KUKA KST - MultiSubmitInterpreter - 1.0
KUKA KST - MultiSubmitInterpreter - 1.0
KUKA KST - MultiSubmitInterpreter - 1.0
KUKA.MultiSubmitInterpreter 1.0
preter 1.0
Issued: 12.12.2014
© Copyright 2014
KUKA Roboter GmbH
Zugspitzstraße 140
D-86165 Augsburg
This documentation or excerpts therefrom may not be reproduced or disclosed to third parties without
the express permission of KUKA Roboter GmbH.
Other functions not described in this documentation may be operable in the controller. The user has
no claims to these functions, however, in the case of a replacement or service work.
We have checked the content of this documentation for conformity with the hardware and software
described. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be precluded, for which reason we are not able to
guarantee total conformity. The information in this documentation is checked on a regular basis, how-
ever, and necessary corrections will be incorporated in the subsequent edition.
Subject to technical alterations without an effect on the function.
Translation of the original documentation
1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Target group .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Industrial robot documentation ................................................................................... 5
1.3 Representation of warnings and notes ...................................................................... 5
3 Safety ............................................................................................................ 11
4 Installation .................................................................................................... 13
4.1 System requirements ................................................................................................. 13
4.2 Installing or updating KUKA.MultiSubmitInterpreter ................................................... 13
4.3 Uninstalling KUKA.MultiSubmitInterpreter ................................................................. 13
5 Operation ...................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Automatic starting of submit interpreters (at a cold start) .......................................... 15
5.2 Manual control of submit interpreters ......................................................................... 15
5.2.1 Stopping all submit interpreters ............................................................................ 15
5.2.2 Deselecting all submit interpreters ........................................................................ 16
5.2.3 Starting all submit interpreters .............................................................................. 16
5.2.4 Stopping, resetting or deselecting individual submit interpreters .......................... 16
5.2.5 Starting individual submit interpreters ................................................................... 17
5.2.6 Starting the system submit interpreter individually ............................................... 17
5.3 “Submit interpreter” window .................................................................................... 18
5.3.1 “Current display/assignment” tab ...................................................................... 18
5.3.2 “Cold start configuration” tab ............................................................................. 20
6 Programming ............................................................................................... 21
6.1 Permissible and impermissible KRL instructions ....................................................... 21
6.2 Subprograms ............................................................................................................. 21
6.3 Inputs/outputs and communication ............................................................................ 22
6.4 System variables ........................................................................................................ 22
6.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 22
6.4.2 $INTERPRETER .................................................................................................. 23
6.4.3 $PROG_INFO[] .................................................................................................... 24
6.5 CWRITE and the command interface ........................................................................ 25
6.6 Creating a new SUB program .................................................................................... 27
6.7 Editing the SPS.SUB program ................................................................................... 27
7 Diagnosis ..................................................................................................... 29
7.1 Displaying interrupts .................................................................................................. 29
7.2 Displaying diagnostic data for the interpreters ........................................................... 30
8 Appendix ...................................................................................................... 31
8.1 Overview: Changes of state due to actions in the menu ............................................ 31
8.2 Displaying or changing the module property “Visible” ............................................... 32
Index ............................................................................................................. 43
1 Introduction
This documentation is aimed at users with the following knowledge and skills:
Advanced knowledge of the robot controller system
Advanced KRL programming skills
Notices These notices serve to make your work easier or contain references to further
2 Product description
KUKA.MultiSubmitInterpreter – overview
State Description
ACTIVE A program is selected and running in the submit interpreter.
STOP A program is selected in the submit interpreter, but has
been stopped.
RESET A program is selected in the submit interpreter, but has
been stopped and reset.
FREE No program is selected in the submit interpreter. FREE can
have the following variants:
A program is assigned to the submit interpreter in the
Submit interpreter window under Available mod-
ules. The program is not selected.
No program is assigned to the submit interpreter in the
Submit interpreter window under Available mod-
Status indicator The status bar of the KUKA smartHMI contains a group indicator of the state
of the submit interpreters. The state shown is always the highest state current-
ly applying among all the submit interpreters.
The sequence of states (in descending order) is:
At least 1 submit interpreter is in the STOP state.
No submit interpreter is in the ACTIVE state.
