Oracle Fusion Middleware: Using Oracle Webcenter Enterprise Capture 12C (12.2.1)

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

12c (12.2.1)

October 2015
Documentation for users that describes how to use Oracle
WebCenter Enterprise Capture to scan, import, and index
Oracle Fusion Middleware Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture, 12c (12.2.1)


Copyright © 2013, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Kalpana N

Contributors: Oracle WebCenter development, product management, and quality assurance teams

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Preface ............................................................................................................................................................... vii

Audience ...................................................................................................................................................... vii
Documentation Accessibility .................................................................................................................... vii
Client Accessibility Features ..................................................................................................................... vii
Changing the client display to high contrast ................................................................................. vii
Changing the font size displayed in the client.............................................................................. viii
Using keyboard shortcuts ................................................................................................................ viii
Related Documents.................................................................................................................................... viii
Conventions.................................................................................................................................................. ix

1 What's New in This Guide

1.1 New Features for 12c (12.2.1) ......................................................................................................... 1-1

2 Getting Started with Capture

2.1 Understanding Capture basics ...................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 About the Capture client ..................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.2 About batches and documents ........................................................................................... 2-2
2.1.3 About client profiles............................................................................................................. 2-2
2.1.4 Which document types you can scan or import into Capture....................................... 2-2
2.1.5 Understanding whether you can capture and index batches ........................................ 2-3
2.1.6 About processing and releasing batches........................................................................... 2-3
2.2 Starting the Capture client.............................................................................................................. 2-3
2.3 Navigating the Capture client........................................................................................................ 2-4
2.3.1 About the Batch pane........................................................................................................... 2-5
2.3.2 About the Document pane .................................................................................................. 2-7
2.3.3 About the Metadata pane.................................................................................................. 2-10
2.3.4 About the Batch Information pane .................................................................................. 2-11
2.4 Capture client uses ........................................................................................................................ 2-11
2.4.1 Scenario 1: Scanning and indexing documents.............................................................. 2-11
2.4.2 Scenario 2: Scanning documents only ............................................................................. 2-12
2.4.3 Scenario 3: Importing document files.............................................................................. 2-12
2.4.4 Scenario 4: Indexing documents only.............................................................................. 2-12

2.4.5 Scenario 5: Scanning or importing documents via business application ................... 2-12
2.5 Setting preferences......................................................................................................................... 2-12
2.5.1 Resizing the window panes .............................................................................................. 2-13

3 Scanning and importing documents

3.1 Understanding scanning................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 How Capture handles image and non-image documents.............................................. 3-1
3.1.2 How scanning works ........................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.3 How documents are created during scanning ................................................................. 3-2
3.1.4 How importing works ......................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2 Scanning documents ....................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.1 Preparing documents for scanning.................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.2 Selecting a scanner to use for Capture scanning ............................................................. 3-3
3.2.3 Selecting scanner settings.................................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.4 Scanning documents ............................................................................................................ 3-5
3.2.5 Scanning or importing from a business application ....................................................... 3-5
3.2.6 Creating documents if prompted when scanning ........................................................... 3-6
3.2.7 Scanning using separator pages ......................................................................................... 3-6
3.2.8 Setting scanning preferences .............................................................................................. 3-7
3.3 Importing documents...................................................................................................................... 3-8
3.3.1 Specifying importing rather than scanning...................................................................... 3-8
3.3.2 Selecting import settings ..................................................................................................... 3-8
3.3.3 Importing files into a batch ................................................................................................. 3-9

4 Reviewing and editing documents

4.1 Reviewing documents and pages.................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 Automatically reviewing and indexing documents after capturing them .................. 4-1
4.1.2 Zooming in and out of the selected page.......................................................................... 4-2
4.1.3 Resizing or repositioning the thumbnail display ............................................................ 4-2
4.1.4 Printing a page...................................................................................................................... 4-2
4.1.5 Viewing a document or an attachment in associated application................................. 4-2
4.1.6 Viewing file information ..................................................................................................... 4-3
4.1.7 Finding a document ............................................................................................................. 4-4
4.2 Editing documents and pages........................................................................................................ 4-4
4.2.1 Increasing an image's quality ............................................................................................. 4-4
4.2.2 Moving a page to another document ................................................................................ 4-5
4.2.3 Duplicating one or more pages of a document................................................................ 4-5
4.2.4 Rotating or flipping a page ................................................................................................. 4-5
4.3 Creating and removing documents .............................................................................................. 4-5
4.3.1 Splitting a document and creating a new document ...................................................... 4-6
4.3.2 Removing a document separation ..................................................................................... 4-6
4.3.3 Deleting a document and its pages.................................................................................... 4-6
4.3.4 Duplicating a document ...................................................................................................... 4-7

4.4 Creating and removing attachments............................................................................................. 4-7
4.4.1 Creating a new attachment when appending pages....................................................... 4-7
4.4.2 Splitting an attachment and creating a new attachment ................................................ 4-8
4.4.3 Deleting an attachment and its pages ............................................................................... 4-8
4.5 Adding, replacing, and deleting pages......................................................................................... 4-8
4.5.1 Inserting pages before a selected page .............................................................................. 4-8
4.5.2 Appending pages to a document or attachment ............................................................. 4-9
4.5.3 Replacing a page................................................................................................................. 4-10
4.5.4 Deleting a page ................................................................................................................... 4-10

5 Indexing documents
5.1 Understanding document indexing .............................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.1 Understanding indexing ..................................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Understanding database lookups ...................................................................................... 5-2
5.1.3 Using input masks in metadata fields ............................................................................... 5-2
5.1.4 Using display formatting in metadata fields.................................................................... 5-2
5.1.5 Understanding choice list metadata fields ....................................................................... 5-2
5.2 Indexing documents........................................................................................................................ 5-2
5.2.1 Indexing a document ........................................................................................................... 5-2
5.2.2 Indexing by looking up values from a database.............................................................. 5-3

6 Working with batches

6.1 Understanding batches ................................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.1 How batches are named ...................................................................................................... 6-1
6.1.2 Understanding what happens when locking or releasing a batch................................ 6-1
6.2 Sorting, filtering, and searching for batches ................................................................................ 6-2
6.2.1 Understanding which batches are listed in the batch pane ........................................... 6-2
6.2.2 Searching for batches or filtering the list .......................................................................... 6-2
6.2.3 Sorting the batch list............................................................................................................. 6-4
6.2.4 Limiting the batch list .......................................................................................................... 6-4
6.3 Editing batches ................................................................................................................................. 6-5
6.3.1 Editing an unlocked batch .................................................................................................. 6-5
6.3.2 Deleting a batch .................................................................................................................... 6-5
6.4 Changing batch information .......................................................................................................... 6-5
6.4.1 Setting or changing a batch's priority................................................................................ 6-5
6.4.2 Setting or changing a batch's status................................................................................... 6-6
6.4.3 Adding, editing, and deleting batch notes ....................................................................... 6-6
6.5 Releasing batches ............................................................................................................................. 6-6

A Troubleshooting
A.1 Handling batch errors .................................................................................................................... A-1
A.1.1 Setting batch logging .......................................................................................................... A-2

B Frequently Asked Questions

C How Do I?
C.1 How do I save different scanner settings for each client profile? ............................................ C-1
C.2 How do I split a document into two documents?...................................................................... C-1
C.3 How do I merge documents into a single document?............................................................... C-2
C.4 How do I move pages from one document to another?............................................................ C-2
C.5 How do I reorder pages of a document? ..................................................................................... C-2
C.6 How do I flip all pages in a batch if the pages were scanned upside down? ........................ C-2


This guide describes how to use Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture to scan, import,
index, and release documents.

This document is intended for users who use the Capture application, either on its
own or through a business application, to capture and work with document batches.
As described in Capture client uses, the Capture use may range from production
environment to occasional use.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle
Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support
through My Oracle Support. For information, visit
topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit
topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

Client Accessibility Features

The following topics describe the Capture client features that support accessibility:

• Changing the client display to high contrast

• Changing the font size displayed in the client

• Using keyboard shortcuts

Changing the client display to high contrast

To change the display to high contrast:

1. Sign in to the Capture client. See Starting the Capture client.

2. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select
Preferences. The Preferences window displays.

3. Select the I use Windows accessibility features field to change the client display
to make use of accessibility settings provided by Windows for high contrast. You
must have your Windows environment set to use high contrast for this setting to

4. Click Save.
Note that after changing this setting, you may need to restart the client to restore
the display.

Changing the font size displayed in the client

To change font sizes:

1. Sign in to the Capture client. See Starting the Capture client.

2. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select
Preferences. The Preferences window displays.

3. Select the I use Windows accessibility features field to change the client display
to make use of accessibility settings provided by Windows for large fonts. You
must have your Windows environment set to use large fonts for this setting to

4. In the Font Size for Client field, select a new font size for client buttons, labels,
and other client window items. The minimum size is 8 point and the maximum
size is 18 point.

5. In the Font Size for Metadata Fields field, select a new font size for metadata
fields and labels. The minimum size is 8 point and the maximum size is 18 point.

6. Click Save.
Note that after changing the Windows accessibility features setting, you may need
to restart the client to restore the display.

Using keyboard shortcuts

For details on available keyboard shortcuts, see the following sections:

• About the Batch pane

• About the Document pane

• About the Metadata pane

Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle WebCenter
Enterprise Capture documentation set:

• Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

• Oracle Fusion Middleware Administering Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

• Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Scripts for Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with
an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.

monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in

examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

What's New in This Guide

This chapter introduces the new features of Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture and
other significant changes that are described in this guide.
This chapter contains the following section:

• New Features for 12c (12.2.1)

1.1 New Features for 12c (12.2.1)

12c (12.2.1) includes the following new features:


• WLST commands to import workspace, clone workspace, display Import Processor

tokens for a workspace, and delete specific Import Processor HA tokens
For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Oracle WebCenter
Enterprise Capture and Oracle Fusion Middleware WebCenter WLST Command Reference.


