QlikView 11.2 Build 12904 SR12 Release Notes

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Release notes

QlikView Version 11.2 SR12

Lund, Sweden, June 2015
Authored by QlikTech International AB

1994 - 2015 QlikTech International AB.

All rights reserved. Qlik, QlikView, QlikTech, and the QlikTech logos are trademarks of QlikTech
International AB which have been registered in multiple countries.
Other marks and logos mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective


General comments ..................................................................................4


Important security information regarding QV11.20 SR12 ................................ 4

New in QV11.2 SR11 ........................................................................................ 4

1.2.1 Errors in Expressions - syntax errors displayed in chart objects which previously did not
show an error ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.2 QVS stability ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.3 QVS stability ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2.4 QDS improvements ............................................................................................................... 4
1.2.5 Support for Internet Explorer Touch ..................................................................................... 4
1.2.6 Direct Discovery Sub queries................................................................................................ 5
1.2.7 Possibility to turnoff Execute command in Publisher ....................................................... 5
1.2.8 New API call for load balancing in QVS cluster ................................................................... 5






New in QV11.2 SR9 .......................................................................................... 5

iOS8 Safari support ............................................................................................................... 5
New Trigger option in QMC ................................................................................................. 6

New in QV11.2 SR8 .......................................................................................... 6

New Client language: Polish ................................................................................................ 6
Configurable AJAX ............................................................................................................... 6
Alternate state parameter for certain functions .................................................................... 6

New in QV11.2 SR7 .......................................................................................... 6

Windows XP / Vista and Internet Explorer 6 & 7 ................................................................. 7
Direct Discovery Enhancements ........................................................................................... 7
Task performance summary .................................................................................................. 7
Support for document administrator group with cross domain groups ................................ 8
CAL allocation audit added to QlikView server event log .................................................... 8
Support to get Session and Usage CAL information using API ............................................ 8

Cross-release compatibility ............................................................................... 8

Installation programs ......................................................................................... 9
Support material ................................................................................................ 9

Server installation ............................................................................................ 10

Clients, Presentation, Layout & Charts ........................................................... 10
Script, ETL and Expressions ........................................................................... 11
Documentation & localization......................................................................... 11
QlikView Server, QlikView Publisher and Management Consoles ................ 11

New functionality in QlikView 11.2 ....................................................13


New Pie chart color option ................................................................................................... 5

Comments on product features .............................................................10


New in QV11.2 SR10 ........................................................................................ 5

Direct Discovery.............................................................................................. 13
Limitations .......................................................................................................................... 13

Upgrading from previous QlikView versions ......................................15


QlikView Desktop ........................................................................................... 15

QlikView Server .............................................................................................. 15
From QlikView 10 ............................................................................................................... 15


From QlikView 11 ............................................................................................................... 15

Known issues ........................................................................................16


Clients, Presentation, Layout & Charts ........................................................... 16

Documentation & localization......................................................................... 17
QlikView Server, QlikView Publisher and Management Console ................. 17
QlikView Workbench ...................................................................................... 18

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR12 ..........................................................19

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR11 ..........................................................20

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR10 ..........................................................27

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR9 ............................................................31

10 Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR8 ............................................................34

11 Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR7 ............................................................37
12 Shared file Cleaning TOOL ..................................................................40
12.1 How-to Instructions: ........................................................................................ 40
12.2 Step by step instructions .................................................................................. 40
12.3 Warnings and Tips ........................................................................................... 42

General comments

1 General comments
This document covers QlikView build 11.2.12902, Service Release 12. Information about QlikView 11.2
SR1-SR6 are not included, but can be found in the SR6 Release Note.
The release contains components of QlikView Desktop, QlikView OCX, QlikView Server, QlikView
Publisher, QlikView Webparts for Microsoft SharePoint(R), QlikView Workbench and all clients except
clients for mobile devices.


Important security information regarding QV11.20 SR12

A security vulnerability related to XML handling in QlikView has been found, special thank you to Alex
Haynes, IT security analyst at Vente Prive for reporting. We recommend that you assess this
vulnerability in your QlikView deployment. A fix is provided in QlikView Server version 11.20 SR12
which we recommend all customers apply to alleviate this issue. Please contact Support if you have any


New in QV11.2 SR11

1.2.1 Errors in Expressions - syntax errors displayed in chart objects which previously
did not show an error
As a result of fixing bug 69228 Syntax checker not working, syntax error messages in object
expressions are now returned to objects instead of returned as NULL. This may result in an object
which rendered in SR10 or earlier, displaying an error message in SR11 (Error in expression). In
addition, QlikView Server will generate an error message in the QlikView Server event log every time a
faulty expression is evaluated. To avoid disruption in existing production environments and potentially
large growth in event log file size, this will only be ON in QlikView Desktop and by default turned OFF
in QlikView Server.
You are able to turn this ON by adding SilentErrorInChart=0 to the Settings.ini file for QlikView
Server (C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\QlikViewServer). We recommend that in test/development/QA
environments that this setting is turned ON so that errors in expressions are logged and faulty
expressions can be identified and corrected. Errors will be logged in the QlikView Server Events log
only if SilentErrorInChart=0, an example log entry is below:
Error SE_LOG: Expression Error. Doc: S&D Dashboard.qvw, ObjectId: Document\CH14, Expr(4).

1.2.2 QVS stability

A number of improvements have been made and several bugs have been fixed regarding QVS stability,
both in single and clustered environments. The improvements will be most noticeable in high-pressure
clustered scenarios.

1.2.3 QVS stability

A number of improvements have been made and several bugs have been fixed regarding QVS stability,
both in single and clustered environments. The improvements will be most noticeable in high-pressure
clustered scenarios.

1.2.4 QDS improvements

A number of improvements regarding QDS reliability in clustered environments. We recommend all
customers with clustered QDS environments to upgrade.

1.2.5 Support for Internet Explorer Touch

Touch mode on tablets or hybrid computers with Internet Explorer should now have the same
functionality as Safari and Chrome.

General comments

1.2.6 Direct Discovery Sub queries

Additional capability has been added in the cases where more than one table/view within the application
is in Direct Discovery mode. A new Set statement can be used:
SET DirectEnableSubquery='true';
This will invoke SQL sub queries to be generated when filters are applied to a table which involves
limiting the dataset in another associated direct discovery table (without this a large IN clause may be
The following limitations apply when using subqueries:
Subquery syntax is only invoked when you select data which involves filtering a chart using data from
another table.
The amount of data within the keys is the determining factor, not the number of keys.
Subqueries are only invoked if all tables involved are in Direct Discovery mode. If you filter the chart
using data from a table included in memory mode, an IN clause will be generated.

1.2.7 Possibility to turnoff Execute command in Publisher

As a security feature, it is now possible to turn off the ability to use Execute command in a script. A
new setting, AllowExecuteCommand, which by default is set to 1 is included in the QVB settings.ini file.
This is located in the file path:
Changing this setting to 0 will cause any Publisher task with an Execute command in the script to fail.
This setting has to be done on all nodes in a QDS cluster.

1.2.8 New API call for load balancing in QVS cluster

The new method allows the caller to find the address of the QVS that currently is most suitable for
opening the specified document according to the load balancing settings of the given QV Web Server.
This is to be used when building solutions that is not going through the AccessPoint
New QMS API method call:
Uri SelectServer(Guid qvwsID, string document);
ServiceInfo[] qvsServices = qms.GetServices(ServiceTypes.QlikViewWebServer);
Guid serverID = qvsServices[0].ID;
Uri serverURI = qms.SelectServer(serverID, "MyDocumentName");


New in QV11.2 SR10

1.3.1 New Pie chart color option

Now possible to define color of the lines around the sectors in a Pie chart. In the properties Color tab of
the chart, you can now find the Sector outline property. Please note that calculated colors do not work for
this setting.


New in QV11.2 SR9

1.4.1 iOS8 Safari support

This release now supports iOS8.1 with Safari/AJAX use. Due to several issues in iOS8.0, this will not be
supported. Our native iOS apps are currently being adapted for iOS8.

General comments

1.4.2 New Trigger option in QMC

When configuring a trigger for a task in the QMC, you now a new option available. Previously you could
choose Once/Hourly/Daily/Weekly/Monthly, now also Continuously is added. Choosing this option
will restart the task as soon as it has finished.


New in QV11.2 SR8

This release includes the following major changes:

1.5.1 New Client language: Polish

The AJAX Help will be included in SR9.

1.5.2 Configurable AJAX

Configurable Ajax Messages
Some of the messages sent in the AJAX client can now be configured to your own wording or translated
to another language.
You can change these messages in the file "customTranslations.js" supplied in the "Program
Files\QlikView\Server\QlikViewClients\QlikViewAjax\htc\customFiles" folder on the machine where
the QV WebServer runs.

A file named customTranslationsExample.js is also provided that shows syntax and which messages that
can be configured.
Configurable Ajax functions
For new or changed functionality in the AJAX client we will in future releases try to provide a
mechanism where you can choose to turn these functions/changes On or Off.
This configuration file is named customConfig.js and placed in Program
Files\QlikView\Server\QlikViewClients\QlikViewAjax\htc\customFiles " folder on the machine where
the QV WebServer runs.
A file named customConfigExample.js is also provided that shows syntax and which functions/changes
that can be configured.
Currently these features are configurable:
- TranslationEvents (see above Configurable Ajax Messages, default ON)
- MultiselectCalendar (possibility to select more than one day in Calendar object, default ON)
- InputDeviceRotator (possibility to switch between Mouse/Touch input on hybrid devices, default ON)

1.5.3 Alternate state parameter for certain functions

New parameter added to the functions GetSelectedCount(), GetFieldSelections() and
GetCurrentSelections() to query other states than the main state.
E.g. =GetFieldSelections(Quantity, ';', ,'StateA')


New in QV11.2 SR7

This release includes the following major changes:

General comments

1.6.1 Windows XP / Vista and Internet Explorer 6 & 7

Since Microsoft has stopped their support of Windows XP on the 14 th of April we have decided to
remove Windows XP from our list of supported platforms. At the same time we decided to remove
Windows Vista and Internet Explorer 6 & 7 from the list due to low usage in our customer base. The
product will still be installable on both XP and Vista and you can still report issues, but these issues will
most likely get low priority.

