Manual - Swissqual Kpi Users Guide

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August 2009

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NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

1 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 1
Related Documentation ....................................................................................................... 1
KPI Overview ....................................................................................................................... 2
Accessibility..................................................................................................................... 2
Retainability................................................................................................................... 10
Integrity.......................................................................................................................... 12
2 Services ............................................................................................................................ 20
Voice.................................................................................................................................. 20
GSM/UMTS ...................................................................................................................20
CDMA ............................................................................................................................ 21
Data ................................................................................................................................... 21
TCP/IP ........................................................................................................................... 21
Email.............................................................................................................................. 22
FTP................................................................................................................................ 23
HTTP ............................................................................................................................. 24
Ping ............................................................................................................................... 25
UDPDL ..........................................................................................................................25
WAP .............................................................................................................................. 26
Messages .......................................................................................................................... 26
MMS .............................................................................................................................. 26
SMS............................................................................................................................... 27
Mobile TV........................................................................................................................... 27
DVB-H ........................................................................................................................... 27
3 Indicators on Layer 3 ......................................................................................................28
Data (PS) ........................................................................................................................... 28
Voice (CS) ......................................................................................................................... 29
2G.................................................................................................................................. 29
3G.................................................................................................................................. 29
Active set update...........................................................................................................29
Cell Update....................................................................................................................31
4 Indicators on Layer 1 ......................................................................................................32
Scanner Based Measurements ......................................................................................... 32
Scrambling Code Coverage .......................................................................................... 32
Pilot Pollution................................................................................................................. 32
Radio based Measurements..............................................................................................32
Radio Link .....................................................................................................................32
Power Control................................................................................................................33

ii | Contents
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

A Appendix .......................................................................................................................... 34
KPI Values ......................................................................................................................... 34
KPI Results Table..........................................................................................................34
Accessibility Records.........................................................................................................34
Voice.............................................................................................................................. 34
Data Services ................................................................................................................ 39
Messages ......................................................................................................................51
Data call setup...............................................................................................................56
Security (CS) .................................................................................................................61
Channels .......................................................................................................................62
Retainability Records.........................................................................................................67
Voice.............................................................................................................................. 67
Data Services ................................................................................................................ 68
Messages ......................................................................................................................78
Data Call........................................................................................................................ 79
Resource .......................................................................................................................81
Integrity Records................................................................................................................ 82
Data ............................................................................................................................... 82
Messages ......................................................................................................................91
Resource .....................................................................................................................101
Mobility ........................................................................................................................ 102
Resource .....................................................................................................................105
Status............................................................................................................................... 106
B Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 108
KPI Calculation ................................................................................................................108
Success Rate ..............................................................................................................108
Rejection Rate.............................................................................................................108
Time............................................................................................................................. 108
PDF ............................................................................................................................. 108
CDF ............................................................................................................................. 109
95% Cut-Off point........................................................................................................109
C Appendix ........................................................................................................................ 110
References ...................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 2-1 Trace and Graph of a CS call on UMTS .......................................................................20
Figure 2-2 Trace and Graph of a CS call on GSM .........................................................................20

Contents | iii
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Figure 2-3 Graph of a land originated CS call ................................................................................21

Figure 2-4 The phases of a TCP connection..................................................................................22
Figure 2-5 Email send..................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 2-6 Email receive procedure ............................................................................................... 23
Figure 2-7 FTP downlink ................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 2-8 FTP uplink ..................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 2-9 Ping test ........................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 2-10 UDPDL process .......................................................................................................... 26
Figure 2-11 WAP test ..................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 2-12 MMS trace................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 2-13 SMS trace ................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 3-1 Trace and Graph of a data call on UMTS .....................................................................28
Figure 3-2 PDP Context ................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 3-3 Authentification and ciphering....................................................................................... 29
Figure 3-4 Signal channel and traffic channel assignment and release on GSM .......................... 29
Figure 3-5 TMSI Reallocation and Handover ................................................................................. 29
Figure 3-6 Trace of an active set update........................................................................................ 30
Figure 3-7 Call Setup...................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 3-8 RadioBearer reconfiguration ......................................................................................... 30
Figure 3-9 Trace of the cell update................................................................................................. 31
Figure 4-1 Data available from the scanner ...................................................................................32
Figure 4-2 Addition and removals of radio links .............................................................................33
Figure 4-3 Power control values..................................................................................................... 33
Figure 4-4 IP Trace of Email upload (send) ................................................................................... 40
Figure 4-5 IP Trace of an Email download (receive) ...................................................................... 41
Figure 4-6 IP Trace of a FTP Downlink ..........................................................................................44
Figure 4-7 IP Trace of a HTTP download.......................................................................................46
Figure 4-8 IP Trace of an UDPDL test............................................................................................ 49
Figure 4-9 IP Trace of a WAP download ........................................................................................ 50
Figure 4-10 Application trace of a MMS upload (sent) ................................................................... 52
Figure 4-11 Application trace of an SMS upload (sent).................................................................. 53
Figure 4-12 Trace of an Email Receive test ...................................................................................70
Figure 4-13 IP Trace of a FTP download ....................................................................................... 71
Figure 4-14 Trace of a UDP DL test ............................................................................................... 75
Figure 4-15 Trace of a WAP test .................................................................................................... 76
Figure 4-16 Trace of a Ping test ..................................................................................................... 77
Figure 4-17 Trace of a MMS Send test ..........................................................................................78
Figure 4-18 Trace of a SMS Send test ...........................................................................................79
Figure 4-19 SMS Trace .................................................................................................................. 93
Figure 4-20 WCDMA Layer 3 Signalling (filtered) .......................................................................... 99

iv | Contents
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Figure 4-21 Probability Density Function (PDF)...........................................................................109

Figure 4-22 Cumulative Density Function (CDF) .........................................................................109
Table 4-1 KPI Results Table........................................................................................................... 34
Table 4-2 Error Codes and Status field ........................................................................................107
Table 4-3 Table for rates and averages .......................................................................................108

Contents | v
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

1 Introduction
This document contains a description of all the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) measured and
reported with Diversity and QualiPoc data in NQDI. This list of KPIs represents a summary from
inputs from the Experts within ETSI, SwissQual KPI definitions and various customer requests.
THhe structure of the KPIs follow the principles of the document ITU P-800 where the
accessibility, retainability and integrity are the key aspects of the assessment of quality in
The concept of accessibility has been enlarged to accommodate customer requests for KPIs
considering the completion of a service. It spans from the request of a service to its successful
completion. Since the access to the service is essential to its completion these KPIs are regarded
as belonging to the accessibility group.
The described KPIs are to be found on the KPI sheet of the NQDI Analysis tab and as a report
item in the Report Generator. The usage of the Report Generator is described in detail in the
NQDI manual.
The calculation of the KPIs is automatically when the trigger points are available. Depending on
the data collection application type and mode used (Diversity, QualiPoc) maybe only a limited
choice of KPIs is available.

Related Documentation
For a description of the NQDI Database Structure, see: Manual-NQDI database structure.pdf
For a description of the Voice Test Measurement Results, see: Manual-Result Description.pdf
For a description of the Data Test Measurement Results, see: Manual-Data Test Result

Chapter 1 Introduction | 1
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

KPI Overview
The following legend is for the KPI tables in this section.

Item Description

* Not implemented as KPI and not available as Report Item

+ Available In Report Generator but no explicit KPI Item

QP Only with QualiPoc available

() ETSI definition almost equivalent

IP Protocol

Layer 3 Message

Phone or log trace Message


Accessibility Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Start Trigger Event End Trigger Event Status Value 1 Time

Channel Request /
10100 Telephony (MTC Dial) CC: Alerting SuccessRate Duration SA-T ST-T
Voice (CS)

10102 Service CM Service Request CC: Alerting SuccessRate Duration

Video Call
10105 Video Setup RRCConnectionRequest Call Marker Video Connect SuccessRate Duration

2 | Chapter 1 Introduction
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Accessibility Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Start Trigger Event End Trigger Event Status Value 1 Time

Telephony Channel Request /

10110 Completion RRCConnectionRequest CC: Disconnect SuccessRate Duration

Paging Delay
10141 MTC Dial Paging/RRC Paging Type 1 SuccessRate Duration

10150 MTC Paging CC: Alerting SuccessRate Duration

MTC Channel Request /
10151 intermediate RRCConnectionRequest CC: Alerting SuccessRate Duration

MTC Request
10152 Delay Paging Channel Request / RRCConnectionRequest SuccessRate Duration

10153 Access Dial Channel Request/RRCConnection Request SuccessRate Duration

10160 MTC Dial Channel Release / RRC Connection Release SuccessRate Duration

10165 MTC Paging Paging Channel Release / RRC Connection Release SuccessRate Duration

10200 Email send > 25 [SYN] Message Body (after CommandReset) SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

Email send IPST-

10210 Completion > 25 [SYN] Message Accepted (or Quit) SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

10201 Email receive > 110 [SYN] Response:+ OK and octets or bytes SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

Chapter 1 Introduction | 3
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Accessibility Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Start Trigger Event End Trigger Event Status Value 1 Time

Email receive IPST-

10211 Completion > 110 [SYN] Last continuation SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

10300 FTP UL > 21 [SYN] First FTP Data SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

10307 FTP UL (B) > 21 [SYN] Reception of [Ack] from the [Syn;Ack] SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

10310 Completion > 21 [SYN] Reception of [Fin;Ack] SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

Service Access IPST-

10320 FTP UL (B) Start RAS Dialup Reception of [Ack] from the [Syn;Ack] SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

10301 FTP DL > 21 [SYN] First FTP Data SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

10308 FTP DL (B) > 21 [SYN] Reception of [Ack] from the [Syn;Ack] SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

10311 Completion > 21 [SYN] Last FTP Data SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

Service Access IPST-

10321 FTP DL (B) Start RAS Dialup Reception of [Ack] from the [Syn;Ack] SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

10400 HTTP Browser > 80 [SYN] HTTP/1.1200 OK or HTTP/1.0 200 OK SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

HTTP Transfer IPST-

10401 Get > 80 [SYN] HTTP/1.1200 OK or HTTP/1.0 200 OK SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

HTTP Transfer
10402 Put > 80 [SYN] PUT SuccessRate Duration

HTTP Browser IPST-

10407 (B) > 80 [SYN] Sending of the first GET command SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

