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Some outside advisers who support the chancellor say that stability is not enough, and nor is planning, and nor is deregulation.

From BBC

The caretaker government’s priority now is to raise cash, and bring enough stability to attract investments.

“We strongly believe that the changes we are making are needed,” Cutrer said, adding that they would bring greater fiscal stability and meet the changing demand of students for particular careers.

But Mr Lazzarini said the legislation would impose "massive constraints", particularly on the Gaza aid operation, and called on international powers to push back against it "in support of peace and stability".

From BBC

Mr Lord said the firm had worked closely with the Arts Council to show fund had been used "appropriately to support staff wages and company stability during the pandemic".

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