1.6.2 Direct Discovery Enhancements

3 key features have been added to this release:
Support for multi-table queries

Direct Discovery can be used to load more than one table/view and supports ANSI
SQL join functionality. A limitation exists in the fact that in a single chart all measures
must be derived from the same logical table in QlikView, this could in fact be a
combination of tables from source linked via join statements.

Support for server side section access

Support for Teradata Query banding

1.6.3 Task performance summary

New task performance summary added that will provide information about the amount of RAM
used, CPU and QVB elapsed time.
Information is to be to be used for planning and troubleshooting purposes.
RAM information
Peak RAM:

The highest amount of consumed RAM during the task run, divided into physical
and virtual.

Total peak RAM:

The highest amount of consumed RAM during the task run for all processes
combined on the machine, divided into physical and virtual.

Average RAM

The average value of RAM used for the task, divided into physical and virtual.

CPU information
QVB peak CPU:

The highest amount of consumed CPU during the task run used by the task
process (QVB).

Total peak CPU:

The highest amount of consumed CPU ran during the task for all processes on the

Average CPU:

The average CPU usage for the task, shown as a percentage.

Elapsed time:

Log the elapsed time run for the QVB.


General comments

Setting up:
The task performance summary can be activated by setting the EnableQVBProcessSummary
to 1 in the QVB Settings.ini file.
Default location of the QVB Settings.ini file:
Note: The last row in the ini file needs to be blank.

1.6.4 Support for document administrator group with cross domain groups
Starting with v11.20 SR7 it will be possible to use the document administrator group in setups
involving multiple domains.
Using multiplied domains can result in a performance impact, where the use of cache is
How to use cache:
Add/Change configuration key in QVManagementService.exe.config

DocumentFolder Admin Cache Enabled -->

key="DocumentFolderAdminCacheEnabled" value="true" />
DocumentFolder Admin Cache Expiry in minutes -->
key="DocumentFolderAdminCacheExpiryMinutes" value="15" />

1.6.5 CAL allocation audit added to QlikView server event log

Information of which administrator that adds or removes a CAL has been added to the QlikView
server log file.

1.6.6 Support to get Session and Usage CAL information using API
Adds support to use the API to get information regarding the Session and Usage CAL ex.
LastUsed, MachineID, UserName, QuarantinedUntil (when applicable).
An update of the service reference could be needed when upgrading from a previous version to
enable the new values.


Cross-release compatibility

It is not possible to have multiple versions of QlikView Desktop installed, i.e. the QlikView 11.2
Desktop installer will overwrite a QlikView 10 Desktop installation. However, the QlikView 11.2
Desktop executable file can be copied to any location on the hard drive and run from there without
conflicting with the installed QlikView version.
In order to run multiple versions of QlikView Desktop on a single machine, please follow this

General comments

Uninstall prior version


Install QlikView Desktop v11.2


Copy the QV.exe file to a new, safe location


Uninstall QlikView Desktop v11.2


Install prior version

Following this procedure, you end up with a working version 11.2 QV.exe, but the operating system
treats the prior version as your primary version of QlikView.
QlikView 11.2 has a file format compatible with versions 9, 10 and 11.
The QlikView Plug-In client is automatically installed with QlikView Desktop. If the version of either
client is changed, it is recommended to do an uninstall of the previous version before installing another
version. If any of the installations become unstable, they can be corrected by repairing the affected
QlikView 9 Workbench and QlikView 9 WebParts are not compatible with QlikView 11.2.


Installation programs

The QlikView Server installation program installs QlikView Server and QlikView Publisher.
The QlikView Desktop installation program installs QlikView Desktop and QlikView Plug-in for
Microsoft Internet Explorer by default. To install the Plug-in only, run the QlikView Desktop installation
using the custom setup option and select QlikView OCX only. A separate installation program for
QlikView Plug-in for Microsoft Internet Explorer is included in the QlikView Server install.
A 64-bit version of the QlikView Plug-In is included in the 64-bit QlikView Desktop installation
program. Follow the procedure above to install the 64-bit Plug-in. There is not a separate install program
for the 64-bit Plug-in.
QlikView Documentation and Tutorial, QlikView Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint(R) and QlikView
Workbench are delivered in separate installation programs.


Support material

The new features in QlikView 11.2 are documented in the PDF reference manual and in the help files
that can be found in the separate installation packages.

Comments on product features

2 Comments on product features

The following features are conscious design decisions and most of them are not likely to change in
coming Service Releases.


Server installation


It is not possible to install the QlikView Server on a domain controller.

Clients, Presentation, Layout & Charts

If data with over 2,147,483,647 unique values is loaded, QV does not load correctly. Also, after
2,147,483,647, the value turns negative as the data is displayed in record number in a statistic

Dimension limits should not be used in tables that contain mini-charts. This will cause an out of
memory error.

The security settings of Internet Explorer may prevent users from exporting data or sending data
to Excel when using the plug-in client. The workaround is to add the QlikView server to the
trusted sites list or modify the security settings under Internet Options to allow launching of
external applications. In addition, ensuring the Enable Protected Mode check box is unchecked
may also be necessary.

AJAX for Small Devices mode is not compatible with Private Browsing in iOS5. In order to
have the full functionality of the client you must turn off Private Browsing in Safari.

On systems using UAC (Windows user access control), WebView may require that QlikView is
started using the Run as Administrator option.

The AJAX client will ignore all scroll bar settings except widths.

The AJAX client does not allow users to change scroll bar settings.

OnActivate and OnDeactivate Sheet Object Event triggers have been removed from QlikView
11 and later. The sheet level triggers are still available though, only the object level has been

The Activate and ActivateAll API methods no longer work since the OnActivate and
OnDeactivate object triggers have been removed.

The new, scrollable tab row is not available in Internet Explorer 8 and lower or in older versions
of other browsers. In older browsers, the original tab row will be used.

Beacons are not displayed in the new (scrollable) tab row.

The vertical label setting on Pivot and Straight tables has no effect in AJAX.

Prior to QlikView 11 some graphical charts allow an 'others' segment. When these charts are
opened in QlikView 11, the X-axis presentation limit and the label are moved to the proper
places on the Dimension Limits tab. This is not the case with straight tables. The label will be
moved to the Dimension Limits tab but the Max Number of Rows value will remain as it was.

There is no undo functionality on Notes and Comments. If a Note is deleted, it is permanently

removed. If an object with Notes is deleted, all of the Notes and Comments for that object will
be permanently deleted even though it is possible to undo the deletion of the object.

Graphical charts with Max Visible Number set in version 10 and older will have this setting
migrated to the new Dimension Limits tab in the property dialog. The new settings will be to
Show Only using the Largest values

The default significant digits have gone from 8 to 14. This only affects list boxes and
expressions that have not been reformatted from Expression Default.

Comments on product features

The Menu option and Dialog box for interacting with Server objects have been removed. The
View | Show Server Objects menu commands should be used to interact with server objects.

Suppress Zeroes is not being done in Pie and Funnel charts. Zero values were
previously suppressed in the front end for expressions in these two charts. With the addition of
Dimension Limits, QlikView will no longer suppress zero values for expressions across all chart
types. This will affect charts that have only expressions and no dimensions. Zero values caused
by dimensions will still be suppressed as before when the option is enabled.

Scrollbars in AJAX do not respect changes in the settings. This is because we have changed the
way scrollbars are rendered in AJAX.

There is no way to choose/upload an image for Backgrounds or Dynamic Backgrounds in the

AJAX client.


Script, ETL and Expressions

The script parser no longer accepts incomplete quotes (or brackets) around file names.

The default color scheme for script and expression syntax has been changed.

On 64-bit systems, 64 and 32-bit QlikView loads both 64 and 32-bit custom connectors.
QlikView first looks for 64-bit connectors in the current QV.exe location and then in Program
Files/Common Files/QlikTech/Custom Data. Further, QlikView looks for 32-bit connectors in
the current QV.exe location and then in Program Files (x86)/Common Files/QlikTech/Custom
Data. If several connectors with the same file name are found only the first one is included into
the connector list.

The macro script debugger is no longer in QlikView. The product is no longer supported by


Documentation & localization

WebView help is not completely context-sensitive like the rest of the help. The help will react
to the currently selected object but not the properties within the object. The help can be opened
from the Help menu or from within the regular QlikView help.

QlikView documentation is no longer stored in C:\Program Files\QlikView. Documentation is

now stored in C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\QlikView Documentation. In XP and Server 2003, it is
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\QlikTech\QlikView Documentation


QlikView Server, QlikView Publisher and Management Consoles

Due to a limitation associated with using Microsofts COM objects we recommend that you
limit the number of QlikView Engines (QlikView Enterprise Management Console>>
System>> Setup>> Distribution Services>> Advanced tab) to a maximum of 9 or the number of
processor cores available on the host server -1, whichever is lower. If you have more than 9
processor cores, and wish to run more Engines, contact Support for information regarding a
registry change to the Desktop Memory Heap settings on the server.

The QlikView Server services are designed to run as local administrator. Running with an
account that is not local administrator is an unsupported scenario.

To use the QlikView Management Service (QMS) API the group QlikView Management API
must be created as a local security group on the QMS machine and the account that uses the API
must be part of that group. This will also apply to importing tasks from another QMS. There are
two exceptions to this:

The API for starting an EDX task and

The API for getting status on an EDX task.


Comments on product features

In QlikView 11, EDX runs through the QlikView Management Service (QMS) API. This is a
major change from QlikView 10, where EDX is realized by calls directly to a QlikView
Distribution Service (QDS).