4 | Chapter 1 Introduction
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Accessibility Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Start Trigger Event End Trigger Event Status Value 1 Time

HTTP Browser IPST-

10410 Completion > 80 [SYN] Last Continuation SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

HTTP Transfer
10411 Completion > 80 [SYN] Last Continuation SuccessRate Duration

HTTP Transfer
10412 Completion > 80 [SYN] Reception of [Fin;Ack] SuccessRate Duration

Service Access
HTTP Browser IPST-
10420 (B) Start RAS Dialup Sending of the first GET command SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

Service HTTP
Transfer GET IPST-
10421 (B) Start RAS Dialup Sending of the first GET command SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

Service HTTP IPST-

10422 Transfer PUT Start RAS Dialup Sending of the first PUT command SuccessRate Duration IPSA-PSD PSD

Network Activate PDP Context

10425 Access HTTP Request HTTP/1.n 200 OK SuccessRate Duration QP

Access WAP Activate PDP Context
10430 Portal Request Last HTTP/1.n 200 OK SuccessRate Duration QP

Channel Request
HTTP Network
10450 DL Cycle HTTP Get HTTP/1.n complete SuccessRate Duration QP

10451 Cycle HTTP Get Last HTTP/1.n complete SuccessRate Duration QP

10452 Cycle HTTP Get Last HTTP/1.n complete before new HTTP Get SuccessRate Duration QP

Chapter 1 Introduction | 5
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Accessibility Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Start Trigger Event End Trigger Event Status Value 1 Time

10500 UDPDL Request:SQUDPDL Source port SuccessRate Duration

RTSP: RTP Payload

RTSP continuation Resized, Buffering
10600 Streaming RTSP DESCRIBE SuccessRate Duration SSA SST


10601 Streaming Play RTSP DESCRIBE PLAY (RTSP PLAY) SuccessRate Duration

Video RTSP: RTSP Setup RTSP: RTP Payload

10605 (Setup) Resized, Buffering SuccessRate Duration SSA SST

Access Video Activate PDP Context
10610 Streaming Request First Packet SuccessRate Duration QP

10700 WAP WSP Connect WSP Reply/ WSP Result SuccessRate Duration

10710 Completion WSP Connect Last WSP Reply/ WSP Result SuccessRate Duration

10800 MMS Send START TRANSMISSION STARTED SuccessRate Duration

10801 MMS Receive RECEIVED TRANSMISSION STARTED SuccessRate Duration

Message WAP Gateway

10805 connect START WSP Connect SuccessRate Duration

10900 SMS Send START SEND SMS START SuccessRate Duration SA SMS MO MO

Post Dial Delay

11000 Active State SIP INVITE 180 RINGING SuccessRate Duration

6 | Chapter 1 Introduction
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Accessibility Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Start Trigger Event End Trigger Event Status Value 1 Time

SIP Call
11010 Access SIP INVITE SIP 200 OK SuccessRate Duration

Post Dial Delay EVDO Connection

11500 Dormant State Request 180 RINGING SuccessRate Duration

Mobile TV
11600 DVB-H Menu Service Request Service available (DVB-H Service Available) SuccessRate Duration
Mobile TV
11610 Channel Channel Request Streaming Started (DVB-H Channel added) SuccessRate Duration

15000 Data (CS) Telephony AT-Command Valid Server Response SuccessRate Duration SA-CSD CSD *

Data (PS)
15100 Attach Attach Request Attach Accept or Reject SuccessRate Duration Attach FR ST

15101 Detach Detach Request Detach Accept SuccessRate Duration

15102 Completion Attach Request Attach Complete SuccessRate Duration

15105 Attach (P3) [AT+ CGATT=1] [OK] SuccessRate Duration

Layer 3

Activate PDP Context

Request Activate PDP Context Accept or Reject
Activate PDP PDP
15200 Context SuccessRate Duration PDP AFR AT

Dectivate PDP Context

Request Deactivate PDP Context Accept
15201 PDP Context SuccessRate Duration

15202 Access 3G RRCConnectionRequest ActivatePDPContext Accept SuccessRate Duration

Chapter 1 Introduction | 7
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Accessibility Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Start Trigger Event End Trigger Event Status Value 1 Time

Channel Request /
Deactivate RRCConnectionRequest Deactivate PDP Context Accept
PDP Context
15203 Completion SuccessRate Duration

Activate PDP First IPCP Configuration

15205 Context (P3) Request Last IPCP Configuration Accept SuccessRate Duration

IP Service Activate PDP Context

15250 Access Request FirstPacket of accessed service SuccessRate Duration

Authentification and Authentification and Ciphering Response or

15300 Authentification Ciphering Request Failure or Reject SuccessRate Duration

15400 Ciphpering Ciphering Mode command Ciphering Mode complete SuccessRate Duration

15500 Authentification Authentification Request Authentification Response or Failure or Reject SuccessRate Duration

15550 Identity IdentityRequest IdentityResponse SuccessRate Duration

Call Setup
15560 Signalling 2G Immediate Assignment Assignment Command SuccessRate Duration

Call Setup RRCConnectionSetupCo

15570 Signalling 3G mplete RadioBearerSetupu SuccessRate Duration

15600 Traffic Channel Assignment Command Assignment Complete or Failure SuccessRate Duration

Call Access Assignment Complete or Failure/

15610 Traffic Channel CM Service Request RadioBearerSetupComplete or Failure SuccessRate Duration
Traffic Channel
16050 Completion Channel Request Channel Release SuccessRate Duration

15700 Signal Channel Channel Request Immediate Assignment or IA Reject SuccessRate Duration

Call Access
16310 Traffic Channel Origination Service Connect Completion SuccessRate Duration

8 | Chapter 1 Introduction
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Accessibility Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Start Trigger Event End Trigger Event Status Value 1 Time

15800 Traffic Channel RadioBearerSetup RadioBearerSetupComplete or Failure SuccessRate Duration

DCCH-Security Mode
15900 Security Command DCCH-Security Mode Complete or Failure SuccessRate Duration
16000 Signal Channel RRCConnectionRequest RRCConnectionSetupComplete SuccessRate Duration

Signal Channel
16050 Completion RRCConnectionRequest RRCConnectionRelease SuccessRate Duration

16100 Coverage C1 > 0 SuccessRate NA PS *
Layer 1 2G
16200 Availability Selection of new Cell SI 13 on BCCH SuccessRate Unavailabilty

Chapter 1 Introduction | 9
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Retainability Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Start Trigger Event End Trigger Event Status Value 1 Time

20100 Telephony Alerting Disconnect SuccessRate Duration CCR-CS-T


20101 Telephony Connect Disconnect SuccessRate Duration

20200 Data Email send First Message Body Response: Message accepted - half roundtrip SuccessRate Duration

20201 Email receive Octets - half roundtrip Last Continuation SuccessRate Duration

20205 Email send First Message Body Response: Message accepted SuccessRate Duration DTCoR-PSD

20206 Email receive octets Last Continuation SuccessRate Duration DTCoR-PSD

20300 FTP UL FTP Data [FIN;ACK] - half roundtrip SuccessRate Duration PSD)

20301 FTP DL FTP Data - half roundtrip Last FTP DATA SuccessRate Duration DTCoR-PSD

20305 FTP UL(V) FTP Data First [FIN;ACK] after Last FTP DATA SuccessRate Duration PSD)

20306 FTP DL(V) FTP Data Last FTP DATA SuccessRate Duration DTCoR-PSD

Reception of [ACK] from (DTCoR-

20307 FTP UL(B) the [SYN;ACK] [FIN;ACK] - half roundtrip SuccessRate Duration PSD)

Reception of [ACK] from

20308 FTP DL(B) the [SYN;ACK] Last FTP DATA SuccessRate Duration DTCoR-PSD

HTTP/1.1 200 OK - half

20400 HTTP Browser roundtrip Last Continuation SuccessRate Duration DTCoR-PSD

HTTP Transfer HTTP/1.1 200 OK - half

20401 GET roundtrip Last Continuation SuccessRate Duration DTCoR-PSD

10 | Chapter 1 Introduction
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Retainability Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Start Trigger Event End Trigger Event Status Value 1 Time

HTTP Transfer (DTCoR-

20402 PUT PUT First [FIN;ACK] after Last Continuation SuccessRate Duration PSD)

HTTP Browser
20405 (V) HTTP/1.1 200 OK Last Continuation SuccessRate Duration DTCoR-PSD

HTTP Browser Sending of GET

20407 (B) command Last Continuation SuccessRate Duration DTCoR-PSD

20500 UDPDL Source port Source port SuccessRate Duration

RTSP: TDP Payload HTTP: [FIN; ACK] ;

Resized or Buffering RTSP : TEARDOWN
20600 Streaming QualiPoc QP TEARDOWN SuccessRate Duration SSRC


20601 Streaming Play PLAY (RTSP PLAY) QualiPoc QP TEARDOWN

WSP Reply half

20700 WAP roundtrip Last WSP Reply SuccessRate Duration



Messag (MMS
20801 MMS Receive RECEIVED TRANSMISSION FINISHED SuccessRate Duration (MT) (MT))


Echo (Ping)
21000 Data request Echo (Ping) reply SuccessRate Duration RTT Ping

Chapter 1 Introduction | 11
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Retainability Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Start Trigger Event End Trigger Event Status Value 1 Time

Mobile TV Streaming Started Streaming Stopped

21600 Channel DVB-H Channel added DVB-H service lost SuccessRate Duration

Data Telephony
25000 (CS) (Data CS) Valid Server Response Intentional Termination SuccessRate Duration CR-CSD *

Activate PDP Context

25200 PDP Context Accept Dectivate PDP Context Request SuccessRate Duration PDP CoR

PDP Context Activate PDP Context
25201 End Accept Dectivate PDP Context Accept SuccessRate Duration

25100 Attach Attach accept Detach Request SuccessRate Duration

Layer 3

25300 2G Resource Assignment Complete Channel Release SuccessRate Duration

25400 Network mplete RRCConnection Release SuccessRate Duration

HSDPA RadioBearerSetup
3.5G Activity
RadioBearerReconfigurati RRCConnectionRelase, CellChangeOrder
26100 on formUTRAN, RadioBearerReconfiguration

Integrity Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Trigger/Measurement Trigger/Measurement Time

