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Jamhuuriyadda Jek

Ka Wikipedia
Czech Republic
Česká republika  (Af-Jeeg)
Hal ku dheg: "Pravda vítězí" (Af-Jeeg)
"Truth prevails"
Heesta qaranka: 
Location of the Jamhuuriyadda Jek (dark green) – in Europe (green & dark grey) – in the European Union (green)  –  [Legend]
Location of the Jamhuuriyadda Jek (dark green)

– in Europe (green & dark grey)
– in the European Union (green)  –  [Legend]

Location of the Jamhuuriyadda Jek (dark green)

– in Europe (green & dark grey)
– in the European Union (green)  –  [Legend]

Magaalo madax
Waa Magaalada ugu balaaran
Official language Jeeg[1]
Officially recognised languages[2][3]
Qaybaha qoomiyedaha (2011[4])
Dadka Czech
Xukunka Unitary parliamentary
constitutional republic
 -  President Miloš Zeman
 -  Prime Minister Andrej Babiš
Sharci dejinta Parliament
 -  Aqalka sare Senate
 -  Aqalka hoose Chamber of Deputies
 -  Duchy of Bohemia c. 870 
 -  Kingdom of Bohemia 1198 
 -  Czechoslovakia
(Independence from
28 October 1918 
 -  Federalization of Czechoslovakia
(Czech Socialist Republic)
1 January 1969 
 -  Czech Republic became independent 1 January 1993 
 -  Joined the European Union 1 May 2004 
 -  Guud ahaan 78,866 km2 (115th)
30,450 sq mi 
 -  Biyo (%) 2
Tirada dadka
 -  2021 qiyaasta 10,510,751 Management:favri limited liability company Location:muqdisho somali[5][6] (84th)
 -  2011 Tirakoob 10,436,560[7]
 -  Mugga Dadka 134/km2 (87th)
341/sq mi
Wax soo saar (PPP) 2018 qiyaastii
 -  Guud ahaan $368.659 billion[8] (50th)
 -  Qof qof $36,784[8] (39th)
Wax soo saar (Iskaga magacaaban) 2018 estimate
 -  Guud ahaan $137.997 billion[8] (49th)
 -  Calaa qof $22,468[8] (41st)
Qaybsiga (2015)positive decrease 25.0[9] (low / 5th)
Kobaca (2015)Management:favri limited liability company Location:muqdisho somali 0.878[10] (very high / 28th)
Lacagta Czech koruna (CZK)
Waqtiga CET (UTC+1)
 -  Xagaa (DST) CEST (UTC+2)
Wadista Baabuurta right
Thiinada telka +420b
Patron saint St. Wenceslaus
ISO 3166 code CZ
Furaha Internetka .czc
a. The question is rhetorical, implying "those places where my homeland lies".
b. Code 42 was shared with Slovakia until 1997.
c. Also .eu, shared with other European Union member states.

Coordinates: 49°45′N 15°30′E / 49.750°N 15.500°E / 49.750; 15.500

Jamhuuriyadda Czech (Keska) (Jeeg: Česká republika) waa wadan ku yaalo qaarada Yurub. wadankaan markiisa hore wuxuu ka mid ah doladii ladhihi jiray Czechoslovakia intii eenan kala go'goin 1992dii. wadankaan waxaa la sameeyay 1 Janaayo 1993, wuxuu ka koobanyahay 2 gobol oo taariikh dheer leh Bohemiya iyo morafiya iyo gobol yar oo ladhoho Silesiya.Wadankaan waa wadan Dhax kujir ah, wuxuu xad la wadaagaa wadamada Jarmalka, Austriya,Islofaakiya iyo Boland. W:cs:Česko Waa waddan horumarsan oo leh heer sare, dakhliga sare dhaqaalaha suuq-geynta dhaqaalaha bulshada oo saldhig u ah adeegyada, wax-soo-saarka iyo cusboonaanta. UNDP ayaa kaalinta 14-aad kaga jirta horumarinta aadanaha ee sinnaan la'aanta ah. Jamhuuriyadda Czech waa dawlad bulsho oo leh qaab 'bulsho' Yurub ah, nidaam daryeel caafimaad oo guud iyo waxbarasho jaamacadeed oo bilaash ah. Waxay u taagan tahay waddanka 6aad ee ugu nabdana ama ugu caansan oo waa mid ka mid ah waddamada ugu caansan dunida oo dhan, inta lagu gudajirayo waxqabadka xoogga leh ee maamulka dimoqraadiga ah.