Mini menu Touching the Submit interpreter status indicator opens the mini menu All
SUBMIT interpreters.
Navigator In the Navigator, SUB programs are indicated by the following symbol:
In user group Expert or higher, the file extension sub is displayed in addition.
The program SPS.SUB is located in the directory R1\System. This directory is
visible in the user group Expert or higher.
Misuse Any use or application deviating from the intended use is deemed to be misuse
and is not allowed. The manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage re-
sulting from such use. The risk lies entirely with the user.
3 Safety
4 Installation
5 Operation
Description For the extended submits, it is possible to define whether these should start
automatically at a cold start, and with which program.
Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Configuration > All SUBMIT interpreters >
In the status bar, touch the Submit interpreter status indicator. The mini
menu All SUBMIT interpreters is opened.
Select Display/Assign.
2. The Submit interpreter window is opened.
Select the Cold start configuration tab.
(>>> 5.3.2 "“Cold start configuration” tab" Page 20)
3. In the line of the corresponding extended submit interpreter, activate or de-
activate the check box Autostart as required.
4. Select the desired program under Available modules.
The settings are immediately valid.
Description This procedure stops all submits that are in the ACTIVE state.
The action has no effect on submits in the STOP, RESET or FREE states.
If a stopped submit is restarted, the SUB program is resumed at the point at
which it was stopped.
Procedure In the main menu, select Configuration > All SUBMIT interpreters >
In the status bar, touch the Submit interpreter status indicator. The mini
menu All SUBMIT interpreters is opened.
Select Stop.
Description This procedure deselects all submits, i.e. both the system submits and all ex-
tended submits. All submits are then in the FREE state.
Procedure In the main menu, select Configuration > All SUBMIT interpreters > De-
In the status bar, touch the Submit interpreter status indicator. The mini
menu All SUBMIT interpreters is opened.
Select Deselect.
Description This procedure starts all submit interpreters that are assigned a SUB program
on the Current display/assignment tab in the Submit interpreter window.
Procedure In the main menu, select Configuration > All SUBMIT interpreters > Se-
In the status bar, touch the Submit interpreter status indicator. The mini
menu All SUBMIT interpreters is opened.
Select Select/Start.
Description The procedure described here can be used both for the system submit and for
the extended submits.
For the system submit there are also further ways of starting it individually.
(>>> 5.2.6 "Starting the system submit interpreter individually" Page 17)
Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Configuration > All SUBMIT interpreters >
In the status bar, touch the Submit interpreter status indicator. The mini
menu All SUBMIT interpreters is opened.
Select Display/Assign.
2. The Submit interpreter window is opened.
Select the Current display/assignment tab.
(>>> 5.3.1 "“Current display/assignment” tab" Page 18)
3. Select the line with the submit interpreter that is to be started.
4. In the Available modules column, select the desired SUB program.
Description The procedures described here start the program SPS.SUB in the system sub-
mit without this having to be selected explicitly. Other submit interpreters can-
not be started in this way.
Item Description
1 State of the interpreter
Green Yellow
Red Gray
2 SYS line: The program SPS.SUB is assigned to the system sub-
mit interpreter.
EX… lines: Here a SUB program can be assigned to an extended
submit interpreter.
The selection list can only be opened if the interpreter is in the
FREE state. The list displays SUB programs with the following
Present in the file system under [Computer name]\KRC:\
And: With the module property Visible
(>>> "Module info" Page 32)
Programs which are already assigned to an interpreter on this tab,
are grayed out in the list and cannot be assigned to any other
The settings on this tab are immediately valid and do not have to be saved
Item Description
1 Here a SUB program can be assigned to an extended submit inter-
The box displays SUB programs with the following properties:
Present in the file system under [Computer name]\KRC:\
And: With the module property Visible
(>>> "Module info" Page 32)
Programs which are already assigned to an interpreter on this tab,
are grayed out in the list and cannot be assigned to any other in-
2 Activated: After a cold start, this interpreter starts automatical-
ly with the module that is selected under Available modules.
Deactivated: After a cold start, this interpreter does not start,
irrespective of whether a module is selected under Available
6 Programming
6.2 Subprograms
Inputs/outputs Submit interpreters can access the inputs and outputs of the robot controller.
