Symposium 2sullivan
Symposium 2sullivan
Symposium 2sullivan
The open-ended task differs from the closed task in some significant ways including
that the open-ended task:
more actively engages learners in thinking about the situation, and therefore
enhances the potential for construction on new knowledge;
is more accessible than the closed example, in that students can use what
knowledge they have about perimeter to explore aspects of area, whereas the
closed question requires the recall of specific area and perimeter formulae; and
offers opportunities for extension of mathematical thinking, since students can
explore a range of options as well as consider forms of generalised response.
Open-ended tasks are becoming more widely used in Australian schools. Clarke et al.
(2002), for example, reported that one of the main outcomes of a large scale project
focusing on professional development for numeracy teachers in the early years was that
teachers markedly increased their use of open-ended tasks in their teaching.
Notwithstanding this increased use and the theoretical arguments in support, it is
important to recognise that concerns have been expressed about both the nature of the
mathematics being projected by such tasks, and the associated pedagogy. For instance,
the above task was criticised by Wu (1994) and his views were liberally quoted on the
Mathematically Correct website (see, for example, Becker & Jacobs, 1998). Wus basic
argument is that junior students could not find a complete mathematical solution so the
task should not be used. This position was critiqued by Sullivan (1999), and it is accepted
that tasks are only useful to the extent that the students can engage in appropriate
mathematical explorations, but readers are invited to explore the issue for themselves by
posing the above closed and open tasks to a group of upper primary students and
examining the quality of their explorations of perimeter and area.
There are, however, more serious concerns that relate to the accessibility of such
questions for learners generally, and especially those who are less familiar with the
purpose and processes of schooling. This is particularly relevant in Australia since it
seems we are less successful than similar countries in addressing the needs of
disadvantaged students. For example, a report of the Programme for International
Student Assessment 2000 (Lokan, Greenwood, & Cresswell, 2001) noted that while
numeracy levels in Australia were comparable with similar OECD countries, socioeconomic status was significantly related to achievement in literacy, numeracy, and
science, and that Australia has a long way to go compared with some other countries in
compensating for socio economic disadvantage (p. xv).
The idea that teaching strategies that are more focussed on the childrens knowledge
and strategies can privilege particular learners is widely recognised for the teaching of
literacy (Delpit, 1988, 1995). This is also true for mathematics. It has been suggested that
some pupils may be disadvantaged by problem solving, investigative, and open-ended
approaches because the style of interaction may require appreciation of, and prior
experience with, features such as the goals of schooling (Connell, Ashenden, Kessler, &
Dowsett, 1982; Cooper & Dunne, 1998), the desired ways of thinking and interacting
(Scarcella, 1992), the kinds of reasoning valued (Mercer, 1995), and semantic structures
used (Bernstein, 1996; Brice-Heath, 1991). In other words, there may be some aspects of
classroom processes associated with open-ended approaches that are intended to improve
learning opportunities but, in practice, have the opposite effect. To give just one example,
it is common for teachers to invite pupils to work with a partner on a task, yet seldom do
teachers discuss with pupils the purpose of that collaboration, whether, for example, the
purpose is for them to come to a consensus about a problem solving strategy, or to share
out the work, or merely to pursue their own investigation discussing what they are doing
from time to time. Pupils who are skilled at communication or who understand the
purpose of schooling can use such strategies to their advantage. Other pupils may not
appreciate the point of the strategy and so miss some learning opportunities.
Two important studies have raised specific concerns. Cooper and Dunne (1998)
found that contextualising mathematics tasks created particular difficulties for low socioeconomic status (SES) students, so much so that they performed significantly poorer than
their middle-class peers whereas performance on decontextualised tasks was equivalent.
Likewise, Lubienski (2000), monitoring the implementation of a curriculum program and
materials based on open-ended contextualised problems, reported that target pupils who
preferred the contextualised trial materials and found them easier all had high SES
backgrounds, while most pupils who preferred closed, context free tasks were low SES.
Many of the low SES pupils claimed to be worse off with contextualised problems, even
though many were capable students, and none found the new materials easier. Such
studies raise the concern that new practices in school mathematics might privilege some
students but create unintended barriers to success for others.
Research by others has identified a variety of sources of potential alienation of
students from lower socio economic groups. For instance, Anyon (1981) focused on the
nature of the mathematics learning tasks posed; Mellin-Olsen (1981) proposed that
features of the social context influence learning goals and strategies adopted by pupils;
Lerman (1998) attended to socio-economic background-related differences between
classroom expectations and students aspirations; and Zevenbergen and Lerman (2001)
argued that the ability to decode unfamiliar problems corresponds closely with students
socio-economic backgrounds.
