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Control System of Upgraded High Voltage for Atlas Tile Calorimeter / Martins, Filipe (LIP, Lisbon) ; Mendes De Oliveira Cuim, Filipe (LIP, Lisbon) ; Gaspar De Andrade Evans, Guiomar (LIP, Lisbon) ; Serrano Fernandez, Rui Paulo (LIP, Lisbon) ; Da Silva Gomes, Agostinho (LIP, Lisbon) ; Soares Augusto, Jose Antonio (U. Lisbon) ; Da Silva Gurriana, Luis Miguel (LIP, Lisbon)
The preparation of the upgrade of the ATLAS electronics for High Luminosity LHC is in full swing. [...]
- 2022. - 4 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text - Fulltext
Control System of Upgraded High Voltage for Atlas Tile Calorimeter / Martins, Filipe (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Mendes De Oliveira Cuim, Filipe (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Gaspar De Andrade Evans, Guiomar (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Da Silva Gurriana, Luis Miguel (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Da Silva Gomes, Agostinho (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Soares Augusto, Jose Antonio (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) /ATLAS Collaboration
The preparation of the upgrade of the ATLAS electronics for the High Luminosity LHC is in full swing. The Tile Calorimeter is preparing the upgrade of its readout electronics and power distribution systems. [...]
ATL-TILECAL-SLIDE-2021-623.- Geneva : CERN, 2021 - 5 p. Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
In : 18th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Online, 18 - 22 Oct 2021
Control System for ATLAS TileCal HVRemote boards / Pedro Martins, Filipe Manuel (LIP) ; Gurriana, Luis (LIP) ; Oleiro Seabra, Luis Filipe (LIP) ; Evans, Guiomar (U. Lisbon (main)) ; Gomes, Agostinho (LIP) ; Maio, Amelia (LIP) ; Pinto Silva Rato, Catia Sofia (LIP) ; Almendra Sabino, Joao Maria (LIP) ; Augusto, Jose (U. Lisbon (main)) /ATLAS Collaboration
One of the proposed solutions for upgrading the high voltage (HV) system of TileCal, the ATLAS central hadron calorimeter, consists in removing the HV regulation boards from the detector and deploying them in a low-radiation room where there is permanent access for maintenance. This option requires many ∼100 m long HV cables but removes the requirement of radiation hard boards. [...]
ATL-TILECAL-SLIDE-2017-910.- Geneva : CERN, 2017 - 1 p. Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
In : International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 8 - 13 Oct 2017
Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter High Voltage System / Da Silva Gomes, Agostinho (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Soares Augusto, Jose Antonio (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Mendes De Oliveira Cuim, Filipe (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Gaspar De Andrade Evans, Guiomar (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Serrano Fernandez, Rui Paulo (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Da Silva Gurriana, Luis Miguel (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Fernandes Marques, Rui Miguel (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Martins, Filipe (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Ponte Pereira, Catarina Jose (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT))
The High Voltage (HV) system of TileCal, the ATLAS central hadron calorimeter, is being upgraded for the High-Luminosity LHC, in the so called Phase II Upgrade. [...]
- 2021. - 6 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
Upgrade of the ATLAS Tilecal High Voltage system / Da Silva Gomes, Agostinho (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Soares Augusto, Jose Antonio (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Mendes De Oliveira Cuim, Filipe (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Gaspar De Andrade Evans, Guiomar (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Serrano Fernandez, Rui Paulo (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Da Silva Gurriana, Luis Miguel (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Martins, Filipe (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Ponte Pereira, Catarina Jose (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) ; Fernandes Marques, Rui Miguel (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas (PT)) /ATLAS Collaboration
The high voltage (HV) system of TileCal, the ATLAS central hadron calorimeter, is being upgraded for the HL-LHC, in the so called Phase II Upgrade. In the new configuration for the upgrade, the HV regulation boards are not located inside the detector anymore, they are deployed far from the radiation in a room where there is permanent access for maintenance. [...]