30100 Telephony Speech Samples SpeechQuality SpQ-S



30101 Telephony Exit CC: Disconnect CC:Release

12 | Chapter 1 Introduction
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Integrity Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Trigger/Measurement Trigger/Measurement Time

Transmission Duration (MDR-

30200 Email send 20200 Transferred Data Throughput PSD)

Transmission Duration
30201 Email receive 20201 Transferred Data Throughput MDR-PSD

Transmission Duration
30205 Email send 20205 Transferred Data Throughput MDR-PSD

Transmission Duration
30206 Email receive 20206 Transferred Data Throughput MDR-PSD

Transmission Duration (MDR-

30300 FTP UL 20300 Transferred Data Throughput PSD)

Transmission Duration (MDR-

30301 FTP DL 20301 Transferred Data Throughput PSD)

Transmission Duration (MDR-

30305 FTP UL(V) 20305 Transferred Data Throughput PSD)

Transmission Duration
30306 FTP DL(V) 20306 Transferred Data Throughput MDR-PSD

Transmission Duration (MDR-

30307 FTP UL(B) 20307 Transferred Data Throughput PSD)

Transmission Duration
30308 FTP DL(B) 20308 Transferred Data Throughput MDR-PSD

Transmission Duration (MDR-

30400 HTTP Browser 20400 Transferred Data Throughput PSD)

HTTP Transfer Transmission Duration

30401 GET 20401 Transferred Data Throughput MDR-PSD

HTTP Transfer Transmission Duration

30402 PUT 20402 Transferred Data Throughput MDR-PSD

Chapter 1 Introduction | 13
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Integrity Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Trigger/Measurement Trigger/Measurement Time

HTTP Transmission Duration

30405 Browser(V) 20405 Transferred Data Throughput MDR-PSD

HTTP Transmission Duration

30407 Browser(B) 20407 Transferred Data Throughput MDR-PSD

30500 UDP Transmission Duration Transferred Data Throughput

RTSP: TDP Payload

Video Streaming Displaying
HTTP: Resized or
30600 Buffering Success Rate Duration SRS SRT

[SYN] Displaying
Video Streaming
30605 First Frame Success Rate Duration


Video Streaming
30606 Teardown Time Success Rate Duration

[SYN] Resize
Video Streaming
30607 Setup Buffering Success Rate Duration

Transmission Duration Transferred Data

30700 WAP Throughput


30800 ge MMS E2E Success Rate Duration E2E FR DT +


30801 Notification FINISHED (MO) NOTIFICATION RECEIVED (MT) Success Rate Duration MMS NFR NT +




14 | Chapter 1 Introduction
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Integrity Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Trigger/Measurement Trigger/Measurement Time


30900 SMS E2E Success Rate Duration CS SMS +

31000 TCP RTT Duration

DNS Host
31100 resolution Standard query A% Standard response A% Success Rate Duration

First SQ < 0 Last SQ < 0

Mobile TV DVB-
31610 DVB- H Soft Cut-Off Duration
Mobile TV DVB-
31620 H Hard Cut-Off Duration *

PDP Context Deactivate PDP Context

33200 Exit Request RRCConnectionReleaseComplete Success Rate Duration

Routing Area Routing Area Update

34000 Update Request Routing Area Update Accept or Reject Success Rate Duration
Routing Area Channel Request /
34004 Update Access RRCConnectionRequest Routing Area Update Complete or Reject Success Rate Duration


34010 TMSI nd TMSIReallocationComplete Success Rate Duration

34050 Handover Handover Command Handover Complete or Failure Success Rate Duration

Channel Modify
34060 2G 2G Channel Mode Modify Channel Mode Modify Acknowledge Success Rate Duration

34070 Handover Assignment Command Assignment Complete or Failure Success Rate Duration

35003 2G/3G Location Location Update Request Location Updating Accept or Reject Success Rate Duration

Chapter 1 Introduction | 15
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Integrity Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Trigger/Measurement Trigger/Measurement Time

Location Update Channel Request /

35004 Access RRCConnectionRequest Location Updating Accept or Reject Success Rate Duration

All tgps_Status
35010 Compress Mode tgps_Status activate GSM Success Rate Duration

Inter System to UTRAN

35020 InterSystemHO Handover Command HandoverToUTRANComplete or Failure Success Rate Duration

HandoverFromUTRANCo Handover Complete or HandoverFromUTRAN

35030 InterSystemHO mmand-GSM Failure Success Rate Duration

CellChangeOrderFromUT First GSM SystemInformation after

35040 InterSystemHO RAN CellChange Success Rate Duration

InterSystemHO CellChangeOrderFromUT
35041 RAU RAN Routing Area Update Complete or Reject Success Rate Duration

InterSystemHO CellChangeOrderFromUT
35042 Interruption RAN First IP Packet Success Rate Duration *

Last GSM
SystemInformation before
35050 InterSystemHO CellChange CellChange Success Rate Duration *

Last GSM
SystemInformation or
35060 InterSystemHO Paging before CellChange First UMTS RRC Message Success Rate Duration

First GSM SystemInformation or Paging after

35070 InterSystemHO Last UMTS RRC Message CellChange Success Rate Duration

35080 P-TMSI and PTMSIReallocatioinComplete Success Rate Duration

35100 3G Handover ActiveSetUpdate ActiveSetUpdateComplete or Failure Success Rate Duration

35101 Cell Update CellUpdate CellUpdateConfirm Success Rate Duration

16 | Chapter 1 Introduction
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Integrity Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Trigger/Measurement Trigger/Measurement Time

3G- Inter
35105 Reselection Last old UARFCN report First new UARFCN report Success Rate Duration

3G Inter PhysicalChannel/Transpor
Frequency tChannel/RadioBeareReco PhysicalChannel/TransportChannel/RadioBear
35106 Handover nfiguration eReconfigurationComplete Success Rate Duration

on with RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete
HSPA Cell HSDSCH_RL_indicator
35110 Change falseand true Success Rate Duration

HSPA R99 Link RadioBearerReconfigurati

Change on with false RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete
35111 and delete hsdsch channel Success Rate Duration

RadioBearerReconfigurati RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete or
35200 Resource on Failure Success Rate Duration

Routing Area
35300 Update URAUpdate URAUpdateConfirm Success Rate Duration

Physical PhysicalChannelReconfig
35400 Channel uration PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete Success Rate Duration *

Signaling SignalingChannelReconfig
35500 Channel uration SignalingChannelReconfigurationComplete Success Rate Duration *

Transport TransportChannelReconfi
35600 Channel guration TransportChannelReconfigurationComplete Success Rate Duration *

35700 UTRAN Mobility UTRANMobilityInfo UTRANMobilityInfoConfirm Success Rate Duration *

35800 UE Capability UECapabilityInformation UECapabilityInformationConfirm Success Rate Duration *

Chapter 1 Introduction | 17
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Integrity Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Trigger/Measurement Trigger/Measurement Time

CodingScheme Coding Scheme Duration Change Coding Scheme Duration +

EDGE Coding
Scheme Coding Scheme Duration Change Coding Scheme Duration +

GPRS Time Slot Allocation

/ TimeSlot Duration Change Time Slot Duration +
LLC Transmission Duration Transferred Data Throughput +

RLC Transmission Duration Transferred Data Throughput +

BLER Errorneous Blocks Transferred Blocks Rate +

GSM RxQualFull Measurement Sample Value +

RxQualSub Measurement Sample Value +

Layer 1

RxLevFull Measurement Sample Value +

RxLevSub Measurement Sample Value +

RxLev Measurement Sample Value +

TA Measurement Sample Value +

Tx Power Measurement Sample Value +

Current Server
C/I Measurement Sample Value +

Best Server C/I Measurement Sample Value +

Current Server
RxLev Measurement Sample Value +

Best Server
RxLev Measurement Sample Value +

18 | Chapter 1 Introduction
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Integrity Parameter ETSI Parameter

KPI ID Stratum Type Function Trigger/Measurement Trigger/Measurement Time

HO (CellId) Different Cells Number *

Best Ec/Io Measurement Sample Value +

Best_RSCP Measurement Sample Value +

Best Ec/Io Measurement Sample Value +

Best RSCP Measurement Sample Value +

Total Ec/Io Measurement Sample Value +

Total RSCP Measurement Sample Value +

MA HO Areas Different Cells Number +

UE TX POWER Measurement Sample Value +

UE RX POWER Measurement Sample Value +

BLER Measurement Sample Value +

Current SIR Measurement Sample Value *

Coverage area
per SC Measurement Sample Value +

Pilot pollution +

Chapter 1 Introduction | 19
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2 Services
The performance KPIs for circuit switched (voice) calls are obtained with the help of a set of
trigger points that can be found in the layer 3 communication between the MS and the network or
as Call markers in the case of a call from the land unit.

The call setup success rate and time is calculated for UMTS (GSM) by using the
RRCConectionRequest (Channel Request in GSM) and the alerting message for the MOCs. The
call retained rate and duration is calculated using the alerting and the disconnect message.

Figure 2-1 Trace and Graph of a CS call on UMTS

The call completion rate is thereby calculated as retained calls divided by the sum of failed and
successful setups.

Figure 2-2 Trace and Graph of a CS call on GSM

On the layer 3 plane the 3G and 2G calls are comparable, but the request for a signalization
resource is different. The former starts with a RRCConnectionRequest, the latter with Channel
In principle a call starts with the dial command (see overview table) or the user pushing the dial
button. In reality this dial command is executed in different ways on different phones. There are
phones although fully integrated into the measurement system, simulating the manual dialling. As
a consequence the times between dial command and first request differ significantly on phones

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from different vendors. To keep the comparability between different models the start trigger point
is the first request for a signalisation channel.

Figure 2-3 Graph of a land originated CS call

For calls originated by the land unit, the trigger point of the call start is represented by the dial
command sent to the PSTN or ISDN device.

In CDMA there is no layer 3 signalisation that the call is connected with the called party therefore
there is no call setup KPI. However there is one for the access. But since the sequence of layer 3
messages in CDMA voice service differs from UMTS/GSM it has separate KPIs with respective it
trigger points.

The data tests make use of three different protocols: TCP, UDP and WAP. Predominant is the
TCP or TCP/IP protocol that supports various known applications. UDP is tested on the protocol
level and with WAP the application and the protocol is identical.