Search results may differ between two searches in a clustered Directory Services Connector
(DSC) right after a change since each DSC caches individually.

When using session recovery (session recovery is only applicable for the AJAX client) there
will be a Server bookmark in the QlikView Management Console for each user that is using a
document. These Server Bookmarks will reappear in the QMC even if deleted because they are
generated by QlikView to handle session recovery.

When losing the network connection - even briefly - there will be errors in the task logs and
event log.

When using Session Collaboration, invitees have the same data access privileges as the session

QlikView cannot sustain the inputfields if the document is opened without data. Therefore, any
document containing inputfields will always open with data, even if flagged not to do so. When
this occurs, a line indicating this behavior will be written to the log file.


New functionality in QlikView 11.2

3 New functionality in QlikView 11.2


Direct Discovery

QlikView Direct Discovery capability combines the associative capabilities of the QlikView in-memory
dataset with a query model where the source data is not directly loaded into the QlikView data model.
The aggregated query result is passed back to the QlikView user interface. The Direct Discovery data set
is still part of the associative experience where the user can navigate both on the in-memory data and the
direct discovery data associatively.
The QlikView Direct Discovery feature is a hybrid capability where the in-memory and direct discovery
data sets can be analyzed together, even in the same chart. The business users can make selections on
either of the data sets, and see what is associated and not associated with the same QlikView association
colors; green, grey, and white. They can create charts that help them analyze data from both data sets
This hybrid approach provides much greater power and flexibility than the data visualization tools or
traditional query capabilities because with these tools, the users can either create extracts to an inmemory engine or run queries on the database but cannot do both on the same application persistently.
QlikView Direct Discovery enables users to perform business discovery and visual analysis against any
amount of data, regardless of size. With the introduction of this unique hybrid approach, users can
associate data stored within big data sources directly alongside additional data sources stored within the
QlikView in-memory model. QlikView can seamlessly connect to multiple data sources together within
the same interface, e.g. Teradata, SAP, and Google Big Query, allowing the business user to associate
data across the data silos.

3.1.1 Limitations
Due to the interactive and SQL syntax specific nature of the Direct Discovery approaches a number of
limitations exist.
The following chart type is not supported;
Mini charts
And the following QlikView features are not supported;
Advanced calculations
Calculated dimensions
Comparative Analysis (Alternate State) on the QlikView objects that use Direct Discovery fields
Non Dimension Direct Discovery fields are not supported on Global Search
Binary load from a QlikView application with a Direct Discovery table
Section access and data reduction
Loop and Reduce
Synthetic keys on the Direct Discovery table
Table naming in script does not apply to the Direct table
The use of * after DIRECT QUERY keyword on the load script (e.g. DIRECT QUERY *)
Considerations from a security perspective.
All of the users using the QlikView application with the Direct Discovery capability will be using
the same connection. With this initial release, authentication pass-through or credentials-peruser are not supported.


New functionality in QlikView 11.2

Section Access is not supported.
With the new NATIVE() expression function, it would be possible to execute custom SQL
statements in the database. It is advised that the database connection set up in the load script
should use an account with only read access to the database.
It is possible to flood the database with requests from the client.
It is possible to get detailed error messages from the QlikView Server log files.
Log files are automatically generated on the desktop if the direct query fails due to a database


Upgrading from previous QlikView versions

4 Upgrading from previous QlikView versions


QlikView Desktop

To upgrade, previous versions of QlikView need not be uninstalled. However, the previous installation
will be overwritten and the settings from the earlier version will be used.


QlikView Server

4.2.1 From QlikView 10

To upgrade, previous versions of QlikView need not be uninstalled. However, the previous installation
will be overwritten and the settings from the earlier version will be used.

4.2.2 From QlikView 11

It is recommended to uninstall earlier versions of QlikView before installing the QlikView 11.2.


Known issues

5 Known issues
The following issues were identified at release time. The list is not comprehensive; it does however list
all known major issues. The ambition is to have the issues fixed in coming versions.


Clients, Presentation, Layout & Charts

The Calendar object in AJAX client has been replaced in QV11.2 SR4, with a different look and
feel, but should otherwise be fully compatible.

Direct Discovery issues


It is not recommended to use the OCX plugin in combination with Direct Discovery.

Direct fields do not populate system fields in the same way as in-memory fields.

Logical data islands in the data model behave differently between Direct Discovery
and in memory tables. (#50880)

Tablebox not updating when it contains only MEASURE or DETAIL fields and
DIMENSION field clicked in Listbox

Cannot do a reload when app contains tablebox and textbox at the same time

selecting a value in a table box that is in a detail or measure field results in a X through
the table box

Unexpected behavior on updating data in the source DB with a list box DIMENSION

If direct sql data source is down, opening a DD QVW takes several minutes

The Subversion wrapper has a problem with parsing different language code pages.

QlikView supports subversion 1.6.17 and 1.7.x. Trying to use other versions may result in
incompatibility issues.

A document with input fields will create a .shared file when it is opened on an Accesspoint. Due
to underlying data structures, the .shared file will grow with an average of 50-80 bytes/input
field value when the input field value is changed.

Macros will not function in WebView.

QlikView 9 (Desktop and Server) cannot open documents that contain the new QlikView 11

When upgrading from a prior version to QlikView 11, the internet cache should be cleared
before the new AJAX property dialogs can be used.

Pressing the Help button in the AJAX client invokes help but not context sensitive help.

When using QlikView Help in Firefox (AJAX), the browser window will resize (reduce in size
or minimize).

When both x86 and x64 versions of QlikView Desktop are installed on a single machine an
uninstallation of either will leave some files on the hard drive. These files can be manually

When using the AJAX client in IE, list boxes with many (>50,000) items will display a white
box instead of the values when scrolling / paging though the list.

The alignment options for Multi-Line captions do not work in the AJAX client in IE7.

Nested grid containers will expand beyond the outer container when first created in the AJAX
client. Pressing F5 or resizing the outer container will fix the problem.

Known issues

The Select Report dropdown is active in the AJAX client even if the QlikView Server does
not allow printing. The users will not be able to print even though it appears they can.

QlikView 11 can open QlikView 10 project files (XML). If there was a container object in the
original QlikView 10 file, it will be lost when opening the project files in QlikView 11. This
will corrupt the new QlikView 11 file and the entire container will need to be reconstructed. The
work around is to open the QlikView 10 file in QlikView 11 and recreate the project files.
Reportedly this could happen with QlikView 11 files as well, please follow same procedure and
re-create the project files.

Creating multi-column list boxes in AJAX is not working correctly. The slider to change the
number of columns is not working. However, the user can type a number into the box next to
the slider to change the number of columns.

QlikView will render graphical charts with multiple dimensions and multiple expressions (a
combo chart with two dimensions and three expressions, for example) though the chart will not
provide much value. Currently, QlikView will produce a drawing failed internally error when
trying to render graphical (not straight and pivot tables) charts with these characteristics.


Documentation & localization

When adding Document Administrators, it shows in the GUI Add users and Groups, but
security groups are not allowed as document administrators. (#52143)

QMC Webhelp is now available in Japanese. To replace English Webhelp with Japanese
Webhelp, please rename the two folders (QMCHelp and QMCHelp_JPN) which you typically
find under C:\Program Files\QlikView\Management Service. Change QMCHelp to
QMCHelp_Old or QMCHelp_eng (or delete the folder if you do not need English help).
Change QMCHelp_JPN to QMCHelp the Japanese help files will now be accessed when
you click the Help icon in the top corner. A PC that has displayed the English help files needs to
empty its web cache to ensure the Japanese files are loaded. Any QlikView services running
need to be stopped before making the changes and started again after the change was made.

English documentation for QlikView Desktop is included in this release. Other languages must
be downloaded from the QlikView website.

It is possible to have the Help language different from the QlikView Desktop interface. This can
be changed on the General tab of User Preferences.


QlikView Server, QlikView Publisher and Management Console

When using Script parameters in a reload task without a loop and distribute, only one reload
will be executed, i.e. only the first parameter value will be used. The possible workarounds are
either to add a loop and distribute to e.g. a scrap folder, or to create one task for each value.

Network Storage Devices other than Microsoft Windows based shares are known to cause
system instability and are not currently supported.

Running an older version (pre v11) of QlikView Server after having a v11 QlikView Server
installed and running will disable the existing anonymous account. In order to run the older
version of QlikView Server, the anonymous account must be enabled BEFORE starting the
older QlikView Server.

The suggested filename when downloading from the AccessPoint may have non Western
European characters replaced by underscores in browsers that do not support UTF-8 headers.

If QlikView Server isnt allowed to disable the anonymous account it will still try every time it


Known issues


It is possible to enter more text in document description than will be visible in the Access Point

QlikView Workbench

In some situations it may not be possible to edit the properties of an Extension Object created
with the Extension Wizard.