ATL-TILECAL-SLIDE-2021-531.- Geneva : CERN, 2021 - 1 p. Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
In : TWEPP 2021 Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Online, Online, 20 - 24 Sep 2021
Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter High Voltage system / Gomes, Agostinho (Laboratorio de Instrumenta\c{c}\~ao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas - LIP, Lisbon) ; Evans, Guiomar (Laboratorio de Instrumenta\c{c}\~ao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas - LIP, Lisbon) ; Augusto, Jose (Faculdade de Ci\^{e}ncias, Universidade de Lisboa) ; Pedro Martins, Filipe Manuel (Laboratorio de Instrumenta\c{c}\~ao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas - LIP, Lisbon) ; Gurriana, Luis (Laboratorio de Instrumenta\c{c}\~ao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas - LIP, Lisbon) /ATLAS Collaboration
The high voltage (HV) system of TileCal, the ATLAS central hadron calorimeter, needs to be upgraded for the HL-LHC, in the so called Phase II Upgrade. In the proposed solution for the upgrade the HV regulation boards are not located inside the detector anymore, they are deployed far from the radiation in a room where there is permanent access for maintenance. [...]
ATL-TILECAL-SLIDE-2019-641.- Geneva : CERN, 2019 - 1 p. Fulltext: PDF; External link: Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS)
In : TWEPP 2019 Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Santiago De Compostela, Spain, 2 - 6 Sep 2019
Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter High Voltage System / Gomes, Agostinho (Laboratorio de Instrumenta\c{c}\~ao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas - LIP, Lisbon) ; Soares Augusto, Jose Antonio (Laboratorio de Instrumenta\c{c}\~ao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas - LIP, Lisbon) ; Evans, Guiomar (Laboratorio de Instrumenta\c{c}\~ao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas - LIP, Lisbon) ; Gurriana, Luis (Laboratorio de Instrumenta\c{c}\~ao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas - LIP, Lisbon) ; Pedro Martins, Filipe Manuel (Laboratorio de Instrumenta\c{c}\~ao e Fisica Experimental de Particulas - LIP, Lisbon)
The high voltage system of TileCal, the ATLAS central hadron calorimeter, needs to be upgraded for the HL-LHC, in the so called Phase II Upgrade. [...]
- 2019. - 5 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text
Control system for ATLAS TileCal HVRemote boards / Pedro Martins, Filipe Manuel (LIP) ; Gurriana, Luis (LIP) ; Oleiro Seabra, Luis Filipe (LIP) ; Evans, Guiomar (U. Lisbon (main)) ; Gomes, Agostinho (LIP ; U. Lisbon (main)) ; Maio, Amelia (LIP ; U. Lisbon (main)) ; Pinto Silva Rato, Catia Sofia (U. Lisbon (main)) ; Almendra Sabino, Joao Maria (U. Lisbon (main)) ; Soares Augusto, Jose (U. Lisbon (main) ; Lisbon, INESC-ID)
One of the proposed solutions for upgrading the high voltage (HV) system of Tilecal, the ATLAS hadron calorimeter, consists in removing the HV regulation boards from the detector and deploying them in a low-radiation room where there is permanent access for maintenance. [...]
- 2018. - 5 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text - Fulltext from JACoW server
Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter high voltage system / Gomes, A (LIP, Lisbon ; U. Lisbon (main)) ; Augusto, J S (LIP, Lisbon ; U. Lisbon (main)) ; Cuim, F (LIP, Lisbon) ; Evans, G (LIP, Lisbon ; U. Lisbon (main)) ; Fernandez, R (LIP, Lisbon) ; Gurriana, L (LIP, Lisbon) ; Marques, R (LIP, Lisbon ; U. Lisbon (main)) ; Martins, F (LIP, Lisbon) ; Pereira, C (LIP, Lisbon ; U. Lisbon (main)) /ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Collaboration
The high voltage system of TileCal, the ATLAS central hadron calorimeter, is being upgraded for the high-luminosity LHC, in the so called phase II upgrade. In the new configuration for the upgrade, the high voltage regulation boards are not located inside the detector anymore, they are deployed far from the radiation caused by the collisions, in a room where there is permanent access for maintenance. [...]
2022 - 7 p. - Published in : JINST

In : TWEPP 2021 Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, Online, Online, 20 - 24 Sep 2021, pp.C01061
The ATLAS Tile Calorimeter DCS for Run 2 / Pedro Martins, Filipe Manuel (Laboratorio de Instrumenta\c{c}\~ao e F\i sica Experimental de Part\i culas)
TileCal is one of the ATLAS sub-detectors operating at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is taking data since 2010. [...]
- 2016. - 5 p.
Original Communication (restricted to ATLAS) - Full text

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