Models of CR Integration
Models of CR Integration
Models of CR Integration
Current Co-Editor: Mihaela Vorvoreanu
[email protected]
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a given theme and/or key concept to have little relationship with a specific discipline, causing the
tendency for teachers to engage students in shallow or irrelevant learning.
An example of the use of this model is the Integrated Mathematics, Science, and Technology
(IMaST) Program. IMaST is a two-year integrated mathematics, science, and technology
curriculum for the middle grades. The program is composed of 10 modules, which provide the
full curriculum for each of these disciplines. The program is designed to be taught by a team of
three teachers for approximately 120 minutes per day for the full year.
The IMaST program integrates mathematics, science, and technology into a coherent themebased curriculum; promotes experientially based, hands-on learning set in a learning cycle;
promotes teaming among teachers from three or more disciplines; provides an opportunity for
students to apply the concepts and skills to new situations using problemsolving strategies;
utilizes authentic assessment; makes frequent use of student group work; fulfills benchmarks,
national standards, and state frameworks in mathematics, science, and technology; connects to
other disciplines, such as social studies and language arts; and responds to the latest research in
teaching/learning as well as to systemic reform initiatives. This project is funded by the National
Science Foundation with headquarters at Illinois State University.
After reviewing the aforementioned generic models of curriculum integration, one can readily
see that researchers and practitioners must have a strong belief system in favor of the integrated
curriculum if, in fact, they are to succeed in a sustained manner.
3-5 Key Concepts.
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other than the one they are certified to teach. Also, this professional development must include
extensive practice in the use of constructivist-oriented pedagogy.
Third, the teachers need to become members of learning communities. At one level this means
working with one's peers to improve education. At another level teachers work with their
students in solving problems that have multiple answers.
Fourth, teachers need to become skilled in facilitating small group learning. Research has shown
that learning is a social process and that students learn a great deal by interacting with one
Fifth, teachers need to manage experiential-oriented instruction. This includes inventorying and
storing materials; the safe operation of instrumentation, machines, and equipment; and leading
students toward efficient progress.
Sixth, teachers need to learn to use authentic assessment strategies such as portfolios,
performance exams, and rubrics to document student progress.
Seventh, administrators and school boards need to be oriented so the necessary resources and
ongoing support can be provided to the teachers.
Eighth, public information strategies need to be implemented in order to inform the community
and parents that a new paradigm of education is being used. The expectation is for education to
be provided as it has always been, and unless the public is informed of changes to be made, there
is likely to be resistance.
Finally, changing to an integrated curriculum requires systemic reform. This includes the way
teachers are prepared, certified, and assessed. Attention must also be given to statewide
assessment of students and the process whereby teacher credentials are renewed.
Given the implications listed above, the prospect for moving to the implementation of an
integrated and/or interdisciplinary curriculum on a nationwide basis is bleak. On the other hand,
research in the area of education as well as in cognitive science suggests that some form of an
integrated curriculum is likely to promote more learning. This being true, the topic of integrated
curriculum is destined to receive a lot of attention soon.
Dr. Loepp is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Industrial Technology at Illinois
State University, Normal. He is a member of Gamma Theta Chapter of Epsilon Pi Tau.
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National Research Council. (1996). National science education standards. Washington, DC:
National Academy Press.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (1989). Curriculum and evaluation standards for
school mathematics. Reston, VA: Author.
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56(3), 813.
Last modified: 08/27/12 11:37:22 Tracy Gilmore