Communication The flags of the robot controller can be used to enable the exchange of binary
information between a running motion program and a SUB program. A flag is
set by the submit interpreter and read by the robot interpreter.
6.4.1 Overview
The submit interpreters have read-access to all system variables and write-ac-
cess to many of them. Access works even if the system variables are being
used in parallel by a motion program.
If a system variable to which the submit interpreter does not have write-access
is modified in a SUB program, an error message is generated when the SUB
program is started and the submit interpreter stops.
Changed system In Multi-Submit mode, the meaning of certain system variables is changed
variables compared with the Single Submit mode. Other system variables have been
added or removed.
Changed system variables:
$INTERPRETER (>>> 6.4.2 "$INTERPRETER" Page 23)
Represents the state of the group indicator in the status bar. The variable
is write-protected.
(>>> "Status indicator" Page 8)
$ERR is a system variable of the structure type Error_T. The type Error_T
has a component which represents the current interpreter.
In Single Submit mode, only the values #R_INT and #S_INT are possible
for this component.
For Multi-Submit mode, the range of possible values has been expanded
to include the extended submits:
Numerous system states can be read, and in many cases also set, via vari-
ables. Strictly speaking, these variables exist multiple times – once per inter-
preter. They are identical in name for all interpreters.
Program run mode ($PRO_MODE)
Program state ($PRO_STATE)
Data of the process pointer ($PRO_IP)
WAIT FOR statement at which the interpreter is currently waiting
When such a variable is accessed, this is always referred automatically to the
current interpreter. This is defined by $INTERPRETER.
Syntax $INTERPRETER=Interpreter
6.4.3 $PROG_INFO[]
Explanation of
Element Description
the syntax
Interpreter Type: INT
1: Robot interpreter
2: System submit interpreter
3: Extended submit interpreter 1
4: Extended submit interpreter 2
9: Extended submit interpreter 7
Information Type: Prog_Info
List of the system states, referred to Interpreter
Element Description
sel_name[] Name of the selected program
p_state Program state
The possible values are the same as for
p_mode Program run mode
The possible values are the same as for
pro_ip_name[] Name of the current module
pro_ip_snr Current block in the current module
Meaning: Wait until extended submit 2 has selected and started a program.
CWRITE CWRITE can transfer statements to an interpreter via the command channel
$CMD. In addition to the robot interpreter and the system submit, the extended
submits are also available for this purpose in Multi-Submit mode.
Changed The meaning of the following commands has changed compared with the Sin-
commands gle Submit mode:
RUN [Interpreter ID]
STOP [Interpreter ID]
RESET [Interpreter ID]
CANCEL [Interpreter ID]
Interpreter ID:
Procedure 1. In the file list, select the folder in which the program is to be created. (Not
all folders allow the creation of programs within them.)
2. Press the New button.
The Template selection window is opened.
3. Select the template Submit or Expert Submit and confirm with OK.
4. Enter a name for the program and confirm it with OK.
Line Description
1 Declaration section
2 Initialization section. For statements that are only to be execut-
ed once after the system has booted.
4, 5, 6 LOOP statement containing the Fold USER PLC.
USER PLC is for programs that are to run continuously in the
7 For user-specific subroutines
Other parts of the SPS.SUB program must not be modified by the user.
If other parts of SPS.SUB are changed, this can affect the functional-
ity of technology packages and other options.
Procedure 1. In the Navigator, select the SPS.SUB program in the directory R1\System
and press Open.
2. Enter the changes:
Enter initializations in the USER INIT fold. This fold is located in the INI
; Please insert user defined initialization commands
3. Close the program. Respond to the request for confirmation asking wheth-
er the changes should be saved by pressing Yes.
Line Description
3 INI fold
This fold contains the USER INIT fold: here the user can enter
statements which are to be executed only once after booting.
5 … 10 LOOP statement. For programs that are to run continuously in
the background.
9 Some software options insert folds into the program
SPS.SUB. Example: KUKA.ArcTech Basic inserts the fold
The folds that are actually present depend on what options are
installed on the robot controllers.
10 USER PLC: Here the user can enter instructions that are to be
executed in the LOOP.
7 Diagnosis
Displaying interrupts
Procedure 1. In the main menu, select Diagnosis > Interrupts. The Interrupts window
is opened.