• Definition of release processes for client profiles

• Definition of attachment types

Import Processor

• Support to preserve image files during import

• Support for document attachments

Document Conversion Processor

• Support for use of external conversion programs for document conversion

• Support for document attachments

Recognition Processor

• Support for document attachments

Commit Processor

• Support for document attachments

For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Managing Oracle WebCenter
Enterprise Capture

What's New in This Guide 1-1

New Features for 12c (12.2.1)


• Selectable batch release processes for client profiles

• Support for document attachments

• The client now runs as a desktop application outside of a web browser

• Find a document within a batch based on metadata

• Ability to view non-image documents in their native application

• Display file information

• Duplicate a document or page

1-2 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Getting Started with Capture

This chapter describes how to get started using the Oracle WebCenter Enterprise
Capture client. First the basics of Capture are introduced, including how Capture
works with batches, documents, attachments, and profiles. After starting the client
application, you learn how to navigate its panes. Lastly, you identify your Capture
role by learning the main ways users use the client to scan, import, index, and work
with document batches.
This chapter covers the following main topics:

• Understanding Capture basics

• Starting the Capture client

• Navigating the Capture client

• Capture client uses

• Setting preferences

2.1 Understanding Capture basics

This section describes what you need to know about Capture to start using it.

• About the Capture client

• About batches and documents

• About client profiles

• Which document types you can scan or import into Capture

• Understanding whether you can capture and index batches

• About processing and releasing batches

2.1.1 About the Capture client

The Capture client is Capture's user application for:

• Scanning and importing (capturing) documents

• Reviewing, editing, and indexing documents

• Releasing documents so that they can be further processed, checked into a content
repository, or attached to business application records
The Capture client is installed and launched as a native desktop application that does
not require a web browser.

Getting Started with Capture 2-1

Understanding Capture basics

2.1.2 About batches and documents

Batches and documents are the primary drivers of work in Capture.

• As a client user, you scan or import groups of pages in batches using a client
profile, which is defined by an administrator known as a Capture workspace
manager. See About client profiles.

• A batch contains one or more documents, which may be related (for example,
multiple documents for a customer) or unrelated (for example, documents divided
by separator sheets). A document may consist of scanned images or an electronic
file such as a Microsoft Word or a PDF file. See Which document types you can
scan or import into Capture.

• A document contains zero or more attachments. An attachment may consist of

images or an electronic file such as Microsoft Word or a PDF file.

• A batch can be locked or unlocked. A lock icon displays when a batch is locked by
you or another user. Releasing a batch removes the batch icon’s lock and
depending on the client profile settings, frees the batch for another user or a system
processor to work on. See About processing and releasing batches.

Figure 2-1 Batches and Documents

• If the client profile includes indexing, each document can be assigned metadata
(index) values. A customer document might be assigned metadata values such as a
customer ID and name. Documents of different types in a batch typically have
different sets of metadata fields available. A document profile identifies the set of
metadata fields to complete for a selected document.

2.1.3 About client profiles

A client profile is a group of settings you select to instruct Capture how to scan,
import, or index a batch's documents. A client profile controls such things as scanner
settings, how documents are created and separated in the batch, whether metadata
fields are available, and what happens next to batches after you release them.

2.1.4 Which document types you can scan or import into Capture
In Capture, a document consists of one of the following:

• One or more images obtained from a scanner or imported from a file.

2-2 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Starting the Capture client

• A non-image, electronic file such as a Microsoft Word or a PDF file. When you
import non-image files, the client profile determines if they are retained in their
original format, converted to an image format, or prevented from being imported.

2.1.5 Understanding whether you can capture and index batches

The selected client profile determines whether you can use it to capture documents
only, capture and index documents, or index documents only. You can tell the client
profile's type by the toolbar buttons and panes that display when you select a
document in the batch pane:

• If no metadata pane displays, the client profile is capture-only. Capture-only

profiles do not include indexing.

• If metadata fields display in the lower left pane and capture buttons display in the
batch pane, the client profile is capture-and-index.

• If metadata fields display in the lower left pane but no capture buttons display in
the batch pane, the client profile is index-only. You can assign metadata values to
documents in index-only batches, but cannot append, insert, or replace pages.

2.1.6 About processing and releasing batches

When you are done working on a batch's documents, you release the batch, which
unlocks it from your use (if there are no release processes defined). If you selected an
available release process and released batches, the next action performed on the batch
depends on the selected release process. What happens next depends on the client
profile settings:

• The batch may be removed from the batch pane list and committed elsewhere such
as to a content repository, or it may be placed in a queue for further processing
such as document conversion or bar code recognition.

• The batch may remain in the list but unlocked (no lock icon displays). This allows
you or another user to lock the batch for use and make further changes.

2.2 Starting the Capture client

The first time you access the client, enter the web address in a browser, sign in using
your user ID and password, and click the Install Client button to install the client
application on your workstation. After the client application is installed on your
workstation, start the Capture client in one of the following ways:

• Enter a web address in a browser, sign in using your user ID and password, and
click the Launch Client button in the browser to launch the client application on
the workstation.
For example, you might enter a URL with the following format in a browser
address field:

• Use the Start menu shortcut or desktop shortcut to launch the client application on
the workstation.

• Begin scanning in another application, such as a business application.

Getting Started with Capture 2-3

Navigating the Capture client

For example, you might click a Scan button from a record in your business
application, to scan a document and attach it to the selected business record.

Note: When prompted, sign in to Capture by entering a user ID, a password,

and a resolvable host name or IP address of the Capture server that is being

2.3 Navigating the Capture client

The Capture client provides a single window with three distinct work areas, or panes.
You perform actions on batches, documents, attachments, and pages in these panes:

• Batch pane
The batch pane in the upper left is fixed, while its other panes change, depending
on your selection in the batch pane's tree. See About the Batch pane.
When you select a batch in the batch pane, batch information displays in the right
pane to view or edit. For example, change the batch's status or priority, or include a
note as a reminder or for others to view. See About the Batch Information pane.

• Document pane
When you select a document or a document’s attachment in the batch pane, the
right pane displays the document pane, containing the batch's documents, their
thumbnail images, and document options in a top toolbar. See About the
Document pane.

• Metadata pane
The lower left pane, the metadata pane, displays metadata fields for indexing
documents. Note that the metadata pane displays only when indexing is
configured for the selected client profile. See About the Metadata pane.

Figure 2-2 Capture Client Window Displaying Batch, Document, and Metadata Panes

2-4 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Navigating the Capture client

2.3.1 About the Batch pane

The batch pane always displays in the upper left pane, listing batches and their
documents in a hierarchical batch list tree. Use the batch pane to select batches,
documents, and attachments, and to perform actions on batches by clicking batch
toolbar buttons above the tree.

• To select a batch, click its name. You can edit its batch information in the right
pane. See About the Batch Information pane.

Figure 2-3 Batch Selected in Batch Pane

• To select a document, expand the batch by clicking the triangle before the batch
name, then select a document.

Figure 2-4 Document Selected in Batch Pane

• To select an attachment, expand a document by clicking the triangle before the

document, and then select an attachment.

• Right click a non-image document and select View document in associated

application from the context menu to view the document in an associated

• Right click a document and select Duplicate from the context menu to duplicate
the document or selected pages of the document. See Duplicating one or more
pages of a document and Duplicating a document.

• Right click a document and select Find Document from the context menu to find a
document within a batch where a displayed metadata field matches the criteria in
the Find field. See Finding a document.
Table 2-1 describes the batch pane toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts.

Getting Started with Capture 2-5

Navigating the Capture client

Table 2-1 Batch Pane Buttons and Keyboard Shortcuts

Batch Pane Button Name Shortcut Description
Client Profiles Select a profile to apply its settings when
scanning or importing batches. A client
profile must always be selected when
creating, updating, or releasing batches.

Capture F9 Begin scanning or importing documents,

using the selected client profile, capture
settings, and capture source.

Capture Settings/ Ctrl+S (Settings) This button has two functions:

Capture Source Ctrl+Alt+S (Source) • Click its left side (Capture Settings) to
change capture settings for the selected
scanner or for the import source.
Settings you select are saved for the
client profile.
• Click the triangle on its right side
(Capture Source) to select a scanner or
the import source as the capture source.

Unlock/Release F10 (Unlock) Click the Unlock button to unlock one or

/ Ctrl+Alt+R (Release) more selected batches, which synchronizes
their data with the Capture server.
If there are one or more release processes
defined for the client profile, choose a
release process to be performed when
releasing the batches and click the Release
Either the Unlock button or the Release
button will be visible to the user. To switch
between the Unlock and Release buttons,
click the triangle next to one of these

Delete Batch Permanently remove one or more selected

batches, including their documents and

Search F7 Specify criteria to search for batches and

filter the batch list. Filtering remains (even
during batch refreshes) until you select the
client profile again or clear the search
You can search based on batch name,
creation date, status, priority, or processing
state. Note that client profile settings can
affect the batches displayed.

Refresh Batch List F5 Reload the list of batches to reflect recent

batch changes.
Note that filtering remains during batch

Find Document Ctrl+F Finds a document within a batch where a

displayed metadata field matches the
criteria in the Find field.

2-6 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Navigating the Capture client

Batch Pane Button Name Shortcut Description

Find Previous Shift+F3 This is a Find toolbar icon. Click to find the
previous document within a batch where a
displayed metadata field matches the
criteria in the Find field.

Find Next F3 This is a Find toolbar icon. Click to find the

next document within a batch where a
displayed metadata field matches the
criteria in the Find field.

Select First Document Home Keyboard shortcut that selects the first
document in the batch when a document is
currently selected.