The TCP/IP connection consists in general of three different phases:
Establishment, transfer and disconnect. In the Data tests individual applications are investigated
(such as FTP up- and download, Email sent and receive and HTTP). While FTP has an
establishment as well as a disconnect phase, the others maybe doesnt have either.
The connection establishment on the TCP level is shown in Figure 2-4 where the three phases
are clearly distinguishable. Every TCP connection has an establishment phase. However a HTTP
server can end a connection without the exchange of packets with the FIN flag set.

Chapter 2 Services | 21
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Figure 2-4 The phases of a TCP connection

For performing a HTTP download, the GET command is send right away triggering the
establishment of a TCP connection. There is no further exchange of commands on the HTTP
protocol level.
The GET command is set in brackets because in the trace, it does not occur at that position. It
only shows itself after the connection is established. The starting point of the access duration is
the time the [SYN] is sent, triggered by entering the GET command. Therefore the application
download duration starts at that time too.
As the figures suggest, there are two different download and upload times indicated. The TCP
down- and upload time is the time, the network needs to actually transfer the desired bytes, which
reflects the efficiency of the connection. The application transfer duration is actually the time,
which the user is experiencing. Its the time the application needs to execute the desired function.
The size of the file on the hard disk, (HD) divided by the time, indicated in the figure as TCP
download time, is the throughput. The calculation for the uplink is analog to the downlink with the
difference that an additional time is added, which reflects the duration the last FTP Data packet
needs, to arrive at the server.

The process of the test is traced on the protocol level, which is presented in the protocol info tab
in NQDI. This trace represents the basis of the evaluation of the test. The steps of the Email send
test are shown below.

Figure 2-5 Email send

The test of the application is divided into service access, service application and service
throughput. The service access is the time between entering the first command and the arrival of
the first data packet.

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The establishment of the TCP connection is triggered by the invoke of the protocol. E.g. > telnet
n the contrary because SMTP is running on the server, the start of the application is the actual
upload command to the server.
To obtain the correct TCP download duration, it is necessary to add a half-roundtrip time. This is
due to the consideration, that the last packet needs a finite time to arrive at its destination. This
addition may not match the exact delay of the packet, but it renders the result more accurate as if
there were no additional time considered.
For the Email Receive this additional time is half the time between the request and the first

Figure 2-6 Email receive procedure

During the FTP tests a secondary data connection is established. (In the figure below, the trace of
this secondary connection is shown with smaller arrows)
The items in brackets like (ftp) reflect commands that may not occur in the trace but have to be
executed to trigger the establishment of the TCP connection. In the FTP uplink test the last packet
containing data has the FIN flag set. This indicates that the client closes the connection.
The trigger points to calculate the TCP throughput are indicated in the following picture. It is
calculated from the first to the last FTP Data packet and in addition the time, which the first packet
needs to arrive at the client.

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Figure 2-7 FTP downlink

The size of the file on the hard disk, (HD) divided by the time, indicated in the figure as TCP
download time, is the throughput. The calculation for the uplink is analog to the downlink with the
difference that an additional time is added, which reflects the duration the last FTP Data packet
needs, to arrive at the server.

Figure 2-8 FTP uplink

According to the RFC 2126 a HTTP server does not need to close the TCP connection with the
setting the FIN flag. The browser can identify the end of the HTTP packet sending within the
packet itself.

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The ping does not use the TCP protocol but is a command of the ICMP protocol. The round trip
time of a ping represents the time elapsed between the sending of an ICMP echo request and the
answer of the destination. In the protocol trace, where these events are taken from, it is calculated
by the difference between a request and the subsequent reply.

Figure 2-9 Ping test

The success rate is the number of request divided by the number of received replies.

The UDPDL test is a pure protocol test. There is no known application used in this test. The
access duration is the time between sending the SQUDPDL command to the server and the
arrival of the first packet.

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Figure 2-10 UDPDL process

The throughput for this test is calculated by dividing the transferred data in bytes (minus the size
of the first packet) and the time elapsed between the arrival of the first and the arrival of the last

Contrary to the applications described above the WAP (wireless application protocol) test has no
separate transport protocol.

Figure 2-11 WAP test

The application starts with the connect command. The application is successful accessed when
the first packet that contains data has arrived. This first packet can either be a result, indicating
that there are others to come, or a reply, indicating that all requested information is transferred.
The last data packet is always a reply.

The multi media messaging service (MMS) is an application of WAP and SMS. The WAP
capabilities are used to transfer the data of the message while the SMS serves as the notification.

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Although is consists of known functionalities, this service is highly specific for mobile equipment
and is therefore tested individually.

Figure 2-12 MMS trace

The measured parameters are those, which are specified by ETSI in the document TS 102 250-2.

Like MMS, a SMS is separated in a sending and retrieving part. For the reception it is less evident
since we cannot speak of a process here. With the indication of a SMS the actual text is retrieved.
There is no download- time available.

Figure 2-13 SMS trace

Mobile TV
Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) is a transmission system to delivier digital TV. The H in the name
is standing for the handheld variant, which implements a lot of special techniques particularly
addressing the limitations of mobile. Although DVB-H uses IP as a tranport layer there is no
direct access to with the consequence that the application layer information items are used as
trigger events for DVB-H KPIs

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3 Indicators on Layer 3
The desired times and the success rates calculating the layer 3 KPIs are based on the messages
that are exchanged between the MS and the network. The phone gives a time wise and exact
trace of these messages as they are sent and received by the mobile station. The messages can
be seen in detail in the collection of data as well as in their post processing.

Data (PS)
The KPIs for data calls are obtained by using the resource request (RRCConnectionRequest for
UMTS and Channel Request for GSM), the PDP context activation accept message and the PDP
deactivation accept message. PDP context setup time is the difference between the
RRCConnectionRequest and the PDP context activation accept message, while the PDP context
holding time is the difference between the occurrence of the PDP context activation accept
message and the PDP context deactivation accept message.

Figure 3-1 Trace and Graph of a data call on UMTS

The information about the activation and deactivation times of the PDP context is extracted from
the SM messages, which are embedded in the RRC messages of UMTS.

Figure 3-2 PDP Context

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Voice (CS)

Figure 3-3 Authentification and ciphering

The accessibility parameter for the GSM system is the acquisition of the traffic channel and the
Signal channel

Figure 3-4 Signal channel and traffic channel assignment and release on GSM
Besides the establishment messages and the retain ability indicators there are other KPIs for the
integrity of a call.

Figure 3-5 TMSI Reallocation and Handover

Active set update
To change the active set of the MS the network orders an active set update over the DCCH. In
case of a successful update the MS station sends an active set update complete.

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Figure 3-6 Trace of an active set update

The different phases of the call setup on the layer 3 level are shown in the figure below. The
occurrence of the message has a timestamp that is used to calculate the times between the
occurrences of subsequent messages.

Figure 3-7 Call Setup

The messages for the radio bearer reconfiguration is shown below

Figure 3-8 RadioBearer reconfiguration

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Cell Update
The cell update, the location update and the routing area update procedures are also traced via
the RRC messages.

Figure 3-9 Trace of the cell update

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4 Indicators on Layer 1
The indicators from layer 1 are used for items of the report generator they are most of the times
not explicit KPIs with their own ID but measurements.

Scanner Based Measurements

The desired values for the CPICHs, pilot pollution and the SC coverage are calculated by means
of the data available from the scanner. The phones do not provide sufficient data since they only
give the Ec/Io of the cells that are monitored.

Figure 4-1 Data available from the scanner

Scrambling Code Coverage

The coverage of the scrambling code shows the percentage of the time a cell with that scrambling
code was the strongest cell measured by the scanner.

Pilot Pollution
If at a given time more than three CPICHs are stronger than the best CPICH minus a 15 dB
threshold the situation is considered pilot pollution. The report item shows the percentage of time
there was pilot pollution.

Radio based Measurements

Radio Link
ualcomm phones provide information about the active set about two times a second. In this
information the size of the active set is provided indicating the handover state. For the calculation
of the distribution all samples that of a call including the set up will be considered.

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The information about the changes in the active set is be found the RRC messages where the
ActiveSetUpdate message indicates the type radio link change ordered by the network. In case a
addition information list and a removal information list is present in the message the order is a
radio link replacement if only the former is present its a radio link addition if only the latter the
network orders a radio link removal

Figure 4-2 Addition and removals of radio links

All successful update orders are considered in the calculation.

Power Control
The phone provides information about the UE Tx Power several times a second and about the
block error rate (BLER)in lower frequency. The distribution of the obtained values is calculated
using all measured samples.

Figure 4-3 Power control values

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A Appendix
KPI Values
All KPI values are stored in the NQDI Database in the KPI Result Table.

KPI Results Table

Table 4-1 KPI Results Table

Column Name Type Length Description

SessionId int 4 SessionId

TestId int 4 Link to TestInfo.TestId

NetworkId int 4 Link to NetworkInfo.NetworkId
PosId int 4 Link to Position.PosId
KPIId int 4 Identification of the KPI (see KPI Overview)
StartTime Datetime Timestamp of the start trigger event
EndTime Datetime Timestamp of the end trigger event
Duration Int 4 Duration in ms
ErrorCode Int 4 KPI Status field. Used to calculate the success
Sum Float 4 Sum of all the values used for a KPI calculation
(like sum of bytes transmitted/received, sum of
Counter Int 4 Number of values of Sum. Used to calculate
the avg
Value1 Int 4 Reserved
Value2 Int 4 Reserved
Value3 Varchar 255
Value4 varchar 255
Value5 Varchar 255

Accessibility Records
Field Value Description

KPIId 10100 Voice(CS) Telephony

StartTime GSM: Timestamp of Channel Request.

UMTS: Timestamp of RRCConncetionRequest.

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Field Value Description

KPIId 10100 Voice(CS) Telephony

(With establishment cause originatingconversationalCall)
If not available, then RRCConnectionSetup. If not available, then
ISDN/PSTN: Timestamp of Dial command sent to the board
EndTime GSM/UMTS: Timestamp of CC:Alerting. If not available, then
CC:Connect. If not available, then CC:ConnectAcknowledge
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Direction
Value4 Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 10102 Voice (CS) Telephony Service

StartTime CM Service Request.

