N-Formylmorpholine: Liquid-Liquid Equilibria For Binary Systems Containing
N-Formylmorpholine: Liquid-Liquid Equilibria For Binary Systems Containing
N-Formylmorpholine: Liquid-Liquid Equilibria For Binary Systems Containing
Liquid-liquid equlilibrium (LLE) data were measured for four binary systems containing N-formylmor-
pholine and alkanes (i.e. pentane, hexane, heptane, and octane) over the temperature range 298 K to
413 K using circulation type equipment with an equilibrium view cell. The compositions of both light
and heavy phases were analyzed by on-line gas chromatography. The mutual solubility increased as the
temperature increased for all these systems. The binary liquid-liquid equilibrium data were correlated
with the NRTL and UNIQUAC equations using temperature-dependent parameters. Both models correlate
the experimental data well. The solubility in N-formylmorpholine increased in the following order at the
same temperature: pentane, hexane, heptane, and octane.
Figure 2. Experimental and calculated liquid-liquid equilibrium Figure 5. Experimental and calculated liquid-liquid equilibrium
data for the pentane (1) + N-formylmorpholine (2) mixture: points, data for the octane (1) + N-formylmorpholine (2) mixture: points,
experimental results; solid line, NRTL with R ) 0.3; dashed line, experimental results; solid line, NRTL with R ) 0.3; dashed line,
Figure 3. Experimental and calculated liquid-liquid equilibrium for the NRTL model:
data for the hexane (1) + N-formylmorpholine (2) mixture: points,
experimental results; solid line, NRTL with R ) 0.3; dashed line, τij ) aij + bij/T + eij ln T (1)
Rij ) cij + dij(T - 273.15 K) (2)
Tkcal - Tkexp
) ( )}
N 2 2 xijcal - xijexp 2
OF ) ∑
k)1 σTk
+ ∑∑
i)1 j)1 σxijk
Table 7. Temperature Dependence of the Parameters of N-formylmorpholine + n-alkane systems (i.e. pentane,
the UNIQUAC Equation for the n-Alkane (1) + hexane, heptane, and octane) from experimental binary
N-Formylmorpholine (2) Binary Systems liquid-liquid equilibrium data at 331.15 K up to 413.15
parameter pentane hexane heptane octane K. The temperature dependency of the parameters of NRTL
a12 59.653 86 8.355 16 23.909 00 14.715 76 and UNIQUAC models can be expressed by eqs 1 and 3,
a21 -33.994 93 -34.691 92 -18.803 55 -20.092 80 respectively. Thus, a quantitative description of liquid-
b12/K -3501.076 52 -768.568 26 -1910.536 76 -1084.385 20 liquid equilibria of industrial interest containing N-formyl-
b21/K 1549.879 87 1657.696 94 1105.737 43 885.630 03
morpholine and n-alkanes is available to accurately simu-
c12/(ln K)-1 -8.577 48 -1.142 97 -3.240 34 -2.077 96
c21/(ln K)-1 4.974 10 5.039 81 2.603 71 2.944 10 late and optimize the extractive distillation units where
these systems are involved.
Table 8. Absolute Average Deviations (AAD%)a of the
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The results are displayed in Figure 6. Received for review December 17, 2001. Accepted February 28,
2002. This work was supported by the Brain Korea 21 Program
supported by the Ministry of Education and LG-Caltex Research
Conclusions and by the National Research Laboratory (NRL) Program supported
by the Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning.
In this work, we have determined the interaction pa-
rameters of the NRTL and UNIQUAC equations for the JE010328N