__ 21-30 __ 41-50
__ 31-40 __ 51 pataas
__ Lalaki __ Babaye
Scaling Deskripsyon
5 Dakong Pag-uyon
4 Mouyon
City/ Municipality:
Social LGBT Day A program Members of A program 10,000.00 12,000.00 73 27 100 Impleme
Inclusion and aims to this that aims nted
Equity provide and organization to provide
promote will be more and
respect for comfortable promote
the to show their respect to
members of personality the
the LGBT. to the members
community of the
Social Team Building To help Camaraderi Helping 60,000.00 50,000.00 46 54 100 Impleme
Inclusion and grow the e and the youth nted
Equity capability of teamwork of leaders to
the group to the youth become
coordinate, are more
cooperate improved. effective
and help and
one efficient
another. individuals
Health Sports Activities An activity The healthy Enhance 120,000.00 24,800.00 68 12 80 Impleme
and which aims figures of physical, nted
Development to help the the youth mental
youth to be are and moral
healthy by maintained. capability
being active of the
in sports youth
Social Socio Cultural To The youth Ensuring January - 275,000.00 129,550.00 68 62 130 Impleme
Inclusion and and construct will be able well- Decembe nted
Equity Development projects, to organized r
organize appreciate activities
programs more about and
or activities the allure of developm
of the youth their ent that
that will community. will mold
flexibly fit the
their sociologic
interest and al of the
promote the youth in
beauty of the
our society. community
Active Trainings and To enhance Greater Training 70,000.00
Citizenship Seminars Imple
the skills number of that
and youth in the enlightene
teamwork of barangay d the d
the SK will be leaders to
council in served. become
order to more and
serve the be more.
Education Office Fixtures It’s a The needs To January - 103,900.00 186,356.75. 36,1 36,1 47 53 100 Impleme
and Equipment support in every suppleme Decembe 00 00 00 nted
materials program will nt for the r
and be provided. material
maintenanc needs of
e by SK. every
Office in activity
barangay in
order to
serve the
youth faster
and wider.
Education School Supplies School Students will To provide Septembe 30,000.00 44,040.00 54 57 100 Impleme
Support for supplies be the needs r nted
Students support for encouraged of those
the to do their unfortunat
deserving studies. e students
recipient in through
the giving
barangay to school
encourage supplies.
them to do
good in