EndTime GSM/UMTS: Timestamp of CC:Alerting. If not available, then
CC:Connect. If not available, then CC:ConnectAcknowledge
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Direction
Value4 Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 10105 Voice(CS) Telephony Video Setup time

StartTime Timestamp of RRCConncetionRequest. If not available, then

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Field Value Description

KPIId 10105 Voice(CS) Telephony Video Setup time

EndTime GSM/UMTS: Timestamp of CC:Disconnect
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime

ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix

Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Name of the start event
Value4 Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 10110 Voice(CS) Telephony Completion

StartTime GSM: Timestamp of Channel Request.

UMTS: Timestamp of RRCConncetionRequest. If not available, then
RRCConnectionSetup. If not available, then
ISDN/PSTN: Timestamp of Dial command sent to the board
EndTime GSM/UMTS: CC : Disconnect
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Name of the start event
Value4 Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Note: Only written on successful access (10100)

Field Value Description

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KPIId 10150 Voice(CS) Telephony MTC

StartTime Timestamp when the first Paging occured.

GSM: Paging.
UMTS: RRC Paging Type 1
EndTime GSM/UMTS: Timestamp of CC:Alerting. If not available, then
CC:Connect. If not available, then CC:ConnectAcknowledge
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Unused
Value4 Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 10151 Voice(CS) Telephony MTC intermediate

StartTime GSM: Channel Request

UMTS: RRCConnectionRequest
EndTime GSM/UMTS: Timestamp of CC:Alerting. If not available, then
CC:Connect. If not available, then CC:ConnectAcknowledge
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Name of the start event
Value4 Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 10152 Voice(CS) Telephony MTC Request Delay

StartTime GSM: Paging

UMTS: RRCPaging Type 1

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Field Value Description

KPIId 10152 Voice(CS) Telephony MTC Request Delay

EndTime GSM: Channel Request

UMTS: RRCConnectionRequest
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Name of the start event
Value4 Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 10160 Voice(CS) Telephony Completion MTC (Landunit)

StartTime ISDN/PSTN: Timestamp of Dial command sent to the board

EndTime GSM: Channel Release
UMTS: RRCConnectionRelease or RRCConnectionRelease-
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Name of the start event
Value4 Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 10165 Voice(CS) Telephony Completion MTC Paging

StartTime GSM: Paging

UMTS RRC Paging Type 1

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EndTime GSM: Channel Release

UMTS: RRCConnectionRelease or RRCConnectionRelease-
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Unused
Value4 Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Data Services
Field Value Description

KPIId 10200 Data, Email Send

StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 25 [SYN] which is the TCP

connection establishment and synchronization of the
sequence number for SMTP (Port 25)
EndTime Timestamp of the SMTP command Message Body which
indicates the begin of the message transmission
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

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Figure 4-4 IP Trace of Email upload (send)

Field Value Description

KPIId 10210 Data, Email Send Completion

StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 25 [SYN] which is the TCP

connection establishment and synchronization of the
sequence number for SMTP (Port 25)
EndTime Messages accepted
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Note: Not implemented.

Field Value Description

KPIId 10201 Data, Email Receive

StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 110 [SYN] which is the

TCP connection establishment and synchronization of the
sequence number for POP3 (Port 110)
EndTime Timestamp of the POP message Response: +OK and any
number octets or bytes which indicates the begin of the
message reception

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Field Value Description

KPIId 10201 Data, Email Receive

Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime

ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Figure 4-5 IP Trace of an Email download (receive)

Field Value Description

KPIId 10211 Data, Email Receive Completion
StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 110 [SYN] which is the
TCP connection establishment and synchronization of the
sequence number for POP3 (Port 110)
EndTime Last Continuation
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

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Field Value Description

KPIId 10300 Data, FTP Uplink

StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 21 [SYN] which is the TCP

connection establishment and synchronization of the
sequence number for FTP (Port 21)
EndTime Timestamp of the first FTP Data message which indicates
the first transmitted data packet
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10307 Data, FTP Uplink (B)

StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 21 [SYN] which is the TCP

connection establishment and synchronization of the
sequence number for FTP (Port 21)
EndTime Reception of [ACK] from the [SYN;ACK]
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

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Field Value Description

KPIId 10310 Data, FTP Uplink Completion

StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 21 [SYN] which is the TCP

connection establishment and synchronization of the
sequence number for FTP (Port 21)
EndTime Reception of [FIN;ACK]
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10320 Data, FTP Uplink Service Access

StartTime Start RAS Dialup (ATD Command)

EndTime Reception of [ACK] from the [SYN;ACK]
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10301 Data, FTP Downlink

StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 21 [SYN] which is the TCP

connection establishment and synchronization of the
sequence number for FTP (Port 21)

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Field Value Description

KPIId 10301 Data, FTP Downlink

EndTime Timestamp of the first FTP Data message which indicates

the first transmitted data packet
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Figure 4-6 IP Trace of a FTP Downlink

Field Value Description

KPIId 10308 Data, FTP Downlink (B)

StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 21 [SYN] which is the TCP

connection establishment and synchronization of the

44 | Appendix A
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sequence number for FTP (Port 21)

EndTime Reception of [ACK] from the [SYN;ACK]
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused
Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10311 Data, FTP Downlink Completion
StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 21 [SYN] which is the TCP
connection establishment and synchronization of the
sequence number for FTP (Port 21)
EndTime Timestamp of the last FTP Data message which indicates
the last transmitted data packet
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10321 Data, FTP Downlink Service Access

StartTime Start RAS Dialup (ATD Command)

EndTime Reception of [ACK] from the [SYN;ACK]
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused

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Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10400 Data, HTTP Browser

StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 80 [SYN] which is the TCP

connection establishment and synchronization of the
sequence number for HTTP (Port 80)
EndTime Timestamp of the HTTP/1.1 200 OK message which
indicates the successful connection to the HTTP Server
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 URL Unused

Search scope: Test

Figure 4-7 IP Trace of a HTTP download

Field Value Description

46 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

KPIId 10407 Data, HTTP Browser (B)

StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 80 [SYN] which is the TCP

connection establishment and synchronization of the
sequence number for HTTP (Port 80)
EndTime Timestamp of the first Get Command
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 URL Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10410 Data, HTTP Browser Completion

StartTime Timestamp of the TCP message 80 [SYN] which is the

TCP connection establishment and synchronization of the
sequence number for HTTP (Port 80)
EndTime Timestamp of the last Continuation message of the
connection or the HTTP/1.1 % OK message if no
continuation is present. (The download is successful if the
test as such is marked as successful by the browser)
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 URL Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10420 Data, HTTP Browser Service Access

Appendix A | 47
NQDI KPIs Manual
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Field Value Description

KPIId 10420 Data, HTTP Browser Service Access

StartTime Start RAS Dialup (ATD Command)

EndTime Timestamp of the first Get Command
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10500 Data, UDP DL

StartTime Timestamp of the message Request: SQUDPDL% which

the connect request message for the SwissQual UDP
Downlink test
EndTime Timestamp of first packet (Source port) after the ACK
message which is the connect ack message for the
SwissQual UDPDL test
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

48 | Appendix A
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2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Figure 4-8 IP Trace of an UDPDL test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10600 Data, Video Streaming

StartTime According to the used protocol the timestamp of the RTSP:

EndTime According to the used protocol the timestamp of the RTSP:
TDP Payload, HTTP: Resized or Buffering
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10605 Data, Video Streaming (Setup)

StartTime According to the used protocol the timestamp of the RTSP:

RTSP SETUP, message
EndTime According to the used protocol the timestamp of the RTSP:
TDP Payload or TCP: Loading message
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused

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Field Value Description

KPIId 10605 Data, Video Streaming (Setup)

Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10700 Data, WAP

StartTime Timestamp of the message WSP: Connect which is the

connect request message on the WSP/WTP protocol
EndTime Timestamp of the first WSP: Reply or WSP:Result
message which is the first packet containing application data
on the WSP/WTP port
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Figure 4-9 IP Trace of a WAP download

Field Value Description

KPIId 10710 Data, WAP Completion

StartTime Timestamp of the message WSP: Connect which is the

connect request message on the WSP/WTP protocol

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2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 10710 Data, WAP Completion

EndTime Timestamp of the last WSP: Reply or WSP:Result

message which is the last packet containing application data
on the WSP/WTP port
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

For the detailed mapping between the events in the log and the trigger points in the application
see Data and Video Test Scenario Manual section MMS send and MMS receive.

Field Value Description

KPIId 10800 Messaging, MMS Send

StartTime Timestamp of the log message START, which indicates the begin
of an MMS Send Test.
EndTime Timestamp of the log message TRANSMISSION STARTED, which
indicates the begin of an MMS transmission
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
Status 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar StartTime event message
Value4 Varchar EndTime event message
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Appendix A | 51
NQDI KPIs Manual
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Figure 4-10 Application trace of a MMS upload (sent)

MO Network
1 o------------activate pdp context REQUEST----------->>> 2

4 <<<--------activate pdp context ACCEPT-----------------o 3

5 o----------------wsp connect REQUEST--------------->>> 6

8 <<<----------------wsp connect REPLY-------------------o 7

9 o---------------------------wtp ACK---------------------->>> 10

11 o---------------------MMS m-send.req------------------->> 12

14 <<<-----------------------wtp ACK-------------------------- 13

15 o-----------------------MMS m-send.req----------------->> 16

18 <<<-------------------MMS m-send.conf-------------------o 17

Field Value Description

KPIId 10801 Messaging, MMS Receive

StartTime Timestamp of the log message NOTIFICATION RECEIVED,

which indicates the time of the reception of the notification.
EndTime Timestamp of the log message TRANSMISSION STARTED,
which indicates the begin of an MMS download
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

52 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 10805 Messaging, MMS Send WAP Gateway connect

StartTime Timestamp of the log message START, which indicates the

begin of an MMS Send Test.
EndTime Timestamp of the log message WSP Connect
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
Status 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 10900 Messaging, SMS Send

StartTime Timestamp of the log message START, which indicates the

begin of an SMS Send Test.
EndTime Timestamp of the log message SEND SMS START, which
indicates the begin of an SMS transmission
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
Status 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Figure 4-11 Application trace of an SMS upload (sent)

Appendix A | 53
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Field Value Description