Select Last Document End Keyboard shortcut that selects the last
document in the batch when a document is
currently selected.

Table 2-2 describes batch list icons, which indicate whether you can work on a batch.

Table 2-2 Batch List Icons

Batch Icon Name Description
Locked to You Indicates that the batch is locked to you, the user
currently using the workstation.
You can have multiple batches locked and open to you
at once. Other users cannot access these batches until
you release them.

Locked to Another User Indicates that the batch is locked by another user.
You cannot expand a batch that is locked by another

Unlocked Indicates that the batch is unlocked and ready for you
or another user to select it to work on.

Processing Indicates that the batch is currently undergoing

processing and cannot be accessed.
For example, depending on client profile settings, the
batch's documents might be undergoing conversion,
bar code recognition, or commit processing. You can
click the Refresh Batch List button to check if the batch
is still in the processing state.

Error Indicates that the batch contains one or more

documents with errors. See Handling batch errors.

2.3.2 About the Document pane

Use the document pane to review and edit selected documents. This pane displays in
the right pane whenever a document is selected in the batch pane. It displays details
for the batch's documents, including a scrollable thumbnail view of document pages,
in which:

Getting Started with Capture 2-7

Navigating the Capture client

• The selected thumbnail's page also displays as an adjacent full page view, allowing
you to carefully review pages and further magnify them if needed. A dotted
outline indicates the selected thumbnail.

• A light-colored bar between pages identifies the end of one document and the start
of the next.

• You can drag and drop thumbnails from image documents to move pages within
or between documents.


You cannot move pages contained in non-image documents.

Toolbar buttons along the top of the pane allow you to make changes to documents or
their pages, as listed in Table 2-3. Note that a document must be selected to use
keyboard shortcuts.

Table 2-3 Document Pane Buttons and Keyboard Shortcuts

Button Name Shortcut Description
Create New Document Ctrl+E Create a new document, using the current
page and all pages below it, until the next

Remove/Delete Documents Ctrl+Alt+D Depending on your selection, either:

• Remove the selected document, adding
its pages to the end of the previous
document. (If the selected document is
the first document in the batch, only an
option to delete the document displays.)
Note that removing a document also
removes its metadata values.
• Delete the selected document, including
all of its pages, from the batch.
See Removing a document separation.

Create New Attachment Ctrl+E Create a new attachment, using the current
page and all pages below it. This button is
available when page 2 or greater is selected
in a document attachment.

Remove/Delete Attachments Ctrl+Alt+D Delete the selected attachment, including all

of its pages, from the batch.

Duplicate Ctrl+U Duplicates the selected document, page, or


Insert Pages Scan or import new pages into the batch,

inserting them before the selected page. See
Inserting pages before a selected page.
• If scanning, prompts you to scan one
page or all pages in the feeder.
• If importing, prompts you to specify
files to import.

2-8 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Navigating the Capture client

Button Name Shortcut Description

Append Pages Ctrl+Alt+A Scan or import pages to add to the batch.
See Appending pages to a document.
• If scanning, prompts you to scan one
page or all pages in the feeder.
• If importing, prompts you to specify
files to import, and to add them to the
end of the selected document or to
create a new document.

Replace Page Delete the selected page and replace it with

the page you scan or import. See Replacing
a page.

Delete Pages Ctrl+D Delete one or more selected pages. See

Deleting a page.

View document in associated View a non-image document/attachment in

application its native application. See Viewing a
document in associated application.

Database Lookup Ctrl+L Perform a database search for the selected

metadata field. This button is active only
when configured for the metadata field.
Enter a search value and click the Database
Lookup toolbar button or press Ctrl+L. If
multiple matching values display in a
results list, select a value.

Zoom In Ctrl+I Increases the magnification of the selected

page view. Click repeatedly to further zoom

Zoom Out Ctrl+O Decreases the magnification of the selected

page view. Click repeatedly to further zoom

Fit to Window Ctrl+W Changes the page display so that the entire
page fits in the window.

Fit to Height Changes the page display so that the entire

height fits in the window.

Fit to Width Changes the page display so that the entire

width fits in the window.

Rotate Left Rotates the selected page to the left 90

degrees. The page is saved as last rotated
(applies to images only).

Rotate Right Ctrl+R Rotates the selected page to the right 90

degrees. The page is saved as last rotated
(applies to images only).

Flip Rotates the selected page upside down 180

degrees. The page is saved as last rotated
(applies to images only).

Getting Started with Capture 2-9

Navigating the Capture client

Button Name Shortcut Description

Print Page Prints the selected page to the selected

Show File Information Displays file information for the selected


View thumbnails horizontally/ Switches the thumbnail display between a

vertically vertical and horizontal orientation.

Thumbnail size Displays thumbnails using a small,

medium, or large view.

Next Document Ctrl+Alt+N Keyboard shortcut that selects the next


Previous Document Ctrl+Alt+P Keyboard shortcut that selects the previous


Next Page Ctrl+N Keyboard shortcut that moves the

thumbnail selection to the next page.

Previous Page Ctrl+P Keyboard shortcut that moves the

thumbnail selection to the previous page.

Display Document First Page Home Keyboard shortcut that moves the
thumbnail selection to the first page of the
document. This shortcut works only when
the cursor focus is in the thumbnail area.

Display Document Last Page End Keyboard shortcut that moves the
thumbnail selection to the last page of the
document. This shortcut works only when
the cursor focus is in the thumbnail area.

Select All Document Pages Ctrl + A Keyboard shortcut that selects all
thumbnail pages in the selected document.
This shortcut works only when the cursor
focus is in the thumbnail area.

2.3.3 About the Metadata pane

Use the metadata pane to index documents by completing their metadata values.

• The metadata pane displays when the selected client profile includes indexing and
a document is selected in either the batch or document pane.

• Values you enter in the metadata fields apply to all pages in the selected document.
To ensure standard input, metadata fields may use input masks or special
formatting, numeric or date fields, choice lists, or database lookups, as described in
Indexing documents. An asterisk indicates a required metadata field. See
Understanding indexing.
For example, you might enter an account number or look up a value from the
database, which might auto populate related metadata fields.

• Use the Document Profile field to identify the set of metadata fields to complete
for the selected document.

2-10 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Capture client uses

For example, a batch of customer documents might contain correspondence and

customer agreement document profiles. While indexing, you would select a
Correspondence document profile each time you encounter a correspondence
document and complete its fields, then select the Customer Agreement document
profile each time you encounter an agreement document.

• To move between metadata fields using keyboard shortcuts, press Tab to move to
the next metadata field, and Shift-Tab to move to the previous metadata field.

• Use the Attachment Type field to change the attachment type for a selected
attachment. This field is not available for capture-only profiles.

2.3.4 About the Batch Information pane

Whenever you select a batch in the left batch pane, batch information displays in the
right pane. Use the batch information to add or edit notes about the batch, and change
its status or priority. You can also view the name of the user who created the batch
and when it was created and last modified. See Working with batches.

2.4 Capture client uses

This section introduces ways that production, knowledge, and business users use
Capture users typically fall into one of the following categories:

• Production users launch Capture to process large volumes of batches and their
documents. See Scenario 1: Scanning and indexing documents and Scenario 2:
Scanning documents only for scanning, and Scenario 4: Indexing documents only
for indexing.

• Knowledge workers launch Capture to scan, import, and/or index documents

occasionally as part of their job. See Scenario 1: Scanning and indexing documents
and Scenario 3: Importing document files.

• Business application users launch Capture indirectly from their business

application to quickly scan and attach documents related to business application
records. See Scenario 5: Scanning or importing documents via business application.

2.4.1 Scenario 1: Scanning and indexing documents

This scenario applies to both a production user assigned to scan entire boxes of paper
document folders and a user who scans document batches on an occasional basis.
Regardless, the user must know the client profiles to use for different types of
document batches. For example, this user might select:

• A client profile called Separator Pages to scan batches that have separator pages
placed between documents.

• A client profile called Simplex or Duplex to scan batches that are composed of only
single or double-sided documents.

• A client profile called Prompt that prompts the user to specify how documents are
Within the client, the user chooses a client profile configured for the type of batch to
scan and begins capturing a batch. The user reviews and indexes each document, then
unlocks or releases the batch. See Scanning documents for more information.

Getting Started with Capture 2-11

Setting preferences

2.4.2 Scenario 2: Scanning documents only

In this case, the user's task is to scan batches of documents without indexing them.
When scanning in Capture, a capture-only batch contains one document only, which
may be separated into multiple documents and indexed later. For example, these
batches may be later separated and indexed by users who index only (Scenario 4:
Indexing documents only) or through an automated process such as bar code
recognition or intelligent document recognition.
Within the client, the user chooses a client profile configured for capture only and
begins capturing a batch. The user reviews each document, then unlocks or releases
the batch. See Scanning documents for more information.

2.4.3 Scenario 3: Importing document files

This case involves creating batches by importing electronic files, either multiple image
files or non-image files such as Microsoft Word or PDF files.
Within the client, the user chooses a client profile configured for the type of batch to
import and begins capturing a batch by selecting files to import. The user reviews and
indexes each document (if configured), then unlocks or releases the batch. See
Importing documents for more information.

2.4.4 Scenario 4: Indexing documents only

In this case, the user's task is to assign metadata values to previously captured
documents. For example, batches might have been scanned by production users,
imported as electronic files, or imported as part of a bulk process.
Within the client, the user chooses an index-only client profile, then selects a batch to
index. Typically, the batch list is filtered to display only batches that need indexing. If
the documents are unorganized within the batch, all batch pages are assigned to the
first document. The user creates new documents if needed. After indexing each
document, the user unlocks or releases the batch. See Understanding indexing for
more information.