Some of the extension examples use direct links to /QvAjaxZfc/ instead of relative links. This
will cause these examples to fail in Workbench (and Web Parts). To make them work
LoadExtensionScripts LoadCSS should be used. E.g.:
ns/QlikView/Examples/geoHeat/raphael.js", geoHeat_Example_Done);

changed to:
js"], geoHeat_Example_Done);


changed to:
Qva.LoadCSS(Qva.Remote + (Qva.Remote.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? '&' : '?') +
'public=only' + '&name=' +


Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR12

6 Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR12


XML attack preventor
Chart: Sort on Y value option is missing
QMC: Unable to search with * (not wildcard search) in Manage Users
PGO watchdog should be disabled for single node installations
Sync of settings among nodes in a QVS cluster doesn't work if a node fails to acquire a
crypto service provider from Windows
Pivot Table: Values not shown when previous dimension values are null
Direct Discovery on QlikView 11.20 SR 11 not working when access via AccessPoint
Different Chart Property menu between SR10 and SR11
Sort by Freq has changed from earlier versions
Direct Discovery on QlikViewServer can fetch all the data


Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR11

7 Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR11


iPad - Scrollbar - 'Chart Pivot table' object touching scroll issue
Pie Chart: Slice size is not correct
Section Access: Objects in Containers show headers (labels) even though Section
Access should prevent user seeing the object
Y-axis doesn't show proper number format in combo chart when one expression value
is empty
Chart object: Expression editor indicates false error when using implicit exclusion
IE Plugin: IE hangs when adding a new sheet object with Plugin 11.20 on QVS 11 SR2
QlikView IE Plugin does not validate Expression, always shown as "Expression OK"
QlikView Developer: Using advanced search from the Edit menu crashes QlikView.
Memory Statistics output "-1.#J" as Size
Desktop WebView Calendar object dropdown "Unexpected exception occurred!"
Plugin: QVPlugin crashes when changing tabs from left to right or other way around
IEPlugin Auto-Ascending for List Box is Active Without Scroll Bar if Session is
Established during Reload
Linechart limited by static max value not rendered as expected
QlikView Manual should warn users that creating large table boxes can lead to
unrestricted memory growth
Using a QVS cluster for WorkBench delays load from second QVS node
WebView: copied objects almost invisible when minimized
Cycle button breaks
Current selections box not showing all the current selections through IE-plugin
Security: Save Documents (user) disabled for admin users
Pivot and Straight table data not updated when opened via AJAX
Performance degrade when opening document QV10 vs QV11.20
Chart expression image not working in 11.20 SR1 Server when viewed from Chrome or
Firefox browser
List Box: error when combining "Set Analysis" and "AND mode"
Stock chart line does not update when scrolling X-axis
Google Maps does not work with Fire Fox/Chromes
iOS - Safari - Direct Link - Login - Logging into iOS Safari 6.1.3 through a direct link and
canceling the log will make a prompt come up and wont go away
Sheet objects disappear after making selection.
QvAjax.js error if Null value is selected in AJAX
OCX license does not to show up in CTRL + Shift + Q menu
Ajax/WebView: Dimension in Pivot table doesn't display text as Vertical when pivoted
Pivot table: Cyclic work and Enable Conditional mot working in some scenarios
Desktop: Cyclic/Drill-down icon is displayed wrong if there is a conditional dimension.
Multibox list on Ajax does not show data when switching contracts
Ajax: Text Object in Container Object with Background - Image doesn't work properly
AJAX: using special character chr(11) does not work
Objects list not displayed in Container Properties
Pivot table properties in Ajax/WebView, Edit Expression (>Caption>Label>Edit
Expression) need 2 clicks to be opened.
SalesForce Connector login fail when password string contain "<"

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR11



QlikView desktop crashes when accessing properties of server object

AJAX Scrollbar color property has no effect.
Document Bug: Full Accumulation doesn't work if Dimension has null value
Desktop client - Bar chart with X-axis scrollbar activated and set "When number of
items exceeds" < 6 does not work as expected
Chart scrolling reversed not working in WebView with cyclic group - C++
Desktop - Extra space in bar chart
AJAX: Field search dropdown in straight table not aligned when using Chrome
Desktop/IEPlugin: Associated/Excluded values are not filtered by selections
Popup for text too long not displayed in AJAX
Container Object - Pivot Table - AJAX - Pivot Table will randomly disappear when in a
container object when selecting other pivot tables in the container object, but will
reappear when you click off and go back
Bar Chart: 2nd Dimension's legend shows labels of expressions (measures) if 1st
dimension's legend is off
Desktop Client: Chart x-Axis Scrollbar + Reversed not working as expected
Expand/collapse ICONs in pivot table do not work correctly sometimes
Slow Performance Ajax IE9
Search doesn't work correctly with Japanese in iPad/iPhone
QlikView developer - QVD - TAG: TAGs do not update correctly within a QVD.
Ajax/WebView: Headers disappear when scrolling vertically a straight table with the
Horizontal property selected
Sideways scrolling does not work on straight table when the table has only 1 record
Export to Excel from pivot table changes Date settings
Stacked 3D Bar Chart : Expression-axis shows only 2/3 when filtered by dimension-axis
.xml of 0kb gets created in the taskresult folder when task is disabled but has an active
Different special characters (TAB, SUBSTITUDE) stop documents from loading in AJAX
QV11.20SR2: Ajax Tooltips get truncated
Desktop: Dragging dimension causes memory-exceeded in Pivot table
Bar chart: Axis scale not adjusting to expression values
Scatter chart: No label on X-Axis when scaling number turns in 1E+042 notation
Chrome Table Box Drop down display issue
AJAX search Box issue
ORDER BY doesn't sort "a"17 digit value
QlikView picks the wrong windows default printer under certain circumstances
Bar chart: dimensional bar is not displayed if Bar distance is set in negative value
Number in Axis in chart is not displayed correctly
Chrome browser: Long attribute name makes the "value" field disappear in
Server is not logging object extension errors (C++)
Listbox, looks different in IE9, 10 than in IE8.
'Show alternatives' options not highlighted in ListBox with Selection Style 'Windows
Document Properties setting Allow Move/size does nothing
Invalid argument. QVAjax.js Code 0 Line:58
Possible to do search and select in bookmark object even if read-only is set on sheet
Desktop Client - Tab in Container Object is not hidden when Conditional Show is used

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR11

67385 QV crashes when the grid mode is turned on for container

67460 Manual & Help: Japanese Translation of "Star is" example translates syntax such as
Inline and ASTERISK
67475 Colors Washing Out
67505 Dimension Labels display is not as expected with horizontal, vertical & slant selections
67557 Source control: When a List box is set to Alternate state other than inherited (or
default state), the "Always One Selected Value is lost
67564 axis in vertical oriented bar chart does not scale properly
67658 Straight table crashing QV.exe/not showing the full content of the object
67755 AJAX - Clickable rectangle on the lower right junction of X/Y scrollbars causes first
value to be selected
67840 QlikView Desktop - Wrong number format when first expression failed to evaluate
67858 OpenDoc API: QVUser() does not return UserID
67877 Mobile Client/AJAX: Input Box with variable and array of options blocks out digits
67890 Horizontal Scroll Bar Erratic Behavior in AJAX
67905 Combo chart: Incorrect axis format
67932 Drill-down group and Cycle Group icons missing in the Ajax client.
67937 Ajax/Hybrid: Touch Interface in IE10, IE11, not able to select
67951 Number Format changes after Group is Cycled
68002 Document bug: Missing information about Conditional option in chart properties
68021 IPad app: When App is suspended QlikView doesnt prompt for login credentials. - iOS
68025 Access Point - Button to move between sheets is not rendering on Android Device.
68051 Reload in QMC is not retaining sort order in straight table with a conditional expression
68094 Cyclic button icon not showing after selection
68113 Keyboard shortcuts and AJAX
68121 Export to Excel doesn't work when "On BIFF Exports" option enabled
68152 iOS Offline Client not compatible with FIPS - Client side code
68203 Input Box- Drop-down disappears and allows for edit with predefined values only
property enabled
68204 Bar Chart: Dimension Label Drilldown Icon behavior is inconsistent with 2 dimensions
68219 No expansion icon displayed in expression list in List Box Properties
68226 Ajax / WebView: Chart object helptext does not shows in correct place
68232 Desktop/IEPlugin is hanged when typing down cursor in input field
68272 UI JP "Sort by Applicability" is not translated correctly in Japanese version of QlikView
68383 Stagger Labels get truncated (moved to left) by using Cycle Groups
68415 Small Device Version is hardcoded in htm and not changeable
68429 Document bug: Help/manual description is wrong for plot color stype option
68471 Desktop Client Documentation: No documentation on WebView/Ajax Repository
change especially drop down list
68533 Ajax object properties: The sort option won't show in server object properties, if the
dimension has default sort option "state".
68535 Bar Chart: Not possible to show second dimension's label if the first dimension's label
not shown
68551 Documentation: The term "lasso selection" in help and manual is misleading
68591 Bundle Loads use Restricted Characters in the URL / URL encoding with AJAX client
68632 Error messages are misspelled: Occurred
68637 Tooltip in AJAX stays stuck on screen

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR11



AJAX - Container object - tab borders not visible

Document bug: There is not QlikView.txt in project folder from v11
Document bug: "The Schedule Service" in Desktop manual 7.4 Batch Execution
QV11_2_Licensing_SR8.pdf document needs update in QES
IE Plugin - Export - When exporting large data sets in CSV (QVO, XML, etc... ) from the
Plugin will cause the server to consume a lot of memory, if canceled or closed it will
keep running, relogging will make another session
Accesspoint hangs by Changing Category after session lost
Using SQRT(x) when x < 0, causes other fields in table to have random values every
reload is performed.
AJAX - Tooltip fails to display
Dynamic Update not working with QVWS on different server and Ajax Client
Workbench div tag issue
AJAX - Section access dialogue does not submit form on "enter" press
Print Report - Stuck loading - Ajax /Plug-in/developer: Report never prints unless you
make a selection on a ListBox.
Pivot not rendering if collapse dimension columns
Reduction based on Section Access may cause unwanted results in the Distributed
Documents and should be used with caution.
SR7: recreating application using PRJ folder and CTRL+S (or clicking save button) failed
Dimension is treated as Drill-down Group on bar chart even if the dimension is not
belong to the group
QVS Reload Engine added in QVPR causing huge amount of errors in the QMS log
AJAX: Multibox object sometimes shows the list in the incorrect position
Bar Chart Horizontal: Stagger Labels get truncated (moved to left)
AJAX Ghost image when moving Column straight pivot table in SR7 not is SR3
Ajax / IE Plugin: Button with Bookmark - Replace is not working
AJAX - Remove last document state fails to function
QVS: Unable to lease license with OEM license with tags NUMBER_OF_DOCUMENTS;x;;
Anonymous Bookmarks: Cannot save bookmarks with Window 2012 host operating
system (Shared File)
Pivot tables with conditional dimensions and expressions freezing
QVConnect process hanging and no connect to statement is written in the document
log SAP
AJAX - resizing column causes object to be resized even when locked
Server - ServerTempBookmarkDayTimeout Not Working As Expected
Hidden Script - Show Progress for Hidden script option not working as documented
when disabled
Preload setting is gone after clicked apply button
OCX plugin in MFC project crashes when opening under Win8 environment
Section Access: OMIT not working with alternate states on a QlikView Server
ELSE statement produces unexpected error message
Script line error by clearing variable before EXIT Script
AJAX Text Object doesn't wrap text
Icon color is changed for a warning of a task in the QMC.
Stacked Bar Chart not show Values in Segment and Sum
Bubble Chart size is created by radius not the Area