KPIId 11000 EVDO, PostDialDelay Active State


EndTime 180 RINGING
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
Status 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Post Dial Delay (Active State)
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 11500 EVDO, PostDialDelay Dormant State

StartTime EvDO Connection Request

EndTime 180 RINGING
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
Status 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Post Dial Delay (Dormant State)
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

54 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 11600 DVB-H, Mobile DVB-H Menue

StartTime Service request

EndTime OK: Service available - Menu recognized
DVB-H service available - Service added
Failed: Service request failed - Timeout
Service request failed - User abort
Reset: Streaming started - Audio found
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
Status 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Start Message
Value4 Varchar End Message
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 11610 DVB-H, Mobile DVB-H Channel

StartTime Channel request

EndTime OK: Streaming started - Audio found
DVB-H channel added
Failed: Channel request failed - Timeout
Channel request failed - User abort
DVB-H service lost - Coverage lost
Reset: Service available - Menu recognized
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
Status 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Start Message
Value4 Varchar End Message
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Appendix A | 55
NQDI KPIs Manual
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Data call setup

Field Value Description

KPIId 15100 Data (PS), Attach

StartTime Timestamp of the GMM message Attach Request

EndTime Timestamp of the GMM message Attach Accept or GMM
message Attach reject or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Number of Attach Requests before the accept
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout within Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 15101 Data (PS), Detach

StartTime Timestamp of the GMM message Detach Request

EndTime Timestamp of the GMM message Detach Accept or Timeout
whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout within Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 15102 Data (PS), Attach completion

StartTime Timestamp of the GMM message Attach Request

EndTime Timestamp of the GMM message Detach Accept or Timeout

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Field Value Description

KPIId 15102 Data (PS), Attach completion

whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout within Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 15105 Data (PS), Attach (P3)

StartTime Timestamp of the attach command [AT+CGATT=1]

EndTime Timestamp of [OK] to attach command received/ (check
success with Attach accept)
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout within Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 15200 Data (PS), Activate PDP Context

StartTime Timestamp of the SM message Activate PDP Context request

EndTime Timestamp of the SM message Activate PDP Context accept or
Activate PDP Context reject or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime

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Field Value Description

KPIId 15200 Data (PS), Activate PDP Context

ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix

Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Number of requests
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout within Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 15201 Data (PS), Deactivate PDP Context

StartTime Timestamp of the SM message Deactivate PDP Context request

EndTime Timestamp of the SM message Deactivate PDP Context accept
or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Number of Deactivate Requests before the accept
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout within Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 15202 Data (PS), Activate PDP Context (Dial up)

StartTime Timestamp of the Channel Request on GSM or

RRCConnectionRequest on UMTS.
EndTime Timestamp of the SM message Activate PDP Context accept or
Activate PDP Context reject or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused

58 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 15202 Data (PS), Activate PDP Context (Dial up)

Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout within Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 15203 Data (PS), Deactivate PDP Context Completion

StartTime Timestamp of the Channel Request on GSM or

RRCConnectionRequest on UMTS.
EndTime Timestamp of the SM message Deactivate PDP Context
accept or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout within Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 15205 Data (PS), PDP Context (P3)

StartTime First IPCP Configuration Request message

EndTime Last IPCP Configuration Ack message
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused

Appendix A | 59
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Field Value Description

KPIId 15205 Data (PS), PDP Context (P3)

Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout within Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 15250 Data (PS), IP Service Access

StartTime Timestamp of the SM message Activate PDP Context request

EndTime First Packet of the accessed service, this is the EndTime trigger of
the following KPIs: 10200, 10201, 10300, 10301, 10400, 10500,
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Id of the KPI of the end trigger event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session (see EndTime KPIs)

Field Value Description

KPIId 15300 Data (PS), Authentication

StartTime Timestamp of the GMM message Authentication and ciphering

EndTime Timestamp of the GMM message Authentication and ciphering
resp or GMM message Authentication and ciphering rej or GMM
message Authentication and ciphering failure or Timeout,
whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused

60 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 15300 Data (PS), Authentication

Value3 Varchar Unused

Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Security (CS)
Field Value Description

KPIId 15400 CS Ciphering

StartTime Timestamp of the RR message Ciphering Mode Command

EndTime Timestamp of the RR message Ciphering Mode Complete
or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 15500 CS Authentication

StartTime Timestamp of the MM message Authentication Request

EndTime Timestamp of the MM message Authentication Response or MM
message Authentication Reject or
MM message Authentication Failure or Timeout, whatever comes
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused

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Field Value Description

KPIId 15500 CS Authentication

Value3 Varchar Unused

Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 15550 CS Identity

StartTime Timestamp of the MM message Identity request

EndTime Timestamp of the MM/GMM message Identity response or
Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 15600 2G, Traffic Channel

StartTime Timestamp of the RR message Assignment Command

EndTime Timestamp of the RR message Assignment Complete or
Assignment Failure or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused

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NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 15600 2G, Traffic Channel

Value4 Varchar Name of the end event

Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 15610 2G/3g , Call Access Traffic Channel

StartTime Timestamp of the CM Service Request message

EndTime Timestamp of the RR message Assignment Complete or
Assignment Failure or the RRC message
RadioBearerSetupComplete or RadioBearerSetupFailure
depending on the technology or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 15700 2G, Signal Channel

StartTime Timestamp of Channel Request.

EndTime Timestamp of Immediate Assignment or Immediate Assignment
Reject or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Number of Channel Requests within scope
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event

Appendix A | 63
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Field Value Description

KPIId 15700 2G, Signal Channel

Value5 Unused

Search Scope: Timeout

9.1.8/3GPP TS 04.18
The two messages are associated via the random number. The only byte (cause and random
number) of the channel request must be identical with the 8th byte in the immediate assignment

Field Value Description

KPIId 15800 3G, Traffic Channel

StartTime Timestamp of the RRC message RadioBearerSetup

EndTime Timestamp of the RRC message
RadioBearerSetupComplete or RadioBearerSetupFailure or
Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search Scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 15900 3G, Security

StartTime Timestamp of the RRC message SecurityModeCommand

EndTime Timestamp of the RRC message SecurityModeComplete or
SecurityModeFailure or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused

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Field Value Description

KPIId 15900 3G, Security

Value3 Varchar Unused

Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search Scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 16000 3G, Signalling Channel

StartTime Timestamp of the RRC message RRCConnectionRequest

EndTime Timestamp of the RRC message RRCConnectionSetupComplete
or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Number of requests for one complete
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search Scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 16050 Signaling Channel Completion

StartTime Timestamp of the following message :

GSM : Channel Request
UMTS : RRCConnectionRequest
EndTime Timestamp of the following message :
GSM : Channel Release
UMTS : RRCConnectionRelease or
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Number of requests for one complete
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused

Appendix A | 65
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Field Value Description

KPIId 16050 Signaling Channel Completion

Value3 Varchar Unused

Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search Scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 16200 GPRS Availability

StartTime Selection of new cell

EndTime SI 13 sent on BCCH of new cell or Timeout, whatever comes
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search Scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 16310 CDMA , Call Access Traffic Channel

StartTime Timestamp of the Origination message

EndTime Timestamp of the Service Connect Completion message.
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

66 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
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Search scope: Timeout

Retainability Records
Field Value Description

KPIId 20100 Voice(CS) Telephony

StartTime GSM/UMTS: Timestamp of CC:Alerting. If not available, then

CC:Connect. If not available, then CC:ConnectAcknowledge
EndTime GSM/UMTS: Timestamp of CC: Disconnect. If not available,
then CC: Release. If not available, then CC: Release
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Name of the start event
Value4 Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 20101 Voice(CS) Call Holding Time

StartTime GSM/UMTS: CC:Connect. If not available, then

EndTime GSM/UMTS: Timestamp of CC: Disconnect. If not available, then
CC: Release. If not available, then CC: Release Complete
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Name of the start event
Value4 Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Appendix A | 67
NQDI KPIs Manual
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Data Services
Field Value Description

KPIId 20200 Data, Email Send

StartTime Timestamp of the SMTP command Message Body which

indicates the begin of the message transmission
EndTime Timestamp of the last Message Body before Response:
Message accepted which indicates the upload is done plus
half time between Message Body and Response:
Message accepted messages (half roundtrip)
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the half time message
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20201 Data, Email Receive

StartTime Halftime between the POP message Request retrieve and

Response: any number octets which indicates the begin of the
message reception
EndTime Timestamp of the TCP last Continuation before message 110
[FIN;ACK] which indicates the last packed sent for the current
TCP connection for POP3 (Port 110)
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the half time message
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

68 | Appendix A
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Field Value Description

KPIId 20205 Data, Email Send

StartTime Timestamp of the SMTP command Message Body which

indicates the begin of the message transmission
EndTime Timestamp of the Response: Message accepted which
indicates the upload is done.
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20206 Data, Email Receive

StartTime Timestamp of Response: any number octets which indicates the

begin of the message reception
EndTime Timestamp of the TCP last Continuation before message 110
[FIN;ACK] which indicates the last packed sent for the current
TCP connection for POP3 (Port 110)
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Appendix A | 69
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Figure 4-12 Trace of an Email Receive test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20300 Data, FTP Uplink

StartTime Timestamp of the first FTP Data message which indicates

the first transmitted data packet
EndTime Timestamp of the last FTP Data plus the halftime between
last FTP Data is sent and message 21 [FIN;ACK]
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the half time message
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20301 Data, FTP Downlink

StartTime Timestamp of the Response opening message plus the halftime

between Response opening and the first FTP Data
EndTime Timestamp of the last FTP Data message that coincides with a
TCP message a port Number [FIN;ACK] and is before > 21
[FIN;ACK] which indicates the that the connection was
successfully concluded
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the half time message

70 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 20301 Data, FTP Downlink

Value4 Varchar Name of the end event

Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Figure 4-13 IP Trace of a FTP download

Field Value Description

KPIId 20305 Data, FTP Uplink

StartTime Timestamp of the first FTP Data message which indicates the first
transmitted data packet
EndTime Timestamp of the message 21 [FIN;ACK]
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Appendix A | 71
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 20306 Data, FTP Downlink

StartTime Timestamp of the first FTP Data

EndTime Timestamp of the last FTP Data message that coincides with a
TCP message a port Number [FIN;ACK] and is before > 21
[FIN;ACK] which indicates the that the connection was
successfully concluded
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20307 Data, FTP Uplink (B)

