The HL-LHC Low-β Quadrupole Magnet MQXF: from Short Models to Long Prototypes
/ Ferracin, Paolo (CERN) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Anerella, Michael (Brookhaven) ; Bajas, Hugues (CERN) ; Bajko, Marta (CERN) ; Bordini, Bernardo (CERN) ; Bossert, Rodger (Fermilab) ; Bourcey, Nicolas (CERN) ; Cheng, Daniel W (LBL, Berkeley) ; Chlachidze, Guram (Fermilab) et al.
Among the components to be upgraded in LHC inter- action regions for the HiLumi-LHC projects are the inner triplet (or low-β) quadrupole magnets, denoted as Q1, Q2a, Q2b, and Q3. The new quadrupole magnets, called MQXF, are based on Nb3 Sn superconducting magnet technology and operate at a gradient of 132.6 T/m, with a conductor peak field of 11.4 T. [...]
2019 - 9 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 29 (2019) 4001309 - Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 30 (2020) 9700701
Fulltext: PDF;
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference 2018, Seattle, United States Of America, 28 Oct - 2 Nov 2018, pp.4001309
Preload Characterization of Short Models of MQXF the Nb3Sn Low-β Quadrupole for the Hi-Lumi LHC
/ Takala, Eelis (CERN) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Bourcey, Nicolas (CERN) ; Cheng, Daniel W (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ferracin, Paolo (CERN) ; Guinchard, Michael (CERN) ; Izquierdo Bermudez, Susana (CERN) ; Mangiarotti, Franco (CERN) ; Pan, Heng (LBL, Berkeley) ; Perez, Juan Carlos (CERN) et al.
MQXF is the Nb3Sn Low-β Quadrupole magnet that the HL-LHC project is planning to install in the LHC interaction regions in 2026 as part of an upgrade to increase the LHC inte-grated luminosity by about a factor of ten. The magnet will be fab-ricated in two different lengths: 4.2 m for MQXFA, built in the US by the Accelerator Upgrade Project (AUP), and 7.15 m for MQXFB, fabricated by CERN. [...]
2020 - 6 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 30 (2020) 4002806
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Accepted Manuscript
Challenges and Lessons Learned From Fabrication, Testing, and Analysis of Eight MQXFA Low Beta Quadrupole Magnets for HL-LHC
/ Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Amm, Kathleen (Brookhaven) ; Anerella, Michael (Brookhaven) ; Apollinari, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Izquierdo, Gonzalo Arnau (CERN) ; Baldini, Maria (Fermilab) ; Ballarino, Amalia (CERN) ; Barth, Christian (CERN) ; Yahia, Anis Ben (Brookhaven) ; Blowers, James (Fermilab) et al.
By the end of October 2022, the US HL-LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project (AUP) had completed fabrication of ten MQXFA magnets and tested eight of them. The MQXFA magnets are the low beta quadrupole magnets to be used in the Q1 and Q3 Inner Triplet elements of the High Luminosity LHC. [...]
arXiv:2301.09523; FERMILAB-PUB-22-855-TD.-
2023-08 - 8 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 33 (2023) 4003508
Fulltext: 2301.09523 - PDF; 81b192c337ae5d5acaec37450e135529 - PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Assembly and Pre-Loading Specifications for the Series Production of the Nb3Sn MQXFA Quadrupole Magnets for the HL-LHC
/ Ferracin, P (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ambrosio, G (Fermilab) ; Cheng, D W (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ferradas Troitino, J (CERN) ; Garcia Fajardo, L (LBL, Berkeley) ; Izquierdo Bermudez, S (CERN) ; Prestemon, S (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ray, K L (LBL, Berkeley) ; Solis, M J (LBL, Berkeley) ; Todesco, E (CERN) et al.
The High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) Project is planning to install 16 cold-masses made with Nb3Sn quadrupole magnets in the LHC Interaction Regions to significantly increase its luminosity. Half of these cold masses are fabricated at BNL, FNAL, and LBNL under the US Accelerator Research Program (AUP). [...]
2022 - 6 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 32 (2022) 4000306
In : 27th International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT-27), Fukuoka, Japan, 15 - 19 Nov 2021, pp.4000306
AUP First Pre-Series Cryo-Assembly Design Production and Test Overview
/ Feher, S (Fermilab) ; Ambrosio, G (Fermilab) ; Apollinari, G (Fermilab) ; Baldini, M (Fermilab) ; Bossert, R (Fermilab) ; Carcagno, R (Fermilab) ; Chlachidze, G (Fermilab) ; DiMarco, J (Fermilab) ; Rabehl, R (Fermilab) ; Stoynev, S (Fermilab) et al.
