The visit itinerary includes five area of halls 191 and 180:. End-Cap Toroid Integration Area . Barrel Toroid Integration Area . Cryogenic Test Facility for Toroid Magnets and Helium Pumps . Liquid Argon Cryostats Assembly Area . Central Solenoid Magnet Test Station
Because of its exceptional size, it was not feasible to assemble and test the Barrel Toroid - made of eight coils - as an integrated toroid on the surface, prior to its final installation underground in LHC interaction point 1. It was therefore decided to test these eight coils individually in a dedicated test facility.
Two End-Cap Toroids (ECT) are inserted in the Barrel Toroid, one at either end. Each consists of eight racetrack coils with two double pancakes wound directly in an aluminium casing.
Superconducting magnet system Cryogenic systems for magnets and liquid argon calorimeters Liquid argon calorimeter
The Barrel Toroid (BT) comprises eight flat racetrack coils,each consisting of two double-pancake windings embedded in an aluminium alloy coil casing.