StartTime Timestamp of the reception of [ACK] from the [SYN;ACK]

EndTime Timestamp of the message 21 [FIN;ACK]
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20308 Data, FTP Downlink (B)

StartTime Timestamp of the Reception of [ACK] from the [SYN;ACK]

EndTime Timestamp of the last FTP Data message that coincides with
a TCP message a port Number [FIN;ACK] and is before >
21 [FIN;ACK] which indicates the that the connection was
successfully concluded

72 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 20308 Data, FTP Downlink (B)

Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime

ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20400 Data, HTTP Browser

StartTime Timestamp of the last message sent to the server ([ACK] or

GET) plus the halftime between last message sent to the
server ([ACK] or GET) and the HTTP/1.1 % OK message
which indicates the successful connection to the HTTP
EndTime Timestamp of the last Continuation message of the
connection or the HTTP/1.1 % OK message if no
continuation is present. (The download is successful if the
test as such is marked as successful by the browser)
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the half time message
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 URL

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20405 Data, HTTP Browser (V)

StartTime Timestamp of the HTTP/1.1 % OK message which indicates

the successful connection to the HTTP Server
EndTime Timestamp of the last Continuation message of the
connection or the HTTP/1.1 % OK message if no

Appendix A | 73
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 20405 Data, HTTP Browser (V)

continuation is present. (The download is successful if the
test as such is marked as successful by the browser)
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 URL

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20407 Data, HTTP Browser (B)

StartTime Timestamp of the first GET command

EndTime Timestamp of the last Continuation message of the connection or
the HTTP/1.1 % OK message if no continuation is present. (The
download is successful if the test as such is marked as successful
by the browser)
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 URL

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20500 Data, UDP DL

StartTime Timestamp of the first Source port message which is the connect
ack message for the SwissQual UDPDL test
EndTime Reception of the last packet Source port of the test or timeout
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime

74 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 20500 Data, UDP DL

ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix

Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Figure 4-14 Trace of a UDP DL test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20600 Data, Video Streaming Cut off

StartTime According to the used protocol the timestamp of the RTSP:

TDP Payload, HTTP: Resized or Buffering or TCP:
Loading message
EndTime According to the used protocol the timestamp of the last
[RST] message
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the half time message
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Appendix A | 75
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 20700 Data, WAP

StartTime Timestamp of the WSP Get message plus the halftime between
WSP Get and the WSP: Reply or WSP: Result message which
is the connect ack message on the WSP/WTP port
EndTime Timestamp of the last WSP Reply message
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the half time message
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Figure 4-15 Trace of a WAP test

Field Value Description

KPIId 21000 Data, Ping

StartTime Timestamp of the Echo (ping) request message

EndTime Timestamp of the Echo (ping) reply message

76 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 21000 Data, Ping

Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime

ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Ping packet size
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Figure 4-16 Trace of a Ping test

Field Value Description

KPIId 21600 DVB-H, Mobile DVB-H Channel

StartTime Streaming started - Audio found

DVB-H channel added
EndTime Service stopped
DVB-H service lost - Coverage lost
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Appendix A | 77
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

For the detailed mapping between the events in the log and the trigger points in the application
see Data and Video Test Scenario Manual section MMS send and MMS receive.

Field Value Description

KPIId 20800 Messaging, MMS Send

StartTime Timestamp of the log message START, which indicates the

begin of an MMS Send Test.
EndTime Timestamp of the log message TRANSMISSION FINISHED
or TRANSMISSION TIMEOUT, which indicates the end of an
MMS transmission
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Figure 4-17 Trace of a MMS Send test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20801 Messaging, MMS Receive

StartTime Timestamp of the log message NOTIFICATION RECEIVED,

which indicates the time of the reception of the notification.
EndTime Timestamp of the log message TRANSMISSION FINISHED
or TRANSMISSION TIMEOUT, which indicates the end of an
MMS download
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused

78 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 20801 Messaging, MMS Receive

Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 20900 Messaging, SMS Send

StartTime Timestamp of the log message SEND SMS START, which

indicates the begin of an SMS transmission
EndTime Timestamp of the log message SEND SMS FINISHED, which
indicates the end of an SMS transmission
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Figure 4-18 Trace of a SMS Send test

Data Call
Field Value Description
KPIId 25100 Data (PS), Attach
StartTime Timestamp of the GMM message Attach Accept
EndTime Timestamp of the GMM message Detach Request
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime

Appendix A | 79
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Field Value Description

KPIId 25100 Data (PS), Attach
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 25200 Data (PS), Activate PDP Context

StartTime Timestamp of the SM message Activate PDP Context accept

or message
EndTime Timestamp of the SM message Deactivate PDP Context
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 25201 Data (PS), PDP Context

StartTime Timestamp of the SM message Activate PDP Context accept or

EndTime Timestamp of the SM message Deactivate PDP Context accept
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused

80 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 25201 Data (PS), PDP Context

Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 25300 2G, Resource

StartTime Timestamp of the RR message Assignment Complete

EndTime Timestamp of the RR message Channel Release
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Field Value Description

KPIId 25400 3G, Network

StartTime Timestamp of the RRC message RRCConnectionSetupComplete

EndTime Timestamp of the RRC message RRCConnectionRelease or
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event

Appendix A | 81
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 25400 3G, Network

Value5 Unused

Search scope: Session

Integrity Records
Field Value Description

KPIId 30101 Telephony, Call Exit

StartTime CC: Disconnect

EndTime CC: Release
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum Unused
Counter Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30200 Data, Email Send (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIID 20200

EndTime See KPIID 20200
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum Unused
Counter Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of email
Value4 Varchar Unused

82 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 30200 Data, Email Send (TCP Throughput)

Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30201 Data, Email Receive (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIId 20201

EndTime See KPIId 20201
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of email
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30205 Data, Email Send (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIID 20205

EndTime See KPIID 20205
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum Unused
Counter Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of email
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Appendix A | 83
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 30206 Data, Email Receive (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIId 20206

EndTime See KPIId 20206
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of email
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30300 Data, FTP Uplink (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIId 20300

EndTime See KPIId 20300
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of file
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30301 Data, FTP Downlink (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIId 20301

EndTime See KPIId 20301
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused

84 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 30301 Data, FTP Downlink (TCP Throughput)

Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of file
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30305 Data, FTP Uplink (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIId 20305

EndTime See KPIId 20305
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of file
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30306 Data, FTP Downlink (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIId 20306

EndTime See KPIId 20306
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of file
Value4 Varchar Unused

Appendix A | 85
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 30306 Data, FTP Downlink (TCP Throughput)

Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30307 Data, FTP Uplink (B) (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIId 20307

EndTime See KPIId 20307
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of file
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30308 Data, FTP Downlink (B) (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIId 20308

EndTime See KPIId 20308
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of file
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

86 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 30400 Data, HTTP Browser (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIId 20400

EndTime See KPIId 20400
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of file
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30405 Data, HTTP Browser (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIId 20405

EndTime See KPIId 20405
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of file
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30407 Data, HTTP Browser (B) (TCP Throughput)

StartTime See KPIId 20407

EndTime See KPIId 20407
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused

Appendix A | 87
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 30407 Data, HTTP Browser (B) (TCP Throughput)

Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of file
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30500 Data, UDP DL

StartTime See KPIId 20500

EndTime See KPIId 20500
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of Packets
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Field Value Description

KPIId 30600 Data, Video Streaming Reproduction Delay

StartTime See KPIId 20600

EndTime According to the used player the timestamp of Quicktime:
Displaying or Real: Playing
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Start Message
Value4 Varchar End Message

88 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 30600 Data, Video Streaming Reproduction Delay

Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30605 Data, Video First Frame Delay

StartTime 554 [SYN]

EndTime According to the used player the timestamp of Quicktime:
Displaying or Real: Playing
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Start Message
Value4 Varchar End Message
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30606 Data, Video Streaming Teardown Time


EndTime RTSP: RTSP/1.0 200 OK
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Start Message
Value4 Varchar End Message

Appendix A | 89
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 30606 Data, Video Streaming Teardown Time

Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30607 Data, Video Streaming Streaming Session Time

StartTime 554[SYN]
EndTime Resized or Buffering or Loading
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Start Message
Value4 Varchar End Message
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30700 Data, WAP

StartTime See KPIId 20700

EndTime See KPIId 20700
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Throughput [Bytes/sec]
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Size of WAP
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

90 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

The following Messages KPIs are not implemented as explicit KPIs but calculated on the
respective tab sheet and report. For the detailed mapping between the events in the log and the
trigger points in the application see Data and Video Test Scenario Manual section MMS send and
MMS receive.

Field Value Description

KPIId 30800 Messaging, MMS E2E

StartTime Timestamp of the log message START on the MO side,

which indicates the begin of an MMS Send Test.
EndTime Timestamp of the log message TRANSMISSION FINISHED
or TRANSMISSION TIMEOUT on the MT side, which
indicates the end of an MMS transmission
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30801 Messaging, MMS Notification

StartTime Timestamp of the log message on the MO side TRANSMISSION

FINISHED which indicates the end of an MMS upload
EndTime Timestamp of the log message on the MT side NOTIFICATION
RECEIVED, which indicates the time of the reception of the
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Appendix A | 91
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 30803 Messaging, MMS Sent Time

StartTime Timestamp of the log message on the MO side TRANSMISSION

STARTED which indicates the start of an MMS upload
EndTime Timestamp of the log message on the MO side TRANSMISSION
FINISHED which indicates the end of an MMS upload
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30804 Messaging, MMS Retrieval Time

StartTime Timestamp of the log message on the MT side TRANSMISSION

STARTED which indicates the start of an MMS upload
EndTime Timestamp of the log message on the MO side TRANSMISSION
FINISHED which indicates the end of an MMS upload
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 30900 Messaging, SMS E2E

StartTime Timestamp of the log message START, which indicates the begin

92 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 30900 Messaging, SMS E2E

of an SMS test
EndTime Timestamp of the log message SMS RECEIVED, which indicates
the end of an SMS transmission
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Name of the start event
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Figure 4-19 SMS Trace

Field Value Description

KPIId 31000 Data, TCP Roundtrip

StartTime [SYN]
EndTime [SYN;ACK]
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Appendix A | 93
NQDI KPIs Manual
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Field Value Description