2.4.5 Scenario 5: Scanning or importing documents via business application

This scenario begins from a business application rather than the Capture client. After
completing customer entry fields, the user needs to scan or import a related document
and attach it to the selected customer record.
The user clicks a Scan or Import button from a business application record. The client
window displays and Capture immediately begins scanning or prompting for import,
using the settings in a preselected client profile. Once captured, the batch is displayed.
Often, metadata fields are automatically populated with values entered for the
business application record.
Typically, the user reviews and indexes the documents, then releases the batch. The
user returns to the business application record or another web page, and the document
becomes attached to the business application record. See Scanning or importing from a
business application for details.

2.5 Setting preferences

Use preferences to select scanning settings, accessibility features, logging options, and
other settings. To view and edit Capture client preferences:

2-12 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Setting preferences

1. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select
Preferences. The Preferences window displays.

Figure 2-5 Preferences Window

2. Set other preferences as needed.

• For accessibility-related preferences, see Client Accessibility Features.

• For scanning-related preferences, see Setting scanning preferences.

• For logging preferences, see Setting batch logging.

• For miscellaneous preferences, see Limiting the batch list.

3. Click Save.

2.5.1 Resizing the window panes

You can resize the left and right panes as well as the batch and metadata panes. To
resize, move the cursor over the pane separation. When the cursor changes to a
double-headed arrow, click and drag to resize.
After resizing, the new dimensions are automatically saved and displayed the next
time you open the client.

Getting Started with Capture 2-13

Setting preferences

2-14 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Scanning and importing documents

In the Capture client, document capture occurs in one of two ways: you scan paper
documents using a TWAIN-compliant device, or you import electronic files. This
chapter provides details on how to scan and import documents, based on client profile
This chapter covers the following main topics:

• Understanding scanning

• Scanning documents

• Importing documents

3.1 Understanding scanning

This section covers the following topics:

• How Capture handles image and non-image documents

• How scanning works

• How documents are created during scanning

• How importing works

3.1.1 How Capture handles image and non-image documents

Capture accommodates image and non-image documents:

• When you scan documents, Capture creates multiple page image documents. In the
document pane, you can view and edit each page individually (for example, move
and rotate pages), and also verify where one document ends, and the next begins.

• When you import non-image documents, Capture uses the client profile setting,
taking one of the following paths:

– Converts the file to a multiple page image document, as if you had scanned it.
In the document pane, a thumbnail is displayed for each image, and you can
select and edit individual pages (for example, move and rotate pages).

– Imports the file and retains it in its native format. In the document pane, a
thumbnail is displayed for each non-image page, up to a maximum number set
in the client profile. You can index the document, but cannot edit its pages.

– Prevents the file from being imported, and displays an error message.

Scanning and importing documents 3-1

Understanding scanning

3.1.2 How scanning works

Suppose you are handed one or more large boxes and instructed to scan their contents.
You discover that each folder contains multiple customer documents, but they are
assembled in many different ways. Some contain one page documents, some double-
sided documents, and others contain related documents of varying numbers of pages.
How do you scan them in batches so that it is clear where one document ends and the
next one begins?
To know how to scan documents, you must know several key items:

• How the documents are structured within each batch for scanning (see How
documents are created during scanning)

• Which client profile to use, so that it can be matched to the structure

For production scanning, you are likely to use an ADF (automatic document feeder), a
scanner or multifunction device feature that automatically feeds in pages one at a time,
allowing you to scan multiple-page documents without manually replacing each page.

3.1.3 How documents are created during scanning

When scanning, the selected client profile determines how documents are created and
separated within a batch. Document separation and creation happen in one of these

• Capture prompts you to select a document creation option when you start
You select simplex (one-sided), duplex (double-sided), or a variable number of
pages, which is typically for use with separator pages. For more information about
prompted scanning, see Creating documents if prompted when scanning.

• Capture automatically creates documents based on the selected client profile's

For example, when you scan with a client profile configured for duplex scanning,
Capture automatically creates a new document after scanning both sides of a page.
Typically, the Capture workspace manager specifies how each client profile you
use automatically creates documents.
For more information about scanning with separator sheets, see Scanning using
separator pages.
After a batch's documents have been created, you can adjust them as needed in the
document pane. For example, you can create new documents (Splitting a document
and creating a new document) and remove document separation (Removing a
document separation). You can also drag and drop pages between documents as

3.1.4 How importing works

You can import image documents, such as multiple page TIFF files, and non-image
documents, such as Microsoft Word files, if allowed by the client profile. See How
Capture handles image and non-image documents. Instead of selecting a scanner
source, select Import Source.
Each time you import, specify how to create documents in the batch if multiple files
are selected:

3-2 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Scanning documents

• Create one document for all import files

• Create one document per import file

Multiple non-image files cannot be imported into one document. If you select
multiple non-image files for import and specify to create one document for all
import files, the Capture client displays an error message indicating that the
selection is invalid.

After specifying a document creation option, select files to import. You can optionally
rotate images upon import and delete source files after import.

3.2 Scanning documents

This section covers the following topics:

• Preparing documents for scanning

• Selecting a scanner to use for Capture scanning

• Selecting scanner settings

• Scanning documents

• Scanning or importing from a business application

• Scanning using separator pages

• Creating documents if prompted when scanning

• Setting scanning preferences

3.2.1 Preparing documents for scanning

To prepare documents for scanning:

1. Make sure the scanner is turned on.

For some scanners, you must ensure that the scanner is powered on before turning
on the computer.

2. Determine the client profile to use.

If needed, ask your Capture workspace manager which client profile to use for
batches to scan, based on their structure. You should know how the client profile
creates documents within batches, as described in How scanning works.

3. Organize documents into batches for scanning, inserting separator sheets between
documents if needed.

For example, organize single-sided documents into a batch for use with a simplex
client profile.

3.2.2 Selecting a scanner to use for Capture scanning

To scan, you must have a TWAIN-compliant scanner available to your system.

Scanning and importing documents 3-3

Scanning documents

1. Click the right side of the Capture Settings/Source button in the batch pane (Ctrl

When you click the triangle, one or more capture sources are listed. A check mark
displays next to the selected capture source, which may be a scanner or Import

2. If you have multiple scanner sources listed, select one to use. To import rather than
scan, select Import Source.

3.2.3 Selecting scanner settings

Follow these steps to select scanner settings, which are specific to the selected scanner.
Because capture settings are saved with the client profile, you can configure different
scanner settings for each client profile. Note that you can set additional scanner
options under Preferences, as described in Setting scanning preferences.

1. If needed, select the scanner source to which to apply settings.

Press Ctrl+Alt+S and choose a scanner, as described in Selecting a scanner to use

for Capture scanning.

2. Click the left side of the Capture Settings/Source button in the batch pane (Ctrl+S).

Settings relating to the selected scanner display.

Figure 3-1 Example Scanner Settings

3. Select scanner settings.

3-4 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Scanning documents

See the documentation provided with the scanner for more information. Note that
settings relating to color and resolution may be disabled, depending on client
profile settings.

3.2.4 Scanning documents

Follow these steps to scan a batch. These instructions assume that you have prepared
the documents for scanning as described in Preparing documents for scanning.

1. Place the documents on the feeder tray of the scanner.

2. In the batch pane of the Capture client window, select a client profile.

3. If needed, select a different capture source by clicking the right side of the Capture
Settings/Source button and choosing an available scanner (Selecting a scanner to
use for Capture scanning).

4. Click the Capture button. If prompted, select a document creation option (Creating
documents if prompted when scanning).

Capture begins scanning. If you encounter scanning problems, first check that the
cables are properly connected and the scanner is powered on.
The batch is created in the batch pane list and locked to you. It displays in one of
two ways:

• The batch is selected in the batch pane and its batch information displays in the
right pane.

• The batch is open in the batch pane with its first document selected, while
options for editing and indexing documents display in the right pane and lower
left pane, respectively. To set this display as the default setting, click the drop-
down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select Preferences.
In the Preferences window, select the Auto Review/Index batch after scanning

3.2.5 Scanning or importing from a business application

For background information, see Scenario 5: Scanning or importing documents via
business application. Note that when capturing from a business application, the client
profile is preselected and cannot be changed.

1. In a business application, click the button to capture documents. For example, click
a Scan or Import button on a business record screen.

The Capture client window displays. Depending on client profile settings, Capture
may immediately begin scanning using the specified scanner, or you may be
prompted to select files to import or begin scanning.

2. If importing, select one or more files to import.

After the scanned or imported batch is created, it displays in one of two ways:

• The batch is selected in the batch pane and its batch information displays in the
right pane.

• The batch is open in the batch pane with its first document selected, while
options for editing and indexing documents display in the right pane and lower
left pane, respectively. To set this display as the default setting, click the drop-

Scanning and importing documents 3-5

Scanning documents

down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window, select Preferences,
and select the Auto Review/Index batch after scanning field in the Preferences

3. Review, edit, and index documents as needed. Metadata fields may already contain

4. If needed, click the Capture button in the batch pane to capture additional batches.

Typically, only batches from your current Capture client session are listed in the
batch pane.

5. Release batches by selecting one or more batches in the batch pane (holding down
the Ctrl key), and clicking the Release button.

Depending on client settings, releasing batches may automatically sign you out of
the Capture client and return you to the line of business web application. If not,
click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the client window and
select Sign Out to exit Capture.

3.2.6 Creating documents if prompted when scanning

Depending on client profile settings, the Document Creation Options window may
display after you click Capture to begin scanning, prompting you to specify how to
create documents.

1. Specify the contents of each document in the batch. You can choose:

• One Page (Simplex): Select this option if all documents are single-sided.

• Two Pages (Duplex): Select this option if all documents are double-sided.

• Variable Number of Pages: Select this option if you are using separator sheets
to define documents (as described in Scanning using separator pages) or if
documents are neither all single-sided or all double-sided documents.

