noun as in diligence, hard work
Strongest matches
dedication, determination, endurance, grit, moxie, persistence, spunk, stamina, steadfastness, tenacity
Strong matches
backbone, constancy, continuance, doggedness, drive, follow through, guts, immovability, indefatigability, pertinacity, pluck, purposefulness, pursuance, resolution, sedulity
Weak matches
Example Sentences
I also love that you have the words “perseverance” and “warrior” tattooed on your body.
Sports teach teamwork, discipline, perseverance and resilience — traits that are essential both on and off the field.
She added that many disabled people "confront multiple barriers throughout this journey, necessitating relentless perseverance to access the vital resources and support they deserve."
But what I love about this story in particular is that it's such a story of perseverance and hope that learning about it when I did was better than not knowing about it at all.
Trudeau's stubborn perseverance in the face of a dismal political forecast has drawn comparisons to outgoing US President Joe Biden, who abandoned his candidacy months before the November election only after mounting internal pressure.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.