

View definitions for inclined


adjective as in having a preference

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But even if the band had been inclined to capitalise on their success, fate was conspiring against them.

From BBC

Like them, Yana was added to the register of those "inclined to extremism and destructive activity".

From BBC

Musicians are inclined to copy the hot song instead of sticking to the spirit in their soul.

But after 11 years of war with Russia and a history of poor peace deals, Ukrainians are not inclined to be too hopeful.

From BBC

On the campaign trail, Trump made various statements about the rioters, at times promising blanket pardons but occasionally indicating he might be inclined to keep some of them behind bars.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


