Charm physics with physical light and strange quarks using domain wall fermions
/ Jüttner, Andreas (Southampton U.) ; Del Debbio, Luigi (Edinburgh U.) ; Garron, Nicolas (Cambridge U., DAMTP) ; Khamseh, Ava (Edinburgh U.) ; Marinkovic, Marina (Southampton U. ; CERN) ; Sanfilippo, Francesco (Southampton U.) ; Tsang, Justus Tobias (Southampton U.) ; Boyle, Peter A. (Edinburgh U.)
We present a study of charm physics using RBC/UKQCD 2+1 flavour physical point domain wall fermion ensembles for the light quarks as well as for the valence charm quark. After a brief motivation of domain wall fermions as a suitable heavy quark discretisation we will show first results for masses and matrix elements..
SISSA, 2015-01-25 - 7 p.
- Published in : PoS: LATTICE2014 (2015) , pp. 380
Fulltext: PDF; Published version from PoS: PDF; External link: PoS server
In : 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Columbia U., New York, NY, USA, 23 - 28 Jun 2014, pp.380
BSM $B - \bar{B}$ mixing on JLQCD and RBC/UKQCD $N_f=2+1$ DWF ensembles
/ Boyle, Peter (U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys. ; Brookhaven) ; Erben, Felix (U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.) ; Jüttner, Andreas (Southampton U. ; CERN) ; Kaneko, Takashi (KEK, Tsukuba ; Sokendai, Tsukuba) ; Marshall, Michael (U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.) ; Portelli, Antonin (U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.) ; Witzel, Oliver (U. Siegen (main)) ; Del Debbio, Luigi (U. Edinburgh, Higgs Ctr. Theor. Phys.) ; Tsang, Justus Tobias (Southern Denmark U., CP3-Origins)
We are presenting our ongoing Lattice QCD study on $B - \bar{B}$ mixing on several RBC/UKQCD and JLQCD ensembles with 2+1 dynamical-flavour domain-wall fermions, including physical-pion-mass ensembles. We are extracting bag parameters $B_{B_d}$ and $B_{B_s}$ using the full 5-mixing-operator basis to study both Standard-Model mixing as well as Beyond the Standard Model mixing, using a fully correlated combined fit to two-point functions and ratios of three-point and two-point functions. [...]
2022-05-16 - 10 p.
- Published in : PoS: LATTICE2021 (2022) , pp. 224
Fulltext: 2111.11287 - PDF; document - PDF;
In : 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Online, 26 - 30 Jul 2021, pp.224
The strange contribution to $a_{\mu}$ with physical quark masses using Möbius domain wall fermions
/ Spraggs, Matt (Southampton U.) ; Boyle, Peter (Edinburgh U.) ; Del Debbio, Luigi (Edinburgh U.) ; Jüttner, Andreas (Southampton U.) ; Lehner, Christoph (Brookhaven) ; Maltman, Kim (Adelaide U. ; York U., Canada) ; Marinkovic, Marina (CERN) ; Portelli, Antonin (Southampton U. ; Brookhaven)
We present preliminary results for the strange leading-order hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon using RBC/UKQCD physical point domain wall fermions ensembles. We discuss various analysis strategies in order to constrain the systematic uncertainty in the final result..
SISSA, 2016-06-23 - 7 p.
- Published in : PoS: LATTICE2015 (2016) , pp. 106
Fulltext: arXiv:1601.00537 - PDF; PoS(LATTICE 2015)106 - PDF; External link: Preprint
In : 33rd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Kobe, Japan, 14 - 18 Jul 2015, pp.106
Charm physics with Moebius Domain Wall Fermions
/ Tsang, Justus Tobias (Southampton U.) ; Jüttner, Andreas (Southampton U.) ; Sanfilippo, Francesco (Southampton U.) ; Boyle, Peter (Edinburgh U.) ; Marinkovic, Marina (Southampton U. ; CERN) ; Hashimoto, Shoji (KEK, Tsukuba ; Sokendai, Tsukuba) ; Kaneko, Takashi (KEK, Tsukuba ; Sokendai, Tsukuba) ; Cho, Yong-Gwi (Tsukuba U., GSPAS)
We present results showing that Domain Wall fermions are a suitable discretisation for the simulation of heavy quarks. This is done by a continuum scaling study of charm quarks in a M\"obius Domain Wall formalism using a quenched set-up. [...]