2. Click OK.

Capture scans and creates a batch based on the document creation option you
If you chose Variable Number of Pages but did not insert separator sheets,
Capture created a single document. Use the Create New Document button in the
document pane to create document separations in the batch (Splitting a document
and creating a new document).

3.2.7 Scanning using separator pages

Separator pages provide a useful way of identifying where one document ends and
the next one starts in a batch. To scan batches with documents divided by separator

1. Before scanning, insert blank sheets between documents.

2. In the batch pane, select a client profile configured for separator sheet scanning.

The profile must be set to either prompt you to choose a document creation option
or to create documents with a variable number of pages. If needed, ask your
Capture workspace manager about client profile use.

3-6 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Scanning documents

3. Click the Capture button with a scanner source selected.

• If the Document Creation Options window displays, select Variable Number of

Pages. Select the Enable Separator Sheets field and enter a number in the Bytes
field below it. The Bytes field defines the difference between a blank separator
page and a page with a small amount of text. A blank page is detected if its file
size (in bytes) is below a threshold value. The recommended number is 1500,
which means Capture considers each page on which it finds fewer than 1500
bytes to be a blank page, and deletes it from the batch. If you encounter
problems with this setting, increase or decrease the number of bytes as required.

• If no prompt displays, Capture looks for blank pages while scanning and upon
detecting one, creates a new document and discards the blank page. A blank
page is detected if its file size (in bytes) is below a separator sheet threshold
value configured in the client profile.

4. View the new batch's documents. The blank separator sheets were discarded when
the batch was created.

3.2.8 Setting scanning preferences

In addition to scanner settings you configure using the Capture Settings/Source
button (see Selecting scanner settings), you can set additional scanning options under
Preferences settings:

1. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select
Preferences. The Preferences window displays. See Setting preferences.

2. Optionally select the Prompt user to continue scanning into current batch field.

When selected, a message displays after Capture completes the initial scan that
asks if you want to continue scanning into the current batch. This option allows
you to pause to insert more paper into the automatic document feeder after it runs
out of paper, then scan the pages into the current batch. It is also useful when
scanning pages one at a time into a batch.

3. If needed, select the Prevent File Mode Transfer field.

File mode transfer, which instructs the TWAIN-compliant driver to write image
files to disk rather than transfer them by memory buffer, is the preferred approach,
as it significantly increases scanning performance. However, file transfer mode can
cause scanning issues with certain scanner drivers. If needed, select this field to
turn off file transfer mode.

4. Optionally select the Auto Review/Index batch after scanning field to view a batch
in the document pane immediately after completing scanning the batch.

5. In the Minimum number of bytes scanned before deleting a page field, optionally
specify how blank pages should be detected and deleted.

In this field, set the number of bytes below which Capture considers a page blank
and deletes it. If this value is 0, Capture uses the value configured in the client
profile for blank page detection.

6. Click Save.

Scanning and importing documents 3-7

Importing documents

3.3 Importing documents

This section covers the following topics:

• Specifying importing rather than scanning

• Selecting import settings

• Importing files into a batch

3.3.1 Specifying importing rather than scanning

To specify importing as the capture source:

1. In the batch pane, click the right side of the Capture Settings/Source button.

2. Select Import Source.

3. Click the Capture button to begin importing files.

3.3.2 Selecting import settings

Follow these steps to select default import settings to display each time you import
files. Import settings are saved with the selected client profile.

1. In the batch pane, click the left side of the Capture Settings/Source button.

The Import Settings window displays. (If scanner settings display instead, click the
right side of the Capture Settings/Source button and select Import Source.)

Figure 3-2 Selecting Import Settings

3-8 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Importing documents

2. Click Browse next to the Import Directory field and specify a location from which
to select files to import.

3. To import files of a specific type, select the type in the File Type field. For example,
select TIFF to list TIFF files only. To display all files in the directory regardless of
type, select All files.

4. In the Rotation Settings field, select a rotation degree (0, 90, 180, or 270). Capture
rotates images during import as specified.

5. Select the Delete source files after import field to delete images from the import
directory after they are successfully imported.

6. Click OK to save the settings.

3.3.3 Importing files into a batch

Follow these steps to import image files (such as multi-page TIFFs) or non-image files
(such as Microsoft Word or PDF files) into Capture. When importing non-image files,
the selected client profile determines whether Capture converts the files to image
format, imports them in their native format, or prevents them from being imported.

1. In the batch pane, select a client profile.

This profile contains the settings used to import and create Capture batches. If
needed, ask a Capture workspace manager which one to use.

2. If needed, click the right side of the Capture Settings/Source button and select
Import Source to specify importing rather than scanning.

3. Click the Capture button.

4. In the Import window, specify how to create documents (one document from
multiple files or one document per file), and click OK.

Figure 3-3 Selecting an Import Document Creation Option

5. In the Select files to import window, select one or more files to import, holding
down the Ctrl key to select multiple files.

The selected files are displayed in the File Name field.

6. Click OK.

A new batch containing the imported files is selected in the batch pane.

Scanning and importing documents 3-9

Importing documents

3-10 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Reviewing and editing documents

Whether you are working with documents at a production or small batch level, most
likely you will need to review and adjust them in the document pane. This chapter
describes how to review and update documents before releasing them for indexing,
further processing, or writing to a content repository.
This chapter covers the following main topics:

• Reviewing documents and pages

• Editing documents and pages

• Creating and removing documents

• Creating and removing attachments

• Adding, replacing, and deleting pages

4.1 Reviewing documents and pages

This section covers the following topics:

• Automatically reviewing and indexing documents after capturing them

• Zooming in and out of the selected page

• Resizing or repositioning the thumbnail display

• Printing a page

• Viewing a document or an attachment in associated application

• Viewing file information

• Finding a document

4.1.1 Automatically reviewing and indexing documents after capturing them

After you scan or import a batch, its properties are displayed by default in the right
pane. You can set a preference so that the document pane is automatically displayed
instead, with the first page in the first document of the batch selected.

1. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select
Preferences. The Preferences window displays.

2. Select the Auto Review/Index batch after scanning field.

Reviewing and editing documents 4-1

Reviewing documents and pages

4.1.2 Zooming in and out of the selected page

Use the Zoom In, Zoom Out, Fit to Height, Fit to Width, and Fit to Window buttons
to enlarge or reduce the image in the viewer to examine image quality. These settings
are not saved with the batch. When you open a batch, its images are always displayed
in the Fit to Window size.

• In the document pane, click the Zoom In button to enlarge the image. Click the
Zoom Out button to reduce the image.

• Another way to zoom is to click and drag a rectangular area on the image using the
left mouse button (rubberband zooming).

• Click the Fit to Height button to change the page display so that the entire height
fits in the window.

• Click the Fit to Width button to change the page display so that the entire width
fits in the window.

• At any point, click the Fit to Window button to display the entire image in the

4.1.3 Resizing or repositioning the thumbnail display

You can display the scrollable thumbnail bar either vertically (default) or horizontally.
To resize the panes, click and drag the pane separator (Resizing the window panes).
After you resize or reposition the thumbnail display, Capture saves the new settings
for subsequent sessions.

1. In the document pane, click the Thumbnail size button in the toolbar.

2. Select Small, Medium, or Large, and the thumbnail size changes to reflect your
new selection.

3. Click the View thumbnails horizontally/vertically button to switch the display to

horizontal or vertical thumbnails, if desired.

4.1.4 Printing a page

To print a scanned or imported page:

1. In the document pane, select the page to be printed by selecting its thumbnail.

2. Click the Print Page button. In the Print window, select the printer and configure
settings as needed. The page is printed.

4.1.5 Viewing a document or an attachment in associated application

To view a non-image document or a non-image attachment in an associated
application, you can either:

• Right click a document or an attachment and select View document in associated

application from the context menu.

• Select the document or attachment in the batch pane and click View document in
associated application from the document pane's toolbar.

4-2 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Reviewing documents and pages

4.1.6 Viewing file information

Select the document or attachment in the batch pane and click the Show File
Information button from the document pane's toolbar to view information about a
document or attachment. For image documents or image attachments, select a page in
the document pane to display information about the page. The File Information
window is displayed listing the following details about the file or page:

Table 4-1 File Information

Property Description

System Identification The file attributes listed under this group are:
• Workspace
• Workspace ID
• Batch Name
• Batch ID
• Document ID
• Attachment ID
• Item ID
Note: The Document ID attribute is displayed only for
documents and the Attachment ID attribute is displayed only
for attachments.

File The file attributes listed under this group are:

• System File Type
• File Name
• Original File Name
• File Location
• Size
• Date modified
Note: The Original File Name attribute is displayed only for
non-image files.

Image The file attributes listed under this group are:

• Format
• Author
• Compression
• Color bit depth
• Width
• Height
• Resolution - Horizontal
• Resolution - Vertical
• Photometric Interpretation
• Bits per sample
Note: The Image property group is displayed only for image
files. The following attributes are displayed only for TIFF
images: Author, Photometric Interpretation, and Bits per

Tiff Tags Displays tag numbers and tag values. This property is displayed
only for TIFF image files.

Reviewing and editing documents 4-3

Editing documents and pages

Click the Copy to Clipboard button in the File Information window to copy the entire
set of file attributes to the Windows clipboard.

4.1.7 Finding a document

Perform the following steps to find a document within a batch where a displayed
metadata field matches the criteria in the Find field:

1. You can either select the document in the batch pane and click Find Document
from the batch pane's toolbar or right click the document and select Find
Document from the context menu. A horizontal toolbar with the Find Document
options is displayed in the batch pane above the metadata pane.

2. Enter a value to search in the Find field. The search is case sensitive.

3. In the Options drop-down list select one of the following options:

• Blank Required Fields: To find blank required fields.

• Use wildcards: To specify wildcard characters in the Find field. Use ? as a

wildcard to match any single character. Use * as a wildcard to match zero, one,
or more characters.

