wide open
adjective as in boundless
adjective as in corrupt
adjective as in defenseless
adjective as in foolhardy
adjective as in incautious
Weak matches
- any old way
- bold
- brash
- careless
- caught napping
- devil-may-care
- fast-and-loose
- foot-in-mouth
- hasty
- heedless
- hotheaded
- ill-advised
- ill-judged
- impetuous
- improvident
- imprudent
- impulsive
- inconsiderate
- indiscreet
- injudicious
- madcap
- neglectful
- negligent
- off guard
- pay no mind
- playing with fire
- precipitate
- rash
- reckless
- regardless
- sticking one's neck out
- thoughtless
- unalert
- unguarded
- unmindful
- unthinking
- unvigilant
- unwatchful
- wary
adjective as in pregnable
adjective as in susceptible
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adjective as in unarmed
adjective as in unlimited
Strongest matches
adjective as in unprotected
adjective as in vincible
adjective as in vulnerable
adverb as in flat out
Example Sentences
This time, they followed through, as Maiava found Lane streaking wide-open across the field.
And if he’s interested in really, truly running for president in 2028 — when the Democratic contest looks to be a wide-open affair — it’s not a bad place to start.
Roads and highways have carved up previously wide-open stretches of desert into parcels that are in some cases too small to allow for the breeding and genetic diversity needed to sustain their population health.
In this big, beckoning land full of wide-open spaces, there’s almost nowhere for working people to live.
Porter, a high-profile Democrat who has been eyeing the wide-open governor’s race, has yet to say whether she plans to run.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.