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR11

69181 Chrome: Section Access login dialog has cosmetic problem

69182 Use patterns instead of colors works for Bar Chart and Pie Chart but not for other
69192 AJAX: Bar chart: Drawing of chart failed internally
69205 Undefined domain causes the QVS to hang
69222 Open in Server, cant select a document list.
69224 IAS Server - AJAX - Open QVW in AccessPoint, click the browser's back button and try
to open QVW again results in error: "Unexpected Exception Occurred"
69228 Syntax checker not working, "Error expression" error displayed as "Allocated Memory
Exceeded" error
69231 WebServer: Not able to find document if more than one cluster is setup
69233 Value changes in straight table when changing sort order
69261 Field Name in Expression Definition causes "Allocated Memory Exceeded" Error
69262 Exporting straight table takes much longer when using conditional dimensions
69269 Radar chart displaying error when an expression contain both positive and negative
69271 Object Sort order changed after QlikView server reload
69274 Task skipped with reason Trigger skipped (not the least load) despite QDS being a
single machine
69279 Shared file Cleaning TOOL - Parameter 5 doesn't work
69281 Ajax: Language issue when Exporting to Excel or Printing an Object
69282 AJAX: Right click menu does not disappear when left clicking on another object
69283 Mobile: Preserve Scroll Position doesn't work in List Box on Android or iOS with
69284 Desktop: Grid Chart in mini Pie Chart Style shows wrong values
69288 AJAX client has issues showing text strings start with [3-byte] + [4-byte] Unicode
69292 Charts inside a container display as an error character
69293 Current selection box not showing invisible selection only in Chromes and Fire Fox
69304 Dropdown icon shouldn't be appeared after selection made in pivot table
69307 Ajax / WebView: 0 are not always shown in Tabs in Ajax
69309 Sort by Expression doesn't work with AJAX using Section Access
69315 Firefox: images have a small rounded frame at the corners
69334 Desktop/IE-plugin: Straight table search icon's input box is located out of the sheet
69346 cell borders transparency color won't keep the same color in Ajax
69359 WebView/Ajax: Transparency for border around objects should be ignored (like
69361 Session Collaboration Not Available
69366 AJAX: layering issues with ListBox search
69380 Browser right scrollbar is disappearing/flashing in Ajax
69384 Apply button is not enabled (grayed out) when change the settings in Design Tab in
User Preferences.
69386 Release notes for 11.20 SR9 do not mention fix for Bug #69164: AJAX: Calendar dates
not picked properly
69392 Help: "Theme Maker..." and "Apply Theme..." buttons are not mentioned for the
Layout tab
69395 System Requirements has typo on page 3
69397 Loading from QlikView generated QVD with 1 billion rows hangs while in 11.20 SR6+
69408 AJAX: Slider/Calendar Object Does Not Change Pointer On Hover Until Clicked

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR11

69410 Override Group Sort Order option not checked after closing/opening document
69419 Conditional Show with smaller Container Box than Chart not working in Ajax
69421 Slider with null in "Max Value" causes huge memory consumption when loaded into
69424 Radar chart shows "Positive and negative value in chart" when "Force 0" unticked
without negative values
69436 AJAX: Save and Send as attachment exported Excel results in *.aspx format
69442 Ajax: Straight table , Cycle group menu not displayed with more than 15 dimensions
69459 #Tabrow not found by extension
69466 Re-save 11.20 SR4 document with Containers in SR5 or later format makes it hang
upon opening it next time
69469 Cleaning tool recognized OrphanEntries error but they are not
69470 Reload successful in QV.exe although reload actually failed
69472 Qv.exe no response while changing through Container box objects
69487 WaitForIdle doesn't work properly using qvp connection
69490 User can still resize columns in InputBox and Multibox in Web View with Move/Size
Sheet Object disabled
69491 Clear Icon Doesn't Clear Selections In AJAX
69495 Statistics Box displays incorrect sum value with opening 2 similar QVWs at the same
69512 Out of the session and USAGE CALs error
69516 AJAX - Pivot Table drop down selection missing for last dimension
69521 Print and excel icons displayed using the wrong theme
69529 Allow empty LDAP property fields
69530 Negative value "bar offset" treated as positive when ValueList() using bar chart
69531 Shared objects are broken when copied
69535 Font color and formatting is not kept in reports
69541 QlikviewManagementServcie - The document does not have a root element.
69554 QMC - Document admins not able to open QMC
69558 Excessive logging SE_LOG: User - GetGroups: DCName is empty. Fetching...
69564 AJAX - Cell borders disappear for blank cells
69566 Scroll bar in ListBox stops working
69587 Scroll bar in Text Object become locked or nonfunctional
69589 Reload Engine down when installed components on different machines without
Publisher license
69590 Mode() returns incorrect value
69591 Reference Manual does not clearly state that we require local Administrator
membership for our Services
69592 QMC help text on Configurable ODBC is wrong
69599 Line Chart: Number labels on Y axis change from percentage to fixed decimal
69600 Minichart within a straight table without dimension shows allocated memory
69603 Slider bar doesn't match with numbers
69604 Total Mode "first string" and "last string" in Straight Table gives unexpected result
69611 Global search object functions does not work properly in AJAX
69614 Show Value not working with Stacked Bar Chart
69624 Current Selections Lock, Unlock and Clear buttons not visible
69634 OnInput/OnChange macro fails in 11.20 SR9 AJAX (Worked in SR3)

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR11


Method WaitForIdle is not working with IEPlugin

AJAX Rendering: Text clipping using Georgia Font only Fox/Chromes
Scheduled task doesn't show correct next run time value after editing
Pivot Table: applying bookmark doesn't apply change on field positions
Trend Line with exponential function is partly cut off
document crash when contains tons of expressions
Directory Service Connector config change not always taking effect if the connected
server is slow to respond
Labels on fields in cyclic groups not being saved
Can't change Root Folders for QlikView Web Server
System Requirements 11.20 SR10 Copyright is 2014, it should be 2015
Pivot Table sort expression doesn't work correctly in QVS
Adding chart to container makes QlikView Desktop hang/crash
Small Device Version not working as expected with Fire Fox o Safari
Cyclic group not showing with three dimensions in a barchart
Scrollbar position not correct when activating sheet in AJAX and "Hide Tabrow" is
IE Plugin: Container object hangs and blinks
Document bug: Japanese Help menu revision level is SR9
Variable in script causes abnormal use of ram during Task reload.
Reload Engine (not a service) is not presented even though online help says it should
Searches from "Users" tab in QMC time out after hard coded 30 seconds
Updating/removing Triggers actions list where Frontend functions cant be executed
by backend trigger.
Browser is hanged by specific character in Ajax
Shared objects in both IE plugin and AJAX, shared to specific users, disappear after
reload in SR9.
Ajax - Input Box - All rows affected when single value changed
Fast Change - You cannot switch from Pivot table back to Mekko chart in Ajax or
iPad Text position is wrong
Screen size inconsistency in iPad mode (full browser)
Dropdown menu in a straight box does not group up selections in the top in AJAX
Zero Value showing in Combo Chart
Direct Discovery: Encountered Sharing Violation
IE and AJAX: User will select unwanted values using the Control key
Documentation Bug: Missing information for IIS Tunnel Configuration
Document chaining QV documents in the browser, Russian characters in links dont
Objects with show conditional don't react when the "control" variable changes, see
overlap of information.
Cannot pass Selections in URL when using WebTickets
QMC: Task that are finish still show as running
[Document Bug] Description for ZTest function is incorrect
Internal inconsistency type D
Straight table: Expression giving inconsistent results
AJAX: looking glass icon disappears with some colors

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR10

8 Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR10

61315 Android: Not possible to export to excel
61939 Ajax Unexpected exception occurred! Trying to Open Properties of Shared Object by
Other User under Repository>Objects
62015 Caption's background color transparency setting is not applied correctly for some
62246 Cell Values - Paste - Moving Columns - When moving a column to the left of data in a
list box causes the pasting of a cell value to the column in front of it
62281 Ajax Client uses Browser Authentication when open direct link when Alternate login
page (web form) is set
62410 AJAX/WebView: Edit expression window: scrollbar and drop down menu for
Aggregation, Field, Function and Variable doesn't fit
62550 Japanese Server Reference Manual: Release number incorrect
62590 QlikView 11.20.11922 SR2 has stopped working error thrown when opening an
62614 Drop Down Select In Pivot Table Shows Wrong Values
62645 Drop Down Select In Pivot Table Shows blank data
62701 MonthEnd returns incorrect value
62731 Document freeze with Java Script Error in full browser mode
62959 List box selections causes unexpected results on straight table
63703 Pie Chart: "Values on Data Point" % Missing After Changing Font Size
63722 Script file exporter saving filenames incorrectly
63840 AJAX/mobile: command "tel:" for dialing a number does not work
64329 WorkBench installation cannot connect to HTTPS web folder
64386 Cant print list from a multibox when not selecting any value
64399 Desktop: CSV export inserts garbage char at 70,000th row w/ 2-byte data
64432 Cant select date in a calendar with the mouse, it will revert back to default date.
64830 % label in pie chart disappear
65080 Ajax/WebView - List box - Style LED/checkbox: In Ajax List boxes with LED enable, the
checkbox overlap the letters.
65137 Desktop Client / IE Plugin: Container Object with lot of rows not behaving as expected
(WebView / Ajax Client)
65350 Ajax/WebView - Pivot table within a container object- Header: Pivot table within a
container object the Header disappear / blanks when you scroll horizontally the table.
65451 Labels On Data Points
65553 scrolling with highlight limit to size of multibox
65718 Document bug: Search Object's Default Search Mode <use default> is mistranslated
in Help
65843 Stacked bar charts with sections too small to render breaks values on data points.
65926 Bookmark for application fail to open
65967 List Box Properties: 'Always one selected value' lost when used together with 'Show
66030 AJAX on iPad: Search Object is showing as an "opened box"
66103 Text Box in Containers not working correctly
66144 Mouse input not recognized on Chrome on touch-enabled laptop
66163 Access Point: Favicon.ico not showing in other browsers than IE