4. To start the search, either press the ENTER key in the Find field or click Find Next
or Find Previous. The search starts at the next metadata field after the current
metadata field.

5. The document on which the search value is found is displayed. If no documents are
found, the message “No documents found” is displayed.

You can optionally continue to search by clicking the Find Previous or Find Next
icons. Click the Close Find Toolbar icon to close the Find toolbar.

4.2 Editing documents and pages

This section covers the following topics:

• Increasing an image's quality

• Moving a page to another document

• Duplicating one or more pages of a document

• Rotating or flipping a page

4.2.1 Increasing an image's quality

Many scanners have capabilities to improve black/white image quality using features
such as noise removal and dynamic thresholding. Review your scanner's
documentation to optimize image quality when scanning in black/white.
Follow these steps to increase image quality:

1. Make sure the scanner is operating optimally as described in its documentation (for
example, ensure that the glass is clean).

2. In the batch pane, click the left side of the Capture Settings/Source button and
adjust the available scanner settings (for example, adjust brightness and contrast

4-4 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Creating and removing documents

for scanning). Note that a client profile may restrict you from changing some
scanner settings such as DPI resolution and color.

3. If needed, contact your Capture workspace manager to request that scanner

settings such as DPI or brightness and contrast be adjusted for the client profile.

4.2.2 Moving a page to another document

To move a page within a document or to another document, drag and drop the page's
thumbnail to the new location.
Note: If you drag the only remaining page in a document to another document, the
document is automatically removed.

4.2.3 Duplicating one or more pages of a document

Follow these steps to duplicate one or more pages of a document to a new document:

1. Select one or more pages of an image document and either click Duplicate from the
document pane's toolbar or right click the document and select Duplicate from the
context menu.

The Duplicate window is displayed.

2. Select the Selected Pages option.

3. Specify the number of copies to be created in the Number of Copies field. The
default value is 1 and the maximum value is 10.

4. Select the Keep Metadata Values field if you want the duplicated document(s) to
have the same document profile and metadata values as the source document.

5. Click OK.

The duplicated document(s) that are newly created using the selected pages are
inserted immediately after the source document in the batch/document list tree.

4.2.4 Rotating or flipping a page

To rotate or flip pages:

1. In the Document pane, select the thumbnails of one or more pages to rotate or flip.

Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple thumbnails. If you scanned an entire
batch upside down, press Ctrl+A to select all pages before selecting the Flip option
described in the next step.

2. Click one of the rotate buttons. Rotating or flipping a page saves it that way within
the batch.

• Click Rotate Left to rotate images 90 degrees counterclockwise.

• Click Rotate Right to rotate images 90 degrees clockwise.

• Click Flip to rotate images by 180 degrees.

4.3 Creating and removing documents

This section covers the following topics:

Reviewing and editing documents 4-5

Creating and removing documents

• Splitting a document and creating a new document

• Removing a document separation

• Deleting a document and its pages

• Duplicating a document

4.3.1 Splitting a document and creating a new document

For example, suppose you realize that certain pages belong to another customer and
need to be in a separate document.

1. Select the page at which to create a new document.

2. From the document pane toolbar, click the Create New Document button.

A new document that starts with the current page and includes all pages below it
until the next document is created.

4.3.2 Removing a document separation

Follow these steps to remove a document separation, which appends the selected
document's pages to the previous document. To delete a document and its pages
instead, see Deleting a document and its pages.

1. Select the document to merge with its previous document.

If you select the first document in a batch, you are prompted to delete the
document because it has no previous document.

2. Click the Remove/Delete Documents button.

Figure 4-1 Deleting a Document or Removing a Document Separation

3. When prompted, select the option to remove the separation and click OK. The
document is merged with its previous document.

4.3.3 Deleting a document and its pages

Follow these steps to delete a document and its pages.

1. Select the document to delete.

You can select the document in the batch pane or select one of its thumbnails in the
document pane.

2. Click the Remove/Delete Documents button in the document pane's toolbar.

4-6 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Creating and removing attachments

3. When prompted, select the option to delete the document and click OK.

4.3.4 Duplicating a document

Follow these steps to duplicate a document:

1. You can either select the document in the batch pane and click Duplicate from the
document pane's toolbar or right click the document and select Duplicate from the
context menu.

The Duplicate window is displayed.

2. Select the Current Document option.

3. Specify the number of copies to be created in the Number of Copies field. The
default value is 1 and the maximum value is 10.

4. Select the Keep Metadata Values field if you want the duplicated document(s) to
have the same document profile and metadata values as the selected source

5. Click OK.

The newly created duplicated document(s) are inserted immediately after the
currently selected source document in the batch/document list tree.

To duplicate one or more pages of a document, see Duplicating one or more pages of a

4.4 Creating and removing attachments

This section covers the following topics:

• Creating a new attachment when appending pages

• Splitting an attachment and creating a new attachment

• Deleting an attachment and its pages

4.4.1 Creating a new attachment when appending pages

You can create a new attachment when appending pages to a document or attachment
by scanning pages or importing files. Note that you can append an attachment to a
batch that contains non-image items, but you cannot append pages to a non-image
document or attachment. To append:

1. 1. If needed, press Ctrl+Alt+S and set a capture source (Selecting a scanner to use
for Capture scanning). If scanning, place pages to append in the scanner.

2. In the batch or document pane, select the document or attachment to append to.

3. From the document pane’s toolbar, click the Append Pages button.

4. In the Append Pages window, select the Create new attachment option. If
importing, specify whether to create one attachment for all import files or an
attachment for each file and then select files to import when prompted. Click OK.

Reviewing and editing documents 4-7

Adding, replacing, and deleting pages

4.4.2 Splitting an attachment and creating a new attachment

To create a new attachment:

1. From the source attachment, select the page at which to create a new attachment.

2. From the document pane toolbar, click the Create New Attachment button.

A new attachment that starts with the current page and includes all pages below it
is created and listed below the source attachment in the batch pane.

Note: You can perform this task only for image attachments.

4.4.3 Deleting an attachment and its pages

To delete an attachment and its pages:

1. Select the attachment to delete.

You can select the attachment in the batch pane or select one of its thumbnails in
the document pane.

2. Click the Remove/Delete Attachments button in the document pane's toolbar.

3. Click Yes to delete the selected attachment and all its pages.

4.5 Adding, replacing, and deleting pages

This section covers the following topics:

• Inserting pages before a selected page

• Appending pages to a document or attachment

• Replacing a page

• Deleting a page
Note that you can edit individual pages in image documents or image attachments
only. When editing non-image documents or non-image attachments, toolbar options
for editing individual pages are disabled.

4.5.1 Inserting pages before a selected page

You can add to an image document or image attachment by scanning pages or
importing files. To insert:

1. If needed, press Ctrl+Alt+S and set a capture source (Selecting a scanner to use for
Capture scanning). If scanning, place pages to insert in the scanner.

2. In the document pane, select the thumbnail page before which to insert pages.

3. From the document pane's toolbar, click the Insert Pages button. If importing,
select one or more files to insert.

The pages or files are inserted before the selected thumbnail's page.

4-8 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Adding, replacing, and deleting pages

4.5.2 Appending pages to a document or attachment

You can append to a document or attachment by scanning pages or importing files.
Note that you can append a document or attachment to a batch that contains non-
image items, but you cannot append pages to a non-image document or attachment.
To append:

1. If needed, press Ctrl+Alt+S and set a capture source (Selecting a scanner to use for
Capture scanning). If scanning, place pages to append in the scanner.

2. In the batch or document pane, select the document or attachment to append to.

3. From the document pane's toolbar, click the Append Pages button.

Note: The Create new document option is disabled if appending to an


4. In the Append Pages window, select an append option and click OK.

Figure 4-2 Appending Pages or Creating a New Document

You can either:

• Append the scanned pages or imported file to the end of the selected document
or attachment.

• Create a new document. If importing, specify whether to create one document

for all import files or a document for each file, then select files to import when

• Create a new attachment. If importing, specify whether to create one attachment

for all import files or an attachment for each file, then select files to import when
Based on your selections, the pages or files are appended or added in one or more
new documents or attachments.

Reviewing and editing documents 4-9

Adding, replacing, and deleting pages

4.5.3 Replacing a page

You might want to replace a page in an image document or image attachment if a
problem occurred while scanning and only half of the page was scanned. To replace a

1. If needed, press Ctrl+Alt+S and set a capture source (Selecting a scanner to use for
Capture scanning). If scanning, place the replacement page in the scanner.

2. In the document pane, select the thumbnail of the page to replace.

3. From the document pane's toolbar, click the Replace Page button.

4. Click Yes to confirm that you are deleting the selected page and replacing it with
the page(s) you are scanning or importing. If importing, select one or more files to
replace the selected page.

4.5.4 Deleting a page

To delete one or more pages in an image document or image attachment:

1. In the document pane, select the thumbnails of pages to delete. Hold down the Ctrl
key to select multiple thumbnails.

2. Click the Delete Pages button and confirm the deletion.

4-10 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Indexing documents

Metadata values allow you to classify documents, particularly for retrieving them later
from a content repository by searching for one or more of their metadata values.
Whether you are performing production indexing or indexing as part of scanning or
importing, the same methods apply. This chapter describes how you select a
document profile to match the type of document to index and the various ways you
may complete metadata fields, depending on client profile settings.
This chapter covers the following main topics:

• Understanding document indexing

• Indexing documents

5.1 Understanding document indexing

This section covers the following topics:

• Understanding indexing

• Understanding database lookups

• Using input masks in metadata fields

• Using display formatting in metadata fields

• Understanding choice list metadata fields

5.1.1 Understanding indexing

Follow these guidelines for indexing in the Capture client:

• If the selected client profile is configured for indexing, metadata fields display in
the lower left pane when you select a document in the batch pane.