KPIId 31610 DVB-H, Mobile DVB-H Soft Cut off

StartTime SQ < 0
EndTime SQ > 0
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Test

Field Value Description

KPIId 34050 2G, Handover

StartTime Timestamp of the message Handover Command

EndTime Timestamp of the message Handover Complete or
HandoverFailure or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 34060 2G, Channel Modify

StartTime Channel Mode Modify

94 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 34060 2G, Channel Modify

EndTime Channel Mode Modify Acknowledge

Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 34070 2G, Intra Cell Handover

StartTime Assignment Command (Only when 25300 is active)

EndTime Assignment Complete
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35020 InterSystemHO, GSM->UMTS

StartTime Timestamp of the CC message Inter System to UTRAN

Handover Command
EndTime Timestamp of the log message
HandoverToUTRANComplete or Handover Failure or
Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime

Appendix A | 95
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 35020 InterSystemHO, GSM->UMTS

ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix

Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35030 InterSystemHO, UMTS->GSM

StartTime Timestamp of the message HandoverFromUTRANCommand-

EndTime Timestamp of the message Handover Complete or
HandoverFromUTRANFailure or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35040 InterSystemHO, UMTS->GSM during Transfer

StartTime Timestamp of the message CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN

EndTime Timestamp of the first GSM SystemInformation message after
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused

96 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 35040 InterSystemHO, UMTS->GSM during Transfer

Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35041 InterSystemHO, UMTS->GSM RAU

StartTime Timestamp of the message CellChangeOrderFromUTRAN

EndTime Timestamp of the first Routing Area Updating Complete or Routing
Area Updating Rejectfirst GSM SystemInformation message after
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35060 InterSystemHO, GSM->UMTS (Idle reselect)

StartTime Timestamp of the last GSM RR message

EndTime Timestamp of the first UMTS RRC message or Timeout, whatever
comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused

Appendix A | 97
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 35060 InterSystemHO, GSM->UMTS (Idle reselect)

Value4 Varchar Unused

Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35070 InterSystemHO, UMTS->GSM (Idle reselect)

StartTime Timestamp of the last UMTS RRC message

EndTime Timestamp of the first GSM RR message or Timeout, whatever
comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35080 3G, P-TMSI Reallocation

StartTime P-TMSI Reallocation Command

EndTime P-TMSI Reallocation Complete
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar End Message
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

98 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 35100 3G, Handover

StartTime Timestamp of the RRC message ActiveSetUpdate

EndTime Timestamp of the message ActiveSetUpdateComplete or
ActiveSetUpdateFailure or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar UpdateType (Addition,Removal,Replace)
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Figure 4-20 WCDMA Layer 3 Signalling (filtered)

Update type: Addition: AdditionInformationList = 1 and RemovalInformationList = 0

Removal: AdditionInformationList = 0 and RemovalInformationList = 1
Replace: AdditionInformationList = 1 and RemovalInformationList = 1

Field Value Description

KPIId 35101 3G, Cell Update

StartTime CellUpdate

Appendix A | 99
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 35101 3G, Cell Update

EndTime CellUpdateConfirm or CellUpdateConfirm-CCCH

Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35110 3G, HSPA Cell Change

StartTime PhysicalChannelReconfiguration
only when at least one servingHSDSCH_RL_indicator true
EndTime PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Start Message
Value4 Varchar End Message
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

100 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 35111 3G, HSPA R99 Link Change

StartTime PhysicalChannelReconfiguration
only when all servingHSDSCH_RL_indicator are false, but the
servingHSDSCH_RL_indicator is present or a delete hsdsch is
EndTime PhysicalChannelReconfigurationComplete
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Start Message
Value4 Varchar End Message
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 33200 Data, PDP Context Exit

StartTime Timestamp of the message Deactivate PDP context Request

EndTime Timestamp of the UMTS message
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Appendix A | 101
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 34000 2G, Routing Area Update

StartTime Timestamp of the message Routing area update

EndTime Timestamp of the message Routing area update
accept or Routing area update reject or Timeout,
whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 34004 2G/3G, Routing Area Update Access

StartTime GSM: Channel Request UMTS:RRCConnectionRequest

EndTime Timestamp of the message Routing area update accept or
Routing area update reject or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

102 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 34010 2G/3G, TMSI Reallocation

StartTime TMSI Reallocation Command

EndTime TMSI Reallocation Complete
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35003 2G/3G, Location Update

StartTime Timestamp of the message Location Updating Request

EndTime Timestamp of the message Location Updating Accept or Location
Updating Reject or Timeout or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Num of start events
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35004 2G/3G, Location Update Access

StartTime GSM: Channel Request UMTS:RRCConnectionRequest

EndTime Timestamp of the message Location Updating Accept or Location
Updating Reject or Timeout or Timeout, whatever comes first

Appendix A | 103
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2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 35004 2G/3G, Location Update Access

Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime

ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Num of start events
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35101 3G, Cell update

StartTime Timestamp of the RRC message CellUpdate

EndTime Timestamp of the message CellUpdateConfirm-CCCH or
CellUpdateConfirm or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35300 3G, URA Update

StartTime Timestamp of the RRC message URAUpdate

EndTime Timestamp of the message URAUpdateConfirm-CCCH or
URAUpdateConfirm or Timeout, whatever comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused

104 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Field Value Description

KPIId 35300 3G, URA Update

Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Unused
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

Field Value Description

KPIId 35200 3G, Resource

StartTime Timestamp of the RRC message RadioBearerReconfiguration

EndTime Timestamp of the message
RadioBearerReconfigurationComplete or
RadioBearerReconfigurationFailure or Timeout, whatever
comes first
Duration Time in ms between StartTime and EndTime
ErrorCode 0 = OK, see Status in the appendix
Sum 0 Unused
Counter 0 Unused
Value1 Unused
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar Unused
Value4 Varchar Name of the end event
Value5 Unused

Search scope: Timeout

This KPI is not implemented in the current version

Field Value Description

KPIId 32000 WCDMA, BestServer

StartTime Timestamp of the UPMM Scanner message

EndTime Unused
Duration unused
ErrorCode unused

Appendix A | 105
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Field Value Description

KPIId 32000 WCDMA, BestServer

Sum 0 Ec/Io of BestServer

Counter 0 Unused
Value1 RxLev
Value2 Unused
Value3 Varchar ScramblingCode of BestServer
Value4 Varchar unused
Value5 Unused

The result of the KPI measurements can to be found in the ErrorCode field of the record. The
status is OK or successful whenever the service or a resource is obtained as expected.
Otherwise, if that is not the case e.g. a PDP context request rejected then the status field will
show 108001. Also, if there is e.g. a ActiveSetUpdateFailure sent then the status field is set to
108002. Some end trigger points are expected to come within a limited time (this is a time based
trigger). If that time is exceeded and no end trigger point is detected then the status field is set to
108003. In the reports, the last three cases described above are all marked as Failed since the
process was not successfully concluded.
If a KPI measurement is based on session or test and one of the trigger point is missing then the
status field is set to 108004 or 108005 depending on what is missing the Status field in the report
will show Incomplete.
(With the Qualcomm trace phone the rate of missing layer 3 messages is particularly high at this
time so that whenever a message is missing for a complete procedure the status is set to 108100,
108101, 108102 or 108103 to mark that as a special event. The different types are listed in the
table below).

106 | Appendix A
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Table 4-2 Error Codes and Status field

Code Message Status

0 OK Successful
108001 Rejected Failed
108002 Failure Failed
108003 TimeOut Failed
108004 StartTime missing (at Session/Test end) Successful
108005 End Time missing (at Session/Test end) Failed
108100 End Trigger OK and Start trigger point Successful
missing (only for Qualcomm)
108101 End Trigger Reject and start trigger Failed
point missing (only for Qualcomm)
108102 End Trigger Failed and start trigger Failed
point missing (only for Qualcomm)
108103 Start trigger point present but end Unknown (End Trigger Missing)
trigger point missing (only for

Appendix A | 107
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

B Appendix
KPI Calculation
The presentation as described in this appendixr is the fashion the KPIs are calculated and
presented in the reports generated with the Report Generator. For details see NQDI Manual

Success Rate
The success rate is in general the number of successful attempts divided by the total number of
attempts expressed in percent:
SuccessRate = # successful attempts/ total # of attempts * 100%
Table 4-3 Table for rates and averages

This rule is applied throughout with the exception of RRC Connection Request where sometimes
a second request occurs although the first is successful. In such a case the success rate
calculated as if there is only one attempt.

Rejection Rate
The rejection rate is only required for the PDP context activation where it is defined as the number
of rejected attempts divided by the total number of attempts expressed in percent.
RejectionRate = # rejected attempts/ total # of attempts * 100%

The time that is given for the individual processes is the time elapsed between two trigger points
given in Section 2 and 3. With the exception of retainability durations with time in seconds (s) the
time is given in milliseconds (ms).

The probability density diagram is a histogram where the frequency of occurrence of the values in
the given intervals is shown.

108 | Appendix B
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

Figure 4-21 Probability Density Function (PDF)

The desired values that are to be shown in such a fashion are given in the Section 2. While the
range for time can vary between 2000ms and 20 minutes it is divided up into fifty intervals. For the
Ec/Io (0-32 dB) and RSCP (-30 - -110 dBm) as well as for UE Tx Power (-30 - -110 dBm) and
BLER (0 100 %) the range is different and the number of intervals is chosen appropriately.

The cumulative density function is a histogram where the percentages of the measured values
that are equal or bigger than the respective value point on the x axis is shown.

Figure 4-22 Cumulative Density Function (CDF)

The desired values that are to be shown in such a fashion are given in the Section 2. While the
range for time can vary between 2000ms and 20 minutes it is divided up into fifty intervals. For the
Ec/Io (0-32 dB) and RSCP (-30 - -120 dBm) as well as for UE Tx Power (-30 - -110 dBm) and
BLER (0 100 %) the range is different and the number of intervals is chosen appropriately.

95% Cut-Off point

Ninety five percent of the measured values are smaller or equal than the value denoted by the
95% cut-off point. This value is calculated from the gradient of the CDF histogram.

Appendix B | 109
NQDI KPIs Manual
2000 - 2009 SwissQual AG

C Appendix
ETSI TS 102 250 -2

110 | Appendix C

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