SISSA, 2014-12-18 - 7 p.
- Published in : PoS LATTICE2014 (2014) 379
Fulltext: arXiv:1501.00660 - PDF; LATTICE2014_379 - PDF; External link: Preprint
In : 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Columbia U., New York, NY, USA, 23 - 28 Jun 2014, pp.379
Computing the muon anomalous magnetic moment using the hybrid method with physical quark masses
/ Spraggs, Matthew (Southampton U.) ; Boyle, Peter A (Edinburgh U.) ; Del Debbio, Luigi (Edinburgh U.) ; Izubuchi, Taku (Brookhaven ; RIKEN BNL) ; Jüttner, Andreas (Southampton U.) ; Lehner, Christoph (Brookhaven) ; Maltman, Kim (York U., Canada ; U. Adelaide, Sch. Math. Sci.) ; Marinkovic, Marina Krstic (CERN) ; Portelli, Antonin (Southampton U. ; Edinburgh U.)
I present our work on the leading strange quark-connected contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment using RBC/UKQCD physical point domain wall fermion ensembles. I also present preliminary results of a computation of the light quark-connected contribution using a similar approach..
SISSA, 2016 - 7 p.
- Published in : PoS LATTICE2016 (2016) 184
Fulltext: PDF; External link: PoS server
In : 34th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Southampton, UK, 24 - 30 Jul 2016, pp.184
Semileptonic $D \rightarrow \pi \ell \nu$, $D \rightarrow K \ell \nu$ and $D_s \rightarrow K \ell \nu$ decays with 2+1f domain wall fermions
/ Marshall, Michael (Edinburgh U.) ; Boyle, Peter (Brookhaven ; Edinburgh U.) ; Del Debbio, Luigi (Edinburgh U.) ; Erben, Felix (Edinburgh U.) ; Flynn, Jonathan (Southampton U.) ; Jüttner, Andreas (Southampton U. ; CERN) ; Portelli, Antonin (Edinburgh U.) ; Tsang, Justus Tobias (Southern Denmark U., CP3-Origins) ; Witzel, Oliver (Siegen U.)
We present the status of our project to calculate $D \to \pi \ell \nu$, $D \to K \ell \nu$ and $D_s \to K \ell \nu$ semileptonic form factors using domain wall fermions for both heavy and light quarks. Our computations are performed using RBC/UKQCD's set of 2+1 flavour domain wall fermion and Iwasaki gauge field ensembles. [...]
2022-05-16 - 11 p.
- Published in : PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 416
Fulltext: document - PDF; 2201.02680 - PDF;
In : 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Online, 26 - 30 Jul 2021, pp.416
Towards the physical point hadronic vacuum polarisation from Moebius DWF
/ Marinkovic, Marina (Southampton U. ; CERN) ; Boyle, Peter (Edinburgh U.) ; Del Debbio, Luigi (Edinburgh U.) ; Juettner, Andreas (Southampton U.) ; Maltman, Kim (York U., Canada ; Adelaide U.) ; Portelli, Antonin (Southampton U.)
We present steps towards the computation of the leading-order hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment on RBC/UKQCD physical point DWF ensembles. We discuss several methods for controlling and reducing uncertainties associated to the determination of the HVP form factor..
arXiv:1502.05308; CERN-PH-TH-2015-009; CERN-PH-TH-2015-009.-
Geneva Geneva : SISSA, 2015-04-07 - 7 p.
