Scholarship Grant aims to uplift the quality ofengineering
education and increase the number of highly trained engineers
needed in the industrial, educational and research institutions.
• PCAR.RD Scholarship Grant aims to upgrade the capability of the
staff ofNARRDS (National Agriculture and Resources Research
and Development) member agencies through its Human Resource
Development Program.
• PCHRD Scholarship Grant aims to develop research competence
in the country and to produce a poo) of human resources capable
of implementing the priority programs of the National Health
Research and Development Plan.
• PCASTRD Local Scholarship Grant covers both MS and PhD
programs taken on a foll-time or part-time basis. It supports
programs offered by local flagship institutions identified by
• PCAMRD Research Fellowship provides graduate scholarships
to researchers and extension workers from the National Aquatic
Resources Research and Development System (NARRDS).
NARRDS is composed of over 40 institutions implementing R &
D in the fields of aquatic and marine resour~es.
• SET Accelerated Science and Technology Hwuan Resource
Development Program is a graduate scholarship program which
206 Trans. Natl. Acad. Sci. & Tech. Philippines 29 (2007)
The average school and the larger society do not nurture science-
orienled students. Scit!nce is taught in elementary grades~ primarily as
absorption of information from textbooks and the teacher, with little
EF Alabastro 209
While the Department of Science and Technology has already put in
place intervention programs to bring about improvements in S&T education,
much work has yet to be initiated and done. Moreover, the success of the .
government's support to science education cannot just happen without
proper alignment of visions and values of the people managing the system
and delivering science instruction to the learner. It requires commitment
and involvement of all sectors in society. Appropriate programs on hwnan
resource development, improvement of science laboratory facilities and
their maintenance, curriculum and instructional materials development
efforts must be properly aligned. Good leadership and management of the
system, both at the macro (national and regional) and micro (schools) is a
primary prerequisite.
EFA/abastro 211
About the Author: Secretary Estrella F. A labastro has been at the helm of the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) since March 200 L. She was a
Professor and former Dean of the Coilege of Home Economjcs at the University
of the Philippines before she held various posit1ons at the DOST. includin.g serving
as Executive Director of Philippine Council for Industry and Energy Research and
Development and Undersecretary for Research an<l Development ofDOST. More
infom1ation about the programs of the DOST is avai lable at: W\.Vw.dost.gov.ph.