• All pages of a document share the same metadata values, so indexing one page of a
document indexes all its pages. In the document pane, documents in a batch are
visually divided by a light-colored bar. In the batch pane, documents are listed
under their batch.

• An asterisk (*) displays to the left of a metadata field name if it is required. A

document is fully indexed when all required metadata fields contain a value.
Documents do not need to be fully indexed to release the batch, but an error may
occur in a later batch processing step. See Handling batch errors.

• To ensure standard input, metadata fields may use input masks or input
formatting, choice lists, or database lookups, as described later in this section.

Indexing documents 5-1

Indexing documents

• To improve readability, you can adjust the font size of the metadata fields in the
Preferences window. See Setting scanning preferences.

5.1.2 Understanding database lookups

A database lookup contains connection and search information to connect to a
database and search for matching records associated with a metadata field value.
Depending on the configuration, a list of search results may display, and database
values may automatically populate other metadata fields when one database record is
found. For example, a database lookup might be defined on a customer name field
that then populates customer metadata fields such as customer Id and address. See
Indexing by looking up values from a database.

5.1.3 Using input masks in metadata fields

If a metadata field uses an input mask, or filter, it controls what you can enter into the
metadata field. For example, a mask might allow you to type numbers but not
alphabetic characters into the field, or might limit your entry to four characters. If you
type a character that does not conform to the mask, the system beeps and the
application does not accept it. For example, a metadata field named Invoice Number
might use an input mask that restricts entries to a 7-digit number.

5.1.4 Using display formatting in metadata fields

A metadata field may use a display format to ensure that entries display in a certain
format. When you move to another metadata field, Capture changes the data display,
if needed, to match the display format. For example, an entry in a date field might be
changed to display a standard date format. Note that the metadata value Capture
saves is not changed.

5.1.5 Understanding choice list metadata fields

A choice list field provides a list of values from which to choose. Click the triangle
next to the field to display and select from the choice list. (Depending on client profile
settings, a choice list may allow you to enter rather than select a value.)
Choice list fields can be dependent, where a selection in one choice list field (the
parent) determines the choices displayed in a dependent choice list field (the child).

5.2 Indexing documents

This section covers the following topics:

• Indexing a document

• Indexing by looking up values from a database

5.2.1 Indexing a document

To index a document:

1. Select a document to index.

Either select the document in the batch pane or select any of its thumbnail pages in
the document pane. The metadata pane displays in the lower left pane. Some
metadata fields may already contain autopopulated values.

5-2 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Indexing documents

2. In the Document Profile field, select a document profile that matches the type of
document to index.

For example, if indexing a customer order document, you might select a document
profile with Customer Number, Customer Name, and Order metadata fields.


When changing the selected document profile, a message displays indicating

that any values in fields not in the new profile will be discarded. Click Yes to

3. Complete the required metadata fields. See Understanding document indexing. For
indexing keyboard shortcuts, see Table 2-3.

4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 to index each document in a batch.

5.2.2 Indexing by looking up values from a database

To perform a database lookup:

1. In the metadata pane, place the cursor in a metadata field for which a database
lookup has been configured.

The Database Lookup button is active when you can perform a database search on
the selected metadata field.

2. Enter the value to match. (Numeric fields often require exact values.)

In certain cases, you may be able to enter only the first few characters of the value
to match, if allowed by the client profile. For example, you might enter New in a
metadata field called Company to search for records whose Company field name
starts with New. However, displaying lookup results can take a long time when
you enter partial values with many records to return.

3. Click the Database Lookup button.

The Database Lookup Results window is displayed if multiple records were found
or if the Capture workspace manager chose to display it. Otherwise, values
automatically fill one or more fields without displaying a list of results.

Indexing documents 5-3

Indexing documents

Figure 5-1 Selecting From Database Lookup Results

4. If lookup results were displayed, select a matching record and click Select. (You
can also double-click a record to select it.)

Values from the database record are populated in the metadata fields.

5-4 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Working with batches

A batch is a collection of scanned images or electronic document files (such as PDF or

Microsoft Office files) that can be organized into logical documents and stored in a
repository. Pages are scanned into batches where they can then be organized into
documents, indexed and released. After batches of documents are scanned or
imported, they are ready for review, indexing (if specified), editing, and release. This
chapter describes how to use batches: how to view, filter, and find them, lock them to
work on or release them, change their properties, or edit them.
This chapter covers the following main topics:

• Understanding batches

• Sorting, filtering, and searching for batches

• Editing batches

• Changing batch information

• Releasing batches

6.1 Understanding batches

This section covers the following topics:

• How batches are named

• Understanding what happens when locking or releasing a batch

6.1.1 How batches are named

When batches are created, they are automatically named using the client profile's
prefix (for example, SCAN or IMPORT), followed by an internal sequence number.

6.1.2 Understanding what happens when locking or releasing a batch

• Batches are automatically locked to you when you create them by scanning or
importing, or when you open (expand) them. This allows you to work on batches
without another user attempting to access them. You can have many batches
locked to your workstation.

• If there are no release processes defined and you unlock batches, Capture sends their
documents and metadata to the Capture server and unlocks them.

• If you selected an available release process and released batches, the next action
performed on a batch depends on the selected release process.

Working with batches 6-1

Sorting, filtering, and searching for batches

During batch release, a progress bar moves to the right on the batch name to
indicate release progress. You can select and work on other batches while the batch
release continues in the background.

• After release, the next action performed on a batch depends on its client profile

– Batches may move to a post-processing step, such as bar code recognition,

document conversion, or committing to a content repository.

– Batches may become unlocked, allowing other users to lock and edit them. For
example, after scan operators create, review, and edit batches, they might
release them to index operators who select, index, and release them for post-

6.2 Sorting, filtering, and searching for batches

This section covers the following topics:

• Understanding which batches are listed in the batch pane

• Searching for batches or filtering the list

• Sorting the batch list

• Limiting the batch list

6.2.1 Understanding which batches are listed in the batch pane

The following guidelines describe which batches display in the batch pane:

• Batches locked to you are always listed, unless you have set a limit on the
maximum number to display under Preferences (see Limiting the batch list).
Batches locked to you display the following icon:

• Whether you see batches that are unlocked or locked to other users depends on
settings in the selected client profile. For example, the batch list may be limited to
batches with a certain prefix, in a certain state (such as error or processing), or with
a selected status or priority. (Note that you cannot open batches locked to another
user or process.)

• You can filter the batch list displayed using search options. A filter remains
during refreshes until you remove it. For example, you might filter the batch list to
display a limited set of batches, such as high priority batches or older batches only,
or search for batches containing one or more documents that encountered an error.

6.2.2 Searching for batches or filtering the list

You can search for batches by name, date, status, priority, and state. Note that the
filtered list always includes batches locked to you in addition to the search results.
To search for batches:

1. In the batch pane, click the Search button.

6-2 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Sorting, filtering, and searching for batches

2. In the Batch Search Criteria window, specify how to search for batches using the
criteria listed in Table 6-1.
You can specify multiple search options. Keep in mind that all specified search
fields must match for a batch to be found, although only one value within a search
field needs to match. For example, if you select Urgent in the Status field and 8, 9,
and 10 in the Priority field, batches with an Urgent status AND a priority of 8, 9
OR 10 are found. On the other hand, batches with an Urgent status but a priority
of 0, or batches with no status and a priority of 8, 9, or 10, are not found.

Figure 6-1 Searching or Filtering Batches for Display

Table 6-1 Batch Search Criteria

Search Criteria Description

Batch Name Enter a batch name to search for. You can specify a partial name
followed by % to match one or more characters. For example, entering
Batch% would match batches named Batch15 and Batches214.

From Date/To Search for batches created within a date range by clicking the calendar
Date button adjacent to the date field and selecting a from date and an end

Status Search for batches by their assigned status by selecting one or more
statuses. Batches assigned any selected status will match.

Priority Search for batches by their assigned priority by selecting one or more
priorities. Batches assigned any selected priorities will match.

Working with batches 6-3

Sorting, filtering, and searching for batches

Search Criteria Description

Batch State Search for batches by their system assigned state by selecting one or
more states. Batches assigned any selected state will match. Available
batch states include:
• Ready: Batches are not locked and no errors have been
• Locked: Batches are locked by any user
• Error: An error has been encountered in one or more documents in
the batch
• Processing: Batches are currently being processed by a Capture
processor or processor job

3. Click OK.
The filtered search results display in the batch pane. Remember that batches
locked to you always display in the batch pane, regardless of batch filter settings,
and that batch filtering remains when you refresh the batch list until removed.
To remove a search filter:

1. In the batch pane, click the Search button.

2. In the Batch Search Criteria window, click Clear Criteria, and then click OK.

The batch pane no longer filters the list by search criteria.

6.2.3 Sorting the batch list

You can sort the batch list to display batches to work on first. For example, you might
sort by priority to address batches assigned a high priority first.
To sort the batch list:

1. In the batch pane, click the column heading by which to sort. For example, click the
Priority heading to sort by priority. The column is sorted and a triangle displays
next to the column heading, indicating ascending or descending (inverted triangle)

2. Click the heading again if needed to change the sort order.

Note that clicking the heading repeatedly switches between ascending order,
descending order, and the default sort order.
To sort by more than one column, hold down the Shift key and click another

6.2.4 Limiting the batch list

To limit the number of batches listed in the batch pane:

1. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select
Preferences. The Preferences window displays.

2. In the Maximum Batches to Display field, set the maximum number of batches to
list in the batch pane.

Limiting the list can increase performance. The default is 100.

6-4 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Editing batches

3. Click Save.

To see the new batch list setting used, refresh the batch list or select a client profile.