- Published in : PoS LATTICE2014 (2015) 160
Fulltext: PDF; Published version from PoS: PDF; External link: PoS server
In : 32nd International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Columbia U., New York, NY, USA, 23 - 28 Jun 2014, pp.160
Isospin-breaking corrections to light-meson leptonic decays from lattice simulations at physical quark masses
/ Boyle, Peter (Brookhaven ; Edinburgh U.) ; Di Carlo, Matteo (Edinburgh U.) ; Erben, Felix (Edinburgh U.) ; Gülpers, Vera (Edinburgh U.) ; Hansen, Maxwell T. (Edinburgh U.) ; Harris, Tim (Edinburgh U.) ; Hermansson-Truedsson, Nils (Bern U. ; Lund U., Dept. Theor. Phys.) ; Hodgson, Raoul (Edinburgh U.) ; Jüttner, Andreas (Southampton U. ; CERN) ; hÓgáin, Fionn Ó. (Edinburgh U.) et al.
The decreasing uncertainties in theoretical predictions and experimental measurements of several hadronic observables related to weak processes, which in many cases are now smaller than $\mathrm{O}(1\%)$, require theoretical calculations to include subleading corrections that were neglected so far. Precise determinations of leptonic and semi-leptonic decay rates, including QED and strong isospin-breaking effects, can play a central role in solving the current tensions in the first-row unitarity of the CKM matrix. [...]
arXiv:2211.12865; CERN-TH-2022-193; LU-TP 22-59.-
2023-02-27 - 66 p.
- Published in : JHEP 2302 (2023) 242
Fulltext: document - PDF; 2211.12865 - PDF;
Isospin-breaking corrections to light leptonic decays in lattice QCD+QED at the physical point
/ Hermansson-Truedsson, Nils (U. Bern, AEC ; Lund U., Dept. Theor. Phys.) ; Boyle, Peter (Edinburgh U. ; Brookhaven) ; Di Carlo, Matteo (Edinburgh U.) ; Erben, Felix (Edinburgh U.) ; Gülpers, Vera (Edinburgh U.) ; Hansen, Maxwell T. (Edinburgh U.) ; Harris, Tim (Edinburgh U.) ; Hodgson, Raoul (Edinburgh U.) ; Jüttner, Andreas (CERN ; Southampton U.) ; hÓgáin, Fionn Ó. (Edinburgh U.) et al.
We report on the physical-point RBC/UKQCD calculation of the leading isospin-breaking corrections to light-meson leptonic decays. This is highly relevant for future precision tests in the flavour physics sector, in particular the first-row unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix containing the elements $V_{us}$ and $V_{ud}$. [...]
2022-12-22 - 10 p.
- Published in : PoS LATTICE2022 (2023) 411
Fulltext: 2212.04709 - PDF; document - PDF;
In : 39th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (Lattice 2022), Bonn, Germany, 8 - 13 Aug 2022, pp.411
Form factors for semileptonic $B\to \pi\ , B_s\to K$ and $B_s\to D_s$ decays
/ Flynn, Jonathan (Southampton U.) ; Hill, Ryan (Southampton U.) ; Juettner, Andreas (CERN ; Southampton U.) ; Soni, Amarjit (Brookhaven) ; Tsang, Justus Tobias (Southern Denmark U., CP3-Origins) ; Witzel, Oliver (Siegen U.)
We report on our determinations of $B\to \pi\ell\nu$, $B_s\to K \ell \nu$ and $B_s\to D_s \ell \nu$ semileptonic form factors. In addition we discuss the determination of $R$-ratios testing lepton-flavor universality and suggest an improved ratio. [...]
arXiv:2112.10580; Siegen SI-HEP-2021-36.-
2022-05-16 - 11 p.
- Published in : PoS LATTICE2021 (2022) 306
Fulltext: 2112.10580 - PDF; document - PDF;
In : 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Online, 26 - 30 Jul 2021, pp.306