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR10

66704 Ajax/WebView: Memory usage spikes up after clearing selections if objects configures
conditional show
66845 Multibox Tab disappears when activating it in a container
66926 API Guide: Remove 0=HTML,1=Text,2=Bitmap from param3 for ServerSideExportEx
67055 Export to Excel from a pivot table gives junk values
67141 Distribution Service: No Trigger works when more than one "On multiple eventtriggers" is set up in one task (AND / OR)
67143 Ajax - URL/Link - Dark default color: The URL/Link text color is shows dark blue or
purple color within Ajax client and won't obey the "text color" change.
67218 Values will not follow the selections point in the multibox object.
67279 Drill Down didnt work if a dimension before is hidden
67418 Container: charts in containers dont always render correctly
67426 Document Bug: Force Patterns instead of Colors in User Preferences incorrectly
translated in Japanese
67440 Inconsistent behavior of Dynamic Bookmark based on locked selections
67461 Desktop - Opening and closing qv.exe while splash screen visible causes qv.exe to
67504 Bar Chart "Drawing of chart failed internally" Error when use IEplugin
67506 Desktop Client: Variable Event Trigger > OnChange >Activate Sheet causes freeze
67588 Not able to set background color of Multi Box
67891 Current Selections drop down box does not display selections in the correct sorting
order in Ajax
67903 Security Concern: Removing HTTP Header information
67906 Direct Discovery: Table box displays "Direct query failed" when making selection
67919 Small devices version - Bookmarks - gauges - IPad/IPhone: when user use small
devices with IPad or IPhone, when user selects a bookmark that involves a gauge
object, when user views the gauges it loses the perspective or disappears (blank
67922 AJAX - 'IS_IE' is undefined Error In Internet Explorer 10 After Adding or Deleting
67983 Certificate communication on Windows Server 2012. Restarting QlikView Services can
cause the server to reboot itself
68000 Problem to change order for a dimension in a straight table in Chrome.
68017 AccessPoint - Vertical Alignment on data points not working on Scatter chart
68107 QV Desktop: Help > QlikView on the web > Support opens an internal URL
68163 Desktop - Copy Button displays in Right-click menu when copy object privileges have
been restricted
68164 Listbox background with IE8 AJAX
68229 Docu Bug: QVD Load
68346 Juxtaposed texts and images do not render properly in iOS app
68361 Juxtaposed texts and images do not render properly in AJAX using mobile Safari
68385 Internet Explorer Plugin unable to process 'Transfer State' option in Open QlikView
Document Action
68394 Cannot find any information on "Importing QVD with asterisks are not supported
since 11.20"
68419 AJAX client cannot show characters in Unicode CJK Extension B (C++)
68525 Ajax: Pivot Header Alignment hide label
68527 Listbox not updating after selections has been made from button with triggers
68570 Chart properties box leads to unresponsive session

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR10

68615 Images are missing when using IE11/Ajax

68636 AJAX - ListBox - LED checkboxes display right border even though no border width 0
pt. is configured
68640 Duplicate queries sent by Direct Discovery
68690 Desktop Client: Unable to expand (+) documents in Open in Server through Start
Page, window close
68726 Selections not retained with IE plugin
68732 Bookmark URL (Email) in clustered environment points at server not cluster
68767 Sheet Navigation Stripe cut off in case of using the drop down menu
68800 AJAX IE8 Listbox Background Not Loaded Completely
68872 [Document Bug/Enhancement]Small device version does not have sheet concept is
not mentioned in Reference Manual/Help File
68919 Publisher / QMC - Reduce tab - Open document - loading: When you try to open a
document in publisher create task > reduce tab > open document, QMC gets stuck
"loading...Please wait" and apply button is grayed out.
68965 QV InitWorkBench truncates ticket
68969 Japanese character garbled in the "invited collaboration session screen"
68990 AJAX - TabRow Expands Vertically and Horizontally (depends on browser) and Pushes
Sheet Down Temporarily + Flash on Screen
68992 Gif animations not working in desktop client SR6 and upwards.
68994 Part of Object calendar icon cropped in WebView
69012 Pop up text on scatter chart not show
69013 Table border disappearing when scroll bar moved up & down.
69023 Documentation bug - QV for iPad offline mode issue - bookmarks list does not get
dynamically updated
69025 [Text as Pop-up] in [Chart Properties] -> [Expressions] doesn't pop up custom
message since QV11.2 SR7
69031 Excessive logging SE_LOG: OpenFileOrURL: An exception (filepath) contains an
incorrect path.) occurred during open of (filepath)
69036 Fixed record script gets highlighted by syntax check
69039 Documentation: Explanation for Alternate State parameter GetSelectedCount(),
GetFieldSelections() and GetCurrentSelections() is missing in Reference Manual
and Help
69052 AJAX - Input Box - drop down arrow selector disappears
69058 When loading a numeric field from a QVD file with a GROUP BY clause where the field
participates, the field has no string representation.
69079 Documentation: Effect of combining distinct and non-distinct tables
69094 [Custom Pop up text] will not show up when hovering on lines in combochart
69113 Bookmark: Share for individual user not showing up
69124 QlikViewServer - Warning SE_LOG: Shared - ApplyBM: Could not update the Recall
time on bookmark with id: " is always printed
69127 Document Chaining not transferring selections in Open In Server
69128 FitZoom / ApplyZoomToAllSheets macro looping in QlikView Desktop Client "Open in
69161 GetCurrentField does not expand the group value if using calculated dimensions
69163 Sort fields by Load Order on Direct Discovery table window's down unexpectedly
69174 Calendar Object not working if based on an expression
69180 Chrome - Calendar Object not displaying correctly
69215 AJAX - Horizontal scroll bar jumps to beginning on pivot table inside a container

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR10

69221 Cyclic group icon giving a QVAjax.js error

69491 Clear Icon Doesn't Clear Selections In AJAX
69613 Desktop and Plugin Client: Client initial refresh. If old date not kept in server or client
too old, refresh will be performed automatically cause "Server connection lost,
closing document!"
69634 OnInput/OnChange macro fails in 11.20 SR9 AJAX (Worked in SR3)


Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR9

9 Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR9


Use Column Labels-> "Field" doesn't work correctly(IE7)
Minimized chart is restored when open from in Ajax
Desktop: Unable to open application in WebView with double click on qvw
Dimension Limits - Show Total in Bar Chart does not properly scale axis
Japanese Translation Straight Table>Presentation: Horizontal Different
Selecting "Advanced mode" in Scatter chart Expressions tab shows Sort tab instead of
"Advanced mode"
App can't restore with prj Folder
Low verbosity on Eventlog, still a lot of entries of Mount browsing
Variable for font color doesn't work in Chart Legend
Source Control Settings errors out in Windows Server 2003
Server - unable to remove a node in QMC when the QVS node is offline
Holding down shift key does not select multiple values in AJAX client
QMC: deleted assigned CAL under User tab cannot be restored by undo delete icon
and apply
Annotations stays in the shared file even though chart is deleted
Invalid Machine ID corrupt PGO File
Advanced search expression is not restored from bookmark
No Publisher: Removing task that referred in "On Event from Another Task" will leave
orphan task
QMC: Trigger On a schedule > Monthly > Days or On + Last is not working as expected
Starting 2 batch-tasks that will start on the same task to success, one batch-task fails
every time
Run Continuously option not available in QlikView Server with Publisher
QMC: cannot open document to set up loop and reduce task
The shared file was broken when it is over 4GB
Desktop Client fails gives error on Update Check
Input fields are not loaded from shared file
AccessPoint Download Double byte Document Name Garbled in the Download
Trigger "copy State Content" (Default State to Alternate State) with Section Access
causes corrupts the App
QV11.20SR4: Dynamic Update statement fails when Table has only a single row
AccessPoint No Server or No Preview Available if Root Folder name is in Japanese and
there is a certain number of QVWs
QVS - Shared file causes server to max CPU/RAM but shows no errors in cleaner tool
IPad app: Charts not loading in offline mode
QlikView web service log file System.Exception Errors do not parse well in QlikView
File Wizard of Script Editor
Plugin is hanged when clicked back button on the browser with Direct Discovery 2.0
Documentation update Certificate Trust
Field Event Trigger: Selection is not deselected
Clear button makes memory RAM increases rapidly making QVS crash
batch started task doesn't send alert emails

