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The panel found it was not unreasonable to divide a large year group into two classes based on ability, so "lessons and support could be targeted to the needs of the pupils".

From BBC

The countersuit further accuses Lively of making unreasonable demands during the film’s production, rewriting key scenes along with Reynolds and refusing to collaborate on intimacy choreography while blaming others for the disruptions.

The commission said the verdict had been "unreasonable" and that Megrahi might have suffered a miscarriage of justice.

From BBC

They argued that making people go to courthouses or embassies to follow the case would be "logistically unreasonable, unfeasible, impractical and unworkable."

From BBC

"I'm not asking for anything unreasonable, I'm asking for them to follow their own self-imposed policy."

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