Jamhuuriyadda Czech waxaa ka mid ah dhulalka taariikhiga ah ee Bohemia, Moravia, iyo Czech Silesia. Dawladda Czech ayaa la aasaasay qarnigii 9aad ee Duchy of Bohemia oo hoos timaada Boqortooyada Great Moravian. Ka dib dhacdadii Boqortooyada ee 907, xaruntii awoodda ayaa laga soo wareejiyay Moravia ilaa Bohemia hoosteeda hoosteeda Přemyslid. Sanadkii 1002, duchy waxaa si rasmi ah loo aqoonsaday inuu yahay qayb ka mid ah Boqortooyada Quduuska ah ee Boqortooyada, waxa uu noqday Boqortooyada Bohemia 1198 oo gaadhay heerkeeda dhuleed ee ugu weynaa qarnigii 14aad. Ka sokow Bohemia lafteeda, boqorkii Bohemia wuxuu xukumay dhulka Bohemian Crown, wuxuu codkiisa ka helay doorashadii Roomaanka Quduuska ah ee Quduuska ah, Pragna wuxuu ahaa kursi sarsare oo u dhexeeyay qarniyadii 14aad iyo 17aad. Hussy Wars ee qarnigii 15aad ee ay soo rideen Dib-u-soo-celinta Bohemia, boqortooyadu waxay la kulantay xayiraad dhaqaale oo ay ku badisay shan jeer oo xidhiidh ah oo ay ku dhawaaqday hoggaamiyayaasha Kaniisadda Katooliga.

  1. "Nuqul Archive". Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original 6 November 2011. Soo qaatay 14 November 2011.  Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored (caawin)
  2. Citizens belonging to minorities, which traditionally and on a long-term basis live within the territory of the Czech Republic, enjoy the right to use their language in communication with authorities and in courts of law (for the list of recognized minorities see National Minorities Policy of the Government of the Czech Republic, Belorussian and Vietnamese since 4 July 2013, see Česko má nové oficiální národnostní menšiny. Vietnamce a Bělorusy). Article 25 of the Czech Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms ensures the right of the national and ethnic minorities to education and communication with the authorities in their own language. Act No. 500/2004 Coll. (The Administrative Rule) in its paragraph 16 (4) (Procedural Language) ensures that a citizen of the Czech Republic who belongs to a national or an ethnic minority, which traditionally and on a long-term basis lives within the territory of the Czech Republic, has the right to address an administrative agency and proceed before it in the language of the minority. If the administrative agency has no employee with knowledge of the language, the agency is bound to obtain a translator at the agency's own expense. According to Act No. 273/2001 (Concerning the Rights of Members of Minorities) paragraph 9 (The right to use language of a national minority in dealing with authorities and in front of the courts of law) the same also applies to members of national minorities in the courts of law.
  3. The Slovak language may be considered an official language in the Czech Republic under certain circumstances, as defined by several laws – e.g. law 500/2004, 337/1992. Source: http://portal.gov.cz. Cited: "Například Správní řád (zákon č. 500/2004 Sb.) stanovuje: "V řízení se jedná a písemnosti se vyhotovují v českém jazyce. Účastníci řízení mohou jednat a písemnosti mohou být předkládány i v jazyce slovenském ..." (§ 16, odstavec 1). Zákon o správě daní a poplatků (337/1992 Sb.) "Úřední jazyk: Před správcem daně se jedná v jazyce českém nebo slovenském. Veškerá písemná podání se předkládají v češtině nebo slovenštině ..." (§ 3, odstavec 1). http://portal.gov.cz
  4. . World Population Review http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/czech-republic-population/. Soo qaatay 7 January 2017.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  5. population.un.org. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division https://population.un.org/wpp/. Soo qaatay July 17, 2022.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  6. population.un.org (XSLX) ("Total Population, as of 1 July (thousands)"). United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division https://population.un.org/wpp/Download/Files/1_Indicators%20(Standard)/EXCEL_FILES/1_General/WPP2022_GEN_F01_DEMOGRAPHIC_INDICATORS_COMPACT_REV1.xlsx. Soo qaatay July 17, 2022.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  7. Census of Population and Housing 2011: Basic final results Archived Jannaayo 16, 2013 // Wayback Machine. Czech Statistical Office Archived Jannaayo 29, 2011 // Wayback Machine Archived 29 Jannaayo 2011 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved on 19 December 2012.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 . International Monetary Fund http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2017/01/weodata/weorept.aspx?pr.x=49&pr.y=15&sy=2017&ey=2017&scsm=1&ssd=1&sort=country&ds=.&br=1&c=935&s=NGDPD%2CNGDPDPC%2CPPPGDP%2CPPPPC&grp=0&a=. Soo qaatay 8 May 2017.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  9. . Eurostat Data Explorer https://web.archive.org/web/20100416165655/http://appsso.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/nui/submitViewTableAction.do. Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original 16 April 2010. Soo qaatay 22 November 2016.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
  10. (PDF). United Nations Development Programme http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/2016_human_development_report.pdf. Soo qaatay 23 March 2017.  Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)