New high field and large-aperture quadrupole magnets for the low-beta inner triplets (Q1, Q2, Q3) have been built and tested as part of the high-luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC). These new quadrupole magnets are based on Nb3Sn superconducting technology. [...]
2024 - 5 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 34 (2024) 4005605
Fermilab Library Server: PDF; External link: Fermilab Library Server
Field Quality of the 4.5-m-Long MQXFA Pre-Series Magnets for the HL-LHC Upgrade as Observed During Magnet Assembly
/ Wang, X (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ambrosio, G (Fermilab) ; Yahia, A Ben (Brookhaven) ; Cheng, D W (LBL, Berkeley) ; DiMarco, J (Fermilab) ; Ferracin, P (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ghiorso, W (LBL, Berkeley) ; Izquierdo Bermudez, S (CERN) ; Myers, C (LBL, Berkeley) ; Pan, H (LBL, Berkeley) et al.
The U.S. High-Luminosity LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project (HL-LHC AUP) is developing MQXFA magnets, a series of 4.5 m long 150 mm aperture high-field Nb3Sn quadrupole magnets for the HL-LHC upgrade at CERN. [...]
2022 - 5 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 32 (2022) 4002405
In : 27th International Conference on Magnet Technology (MT-27), Fukuoka, Japan, 15 - 19 Nov 2021, pp.4002405
Analysis of the Mechanical Performance of the 4.2-m-Long MQXFA Magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
/ Garcia Fajardo, L. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ambrosio, G. (Fermilab) ; Yahia, A. Ben (Brookhaven) ; Cheng, D.W. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ferracin, P. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ferradas Troitino, J. (CERN) ; Izquierdo Bermudez, S. (CERN) ; Muratore, J. (Brookhaven) ; Prestemon, S. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ray, K.L. (LBL, Berkeley) et al.
Under the U.S. High Luminosity LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project (HL-LHC AUP), the 150 mm bore, high-field Nb3Sn low-{̱e̱ṯa̱}̱ MQXFA quadrupole magnets are being fabricated, assembled and tested, in the context of the CERN Hi-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade. [...]
arXiv:2303.16795; FERMILAB-PUB-23-116-TD.-
2023-03-27 - 5 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 33 (2023) 4003205
Fulltext: 2303.16795 - PDF; 4b8cc3a91b35c5867bfac57ac156409a - PDF; External link: Fermilab Accepted Manuscript
Mechanical Performance of the First Two Prototype 4.5 m Long Nb3Sn Low-β Quadrupole Magnets for the Hi-Lumi LHC Upgrade
/ Cheng, Daniel W (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ambrosio, Giorgio (Fermilab) ; Anderssen, Eric C (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ferracin, Paolo (CERN) ; Grosclaude, Philippe (CERN) ; Guinchard, Michael (CERN) ; Muratore, Joseph (Brookhaven) ; Pan, Heng (LBL, Berkeley) ; Prestemon, Soren O (LBL, Berkeley) ; Vallone, Giorgio (LBL, Berkeley)
The U.S. High-Luminosity LHC Accelerator Upgrade Project (HL-LHC AUP) team is collaborating with CERN in the design and fabrication of the first 4.5 m long MQXFA magnets, a 150 mm aperture high-field Nb3Sn quadrupole magnet that uses the aluminum shell-based bladder-and-key technology. [...]
2020 - 6 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 30 (2020) 4000906
Fulltext: PDF; External link: Fermilab Accepted Manuscript
Mechanical Design Studies of the MQXF Long Model Quadrupole for the HiLumi LHC
/ Pan, H (LBL, Berkeley) ; Anderssen, E (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ambrosio, G (Fermilab) ; Cheng, D W (LBL, Berkeley) ; Juchno, M (LBL, Berkeley) ; Ferracin, P (CERN) ; Felice, H (CEA, DSM, Saclay) ; Perez, J C (CERN) ; Prestemon, S O (LBL, Berkeley) ; Vallone, G (CERN)
The Large Hadron Collider Luminosity upgrade(HiLumi) program requires new low-β triplet quadrupole magnets, called MQXF, in the Interaction Region (IR) to increase the LHC peak and integrated luminosity. The MQXF magnets, designed and fabricated in collaboration between CERN and the U.S. [...]
2017 - 5 p.
- Published in : IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 27 (2017) 4004105
Fulltext: PDF;
In : Applied Superconductivity Conference, Denver, CO, USA, 4 - 9 Sep 2016, pp.4004105