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR9




Cannot customize <LogoutAddress> in QlikView WebServer config.xml

IE-plugin: Scroll down searched list box shows "X"
Desktop Client: Variable Event Trigger > OnChange >Clear Field issue
Mobile manual should more specific Landscape mode orientation
Cycle buttons change wrong expression, if you have another cycle button hidden in
the chart.
Interactive Sort in Straight Table Columns generate Allocated memory exceeded"
QDS root logs indefinitely when access to task log folder path is denied, resulting in
disk space exhaustion
Japanese is changed to Unicode when saved as XML format
Direct Discovery problem with calculated dimensions
Bar chart data point value is not truncated correctly when Thousand Symbol is set
Prints and PDFs for Sparkline Minicharts are too low quality
Allocated memory exceeded error on chart
11.2 SR6 QV Desktop Crashing When Trying to Enter "Log in as specific user"
Scrollbar misplaced when activating another sheet in AJAX
Not rendered accordingly for right axis in bar chart
IE-plugin: Mail with Bookmark as a Link does not work with Japanese name QVW
Documentation: "Use Regional Settings for HTML export"
Desktop/IEPlugin Memory Issue Application Freeze or Session Lost after Some
Selections Made with Set Reference
Image disappear when publishing the report if I use brackets in the doc name.
QVS generates excessive logging while in WorkingSet limits. Event 500 Warning
WorkingSet: Critical RAM overload.
AJAX/WebView: Tab (tabbing) between Input Fields and Input Boxes does not work
Ajax - sheet background images - cutoff: When a sheet has an images for background,
if the sheet requires to scroll down the window, the image will be cut off in Ajax
QDS - Alert E-mail - line break: If the Alert E-mail recipient got a line break (press
"enter" to move to the next line) it won't send the email alert to the recipients after
the break.
QVX file created by STORE command contains unexpected <LittleEndian> element
Release notes: Cleaning Tool
Desktop client crash when trying to edit or print a report including hidden objects
Visual Cue (with color red) or Expression with Textformat RGB(255,0,0) print as black
QMC does not refresh the summary when Document CALs are applied
Ajax - Calendar object Widget: The calendar widget won't stay open in Ajax.
Document Chaining Transfer state not working after 2nd or 3rd chain - AJAX
EDX task - Publisher - Nested tasks: Errors occur with EDX automation when jobs
contain sub or nested tasks
All objects are resized simultaneously if SHIFT key is hold and a chart is resized
Desktop Client: Changing size of Container in Container (nested) in Grid Style will not
resize and overlap
Recreating a QVW from PRJ folder not retaining Document property settings
Cannot open document in QMC SR7 to Loop and Reduce
Remove last document state without functionality
Server is not responding due to a long-running script, AJAX, SR7


Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR9

68692 QMC: Sort order of "On event from another task", "On multiple events completed"
and "Task Dependencies are different when using 0 as leading number
68694 QMC: Unable to add/change Task name/Task Description after a Trigger has been
added in Internet Explorer 11
68698 Data Discovery with WebView hangs
68703 Opening reloaded application takes down QlikView Server in SR6 and SR7, works fine
in SR5
68706 Developer x86 Does Not Read QVX Files
68711 Documentation: There is no documentation to Task performance summary and
Release Notes are not good written
68716 Source Document Folder Mounts - interacting with white space deletes mounts!
68728 Search window shifts to left if list box is wide
68744 SR7 PRJ File Causes Container Object to not Display
68778 When trying to open variable overview in desktop client, desktop client crashes.
68845 Report containing objects with unfulfilled calculation condition will cause QV.exe to
freeze/crash or the report will be uneditable
68851 Desktop objects in container not shown
69164 AJAX: Calendar dates not picked properly
69322 AJAX: application becomes unresponsive in IE 10 - session must be closed


Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR8

10 Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR8

42565 Check the "Preserve Scroll Position" checkbox does no difference on bar chart
42579 Desktop - Drop down select in straight or pivot table will appear in wrong position if
window is scrolled
42629 Tab row can't be enabled in WebView
42683 If the chart object shows ' Too few expressions' or could not be drawn the fast type
change icon is showing as a drop down
42702 Background Color "Transparency" is set as 100. Which is not consistent with default
setting of other objects' transparency.
42802 Developer - horizontal scroll bar overlays x-axis dimension
42831 Dragging an expression into another charts properties gives an exception.
43621 Minimized container still possible to move with Allow move/size unchecked
43642 QMC: Management service setup - SQL repository - explanation text continues
outside frame
43668 Property windows, Repository window, Add New Sheet Object window jumped left
whenever moved (drag to new place)
43679 Links in straight and pivot table starting with www does not work
46451 IE - AJAX - Drill down menu not showing blank option
47961 Changing owner on a server bookmark does not apply correctly in the .shared file
48411 Ajax As Scroll Bar is at the Bottom, Chart does Not Appear
48975 Method WaitForIdle is not working with IEPlugin, It work with Desktop
52874 Documentation: Statistics Chart Wizard - Location of the Wizard incorrect on the
57353 WildCard (*) not working correctly
57473 Empty cyclic group restarts the session
60204 QMS: When QMS is not able to read XML task remain in running, but they are
60263 Ajax: No Help Text in popup in a Button Object
60658 Ctrl+selection in a ListBox in Ajax on a mac will lock up the document.
62055 QlikView Management Console: Need to remove the wording that Groups can be
added as document administrators GUI
65266 Using Select button when connecting to Informix database crashes QlikView (with
ODBC driver version > 3.50)
65740 Copy to Clipboard - Cell Value
66115 QMC Webserver Authentication: Inconsistency of selecting Custom Login Page > Text
66150 Manual: Some functions are missing, some functions appears twice
66709 Data values change depending on loaded order
66777 Icon font color in caption not working in IE7
67405 QlikView Ajax & "Edit Expression" in the properties of a list box
67542 SAP Connector fails to read due to max no of 100 conversations exceeded
67568 Document bug - Support version of QlikView for iOS
67594 Fixed length data isn't interpreted correctly in 11.20 SR4 Up1
67671 IE9 - AJAX/WebView - Text Object - Background color - When viewed in AJAX or
WebView background colors for a text object disappear (removed)
67703 Graceful refresh causes the QVS to restart for a specific document


Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR8

67784 Document bug: In Load Script, colon in alias names are no longer valid in 11.00 IR or
later and has to enclosed by [] brackets. This should be mentioned in Release Notes,
Manual and/or Help.
67789 Documentation: Documentation of stored content in Bookmarks is missing
67801 After applying a bookmark, not all selections shown in current selections box
67825 Mobile - iOS 2.0 - Password - Lockout - Logging into the iOS application with the
wrong password will cause 3 failed login attempts instead of 1
67846 [Document] Add comment "not to use identical names between field, variable and
67850 QMS API call GetUserDocumentNodes fails when folder contains large amount of
67899 Documentation: Default Export Options>No Thousand Separator for exporting to
67927 QMS - QMS log becomes huge when SQL fails (>1GB) But no other indication is given
that something is wrong
67941 Documentation: Reference Manual: Data structure changes affecting bookmarks
67969 Documentation: Description of Error Mode in manual/help
67993 Export buttons no longer show in AJAX
68031 Documentation: Manual is not clear on how Preserve Scroll Bar Position is applied.
68051 Reload in QMC is not retaining sort order in straight table with a conditional
68078 iOS Offline Client not compatible with FIPS - Server side code
68099 Input fields are updated with the wrong values when opening the QVW in Ajax (C++)
68109 Server Reference manual warning message before apply publisher license to prevent
task lost
68140 GetCurrentSelections() fails on the server when we add Section Access and omit
68141 General Script error when doing numerical expansion after EXIT Script
68142 Windows RemoteApp - Developer - Calendars: QlikView Developer crashes, when you
select the Calendars object within Windows RemoteApp.
68144 "IE cannot display the webpage" error when re-login AccessPoint using the alternate
login page after session Timeout
68151 Documentation: QlikViewPDF doesn't exist and isn't downloadable separately
68153 Plugin hangs occasionally in certain conditions
68154 Inconsistent Data from Set Analysis Expression.
68175 Connection busy with results for another hstmt
68185 Using Report Editor on a specific QVW file crashes QV Desktop
68186 Desktop Client: Values on Data Point are not shown correctly in vertical stacked bar
chart with negative values
68192 Documentation - QMC help - Reload Engine: Need to be clearer what services will
show when (no publisher) reload engine is only available.
68198 Desktop - Getting Started Wizard - Drag and drop Xls: When user drags and drop a
XLS file in the stated wizard of developer the "next step" button is grayed out.
68199 Ajax-WebView with desktop client multiline header alignment is to top only
68209 Internet Explorer - IE8 - Check boxes - Labels - The label for a checkbox in IE8 is blank,
but other browsers show the label fine
68215 WebView/Ajax: Line break in table cells does not work
68236 AJAX: Undefined displayed in empty InputBox when user clicks in it
68261 Ajax, cannot make multiple selections of days for calendar object
68280 SAP extractor shifts fields using tRFC

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR8


Documentation: GetFieldSelections() description is misleading

Container objects blinks in Desktop/Plugin
AJAX IE8 - users get "Invalid Argument" error
Custom messages in 11.20 SR4 not aligned correctly in 11.20 SR5
Expression calculations differ from a textbox to a "text in chart" within a Gauge Chart
Image inside the document disappear when the QlikView application has an
apostrophe in its name
Cycle buttons change wrong expression, if you have another cycle button disabled in
the chart.
Input values lost when stopping and starting QlikViewServer service when Set
Analysis, Inputsum and alternate state are used together
Scatter chart: Advanced mode is wrong at first creation
AJAX - Conditional Show on Tabs does not Display Correctly
Returned wrong result when using ApplyMap function
Listbox: incorrect data generated if use Expression in v11.20 SR7


Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR7

11 Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR7


Line break in list box using LED selection boxes

Ajax Mail with Bookmark as a Link is Active Although Server Object Setting is Disabled
Layout Problems in Ajax caused by shared File with many added and deleted objects
Server - pivot table with conditional dimension not pivoting horizontally
Properties window falls behind all other charts (Chrome)
AJAX - Pivot Table +/- position in the middle of the cell
(Ajax/WebView) Image representation and hide text when image is missing behaving
as in Qv
Statistics boxes do not allow selection in AJAX client
AJAX Combo charts and list box not working as expected
Developer - Lineage info retaining information
WebView/Ajax generate a QvAjax.js error message with a specific .qvw file
Dropdown in button properties is not "in front"
Rounded Corners unchecking themselves
Ajax Set Clear State Results in Clearing Selections
Ajax IE8 By Clicking the Background, Main Tab Becomes Active
Colon character use in Ajax causes return to previous state
Ajax: Chart not fully rendered
Plugin - Container object with chart - Scroll Bar is missing from the chart
Ajax - Edit Expression on an Object: When editing an Expression, the drop-down
opens and then closes immediately, thus making it impossible to select a value.
Ajax - Transparency option for sheet tab color does not work
iPad app can't access server with Alternate Login Page
Dimension Limits not limiting as expected in block charts
Pie Chart Print issue: Legend is not in correct position
QDS Debug Logging not writing Windows Events
Desktop - Locked field locked using macro or action - unlocked after Reload
Over 70 folder mounts causes QMC instability
Cycle Button Does Not Move When Chart is Maximized
Shared file causes QlikView Server service to have high CPU utilization even after the
associated QlikView App is closed
The QVS tries to read pgo file but fails because it is locked by another QVS
AJAX - Document chaining bad performance
Bookmark sending by mail fails on IE plugin when the QVWS and the QVS are on
different machine
Pie chart with two dimensions, inner dimension values are not shown correctly
apiClient.GetSourceDocuments(qdsID); Returns sometimes all Documents for
Document Folder Administrator
Content of some objects ends up outside the object area when resizing (smaller)
QVS doesn't preload the QVW just after reload.
Sheet ID - AJAX - Special Characters: WebView error message "Script Error: Syntax
error, unrecognized expression" when the sheet ID has a special character
Hierarchy load generates too many records
Distribution without Reduce creates temp file adding supplementary time duration to
Pop up/Hover Over Stacked Chart Shows Improper Grouping for Expressions

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR7

67395 Shared File - AJAX - Session Lost - Large Shared file that worked in 11.20 SR3 causes
AJAX to trigger a Session lost when used in 11.20 SR4
67404 API function apiClient.GetTaskStatusNodes returns different values randomly
67425 Radar chart - Tick mark missing for negative values - QV 11
67432 Background Images are not shown in Ajax if .QVW file name with contains a round
parenthesis ( or )
67437 Easter egg: ServerTempBookmarkDayTimeout doesn't work anymore
67442 QVConnect.exe crashing when connector logging active
67487 Table data is not displayed
67549 Copy and Paste No Longer Available
67551 Calling a document that Direct Discovery script is failing with Server crash.
67563 IOS Client Failed to open document when document title contains Cyrillic characters
67598 QMC: simple reduce fails to pick the right values
67629 AJAX: Dimensions in pivot table disappear when document and pivot table is updated
67634 Listbox with "Size to data" not sizing properly in Ajax.
67662 Ajax/WebView: if the object is Transparency 100%, the bottom object is clickable
67703 Graceful refresh causes the QVS to restart for a specific document
67706 Server - MaxReceivedMessageSize not allowing large log files to be viewed in the
management console
67744 Mail with Bookmark as link creates incorrect URL when using IEplugin through HTTPS
webserver - Generates "HTTP" URL instead of HTTPS
67792 QMC - Monthly trigger - GUI Fields overlap
67824 Direct Discovery: Unexpected data seen in chart
67826 Small device (mobile) view doesn't show all the table contents
67838 AJAX: Cannot drag and drop Expressions from the Repository into objects
67859 AJAX - Multibox - Always One Selected Value - Deselection Turns Multibox White
Instead of Green; Shows in Current Selections as Selected
67924 Calendar: in AJAX/WebView, right-clicking on expanded calendar displays the sheet
properties menu in the back
67950 Not possible to add connection QVS on other server when using certificates
67954 Reloaded wrong data with Japanese JIS used "|" as a delimiter
67965 SNMP Functionality and Restrictions not documented accordingly
67976 AJAX - Scaling and Positioning of objects (text objects, list boxes, ..) incorrect - leads
to overlap
67985 11.2 SR5 Degrade - Concatenate in combination with SUM and $ expansion of
variables in the script
67999 Ajax - Export to excel The requested content has opened in another window Pop Up
68029 Unable to define days in weekly triggers for supporting tasks in 11.20 SR4
68035 Parallel Loop and Reduce tasks could trigger Windows RPC stall
68037 Desktop Client/Server: General Script error after update to 11.20 SR 6
68049 Applying Transfer State in a document chain causes freeze
68050 AJAX/WebView: Problems using Windows checkbox style with Internet Explorer 8
68052 Document publisher reload - Binary reload - Takes longer to execute: When a
Document reloads in V11.2 SR4 or SR5 and it is executing a Binary reload, this take 10
- 20 times longer to complete comparing older versions.
68118 AJAX - Current selection box not showing all items when first item is word wrapping
more than 3 lines
68126 QVS goes into idle mode
68134 Ajax: Text in input box should be selected when clicking on it

Bugs corrected in QV11.2 SR7

68159 Always One selected causes reload to hang


Shared file Cleaning TOOL

12 Shared file Cleaning TOOL

QlikView are pleased to announce that a new shared file Cleaning Tool is now included in the QlikView
Server executable. This will allow system administrators to analyze (verify) and repair (purge) the
QlikView document shared files easily and effectively simply by running a command line execution of
QVS.exe with special parameters. The server administrator will then have the option of using the
purged shared file, or retaining the old shared file.

12.1 How-to Instructions:

There are two modes available with the Cleaning Tool, each specified by a different command-line
parameter. The first mode is called VERIFY and the second mode is called PURGE.

-VERIFY: By using the parameter -v the Cleaning Tool will analyze the shared file specified in the
command-line, and create a report detailing the results of the analysis performed against your shared file.
If during the analysis the tool detects there is one or more INVALID/CORRUPTED object entries, in the
shared file, the QVS will log as much information as possible around the INVALID entries.
-PURGE: By using the parameter -p, the cleaning tool will verify the shared file, and then also create a
brand new version of their SharedFile with corrupt entries removed. This clean version of the SharedFile
will be placed into the same folder where the original SharedFile is located. The new file will be called
MYFILE.QVW.Shared_clean, and the original shared file will not be overwritten. The server
administrator can then make a decision to replace the original shared file with the new, clean shared file.
The format of the command that users have to type into the Command Prompt for using the SharedFile
cleaning tool is the following:
C :\> < Folder path where the QVS is placed + \QVS.exe > < -x > < Folder path + \Name of
the SharedFile > <Cleaning Tool Mode> -l <Log Folder path>
Parameter 1: The path where the QVS.exe file is located in your system folder, plus, the name of the
file to be executed, in this case, QVS.exe. All text must be placed in double quotes.
Parameter 2: By entering x, as a parameter within the command, users are telling the QVS that they
want to run the SharedFile Cleaning Tool only. This will not start the QVS service in normal mode, an
instance of QVS will start, run the cleaning process then shut down.
Parameter 3: Path where the SharedFile to be cleaned is located, in your system folder, plus the name of
the SharedFile itself. All text must be enclosed in double quotes.
Parameter 4: If user wants to execute the tool in VERIFY mode, use parameter -v. To clean the shared
file, use parameter -p to create a new copy of the shared file, with corrupt entries removed.
Parameter 5: Optional, if you want to change folder for the log file.

12.2 Step by step instructions

1. Make backups of your shared files before proceeding.
2. Locate your copy of QVS.exe. By default that will be in C:\Program Files\QlikView\Server and
make a copy of it. Place the copy in a different folder, for example C:\Temp.
3. Determine which shared file you wish to analyze (verify) and if necessary, repair (purge).
4. Open a command prompt (run as Administrator).


Shared file Cleaning TOOL

5. To verify the shared file, enter the appropriate command line as below C:\> C:\Temp\QVS.exe
x C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Documents\FinanceAnalysis.qvw.Shared v

6. Locate the verify file log the file will be called CleaningTool_MACHINENAME.log and be
placed together with the other server logs. The log will list each type of shared file object if
there is corruption. If the corrupt entry can be identified, it will list the object ID.

7. If there are corrupt entries, we recommend that you PURGE the shared file. Rerun the command
line as above, and change the last parameter from v to p. C:\> C:\Temp\QVS.exe x
C:\ProgramData\QlikTech\Documents\FinanceAnalysis.qvw.Shared p
8. The purge process will create a new shared file, with corrupt objects removed or corrected. Note
the resulting file may be larger than the source file. The new file will be placed in the same
folder as the source shared file, but will be called MYFILENAME.QVW.Shared_clean. The
original source shared file will be remain in place.
9. Rerun the verify stage again, remember that the new clean file is called
MYFILENAME.QVW.shared_clean, so adjust your command line accordingly, otherwise you
will just re-verify the old corrupt file again.
10. Locate the verify log.

It should now be clean and have no corrupt entries.

11. Finally, replace the old corrupt shared file with the new file. Do this when the file is not in use
(i.e. there are no users accessing the application on the server). Rename the old shared file,
and copy the new shared file. The correct name should be MYFILENAME.QVW.Shared.


Shared file Cleaning TOOL

12.3 Warnings and Tips

- Any time you run the cleaning tool against a SharedFile, new lines will be added to the
CleaningTool_MACHINENAME.log file.
- Make backups of your shared files before running the cleaning tool.
- In production environments where the existing QVS is very busy, copy the QVS.exe file to a temporary
folder, and execute the command line against the second QVS.exe file.
- Make sure, before running the cleaning tool, that you have permissions for creating files within both
folders. The one where the report file is going to be saved and the other one where the clean version of
the SharedFile is going to be saved.
- The user must run the QVS.exe process with administrator privileges. In case you are experiencing
issues when trying to running the tool, please, try going into the properties dialog of the QVS.exe file
(right-click on it), and CHECK-ON the box Run this program as an administrator, in Compatibility
- If you have any questions please contact Support, and they will help you out as soon as possible.


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