The key issue is whether it is possible to overcome such concerns. One important
relevant study (Boaler, 2002) compared the teaching and outcomes in two schools. The
focus of her study was on investigating the relationship between social class and
achievement. The schools were chosen to represent similar socio economic mixes of
students. In one school, the teachers based their teaching on open-ended strategies and in
the other traditional text-based approaches were used. After working on an open, project
based mathematics curriculum (p. 246) in mixed ability groups, the relationship between
social class and achievement was much weaker after three years, whereas the correlation
between social class and achievement was still high in the traditional school. Further, the
students in the school adopting open-ended approaches attained significantly higher
grades on a range of assessments, including the national examination (p. 246). Boaler
argued that her project demonstrated the particular teaching practices that need to be
considered in mathematics classrooms and the effectiveness of teachers who are
committed to equity and the goals of open-ended work (p. 254). In other words, the
open-ended approach to teaching mathematics proved effective in improving
mathematics learning and overcoming disadvantage, but it took commitment from the
teachers as well as the adoption of particular strategies. Our project is investigating
further what might be these particular strategies.
Anyon, J. (1981). Social class and school knowledge. Curriculum Inquiry, 11(1), 344.
Becker, J. P., & Jacobs, B. (1998). Math War developments in the United States (Position paper
distributed by email).
Bernstein, B. (1996). Pedagogy, symbolic control, and identity: Theory, research, critique. London: Taylor
& Francis.
Boaler, J. (2002). Learning from teaching: Exploring the relationship between reform curriculum and
equity. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 33(4), 239258.
Brice-Heath, S. (1991). Children of promise: Literate activity in linguistically and culturally diverse
classrooms. Washington, DC: National Education Association.
Cooper, B., & Dunne, M. (1998). Anyone for tennis? Social class differences in childrens responses to
national curriculum mathematics testing. The Sociological Review (Jan), 115148.
Clarke, D., et al. (2002). Early Numeracy Research Project report. Victoria: Department of Education and
Training, the Catholic Education Office, and the Association of Independent Schools.
Connell, R. W., Ashenden, D. J., Kessler, S., & Dowsett, G. W. (1982). Making the difference: Schools,
families and social divisions. Sydney: George Allen and Unwin.
Delpit, L. (1988). The silenced dialogue: Power and pedagogy in educating other peoples children.
Harvard Educational Review, 58(3), 280298.
Delpit, L. (1995). Other peoples children: Cultural conflict in the classroom. New York, NY: New Press.
Lerman, S. (1998). A moment in the zoom of a lens: Towards a discursive psychology of mathematics
teaching and learning. In A. Olivier & K. Newstead (Eds.). Proceedings of the 22nd conference of the
International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 1, pp. 6681). Stellenbosch,
South Africa: PME.
Lokan, J., Greenwood, L., & Cresswell, J. (2001). How literate are Australias students? 15-up and
counting, reading, writing, reasoning. Melbourne: ACER.
Lubienski, S. T. (2000). Problem solving as a means toward mathematics for all: An exploratory look
through a class lens. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 31, 454482.
Mellin-Olsen, S. (1981). Instrumentalism as an educational concept. Educational Studies in Mathematics,
1, 351367.
Mercer, N. (1995). The guided construction of knowledge: Talk amongst teachers and learners. Clevedon:
Multilingual Matters Ltd. & Cromwell Press.
Scarcella, R. C. (1992). The tapestry of language learning: The individual in the communicative classroom.
Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle.
Sullivan, P. (1999). Seeking a rationale for particular classroom tasks and activities. In J. M. Truran &
K. N. Truran (Eds.), Making the difference. Proceedings of the 21st Conference of the Mathematics
Educational Research Group of Australasia (pp. 1529). Adelaide: MERGA.
Sullivan, P., Mousley, J., & Zevenbergen, R. (2002). Overcoming barriers to mathematics learning: Advice
to teachers. Bundoora: La Trobe University.
Sullivan, P., Zevenbergen, R., & Mousley, J. (2002). Contexts in mathematics teaching: Snakes or ladders?
In B. Barton, K. C. Irwin, M. Pfannkuch & M. Thomas (Eds.), Mathematics Education in the South
Pacific. Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the Mathematics Educational Research Group of
Australasia (pp. 649656), Auckland: MERGA.
Wu, H. (1994). The role of open-ended problems in mathematics education. Journal of Mathematical
Behaviour, 13, 115128.
Zevenbergen, R., & Lerman, S. (2001). Communicative competence in school mathematics: On being able
to do school mathematics. In J. Bobis, B. Perry, and M. Mitchelmore (Eds.), Numeracy and beyond:
Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of
Australasia (pp. 571578). Sydney: MERGA.