6.3 Editing batches

This section covers the following topics:

• Editing an unlocked batch

• Deleting a batch

6.3.1 Editing an unlocked batch

As described in About the Batch pane, you can edit batches that are either unlocked or
locked to you. You cannot edit batches locked to another user.
To edit an unlocked batch, select it in the batch pane, then click its triangle to lock it
for your use. You can now edit its batch information or select and edit one of its

6.3.2 Deleting a batch

You can delete batches that are either unlocked or locked to you. Deleting a batch
permanently removes all documents in the batch.

1. In the batch pane, select a batch. Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple batches.

2. Click the Delete Batch button. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.

6.4 Changing batch information

This section covers the following topics:

• Setting or changing a batch's priority

• Setting or changing a batch's status

• Adding, editing, and deleting batch notes

6.4.1 Setting or changing a batch's priority

You can assign a priority number to a batch. The priority ranges from 0 to 10, where 10
is the highest. A batch may have been assigned a default priority by the client profile,
but you can change it.

1. In the batch pane, select a batch.

Batch information is displayed in the right pane. The Priority, Status, and Batch
Notes fields are editable if the batch is locked to you. (If the batch is unlocked, lock
it by clicking its triangle so the locked batch icon displays and the Priority field
becomes editable.)

2. In the Priority field, select a new priority number from 0 to 10.

3. Click Apply. The priority value displays in the batch pane list.

Working with batches 6-5

Releasing batches

6.4.2 Setting or changing a batch's status

You can assign a status to a batch from the list of available statuses. A batch may have
been assigned a default status by the client profile, but you can change it.

1. In the batch pane, select a batch.

Batch information is displayed in the right pane. The Priority, Status, and Batch
Notes fields are editable if the batch is locked to you. (If the batch is unlocked, lock
it by clicking its triangle so the locked batch icon displays and the Status field
becomes editable.)

2. In the Status field, select a new status.


Contact your Capture workspace manager to add batch statuses.

3. Click Apply. The new status displays in the batch pane list.

6.4.3 Adding, editing, and deleting batch notes

You can attach a note to a batch, as a reminder or to alert other Capture users who
might work on the batch. For example, you might enter a note indicating that a page is
missing from a specified document in the batch.

1. In the batch pane, select a batch.

Batch information is displayed in the right pane. The Priority, Status, and Batch
Notes fields are editable if the batch is locked to you. (If the batch is unlocked, lock
it by clicking its triangle so the locked batch icon displays and the Batch Notes field
becomes editable.)

2. In the Batch Notes field, enter, modify, or delete text.

3. Click Apply. A note icon in the Note column of the batch pane list indicates an
attached note.

6.5 Releasing batches

Multiple release processes can be defined for a client profile in the Capture workspace.
When releasing a batch in the Capture client, you can choose the release process to be
performed from the list of defined release processes. Defining multiple release
processes for a client profile is useful when you want to release the batch for
processing by different batch processors using the same client profile.
For example, after releasing a batch, it might undergo document conversion, bar code
recognition processing, or as a last step, commit processing to a repository.

1. In the batch pane, select one or more batches. Hold down the Ctrl key to select
multiple batches.

2. If there are one or more release processes defined for the client profile, click the
drop-down list arrow on the right side of the Release button and select a release
process from the drop-down list. Click the Release button.

6-6 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Releasing batches

A bar displays on the batch name and moves to the right to indicate release
progress. During release, you can select other batches and documents to work on

3. Optionally click the Refresh Batch List button to view the new state of the batch.
Once the release is complete, one of the following may happen:

• The batch disappears from the batch pane, such as after a successful commit.

• The batch's icon displays a processing indicator (as shown in Table 2-2),
indicating that it is undergoing further processing.

• The batch's icon displays an error indicator (as shown in Table 2-2), indicating
that one or more of its documents encountered an error.

Working with batches 6-7

Releasing batches

6-8 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture


This appendix describes common problems that you might encounter when using the
Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture client.
This appendix contains the following sections:

• Handling batch errors

A.1 Handling batch errors

You may occasionally encounter errors as you work with batches and release them.
You may be able to resolve some common errors based on the error explanation
provided. In other cases, you may need to contact your Capture workspace manager
and provide the batch name and error displayed. This section lists some error
For information on configuring logging, see Setting batch logging.
Errors while working on batches

• If you perform a database lookup and no records are found, the client displays the
message, "No results were returned by the Database Lookup".

• When trying to view a non-image document in an associated application, if there is

an error attempting to open the document in the associated application, the client
displays the error message: "Failed to open document in an associated application.
There may be no application associated to this document type".
Errors after releasing batches

• If an error occurs for a batch after you release it, such as during a post-processing
step, the batch may display again in your batch pane, locked to you. (Note that a
post-process may have renamed the batch.) You can right-click the document error
icon and choose Display Batch Errors from the menu to view the error details.

Figure A-1 Viewing Batch Errors

Troubleshooting A-1
Handling batch errors

• If you released a batch without completing all required metadata fields in each
document, an error occurs if Capture is set to commit the batch as a post-
processing step. Typically, Capture commits all documents and removes them
from the batch. However, documents that contain errors remain in the batch. To
resolve the error, open the batch, complete all required metadata fields in all
documents (an asterisk * is displayed to the left of their names), and release the
batch again.

Figure A-2 Viewing Batch Processing Errors

A.1.1 Setting batch logging

Logging can be useful for tracking or monitoring batches. If a Capture workspace
manager requests logging, follow these steps to activate logging or change its detail

1. Click the drop-down list arrow in the upper right corner of the window and select
Preferences. The Preferences window displays.

2. In the Logging Level field, select a new level.

By default, logging is set to Off. Other values include Severe, Warning, Info,
Config, Fine, Finer, Finest, and All.
Log files are stored locally in the .oracle_capture\Log directory in your home
directory. A log file is named as follows: WC{date} where date is in the format of

3. Click Save.

A-2 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

Frequently Asked Questions

This appendix provides answers to frequently asked questions for the Oracle
WebCenter Enterprise Capture client.
This appendix contains the following topics:

• Can I use my scanner's ISIS driver to scan documents?

• Can I use Kofax VRS to scan documents?

• Can I install the Recognition Processor and Commit Processor on Windows

systems but have the client application hosted on Linux?

• Does the Capture client support 64 bit browsers?

• Which platforms support Searchable PDF?

Can I use my scanner's ISIS driver to scan documents?

No, the Capture client only supports TWAIN drivers. Most scanner manufacturers
support the TWAIN standard. Contact your scanner manufacturer for more

Can I use Kofax VRS to scan documents?

Kofax VRS is supported using the TWAIN driver for VRS that is supplied with Kofax
VRS. Consult your VRS documentation for more information.

Can I install the Recognition Processor and Commit Processor on Windows

systems but have the client application hosted on Linux?
Yes, refer to the installation and EDG guides for more information.

Does the Capture client support 64 bit browsers?

No, the Capture client only supports 32 bit browsers currently. Refer to the Capture
Certification Matrix for information on supported browsers.

Which platforms support Searchable PDF?

Refer to the Capture Certification Matrix for a list of supported platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions B-1

B-2 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture
How Do I?

This appendix provides answers to common How Do I? questions.

This appendix covers the following main topics:

• How do I save different scanner settings for each client profile?

• How do I split a document into two documents?

• How do I merge documents into a single document?

• How do I move pages from one document to another?

• How do I reorder pages of a document?

• How do I flip all pages in a batch if the pages were scanned upside down?

C.1 How do I save different scanner settings for each client profile?
You can configure different scanner settings for each client profile:

1. Select a client profile to use for batches to scan, based on their structure.

To scan, you must have a TWAIN-compliant scanner available to your system.

2. Click the drop-down list on the right side of the Capture Settings/Source button in
the batch pane (Ctrl+Alt+S).

When you click the drop-down list arrow, one or more capture sources are listed. A
check mark displays next to the selected capture source.

3. If you have multiple scanner sources listed, select one to use.

4. Click the left side of the Capture Settings/Source button in the batch pane (Ctrl+S).

Settings relating to the selected scanner display.

5. Select scanner settings and click OK.

The scanner settings are associated with the client profile and saved on the local
system associated with the current Windows users.

C.2 How do I split a document into two documents?

Note: You can perform this task only for image documents.

1. Select the page at which you want to split the document into two documents.

How Do I? C-1
How do I merge documents into a single document?

2. From the document pane toolbar, click the Create New Document button. The
selected page and subsequent pages of the original document are moved to a new
document. The new document will appear directly below the original document.

C.3 How do I merge documents into a single document?

Note: You can perform this task only for image documents.

1. Select the document to merge with its previous document.

If you select the first document in a batch, you are prompted to delete the
document because it has no previous document.

2. Click the Remove/Delete Documents button.

3. When prompted, select Remove the separation option and click OK.

The pages of the selected document are appended to the previous document.

C.4 How do I move pages from one document to another?

Drag and drop the thumbnails of pages from image documents to move pages from
one document to another document.


• Hold down the Ctrl key or Shift key to select multiple pages.

• If you drag the only remaining page in a document to another document,

the document is automatically removed.

• You cannot move pages of non-image documents.

C.5 How do I reorder pages of a document?

To reorder a page within a document, drag and drop the page’s thumbnail to the new
location. When you drag and drop a page to a new location, the selected page is
moved before the target page.


• Hold down the Ctrl key or Shift key to select multiple pages.

• You cannot reorder pages of non-image documents.

C.6 How do I flip all pages in a batch if the pages were scanned upside
1. In the Document pane, press Ctrl+A to select the thumbnails of all the pages
(applies to images only).

C-2 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

How do I flip all pages in a batch if the pages were scanned upside down?

2. Click the Flip button to rotate all selected pages by 180 degrees. The page is saved
as last rotated within the batch.

How Do I? C-3
How do I flip all pages in a batch if the pages were scanned upside down?

C-4 Using Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture

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