2. In the box at bottom left, select the interpreter whose interrupts are to be
3. The states of the interrupts are displayed. The display is not refreshed au-
tomatically, however.
To refresh the display, press Refresh.
Item Description
1 Here you can select the interpreter whose interrupts are to be dis-
2 State:
GREEN: “Interrupt ON” or “Interrupt ENABLE”
RED: “Interrupt DISABLE”
GRAY: “Interrupt OFF” or: Interrupt only declared, but not ON
3 Number/priority of the interrupt
4 Validity range of the interrupt: global or local
5 Type of interrupt, dependent on the defined event in the interrupt
Standard: e.g. $IN[...]
Error stop: $STOPMESS
Measurement (Fast Measurement): $MEAS_PULSE[1…5]
Trigger: Trigger subprogram
Item Description
6 Module in which the interrupt is declared
Note: If the path is very long and cannot be shown completely in
the box, it can be displayed in its entirety by touching the box.
7 Program line in which the interrupt is declared
Button Description
Refresh Refreshes the display.
Overview: Changes of state due to actions in the menu
The tables show how submit interpreters with different initial states change
their state as a result of actions performed in the mini menu or the main menu.
Example 1:
Initial state 1st action 2nd action 3rd action 4th action
Stop Select/Start Deselect Select/Start
Example 2:
Example 3:
Module info The Module info tab is only displayed if the selected object is a file.
Item Description
1 Version: internal version number of the file. After creation, the file
does not yet have a number. After the first change, the file
receives the number 1. The number is incremented after every
Size SRC:: size of the SRC file
Size DAT:: size of the DAT file
Source type:: file type
SRC: SRC file
SubmitSub: SUB file
None: all other file types, e.g. DAT file
2 Status of the module in the submit interpreter and in the robot
Free: program is not selected.
selected: program is selected.
Active: only relevant for the Submit box. This program is cur-
rently being used by the submit interpreter.
3 Check box active: if this program is called as a subprogram, it is
displayed in the Editor.
Check box not active: if this program is called as a subprogram, it
is not displayed in the Editor. This program cannot be selected
4 The user can enter his or her name here.
5 The user can enter a comment for the module here. The comment
is displayed in the Comment column in the Navigator.
9 KUKA Service
Availability KUKA Customer Support is available in many countries. Please do not hesi-
tate to contact us if you have any questions.
Symbols O
$CMD 25 Operation 15
$ERR 23
$PRO_IP… 23 Product description 7
$PRO_MODE… 23 Programming 21
$PROG_INFO 23, 24 RESET (command) 25
$WAIT_FOR_ON0 23 RESET (state) 8
$WAIT_STATE0 23 Resetting, submit interpreters 16
RUN (command) 25
ACTIVE (state) 8 S
Appendix 31 Safety 11
ASYPTP 21 Safety instructions 5
Service, KUKA Roboter 35
CANCEL (command) 25 Single Submit mode 7
Cold start 15, 20 Software 13
Command interface 25 SPS.SUB 7, 27
Communication 22 SPS.SUB, editing 27
CWRITE 25 Starting, submit interpreters 15, 16, 17
Starting, system submit interpreter 17
D States, submit interpreter 7
Deselecting, submit interpreters 16 Status bar 8
Diagnosis 29 Status indicator 8
Diagnostic monitor (menu item) 30 STOP (command) 25
Documentation, industrial robot 5 STOP (state) 8
Stopping, submit interpreters 15, 16
E SUB program, creating 27
Expert Submit (template) 27 Submit (template) 27
Extended submit 7 Subprograms 21
Extended submit interpreter 7 Support request 35
System requirements 13
F System submit 7
FREE (state) 8 System submit interpreter 7
FREE_PRESELECTED (state) 8 System variables 22
H Training 5
Hardware 13
I Uninstallation, KUKA.MultiSubmitInterpreter 13
Inputs/outputs 22 Update, KUKA.MultiSubmitInterpreter 13
Installation 13 Use, intended 9
Intended use 9
Interrupts (menu item) 29 V
Interrupts, displaying 29 VECTORMOVEOFF 21
Introduction 5 VECTORMOVEON 21
KRL instructions, for SUB programs 21 Warnings 5
KUKA Customer Support 35
Multi-Submit mode 7